y in Com to a stoma uck on its Ff Promote amen.†a commg o waraed 3 up the nest patron. the White belts, cords jake ladies’ for}: ("0913. hmrtcrs to Mlphnlstet- yapmc ac. Rd of the bag In the ha in Sul- wï¬wmwmmw 00040007. _@@@@@@@@ .ec’s army i1 of it o: :ricksburg im 3‘. must of terri- :stimated time the Maine is is feared Trustee†HIE LE, 13.5593“. ll. 3entinclla .1 y . f or t station i roasted n. hr P8110 is in their hands in- «TS. 1869. her couuc lagration .ISTOE. mien! of Ireéizors the war, eaten in Village: Couldn’t 1'18 Count} ill-calf ’ General nati was EL, 1870. court 'OU HORSE BILL§, .1..- V ‘- ‘vv .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" V Printed in good styleâ€"plain or colored-â€" at this office. We have a. better selection of Horse Cuts than any other ofï¬ce in this or adjoining Counties. Orders by mail promptly attended to. w i SP’iNNtNG WHEELS! Y be subscriber in re past favors wow friends and the public has again commence Spinning Wheeia and . now on hand ï¬fty long in course of construction, times are hard, will be sold meef 38 3 anil «int TUTICE, THE ML’XICIPAL‘ ‘myct’; of the Township 0 Com: of Revision, in the; Rocm. Town Hall, Flesherton, on: he 3 )tb inst, at 10 o’clock 3.2!). f Artemisia i Cameron, Allan Clark, Jane Cook, Peter Campbell, Chas. Cameron, Chas. Dunsmoor, Juhn Dixon, John Dedman, Joseph Davis,Catharine Miss Rikiugtou, Mr. franks, J ohu .Freuch, ' l“ . Lindsay. Joseph Lamb, Geo, Miller. Mrs. N. Mitchell. David Martin, John Mann, Margaret an. \JIUUII. "I†on, ,â€"..-v.. ._.- _ , GEORGE CAMPBELL, Near Schoï¬eld’s Saw-Mill, Bentinck. “May 413:, 1870. 2m. FOEey, Hugh Hapkins, Mrs. Ann Huces. Mrs. Wm. and all and that no Store Value any we 3Q IflGflES A YARB be ï¬rst sitt“ BEPBEQBTEB‘ ï¬i’ikï¬ï¬‚n You may be told that it will be taken from you M par again; if you believe that. Storekeepers w.ll lose eight per cent on without an advance on the goods you buy, you will be easily persuaded. persons concerned {3:}? American Silver 13 taken and given in change at deke following rates ': to money the value of which is known and ï¬xed, and repudiate the snare laid by interestpd parties who have a lot. of DP. PRECIATED SMALL CHANGE to_ get rid of, Ban’t take iheir Silva! a1 Par. The best Canadian Coal Oil at 32 cents I gallon. 33-1;va FACILITY FOR DOING I‘IRSTCLASS WORK AT THE “CERUNICLE†OFFICE. Fourteen Ounces SPINNING WHEELS ! ! GIVE THE PREFERENCE ONCE, THE MUNICIPAL} ,1 of the Township of Artemisia : a. Court of Revision, in the m, Town Hall, Fleaherton, on 32):!) inst, at 10 o’clock mm. 3 must be made in writing and ‘ me not later than the 21m. inst. t :ationa through the post-ofï¬ce? maid and addressed to me at; a take United States silver atsix or eight '1' cent more than it is worth. eiiher in CHANGE, or for-LABOUR, or tor PRODUCE, you will be the loser. List of Letters. â€Test the Prices of Goods my 2nd, 1570 BkLF DOLLAR. - ~37 QUARTE DOLLAR, 23 DIME - 9 HALF DIME, - 4 and you will see the difference. interested in GIVING 6: TAKING Money, remember that of Rex'lsion. Is not at Par Value. MECHANiCS n03 of the above DUNCAN CAMPBELL, Township Clerk. avors would intimate to his! the public generally, that be commenced to manufacture mole and Jack-Reels, and has . ï¬fty long reels, and ï¬fty more P construction, which, as the rd, will be sold very cheap for it will be given an usual. n. Ashdown’s rï¬ï¬ï¬m Eggs/£329 LOWER T0 WN, ore-keeper can make it Par more than he can make 9. above court will 3 Hotel, Hanovef, 37. at. 10 o’clocx, will please take 01' AT Drama Horses. a Pound, dmvrence. div?!)- and gixen; VARIETY STORE, ! Ease ESEES 0E caemsss: EEEEEEES 47 Cents. =3 2; WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADES, 4 h g c., ever brought to this part of the country, and selling ER ENCE at extremely low prices. Patterns to suit all tastes. :h 13 known and snare laid by In addition to the abme we have also just received a large con- bave a lot A SMALL- ; signmeut of iu Town. - ‘ C‘ u U 0 I - ‘ years standmg, trusts by unremmmg attention to merit a share of public patronage. -HE SUBSCRIBER REGS TO RETURN THANKS TO THE PUBLIC GEN- ERAloIA', and to his numerous customers in particular, for past favors in his line of business, and also to inform them that his Carding and Cloth-Dressing Machinery is now in complete order. having been recently ï¬tted up with lmest improvements, and having engaged the services done of the must experienced workmen in Ontario, 20 "A...“ Manama trnarn bv unremitting attention and good work-all Work warrantedâ€" The GRIST-MHJL 13 in complet! ready for all sorts of work. Fxrst-c May â€[11, 1870. Window Shades RATE OF RATE OF EDGE Linus, May 17th, 1370. F. H. Edwards? Parties ‘from a Distance can have their W001 same day ! varying in price from 3 to $35,00. @ Have your walls papered‘ Whitewash. Children’s Carriages; Cubs and Perumbulators, Papers from 4 cents per Boll; E. a. 391535.338. also a. HITE RANITE ROCKERY. BITE RANITE ROCKERY . Sï¬ASQfl‘ 015' 1619, UUST RECEIVED AT complete running order, having recently been overhauled, F "st-class Millers and strict attention to customers’ interests. AND papered, it is cheaper and better Decorations Decorations Decoratlons LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. AT 9 ‘ . Ashdown .s, JOHN KELLY. Wellin'glun, Grey and Brute NOTICE is hereby given that an; An- nual General Meeting of the Share. holders of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Kuhn, Company, will be held at 'the Como PM! ’3 Oï¬ce, in the City of Hamilton, on W r)NESDAY, the 25th of MAY next, for the election of DireCtors, and other put. poses. HENRY EBSKINE IRVING, I Secretary. | Hamilton, 19th April 1870. 169.1. PROTON REVISION COURT. bl ()TICE is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Township of Pro- ton will be held in the house of Mr. James Bryce, on Lot 20, Con. 8, on A -_A Wedneédéy, 131'. day Jgne, 1870, AT 10 o’cwcx, A. M. All parties having business at said Court “7111 take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. vnnnh" if... A Dnl' D HE Municipal Council of the Township of Egremon’t, will 'meet as a Court of Revision, at HOLSTEIN. on Thursday, 19th Day of May, 1870, Proton‘, Aprflm: 1870- cOURT or ___REV‘IS‘ION. T0 WNSHiP 5F EGREMON T. LAZARUS, MORRIS . 00-, April 26, 1870. orncuxs AND OCL'LISTS, MoxmmL, Have, with a. view to meet th’e increased de- m'ax‘zd for their celebrated PER FECTED SPECTACLES, As their Sole Agent for D URIIAM it WALKER TON. They have taken care to give all needful instruc- tions, and have conï¬dence in the ability of their agents to suit the requirements of all customers. An opportunity will be thus af- forded to procure, at all times, Specta'cles Unequalled by any for i‘heir Streizglhen- ing and Preserving Qualities. ‘0 n,,__ "Too much cannot be said of their SUPE- 111011111 over the ordinary glasses worn.â€" There is no thmtnnmc, 11.11 name 01‘ 1111: 310111, mzzn'sss, or other unpleasant sen- eation, but on the contrary, from the pecu- liar constructiOn of the Lenses, they are soo'rmxc n1) PLEASANT, causing a feeling of relief to the wearer, and Pnonucmc A 011:“: 111111 DISTINCT VISION, as in the SATURAL 11131113131: SIGHT. They are the Only Spectacles that. ' Pr’eserVe as Well as Assist the And are ihe CHEAFEST because the BEST, always lasting MARY YEARS without change being necessary. [ï¬rWE EMPLOY NO PEDLERS. 4:1) MONEY TO LOAN. David Jackson,Jr., Building 8: Savings Society, Land Agent, Conveyancer, Commissioner, and Insurance Agent. Gl’EI.PH-Fir8t Wednesday in Each month. Hanaxsroxâ€"Friday before Guelph Fair. Boswomnâ€"Saturday before Guelph. Draytonâ€"The day before Elora. CLIFFORDâ€"Thursday before Guelph Fair. 'l‘svlo'rmu-z --Frida before Guelph Fair. New Banauaoâ€" irst Tuesday in each month. ‘ BERLINâ€"First Thursday in each month. ELXIRAâ€" Second Monday in each month. Warsnmoâ€"Second Tuesday in each month. ’ M'r. Foaas'l' â€"Third Wednesday in each , . month. Dagmarâ€"Tuesday preceding the above. Fumesâ€"Thursday folloï¬â€˜viné Mt. Forest. t Owos‘nmxï¬gecoud Thursday in_ Jan., “' Vlm‘u- ' câ€â€" , March, May,;Ju_ly, Sep, 5nd Nov, MONO MILLS-Third Wednesday in 3811., April, July and October. . Emsâ€"First «Manda .in January, April, July and Octo er. _ . MAsoanLsâ€"First Tuesday in. Febt‘uery, May, August and November. Paid up Capital, ........ $1,030,000 Invested onRezfl Estate, . 2,000,000 ARPENTER, Builder, ta, Plans, Speciï¬cation and Estimates .of every descriptton reasonable; Funerals furnished at ï¬ve hours notice, in the best style at the Money loaned from 1 to 15 years. Chgapeat, Safest and Best. Society in lowest terms. Durham Post-Ofï¬ce. Mails for the South are closed at 9 8.111. North at3 p. ..m “ East and West†..o .... 6 p..m A. MCKENZIE, Posrusna. w. A. few good farpgfqr salea RAILWAY- Go'od Mortgages Bought. . 11. Edwards u 10 o’cwcx, A. M. R. LEGATE, Township Clerk. 1270. 169.2. JOSEPH MCARDLE, Township Clerk. “elm. 1870. 169 5. Agent for the CANADA PERMANENT W-.McDON1§ELL, Incorporated A.D. 1855. 'ACKSON, Jn., APPOINTED Sight GREAT BARGAINS! HE subscriber offers for sale two that. ongh‘ bred 'Bpfarsâ€"one a Berkshire, from Ta‘it’ s stook, Caiedonia, and the other a. Cheshire, from Marshall’s stock, Bin brook. The Berlgh ire may be seen at Mr. Peter Patérson’ s Nur’hahï¬, and the Cheshire at lot 13, con. 2,1? Glenelg, where full information ’63 to {3111's, 6ch may be obtained. _ NICHOLAS WEhTï¬hssrox. April In, 1870. 166. “ Durham Meat Kafka.†OT No. 16, COD. 3, West of the Gm. fraxa Road. Township of Bentinck, connining 100 acres, about. 33 acres clear- ed. Termsâ€"$300 cash. ‘ PATRICK WEISSH. be ’éOARs FOR SALE. Feb.15, 1870- A CHOICE LOT OF LAND FOR SALE- Australia 8:. Europa, An Immense Stock '6? New and Fashionable Spring and Summer Dress ilatgé Htoék o’f Staple goods in SHIRTINGS, CHECKS IN SHAWL PATTERNS. SILK CHECKS, LADIES’ SUMMER DRESS GOODS, New ShéIdes and Colors. SHAWLS, LiANrLE CLOTHS, and all kinds of Trimmings. MWï¬RERY’ AM} 3‘MWY @3033. In endless vari‘etj FLOWERS FEATHERS, ORNAMEi‘TTS, ï¬iBBONs, c.-, in all the Novelties of the Session very cheap "GRAY 3: BLEACAED 'COTTGNS, PRINTS GINGAMS, New Groceries just Ré‘éeiVed‘ '? NEW HARDWARE just OpCï¬ed out. BXLLIAKT DENIMS, HOLLANDS, CHARLES LIMIN. may 6mm. SHEETING S, J as! Arrived from '33 srmxsmrs NEW STYLES. A large stock of A large stock of A large stock '0? TOWELLINGS. PURPLE PADS, in an ihe LOWER TOWN, NEAR THE iSBS'i-dFFICE‘. . M‘KECHNIE, CARPETINGS‘, .UBNIT‘URE Findlay (Sr Shaw Ha‘fe now completed their a'to'ék, ’C‘énsist‘- ing in part of mm: mag; CHEMICALS, HORSE, CATTLE, PATERT AND 1 PROPRIAI'ORY M‘Emcfms, Toilet and Fancy Articles, ESSENQESO EXTTRQG‘FS, $20", $ch of every kind and warranted of the best quality. LIQuoas z Liqu’oas. recommended by all the leading physicians ‘ of the day. ï¬â€˜chFEEs, TEAS, TOBACCOES, SPICES, h, m. TICKIS‘GS, 66A}; MMZHENE 98, F. 6.: S. have now facihtae‘a fo‘rsupp'lyï¬g all the newest medicines and papa-anions which may be brought before the public frem time to time. A complete assoetment of Liquors of the ï¬nest brad’l’s, for family and medicinal purposes, incltdin: the celebrated ï¬ghflï¬ciï¬qe Prepc'ribiions,.'caretully compounded, and acch-acy guaranteed. Stop. épen (for dispensing hotly) on Snn'day from} $6 4 p. m. (tï¬- Night calls punctual] y amended to. 3:} F. '8; S. afe ngénta {0.1- the Guelph Sewing Machine Company. N. B.â€"â€"FmoLu ,a; SHAW an égérï¬fo; the Montreal Telegraph Qompany. Qï¬â€˜cé open every day (Sï¬ndays Etcept'ed) ï¬bm 8 a’.m. to 8 p. m; mama: Wiflï¬s, LAMPS AND LAMP CHIMNEYS, DYESTUFFS 3336., c'. DRUGGISTS, c., in great variety. FINEST Ready-Made Clothing BDOts and Shoes. suoyuuodml mam Durham, April 20th, 1870. ' .HA‘f'S'Ja CAPS, CfO‘ékery, Glassware, Clothing, (ï¬t! New Sty’les All of which will he sold at a small advance on OPENED GUT CLOVER SEED. {Rama Sï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬iï¬ï¬ «w ‘AT M. FRASER’S STORE. LOWER VILLAGE, DURHAM. IN AT