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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Apr 1870, p. 3

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, so long veship... and Gian. aua U18“. 1, and the isholm ao- they givg nary com- ten more , but being Southern Connty, I ounce the braying is telligence. are going sion of the t0 Owen ork n3 Kev. N. S. Campbell, 0f ice Jane “'51. drawback ived from onel \Vhit. )u finingâ€"h the D. Shaw, the {ml Whitiey e‘nl very sharp- Itreal and lost .roper papers ut. for appre- Irlin state that 'kets. ,OC have taken well’s extra~ nsed to (ms- the United 2mm“ '4' as :0 complau Mr. flame robbed hi' .rket Do ', March 19m son of G. S- v@@@@@@@@@ .0- @@ 0 WWWMWYIIUooOWf March 28 th, 00 @@ 055 111 )ld at infer. w! lS Bf depart- 00 “Hitler“ hundred endured O") sited by Iy after :5 up be- mornirw .tcd that; aim: the 'u)‘ 1, am] W h 8 re inc U years d sum Ct fa that, BI MUS H) ”c TH 1‘) mm x; cmnis'w msmvm m m .1869. Pm'kcrcVCuttlc Clearing Sale DURHAM,'0WEN SOUND GODERIOH. “RUBENS 8: SEEBSMEN, Large Altringham, Iflarve Red Surrey, Loni; Unmg», ‘Vbite Belgium. '0 {L'LlI-‘I our 111’ .. 1; “93’ Paris, Halt E {fly Paris, EBEANSâ€"Broud Windsor, China Bush, Scarlet Runners, White Kidney, Yellow Six‘VVeeks, Lima or Butter. BRETâ€"Early Turnip Blood, Long Blood, White Sugar. Winningstadt. CARROTâ€"Ear” r: ‘CEM‘IRYâ€"Réd Solid, White Solid, E'urner’a White 80116 CITRUNâ€"Fur Prescrviu ‘C LU V E Râ€"Atsikc, E‘SPAR'AG US. White. (TORXâ€" Adam's Early. CREfiSâ€"Extra Curied. ‘C‘ CL 3131. iâ€"Ezsrly Frame, Early Russi 3, Lung Green, Gherkin. BORECUH‘L BRL’SSELSâ€"Spron’s. CABBAGEâ€"Early York, Large Drumbead, Quinta), ()1: Heart, Large York, Flat Dutch, Red Pic-Ming, FLAX SEED. KALBâ€"Scotch. i EEKâ€"1'3 :Plish Flag LET TU Chiâ€"ls. nly Carla). Malta. Cabba'e. Nonpareil \ ictoria Cabbasrfx. M.-\\GEL W U R1 ZEL. Long {ed. MELONâ€"Nutmeg Magk. Green Citron Musk. Ice Cream Water. Long Island Watch MI'S'I‘A RDâ€"White. NASTU RTII'M. UNIONâ€"Dawns Yellow. Large “Gd. Silver Skin. PEASâ€"Flack’s Blue Imperial. Tom Thumb. We heve given our usual care in the selection of Seeds, and would call the attention of the Fanning community to our fine assoxtxnent of Early Rqse, Early Geoderich, Harrison and Gleason. TL’RNIP, CABBAGE, BEET, CARROT AND MANGEL W L’- RTZE‘L SEEDS. PARKER . CATTLE, Dramx. Early Kent. Dan. O'Rourke. Dwarf Sugar. (eutable pods.) I’A‘RSL Yâ€"Extra L‘uflcd. PARS. Pâ€"-â€"Hol!ow Crown. Sutton’s Student. Guernsey. PEPPERâ€"Long Reds PUMPKINâ€"Cheese. Large )‘eliow. RADISHâ€"L'mg Scarlet. Black Spamsh. Red Turnip. _‘:Yhite Turnip Victoria. SQUASHâ€"Vegetable Hurow. Custard Marrow. SPIN ACEâ€"Round. RAPE. RHUBARRâ€"Gmm. Prickly. SALSH‘Y, or Vegetable Oyster. TAKES. ’ TIMOTHYâ€"(Jean). T OM_ATOâ€"E§rly Red.â€"~-â€"Tilden'ss EERBS. Large Red. - TOBACCO. ‘ TURNIPâ€"Snow Ball. Orange Jelly. For (31 Early Stone. use. Sweedish Sharp 3 Improved. “ Skirviug’ S “ -“ Marshall’ 3 “ §Stubble or Six Weeks. White Globe. Red Globe. Yellow Bullock. Yellcw abetdeen Purple Top. Seed Potatoes. Green Furled Sav Sunn- Loaf, Winningstadt. Balm. H yssoo Rosemary. Rue. Summer Savorv, Sweet Majoram. 'lbyme. xch Hum ”'ale by For table CASADA, Province of Ontario, County of Noxfulk. In the matter of; Insolvent. . 7 ,. .‘21 a l to the Judge of the said can" 2:: a gigharge under the said An. JASPER FERRIS, by Jam: HENRY A131,“, his Attorney ad litan. HORSE BILLS, Primed in good styleâ€"plain 0:- colored-'- at this office. We have a better selection of Horse Cuts than any other ofioe in this or adjoining Counties. Orders by mail promptly attended to. BAN KRUPT SmCOE, March 2621), 1870. 165 5. 'A 0mm fora few Dag, S GBEAT 313361113215 2 Goods Below thlesale Cost ! ‘! 60-3213 at WHOLESALE Cost, I A S. E L L, Sl'Rl‘.EO.\'-DEXTIST.â€" P Ulhce,-â€" Um: dom- Norlh of l Himt' #- Hotel, I pper \ iliuge, Dusham. ~I THE STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY HIM, OPPOSITE MIDDAUGH'S HOTEL. W l LLI AM ASH DOVV NS, Lg'hicâ€"h will be produced at. the Sale, on “ sajw‘awa: mew , Friday, 15m day 0T Apt”, 1870. Dnm m GOOD T EA. Sam ms $352533 TEXAIR, Making up a Full Assortment ‘“ vuv - 'W: @1381- 3888818811 BENTNL‘K AND GLENELG! DRY GOODS, Special request is made to BEST QUALITY OF WELL WORTH their ATTENTION. AFLWAYS ON HAND. 9 stock. Apply at tkis oflicc. GRBBEBIES, HRBDWARE March 15, 1876. ONLY ! so that all who wish '01“ ARTICLES IN DEMAND AT THIS LO WEI: To WA', LGT OF FRESH GOODS, ~12: THEY CANNG? B£ BEATEN. AND WHO DOES ROT ? A 9" D 0 Cash Buyers Bi UST CA LL EARLY. W. A. respectfully announces to Ins customers, that he pays the closest attention to selecb ind Goods of Fast. Class Quality and Value. At the same time, by close personal attention, his business is car- ried on at the Feast possibke expense; and TER‘Rsâ€"CASH Oxm of JASPER FERRIS, GOODS. The Store will be He can offer inducements DENTISTRY. SOME LINES r0F OF FOR SALE. In the County Court of the County of Norfolk. . H. HUNTER. SEASON. ’. ASHDOWN. AND DURHAM Horse. V HERBAS my wife, Maria]: Horton, having left mv bed and Board the 23rd of October, 1869, without any 508‘: cause or provocation, I now forbid any Pei“ son or persons crediting or harboring her on my account, as I shall not pay any debts contracted by her after this date. A. R. HORTON. Glenelg, March 4th, 1870. 162 3. 163. ? Auction Sale VILLAGE OF DURHAM; LOT I. Lot No. Three, and parts of Lots Nos. One and Two. in m Second Concefision‘ Nurth o: the Durham Road) in the township of fictitizniz'lc, containing by admasharement Une Hundied and Ten acres; Fortyfour acres are cleared and in a fair state of cultivation. Timber. ngdwood chiefly, with a little Hemlock. tfibA Log House and Barn. 'RflIL Wfl Y! Lot No. Twenty in the Eighth Conces~ sion of the township of Glenelg, containing by admeasnrement Ninety-tour acres, more or less; there are Seventyofive acres cleared, fenced and under cultivation ; there is 3 Log Eonse erected thereon. The land is good and well situated, it is twelve miles from the village of Durham, and four miles from the Gravel Road. TERMS :â€"One-tenth of the Purchase Money to be paid down on the Day of Sale; for Balgncc, Teams will be made known at 'the Sax. For further particulars apply t0 arden The Green-Gage Branch, from MOUNT FOREST, will bud blossom at every Station. and bring forth FRUIT at the Terminus ! Drug Store, Durham, , contiiuéd in certain Mortgages which will be produced at. the Sale, on he undersigned would beg to inform the public in general, that he has on hand ready for this Fall 3:- Spring planting a. large quanti'y of first-clam Fruit-Trees.â€" Just Receivsd mmween magma" was established in 1864, and all tress offered. for sale were grown in Mount Forest. I will Warrant them grafted fruit, of good hardy kinds, as I have tested them, some of them bore fruit this season. Sgandard Apple Trees from 6 to 7 feet, Dwarf Apples, Szberian Crab and Cherry Trees, that I can recommend. Small fruit such as Currants, Geoseberries, Raspberries, Strawberries. 831., also Ornamental Trees. Flowering Shrubs, Dshlias and Gladious Bulbs, c. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. (1:?- Early Rose, Early Gooderich, and Gleason Potatoes for sale, as cheap as can be purchased elsewhere. A. T. GREGORY. Hamewood Nursery, Mt. Forest, September 13th, 1869. PAR [IE3 WANTING £0D SAWN ‘3 EEVERY FACILIT‘ SHINGLES, (Wilson’s manufacture,‘ FIRST CLASS W0 Benunck.) can be supplied by applying‘ _ at this oflix. Sold reasonable. ! “CHRONICLE’F Solicitor, fawn-i0, Hall, 7brom'o. TUROXTO, 2nd March, 1870. 163-5. OF A'LU ABLE I MP R0 V ED "DA RMS r VIRTUE‘é‘F marinas (3}? SALE AT SPENCE’S HOTEL, .IXDLAY In the Townships of SHINGLES. JONAS AP JONES, Esq, m 12 down: 300x, New GAUGE 1T IN THE ield Deeds ! would beg to inform lhg HAW’S Consisting of thefilargest stoek‘ ever brought into Durham, of extra quality dress goods, Spring: Prints, Hollands, Table Linen, Lustres, Colmrgs, French Mer- inoes, Flannels, Table Oil Cloths Cottons, Sllirtings, Tiekings, 1Jeans, Corsets, Mourning Prints iand Brilliants. 1m TE TII; I: THEM ._/-_;_L " _J ’_._J _:I;_.L " ' " __... __._J He will offer hi§ entire Stock at nearly cast for CASH. THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES STOCK ON THE gust MARCH. SI?LENDID FARM FOR S ALE. orsale, Lot ~13 Con. 7, Glerrelg, com F prising 100 acres, 60 of which are cleared well watered and fenced, wiLha good House, Barn, Smble and an Orchard of 100 Trees thereon. Also 5:0 acres, East half or Lot 12‘ ), Con. 6th, Glenelg, from 8 to 10 acxes cleared. 'lhe above prooerty will be sold cheap, and clear deed n'i'.en. -â€" Terms easy. For particulars apply to ABRAM GOLD, 'at the Durham Ashery, or go PtBleMCQQIg MONEY TO LOAN; David Jackson, J r., Agen’t $0? the CANADA PERMANENT Immense Stock of slightly Building Savings - Sucieiy, Incorporated AD. 1855. (1144f) Money loaned from 1, to 15 years; Cheapest, Safest and Beat Society in Canada. . .- ,. 03‘ Chargbs low and fixed by Tariff. Land Agent, Conveyancer, Commissioner, and Insurance Agent. 3:? A few gbod fauna for sale; 0mm" AT ‘MTCTNNES’ nREAT {NLEARING GALE. Paid up Capital, ........ $1.030,000 Invested on Real Btate, . . . 2,000,000 Robert Dalglish. ACKSON, .13., Lot. 1', Con. 6, Glene'lg. FOR DOING Mails for the South are closed at 9 a. 'm. . . North at 3 p. tn. _ “ East and West. ........ 5 pin ' A. MCKENZIE Posrmsrbn. .‘n‘ maggfls SU‘fifiij’i‘l‘fiN (two moons NORTH or rm: BRIDGE.) VERY description of Tinware con- stantly on hand and made to order. Allwork is manufactured under my own supervision, and none but the very best stock used. JOBBIXG done promptly and in the verybest style, at the lowest living rates. 6:}- Particular attention paid to Eave-Tronghing. A large stock of Stove-Pipes, Elbows, T Pipes and Ridge Plates always on hand, CHEAP FOR CASH OR TRADE. (TB-y.) TINSMITH, 0.1m FRAIA STREET, DURHAM. IMPORTANT T0 MERCHANTS and Business Men generally. OT No. 16, Con. 3, West 0? Y’h‘ef‘ J-ara fraxa Roads Township of Bentinck, containing 100 aores, ”about '30 a‘éres clear- eds. Terms-3300 cash. FRESH MEAT “ Durham Meat Marketa” ‘ ARPENTER, Builder, c., Plans. SpecificatiOn and Estimates of every descripuon reasonable; Funerals furnished at five hours notice, in the best style at the lowest terms. including LEDGERS. JOURNALS, and DAY-BOOKS. 0f? Cull and see our sample Magazines yd give your orders at “1"" I “B." er - r EDWARD’S. L”;- New Arithmetic just received. The Acme Skate 'jgs‘tgie’c'efi'véd Lat F. H. EDWARD 3 Durham, .1 an 15870. ' 4‘ {PATRICK WELsH. Feb.15, 1370. UST ARRIVED! A splendid and varied stock of ALWAYS ON HAND, BLANK EGOKS, J. W. MCDONNELL, Durham Post'BOfi'uce. LAND FOR SALE- A CHOICE LOT or M THE CHARLES LIMIN. 159. India and China Tea Company have now been before the pub'fic of Canada for nearly three years, and despite th( misrepresen‘tm-iens '01 interested parties their superiority ’has’been thoroug‘ifly recognized. Thev will he found to he ‘PE'RFECTLY PURE, and to possess UNUSUAL STRENGTH and FINE FLAVO'UR. {If} Observe the Trade Mark on each package. FRESH ARRIVALS IN Dry'Groads, Beadv-Made Clothing, Boots and 311033, GLASS ANB BLASSWARL UQUORS, HARDWARE AND STATIONERY. AT THE LATE M. FRASER’S STORE, LOWER VILLAGE. ed bus'mess in Durham. Shop opposite Beak and Woods' Store, Upper Town. has commenc CHEAP DRY - GOODS. HE TEAS OF THE ONTARIO BOOT STORE. (if? Butter and Eggs taken as Cash, and the highest prices allowed. 4:5) THIS beautiful Gate 18 allowed, by all who have seen it, to be the Simplest, Best and l Cheapest Snow Gate yet invented. There exists no longer an excuse for leaving Fields and Orchards eXpo':ed all winter and early spring, to the damage of Meadows and ”l destruction ot Fruit Trees, when a twelv e foot gate, which will clear 24 inches of snow ,l open to either side, and 18 self closing, can be hcad for $1 75, or without patent hangers 1 $2. 38. PRICES AT THE FACTORY. No.1, rough gate, .............. $2. 75 No. 4, handsomely naintedr . . '. ... - 4.00 N0. 2. ..--.-.- . . . .3--- .3 00 No. 5, Euxtra,..,_ ,. . . --.. . -... . 4. 50 Mo. 3, dressed, unpainted,---.. ...- 3. 50 No 6, ..-“ ..--,-_ 5 00 This Gate can be hung to any ormnary g te- post; can be hung with any description of hinge, is adapted for any kind of latch or fastening , can be raised 3 or 24 inches with one hand, quicker than most folks can raise money; can be made a highly orna- mental, as well as useful gate by putting on pickets cut to any pattern. The GREATEST BARGAINS of B00] S SHOES to 3730 had in Durham, at the 1116615 ’by the 'oes‘t Workmen, and of Stock of the best quality, latest. style, wawam‘te‘d #0 wear well and fit neatly. ‘ _. . THOMAS JONES. SOLE AGENT FOR DURHAM ‘: Ladies’ - Misses" Pmnefla Gaiters 3’5 Balmorais selling at Cost. Durham, "Dec. 1, 1868. County, Township and Farm Rights for Sale‘ 01'? Buy no Gate, nor have any Gate made“, until you have Seéil HATS CAPS, Crockery, Giassware, ClOthiligg we”, All of which will he sold at a small admflcc on Patented June 9th, 1869. All of which will he l BLECTROPLATEU McDonnell’s } cauns, spoqgfs, FORKS ac. a mama gamma; 4.3.9 OPENED (PUT McDom‘lell’s Patent Gate, NOTICE. GUSTOM WORK GROCERIES, wWATERPROOFING DONE 0N SEQ-RT NOTICE (LATE O-F TORONTO.) [DURHABL 0151331110.] FOR AT I. H. HUNTER. DURHAM, ONTARIO. ISTo‘l’ :nn " Durh lanes, J-.m 3 Allan, J as. Anderson, John z Burns, Patrick 1 Bell, Jane Bell, John 3 Baker, W. S. Mrs. l Carson, John Colt, Henry Cluyoowne, Henry Caeton. Wm. Cook, Thos. Cameron, Mary Mrs. Campbell, Geo. Campbell, Duncan Church, Hy A. Collinson, Joseph Collinson, John Campbell, Caty Darby, Daniel \ Innes, Wm. ' ‘ lanes, Jas. Davis, Thos. (:2) Jameson, Wm. Jardine, Robert (23) Geddes, John Hopkins, Anna Mrs. Hous‘e‘ger, Isaac Hunter, John How Peter Deekena, A. F. Duncomhe, Robt. Dedman, Joseph Dun, John Evans, Mary Elliott, Jas. Ellison, E. F. Elkerton, Ester H. Fox, Jr., Thos. ac} Hopps. Wm. Hazard, Jas. Hillis, Samuel Knowles, Silas Kennedy, Jane Kerr, Jane Mrs. Leitch, Donald Livingston, A. Lennard, Thos. Long, Annie Lighthart, Sarah ' Lawrence, Jas. Glass, John Lauder, Susan ll 3" Mafiatt, Chas. Martin, John Mitchell. Geo. Maget, Elizabeth Morden, Wm. Hamilton, Jane Mrs. Leonard, Mary Jane _ ed Letters remaining in ‘ "."0. on April 0-5:, 1870 , Moore, Jas. Qarthey, mean" ' cluty rP, Ang us McAalty,"M.- (2),? McClimOn, Brown, Elizabeth McArthur, _ McLaughlin, Chas. '3 {find} McLean, 1“. Jane McLachlin, Annie McCause, Jas. McGilvny, Donald Nclntosh, Andrew McKinuon, John McGowan, J ohn Mclnnis, Donald M-cCole, John McFarland, Mrs. McDonald, Catherine McFadden. Mary Melanes, Dugald McNah, E.~en McDonald, Annie McCulloch. J «ha McLean, Arch. Neweil, Geo. B. Peters, Wm. Purvis, John (:2) Pettie, Chas. Patrick, John Richard, 'l‘hos. Rutherford, Isabella Robertson, 1". Bundle, John Saunders, John Stewart, John Sutherland, Jaz. M.s. HOpps,Elizabeth Misfigcars, J ohu 'l‘hos. Spears, Anch. SChOCly, A\ Smith, Wm. Sharp. Joseph Smith, John 13. Todd, Jae. Tilhutt, Chas. Tryone, Stock Mrs. Vayson, John vanalstine, Ann (2) Wilson, Wm. \Vilson, John Wilder, Chas. Watson, Agnes Wilson, Goo. Wallace, Mary Mrs. Wear, John Willie, Mary Wooluer, Ab. Watter, Mathew Wood, John Wilson, Geo. Wilder, Wm. Young, John A' 1.1- ........ OPTICIAXS AND OCI'IJSTS; MONTREAL; Have, with a view to meet the increased dc £1333 for their Celebrated PER FECTED SPECTACLES, DURHAM ifi' lv'ALK’EIz’ TON. Tiny have taken 'care to give all needful inszruc- tions, and have ceufideuce in thg ability of their agentsto suit the requiremems of all customers. 1m opportunity will be thus an. forded to‘procuxc, at all times, Spectacles Unequallad by any for their Strengthen- ling and i’e'eserving Qualities. 4-2) hr ALn:-n ‘QI'I!L‘_ mu m-“ - ., _ Too much cannot be said of their 'SL’PE- axonl'rY-over the ordinary glasses worn.» There is no summanxxu, wnmuxc or am: SIGHT, mzcmcnsE, or other unpleasant stu- sation, but on the contrary, from the perm iiar construction of the Lenses, they are soo'rnlxc no mar-“AM; causing a freling of relief to the wearer, and .rnonu'xxu .x CLEAR AND mmtxc'r VISIO‘S, as in the xu‘vnm. HEALTHY 5mm. They are the fouly Spectacles that - Preserve as Well “as Assist the Sight. And are the CHEAPEST because the BEST, always lasting MANY YEARS withcut change being necessary. (fi- WE EMPLOY NO PEI‘)LERS. 4;;- Bankrupt Steel in will be sold cheap for cash, and cash (Italy. Parties requiring anythingix; the Harness gine will do well~t0 (tall and examiuc_xlm stock before purchasing clsewbero. The stock consists ofTeam Harness, Carriage Harness, Single Harness, Riding Rigs uf' all kinds, and a splendid assortment. of WHIPS, all of which must be sold. Parties indebted to the said Juhn Ci. Griffith, ehher by Note or Bonk AchnL are requested «a call immediately and settle the same, accounts and notes due and unpaid on the 20111 Apri‘l will be [133165 in COURT for ‘COHQCfiffia. v ‘, .â€"-_ The Bdélfifind Xotes will be {wall in the shop as usual. Strict attention ”to “the above will save costs. "All persons having claims a rainst J. (‘. Griffith. :will require to pxcsent them without dehy. _ c. O 1‘- ‘ 1.‘t~l\ 1 ‘d‘lf‘ Specialities at the BIG AXE, List of Letters. Just to hand, diroct frum the Englizh makersâ€"Best- Durab'.e Qualities, AT TORONTO WHOLESALE PRICES. Irma ZINC NNINT, DOOR MAng, Ground in Oil. This paint is superior to, and more durabie than the hes; White I lead, either for inside or ou‘tside work, Lake going craft, 850. Its use ‘is not injurious m the health. Three!» from 'fuos. annt'cu 80):, London, England. F. [1. Edwards COA'A Olljg Coal Oil Lamps, Nickle Silver Spoons Forks, Of a reliable quality, in great wricty. A LARGE LOT 01? P061651 TABLE comm. RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Dhrham, March 0:11, 1370. ENCOURAGE Home MANUFACT uni; Platform Counter Séfiles, HAND, TABLE, HALL, _o. Chimney. 8; Wicks, direct from Makers. ARCH- MCREXZIB,Posm.asmn Made by the celebrated firm ofGL'ms'Ev, W‘AR'E (c 00., of Hamilton, in stock at Makers’ prices; These Scales are WAR- RAKTED perfect, rehable, and durabie,being ‘made in the very best manner. W. KOUGH. .HE BANKRUPT .311) :1; OF 25 Kegs HUBBUCK’S Genuine Owen Sound, Dec. 7, ISG'J. J. C. GRIFFéTH, Owen Swami. SQkhE AQEXGE Imported direct, will be sold AI‘POIXTED A. BALE OF INCLUDIXG AS!) 1326.

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