in number ten of his the how! for the dis-I m, result: I»: by in- Imore cuo' um in giv- d be fewe‘r’ commercia!‘ mad. that I tad in- wondct is not more no» dd}, 23min: freely u one Benson" mes reumbE-r“ f s bowl 3?“ sou mporaryy til-o ago, {on coucem'mg his? hmeroy'nNï¬f“ 3 pusgmgb“ he of a homo? lam-31129 date of Jan. 31“, oliness Pin: IX. 0 their eminence: chnrzenburg the rsonal infnllibility, f bishop who no hty millicns of Ca- ,-:‘4§aoo. 1: >1 dealing in but 6 coats meet. For I 5 ce-ou u mild reqnito' . Kinwdinc me he mum~ all them tndw :ircumuncn ' win pay in I ? {minded to him i the Cuholic com- 8 reply, but to take 'on of opinion on a . in u) the faith from E, if not more, bishop, bd indecent manner, union of impertinem. mien-coco, is a piece that has no precedent. mt back without can no, just as one might. I m insolont begging yrove it, or pay:- Wa would send aunt, but tour he lie about it, md blecuatom. “lusterâ€"we’ll he L E. P. Hm, or zone of the sharp- }. Stateâ€"and D. ? Dundeeâ€"moths: 1h Smith and his bathing more than recisive. The Pope rgvy, In intempente, l to the judg- who made it; sdeï¬citin he. of that which : pork line of . mt period cl.) I to the wrong!â€" Thin deï¬cit3 aofeeaea to be n. It. is cam Mansion, uncl' t In Ia recover rod name, fame, umigalmg shop, lace. He aende 3 before the law, , before long, to t we have already :nty-ï¬re thousand spring character Pall Mall Gaul“, m. 39,000. ngï¬ of 7; 0 cm pot r the Openp 'n s ï¬nancis‘ r. to declsny )ped, will '00“ .s Opponents. Smith in tbs x11? On}: 350,-- Dextor at u know u then a home is~ has any day ! sunk, liar, mds licinsl fumigating : a sunk and a nit, kink deadbeat tt tells of a. widow six culling a: the a to get u licencO' -â€"hmband that wt!» In). She gun his :30» rd for the widow. half the pxico 711: Fxsuss.â€"â€"Ugu. the rallying SECRQLG†In Glenelz of Mr. F 1' [ST of unclaimed Black, Duncan Beg-g, J ohn Baird, T. Blackely, John Brown. Mary Cameron. Allan Comer, Edward Coverly, Joseph Campoe“, Isabella Union, Miles Chipperï¬eld. G. "M. Campbell, Gen. (3) Carr. Daniel J. Clark, John Mrs. Cameron. Margaret )f-W Wm Dunn, John Bhisun E. 171539. Elias Flynn, Waiï¬â€˜ .' Finnigan, Terry Graham, Grace Grey. John Gerbmaly, Miss ( keen. James Graham, John GQddPs, Tboa. Hill, Thos. 'Hopkins, \Irs. M. J. Hall, John Hopkins, Tbos. Hislop, Margt. Mrs. Hi lis, ‘Samne'l Heuston, Roan Livingagnn, 'J ohn Leslie, John "vLegate, Robert Lindsay, J oseph Leonard, Anthony whose for NEW * ADVERTlSEMENTS. 16:12, on the 22m k r. Robert Lindsay, Intern“. IN THE STORE LATELY OCCUPIED} BY um, upposrm MIDDAUGH’S 3 Horï¬. y Open for a few Days Goods at WHOLESALE Cost, gwralgiï¬. I » bmm‘hiï¬ï¬g ma reliable. Durham Markets. PPLICATIONS for Tavern chenses for the ï¬scal year commencing lat March next. will be renewed by the under- signed up to Friday. the2 5th in‘st. DUNCAN CAMPEfELL, Dvamu, Feb. S',‘Lst 1870. Township Clerk. H 1331?: Ilfh Feb. 1‘70, 159.2 List of Letters- ARCH. 0N LY 3 so that all who wish AND SOME LINES OF‘ MUST CA LL EARLY. 318833329 Below Wholesale Cost. ! ! TERMS-CASH 031.! ! Bunions, m-grumuE kc. Miid, soothing. Sold by druggisla. imed Letters remaining in 0. on March 2206,1550: l l McMartin, John 3 McQ'mri-ie, Flora l McGilvmy, Angua lirsMcLean, Arcbi (3) , an Diclntvre, Arch. McLe-m, Alex. E McNelly, Thos. 3 ‘ Mc:\rthur, Ares. i Mclnnis, Malcolm , McComb, Alex. . ‘ McQuai-rie, Jane ! McLean, Sarah i I McCutchin, Eliza E r McLean, John E I McQ-mrtie. Donald ;l .3 U’Nenl. Henry H 'Orchurï¬, Samuel 1, .‘l. Patterson. David ll 13) Ritchie, Jane ' Raymond, Ambrose {vndress, Elie Sealey, Wm. Stewart,~ 50h! Sherman, Geo. ‘Simson, John Smith, J 0!)“ E. Sumpton, John Sentter. Geo. Stewart, Geo. Smith, G. W. Tucker, Francis '1. J. Taylor, John Volleu,Elizuheth Mrs Vickers, J. W. Mrs. Wilberm, Michael \Vilson, John Williams. Michael lm \Vilson, Mrs. Williams, Henry : Webber, R. b Wood, Thos. ony White, James Ira. Wilson, N. Mrs. l Walters, Jane Mrs. n Weppler, Werner The Store wiil be GOODS. NOTICE MCKENZIE, Postmaster. 0F ’72?! ‘11de the wxfe C A.\ADA PERMA‘ ENT Building B Savings Society, Incorporated A. D. 1855. Paid up Capitalâ€",â€" ........ $1,030,000 l 1,900,000 Invested on Real Estate, . . . 40am â€" Annual Income,. . . . --- . . . The undersigned is prepared to receive l applications for Loans from the above 1 Society, on the usual Liberal Terms, and would take this means of Informing all those who. on account of the failure in the wheat crop, and present low prices of pro- duce are unable to make their paymem.’ that the Society will renew all such Lo.“ at a trifling expense, and give the pal-ties the advantage of present reduced rates." DAVID JACKSON, 33., A n-..â€" In SAMUEL M03301: 3:; (Emma, Oxnmo, m we mm.“ vs V Insolvent. OTICE is hereby given that on the TwentV-sixth day of March, in the year of our L.ord 1870, at two of the clock in the afternoon, the undersigned will By WM. BARRETT, His Attorney, ad litem. Durb‘m, Feb. In the matter of James Bain, 3 NOTICE. ., . flue County Court Grey. couecn me Baum. i All parties indebted to the ahove Estate, ‘ by Note or Duebill are also notiï¬ed not to make payment of them to any person whatsoever, except. to Mr. Nichol, who is authorized to collect the same for the bene- ï¬t. of the Estate. uu Lv 555v-vv‘._- are prepared to 113 Millinery and Dress-making, and would kindly solicit the patronage of Durham and vicinity. Mrs. Pen-kiss is well acquainted with above branches, and also Straw-work. Plating done in good style. n \¢,1.'-__2..‘... UUIIU Iu :‘uuu w- . 1"" . . . (ï¬r-Residence next to R. Mchenznes large b'rid: store, Lower Village. K Bhu‘me Little him fut Salad, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the Farm late in the occupation of Michael Ryan, deceased. in the township of Bentinck, con- taining 49 acres, more or leg“. being com- ‘ posed of part of Lots 60 and 61, in the 24d con. North of the Durham Road, about. 40 ; acres of the land are under cultivation. i There is a good log barn, stable and dwell- : ing house, aml the land is little over half a mile from the Durham Road, and three and ‘ a half from Durham. Half of the purchase money may remain on security of the pmperty at 8 .per cent. per annum. The deeds will be produced and full par- ticulars given at the time and place of sale. JOHN MOODI E, Auctioneer. gmmpriaing Lots 35 and 36, in the 3rd jConce-ssion, West of Garafraxa Road, in the township of Bentinck, in the County of ’ Grey, containing mom: on mass, l l Situate within 25 miles of Durham Village, land within 2 miles of the Gravel Rom] {from Fergus to Owen Sound. Both lots § are heavily timbered with ï¬ne Hardwood. E chiefly Maple, and a considerable quantity i of large sized Pine. 0 0 AL-.. Ul "155$ uwvu 5 In addition to the road upon which they have frontage. a Side Road runs between above lots. The Sangeen River is within a Very short distance in the rear thereof. A few acres have been cleared, and the soil and general quality of the land cannot be excelled in the Province ol Ontario. The undersigned have been instructed by WILLIAM HERALD, Esq., of Hamilton, the proprietor of the above lots, to canoe them to be offered for sale, by Public Auction, at ') BE SOLD by auction. under a. power of wk: contained in a. Mortgage deed. £ECKS £93333: Durham, Feb. lat, 1870. in the TOWN of BRAMPTON, in the County of Peel, on Saturday, 26th of March Next, Mr. Herald who purchased, direct from the Crown, and holds the Patent Deed, will guaranjee a good IndisPntable Title of the Land, free from all incumberancea. (1:? Terms of payment Liberal, and made known at. time of sale. IN THE TUWKSHIP 0F BENTINEK, fluction Sale In thé matter of James 38in, of Durham, an Insolvent. (FEE noderéigoed, Thomas Grifï¬th, of the ï¬rm of Thomas Griï¬th Co., of Toronto, has been appomted Assigns in the above matter, and requires (:1de to he fled within one month. THOMAS GRIFFITH,- Insolvent. Act of 1869. Solicitors for the Proprietor, Brampton. anvms, Co. or PEEL, ; 12d: February, 1870. 160-5. lined 31701-0an, ) I‘waw‘f It, i370. S 16th, 1870. 200 ACRE59 AT mos. GRIFFITH, CUMMINS . comm. bf thé 0000‘! 0‘ In the matter of SAML'EL Monaow an Insolvent. LOAN. ' O CLO? K, P. an Insolvent. Asian. Assignee 1553' Bain, of Durham, OPEN REBELLION. TAKEN BY STORM! Fenian Raid ! Photugiaphs fur the Million! â€a; KéLSBY’s GALIIBRY, BETTER than the BEST and _ Cheaper than the Cheapest Assigne‘e. Opposite Hacker’s, Upoer Town, Durham; humps. RflIL W3 1‘! The Green-Gage Branch, from MOUNT FOREST, will bud blossom at 9‘7er Station, The undersigned would beg to inform the public in general, that he has on hand ready for this Full or Spring planting a large quantity of ï¬rstclass Fruit-Trees.â€" ï¬ï¬ï¬‚EWGBB EERSEBY was established in 1864, and all trées ofl'ered for sale were grown in- M‘ou-nt. Forest. 1 -j All orders by mail or otherwise prompuy attend to. 1 3 ‘-. 3 cf;- Eerly Rose, Early Gooderich, and 2| Gleason Potatoes for sale, as cheap at! can 1 be purchased elsewhere. A; T. GREGORY; IUI Du nnnnnn 5' will warrant them grafted fruit. of good hardy kinds, as l have tested them, some of them bore fruit this season. Standard Apple Trees from 6 to 7 feet, Dwarf Apples, Siberian Crab and Cherry Trees, that I can recommend. Small fruit such as Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Strawberries. UUV ......... , a., 3130 Ornajï¬xéx‘ltal Tréea. Flowering Shrubs, Dahlias and Gladloun Bulbs, c. iJuat Homewood Nursery, Mt. Forest, September 13th, 1869. Specialities at the BIG AXi, A NEW GAUGE AT wmm zgmc 9ng n--....,: :.. nu 'l‘hin mint is superior to. Ground in Oil. This paint is superior to. and more durable than the best White Lead, either for inside or outside work, Lake going craft, 8L0. Its use is "not injurious to the health. Direct from Tues; Banana .9: Sex, London, England. Nickle Silver Spoons Forks, 0f a. reliable quality, in great variety. i E\C0UR1\GE HOME MANUFACTURE Platform 8: Counter S_cales, HAND. TABLE. HALL, Chimneys Wicks, direct from A LARGE LOT OF POCKET TABLE OUTLERY, Imported direct, will be sold RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Made by the celebrated ï¬rm of Guam-W, Wm: a; 00.. of Ham-Elton, in stock at Makers’ prices. These Scales are WARâ€" RANT!!!) perfect, reliable, and durable,being made in “the vefy 'best mum. ELECTRUPLATED CRUETS, SPOONS, FORKS ac. HE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES T0 rent Lot 32, 7th com, Bentinck.-â€" There is 100 acres, about 30 of which are cleared and well fenced; ‘hereia a good log house on the premises: It will helet for six years, or less, as may be agreed upon, and rent taken in improve- 25 Kegs HUBBUCK’S Genuine ï¬iiino wnoLasm Palcss. to band, direct from the English makersâ€"Best. Durable Qualitiel, manta. AME to the premises of the subscriber, Lot 17. Con. 13. Sullivan, in the mouth of November, 1869. a. Red and White Heifer, two years old. The owner is re« quested to prove property, pay expenses, and take her away. LEWIS ROY, JR. Owen Sound. AME to the premises of she subscriber, Lot 20, Con. 21, Egremont, about six weeks ago, six Ewes, (one block, and ï¬ve white.) The owner is requested to prove preperty, pay charges, and take them away. NEIL MCDONALD. ' â€"â€"- m mm 157 3. .___'_.â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"---‘-â€"'* TO MERCHANTS IMPORTANT and Business Men generally. Owen Sound, Dec. 7, 1869. Dec. 22nd, 1869. I-‘cb.15_, 18m. Feb. 15, 1870. at 19'. 1:1. bunnnu u. Dnrbam,Jan.5, 1870. 1‘ FIN AL N GTCE. 'éâ€"D é..- LAND FOR SALE- All accounts and notes due the late ï¬rms of TURNER â€"‘ L021? iaï¬aiï¬iis’ :5 $1.23; uchRDsou,and.W. R._noss1TER,or Owen Sound, mu‘st Ebe Pald t0 ROBERT â€ALGLISH at once, or containing IOQ pres, about 30 acres clear- galvvaerEsâ€"S 300 dash. Jany.27.1870. SGM‘E $GEKG'Y. EDGEï¬S. JOURNALS, including L and UAYBOOKS. ej- Qall and see our samp , J-..- A. 10 Magazines N _. and glve your orders at. WMJW- The Acme Skate just received at F. H.E EDWARD’S. IXCLI'DIXG ND, TABLE. HALL, «kc. FARM TO BEN T. UST ARRIVED? A splendid and STRAY A BALE 0F mail or otherwise promptly MRS. JOHN CLARK. 59. 151.6. 4:11. varied stock of Makers. 3 m 138 A. FORD, Bast Glenelg, encomo 3 aged by msny highly esteemed gladieo 1nd Gentiemen, respemmlly informs 3the public, that her Schoql is opened to 3 Young Ltdivl from 10 to 20 years of age, ;ot sndenominations. Her programme is a follow: Reading, French Language, Writing, Music (Piano 1; MelodeOn) Grammar, Fancy Work. Geography, Drawing Painting, Ariilliiieti'c, Betta)“, Mathematics, Cbpmiatry. Compoaition; Natural Philomphy. Politeness and ne'atneas carefully attended to. Owing to exceptional circumstances, Mia: Ford can .reeei'ze pupils at the very low rate of :50 per annuin; $l0 to be! paid on entering, the rest to be aid quar- terly in advance. Washing gulf bedding either to the charge of the pawn“. or furn- ished at an extra charge. For further in- founation apply to Mil! A. Ford, Traveraton P. 0. Letter: moat be prepaid, Ind enclose . ‘0‘.â€" n- -.___.._.'â€"â€"â€" _._-.__... EAST HEW! Lmn SALE... SPLENDID FARM FOR 3 ALE- For sale, Lot 13,,Cou. 'i, Glenelg, com- . prising 100 acres, 60 .of which are cleared. well watered and fenced, with a good House, Barn, Stable and an Orchard of 100 Trees thereon. Also 50 acres, East half of Lot 13, Con. 6th, Glenelg, from 8 to 10 acres cleared. The above pr'onert‘y will be sold cheap, and clear deed given.â€"' Terms easy. For particulars apply to ABRAM GOLD, at the Durham Asher}, or to AJBBAM CQQK, Eu' Glenelg, Feb. 2, 1870. mm.) EJM’WRY WWW“, WWWYS, Ross Iter‘s Make, COSTS WILL BE INCURRED. Which he has determined to sell at a. mere trifle over HAS JUST RECEIVED A E11121. 31001: or Lot '1, Con. 6, Glene'lg. GROCERIES, Hardwawre, CROCKERY, C., Fanning Miï¬gfor Sple ! BLANKETS, FLANNELS, TICKINGS, PRINTS, HATS and CAPS, Lot number {weiye in the second con cessiofl. éomh bf the Durham R036, in tha township pf Araihhia, in the count} I of Grey, will BE bfl’Eréd for 331e, by I Saimday‘ |21h :tMamh, 1370, ‘flrgyle Hotcl,’ Under and by virtue of a n9â€? contained in a Mortgage. dated the 27th Séptember, 1861, made by Hugh Cnmer'on, of the township of Glenelg, in said _ chunky, to John Kelly, of the villnga '0! Durban, in said cobnty. .“I‘. vvâ€"â€"-. v Terms ind conditions ' ' known at this time of sale. '1“ be made egs most. respectfully to inform his B friends and patrons of the arrival of his New and Fashionable Stock 0% Ladies' and Gent’s Boots, which are now opened out ready for inspection. Every style of Boot or Shoe wqrr} l3: [inflicts or Gentlemen â€"-----_-‘I‘ n ' uvvv v- â€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€" in TORONTO, [{ONDOQ OLMONTEE§L eon oow '15; fwd from J. Ross. Having bought very extensively, and the best class of goods found in the marked, I will sell At. a Trifle over 0031: and Charges. February 7th, 1970. and the best made Boots 85 Shfles ever imported into Durham. Come early! Buy quickly, and don’t. leave it till the best. lots have been sold. (I? Don’t forget tha‘ the CHEAPEST SPUT IN DURHAM, for the Best Boots, is at JAMES 8088’ store, next door to Mr. J. H. Hunter's Mammoth Tailoring Establishment, Uppe; Town. BOOT . SHOEMAKBR, mm aï¬ï¬mm, Largest, Choicest with all the latest improvements. Dummy, May 10th, 1869. llS-Iy. 3:! o’clock, P. M, t! the UPPER TOWN, DURHAM, I have, without exception, the m DURHAM, HUGH McKAY, Auqï¬dnrer. ] 53-5 . India and China Tea Company have now been before the public of Canada misrepresentations 0! interested fitting their 'l‘hev Will he found to be P RFECTL‘ STRENGTH and FINE FLAVOUR. uï¬ FRESH ARRIVALS m Dry-Goods, Ream-Made Clothing. Boots and Shoes, am: All! BLASSWMIE; â€00035. HARDWARE All STATIONERY. AT THE LATE M. F'ï¬ASER’s STORE, LOWER VILLAGE. CHEAP DRY - GOODS. :HB TEAS OF THE ONTARIO BOOT STORE. PRACTICAL TAILOR! SOLE AGENT FOR DURHAM: PATE NT GATE. The GRE ATEST BARGAINS of BOOTS 5: SHOES to be had in Durham, at the HIS beautiful Gate is allowed, by all Who have seen it, to he the Simplest, Best and Cheapest 33°" Gate yet invented. There exists no longer an excuse for leasing Fields and Orchards xposed all winter and early spring, to the damage of Heads“ and destruction of Fruit tees, when a twelve foot gate, which will clear 24 inches “f “0' ; i open to either. side, and is self-closing, can be had for $2.75, or without patent hangers I 32.38. PRICES AT THE FACTORY ; N0. 1! rough gator“- - - . - - - - - . 32.75‘11’0. 4, handsomely painted, . . . ; , 4,00 No. 2‘ °'-."" °°"" ""' '°--o 3-00 N0. 5, Extra’..._ .. .. --.. -.... . 4 50 Mo. 3, dmsed,unpainted,.... -... 3-50 NO- 6: - - ° ---‘ °°°°° . °°°°°°°° 5'00 This Gate cache hung to any ordinary g te-post; can be hung with any description of hinge, is adapted for any kind of latch or fastening; 63!! 53 “'5'“! 3 0" 24 inches _:n. M- 1..."! nnieker than most folks can raise money; can 1?? ‘made ‘ highly orn‘ L‘V' -' -v'-r Mo. 3, dreamed, nnpninted,.... -... 3.501No. 6, . . . .--; ....... ,- Thh Gate canba hung to any ordinary g te-post ; can be hung w'iih of binge, is adapted for any kind of latch or fastening ; can be rn'iaed with one hand, quicker than moat. folks can raise money; can 93,11?“ V. .. montnf, a whll as useful gate by putting on pickets ent tn any pattern. Durha'lh, W 8: Misses’ Prunella. Gaiters Balmorals selling at Cost. fl“ Buy at: Gate, nor hue any Gate made,.il you 1:31. seen de‘by the but Workman, and of Stock of the best quality, latest style, wan-mud to went well and ï¬t neatly. THOMAS JONES. Patented June 9th, 1869. All of which will be E EEQEEE SEEEEMEE GE - GOODS, GROCERIES, bob. 1, 1888'. NOTICE. County, Township and P913; Rights for 83.13. McDonnell’s Patent Gate, ‘1’ VB". lie of Canada for nearly three years, and despite the twins their superiority has been thoroughly recognized. (I . P ‘RFECTLY PUREL 82d ‘tonpo-sseaa UNUSUAL CUSTOM WORK ï¬j-WATERPRGOFIRG DUN (LATE or TORONTO.) in Durham. Shop Opposite Boak ' Store, Upper Town; (DURHAM, ONTARIOJ ï¬g;- OisérVe Ithe Trade M'ark on each package. J. H. HUNTER. sold at a. small advance on .\'~E 0N SHORT NOTICE DURHAM, ONTARIO; Firé Prbof Sht'é’s’ I Fm: Burgh? PM Combine“ The only real SQEï¬fity againét’ Fire and Bufg’kifs I READER NOTE THE 15AM: Our. Safes are the only Safes: fat.“ sale in the Dominion that neVé‘ï¬' :fail to preserve their contents. They have been tested in ever ONE ~‘HU'NIsmm FIRES; many of them having been RED HOT from four to ten hours,‘yet not a Dollars’ worth of property or a. single scrap of paper has eve been destroyed in one ef them. . Vapltbooiï¬- for thk Vaults and all Bthel‘ kinds of Fire and Burglar Proof Securities; Price List. Address r HE FOLLOWING REMARKS ‘oii Testimonials of most wonderful anti extraordinary cores in Canada by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. The'y are stern, undeniable and incontealable facla. sufï¬cient to convince the most skeptical that the Great Medical Compound ‘vearnetl ; after for ages is now accessible in tine Great Sheshenees Remedy ! For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver; Digestive Organs, Kidneyt. c.-, as well a Scrofula, the various Skin Diseases, Humors. and all diseases arising from impurities of the blood, we boidly state that this grout remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUABLEDL Where was there ever such a cure us thut in the person of Wilson Storms,of Brighton; Ont, of Consumption ; or that, of Peter C. I. n__ ‘J â€'U' V. Miller, of Earnestown, Ont., of Con- sumption; or that of Ambrose Wood. of Consecon, Ont., of Dyspepsia and Live? Complaint. or that of John Hosey, of Napanee, Out., of Rheumatism, who had actualiy been on crutches for years, in spite of all treatment heretofore, and is now well; Scores of such cast?! might be mentioned had we spate. _ (I? Call at the Drug Stores and get a- circular, of unquestionabie certiï¬cates on - __..A ---â€".‘n- n "stunts circular, of unquestnonanm ceruncnws r the GREA T SHOSHOA’EES REMED g'PiLLS, and satisfy yourselves. Price of the Remedy in large pints 81. (if? For sale by all Druggista and Dealers in Medicine. Wholesa‘e Agenthâ€"lNoflhrop Lymam Newcastle, Lyman, Elliott Cor, Toronto. To Meet-3. Cmunmum Sums, chm“? P_. 0. County of Lennox, Ontario, Can: Msnoc, County of Hastings. Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1869'. This is to certily that during the winie'r of 1866 I was taken with a weakness of the ankles. which gradually, during the spring of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, and I became so wbak that I could not walk, but Was canflned to my chair. For about two years, while this weakness was coming 'on the, and after. wards, I sought medical 'adviCe, employing at difl'erept times, thrbe doctors, and medé cinEs of diï¬'ere‘nt kinds prescribed by friends, but of no avail. I Continued to get worse ' and worse, until the summer of l868, when I was induced to try the great Shoshonees Remedy by reading the Cures performed, in a path hlet. At this time I had begun to feel the weakness in my hands ; in fact I was getting almost helpless. I have taken two bottles of the shoshonees Remedy and two boxes of the pills, and I am entirely restored to health. I never expected to get better, but simply tried the medicine as ‘a sort of forlorn hape. This case of mine | was not a private one, but known to all m: y neighbors and friends ; and to any one ’ amicted as I was, I have only to pay try the, Shoshonees Remedy, I believe it will cure ’ ‘you. Mssr Ass Doccrrrt’.‘ , Sworn to before me at Madoc, Gaunt: of Hastings this ninth day of Februa ,‘-1869. As'Fs WOOD, . Pa kc. I hereby certlg that I have known Mrs. Mary Ann Doug ty for the last ï¬fteen years she is a moment pr'obity and truth. have knmm‘ her before, during. and since her illness. I' believe her certiï¬cate to be true in every particular. I knew that 3 while ill her case was decla'red hopeless; and I know that she has, since her recovery always attributed her recovery to the She. shonees Remedy Whatever may be the peculiar prOperties of this medicine, one 8 thin is certain that in her case, it has act- d ed most like the performance. of a miracle .' i A. F. Woon, J. P, 1" Warden of the. county of Hastings, Pto~ vines of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. oitpr mis‘aié, a. Note due-d 2nd Oct}, 1869. for the sum of 8275. drawn In ‘lbvor of James Wobber, of Normanh'g ï¬rst of Apri‘, 1870. All parties "'1: here.- hy c mtioned against purchasing 'nr nogoh- “in; mid note a I have uoppod payment. 30mm “m JAMES WERNER. I l n C -.| 16~A if“: T STOP AND SEE! Fob. 7th, 1870. J. . J. TAYLOR PATENT Safe Works, Toronto, Ont; use; LOST NOTE.- has ever