West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Mar 1870, p. 3

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iGONS SAWN nfactnre, applying ’3 Tariff s 1864. IICOL, an eir SL'E‘I- worm-4 .xt‘. 013‘ 11']. t Ben. the pecm they are 5.1, a. feeling Ubuzxxu' A. gas in tfic by are the ‘0 [e the B1131, 0 at change mm 00 @@ {1,333. .53: Directorat- 1870 71 3‘- ]870-71 ‘ 1870-71 4 afimmmmmmmm 0000040097 @@@@@@@@.@@ act-eased de» led 300:, of my nformation. r in the sew ad Twenty inly on the ailway and aces on the :tion of tho 'i68- Direcioriel omct ever are not be: re, bug by 1870-71 years. Society in érectories ‘, 1870. y name has in counect canvassed istinct from mes it has have been use desiring mks to see‘ rlves as act- satisfactory 5 3 I >®© IO 6., on we? prepared, 1 Manda; Lds will be .ssigne 1870 T ' LA‘V', CO, ,UMBER .le cheap, for live IIRECTOBY 1 to be know mats of all be {Bus af- Spectacles ftrcngt/tm- 1,000, 000 2,000,000 .sist the Publisher. 'élegraph 164t£ OAN. , Jr., missioner; “(ls TEE.“ Suniety, 30 CLES, They instruc- 19 the afternoon, the Farm‘ late in the occupation of Michael Ryan, ' the: township of Bentipck, con- ' o 49 acres, more or leSS. a haifftom Durham. 38'"? of the purchase money may remain on security of the prope per annum. The deeds will be produced and full par- ticulars given at the time . .nvt\f \lnnD‘E. late in the 0ch mining 49 acres, IN THE- STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY um, OPPOSITE MIDDAUGH’S HOTEL. ofsz Goods Below Wholesale Cost! ! Durham, WiLLIAM ASHDOWN’S . “3 BE fiEflM £91353 ” DRY G00DS,B Making up a Full Assortmen '; b Just Received, Datum, Feb. 213t, 1870 To Cash Buyers'i‘fi: Special request is made t9 M’EZ L- ! FOR 7 [1 their A TTENTION BEST QUALITY OF ALWAYS OX HAND. ISIYE E118 Tfififi z} TBRLy BRUCEHIES, "FIRMWARE: 3 SOLD by auction' sale contained in a? OPEN REBELLHDNQ TAKEN BY STORM! i Fenian Raid. ’? the MC Twig“ Photographs fmt the Minion. «hen Opposite Fhlcher’a, 1' pper Town, Durham: : To all persons who like a cup of 01" ARTICLES IN DEMAND 1'! THIS Hatch 15, 1870. ONLY 2’20 that all who wish COAL OIL Cheaper than the Cheapest GOOD TEA. L0 WEB '1'0 WN, 01‘ OF FRESH GOOD 'V 51 IN I-HEY CANNOT BE BEATEN. AND WHO DOES NOT ? AND SOME LINES 0F ‘W. A. respectfully ann’cunces to his customers, that he pays the closest attentign to select- the (“0393‘ aucuuuu LU acICLr ing Goods of First Class Quality and Value. At the same time, by close -pérsonal attention, his business is carâ€" ‘ned on zit the least. possible .1 Feb. lat, 18.0. MUST CALL EAR expense, and TERMS-CASH ONLY ! He can offer inducements The Store wiil be .1011); MOODIE, Anctioneer- WM. ASHDOWN, 0F A303. IN DURHAM. AT H. HUNTER. ; Eiiflflifl afiemm, i uhdér a powm‘ Mortgage (Iced, AND Drunk Ho‘i'SI-z. A'l‘ 'rwo o’CLozx, P. x. . ; R (l ”l; d 0' f Mr. Herald who purchased. direct from ithe Crown, and holds the Patent Deed, a good Indiaputable Title of th ' ' ' 3 will guarantee . e l l0“ . the Land, free from all incumberancea. , Terms of payment Liberal find the BEST and Inge? known at time ofsale. ’ in the Townships of BENTINCK AND GLENELG! HA; COBIM‘ENCED BUSINESS IN the above line, 19 the plexuses next door to G. Isaac’s saddlefy shop, Upper Town, Durham, where he Intends to devqte his entire attention to CUSTOM WORK. Nothing but. the best stock used, and a. neat fit. guaranteed. afrPrices to suit 9‘19 times. 163',- the times. 163. hiday, lfith day of April, "370, VILLAGE OF DURHAMJ LOT I. Lot No. Three, and parts of Lots Nos. One and Two, in the Second Concession North or the Durham Road, in the township of Bentiuck, containing by admeasurement One Hundred and Ten acres; Forty-four acres are cleared and in a fair state of cultivation. Timber, Hardwood chiefly, with a. little Hemlock. (Eff-A Log House ‘ and Barn. Lot No. Twenty in the Eighth Uonces-i sion of the township of Glenelg, containing t by admeasurement Ninetyotour acres, more or less; there are Seventy-five acres cleared, fenced and under cultivation -; there is 8. Lo; House erected thereon. The land is} good and well situated, it is twelve miles gUUU auu " "Ivâ€"w'v â€" mm the viii-Age of Du’rham, and four miles from the Gravel Road. TERMS:â€"Oneotenth of the Purchase Money to be paid down on the Day of Sale; 1 for Balance, Terms will be made known at i the Sale. |‘ For further particulars app1y to 3y YIRTU E 0? POWERS OF SALE certain Mortgages duced at the Sale, on “Saturday, IZth of March, l870, ‘Jlrgyie Ifotel,’ A. SiMPfiQN 0t number twelve in the second con I z thsiort. south of the Durham Road, in the township of Aremisia, 'in‘ the coun” of Grey, will be offered for sale, by Under and by virtue of a. Power contained in a Mortgage. dated the 27th September, 1861, made by Hugh Cameron, of the township of Glens-lg, in said county, to John Kelly, of the village of Durham, in said county. Terms and conditions will be made known at. tile time of sale, Thu above sale has been postponed until SATURDA 1,-3111 day of MARCH, 1870. Parties indebted to the said John C. Grifl‘nh, either by Note or Book Account ! are requested to call immediately and 2 settle the same, accounts and notes due and unpaid .(m the 20th April will be placed in ! COURT for collectio'n. will be sold cheap for cash, and cash only. Parties requiring anything in the Harness line will do well to call and examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere. The stock consists of Team Harness, Carriage Harness, Sinzle Harness. Riding Rigs of all kinds, and a splendid assortment of WHIPS, all of which must be sold. Solicitor, Masonic, Hall, 'l'oronio.., ToaosTo, 2nd March, 1870. 163-5. February '1 Lb, 1970. - :1‘he Beaks and Notes will be found in the shop as usual. Strict attention to the above will save CONS. Allpersons having claims against J. C. Grifiitth'ill require to present'them without delay.- Durham, March 9th, 1870. 162-6. Comprising Lots 35 and 36, in the 3rd Concession, West of Garafraxa Road, in the township 9f Bentinck, in the County of Grey, Containing u‘.v.v-~~â€"_ _ WiflLiZm HERALb,’Esq., of Hamilton; the proprietor of the aboVe lots, to cause them to be ofi‘gered for 532e, by Public Auction, at ‘ - EEGE’S fiflfigfifl, Saturday, 26th of March Next, HE BANKRUPT STOCK OF IN THE mwnsnw 0F BENTINEK, ' Solicitors for the Pyoprietbr, Brampton. Bamnux, Co. or PEEL, 11h Febmary, 1870. 160-5. Huctian Sale JONAS AP JONES, Esq, aukrupt Stock. in the n 12 o'CLocx Noon: at '1 o’clock, P. 31., at the d. C. GRIFFETH; POSTPONED. 200 ACRES, IN DURHAM, TOWN of BRAMPTON, in the County of Peel, on NO'I‘ICE. CUMMINS OOYNE. MORE on LESS, o "l ‘ l the Eighth Comes-Z HUGE LIL-KAY, Aucgioneer. 0. 1583 o. OF SEEDS l Sfifififi ! l The Green-Gage Branch, from MOUNT FOREST, will bud RflIL Wfl Y! he undersigned would beg to inform the public in general, that he has on hand ready for this Fall or Spring: planting a large quantity of first. class Fruit-Trees.â€" fiBMEW'fi'OB NERSERY was established in 1864, and all trees offered for sale were grown in Mount Forest. I will warrant them grafted fruit, of good hardy kinds, as I have tested them, some of them bore fruit. this season. Standard Apple Trees from 6 to 7 feet, Dwarf Apples, Siberian Crab and Cherry Trees, that I can recommend. Small‘fruit such as Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Strawberries. 81.3., also Ornamental Trees. Flowering ' Shrubs, D‘ahlias and Gladious Bulbs, kc. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly I attend to. ' A large supply of Fresh arden 8: Field Seeds! (1:? Early Rose, Early Gooderich, and Gleason Potatoes fox-Bale, ‘as cheap as can be purchased elsewher'e. 'A. “T. GREGORY. Homewood Nursery, Mt. Forest, September 13th, 1869. Sfiécialities at the BIG AXE, Just to hand, direct from the English makersâ€"Best Durable Qualities, Drug Store, Durham, AT DOOR MATS, Just Received wmm mm 3353;415:312 Ground 'iu'Oil. This paint is superior i0, and more durable ihan the best White Lead, either for inside or outside work, Lake going craft, «to. Its use is not. injurious i0 the health. Direct from Tnos. Hcssccx s 80:, London, England. Nickle Silver Spoons 8:. Forks, Of a. reliable quality, in great variety. A LARGE LOT OF room TABLE cumm, Imported direct, will be so. RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ENCOU’RAGE HOME MANUFACTURE Elatform Counter scales; Made by the celébratéa fii'bi of 01331?le \VARE c 00., of amilton, in .stock 3‘ Maker-3’ prices. e58 Scales dr’e WAR- “me perfect, reliable, and durable,being made in the very best manner. HAND, TABLE, HALL, «kc. Chimney: Wicks, direct from Makers. ELECTROPLATED OROETS, SPWNS, FORKS 8.0. A31) AT uINDLAY flHAW’s y-BVERY FACILITY FOR DOING FIBERGLASS vicar; AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE. 25 Kegs HUBBUCK’S Genuine TORONTO WHOLESME PRICES. Terminus ! Owen Sound. MALE Mim. NEW GAUGE ‘A BALE OF INCLUDING tf. CC Consisting ’ol‘ the largest stock} ever brought into Durham, 01 extra quality dress goods, Spring; Prints, Hollands, Table Linen,‘ Lustres, Ceburgs, French MerJ ‘inees, Fla’nn‘els, Table Oil Cloths iCettons, Sl-lirtings, Tiekings, lJeans, Corsets, ‘Meflrnin-‘g‘ Prints Fraud Brilliant-s. He will offer his entire Stock at nearly cost for CASH. THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES STOCK ON THE 3.5x MARCH. ISS A. FORD, East Glene’lg, encouro aged by many highly esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen, respectfully informs the public, that her School is opened to Young Ladies from 10 to 20 years of age, oi alldenominations. Her programme is as follows: Reading, French Language, ; Writing, Music (Piano a Melode'on) Grammar, Fancy Work. Geography, Drawing A: Painting, Arithmetic, Botany, Mathematics, Chemistry, Composition, Natural PhiIOSOphy. Politeness and neatness carefully attended to. Owing to exceptional circumstances, Miss Ford "can receive pupils at the Very , low rate of $59 per annum; $10 to be i paid on entering, the rest to he paid quar- ‘ terly in advance. Washing ‘and bedding - either to the charge of the parents, or furn- ished at 'an extra charge. For further in- formation apply to Miss A. Ford, Traverston ‘ P. 0. Letters ffmst‘be prepaid, and enelosé l, stamps. _ SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE- For sale, Lot 13, Con. 7, Glenelg, com- prising 100 acres, 60 of which are cleared, well watered and fenced, witha good House, Barn, Stable and an Orchard of 100 Trees thereon. Also 50 acres, East half of Lot 13, Co 6th, Glenelg, from 8 to 10 acres cle‘hreg. The abovieo pronerty will be sold cheap, and clear deed given. â€" Terms easy. For particulars apt: 1y to 481MB! éo'Lp, EAST GLENELG ACADEMY. Immense Stock of SI] 0‘ ' htly OUGHT AT Eas' Glenelg, Feb. 2, 1870. (11441?) [3* guy Mflfifl‘ Robert Dalglish. *' if DAEE TELLS EEELM Store cheaper accord- ing to quality than 'anv other in Durham. No surrender _to_ the at the Durham Asfiery, or to ABRAM COOK, AT Mum’s Ennis 8: 8508’s? Lot 7, Con. 6, Glenélg. Can be Bofigfit CTNNES’ flLREAT nLEARING QALE. quip]: returns mags wwwam ('rwo DO'ORS NORTH or Tm: BRIDGE.) EVERYWdesct-iption of Timygre .gon- Btamly on hand and madg'to 'ofder.‘ All work is manufactfir‘é'd under my own supervision, apd none but the very best stock need. JOBBING done promptly and in the very best style, at the lowest living rates. affr- Particular attention paid to Eave-Troughi‘ng. A large stock of Stove-Pipes, Elbows, T Pipes and Ridge Plates always on hand, CHEAP FOR CASH OR TRADE. (76-y.) TINSMITH, GARAFRAIA STREET, DURHAM. IMPORTANT TQ MERCHANTS and Business Men generally LOT No.16, Con.3, West of the Guru fraxa Road Townénip5i of Bentinck, containing 100 acres, about 00 acres clear- ed. Termsâ€"$306 ‘cash. PATRICK WELSH. Feb.15,1870. 159. INSOLVENT news or 1864. 1865 1869, In the County 0mm of the Cofint-y of Gray. Cika, :Oii'uiuo, in the mstt'er of Cousnr, OF GREY, : SAHUEI,;_MOBBOW an . To Wit: Insolvent. OTICE is herelay given that on die Twenty sixth ay of March,- in the year of our Lord 1870.932. tw' of the Clock in the after-yuan, 1 an ersignod will appiy to tli e ndge of e said Court, for a discharge tinder the said Acts. including LEDGERS, JOURNALS, and DAY-BOOKS. (11';- Call and see our sample Magazines and give your orders at Mails for the South are 610628 at 9 9. m. - ° - North até p. m. “ Rn: ‘nnfl WM'_. n-nioa ‘ 'I m By WM. BARRETT, Hi3 Attorney, ad litcm. EDWARD’S. 01'? New Arithmetic just received. The Acme Skate just received at. F. H. EDWARD'S. Durham, Jan. 5, 1870. US'I‘ ARRIVED} - A. splendid and varied stock of BEANK BooKs, Durham Post-Office; LAND FOR - SALE- Edi. and West,.-. . . . 09 Q, 6 p.111. A. MCKENZIE, Posrmsrzn. SEE‘EEES !’ SAMUEL MORROW, mi: ¥§ESH ARRIVALS IN Dry-Goods, Readv-Made ’G‘lothing, Boots and Shoes, Gnocmm’é, um um dlAS§WARL LIQUORS, HARDWARE an» stfilomv. AT THE tATE M. FRASER’S STORE, LOWER VILLAGE. CHE AP DRY - GOODS». iHE TEAS OF THE ed business in Durham. Shop opposite WOods' Store, Upper Town. has commenc ONTARIO BOOT STORE. 03’ Butter and Eggs taken as Cash, and the highest prices allowed. ‘HIS beautif'fiIGa‘te is fillowed, by all Who have seen it, to‘ be the Simplest, Best and T Cheapest Show Gate yet invented. There exists no longer an 'exCuso. for fleaving' Fields and Orc’h‘étds e'xposed all winter and early spring, to the damage of Meadows and ideé‘trncticm 6f Fruit Trees, Whe" afwelve f’JOt gate. which .will cleap24-inchep-‘of 830w ; 'd'z‘xéh its either Bide, and is self-010mg. can be had for $2.75, or withogt patent hangers _â€"â€" rln "MA“- _ 6"3’éh its either side, and is self-closing, can as .38. PRICES AT THE FACTORY :1 PRACTICAL TAILOR ! $2.325. rnwmo AL Luu uwuuu i, t , ' 1-1;; No. 1, rough gate, -.- - . - - - . . - - - $2.76 ‘No. 4, handsomely painted, . . . . --. - 4.00 No. 2, .-...-” . - - ----- - - u . 3.00 No. .5, Extra,.,.- ..; . ---. . .... - 4 50 Mo. 3, dressed,unpamted,.-.- 3.50 No. 6,; . . . ..... . .. . 5.00 This Gate can be hung to any ordinaryg temostvgpan be hung with any description of hinge, is adapted for any kind Bf latch or fastening; clan be raised 3 or 24 inches with one hand, quicker than most folks can raise money; can be made a highly orna- mental, as well as useful gate by putting on pickets cut to any pattern. T‘he GREATEST BARGAIN?) '51" 1300] s SHOES to be bid in Durham, at the made by the best Workmén, and of Stock 03' the be'syt qu'é'lit'y, Tit‘é‘ét style, warranted to We'a’r “fell ’and fit neatly. , . ‘ THOMAS JONES. SOLE AGENT FOR DURHAM I: Durham, Dec. 1, 1868. Ladies’ Misses’ Prunefla. Gaiters Balmorals selfin‘g at Cost. County, Towfi'slfip aha Farm Rights for Sale. 0:}. Buy no Gate, nor have any Gare made, until you have seen C1 ockery, Glasswal ‘e, Patented June 9th, 1869. ‘ All of which Will be a "Maw fi-Eflflfl‘mfifl (:23 OPENED OUT NOTICE.- McDofifiell’s Patent Gate, . M‘KENZIE .Fr’enchg HATS CAPS, CUSTOM WORK of?WATERPROOFING DONE 0N SEORT NOTICE (LATE OF TORONTO.) tDURHAbI, ONTARIOJ FOR 3. H HUNTER. sold at a small advance. on DURHAM, ONTARIO.- Boak and TUBUNTU SME WUBKS H The Best is the Cheauest ! Fire Proof Safes Fire 8: Mylar Proof Combined! The only 'i‘eai scir'urity againsf Fire and Biirgla'rs ! RE mm NOTE THE FACT: O‘ur {es are the only Safes for safe in the Dominion that never fail to presei‘ve their contents. They have been tested in over ONE HUNDRED FIRES: many of them having been RED HOT from four to tén hours, yet not a. Dollars’ WOrth of property or a. Singl’n scrap of paper has ever been aest1‘03'ed in one of {hen}. Vault Doors. ~ . for Brick Vaults and all other kinds of Fire and Burglar Pro’of Securities. Please send for Circular and Price List. Address J. 8.. a. TAVU FWHE FOLLOWING REMARKS 0N Testimonials of most. wonderful and extraordmaxy cores in Canada by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They 3"."- stern, undeniable and inconteslable facts, sufficient to convince ibe most skeptical that the Great Medical Compound veamcd after for ages is now accessible in the Great Shoshonees Remedy ! For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive Organs, Kidneys, c., as well as Serofula,"t’f:e ‘various Skin 'Diseases, Kunicz‘e, and all diseases arising from impurities of the blood, we boldly state that this great. remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in the person of Wilson Storms,of Iirigh'to'n, Ont., of Consumption ; or that of Peter L. V. Miller, of EarnestOwn, Ont, of Con- sumption ; or that of Ambrose Wood, of Consecon, Out, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John Hosey, of Napanee, Ont, of Rheumatism, who haw actually been on crutches for years, in spite of all treatment heretofore, and is now well. Scores of such cases might be mentioned had we space. ‘1‘ hi I (If? Gill at the Drug Stores and get a circular, of unquestmmflfle Certificates on A-.._ - _ ~--AA_.-Agvhn~ nn-tnn '1 V...â€"-. the GR'EATSHOSL’ONEES REMED Y «sâ€" PILLS, and satisfy yomselves. , Price of the Remedy in large pints $1. a? For sale by all Dwggists and Dealer! in Medicine. â€"W Wholesa'e Agent=â€"Nort.brop.¢ Lyman”, Newcastle, Lyman, E1150“ Co., Toro’ntd. '10 Messrs. C13 mam?! Am .9; Sn is, ‘Conway P. 0. County of Lennox, Ontario, Can- ada. . _ .-.- MADOC, County of Hastings, Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1869. This is to certily that during: the winter of 1866 I. was taken with a weakness of the ankles, which gradually, during the spring of 1867, extended to 'iny knees, and on up to my hips, and I. became so weak that I could not walk, but was confined to my chair. For about 'two years, while this weakness was coming 'on me, and after- wards, I sought medical advice, employing at different times, three doctors, and med-i- cines of different kinds p’r’eséribed by friends, but of no avail. I'co'ntinued to get worse and worse, until the summer of 1868, when I was induced to try the great Shoshone“ Remedy by reading the cures perfozmea, If. ‘ a pamphlet. At this time I had begun to} feel the weakness in my hand. ; indfict 1 was 'g'etting almost helpless. I havc',takeri two bottles of the shoshontfés Remedy and two boxes of the pills, and I am entirely restored to health. ‘ I never expected to get better, but simply tried the medicine as a sort of forlorn hape. This case of mine was not a. priyate One, but known to slimy neighbors and friends ; and to any one afflicted as I was,_I have only to say try the Shoshonees Remedy, I believe it will cure yon. _ LIABY Ass Doccnrr. Sworn to before me at qubc, County of Hastings this ninth day of February, 1889. A. F. Woon, J. P. c. . I hereby certify that I have known Mrs. MaryAnn Doughty for the last fifteen fears” she is a woman of probity and truth; I have known her before, during, and since her illness.- I believe her Certificate to be true in eyery, particular. I know that while ill her case was declared hapeless ; ‘ and I know that she has, since her recovery always attributed her recovery to the Sho- shonecs Remedy- _ Whatever may be the I. pe’ciiliar prOperties of this medicine, one I thing is certain that in her case, it has act: I ed almost like the performance of a miracle; A. F. Woon, J. P. Warden of the county of Hastings, P10- vince of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. HEREAS my wife, Mariah Horton,- having lefty mv bed and board the 23 d of October. 1869, without any just cause or provocation. I now forbid any per: son or persons crediting or horborinu her on my accounf as I shall not pay any debu' contracted by her afxer this date. STOP AND SEE '3 ' A. [1.110817 Gsecetg,anh4b1870. fig J. J. TAYLOR Safe Works, Toronto, 0111. PATENT ‘ALSO, NOTICE.

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