[camp met the one haps eside uni- khan [COD be cppo in bad \e Pinch only and vcrul la I'I'Y DCSC H1- {an}: hey 11138 tent LI 1 the maelf :11 his Lsallo 883 the Met ‘kfcct, E I flies .lists W011] CH venoâ€" and er DOB T883813. m In†Ill! wrea! ates 0t are 83 ill TE" be 18!, 111V of 'l'DlOll the 0L of m W38 rtaiu In ‘A Bhuice little farm for Sale Married, At All Sainta Church, Whitby. on the 27th alt, by the Right Rev, the Lord Bishop on. assisted by the Rev. J. D, Gayley, M. A., Rector, the Rev. W. B. Evans, B. A., Incumbent of Durham, not and the Rev. II. J. Evans, B. A., II V W Ianâ€"'â€" “0ԠU‘b [he can undertake to underate and decry the usefulness of this reformer. The efforts of any individual for the amelioration of society or the relief of mental or corporal ï¬inï¬rmities will be sooner or later appreciat- ‘ed. Look for instance at the unqualiï¬ed and universal approbation of the Great Shoshonees Remedy'and Pills, for the cure 'O'f diseases of the lungs, affections of the " lood, Bro. For Sale by 'all 'Druggists. 181‘ of unclaimed Letters remaining in Durham P. '0. on Feb. 2nd, 1870: Andrews, Mary Ann Keith, Thos. Allen, James Kemp, Wm. Anderson, John Kennedy, Catherine Allen, Miss Kennedy, John -Aldredge, Catharine Livingston, Andrew .Allan, John Moore, Wm. Alexander, John Morrell, Foster Boldin, Eliza Mrs. McKeachny, Samuel Barnes, Alex. McGirr, John Bell, James McFadiIen, Daniel Bell, John Mc‘G’ilvray, James :3"): Michael M'cGilvr-ay, Duncan Brown, John McA‘rthur, Donald ‘Bailey,‘John Mch’ihnr, Ann Burns, Alonza McCanne-l, Ann Banks, Jazz-la McLean, Malcolm _Bnmelow, James McLinto‘n, Robert 'B'arnes, A. C. McLarty, John . ‘Collinson, John JIcDonala, John Campbell. Geo. McGenis. Angus Campbell, John McGilvray, Archie Crozier, James McKechnie. Neil Campbell, J ames Norris,-'Joha Carson, John Nixon, Wm. Cameron, Wm. Nicol, Walter Crittenden, Isaac Newell, Wm» Carroll, Ruth D. Nelson, Robert Day, Geo. Powell, G. Dillon, James Peebles, ,Gno. Drake, A. Proctor, John D. Dowlinz, Geo. Prarano, Francis Edge. Benjamin B. Ritchie, Wm. MUG, Robert Roy. M. Edge, 318!" Ana -'- {umley._J§dcb Ellis, Thos. Sharp, W. B. Elliott. Robert, ‘Scott, Wm. Km. 'Fox, Thomas 2 Specht, Joh‘rz. Fulton, Thos. Yarn-1n, 15““ Graham, Agnes Watson, J01“! Green, Jas. White, John ‘Gilchrist, Dougal ‘Voodland, Henry Gregg, Peter Walker, J. H. Hyslop, Robert Wilson, N . Hrs. Hillis, James Wear'ton. John ‘Henry, Thos. \Vilson. Geo. On Tuesday. 29th day of March, AT THE BRITISH HOTEL, IN DURHAM, at '1 o’clock in â€the afternoon, the Farm late in the occupation of Michael Ryan, deceased. in"‘thc’ township of Bentinck, con- taining 49 acres, more or less. being com- posed of part of L015 60 anti“, in \tbe 2nd .. 'Daily Advertiser of Tuesday report Fall Wheat. . . .- -.-;.--0 .70 @ Spring ‘Vheat. ... ..... O 70 @ “Pork.'---bobo .000 out 8 00 @ oboe 9 7 2 0‘4“? Fall What“--. Spring Wheat ..... 08‘. coco oooo -. Barley.... as». -. Peas ...... .. n... Flour.o o oboo‘o'o no. 0 Butter 0 o 00.0'o'oï¬o o I Lard, per 11).. -.-.-.--.= Eggs ..... . . . .-. .-. Hay. . . .. . . .....-.-.~. Potatoes. . . . . . . .. Pork. . . . ---- Beef, per cwt. . . . . Wood, green. . . \Vood, dry. . . . . .cou. Norah of the Durhamzfload, about 40 acres of the ‘land are under cultiVatioa. There is a good log barn, sta‘b’e and dwell- 'ing house, and the land is link We: half a mile from the Durham Road, and three and a half from Durham. Hauf of the purchase money may remain on security of the prop’ém 58 per cent. per_ annum. _ The deeds will be produced and full par tieulars given at the time and place of sale. "Cocxn' or GREY, Swarm. M03301? an To Wu: Insolvent. NOTICE is hereby given that en Stunt- day, the ninth day of Aprï¬ next, at ‘two of the clock in the afternoon, or as ‘mon as Counsel can he heard, the under- signed will apply to the iudge of the said Court for a discharge under this Act. Oxunm. } 'In the matter of 'Cayley, M. A., Rector, the Rev. w. D. Evans, B. A., Incumbent of Durham, .Ont., and the Rev, E. J. Evans, B. A., Incumbent oi Christiville, Q., brothers of the brides, Wm. J. Marsh, Esq , of Clarksburg. to Rosamond Matilda ; and the Rev. .Geo. Keys, Incumbent of Enter, to Jessie Margaret, daughters of 'the late Rev. Dr. Evans, Rector of Woodhonse, Chaplain to the Bishop of Enron and Rural Dean ol the county of Norfolk. ‘ Egremont, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the ma nlt., by the Rev. Mr. IKenbaq, _Mr; _J_ohn G._ Orchard, to :3, WM. BARRETT, His Attorney, a¢ litem. In the matter of William Scott, 'Of thel Village of Durham, an Insovent. The Insolvent has made an Assignment of his estate to me, and the creditors are§ notiï¬ed to meet at Middau 311’: Hotel. iul the Village of Durham, in the County of ‘ Grey y, on Thursday, the Seventeenth Dayl of February, instant, at Eleven o clock in I the fumnoon, to receive statements of hisi affairs, and to appoint an Assignee. ‘ G. J. GALE, ._ Interim Assign". I Elizabeth H. In ,the matter of_ John Jones, of the Township of Artimisia, an Insolvent. The Insolvent has made ah Assignment of his estate to me, and the Creditors are notiï¬ed to meet at the store of the Insolvem in the Township of Artimitï¬a, in the County of Grey, on Friday, the Eighteenth Day of February, instant, at Eleven o’clock in the foreneon, to receive statements of his nfl'sin, and to appoint an Assignee, G. J. GALE, Interim Assigne'e'. Lonb Cmu..â€"-We yonder hqw any D. A. CREASOR, INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864 AXD AMENDMENTS THERETO. Durham, Feb. lst, 137 N EW ADVERTISEM ENTS. 0 BE SOLD by auction. under a. power of sale contained in a. Mortgage deed, Solicitdr. Dated at Owen Sound, ist Feb. 1370: . A. CREASOP» Solicitor. Data at Owen 83ml". Ist Feb; INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. $?€G[Ms mace. Thos. Van-"n: 5‘9““ ’ Agnes Watson, John Ins. White, John r, Dougal ‘Voodland, Henry Peter Walker, J. H. Robert Wiison, N . Mrs. ames Wear’ton, J obn Phos. \Vilson. Geo. ARC H . MCKENZIE, Postmaster. Durham Guelph Marke‘ï¬s. List of Letters. fat...“- so “Heat ........0 . ---- 0 .. .n. ---- 0 . ......--. 0 .000000000003 0 co. 0"0030000. .00 1b.. 0. n 3' . ‘ 6 CW'. 000. 0000 SAMUEL moaaow, Reid, it‘lbthr 9'? Egremont. JOHN MOODIE, 5. 000000020 5%WW400000010 000000000,808r0 @@@@@@@@@.@@m@ in 0 5080005.500 0 .0413ro51m10400 0000030008064 Q9“ . o o H v.0 o .0 . ..o .o . ..o â€0.... .. .. .. . .o .0 o .o o o 0 Powell; G. Peebles, ‘Gno. Proctor, John D. Prarano, Francis Ritchie, Wm. Markets. Auctioneer. {In file Counfy Court of the County (3f Poégâ€"Pl‘lré vaécine Matter on hand, 0 t 230 bring along your children and have 9 them vaccinated. AME to the premises of the subscriber, ,5 Lot 20, Con. 21, Egremonz, about six weeks ago, six Ewes, (eve black, and ï¬ve white.) The owner 23 requested to‘ prove property, pay charges, and take them‘ 5 ‘1138 A. FORD, EastQIenelg, encour. 34;. aged by many hlghly esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen, yespectfnlly infomg the public, that her School 13 opened to Young Ladies from 10 to 230 years of age, of all denominations. Her programme is as follmvk Reading, Ftench Laughs 29, ’ , Writing, L‘I‘usic ( Piano-a $105300) ‘17 - _I- away. E , formerly Surgeon C. 8. Army.â€" Residence one door So‘ath of 53‘s. Brown’s store, Lower Town, Durham“ The doctor will give advice, FREE OF CHARGE, each day from 10 a. m. ti'lj to 2 px m; _ nl,,9A II I Ivan-b, Grammar, Fancy Work, Geography, Drawing a; Painting, A rith‘metio, Botany, Mmhematiea, Chemistry, ‘Cdmposition, Natural Philosophy, Politeness and neatness carefullyiauenaed to. Cwing to exceptional circumstances, Miss Ford can .receive pupils at the very low rate of $50 per annum; $10 to be paid on‘entering, the rest to be paid quay. terly in advance. Washing and bedding either to the charge of the arena, or furn- ished at an extra. charge. or further in. formation apply to Miss A. Ford, Traverston P. 0. Letters must he prepaid, and enclose stamps. Grey. THOMAS GRIFI‘ITE, J AMEB BAIN, In the matter of Turner '3". Richardson Insolvents. . A Dividend Sheet has been prepared, subject to objection until the 14th 51mg, after which dividends will be paid. GEORGE JAMES GALE, Ofï¬cial Assignee. “Eâ€"Alivorderé left at Findlaj J; Shaw’s Drgg §t0r§ proulgtly fittended to. i ._1 I LL pertieajhaving any'claims against ‘ the estate 0‘!“ the late Thomas Nash, ID his lifetime, of the township of Arte- misia. in the ‘County of Grey, are hereby notiï¬ed. and required to send in the same to me Withm one Calendar month from this date, otherwise they cannot be'eme'rta'ined or allowed. .. . - PATRICK BUTLER, . Executor. Priceville, Jan. 24th, 1870. 156 3. Upon reading the Writ of Attachment in this came, the afï¬davits of ‘J oaeph Manghn, Esquire, and Charles Henry Moore, Esquire, attached thereto, the order for substitutional service, and the aflii‘ia‘vit of Dav‘iï¬ Anderson Creasor, Es- quire, 'I do order that a meeting of the creditors of the said Barnes ï¬brin shall be held at my Chambers, *in ‘the Overt House, in the Town of Owen Sounï¬, on Friday, the Eleventh (lay of February next, at two o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of giving their advice upon the appointment ot'an Ofï¬cial Assignee, and for ordering the affairs of the estate generally. \‘ Dated at Chambers, in'Oweu Sound, this {Nth day offlanuary, '1870. -.@ LET, above Alex. Brown‘s a'tore, in Ithe upper Village, Durham, seven large rooms suitable either for a dwelling or public ofï¬ces. The whole or some of them may he let to suit parties. Application for terms, etc. may he made to s. ALEXANDER BROWN, Merchant. on the prerpiaee. The persoa who left the joint promissory Note far 821, made by John Aitken and Audion Goodwell, in favor of-Angus McQuarrv, eating date, Gle'rzelg Nov. 25th, 1833‘, and payable fourteen months after date, at my Jewelery Store, van have the same by calling and paying 'for this advertisement. F, H. EDWARDS. Durham, Jan. 3, 1870. R. WM. COOK, of Priceyille, will please take notice that. unless he redeems the goods left at my shop, before the 3rd of February next, they will be sold to pay costs and charges. F. FRENCH, Tailor. Durham, Jan. 261b, 1870. IMPORTANT T0 MERCHANTS and Business Men generally. ï¬ï¬ ELENELG ACADEMY. Jany. IQ Ra’s: Gxeuelg, Feb. 2, 1870. Owen Sound, Feb. lst, 18W. frayed froni Lot 17, Con. 2, S. D. 3., Beminck, abonl theï¬rst of October last, a Heifer, color red and white, one horn nearly all broken 03. Any one giving information that Will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. JOHN M‘NI HT. .0 Jan. 3. 1870. 53.3. Mails for the South a‘re closed at 9_ tan. “ . “ North at 3 pan. ‘6 E38t and ‘WCSt, . . . .8 o. to. o 6 p.m. A. MCKENZIE, Posriasnn. Durham, J an. 6th, 1870. AN 5;)préntfce wanted a th’ofliéel im- m’edi'afely. One w 0 his sb’iï¬e knowledge of the husiness Meierred.’ Durham, Jan. RH), 1870.- Insolvent Act of 1869. Medical Advice Gratis. including LEDGERS, JOURNALS, and UAY-BU'OKS. 0:}- Call and see our sample Magazines and give your orders at EDWARD'S. [:3- New Arithmetxc just received. The Acme Skate just received “ __ _____I.4 Qt“ E: if. EDWARDS. Durham, Jan. 5, 1870‘. Jan. 3, 1370. w. PRITCFIARD, LA. 912M. 1)., UST ARRIVED! A splendid and varied stock 'of BLANK BOOKS, Durham Post-Ofï¬ce. 27, 1870. NOTE FOUND. STRAY SHEEP. STRAY _HBIFBR. Apprentiggwan‘ ROOMS TO LET. HENRY MAâ€QPHERSON,_ VS. NOTICE. SKflEï¬ï¬S 9 Def: ndant. NEIL MCDONALD. 157 3. Pl'ain'hâ€˜ï¬ 3. C._ C. 9.;Grey. 154-4. CHEMICALS, HORSE, CATTLE, PATENT 1 ‘ ‘PROPRIATORY MEDICINES, and everythhg usually found in a Drug Store THERE FLRNITL’ RE OF EVERY description can be had as cheap, _ description can be had as cheap, and as good as at any other establishment in the County. All work warranted. wWa‘rex-oom, One Door North of the sign of the big chair. . Findlay (Sr Shaw ï¬Physicï¬ans Prescriptions caretully componnéed, and accuracy guaranteed. Just to hand, direct from the English makersâ€"Best Durable Qualities, ‘v v- Ground in Oil. This paint is ' supeï¬or to, and more durable than the beat White Lead, either for inside or Outside work, Lnke going craft, kc. Its use is not injurious to the health. Direct from ' 3103-. HL'BBUCK SON, London, England. Shop open '(for diapené‘lng ouiy) on Sunény from 2 to 4 p. m». 333 Night calls punctuzflly attended to. AT TORGNTO WHOLESI’I'LE PRIOIS. N. B.-â€"FI.\'mn a: SHAW are agents for the Montreal Telegraph Compan. Ofï¬ce open every day (Sundays *excepte from 8 a:m. to 8 p. m'. Specialities at the BIG AXE, DOOR MATS, Cï¬AL OIL; Coal Oil Lamps, Nickle Silver Spoons Forks, Of a reliabb quality, in great variety. PDOKET . TABLE ‘GUTLEBY, ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE Platform Counter Scales, Imported direct, will be sold RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Made by the celebrated ï¬rm of GL’exm', WARE a; 00., of Hamiltoq, in stock ut Makers’ prices. These Scales “are Wu:- mx‘rs’v perfect, reliable, and derrablegbeing made 'in the very best manner. WI KOUGHI Jams Sï¬ï¬‚ï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬, (Two noon: scum 051‘ TH}: BRIDGB .) EVERY description of Tinware c'eb stantly on hand and made to order. gill work is yamnufactured under my mm supervision, and none but the very best stock used. JUBBING done promptly and in the very best style, at the lowest liviné rates. hf? Particular attention paid to ave- -Trourrbing. A large stock of Stove Pipes, Elbows, T Pipes and Ride Plates afways on hand, CHEAP F R CASH OR TRADE. (7-.6y) TINS M ITH , GAR.<FR.-L1:4 STRE-E T, DURHAM. Toilet and Fancy Articles, HAND, TABLE, HALL, kc. Chimaqs Wicks, direct from Makers. Lower Town, Durham, HE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES To rent Lot 32, 7th cou., Bentlnclr.-â€" There is 100 acres, about 30 of which are cleared and well fenced; there is a good log house on the premises. It will be let for six years, or less, as may be agreed upon, and rent taken in improve- meats. MRS. JOHN CLARK. Dec. 220d, 1869. 151.5, CHEMISTS "D'RUGGISTS. j: Powsa, in the Village of H800V81’,§ for Sale or to Lease. Terms reasonable. Apply to the subscriber, at Owen Souddi or to Mr. John Orispin,.. near Hugger, or to G. Jackson, Esq, M. P., Durham. e W. A. STEPHENS; _ A Jâ€" 991:;va FACILITY FOR DOING FIRST CLASS WORK RT THE "CHRONICLE†UI‘FICE. Owen Sound, Dec. 7, i869. ELECTROPLATED GRUETS, SPOONS, FORKS ac. AND FOR SALE OR TO LEASE. 2-5 Kega HCBBUCK’S 'Genu‘ine Owén Sonnd, Dec. High, 1865: CENITURE FACTORY WATER Owen Sound. FARM TO RENT. A LARGE LOT OF DEALERS IN A BALE OF 1? row: mm!- Featn'ta: .50 T0 OPPOSITEZOBANGB HALL Quaaaw, 3162?- or THE BIG CHAIR. SEEWEEâ€"E’S INCLUDING Cabinet ware and Chair Factory, tf. FMEQRY WEEK, WMGEYS, Boats Shoes, Rossiters Make, xx 1th all the latest lmpr 0v ements. Farmers may rely on "the top price for All accounts and notes dile the-late ï¬rms of TURNER RICHARDSON, and W. R; ROSSITER, of Owen Sound, must be paid to ROBERT DALGLISH at once, 01‘ THIS beautiful Gate is allowed, by all who have seen it, to be the Simplest, Best and Cheapest Snow Gate yet invented. There exists no longer an excuse for leaving Fields and Orchards exposed all winter and early spring, to the damage of Meadows and destruction of Fruit Trees, when a twelve foot gate, which will clear 24 inches of Snow ; open to either side, and is self-closing, can be had for $2.75, or Without patent hangers $2.38; PRICES AT THE FACTORY : No. 1, rough gate, ... - . . . .' . . . . 3 £32.75 |No. 4, handsomely painted; . é ; '; 31'. 4.00 NO. 2-, .......- . .... . .---. . ..'. ; 3.00 NO: 5, Extra,.-.~: .... .ll. ..... . 4.50 Mo. 3, dressed, unpainted,-...e ..-,;, 3.50 No. 6, . . . .---:. . . . . . . 3.. . g. ... 5.00 This Gate can be hung to any ordinaryg te-post; can be hung with any description of hinge, is adapted for any kind of latch or fastening ; can be raised 3 or, 24. inches with one hand, quicker than most folks can raise money; can be made a highly Orna- mental, as well as useful gate by putting on pickets cut to any pattern: McDonnell’s P A T E N T G A T E. qâ€"v 1““ 0f Lot 13, Con. 6th, Glenelg, from 8 to. 10 sex-ea oleï¬n-ed. The abové property '1“ be sold cheap, sud clear deed given.â€" Tï¬ï¬‚ns Buy. For particulars upsâ€. to ABRAM GQLD, at the Durhamï¬ghery, Ur $0 ABKAM CQQKK: For 90:18, Lot 13, Can. 7, 016114313, com- Ptising 109 acres, 60 of whxch are cleared, wellmatered and fenced, with a 800‘! Home, Bum, Stable and an -Orcbard 9f;_1‘00 Trees thetedn. ; M8350 gems), E35: WHEAT, 0AT BARLEY, PEAg PORK, TIMOTHY SEED, AND ALL KINDS OF FURS. COS†s WILL REJECURRED. ‘ (114-6.) County, TownShip and ï¬rm Rights for Saléa Ej- Buy W Gate, nor have buy Gate made,- until ytm have seen Patented June 9th, 1869. Which he has determined to sell at ‘as niéfe trifle overa Robert Bulgh’sh Fanning Mills for Sale ! GROCERIES, CROCKERY, M33, HAS JUST RECEIVE-15A “FULL STOCK or BLANKETS, FLANNELS, Dre-38 Goods, Shawls M3ï¬tl駧 McDonnell’s Patent Gate, TICKINGS, PRINTS, FINAL NQTGE. COST. HATS and CA PS, [011mm, oxmmoq D friends and patrons of the arrival of his New and Fashionable Stock 01 Ladies’ and Gent’s Boots, whfc’ih are now Opened out ready for inspection. Every at le of Boot or Shoe worn by Ladies or Gen lbmen in TORONTQ, LONDON or MONTREAL eau now be Bad from J. H.038. Having bought very extensively, and the best class of 30256:; found in the market, I will sell At é Trifle over Cost and Charges; and the best made Boots Shoes ,ever impcned‘ into Durham. Come cit-13.! Bny’QIicHy,‘ and don’t lame it till the beat lots have been 8015. 3:?" Don’t.- forget that the CHEAPEST spur .xN DURHAM,,fdr the Beat Boots, is at JAMES ROSS’ Stan}, next- doordto Mr. J- H2. Hunter’s Maiilmoth Tailoring Establishment, Upoeg prn, BOOT 8n SHOEMAKBR, Largest, Choices: Dram; may ions, 18769; 119~1y. 'égs most reSp‘EtStfblly to inform Bis [._ frienqtanflzpfltgqniof the 9r§ivql of UPPER waï¬', DURHAM, L . . ' . 1 have, wnhout exceptxon, thé DURHAM, ONTARIO. India and China Tea Company have now been before the public of Canada for nearly three years, and despite the misrepresentations of interested parties their superiority has been thoroughly recognized. Thev will he Tound to be PERFECTLY PU RE, and to possess UNUSUAL STRENGTH ahd FINE FLAVOUR. (If? Observe the Trade Mark on each peekage. 0M) ‘MSSS‘RSSS SES'SS MILLINERY, DRESSMAKING, of}- Acho’lce assortment of Ladies’ Hats and Bonnels Ora ts Vol 1‘ ' Feathers, Lace ‘G'ocds, Ribbons, Silk Trimmings. Dress T’rimmgngg, Colfax: $332: Corsets. glands, Searfs,.l\lulfs,Tippets, Veils, Hoods, Neckties, ,reakf s; Shawls, Hoop S‘lm‘ts, Hose. all sues, Lambs’ Wool, Yarn all colors, also a. C' â€(510.4 LOT 015 SEAL CLOAKINGS. Fatte-‘rnfs to the hatest Fashion cut with CA RE. The newest styles of Fashions constantlv arriving. 7- (I? Don’ t forget the: address: MRS. DAVIDSON, MONTREAL HOUSE, next door 9 I‘m 1...;:.. 1)AAL 9v GLAA Q4n-n ,,1an\nn Tn“ 7n n! 1r‘1nm has commenced business in Durham; Shop Opposite Boak and Woods' Store, Upper '13on FRESH ARRIvM-fs IN Dry-Goods, Readv-Made Clothing, Boots and $11033, AT THE LATE M. FRASER’S STORE, “LOWER VILLAGE. ONTARIO BOOT STORE. mss AND GLASSWARE, llQBflRS; M-RBW-ARE AND m‘noum. N returning thanks for past favors,'re’spectfully Begs to inform her patrons and the Ladies 01 Durham and vicinity, that she has removed to more commodious premises where she intends carrfing ‘On the up: "TEAS 0‘15 THE DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, PRACTICAL TAILOR ! CHEAP DRY - GOODS. The GREATEST BARGAII‘IS of 13001 S SHOES to be had in Durham, atthe _"â€" '-v- â€"'â€"---‘ I saga; 15y (be best Workmen, and of Stock ofshe best quali'i‘s We“ “3Ҡï¬kfahied {0 W621? Well 821d ï¬t. néatly. ‘ . THOMAS â€RES. Lidies’ 85 Missé‘s’ Prunella. Gaiters Balmorals Selling at 959$. gf? Butter and Eggs taken as Cash, and the highest prices allowed. Dht‘ham, beQ.1, 1868. AND JUVENILE CLOTHING IN ALL furs BRANCHES SOLE AGENT FOR DURHAM: J“ U IV. to Mr. Jones’ "Oilâ€"tafio Boot 8; Shoe Store," Upper Town Durham HATS CAPS, Crockery, Glassware, All of which 'Will he sold at a, small advance 01'1 a†QQQEGE Sï¬mwwm w OPENED OUT avid§011 NOTICE¢ CUSTOM WORK F6 pH. nu m; [3 L ï¬WATERPROOFING DONE 0N SHORT No‘i‘I'CE (LATE OF TORONTO.) FOR J. H. HUNTER AT The Best fail to preserve their coht‘ents'.’ Their have been tested in We; ONE HUNDRED FIRES; many 6‘ them having: Been RED HOT from. sale in the Dominion that never READER N on: m: FACT Safes are the only Sa'fés {of “[8 8i Qurglar Pmnf Eumbined! The only fééil SGCUrit-y against Fire and Burglars ! Fire; Proof Safes} four to ten ho’ii'rs, yet not a Dollars’ Worth of ï¬â€˜operty or a single Scrap 'of paper has ever been destroyed in one "of them. .- Vault Doors . for Brick Vaults and all pther kinds of Fi1e and Bulglar Proof Securities. UUUULLL LOUD Please send for Circular 'u'nd Price List. . Addvess HE FOLLOWING REMARKS 0S Testimonialsof most wonderful and extraerdmmy. cures 'in Canada by the GREAT INDIA}:r REMEDY. They are stern, undeniable mid incnntestab‘le facts, sufï¬cient to canvince the moetskeptncal that the Great Medi'ca‘l Compound yearned after for ages is now accessible in the Great Sheshonees Remedy! For Diseases of the Throat,~ Lungs, Liver, Digestive Organs, Kidneys, c., ,as well as Scrofula, tï¬e varioï¬s Skin Diseases, Humoi: and all diseases arising from impurities ' the blood, w,e,.boldly agate that this gran; serpedy has NEVER BEEN_ EQU ALpigb. To Messrs. CHAMBERLAIN r. Sums, Conway Pd 0. County of Lennox, Ontario, Can- a a. . -' . . ' Name, County of Hastings, Province of Ontario,_.l“eb. 9th, 1869. This is to certify that during the winter of l866 I was taken with a weakness of the ankles. which gradually, during the spring of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, and I became, so weak that I could not walk, but was conï¬ned to my chair. For about two years, while this weakness was coming on me, and after- wards, I sought medical advice, employing at different times, three doctors, and medi- cines of different kinds prescribed by friends, but of no “avail. I continued ,to get worse and worse, until the Slimmer of 3868, when I was induced to try the great Shoshonees Remedy by reading the cures performed, in a pamphlet. At ,this time I had begun to feel the weakness in my hands ; in fact I was getting almost helpless. I have “keg two bottles of the shoshonees Remedy an two boXes of the pills, and I am entirely restored toh’ealth. I never expected to ‘ get better, but simply tried the medicine as a sort of forlorn hope. This case of mine' was net a p‘ri‘vate one, but known to allmy ’ neighbors and friends ; and to any bnp afflicted as I was, I have only to any trythe Shoshonees Remedy, I believe it will cure yen. Msar Axx Dorom'f. ~' Sworn to before me at Madoc, County of Hastings this ninth day of F ebrua â€1869,: A. F. Woof), . P. kc. I hereby certify that I have known Mrs. Mary Ann Doughty for the last fifteen years she is a woman of prohit and truth†I have known her befbre, uring, and since her illness. I believe her certiï¬cate to a: true in every particular. . I know ’11: while ill her caSe was declared hopeless 5 and I know that she has, since her recovery always attributed her recovery to the Shoo shonees Remedy Whatever may be the peculiar pmperties of this medicine, one thing is certain that. in her case, it has act. ed almost like the lierfo‘i-mgncgcf a miracle. W here was there ever such a cure ah that in the person of Wilson Storms,of Brighton, Ont, of Consumption ; or that of Peter C. V. Miller, of Eam’estowr}, Ont, of Con» sumptioh; or thatot? Ambrose W004, of Consecon, Out, of Dyspepsia and Liver CompTaint, or that of John Hosey,, of Nap‘ah’ee, Ont., of Rheumatism, who had actual!y been on crutches for years, in Spite of all treatment heretofore, and is now 310,“. Scores of such cases might be mentiomefl had we §pece. _ ‘ _ _ . - cir'cï¬lar, of unquestionabie certiï¬cate; on the GREA T SHOSHOXEES REMED Y PILLS, and satisfy yoursezves. x Price of the Remedy. in large pints $1. (I? For sale by all Druggis‘ts and Dealer! in Medicine. - . ‘ Wholesa'g Agvénwo-Northmp K: Lyman, Newcastle, Lyman, Elliott 00., Toronto. J. 8:, d. TAYLOR’ S V“ â€"II-.Ov‘-'-â€"â€"â€"v v7â€"â€"x-- “3A. F. Woon, J; P. " Warden of ï¬ne. qouutv of Hastings, P10: Vince of Onta: i0, Dominion of Canada. W his Hotel is situate in_!be village of Ayton, tow’nsb‘ip of Normanby, and contains seven rooms and two céllars, with a good driving-shed, and stabie accommo-' dation for two dozen horses, attached.â€" Hnlf an acré of groun‘d. Immedia'e pos- session given. Apply to a? 02111 at the Drug- Stores-9nd feel 3 Ayton, Jan. 3rd, 1870. STOP ‘AND SEE! HOTEL TO RENT.- J. 5: TAYLOR is the Cheauést ! fSaï¬fe WOer,-Tc;â€"E‘oht‘o, Uni: PATENT ALSO, DAVID WATSON. Ayton 1’. 0: 153- tf. : Oui'