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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Mar 1870, p. 3

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number culiarib} left Inuit ’ 6 hand‘. ature in e, under holes is *d to On»- 055 A. 8150 moo submit. on. Mr}. ere free lie} of or polilir y were t inter~ sof()u~ 98. Ho Speaker 35» Q o *‘ 1: highly Dub! that. Ham. wiil , In many Illustrated him the! *leOI't 81' [oped its- a} night , endmeut 0, her- pbeusnn, ! pied the *5", MW rains: it. Depart- Lomphv to issue seconded If!!! [with the level in ' ingtouh Lmdcuca' “expect- e use of F30 cola. be con- hiie the routine 1100 Mr. to the M, flour, Messrs. uposuwn‘. 'd, as the wince of edings. rt’wfigfit z ‘overnv 1y of 81. Mage 05 i m rc- y; that enough police. e CII‘CU NT. ameudv I have rs Vim length amen; wab' H fog-gas w u«........, _ . The financial arr'zk ~q . 2 ' r." mw‘-§complete, and . there is_'nahingkt°= 1’79"“ “39% “9'9 80mg?) :30 ‘ ‘29 usual Luberal Terms, and ' ' ‘lfiwtbe 'wor liarwarct franf’ 33“”! "0° . 9.39.338 means OEinOrmin all a day. There has been ggme tmihv amtaemfim . wheat crop, and bresent low prices of pro- raelay caused by the illhdri‘ffggg’fgs l duce are unable 2'0 make their payments at t ere . 1 thin the Scciety will renew all such Loan; :2 cheats of: , .. : ,4 g be nxxdemlgned )s-prgpared to Resin former contractors, f d buudance of competitorg o meant! an at a triflinv expense and give the ° libility ready to take hold of Elie worki thapgigfifie w ' :f}; ' uce ”was as soon as the necessary prelm'xmm ar- 1%; i ““‘DA ’-' ACK' ‘ X it- t: . . _ ‘ l ’ ‘! nogements have been completefl. We: ‘ AOL-yr. {confidence in the officers? Durham, I~eb. 15m, 13m. 7,,“ . at the‘ ‘ f the ‘écmpany _ fthe enterprise, and no- ‘: Q$L \ ‘ b l s'mce to shake or: I'fi‘m'itencement o “e bgveffu'fije amateur: of the enmity of thing has ocwr'rc'd which have 0093 t . unavoidable delays . . , _ . l1 tbel (hum, Oxnn'xo, } In the Salter oi Sweat, Moaaow an Grey and Bruce Hallway,t ’: To Wit : Insolvent. “but everybbdy knows these _ ”mm“ of all i \T OTlCE is hereby given lbat- on the ‘V Clllllébvu: v â€" J but everybody knows these must necesc ; w " -- - , sully happen in the prayeeuuon of all i VOTICE is hereby given that on the , L Twenty-sixth day er March, in the kings. Circumstances eon-i _ \ ., . ,staptly arise which could not. be {are 5 ”Wth Loyd .4370. attgp ofOthg CM Been . and there “8.30 many pawns to} m the afternoon, the antlersrgned will ' ' 3 303%,.“ preliminaries ‘ apply .to the Judge of the sard Court, for a ' “ 5' drseharge under the said Acta. 3, be consulted, tin agreements to gamer; mm to be adjusted, so map} . . be mile. finds By WM. B‘ARRETT, be arranged, contracts to . _ . _ . v' ‘ ! . . . to be pronded,that delays are me Ital) 8 Hrs Attorney, ad htem. ” At the present moment, however, theI Juture of the Wellington, Grey andE Bruce Railway "is. bright and almost; IDSOIVBDt Act (£18690 _ :clohdless, and we have no doubt that lathe meet I "" , " the whole length of the road ”to Lake: m ' James 93““ ‘3 (“Went Heroin will'be pushing.“ eodlpletion f NOTICE. “ V" at the earliest clay it i‘s possible for; :33] persona‘in ‘99 thezEstate of the capital, skill ”"d labor ‘0 accomplish it- ! above named Insolvent by Book-Account, l are hereby noxified that the accounts nf the . â€"IIamiItan T (mes, St}: inst. ~-â€"â€"-- 3 mum: lunro hppn sold to Mr. Thomas Nl‘ehol great underta V", Tue Fzsl.axs.â€"Ugdensburg is now look- i 0! ed upon as the rallying point for the Fenian col Circles. Tue rendezvous may be a good . one, but the Mtem t to invade will only by hush any whispers o discontent in ibe Do- ‘ '0 minion, and reuse that de’terufimfl heroism g W?! and courage so characteristic of the Domin- i an ion. whose inflantameous and energetic ‘ tit .action is sure to prove victorious. like the ‘ ftriumph of ‘he Great Shnebonegs Remedy, '5» chronic complain'a of the lungs. liver, ‘ -c. For Side by all Bragg ms. ‘ - WEE BAS‘KRU P'l‘ STOCK 05‘ 'will be said cheap for cash, and cash only. E i’urties requiring anythingfiz the Harness; line will do well to call and examine the? stock befure purchasing elsewhere. The; stock-consists of $93.!!! Harness, Carriagei Harness, Singie flawless, Riding Rigs of 2 43.” kinds, and a. splendid assortment. of? WHIPS. all of which must be sold. Bankrupt StOC 1t lot 14, con. 12, Bruce. Tehran-y, the wife of a Kinnon, of a daughter. w at PS, 3»: Parties indebted to the said J ohn C. 3 Griffith, either by Note or Bi) 1!»: Recon)! ‘ are requested m can immeaiitely and settle the same. accounts and notes due and I unpaid on the 20th April will be placed “in . “COURT for collecfipn. i 0“ g p A j 9 i vyf‘llgvééavés‘irld Notes will be found in! The'deeds will be ptorlm the shOp as usual. l ticulars given at- the time :11 Strict “tender: to the them will save ; JOHN l All persons haying claimsfgsinstfil; C. 3 Durham, 1:95. Ist, 13'70_ Tnmy Advertiser Fun “Them. . . .. Spring \that. . Pork----. . . . . . Géfi‘t£,i;iiiv;e§fiirecio present them 'delay._ .‘- ‘ A I ‘SQA having left mt her] and board the ‘23-d of October. 1869, without any just cause at provocation. '1 now ”forbid .gmy 'per- son or ’persons creaking or harboring ‘kver 'V' HERE~\S my wife; Mafiah Horton. on my Jeeou‘h‘t, as I shall not pay any fie'r-ts contracted by her we; ghis date. 'A. n. ‘flon‘rov'.’ BAN KRUPT 1): THE STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY um, OPPOSITE MIDDAUGH‘S. HOTEL. Open for a few Days €23,355? Bgfififiififi ! Goods at WHOLESALE Cost, Goods Below Whoiesalé Casi II 1! NEW ADVERTlS EM ENTS. Dalfiham, March 9.1;, 1370. Gleaelg, Much 4th, 18°70. Dt'nn s Clearing Sale J. C. GR'IF’FiTH, Stock, Guelph Markets. ONLY 2 so that all who wish AND SOME LINES OI“ MUST CALL EA RLY. NOTICE. Trunk-CASH 0x21 2' NOTICE. n. 32, Bruce. on the 24th 0! the wife of Mr. Donald Mc unitâ€"d fince 10 shake or; g; : 5,3 .. I, 49""! a? confidence. We 113"}th 6011 l ‘Ccurt 6f the Cofibty of a little impatmnt at :tbe 3 Grey. days which have ocea t ...â€"â€"-â€" . 1, , ’ } In the mailer of ed in connection With the! Plum, 037mm, 300mm? or Gust, Suit-EL Moaaow an Insolvent. ‘ hey and_Bruce R‘allwayw To Wu : _ AAA“ The Store vii! be Roi-6 2?i, :14 Birth. 8 my wife, 3 GOODS. 3; a: Mimi (-04“ a \ $1. -: _‘ OF He (or? a'n persom'inwed to momma of the- !Pllb‘ll ”v- l above named Insolvent by Book-Account, l are hereby noxified that the accounts of the ’ estate have been sold to Mr. Thomas Nl'Chol' ow look- '3 ol Bentiuck, who alone is authorized to .e Fenian l collect xbe some. . All parties indebted to the above Estate. , by Note or. Due-bill are also notified not , the Do- , to make xaymem of them to any 'person 1 heroism ; whatsoevc- r, except to Mr. Nichol, who is e poms“. ? authorized to collect the same for [be bene- enerzrmic . fit of the Estate. no: final THUS. GRIFFITH, ®® n;- 90 162 3 w iihout {Conn or Gust, 8ch Moaaow an To th : Insolvent. ‘ ; TO'I‘ICE is hereby given that on the ?N Twenty-sixth day {if March, in the 5 veg-mfg]: Lord 1870. at tip offing crock t {a the afternoon, the undersigned wil' ; apply to the .‘Iudge of the said Court, for a ‘lâ€" “5:, 5..., 1 (31mm , 05733.10; } In the {flatter of Pairi 3?. luv-rated Olf Annual Inca " ' - ““ CffResidenL-e next to R. McKenzie’s large brilfk Store, Lower "Wage. D are prepa ed" :0 do .‘IiElinez-y and Dress-making, and would kindly solid; the patronage of Durham and vicinity. Mrs. Per'kiss is well ac'mainted with above hranches,and Mao Straw-work. Fluting dorm in good styie. A Shaina Littée farm for Saie. On Tuesday. £91321 day of March, AT THE BRITISH HOTEL, I-N DURHAM, at I n’c1ock in the afternonn, the Farm iate in the occupation of Michael. Ryan, decmsed. in the township of Bentinck, con- taining 49 man‘s, more or 188*. being enm- posed of part. or Lots 60 and'Bl, in the 296 Con. Numb of the Durham) Road, ahout ‘10 acres of the land are under cultivation. 'l‘here‘is a good 103 barn, stahie and dwe‘l- ‘ in: 110239, uni the Hun? is link} (We-r half a mile from "h * Durham Road, and three and a half {mm Durham. Half of the purchase money may remain on security of the ptéperty a} 8 per'tenl. prl' anuum. a... ‘ G C ‘Di. The‘deefls will be produced and Tu“ par ticulars given at- the time and p!ace of sale. Joux 3100013, Auctioneer. in the TOWN of BRAMPTON, in the County of P854, on Saturday, 26th of March Next, ‘ n r'iro‘ o’cnovk, 1'. Sr." ij‘ Mr. Hun-a]?! who purchdged. Erect from the Crown, and bdflifln _’ at CC. w:ll guarantee a good fndfép te T1 c of hp Land, free from a}! incumherancrs. wTerms of payment Liberal, and made known at time of‘sale. mom. on 1338, Situate withm 2§ miles of Durham Village: and w thin 2 unles‘ 01 fire Gravel Rod Orom FFI’L’B“ to Glen Suund. Both 1m; Sue heavily timberea with fine Hardwond chiefly Hawks, and a. wcsuigmblq Quantity ofjarge gized Pmd. 3 ' ‘«_ .m‘f‘ - Q .. . -‘ Comprising Lots 35 and 36, in the Bra Concessh)”, West of Garafraxa. Ro-aé, "in the township of Beminck, in the County of Grey, containing wry short distance in the rear thvreof. A few acres have been chart-d, and the soil and general qammy of the {and cannot be exec-Led _i_n the vaince o! Outgrio. , - v. I... u-â€"â€" In addition to lfié roati upon which they have tr- ntwe. a Side Road runs bemeen above 1019. The S 18798.] River 18 within a T‘H‘WMS-ybn have heen‘in‘s‘tm‘cfe'd by WILLIAM HERALD, E~q . uf Hamilton, the pvupriemr u! the above lots. to causv them to be offvrod for sa’e, by Public Ana-Li n, at In the ma'tte bf James Ba'n of “Dufham ’ The Acme Skate JuSt TECEI‘J'EII ‘ r ‘1 . ’t .atF.H.EllWABD'8.m-. an Insolvent. :3 . ‘ J - HE undersigned, Thnmas Grinith, Of! Durham,Jan.5,18.‘O. 3 thn firm of Thomas Griffizh t‘Co;, ' of’lgoronto. has been appomted Auiguee' LAND FOR SALE ”H €1,3me At}??? Md W ' ‘ claim to '1 3 ._ _ g ' T be flM'wfthi awfi'fizmm.‘ " “ ' _. _' qgitJfigCgM Wat‘s}; 113:6”.- T H031 AS 631?? 1TH. ~ cont‘sining' 100 acres, about 30 acres clou- _4 U __ -. . . ._A.-i.m- 112d. Termsâ€"$300 cash. IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BENTINEK, '3“ ”C 801 D by aucti. m. unier a power of sale coulai: ze‘d xu aMurtgage dced Insolvent Act of 1869. fluction Suzie Solicitors for the 't’mmieiot‘, Brampton Baum-ax. Co. or PEEL, 12gb February, 1870. 5 180-5. P4935 meat-gonad A.D. 200 A (1R ES, fiifihfi’fi- ' CUMMINS fit COYNE. I! LOAN. 8‘3." MPEN RnfizLLiofv. 9am KBLSBY’E} GALLERY, BETTER than the BEST fild Cheaper than the Chéapest Fenian R a id” ! Photographs for the Million! Omsite F Xetqper’ s, Upmrg‘owfl The Gfeen-Gage Branch, from MOUNT rennet willfipud blossom at every FStéatien. and bring forth FRUIT at the Terminué i The undersigned would beg to inform the fiublic in general, that he has on hand read} or this Fall or Spring [fighting a large quantity of first class FinitoTreesr- A NEW GAUGE R.6lIL W3 1‘! mmweefl SEBSSRY was established in 1864, and all trees offered For sale were grown in Mount. Forest. 1 will warrant them grafted fruit, of good hardy kinds, as I have tested them, some of them bore fruit this season. Standard Apple Trees from 6 to 7 feet, Dwarf Apples, Siberian Crab and Cherry Trees, that I can recommend. Sitall fruit such as Currants, Gooseberri'e‘s, Radp‘berries, Strawberries. 83., also Ornam n'ta‘. Trees. F lowering Shrubs, Dahlias am. Glanons Bulbs, c. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attend to. cf;- Early Rose, Early Goo‘fl'ei'i‘ch, and Gleason Potatoes for sale, as cheap '23 can be purchased elsewhere. " [Iomewood Nursery, Mt. Forest, September 13lh, 1869. Wties at 1118 BIG AXt, Ju: t to hand “('2irect from the English makers-Best Dm'abie Qualifies, AT idnomo wnousm Macks. wmw zmc: gum Ground in Oil. This paint is superior to. and more durable than the best While Lead, either for inside 9r outside work, Lake going craft, 553. Its use is not injurionam [he beahh. Dxroc‘t from T1105. Hrnz‘vccx a: Sex, London, England. DOOR MATS, Nickle Silver Spoons Forks, (70.1 L 01L, Coal 0i] Lamps, :‘x LARGE 'LOT OF PflfiKET TABLE WTLERY. Impm‘ted direct, wifi “he said RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES Platform Counter Scales, Chimney «S: Wicks, ditch-t flora Makers. ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE Made by the celebrated firm OfGURNEY, \VARE 00.. of Hamilton. in stuck a! Makvrs’prices. These Scales are WAR- Rxx'z‘szn perfect, rphahho, and durabfe~,being made in the very best manner. w. KOUGH. I BE SU BSPRH‘ ER DESTRES TO rent. Lot 3L,’ 7111 can , Ben~finc'k.â€" "I here is 100 acres, about :30 of which are cleared and well fence-d; there 13 a good 100 bones on the pvemises. Ito will be let for six years, or l'ess. a! may be ag-eed upon, and rent 'taken in improxe- meats. MRS. JOHN CLARK. Dec. 22nd. 1869. 151-6. AME tn the p'emises of the subscriber, L”; 17. Con. 33 Sulli’yan, in the mmuth ome‘ember, 1869. aRdd and White Hvifer. two years Md. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay expenses, and take her away. ‘ Lawls ROY, m. AME m the premiees of the subscriber, Lot 20, Cu". 21, Egremout, abum six weeks :20, six Ewes, (one Mack, and five whigeg) The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take them awav. . REAL fifiommi‘ .Tnnv 97 1370. 157 3- IMPORTANT T0 MERCHANTS and Business Men gonerafiy. ()f a reliable quality, in great variety. ELECTROPLATED CRUETS, SPOONS, FORKS 8L0. Owen Sound, Dec. 7, 1869. Dec. 22nd, 1869. Fe'v. 15, 1870. Jauv. 27. 1370 25 Kegb HUBBUCK’S Genuine making Lemmas. JOURNALS, and WAY-BUUKS. ‘ (If? Call and see our satuple Magazines and give your orders at _ ‘ EDW‘ARD’S. 3;}- Ned Arithmetic just received. 0: :£_- _ “fl‘ - - The Acme Skate just received .ut-F. H. EDWABD’Sm 1"cb.15, IS -3 Q owen S‘ou‘nda. xxcycnxm HAND, TABLE. HALL, 5m. ' UST ARRIVED: . A Splendid and variea stock (if SQMzE fififififl'fi”. BLANK BOOKS, .EN BY STORM! FARM TO BEN T. STRAY HEIFER. STRAY SHEEP- SEA'EEES ! A BALE OF rnmcxrwmusu» .y; A. T. GREGORY. , Durham tf. 1593 'J Just Arrived ! DAMAGED GOODS Consisting of the largest stock ever bronght into Durham, 0 extra quality dress goods, Spring Prints, Hollands, Table Linen, Lnstres, Coburgs, French M‘er- inoes, Flannels, Table Oil Cloths ,Cottons‘, Sllirtings, ' Tickings, iJeans, Corsets, Mourning Prints ‘zand Brilliants. He will offer his Entire Stock at nearly cost for CASH. ”V [SS A. FORD, East Glenelg, encouro ‘L. aged b’y litany highly esteemed Lautes'and Gentlemen, respectfully informs the public, that her School is opened to Young Ladirs ”ft-0m ’10 to 20 years of age, of alldenominations. Her programme is as follows: Reading, T‘renchflLanfiagé, - Writing, Musie(Piano a MelodeOn)‘ Grammar, Fancy Work. Geography, Drawing- Painting, Arithmetic, Botany, Mathematics, Chemistry, Composition, Natural I’hilo'BOphy. Politeness and neatness carefully attended to. Owing to exceptionai circumstances, Miss Ford can receive pupils at the ‘very low rate of 555 'r among; 850 to be paid on entering, t e rest to be paid quar- terly in advance. Washing ‘and bedding either to the charge of the parents, or 'furn- isbed at an extra charge. For further in. formation apply to Mm A. Ford, Traverston P 0. Letters mustbeprepaid,andenelose stamps. ' ‘ ' i SPLENDID FARM FOR 8 ALE- Forsale, Lot 13,0011. 7, Glenelg, com pnsmg 100 sol-'63, 60 of which are cl’eared. well watered and fenced, witha gond House. Barn, Stabl‘e and an Urchard of 100 “I‘m: thereon. Mac 50 Act-ea, “Bast, haH‘ 0! Lot 13, Con. 6th, Glenelg, from 8‘ m 10 acres cleared. The show! prooerty nu he sold cheap, and blbai- deed given. â€"- Terms easy. Foi- ”particulars apply to ABRAM GOLD, tt the Durham Ashen-y, or to ABRAS! CQOK, THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES STOCK ON THE 3m MARCH. EXST 61mm; ACADEMY. Ris- Gzenelg, Feb. 2, 1870. (1144f) Immense Stock of slightly OUGET AT 1 Robert Badglish. Lot 7, Con. 6, Glenélg. MCI I ot-number twelvé iii the fiecond con cession, south of the Durham Road, in the tmmahip of Aremisia, in the county of Grey, will be offered for sale, by Satum'ayw l2th 3} March, l870. Under 3153 h‘y virtue of a n'Ower contained in a Mortgage. dated the 2711) Se ptember. 1861, madec by Eu gh Cameron,p of the township of Glenelg, m said county, to John Kefl‘y, of the vil‘ige of Durham, in said county. . ‘flrgyle Hotel,’ Term‘s vand Bonditions will be made known at the time of sale. UPPER TOWN, DURHAM, egs most res pectiully £0 info'rt'n his B fliends and patrons 0 die arrival of his New and Fashionable 3:601! bi Ladies’ and Gent’s Boots. which ai‘e ndw openea out ready for inepection. Every style of Boat br Sho'e 'worn by Ladies or Gentlemen in '1 ORONTO, LONDON or MONTREAL {ad 150w” be Sad {:3th I 1139;." ERR; bought hr! exhnsivel)" amid. this ‘53“ claw. ofgoodsfound in the fifth“, um .91: At a Tréflé fiVér 0081: and Charges‘ QUQIAEG Al‘fl‘ffififl‘. February 7.1., 1970. BOOT 8:. SHOBMAKER, Largest, Choicest I have‘ without exception, at 3 o’cTc‘ék, P. M., at the IN DURHAM; HUGH M‘CKAY, Aucfirineer. 158-5. India and China Tea Company have now been before the public of Canada for nearly three years, and despite {the misrepresentations or interested pavties their superiority has been thoroughly recognized. [‘hev will he found to be PERFECTLY PURE, and to possess UNUSUAL STRENGTH and FINE FLAVOUR. 0:?- Observe tbe Trade Mark on each package. cuss ms alhsswnas, uquéssa. ”now“: we mnoumv; AT THE LATE M. FRAs‘Eivé sTohé. ”LOWER VILLAGE. has 'c‘m'rimenccd businesS in Durham. Shep opposite Boak and Wood‘s' Store, Upper Town. ONTARIO 300T STORE. HE TEAS 0? Tim HIS beautiful Gate is allowed, b) all Who “379,599" it: ‘0 be 2‘59 “Simplett, Best and T Cheapest Snow G3“? yet invygu'ted‘. There ems,” no “fife? 'au excuse for leaving Fields and Orchards exposed all mater and early spnnszz to 11V, damage of Meadows and destmctiOIIMf Fruit Tyegzs, wli'éflafiwe‘YB f9°t_ga'}9; “:29". will clear 24incbes of snow ; gvuvnlkéliker Elder landfis‘i‘xemcloglng‘ ’ {an be his! 35:38. mucus Ar THE EACTOlIgI.-. AA L‘é I \' CHEAP BRY-Goobs. DRY ' GOODS, GROCERIES, N0. 1, rough 33:65-... ---------- 32-75 I “:0. 4, handsomely paintedr . .~ ; 5;; 4.00 NO- 2! .;;..'.’.'.. .h .,,.,.;-;. - - - 3311' No‘. 5, Extra,.-.- .. .. .u, .,.-.. . 4 50 Mo. 3, di‘éssedmnpaintedpgz'; ...._ 3,50 NB.‘ 6, .......... . ;.-;-. ...... 5.0.0 ThiaGlfihunzbb 1“!ng Y6 3"? brdinaryg te-post; can be hung with any description 65$!th “38 dfiépte'd. férsny kind of latch or fastening ; can be raised. 8 'or 24 ‘inebee' with}: e huh, théker than moat‘fnlks can raise money; cw be_ ”do Q highly on;- hi'enta , '53: fall a; useful 'gatc by putting on pickets cut to any pattefili Thé enmr‘m BA R'é-AI’XS of boom 3 a; $3035 to he had in Durham, at the PRACTICAL "TAILOR 2 made By {Be best Workmen, and of Stock o'fthe beat quifit‘y, ‘htest style, mm: JONES. warranted 'to wear well and fit neatly. (Lj- Butter and Eggs taken as Cash, and the highest pfiéeh all‘fifi’e'd. Ladies’ Missei’ Prfinéila Gaiteys Balmorals selling at (3081'. Dainty, Township and Farm Right3 {of 9313'. (11‘;- Buy no Gate, nor. have any Gate made, uniil yon haé'as‘één Durham, Dec. 1, 1868‘. FRESH ARRIVALS IN floods, Readv-Made Clothing, Baots Alia Shoes: $01.3 Admi- iron DURHAM: C. DE‘ICENZIE Patented Jun'é 9th, 1869. HATS eAPs, Crockery, GlassWare, Clothing, item ATE NT Git TE. All of which Wiil be sold at a small advance on A; @fifii‘aéi Sfifififi’fwfi a? OPENED GUT NOTICE II. :,Donnell’s Patéfit Gaté,i CUSTOM WORK Tm... _' . . . . .32 ?5 l \o. 4, handsomely painted,” 0-.- 00° W3Q3:Np 5,EX‘T3,.-.1.3....5..'. fi¥¥ATERPROOFING new: on 89012? $07101; (LATE OF monoxro.) (DURHAM, ext-115.103 FOR J. H. HUNTER. kOI‘ - " “i V1651 atluvu we '11 mu my , $2.75, or without patent hang: re DU? 8 .,\N ()NT U: I“ £33 The B’ost is tlié ehoab‘efit § iFiré Pi‘fibi Sates i Fire Bmglar Pwuf Cambium! The 05%? real security against sale in the Dominion that never fail to preséri'e Blair bontents. They have been tested in ov‘ei- 0x1: HUNDRED FIRES; many . of them having been RED HOT from four to ten hours, get not a READER NOTE THE FACT: Cur Dollars' worth of property or a single Setup of paper has eve been destroiy‘ed in one of them. . Va'uri Doors for Brick Vaults and all other kinds of Fire and Burglar Proof Securities. - _PleaSe send for Ciréhl'a'r Price List. ’iddress . 9: HE FOLLOWING REMARKS 0% Testimonials of most» wonderful and extract-dummy cures in Canada by the GREAT ngIAN REMEDY. jibe}: m J: 8: d. TAYLOR’ S stern, undeniable and income-stable {ac sufficient to convince the most skeptics. that the Great Medical Compound yearned after for surge is now accessible in the Great Shoshonees Remedy I For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive Organs, Kiineys, 53c ., as welias Scrofula, the unions S1110 Diseases, Human. and all d1seases arising from impuritxes of the blood, we bfldlvs state that this great remedy has NEX 12R BEEN EQUALLED. W here was there ever such a cure as that in the person of Wilson Storms,of Brighton, Qntuflf Consugption ; or that of Peter C. v--- â€"- v'nâ€"vâ€"â€"-r -â€"--- , .. __. V. m1er,of Earnestown, Ont.. of Con. snmption; .or that of Ambrose Wood of Consecon, 05“., .of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John Hoary, of Napapnee, Out, of Rh‘enmatism, who had actually been on crutches for years, in spite. of all treatment heretofo. e, and :8 now weli. Scores of such cases might be mentioned had ye _spa_ce. ‘ - n K cir'calar, of unqllestzonah!e certificate; on the GREA T SH OSHONEES REMED Y Wholesale Agenta-Northrop Lyman, Newcastle, Lyman, Ellion 09., Toronto. 4' PILLS, and satisfy yourselves. Price of the Remedy in large pints 3L 3:} For sale by all Dmggiats and Balm-i in Medicine. To Messrs. Cnsxasnun a Sagas, Conway P. 0. County of Lennox, Ontario, Can. ada. ' . _ Manoc, County of IIastings, Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1869. This is to certily that during the winter of 1866 I was taken with a weakness of the ankles. which g'rad't’tally, during the spring of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, land I became so weak that I could not walk, but was confined to my chair. For about two years, while this weakness was coming on me, and after- wards, I sought medical advice, employing at difl'erentttme'a, three doctors, and media cines of different kinds prescribed by friends..- but of no avail. I continued to get. wand and worse, until the summer of 1868- when [ was induced to try the great Shoshone-es, Remedy by reading the cures performed. in a pamphlet. At this time I had begun to feel the weakness in my hands ; in fact I was getting almost hetnless. I have taken two bottles of the shallow Remedy and two boxes of the pills. and I am entirely restored to health. I never expected to , get better, but simply tried the medicine as i a sort of forlorn hope. This case of thine was not a private one, but known to all my neighbors and friends ; and to any one afiicted as I was, I have only to say try the Shoshoné'e’e Rinnedy, l believe it will care you. ,. . Many Axe ' ov’anrr. Swot? to before in! at Maduc, Conntv of Huangs this ninth day hf February, 1869. . . , , ft. F. WOOD, J. P. dzc. I hereby o‘erti‘fy that I have known Hrs. Mary 51 ”mighty for the last fifteen years; she is 9, woman of probity and truth. I 53% known her before, during, and since her illness. I bezieve her certificate to be {true in every particular. I know that while ill her case was declared hopeless; and 1 know that she has, since her recovery always attributed her recovery to the Sho- shonees Remedy- Whatever may be the peculiar properties of this medicine, one thing is certain that in her case, it has act- ed aanSt like the performance of a miracle.’ A. F. Woon, J. P. Whitfield of the county of Hastings, Pm. lrina of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. .LJ 1869, for a.» sum of $275, drama 53 f; V -r of James Webber, of Normanbv. against James llarghall fit" Normuuhy, d. 9 15M 'oprri‘, {870. A" panic-s are here- 153;”!in against purchasing or negoiL' .uing uid {tote 881 have flopped pa} men: 3 of the same. ej- Cit! at the DrugiSwrasjgnE get is Fire and Burglars I are the only Safes for pat or mid. a. Note (1996 2nd Cit. Dch ~ . M1. 16.. a STOP AND SEE! LOST NOTE. 1:91. J. TAYLoii Safe Works, Toronto, Ont. PATIST 3335773. \YFRV‘KR ever

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