West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 May 1870, p. 3

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out show: are liable of pub- ceived for prospect caved in 1:, under weather the low tantity of entirely ground. g, it in ”Halli 6 being lanai-ad loaded by rriaon and perform Id at lots to meet rozb Jana Bonded by length!) n C. Wil- zing Mr. rithou: a Beeve.-â€" :6 3. com. tn of the under the D for side mdcd by )ouncil of I‘ amount. m god basic}, Him for », con. faeconded by Lawrence be rte labor or 1, 1nd first star to that r for further I, ”90de Mitchen be “en M c001! ”ends, hi cum. R I O 1. Burns, Patrolk Boyie, Wm. Burns, Miss Ann Hall, John Bell, Wm. Beggs, John Barre”, Maithel Binnie, George Byers, James Cameron, Allan Clark, Jane Cook, Peter Campbell, Chas. Cameron, Chas. Dunsmonr, John {fixon,John @Mman, Juarph M‘Pbail, James M'Eac‘he'i'n. John M ‘Martin, John N‘Intyre, Angus H‘Gin‘, Thomas 1090113ch John MrLeon, Flora Jane M‘Cormich, Alex. M'lutyro, Arch. M‘Carthur, Mrs. Ann M‘Giivrny, Duncan M‘Lean, Sarah M‘Culloch, Wm. 511191“), John M‘lnnes, Duga‘x‘d M‘Girr, James M‘Phail, H. T)avis,Calbarine Miss O’Connor, Edward Elkington. Mr. Franks, John‘ French. I“. Foley. Hugh Peddie, John Me; Mary Robinson, John Scott, John Hopkins, Era. Ann Smith, Wm. H ages, M rs. W m. “donut, .‘I’rs.§I.-A. "Hopkins. David flinch. John Sun-Hy, Wm. Storv, H. I. Stafford, Thos. Turnbull, Robt. Hamiiton. Mrs. Alexfl‘wsley, Robt. Jardme, Robt. Kennedy, Chas. u. It“aCh, Neil Lindsay, Joseph Lamb, (,5 90, Miller. Mrs. N. 5.. Mitchell. David Martin, ’Jobn Mann, Margaret Livingston, And. 2 Vaison, John Vollett, Elizabeth 'wuson, A. 2 “Fa-Hes, Mary Watson, Agnes Walton, J. Wiison, Wm. Watson, C. Watson, i’eter Young, James ARCH° MCKENZIE, Postmaster ’and that no Storekeeper can make it Par Value any more than he can make The best Canadian Cod Oil at 32 m a gallon. and uninterested in GWJNG 1% TAKING Money, remember that FARMER DEPRI‘IGIATKB 831333. Don’t take ihei: Silm at Pat. Without an advance on , the you will be out!) in: to money the value of which is horn and fixed, and repudiate the snare laid by interested parties who have u kn of DEPRECIATED SMALL CHANGE to_ get dd; :3- American Silver Is “he: 3nd given: in change at the following rues: If you take United States silver at six or eight. per cent mOre than it is worth. either in CHANGE, m: for LABOUR, or Ior PRODUCE, you will be the loser. You may be tom that it ‘will be fak‘en from you at. par again; if yea believe that Storekeepers w 11 lane Eight per 'cent on in Bentinck, DonOhflO, I 39 {NCRES A “SAAB. A: the the 2 Mr. I N A o nesday, llzh met. at 4 p. m . 0. 4. DurhanIâ€"Company will meet at the Drill Shed or} “2:6. “ Bu'gaag 331333," At “P. STRAYED F ROM THE PREMISES l of the subscribers, Durham Village, a small Red Heifer, -3 years old, in-call; has some white spots on her face. Any person giving information that Will lead to he: recovery will be suitably rewarded. T. 6; J. B. SMITH, _ ll‘uvb; Heid inUBrehm’a f on Friday the ZR!) of May, a. m. All pexsons concerned 1' notice. ‘ - ‘- ""n l ‘v 1 IST of unclaimed ’Lettérs remaining in J Durham P. O. on May 4th, 1870 : Anderson, Mary JaneM‘Lean, Malcolm Ailan, Wm. M‘Arthur, Donald Bell, John M’Laughlin. J. Barnes, A. C. M'Donald, Alex. Burgess, Thomas M'Dunald, D. K. I he subscriber in returning ”thanks for F past favors would intimate to his friends and the public generally, that he has again commenced to manufacture Spinning Wheels and J ack-Reela, and has now on hand filly long reels, and fifty more in course of canal-action, which, as the times are hard, will be sold very cheap for cash. Credit will “lee glven as'mua‘l. GEORGE CAMPBELL), Near Schofield’s Saw-Mill, Benlinck. on the 2nd inst, t 3:. John C. Griffith, Saddier, tDurham.‘ on the 28th nit, 1 Mr. Archzbald McLellan, of a Mâ€" .2 Durham, VOWOTIGR Durham, May 4th, 1370. HALF DOLLAR. - 47 Gem QUARTER DOLLAR, 2-3 H DIME, . . 9 u HALF DIME, - '4 u GIVE TH E PREFERENCE irourteen Ounces a Pound, May 4th, 1870. Durham, May '3, 1870. and you will see the difl‘em APPEAL. TGWN’SHIP 0F BENTIXCK. . . S. Silver Stray fl'cifer. Capt. commanding N: :.â€"â€"A few young men Is not at Par Value, SPINNING WHEELS! MECHANICS List of Letters. .. Ashdown’s LOWER mmv WM. ASHDOWN. Matrieiii DIED. Dram Boast. Will phase take 1‘50. 4' Comps!!!- gn wanted to 6“ Tanners, c. court will Tofin. 2n. OTICE is hereby given that, the An. nual General Meeting of the Share- holders of the Wellington, Grey tad Bingo Railway Company, mil-be held a “60011;. pany's‘Office, in the City of Hugh 0‘ WEDNESDAY, the 2am of HAY one”, for the election of Directors, mm pur- Wellington. Gisygnd Bruce {r HE Council of the Municipality; of the E Township of Normanby will flpld its 1 first sitting on_Friday, the'sixth fihy’df May, f 1870, at. mu o’ti'ock in the forehfion,'at the } Hotel at Mr. Charles Widmeyer, Ayton j .thlage, as a Court of Revision for the year Wednesday, 131'. day In» :1370, ton u 10 o‘crgocx, Lfig A A“ parties having business -§53§aiiCourt will take notice, and goverqdhe‘mselves accordingly. ,. . JOSEPH“ M’CAME{ ‘ Town'sflfi) Cflrk. Proton. Ami! 22. 1870. '>'5 "m 5.‘ PROTON REVISION COURT. COURT or ;nnv18mn. _ T0 WNSHi’P of WW? HE Municipal Couhc'il «xsq‘ifonabip of Egremont, will ‘meet'fiafi‘ (limit of Revision, at. HDLSTEINyon Thursday, 19th Day of May, 1870, ARPENTER, Builder, “,1’13‘ Specification sill mm of descriptmn reasombie; PM at five hours notice, in file buddy“ pf Nu lowest terms. Hflfldiflg 31 83W. N SATURDAY m8 3mm day of May next, the undeni ~ will apply to the Judge of the aid for a discharge under the said Act. Omani, }In the MM Province of Ontario, County “Norfolk. 3. In the matter of “313331531318; II Insolvent. LAZARUS, MORRIS CO, Money loaned from 1 to 15 M 3' Cheapest, Safest and Ba“ 303th in Canada (1:?- Charges Iow and fixed by M‘ Land Agent, Conveyanm’ 0°. and Insurance 58393- -‘ @3- A few good farm: for do? lNSUlVENT AN 8? I883. 'Too much cannot be said of their SUPE- momrr over the ordinary glasses wormâ€"- There is no Gmmxamxc, wnnmm or .188 310111. 912213383, or other unphnuut sen- sation, but on the contrary, from the pecu- liar construction of the Lenses, they are 300121131: 2.33) PLEASANT, causing ‘a feeling of relief to the wearer, and Paonuexxu A CLEAR AND DISTINCT WBIOS, ‘88.. in. the mgr-tram. HEALTHY 5mm. They’fi'de the only Spectacles that ' asfloi 6:?- WE EMPLOY N0 PEDLERS. David Jackson,Jr., Agent for the , _ CANADA PERMANENT ' orncuxs AND ocuusws, nouns“, Have, with a view to meet the increased de- mand for their Celebrated PERFECTED SPECTACLES, As their Sole Agent for DURHAM (E WALKERTON. They have taken care to give all needful instrnc~ tions, and have confidence in the ability of their agents to suit the requirements of all customers. An opportunity will be thus af- forded to procure, at all times, Spectacles L'nequalled by any for their Strengthen- ing_ and Preserving Qualities. _ Presefi'e as well as Again: the Sight. And are the Osmpasr because ":86 3381', always lasting waxy YEAR‘S withddt’cflsoge being necessary. a ‘ - MONEY T0 Ld’A‘N. REVISION COURT Roman. 388. HENRY ERSKINE IRVING, Score Hamilton, 19th April 1870. , $2. Proton, April '22, 1870. April ‘26, 1870. Paid up Capital, . ...... 31$,N050Q0 Invested on Real Estate, .. 2,0903“ JASPER FERNB, by Jam- Hm: Aim? , his Attprnoy ad git-n. Smcox, March 5:13, 1870. 1055. Normanby, 'OTICE is hereby given tht-thc Um: of Revision for the Township of Pro~ will be held in the house of #131311”; Bryce, on Lot 20, 0095'865‘)“ J. W. McDONNBLL, F. 11. Edwards u -.-‘ .5} “2‘1 Incorpontad Affair q A? 10 o'cmcx, Adi. '. ' R. LEGA-TE Town Clerk. 1870. mp159 2 'ACKSON, 12., RAILWAY- WILLA)! H. RYAN,‘ Township. Clerk. April 41h, 1870. APPOINTED GARDEN a Aemmm nunum, own mm fiootfitcn. K}- Purchased before the recent great advance in price. 831188338 8‘: SEEBSMEN, ASPARAGUS. BEANSâ€"Broad Windaof) China Bush, Scarlet Runners, White Kidney, Yellow Six Weeks, Lima or Butter. . BRETâ€"Early Turnip Blood, Long Blood, White Sugar. BORECOLE. BRUSSELSâ€"Swan's. . CABBAGEâ€"Early York, Large Dmmhend, Quinta], 0: Heart, Large York, Flat. Dutch, Red Pick'ing, Green Curied Savoy, Sugar Loaf, Winningstadt. _ ._-__ ___.I. mported é'flfi for CARROTâ€"Early French Horn, Large Altringbam, Large Red. Surrey. Long Ombge, White Belgium.‘ CAU ”FLOWERâ€"Early Paris, Haif Early Paris, CELEgYâ€"Jled Solid, TAKES. ' TIMOTHY-(clean mqarojsed, -'maq_’g. White Solid, .Turuer’s White Solid. CITRONâ€"For Preserving. CLUVERâ€"Alsike, 5-2». . SQUASHhâ€"Vegetable Marrow. Custard Marrow. SPIN ACHéRound. Prickly. SALSIFY, or Vegettble Oyster. â€"_ -“m '1 White. CORNâ€" Adam’s Early. C‘RESS-â€"Extra Cal-led. CUQUMBERâ€"Early Frame, ‘ § Early gash, 'on we Ghegkin. b, RAPE. RHU BARBâ€"Giant. FLAX SEED. RAMSâ€"Scotch. LEEK-Engfish Flag. tETTUCEâ€"Early Chi-ltd. Malta Cabbage. ‘ Nonpareil Victorit mange. HANG EL W URTZEL. Large Yellow. RADESHfâ€"yong $carlet. PEASâ€"Flack’a Blue Inpofinh Tom Thumb. Early Kent. Dan.y 0 Rourke. Dwarf Sugar. («table pods) PARSLEYâ€"Extrn Cut-led. PARSN I P-Hollow Crown; Sutton’ 3 Student Guernsey. PEPPERâ€"Long Red. PUMPKIN-Cheeae. MUSTA RDâ€"â€"W bite. N ASTURTIU M. UNIONâ€"Dame" Yellow. Luge Red. Silver Skin. Long Red. MELONâ€"Nutme Musk. Green Citron 'nsk‘. Ice Cream Water. Long Island Water. NSQ. 1L @fififiifl, Clover Seed. Sufism-t Savory. $300: Hajonm. Black Spanish. Red Turnip. White Turnip. Stubble oE‘sE‘i'SI-u. White Globe. 'ictoria. A LARGE SUPPLY Albertina Purpb Top. Sale - by FRESH MEAT _ NU’J Twins 0: Tm ._..... India and Chin burrow been. “tether-public 0905mm “upwenmflona 0t imereated parties the The! hill be {had to- be PERFECT] two BOAR: I-‘ofi SALE; ALWAYE' m Ammo! A! m 522a. £9.- fi-COFFEES, TEAS, Tomccons; ' amass, ta, sic. . Emmi“ - an magma 911.3. n? fiery him! had inflamed of the best qulity. LIQUORS ! LIQUORS- , ammonia; HORSE, CATTLE, MTEN’T AND PROPRIATORY MEDIGINES, Toilet and Fancy Articles, assumes. EXTEAQ‘FS, 530., 5:0. PURE DRUGS, I "wdlayfir Shaw Hue n6“ completed th'eir stock, consist- in; ii: 'pad of DURHAM, unit's AND LAMP CHIMNEYS, in are“ mioty. A complete assoetment of Liquor: of the 3:.th brands, for family and ' medi’cinal purroses, including the ca abated . Mama: imam; .. BYESTUFFS I 8; bus ndw faciiitiea for supplying *mt i’nedicines nil preparations pal halaroiigflt before the publii: I. fled b 31! the lead' bylicifinl if the day. mg 9 DRUGGISTS, ‘v-ovuu â€" -‘ Com y. Oflice 0:03:63 from 8 1:. Sum m iigenu for _ ‘ OPENED OUT A. c. M‘fimzmés Sharp’s Garden Seeds. "suoyumodml 409.1!“ g 4::sz smmgwx 0;? - DRY - GOODS, .GROCERIES, Durham, April 20th, 1870. HATS CAPS; Crockér'y, Glassware, Clothillgs «a All of whiéh- Will bé Sold at a small advance on New Styles Boots and Shoes. CLOVER SEED. (DST. AT M. FBASEB’S STUBE. LOWER VILLAGE, DURHAM. IN .\ . . . Dominion Prawticial Uii‘ec’cones T9 {5% falsme'é in October, 1870. I onwaâ€" "‘éi'n'in its; ‘my. 'nme has been nnifiiifiht "1y oped in connec- tion with Ditectoriea not} my 'cinthseed in the Provinces, and entirely itinot fr' "iii 1 1 works, and that in other cases it Elgar; noted that my Directories hove been 3 nh‘d'o'zi‘eg‘, Iwould sequent those desiring to_ give ‘a Rgefgmnoe to xny works to see th'fit persons representing themselves a net- ‘ ing fd‘r Eh} are finished with ntinfnctory chdentiati. Lovell's Directories. . t. T is intended to make these Directories the most complete nod correct ever issued on this continent. They ere ntt be- ing prepared by correspondence, but by perso'n’hl can‘mas, from door to door, of mi own Agenda. 'for “the requisite infatuation: I have now engaged on the work in the sev- eral Provinces o‘r't'y men and Twenty horses. These are engaged mniniy on the towns and village: ofl‘ the Rnilny and Steamboat Ro‘ntes impor’tbn‘t 'places on the lines being held tifl The COflzpltet‘ion of the former, to admit of corrécfion ,tointut date. .- ‘A - .. v-â€"â€"â€"â€" vw wwâ€"v ___v" _ v I anticipate issuing, is October next, We Canadian Dominion ire’c’tory, ‘and Six Provincial Director' which viii a corner and full indbx to the, ominion of Can-(h, Newfoundland, and Prince dward W. and a combined Ga‘zetteer, 'recbory and Hand Book of tho six Provincel. Btnscnn’flox To 1‘!“ noxnflox mugronr : Dominion of Canada Subscribers ${2 Cy. United States do 2 Gold. Great Britain and Ireland do £3 32. France, Germany, km, do £3 8Q. Province of Ontario Directory, 3870;?! $1 Province of Quebec do £83041 4 Province of Nova ScoYia do 3.70.71 3 Province of New Brunswick --.-_-- " 'fiigc'tbfi, 1870-71 Province of Newfo’findland Qigé‘ctory, 1870.71 Province of Prince Edward" , Island Directory, 1870-71 2 (I? N 0 Money to be paid untll’eMb‘ook is ggliveregl...§:0 . - . Meg otAairénising will made he know'a on application to 'JOEN LOVELL, Publish". Montre‘al, much 16, 1870. Specialities '31 the 818 AXE. , 'TIONSQI?H, GARAFRAXA STREET, DURHAM. study on hand and made to orderl- AHWOrk is manufactured under a) o‘wn‘ supervision, and none but the very best stock used. JOBBING done My and in the very best style, 3t “06', Iowan" living rates. 3:}- Particular attention. 'd‘ to Eave~Troughin . It large “cc of Stove-Pipes, Elba a, T Pipes and Ridge‘ Plates chm a 01: Mad,- CHEK? FUR" CASH OB HAM. (7'61) DOOR MATS; sums gmiwax. â€"â€"â€" v v j: . SHINGLEB, {Wflmn’cvfigna;t§;; Béhttnck.) ca‘h be supplied By tppi'ying at this oflice. Sold reasonable; ‘ will be sold cheap, and clecr__dee,d swearâ€"'1 T’éihii easy. For paHicxflara apply to ABR'AM- GOBP, . it the.DnrM . , or to ABBAHJC UK. WRWE 2mm Mm (WEN REBELLiiDN. or sale, Lot 13, Con. __7, Glenelg,,céin; prising 100 acres, 60 of which are cleared well wapered and fenged,,with ' good Iious'e, Barn, Stable nndpn Urchin; of 100 Trees ghexeon. Also 50 agree, Eu; half of Lot 13, Con. 6th, Gleoglg, frog: 8 to 10 acres cleared. The abate pfooenj gill lap sold chfiap, 99¢.clfifif__dee,d_gx.ven.~= Ground in Oil. This paint is superior to, up} moi-e dqrapie than the bgst White Igéétti, BETTER than m 5381' and Cheaper than the éheapeg’t at KELSBY‘S GALLERY, either for inside or outside work, Lake going craft, 65c. Its use is not injurious m the heahh. Direct from Tnos. chnth: a: 80):, London, England. Made by the celebrated firm of Gummy \VABE a: 00., of Hamilton, in stock at. Makers’ prices. These Scales are W.ut-'~ mmsn perfect, reliable, and durable,being’ made in the very best manner. W. KOUGHa Opposite Fletcher’s, Upper Town, Durham. SPLENDID F43)! FOR SALE“. ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE Platfo‘r‘m Counter Scales, Fenian R aid ! Photographs fm the Million! Dumas figurine 60019 sum ‘-___- -__ Montrea‘, March 1‘5, room , 1mg smear, Imported direct, will be sold RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Nickle Siiver Spoons Forks, Of a ‘rei- able quality, in great variety. COAL 0111', Coal Oil Lamps, HAND, TABLE, HALL, kc. Chimneys Wicks; flit-ed from Make“. v- W "w.- tlilu'r.) Lot 7, cg: 6,” 65:51,. Owen Sound, Dec. 7, 1869. ELECTROPLATED cams. spoons, max: 156-. 25 Kegé BUBBUCK’S Genuine mal SHINGLES. ()Wen Sb‘nnd. TAKEN BY STORM ! 8653.3 fifiififi‘i‘. A LARGE LOT OF A BALE OF INCLUDING ”1'"- - AKD knit]; 1‘1 .37 2 "dbli’sfi‘er.

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