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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Mar 1870, p. 3

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ENTS. to :ts. N’S, ‘ungs; .9 l “008 EDDU 003. KNES'S IN {eases next hop, Upper HR to devote )@ tum. iBCC‘S pa} 3 Hect- f Lots NOS- Concession he township easutement veil, :hth Conces- g, containing .ortmcnt 'OT ‘? 10p! .be FIN T1 0N. there 13 a. The land 13 twelve miles an! tour mil” DS, 3:110 VCI’S fall, '1' 0101350. “OWN nul :zsr- ENELG 1 OF SALE B‘lortgages bale, on IL HAM- '.S, E Q q" @@@ l, WU, mama @@@@ WORK; ‘. and a ' to suit H HA HMS 0 U!!!» QO'QO Q. G 3‘ Fenian organization. against the Canadas, be undertaken until FBSIAN FORCES AND YR} The following from tt Star, is a rather creditabl .;fl,p.doodle”-â€"â€"tbe meanin; L :m- “the food that fools IBC Una-m.- ----e in}! and sifheicnt supp‘iy of'tvar'material. _ He has also the sympathy and eo-opera- tion of most of the leading men in the Fenian organization. This ‘movement‘ against the Cauadas, however, will not! be undertaken until every arrangement has been made to secure its success; and Cu»..- the plans of "Gen. O'Neil are carried out, the Britishera will be driven like chafl' before the wind, and the flag of Erin will yet. be planted on the heights in the towns of Grey, Under and by virtue of a power contained in a Mort-gage. dated the 2m: September, 1861, made by Hugh Cameron, of the township of Glenelg, in said county, to John Kelly, of the village of Durham, in said county. Saturday, |Zth nf March, WU w Terms and conditions will be made known at the time of sale. LGIYIICALE C.) c) .2: DURABLE and E WILSON. BOWMAN CO, HAMILTUH 03?. 1‘ Quebec ‘flrgyle Ilotel, . . . . I Scwmg‘ Efiachme: Is the most. complete Sewing Machine made. The price of the Maehine, on beautiful stand, walnut top, mouldmgs and drawers is LAND; SALE 911-51110. mama HMPLE AND ELEGANT! that 3e an: Luu sun v.1"- costs ' 2" he Luuadxau neo- All persons mung claims a2aiust J. C. fact, Griffith |wxllremue to resent them without 3 ff“- :2 , . delay. .. »"v H' ‘ I q 32:.) fauna!» an arm) of Irish 1100 . Ddrham, Max-ch 0:11, 1570. 162 6. 7 Inc PW PILUW Ul "I ' vy lVlU’ you w... It surpasses all others yet attempted in; them to be offered for sale, by" VPublic the most essenti il particulars. It 13 simpler,§ A uction, at and consequently much more easily man- aged , it is more durable, and consequently a E c g S a fl 3 E a; will last much longer , it is more ele vantly . finished, and consequently makes a more in the TOWN of BRAMPTON, in agreeable appearance; it runs easier, and the County of Peel, on consequently does not fat-i _gu'e the Operator; Saturday 26th Of March Next ’ it does more work and of a better quali ty: l in an equal Space oftime, an} is conse ; quentty more economical; i"... does betterl 8 work, and a greater variety 1* and con- sequently possesses a L roster aptabi lity- , ,--A-,_ _ _-____‘ 1. -L- __. __-- l l 1 AT Two 0’ CLOCK, P. M. Mr. Hex-am who purchased, diréct from the Crown, and holds the Patent Deed, 3 will ouarantee a good Indisputable Title of The above sa’e has been postponed until TURDAY, 25m day of MARCH, 1870. c objective p it its a greater wife-saver,labor-saver.money. saver, time-saver, board-saver, and conse- quently appeals more completely to the philanthropic instincts of humanity, it has stood the test of actual use, and has achiev- ed a great popularity. Purchasers should not select a. machine until they have ex. stained the LOCKMAN, it they would save alarg’e amount of future annoyance and trouble. 0t number twelve in the seconu um I cession, south of the Durham Road, he township of Aremisia, in the county of Grev. will be offered for sale, by INSOLVENT ACTS OF 1864. 1865 8a 1869, '1‘ IS UNDEXIABLE, â€"'v' V. In the County Cami ofvllvu; County of Grey. i i Covx'i'Y oi- Gum, SAMUEL Mormon 311‘: To Wnt: Insohent. 330° 2 won NOTICE is herehy given that on the thos Twenty sixth dayC3 of march, in the whe year of our Lord 1870, at two of the clock due in the afternoon, the undersigned will I fixed apply to the Judge of the said Court, for a at a discharge un_der the said _.Acts g the CAXADA, Oxnmo, ,} In tne matter of3 T prepara! By WM. BARRETT, His Attorney, ad litcm. 1‘ ”Is UNDEXIABLB, '1' IS UNDE KIA 81E THAT the Ln’ckman Machine is not only the LATEST but also the BEST of its kind, befme the pubhc. Call and Inspect. Agent for Durham and vicinity, THAT the Lockman Machine, altho’E not much exceeding in price tbei very cheapest machine manu-f factured anywhere. is yet} INCUMPARABLY superior '. to any cheap machine yet "brought out. ' i Durham, March 1611:, 1870. THAT the Lo'ckman Machine has achieved an IMMENSE POPU- LARITY in the short time it has been before the peeple. THAT the Lockman Machine already occupies a poeition only accorded ’to others after years of toilsome 'efl‘ort. IS UNDEN’IABLE, THE LOCKJIAN POSTPONED. MAN ['FACTURED BY IN DURHAM, Ye p01!) o’clo XODS Flam? SHUTTLE F. H. Edwards. turning beeu‘apprised, on the at he has the full sym- :v of the Canadian peoo SAMUEL moaaow, at. to H ”G H MCKAY, Auctioneer. 0. ' 158-5. P. 1.1., at the making another Lble specimen 03 ing of that word .13 grow fat on” on that General g vigorous bl“ decisive sum- n the second cor the Durham Road I: General ntion 18 WILL UV DULu vâ€"v_‘. _-_ . _. ‘ Parties requiringfinythmg In the Hm Eiue will do well "to 'cail and em .5. stock bcfure purchasing ‘clsewhen, The .atock consists of Team HM‘, W Harness. Single Harness: Riding Rigg of :61 kinds, and a Splendid assortment of “‘7”st all of which must be sold. " “A Par'ties indebted to the said 30% C. Gri fizh, either by Note or Book Account are requested to call immediately and settle the same, accounts and notes due and “paid on the 2m!) April will be plated in“ COURT for collection. ‘ . ml.“ pnnku find \ohtes will .m found in V vâ€"__ C The Bdoks and )wtes the 8110p as usual. Strict atteutzon to th« costs. m. .- - ' ’ tJ. c. All persons hanng claims azmns . Grifiithfiwill require to present them “about delay._ -- \ A]. 1:27“ 1fi9R IN THE STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY um, OPPOSITE MIDDAUGH’S HOTEL. .GREAT {825036503238 2 Open for a few m: mxxaupr STOCKWOF 0 BE SOLD by auction._unfier é. power of gale contained in a. Mortgage Jeed, A Ghuice lime. Farm for Sale. Goods Below Wholesale Cost! 1 On Tuesday. 29th day of March, AT THE BRITISH HOTEL, IN DURHAM, Goods at WHOLESALE Cost, :11 1 o’clock in the afternqnn, the Farm .ate in the occupation of Michael Ryan, deceased. in the township of Bentin’ck, con- taining 40 acres, more or less‘ being com- posed of part of Lots 60 and 61, in the 2:16 con. North of the Durham R uad, about 40 :cres of the land are under culnvation. 1 here 13 a good log barn, stable and dwell- ing house, an} the land rs little over halt :1 mike from the Durham Road, and three and a h \11 from Durham. 11:11fo the purchase money may remain on security of the property at 8 per cent. [if-'1‘ 11.011111“. ‘ The deeds will be produced and full par- ticular: given at the time and place of sale. {Comprising Lets 3'5 and 36, in the 3rd '; Concession, West of Garafraxa Road, in i the township of Bentinck, in the County of '1 Grey, Containing DURHAM, Feb i In addition to the road upon which they 3 have frontage. a Side Road runs between ! above lots. The Saugeen River is within a i very short. distance 'incthe rear thereof. A ! few acres have been Cleared, and the soil [ and general quality of the land cannot be excelled in the Province 0! Ontario. . 1 The undersigned have been instructed by WILLIAM HERALD, 13511., of Hamilton, : the pr0prietor of the above lots, to cause ; them to be offered for sale, by Public , Auction, at. a. c. "GRIFFiTHz H1191; mom: on LESS, Situate within- ".‘ miles of Durham Village, and thbin 2 miles of the Gravel Road ham Lcrgus to Owen Sound. Both lots are heavily timbered with fine Hardwood. chiefly Maple, and a. cbnslderable quantity of large Sized Pine. 1 ‘II .I__ C ANADA PERMAJ‘ 'bN 1' Bmldmg 8: Savings Society, Incorporated A. D. 1855. the 1-3;;6,--fr~e; E70611; Eilâ€"iâ€"ficu‘lrxberances. [if-Terms ‘of payxpent Liberal, and made known at time otsale, Dunbam, 'Fcb. lst, 1870. he undersigned is prepared to receive applications for Loans from the above Society, on the usual Libbral Terms; and would take this means of informing all those who, on account of the failure in the 3 wheat crop, and present low prices of pro- duce are unable to make their payments, 9 that the Society will renew all such Loans at a trifling expense; and give the parties ‘; the advantage of present reduced rates. - 1 DAVID JACKSON, 13..., MONEY TO LOAN. IN THE TUWNSHW 0F BENTINCK, J‘uction Sale 01“ Solicitors for the Proprietor, Brampton. BRAMPTOX, Co. or PEEL, 12.11 February, 1870. ONLY 3 so that all who wis‘ Paid up Capital, ........ $1,030,000 Invested on Real Estate, . . . 1,900,000 Annual Income, . . . . - -- . . . 400,000 Durham, Feb; 16th, 1870. AND SOME LINES OF MUST CALL EARLY. 200 ACRES, TERMS-CASH Oxu' ! GOODS. The Store wiil be CUMMI-NS COYNE. to the above will save NADA PERMA} ENT 0F 2lst, 1870. JOHN MOODIE, H. HUNTER. Auctioneer. i {:1} Duly Rose, Early Goodérich, and , ‘ 3 Gleason Putatoes for sale, as cheap as can fly § I be purchased elsewhere. E A. T. GREGORY. 160.5. OPEN REBELLION. TAKEN; BY STORM! Fenian Raid ! Photn’graphs fur the Million! BETTER than the BEST and Cheaper than the Cheajiest at KBLSEY’S GALLERY, Adan. Opposits Fletcheris, Upoer Town, Durham: RflIL Wfl Y! The Green-Gage Branch, from MOUNT FOREST, will bud blossom at every Station, and bring forth FRUIT at the Terminus ! E was established in i864, and all trees 0581136 I for sale were grown in Mount Forest. I will wirrant them grafmd 'fruit, of good I hardy kinds, as I have tested ‘them, some of " them bore fruit. thig _seasyl_2__n. “St‘and-ard he'tndersigned would beg to inform the public in general, that he hzm on hand ready fdr'this Fall or Spring: planting a large quantity of first. class Fruit~Trees.- H'GMEWGGfl REESE!“ Apple Trees from 6 to 7 feet,‘Dwarf Apples, Siberian Crab and Cherry Trees, that I can recommend. Small fruit such'as Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, a., also ‘Ornamental Trees. Flowering Shrubs, Dahlias and Gladious‘Bulbs, «inc. All orders by mail or othé‘rwiée‘promptly attend to. IIomewood \ursery, \It. Forest, September 13th,1869. mm at the BIG AXE, Just to band, direct from the English makersâ€"Best Durable Qualities, AT meE ma yams: Grounfi in Oil. This point is superior to, and more durabie than the best White Lead, either for inside or outside wo‘x‘k, Lake going craft, 8L0. Its use is not injurious to the health. Direct from Tnos. Hunnccx J: 80):, London, England. C6 1L OIL, Coal Oil Lamps, AND Nickle Silver spoons Forks, Of a rel: able quality, in great variety. A NEW GAUGE ‘ ficwmim _ .. HAND, TABLE, HALL, c. Chimneys 8.: Wicks, direct fx-Om Makers. A LARGE 1201‘ OF PDGKET TABLE OliTLERY. Imported direct, will be said {ETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE Platform Counter Scales, Made by the celebrated firm ofGrRxm', Wu}; .1: C0., of Hamilton, in stock at Makers’ prices. These Scales are WAR- RANTED perfect, reliable, and durable,being made in the very best manner. W. KOUGH. ”HE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES TO renj. Lot 32, 7th con., Bentinck.â€" There in 100 acres, about 30 of which are cleared and Well fenCed'; there is a good log house on the premises. It will be let for six years, or less, as may be agreed upon, and ’rent taken in ifirprove- meats. . ‘ MRS. JOHN CLARK. Dec. 22nd. 1869. 151-6. AME to the premises of‘the subscriber, Lot. 17. Con. _13. Sullivan, in the month of'November, 1869 aRed and White Heifer, two years old. i‘he owner is re- quested to prove property, pay expenses, and take her away. AME to the premises of the subscriber, Lot 20, Con. 21, Egremont, about six weeks ago, six Ewes, (one black, and five white.) The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take them away. NEIL MCDONALD, h..-- 67 3R7n_ 157 3. LLECTROPLATED ORUETS, swans, FORKS 8L6. IMPORTANT TO MERCHANTS and Business Men generally. 25 Kegs HU BBL ”CK’S Genuine TORONTO WHOLESALE PRICES Owen Sound, Dec. 7, 1869. OT No. 16, Con. 3, West of the Gara~ fruits-Road. Township of Bentinck, containing 100 men, about. 30 acres clear- ed. Termsâ€"$300 cash. ' .. PATRICK WELSH. Feb.15, 1370. . 159. Dec. 22nd, 1869. Feb. 15, 1870. fany; 27. 3870. ()weii Sounds and give your orders at The Acme Skate just received at.F H. EDWARDS. Durhétfi, Jan. 5, 1870. SQAME Afifififlfi’a Us? ARRIV_ED§ , A splendid and varied stock _ _ ‘ BLANK , BOOK§ FARM TO RENT. STRAY D"' J'â€"' ‘ , . EDWARDS. New Aritfimetlc just received. SHEEP- LAND FOR SALE- A BALE OF 535539333 2 LEWIS ROY, JR. HEIFER. tf. 159-3 Consisting of the largest *s’teekfi ever brought into Durham, extra quality dl‘eSS goods, Spring Prints, Holland‘sy Table Linen, Lnst‘f‘es, CobnrgS, Freneh M‘erg ’inoes, Flannels, Table Oil Cloths iiCottons, Shirtings, Tiekings, :Jeans, Corsets, Mourning Prints Eand Brilliants. of He will offer his entire Stock at nearly ‘cost for CASH. THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES STOCK ON THE “gm MARCH. :1} [SS A. FORD, East Gleuelg, encouro aged by many highly esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen, respectfully informs the public, that her School is ‘opepedto Young Ladies from l0 to 20 years of gage,‘1 of all denominations. Her programme is} as follows: Reading, French Language, .. j Writing, Music (Piano a; Melode'oui Grammar, Fancy Work, 5 ‘ Geography, Drawing ‘ Painting, Arithmetic, Botany, Mathematics, Chemistry. Composition, Natural Philosophy; ‘Politeness and neatness carelull y attended to. Owing to exceptional circumstances, Miss Ford can receive pupils at the very low rate of $50 per annum; $10 to be paid on entering, the rest, to be paid quar- terly in advance. Washing and bedding either to the charge of the parents, or furn- ished at “an eatra charge. \For further in- , formatibnapply'to Eli's: A. Ford, Traverston P. 0. Letters must be prepaid, and enclose stamps. SPLENDID FARM FOR S ALE Forsale, Lot 13, Con. 7, Glenelg, com’ prnsmg 100 acres, 60 of which are cleared well watered and fenced, witha good House, 'Ba'rrr,‘q table Baden- Orchard Of 100 Trees thereé'n. Also 50 such, East half or Loti3, Can. 6th, Glenelg, Irom 8 to 10 acres cleared. The aboveo profierty will be Bold cheap, and clear deed gzven. â€" Terms easy. For particulars apply t‘b ABBAM GOLD it the Durham Ashery, or to ABRAM COOK; EAST BLENELB ACADEMY. Immense Stock of slightly East Glenelg, Feb. 2, 1870. OUG’HT AT (1144a) :Rabert Dalglish. “WU LL, L0t7, ”Con. 6, Glenelg. rNNES' nREAT nLEAm-NG QALE. Begs .moa’t reépectfully 3:0 ,inform his friend§.dnd patrons pf the arrival of his New andFashiQdame Stock of Ladies’ and Gent’s Book's, ‘fivhich arg. tidy ‘ ppened out ready fOt .in‘sp‘ectipn; EVery Mile of Boot or Shoe wor'n by‘hadi'é's or Gentlemen in.TOR‘Ob§_T0, LONDON or MommmL can now _ be ligd from J. Ross” “Hiving bought v'c-ry extensively, and thé-Best class of goods fod’n’d in the market, I will sell At a. Trifle ovéi" (50:33}; ”and Gfi‘arges. and the best made Boots 6: Shoes ever imported into Durham. Come early! Buy quickly, and don’t leave it. till the best lots have been sold. (Ij- Don’ t forget that the CHEAPEST SPO IN DURHAM, for the Best Boots, is at AMES ROSS’ store, next door to Mr. J. H. Hunter’s Mammoth Tailoring Esmbljphment, Upper Town. Jams wmmam ., ‘ . TINSMITH, ‘ GARAFRAXA STREET, DURHAM. ('rwo poons xon'rn or rm; nnm'éé.) EVERY description of Tinw’a‘re con- stantly on hand and made to order. All work 13 yunsunfactnred under my own supervision, and none but the very best stock used. JUBBING done promptly and in the very beat style, at the lowest livinfi.r ratéfi. fif-PartiCular attention paid to Eave Tro hing. A large stock or StoveoPipea, fibowa, T Pripeétt and Ridge Lin B “1‘“ Plate, alwayq. on b GAS 0R TRADE. HEREAS my wife, Mariah Horton, having léft mv bed and board the 23rd of Octobeft, 1869, without any just came or provocation, I now forbid any per; son or pet-305$ crediting or harborina he; on my account, as, I shall not pay any aeBu contracted by her arm minim. ; . . , - ' A. R. HORTON, l Glen'elg; March 4111, 1870. 152 3. BOOT 8L SHOBMAKBR, Largest, Choicest I have, without exception, the Dun. -AM, Mav 10th,1869. ll9-1y. UPPER TBW'N, Emmi}, Nb'I‘ICE. [hp and Ridge band, 031%? FOR 3 (76y) have now Been before ybeflpublic of Canada ('0: neayly. three. ~years, and despite the misrepresentations 0t ih’terested parties their superioryy has been 1horoughly recognized. Thev wi‘l he found to he PERFECTLY PURE, .and .to_possess UNUSUAL STRENGTH and FINE FLAVOUR. 0:}: ObserVe the Trade Mark on each package. AT THE ‘L‘A‘TE M. FRASER’S STORE, {CWER VILLAGE. cuss nun cuséfi‘ifi, {with-s. “mama: Ann "when“. has cothence‘d business in Dnflfi’am. Shop opposite Boak and Wééd‘s' Store, Upper Town. CHEAP DRY - GOODS; {HE TEAS OF 1 ONTARIO BOOT STORE. THIS beautiful Gate is allowed, by all who have seen it, to be the Simplest, Best and '; Ch” peat Snow Gate yet Invented. There CXiStS no ldhger an excufeior. leaving l FieldB an Orchards exposed all winter and early spring, to the damage of Meadow: and l destrit'cti'on of Fruit Trees, when a twelve foot gaté. Which will clear ‘24 inches of snow ; ‘1 Open to either side, and is self-closing. can be had for $2.75, 0,. Without patent hangerg‘ $2.38. PRICES AT THE FACTORY [2 No. 1, rough gate, .............. $2.75'Nd. 4, bandsomél} pa‘inted,.;..--.- 4.00 No. 2. 3.00 No. 5, Extra,.,,, 450 Mo. 3, dressed,nnpainted,;;;; .;;- 3.50 No. 6, ........................ 5.00 This the can be hung}? an'y ordinaryg te-p'ost‘; can be firing with any description of hinge, is adapted, fni- any kind of latch or fastening ; can be raised 3 or. 24 inches with one hand quicker than meet fglks can raise money; can be made a highly Orna. mental, a: veil as awful gate by pnttin g on pickets cut to any pattern. édfinty; Township and Farm Rights for Sale; l a? B'iiy it) Gate, nor hail». any finite made, until you have scan Meponllell’s P A T E N T G A T E. of? Buiter 311;} 'Egg‘h‘tflken as Cash, and the highest pricéé fiiowed. PRACTICAL TAILOR z The GREATEST BARGAINS of BOO'lS SHOES to be had in Durha'in, at the made by the best Workmen, and of Stock of the he‘st qu.alit.y, ‘1'a‘feit style, warranted to wear well and fit neatly. . : , mums SoNEs. Ladies’ 8% HisS‘ét’ firfihefia Gaitgrg g; Balmorals selling at Coast. Durham, Dec. 1, 1868. 'SOLE AGENT FOR DURHAM : HATS CAPS» Paténted June 9th, 1869. All of which Will be sold at a small advance on A; mam}; gamma a»? OPENED (PUT ‘F‘iifié-H ARRfiTiALs IN Readv-Mafle Giloth'ing, Boots and Shoes, MéDonniell’s Pfiem Gate, NOTICE. French, CUSTW _ *WOR'K GROCERIES, ‘ fiWATERPROOFING DONE 0N sib‘fi'r ROTICE (LATE OF TORONTO.) (DURHAM, ONTARIOJ FOB. *3. H. HUNTER. 'AT er-gnr .7 ' a" 1- 981mm, oxmmo. yr‘ fluanm 3m mm H The Best is the Cheabb‘t '! "'5 ire Pr'éof Safesf Rte Hurg‘la‘r PM Combined 3" REEUm NOTE THE’ FAC‘T Safes fire the only Safés for fail to preser'v'é their conféiifsl' They have 130013 ‘té‘stcd in ME: ONE HENDRED FIRES; many of "them having been RED HOT froni foil} ”c6 fen hours, yet not a sale in the Dominion that never Dollars’ "W‘drth 'Of ip‘roperty or a single scrap of p‘a‘fie‘r "lia‘s ‘ever ’b’é'en destroyed in one of fhefi. The only real Sec'fii'ty” against .Vault Doors for BIic'k Vaults and all other kinéfs of Fi‘1e and Burglar P1 00f Secmities. 1 Please seh‘ri for Circular anti Price List. Address J. a a; TAYtOR’ Hi: FOL'LO‘WING REMARKS ON Testimonials of most wonderful and extraordmary cures in Canada by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They are stern, undeniable and incontestable facts} sufficient to convince the most skeptlca’ that the Great Medical Compound yearned after for ages is now accessible in the Great. For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive Organs, Kidneys, c.‘, as well as Scrofula, the various Skin Diseases,.1‘£9‘mms, and all dszeases arising from impurities of the 131063, we boldly state that thisgreat remedy ‘has NEVER BEEN EQUALLE‘D. W here was there ever such a cure as ihat in the p'emd'n 'o‘f ‘Wiison Storms,0f Brighten, Ont.,‘0f'Cdnsuifiption ; or that of Peter C. V. Miller, 'Of Earnestown, Ont, of C0};- sumption ; ,or final of Ambrose Wood, of Consefibn, Out, of Dyspepsia and Live" Complaiutho'r that,.of John Hosey, of Napanee, Ont.,’of Rheumatism, who had actually b'éen 'OH crutches for years, in Spite. of all treatment heretofoze, and is now well. Scores of finch cases might be mentioned had ye gpgce. Q 'h h C 0? 02111 at the Drug Stores and get'a. circular, o_f unquestionable certificatps o_n_ __ _ __ __ .____-A_ __ __-___-‘ the GREA T SH OSHONEES REJIED Y 4' PILLS, and satisfy yourselves. Price of the Remedy in large pints $1. _‘ (I? For sale by all Druggiats and Dealers in Medicine. Wholesa‘e Agent=â€"Nortbrop ‘3: Lydiiifi, Newcastle, Lyman, Elliott Co., Toron't'o'. To Messrs. Cmunsaurs aSiLrs, Conway P. 0. County of Lennox, Ontario, Can- ada. .. ‘ Msnoc, Co‘nnt‘y‘of Hastings, Province of 'Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1809‘. This is to certil-y that during the winter of 1866 I was taken with a weakness of the ankles, which gradually, during the spring of 1867,.eifitended to my knees, and on in to my hips, and I became so weak that I could not walk, but. was confined to my chair. For about two years, while this weakness was coming on me, and after- wards, I sought medical advice, employing at different times, three doctors and med-L cines of dtfl‘erent kinds prescribed by friends, but of no avail. I continued in net worse . and worse, uhtil the summer of 1868, when ‘ I was inducedtq try the great Shoshonees Remedy by reading the cares performed, in a pamphlet. -. 2ft. this time I had begun to' feel the weakness in my hands ; in fact I was- rotting almost helpless. I have taker; two 'ottles of the shoshonees Remedy and two boxes of the pills, and I am entirely ‘ restored to health. I never expected to get better, but simply tried the medicine as a sort of forlorn hOpe. This case of wing was not a private one, but known to all ".‘Y neighbors and friends ; and to any one afflicted as I was, I have only to say try the. Shoshonees Remedy, I believe .it‘will Cure you. Msar Axx Dorcmrr Sworn to before me at. Madoc, Conntv of Hastings this ninth day of February, 1869: A. F. Woon, J. P. arc: I hereby certify that I have known Mrs). Mary Ann Doughty for the last fifteen-yeast she is a woman of probity and truth; I have known her be ore, daringguii since her illness. I believe her ce . gr. eate to be true in every particular. . - 3know that while ill her case. wa‘sfd'é‘elared hopeless ; and 1 know that s e has, since her recovery always. attributed er recovery to the Sho- shonbes Remedy- Whatever may be the peculiar. properties of this medicine, one thihggs certain that in her case, it has set? e‘d almost like the performance of a miracle . A. F. W00? 3. P. Warden of the county of Hastings, P10 Vince of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. ost ormiél'a'ia, 9'. Note dated 2021 Oct, 1869, f9: the. sum of $275. drawn in favor of Jams Webber, of N ormanhv. agqinst Lubes Marshall of N ormanby, dté first of April, 1870. All parties are here. by cautioned against purchasng or negoti- aziug said note as I have stopped payment of the same. . ~- JAMES WEBRER. . Feb. 7th, 1870. _ 158 3: Fire and Burglfii‘s '! L JUL .ué‘: Au JIV‘I "\v\.‘â€"w w-v Shosohohe'es Remedy! STOP AND SEE '1 J. J. TAYLOR Los’f NOTE. Safe Works, Toronto, Ont. PATEXT

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