West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Feb 1870, p. 4

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We had occasion the other clay to question the expediency of ministers of; the Gospel lending their authority toi-E promote the sale of nestrums or inven- ; tions, with the merits of which they ne-§ ccssarily must be but slightly acquaint- ed. Sewing-machines or quack aedi-I cine: had better he left to push their own way in the market unheralded by any odor of sanctity or devotional horn-l blowing, although, as we before remark- ‘i ed, this clerical indomment is most fre«; quently given out of more careless good nature, or 33 the only practiceable re- turn for a personal gift. ,qm way in tire marxer. uuucrarucu uy l . ., . :7 o’clock and sat down uietl . He *53 9d"? “f 53mm" or devotional horu- l was shown to his bed well they? and ilowing, although, as we before remark-3"“ perfectly “b" About half an :d, this clerical indorsement is most fre- l hour afterwards the co le of the house iuently given out of mere careless good ’1 heard him shodting pin phis room, an d nature, 0? 33 the only practiceable re- ‘ Mr Moore ran up to see what was the 1 'ft. ' turn for a persona g! l matter. The man seemed to be in great ,' But there are modes of money-getting, . ‘ ’ less legitimate than the vending otlagony’ and "flamed: ‘ For Gods 'u , h' h 1 h b sake go and get a doctor !” Mr. Moore V ”mm 0' P1 8 W "3 l 35 “on” Balh‘m’ied do“, and immediately des- common for clera men both Protestant; Cy ’ tched a messenger after Dr. Orton.â€" and Catholic, not only to sanction, but ,' pa I begin, that they have grown to be re- l He “.50 sent a man ‘1’? ‘0 the ’00“ to garded by the public as an essential part i remain until “1° D" 5 arrival. The of church machinery. we mean the :. sick man said to the other, when be en- lotteries and raffles, which are usually l tered, “Bring a Doctor, and something set like spring-guns arid pit-falls for the l ”‘3‘ will make me vomit, I am dying in en‘rapment of the unwgry victim who i These, and What b. said to Elf. blwre, l stumbles into that abyss of horrors, a“ are the only 'O’dS which he spoke. D" church fair. The matter is ordinarily l 0““ 300" ar’l'edi but he could do passed over with a good-humored joke. l nothing, as the man W33 dying when he Nobody denies that in principle that l entered the room, and exPired in less they are a petty imitation of the lotteries; than "'0 minutes after. Al first the repressed in most of the States by 13%; Dr. thought the man had died from an against any species ofl epileptical attack ; but, on after consid- against which, as gambling, the pulpit regularly fulminatesi er ”i0": he decided the appearance 0f its denunciation. But then the imitation l the may was 00‘ such 39 it 0‘18“ to be, is so very pretty, and the motive assign- if death resulted from epilepsy. At this ed so very good! The church debt must time the deceased was unknown; but he paid, or the missionary sent, or the among ”1°” who went to 1001‘ at the hospital kept up, so people only laugh body, was a farmer from Proton named patiently at the importunate ladies, James Wright. He no sooner saw the especially if they are pretty and young, features than he exclaimed, “It is crazy with their wearisome grab bags and John Ferneun i” The following morn. numbered tickets for cakes and slippers. ing. one 0! ML Moore’s children picked Lately, however, the matter has grown i “P a piece 01' paper from the floor, and more serious, and been thrust into un- l upon it was written the word “ stryeh- pleasant prominmce. One church nine.” This at once convinced all par- advertises a complete scheme of gradu- ties that the man had poisoned himself. ated prizes, from ahouse to agold finger- Dr. Munro, Coroner, knowing that he ring. Another religious society in West came from the upper 0030*?!» telegraph V’rginia has canvassed all the Eastern Cd to Dr. Henderson, of Arthur, to see cities with a proposed lottery for the if he had sold strychuine to any person. disposal of a hundred acres of valuable Dr. Henderson replied that on Tuesday land; and at a respectable church fair he 801d some to a farmer from I’I'OWD. in the City of Brotherly Love, the otherl '10 poison foxes. This completed the day, the unbrotherly capabilities of the chain of circumstantial evidence. At crowd were developed by the lottery to the inquest on Wednesday, James the extent of some broken heads and a Wright ““5586 that he had known the free fight, which the voice of the Rev. deceased for six years, that he owned a3 Mr. , we are told though raised farm of 100 acres in Proton, and had to a shout, was totally unable to quell, always been sober and industrious until That of the policeman proved more he got married, a little over a year ago; eflicaeious, we presume, as the whole after his marriage he went crazy, and party were marched of? in his custody. his wife had to 'leave him; when his â€"N. Y. Tribune. wife had been gone some time, he got W better, and she went back to live with weSIeyj_Dream' him; she is living in his house now, he We would advise those who are sore- believed. A verdict in accordance with ly troubled in spirit, lest peradventure the facts 0! “’9 "8° was returned by thev have not. found the true church. to the Coroner’s jury. We would advise those who are sore- ly troubled in spirit, lest peradventure they have not found the true church, to read the following vision of the celebrat- ed Wesley, who at one time was seri. ously troubled in regard to the disposi- tion of the various sects and chances of each in reference to future happiness and punishment. A dream, one night, transported him in its uncertain wan- derings to the gates of hell. ‘Are there any Roman Catholics here?’ asked \Vesley, thoughtfully. ‘Yes.’ ‘Any Presbyterians ?’ 'Yes,’ again was the answer. ‘Any Congregationalists ?’ ‘Yes.’ “Any Methodists?’ by way of a clin- cher, asked the pious Wesley. ‘Yes,’ to his great indignation was answered. In the mystic ways of dreams, a sud- den transition, and he stood before the gates .of Heaven. Improving his op- portunity, he again inquired : ‘Are there any Roman Catholics here?’ ‘No,’ was replied. ‘Any Presbyterians ‘3’ ‘N o.’ ‘Any Congregationalists ?’ (N03 . ‘Any Methodists ?’ ‘No.’ - ‘Well, then,’ he asked, lost in won- dor, ‘who are they inside?’ ‘Cnms'rmns,’ was the answer. The ‘Lounger’ of the Illustratedl Times says-zâ€"‘By the way, touching?i waterproofs, I think I can give travel-g ers a valuable hint or two. For many 3 years I have worn India-rubber water- proofs; but I will buy no more, for I have learned that good Scottish tweed can be made perfectly impervious to! rain, and moreover,I have learned to‘ make it so; and for the benefit of my readers I will here give the recipe :-«- “In a bucket of soft water put half a pound of sugar of lead and half a pound of powdered alum; stir this at inter- vals until it becomes clear ; then pour it 05 into another bucket, put the gar- ment therein, and let it be in for twen- ty-four hours; then hang it up to dry, without wringing it. ‘Two of my party (3 lady and gentle-1 man) have worn garments thus treeted1 in the wildest storm of wind and rein,§ without getting wet. The rain hangs upon the cloth in globules. In short, they are really waterproof. The gen- tlemen walked, a. fortnight ego, nine miles in a storm of rain and wind such as you rarely see in the South, and when he slipped ofl' his overcoat, his underclothes were as dry as when he put them on. That is, I think, a secret worth knowing; for cloth, if it can be made to keep out wet, is in every way better than what we know as water- proofs.’ lars a day each, if the session do not extend beyond thirty days; if beyond thirty days, six hundred dollars for the semion. Five dollars is to be deducted for every day’s absence. The Speaker’s salary is to be $2,400. Tbe Quebec Legislature, at its recent session, decided on the remuneration of its members. They are to have six dol- Waterproofs. A farmer named John Fernenn, from the township of Proton, wilfully com- mitted suicide. by taking poison in Gur- ret Moon’s Elgin Hotel, Fergus, on Tuesday evening, 15th inst. The man entered Mr. Moore’s bar-room at about A FARMER F .031 PROTON POISONS IMSELF. SUICIDE IN FERGU On Wednesday afternoon the father- in-law of the deceased arrived in Fergus with a warrant {or his arrest. It seems that before leaving home on Tuesday morning, deceased had been seized by al crazy fit , and that while it lasted he; beat his wife brutally. He struck her} several blows with an axe, one of whichl made a gash in her head over three inches long. The body of deceased was dressed out, and placed in a coffin, and his father-in-law started back with it about 1 o ’clock yesterday (Thursday). Taken altogether, the case is one of the most melancholy that has ever occurred in this section. Doctors ought to he very cav ‘véus about giving poison; and we trust .313 case will prove a warning for the future.â€"Nms-Record. ! It has been customary hitherto for dissatisfied husbands to advertise to the world the departure from the “ bed and board” of a recreant better half, as the' result of family jars, a circumstance of every day occurrence in many sections of Canada. Since woman’s rights, how- ever, have become one of the principal questions of the day, a. new feature has displayed itself, and the tables are turned, as witness the following refresh- ing advertisement, which we clip from the columns of a Canadian country |journalz - “Noncs.â€"Whereas my husband, Abraham Axt'ord, has left. my bed and board without. just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid any person to harbor or trust him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting. Sarah Axford. Windham, Feb. 4-, 1870.” Sarah is one of those strong-minded females that we daily read of as figuring j extensively at woman’s rights conven- tions in the States, and would make an admirable ally of the Cady Stanton fraternity. We trust that Abraham will see the necessity of keeping out of Sarah’s clutches for the next few weeks; he might get his figure-head damaged', or Sarah is not the women we take her : for. Banraoor SUGARâ€"The annual value of the raw sugar made from beetroot in France now exceeds five millions sterling. The total number of beetroot sugar factories on the Continent now amount to more than 1,800, turning out the enormous quantity of 611,000 tons of sugar per season. In the year end- ing 1866 no less than 55,000 tons of beetroot sugar were imported into the United Kingdom; or, in other words, we paid continental makers £1,600,000 ,for a commodity which, it is now be-, Elieved, we could just as well have pro- l duced ourselves, Beetth sugar is suc. cessfully competing with cane sugar in ' the London and other English markets; and probably a remission of the customs and excise duties would have no other efl'ect than to increase the consumption of beetroot sugar, and render its manu- facture more profitable than it already The Provincial Fair for 1870 being fixed for Toronto, the London people are making arrangements to hold a gen- eral Western “ Show,” in that city in September, similar to that held in 1868. A Strong-Minded Female. ‘ERGUS The subscriber takes this opportunity of informing his numerous friends anti custometl, 33d the Dublin. generally, that the various Departments of his Bum- ness are replete with everything that is attractive, substantial, and 392531. Fine Gold Watches, varying in price from $25 to $300; Fine Silver Watches from $7.50 to £60, all warranted to give entire satislaction. The variety of Clocks that is kept constantly on hand, and the exceedingly small advance which is asked, renders EDWARDS’ establishment the most desirable place in Grey to buy Clocks. Indeed, the notion that is sometimes entertained that you must go to Toronto or Hamilton to make suitable selections, is at once dissi- pated when you enter the subscnber’s Store. He would call particular atten- tion to his stock of FINE GOLD JEWELRY, which for quality and design is incomparably ahead of anything in Grey. Fine Gold Sets, Fine Gold Brooches, Fine Gold Rings, Fine Gold Chains, Fine Gold Ear Rings, Fins Gold Lockets, Fine Gold Charms, Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, Studs, all Fine Gold; no one can fail to be suited that wants to buy. ELECTRO-PLATED WARE. The stock of Electro-Plated Ware will be found very choice. Cmet Stands, Cake Baskets, Pickle Frames, Forks and Spoons, and a very select assortment of Cutlery, by the most reliable makers. English and French Fancy Goods are prominent features in EDWARDS’ Diri- play of Attractions. The friendship that requires a momento for the Holiday Season, can easily be immortalized by the scape that is offered for the exercise of benevolent friendship in the Fancy Goods Departmenfiat EDWARDS’. FANCY GBODS ! The Repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry receives special attention, and better satistaction is not given in any other establisement anywhere. The pub- lic may rely on having any want supplied in this particular. Under this particular head, the undersigned would take occasion to remark that there is perfect harmony between the Watch and the :Book Trade: that the two work together very nicely indeed, and that after two years’ experi- ence he is convinced that a zest for refined literary and scientific research may be effectually cultivated. Standard and Miscellaneous Books are well chosen, and well adapted to the wants of the enlightened and intelligent peoplej’of Durham and surrounding country. 3632902324 EQGJXLS l1 SCENE; E©©fls i School Books at Edward’s wrll be found very extensively. Every inducement and encouragement are given to School Children to make the best use of the Opportunities which Free Schools and Edward’s Cheap School Books present': for apart from any mercenary motive, Edwards is persuaded that Education is the real cure for every social evil. A liberal discount to Teachers. Pens, Inks, Note Papers, Foolscap, Bill Paper, Envelopes, are."3 The atten- tion of the business community is particularly called to this Department. Those who refrain from giving Edwards a share of their patronage stand very much in their own light, as he is in a position to do better for them than can be done elsewhere. A trial is respectfully suggested. The largest assortment of Toys in Durham. at Edwerds'. Toys are instruments by which infant muscle is deve10ped. Then: place In the economy of developâ€" ment is a. very important one, and money eXpended 1n Toys 13: well invested. Violins, Guitars. Flares, Concertinas, Harmonicas and Music Books, all in great variety. The Violins which Edwards has for sale are positively the best in Durham ! They were imported. direct from Germany last summer, and are entirely too good for ordinary Freud: Temps or Peganinnies. Will be sold very low. mesaâ€"cerium, guns mom. PIANOS AND MELODEONS In this department the subscriber has paid particular attention, being carcinl to select only the best and most fashionable styles, and he feels confident mg he can satisfy the moat fastidious tastes. nErEERED TO A COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE PUBLIC. F. H. Edwards. LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES ! BOOKS ! BO0KS ! ”wards’ Message. Statiolnery. New Music and Musical Instruments. :, Dec. 8th, 1869. REPAIRiNG DEPARTMENT. Emma cAmPs Column. Parker a? Cattle DURHAM, OWEN SOUND 800E316“, DRUGGISTS EALERS IN PURE DRUGS AND Chemicals, Perfumery and Toilet Preparations, Combs, Brushes, Fancy Goods, c., c., PATENT MEEMXNES. VARNISHE S ! 333E £fi©flfi 9mm: ! MOTTS‘ MAQHSENE 63L: Coal Oil AND lAMPS, TANNERS’ OIL, TAR, PITCH, PUTTY, Cheap; used by Millers, Threshers, Strength, Flavor and Quality unsurpassed. Prices moderate. TOBAGGGES AND OlGARS ! LUBRICATING OILS, fife-PURE ESSENCES, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, SPICES, PICKLES, HOPS, c., ‘c. WinesLiqu0rs MOLSON'S CELEBRATED ALE $1 50 PER DUZ. gamma BWifiS gflifi S'Efl‘fifi'Iflfifl'fif. Teas! Teas! ! Olive, Elephant, Seal and Crude Oil, VETERINARY PREPARATIONS. PAINTS AND PAINTEBS’ MATERIAL, Physicians’ Prescriptions, and Family Recipes carefully compounded, and promptly attended to. Roasted and Ground on the premises. Britlsh, Malt, French and Canadian. EEK: El; ‘ EEK. Is an effectual destroyer of Ticks on Sheep, also a preventative against the Fly and Scab dnrmg the hot Summer months. It greatly improves the QUALITY and QUANTITY of ‘the ‘Wooi, and that at a A_2n9_ .. - -_L '- QUANTITY of the Wool, and 7th at a triflin coat. It has been long and favor- ably nown in GREAT BRITAIN, and it is confiden '3 anticipated, that upon trial, it will enjoy as favorable a reputation in Canada. Prepared only by fififiiflfi EYES. RESIN, AXLE GREASE, am. WEAVERS’ SUPPLIES ! Turpentine Varnish $1 50 per can. VINEGARS, GLASS FRUIT JARS. supplied at low rates. GQEEEE 9 Various Colors. PARKER’S c. Bargains the Order of the Day ! Previous to the recent GREAT ADVANCE in all kinds of COTTON GOODS, are now prepared to offer GREAT 8b UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS. New Factory Ccttons, Bleached Cpttons, Carpetings, Hoods, Scarfs, Neclmes, H: m..‘ nnnnn A: Onr Dress Goods Department will be found large and well assorted in all the new styles of Fancy Wool Reps, plain Wool Reps, Shot Wool Reps, Fancy Chain Wool Reps, Fancy Brooch Wool Re 5, French Coatille Cords, Maris, French Merinos, Cobnrgs, Serges, Plain Raised nstres, Clan Tartans, Fancy Winceys, Plain Winceys, Clan Winceys, Shot Winceys, Noil Winceys, c. (If? As striped dress goods have entirely gone out of Fashion, great bargains in these lines will be given. $3) MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS in great variety, in NEW CLAN RIBBONS, NEW DOUBLE FRINGE EDGED RIBBONS, FANCY RIBBONS, FANCY VELVET RIBBONS, Velveteens, Moss Velvets, Terry Velvets, Silk Velvets, Union Velvets, Bonnets, Hats, anbans, Flowers, Feathers. Bonnet and Eat Ornaments, Vails, Dress and Cloak Ribbons and Trimmings, c., 6:0. Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps 8: Chimneys, C- AT JAS. H. HUNTER’S. Files. KETTLES, KNOBS, ’ave much pleasure in informing the inhabitants of DURHAM country, that their SHOP EXTENSION has been completed, purchased their stock of Durham, Oct. 18:11. 1869. . Leather Beltino 12MB ma 39mm 8, all and Winter Dry-Goods, In Glasgovw’, afi- Powder, Planes and Plane Irons of every kind and quality, Razors, We also beg to draw attention to our LARGE and WELL ASSORTED stock of T'afie Lines, Varnish Brushes, Wrenches, and almost everything from a Needle to an Anvil. 33" Don’t forgét that JOHN HILL, from London managing the Mammoth Tailoring Department. NVILS, ADZES, AUGERS, AXLES. BRACES, BITTS. BOLTS, BELTI\G, BUTTS, COMPASSES. CHISELS, CHAIN. CURRY- COMES, CARDS, DRAWING KNIVES, DRAWER PULLS, FAIRBANKS SCALES, September 1, 1859. PLAIN 85 FANCY CLOAKINGS VERY CHEAP. GRAIN-scoops, GARDEN-RAKES. HAMMER u.‘ 3 JACK-CHAIN, NEW AUTUMN PRINTS DECIDEDLY CHEAP. BiVBtSq $0 Gflifligflfl'flfl assaaxmnm HATCHETS, HOES, HOE-HANDLES, HAY-KNIVES, India Rubber Belting, N. G. J. M‘KECHN IE, RahTrapAs, 'JACKrPLANES. and every other kin_d ofKnives, Shovels, afiNAILS.â€"CUT, WROUGHT, PRESSED bed Cottons, Ladies’ Skirts, Shawls. Stays, Flannels, Neckties, Hollands, Pilot Cloths, Tweeda, Moleskine, Waterproofings, c., c. Scythes, Steel Tips, OF ALL KINDS. . M‘KECHNIE, LOWER TOWN, NEAR THE POST-OFFICE Pen. Pocket. Desert, Table Hay, swam, every Kind, Rope, Rasps, of DURHAM and surrounding en completed, and that having 33% Saws, Séales, J. H. HUNTER. Springs, Trowels, : England, is still Traps , HORSE Vegetable Hair Hesterativ _â€"â€"n“ fin“ “h“h (\an - m- . wJ -“‘ Hair Dresser, c. ., Dunnvxlle PRICEâ€"$1.5act8. and 25 cents per h ’UI. This is a most superior article, posed entirely of vegetable substances‘ is positively the best article for the‘ ever manufactured. 1c FOR SALE, that desirable M knewn as Charles Watson’s, in Durlma "y which is erected a substantial Dwefi-ot‘ House. The lot contains an acre of L33 in a high state of cultivationmith “Plead? hearing orchard. Will be sold at a bar )6 Title good. Apply to g“- ALEX. COCHRANE, Nov. 17, 1869. Durham- lees, Are full and reliable. Indeed, being Ably Edited, Illustrated and Printed in - Extra Style, and Adapted to Country, Village and " \City, the RURAL is the Paper tor Yourself, Family and Friends. It is not a monthly or semi-mommy, but a Large and Beami- ful Illustrated Weekly,-â€"and, though double .its former size, its Subscription Fri“ ‘9' D [mains unchanged! OULD RESPECTFULLY 6" form the inhabitants of DI and vicinity, that he has commence ness in the New Cottage, near the 2 Having had considerable practice i: don and many of the provincial tc England, hapes by strict attention 1 ness, to merit a share of public patrc Nov. 23, 1869. unusE 921m Sm RAL LITERARY AND RU ’ WEEKLY. New York City, and Rochester, N Y. V01. XXL. for 1870, of this Famous J ournal will Excel in all the characterisxigs of a. F irst-Clads Rural, Literary, and business N ewspaper,combiued__ it the Family making The RURAL was Doubled in Size and Vastly Improved. in Jan. last, and is new not. only the Largest, Cheapest and Best but also the Largest Circulating Weep; in its Sphere. Superior in Ability, Vah‘fe and Variety of Contents, as well as in Size, Style and Illustrations, and bavinn a Continental Circulation~witb tens of thbu. sands of ardent admirers in both Town Countryâ€"the RURAL is the great ‘ FARM AND FIRESIDE FAVORITE! Employing the Best Talent in the Land â€"having Nine Able Editors and Hundreds of Special Contributors and Correspondents iâ€"and being an acknowledged authority on Practical, Scientific and Literary Subjects, an Exchange truly says of it that "TBâ€"s RURAL is the most Elegantly Printed, Ab‘iy Edited, Widely Circulated and Heartiiy Welcomed Paper, as a whoie, which now finds its way among the People.” and All who cultivate Fruits, Flowers, Vpege tables. .c., even on a small scale, (inf~ ity. Village or Suburb) while to Farmers. Planters, Horticulmrists, Stock Breeders, Wool Growers, Daixymen. Poultry Ian ciers, c., it is ILDISPENSAL LE. In the FAMILY it is highly regarded its Literary and Miscellaneous Departments furnishing CHOICE A\D ENTERINN 1M} READING FOR ALL. The Rm MARKET AND CROP REPORTS The Cuinm DEPsz'rMLST, latelyintro» daced, is conducted by Ben W. 1‘. Clzrke, of Guelph, Ont. ,formerly editor of the Canada Farmer. ‘ VA'I'ION AV? [OR THE PRESEI? ‘ D the Hart. .Manufam Growth of JQHN FAN", urea Vol. XXL, for 1870,- will be published in Superior Style, each Number compriSv ing Sixteen Double Quarto Pages, (of live Columns Each,) Finely Illustrated, and Neatly Printed on Book Paper. Only $3 a Year ; in clubs often or more, $2.50. Canadians, 20 cts. a year extra. for American postage. Subscribe and Club Now 1 Great inducements to Club Agents ,â€"â€"O\'er one Hundred Valuable Premiums, i ranging in price from $4 to $600 ! Speci- mens, Premium Lists, Show-Bills, c., sent free. Thursday Morning, DURHAM. Law Be§pect_ing Newgpapers The RURAL has always hailed. from Rochester, N. Y., (the heart of a fame} farming and fruit growing region wherein several 0! its Editors and Contributors ' but as its principal Publication Office is now in New York, all letters DURHAM CHRONICLE 1. Subscribers who 'do not givé eipress notice to the contrary are considered as wxshiug to contmue their subscriptions. 2. If subscribers orderthe discontinuance of their periodicals, the publisher may 5mg“? them until all arrears are paid, 5; subscribe: e are responsible for all 1mm oerssentt 3. Iiisubecribers neglect or refusel'to take the periodicalsfrom the ofiice to which they are directed, they are held responsible till they have settled their Bill, and ordered their periodical to be diecominuw. -â€" Sending numbers back, or leaving them in the Ofiice, is not such. notice of (Zia-ow tinuance as the Law Requires. ,.1 A- 4. If subscribers remove to 4 places without informing the pubii and their periodicals are sent to the £0 directions,they are held responsible. Rates of Advertising- Eight cents per line for first insertion, and two cents for each subsequent insertione Busmess Cards, ten hues and under, per annum $4. «.0 o ‘ A 3..-_;:..,mont The number oflines in an advemsrmem to be ascertained by the amount of spaCP Which it occupies 1n the column as measured ale ofsolid hrevier. l arrangements made with (1 others advertising by the by a so (I? Libera “DI-0‘11“! 5 an cfi'Liberal arrangements mam, m... Merchants and others advertising by the year. Advertisements without 5 ecified p directions, inserted uutil forbid, and charge d accordingly. fiNotices in editorial columns, the object of which is to nromotethe pecuniary or private interests of individuals, to be considered advertisements and charge accordingly. ufi’All Advertisements intended f0! insertion should reach this otlice by 10 01" 11 o’clock on WEDNESDAY Momma, at furthest. 4â€" ‘ ._-_Jannnc-nm filinart‘ furthest. Voluntary Correspondencefrom 311p of the county solicited. All commumcations, to ensure insertion, 1f otherwise satisfactory, must have the essary for " ood faith. art. NAPOLEON OF ITS CLASS! Of everv description, executed 1n : office in the com Ordersby Mail will receive due att FORM MOORE’S RURAL PAYS THE GREAT IL‘ FANT’S {31, STYLI‘ IS PUBLISHED EVERY COPE. 7 Tailor D. T MOORE. 41 Park Row,\ 'iut attention to but; of public patronage. .LI'STRATED BY :practice in Loh: rrovmcial townsin '1 ERMS, c Row, New erk. FAMILY to 0th" RAL‘ 3 Toronto 't he i U at J} , fer-Ia Residence 0m” more, Lower f will give adx‘ each day {ram (Miceâ€""In 6*. County of Gm Drug Store pr so bring them vacc U Years, on ens. B“; RISIL 801 ICHO U pper Tow for sa‘sc SS U E R. 01 Durham, )HYSICIA WHOLE rométly atteli made up a! fiend on good )urhum ‘(3 ars Durham, 1 ()I'SE 11 Phil] gone and best mate V (moral HYS‘ICIA descr at {m CB eâ€"Ov owest t= an” 0V8! w and as gfi in the ( Wat-en of the bi} W. PR “ L‘ Kerr, FATE CARA Ail wor supervis stock and in )od wor} Stove? Durham Plates CASH WOT Mails fl Sa M Jar (Two! Will H R. 011191 PI AG

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