West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 May 1870, p. 3

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Mays“ e bound. place of t. north. \D city,- is no Lere thifl The 5m 0 ClOCk. :ecrecy as sea pro- y Where Ll book- : some. as have '3’, any ta. c gone 0098 w. 03 P" . Park, rteous, minke! a term pply at 000 33 : y were L some ,uarterea 050 l 0 3W8 on 110 as 0b6 The a m use- :cssion Inst. anna- The finiculm app we Subscribers. TRAYED FROM THE PREMISES S of the subscribers, Durham Village, a small Red Heifer,3 years old, iii-call; haaaome whit- 0 spots: on her face. Any nformation that will lead to er recmery c)Will be suitably rewarded. T. JLJ. B. SMITH, In {he m2 of the In the Monday, 30th Day ’01 May, Inst, At Eleven o’clock‘in the forenoon, to ceive statements of his affairs, and appoint an Assignee. “ v “1"“ TOWNSHIP OF BENTINCK. I lSTof nncl’aimed Letters remaining in ' Durham P. O. on May 4th, 1870': Anderson, Ma'riJaneM‘Lean, Malcolm Allan, WVm. M‘Arthur, Donald Bell,"John. M‘Laughlin. J. Barnes, A. C. M‘Donald, Alex. Burgess, Thom‘hs "‘M‘Don'alrl, D. I. Burns, Patrc’t'l; M’Phail, James Bo‘yle, Wm. M‘Eachern. John Burns, Miss Ann M‘Martln, John ’Hall, John M‘Intyre, Angus Bell, Wm. M‘Girr, Thomas Beggs, J ohn M ‘Donnld, J ohn 'Burrell, Matthew M-Lean, Flora‘ Jane :Binnie, George ‘M‘Co'i'mich, Alex. ‘Byers, James . M'lntyre, Arch. Cameron, Allan M‘Carthur, Mrs. Ann ’Clark, Jane M‘Gilvrny, Duncan Cook, Peter M‘Lean, Sarah ' Campbell, Chas. M‘Culloch, Wm. 'Cameron, Chas. M‘Lean, John 'Duusmoor, John M-lnnes, Dngald ‘jDixon, John M'Girr, James Zhedman, Joseph M'Phail, II. invigcmhnrine Miss U’Conher, Edward 'FAkington. Mr. Puddle, John Franks; J ohn Rose, Mary ,French, b‘! Robinson, John 'Foley. Hugh Scott,'John ‘HOpkins, Mrs. Ann Smith, Wm. ,Hnges, Mrs. Wm. Suvelly, \Vm. 'Howart, MrS.M.‘A. Story, H. I. 'Hopkins. David Slafl‘brd, Thos. 'Hiuch, John Turnbull, Robt. 'Ilamilton. Mrs. A!ex.,Ta:.sley, Robt. .lnrdine, Robt. Vaison, John Iiiennedy, Chas. Vollett, Elizabeth Livingston, Add. '2 Wilson, A32. 'Leach, Neil Welles, Mary Lindsay, J oseph Watson, Agnes Lamb, Geo, \ValtefS, J. Miller. Mrs. N. J. Wilson, Wm. ‘Mitcheli. David “’mson, C. ' Martin, John Watson, Peter Mann, Margaret. Young, James A‘RCH- MCKENZIE, Postmaster. he firSt sittings of the above court will be held in Brehm’s Hotel, Hanovgr, on Friday the 27th of May, at. 10 O’CIOCK, ndti U ’LACHLAN McQU‘AaRY, WILLIAM BOYLE, _ CHARLES BOYD, ‘ Crawford P. 0., Beatinck, E Durham; May 3: vent. EACHER WANTED- [OR FARRIERS, Solicitor. Owen Sound, May 9th, and all interested in GIVING Jz TAKING Money, remember that. ‘Ifyou take United States silver at six or eight per'ce‘nt‘morg than it is worth, either in CHANGE, or for LABUUFQ, ‘or [or PRODUCE, you will he the lo‘ser. and mat no 8 Value any 'Bentiuck, May 2nd, 1370. VEY Tg LOAN 2w INCBIES A Yaw, \vithout an advance on the goods you buy, you will be easily persuaded. You may be told that it will be taken from you at par again ; if you believe that Storekeepers will lose eight per cent on EEPRE-GflTEB SHIEEIL Wm: Ashdown’s ‘3 BUBHKM £13353,” . II? American Silver 13 taken 311:! m change at the following rates: R School Section No. 12, benuncx, to enter on duties immediately. For alars apply stating qualifications, to’ Moribers. A fetixale teacher prefer- to money the value of which is kno'w’ix 'and fixed, and repudiate the snare laid by interested parties who have a let of DEPRECIATED SMALL CHANGE to get rid of, Don‘t take 1113i; Silva! at Par. The best Canadian Coal Oil at a gall'On. n-EVER'Y FACILITY FOR DOING FIRST-CLASS WORK AT THE “CHROSKZâ€"LE” OFFICE. matter of WILLIAM a. Dunno l uu, be ”Village of Tlesherton, an Insol‘ V illaae of F lesberton, in the County of Grey, 0:: Fourfee‘n Ounces a Pound, CREASOR; G_. _J. _GA‘L-E, GIVE THE PREFERENCE securil y. Test the Prices of Goods HALF DOLL-AR, . 47 QUARTER DOLhAR, 23 1mm .. 9 HALF DIME, - 4 ‘and you will see the diference‘. . SO Sil‘rel. List of Letters. "Is not. at Par Value, MECHANECS 0., Bent'inck, M53729, 1870 {WILLIAM S.'CHRIS‘§‘OE, L 0 WEE T0 WN, THOS. Storekeeper can make it Par av more than he can make 187 EIOS. DIXON, Barristebat-Law, Lower Town, Duh“ WM. ASHDOWN. on real or person- 'A'T 01‘ Interim A3559": . 1870. Tanne :8; die. Dvnmu HOUSE. Bentinck, Trustees Lower Town- Cenif‘s. “ (o u 32 centé to Cloth 'LADIES’ and Velveteéil J’ack'eis. Il‘lllb 0L [)0Ul\ll)ulb LUuU'J . .v --__ - _-__ his ’ m: \MA’, and to his numerous customers in particular, for past favors in: his line of business, and also to inform them that his Carding and Cloth-Dressing Machinery is now in complete order. having been recently. fitted up with latest improvements, and having engaged the services of one of the most experienced workmen in Ontario '2) years standtizg, twists bv’unretnitting attention and good workâ€"‘all work warranted- to merit a share of public patronage. The GRIS’ l‘ MILL 13 in ready for all sorts of work May 1711:, .1870. Window Shades Window Shades Window Shades RATE OF RATE OF 1,566 BQEZS {SE caerefls'r ngfi‘fififls WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADES, c., ever brought to this part of the Country, and selling at extremely low pnces. Patterns to suit all tastes. EDGE qus, May 17th, 1370. Parties 'from a DiStahcc can have their Wool 'same day ! In addition to the above we have IIE vai‘yihg in price fr-dm 3 to $3530; @D Have your Walls paper'sd, it is cheaper and bett'ei‘ {113.111 Whitewash. . . - ' Papers from 4 cents [131* Roll. ' E. E; EDWQfiBS. Children’s Carri-ages; and Perumbulators, SUBSCRIBER. 111503 TO RETURN THANKS TO THE PUBLIC 1‘ _. __-L can...“ :_ k 533w, May 17th,1870. WELL 13 in complete running order, having recently been overhauled, iris of work. First-class Millers and strict attention to customers’ interests. VARIETY STORE, also 'a. HITEâ€" lem ROCKERY. mm 33mm ROCKERY. JUST RECEIVED SEASON" QB 1.83309 e have also just received a large con- signment of AND Decorations Decorations Decoratlans iOWER TOWN, DURHAM. AT . AShdoWn’S, JOHN KELLY. The subscriber in returning thanks fdr. past favors would intimate. to his friends 89d the pnb2ic_'g'epéra§1y, .that he, A -L__- ‘lquua “a“ u-v râ€"npuv °_â€"â€"__ .. . has again commenced to manufactuye’ Spinning Wheels and J ack-Reels, and has now on hand fifty long reels, and fifty more in course of construction, which, as the- times are hard, will he sold very cheap for cash. Credit will be given as usual. GEORGE CAMPBELL, Near: Schofield’s Saw-Mill, Bentinck. May 4th, 1870‘. 2m. Court of ReVIsmn. TAKE NOTICE, THE: MUNICIPAL Council of time Township bf Artemisia will meet as a Court, of Revision, in the Council Room, Town Hall, Eleaherton, on Mayday the 30th inst., at 10 9’qlock.a.m. . __--.‘J.’.. ._ -n,‘ MV||U “J I” U vvvu c..â€"- v, All appeais must be made 111 writing and lodged with me_ not later than the 213m inst. ‘ “ - .‘_â€"l -mnn Uvuavu vvcvâ€" â€"v â€"" Communications through the post-office must be prepaid and addressed to me at Eugenia P. O. HENRY MELDRUM. Township Clerk. PROTON REVISION COURT? NOTICE is hereby given-ihet the Court of Revision for the Townslii‘p of Pro ‘1'. ton will be held'in the house of “James" Bryce, on Lot 20, Con. 8,, on Wednesday, lst day June, 1870, AT 10‘ down, A. M. All parties having business at said Court will take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. . -. ' ' JOSEPH MCARDLE, .. Township Clerk. Prntnn- Anril 22. 1870. 169 5. Artemisia, May 6, 1870. LAZARUS, MORRIS co, orrrcrizis AND comers, MOSTREAL, Have, with a view torneet the increased de mand for their Celebrated PERFECTED As their Sole Agent for DURHAM (c- WALKERTON’. They have taken care to give all needful instruc- tions, and have confidence in the ability of their agents to suit the requirements of all customers. An opportunity will be thus af- customers. An opportunity will be t forded to procure, at all times, Spe Unequalled by any for their Stren Mg and Preserving Qualities. Too much cannot be said of their RIORITY over the. ordinary glasses w There is no unrmtemxe, WAVERING . SIGHT, Dizzmess, or other unpleasar nation, but on the cohtrary,‘from thr liar construction of the Lenses, th soonnxc Ann PLEASANT, .canslng'a of relief to the wearer, and ftiODU CLEAR Axn niS'rIxc'r 'v’fsw'x, as jXATURAL HEALTHY SIGHT. They a only Spectacles that Proton, April” ....., 1870. Preserve as And are the CHEAPEST because the BEST, always lasting MANY YEARS without change being necessary. MONEY TO LOAN. David Jackson, Jr., . Agent for the CANADA PERMANENT Building 8: Savings Society; Money loaned from 1 to 15 years. Cheapest, Safest and Best Society in Canada. 0? Charges low and fixed by Tariff. Land Agent, Cbnveyancer, Commissioner, and Insurance Agent. GL'ELPHâ€"First Wednesday {2'1 each month. HARBIjquxâ€"Ffiday before‘GuelphtFair. Bosu‘oRfHâ€"Seturday before Guelph. ELORAâ€"The day before Guelph. Draytonâ€"The day before Elora. CLIFFORD-fThurSday before Guelph Fair. 'l‘svlo'rDALua-Friday before Guelph Fair. NEW HAMBURGâ€"First Tuesday in each month. _ Baumâ€"First Thursday in each month. ELMIRAâ€" Second Monday in each month. WATERLOOâ€"Second Tuesday in each month. MT. FORESTâ€"Third Wednex‘sfiay in each month. A . 2 . DURHAMâ€"Tuesday preceding the above. Feastsâ€"Thursday, following Mt. Forest. ORAXGEVILLEâ€"Sepond Thursday in Jan., March, May, July, Sep., and N 9v. Moxo MlLLsâ€"Third Wednesday in Jan, April, July and October. ; Emsâ€"First Monday :jn January, April, July and October. ' ' - MasoanLnâ€"First Tuesday in February, , May, August and' November. SPINNING [WHEELS u CARPENTER, Builder, c., Plans. Specificatipn and Estimates of every description reas'ona'b‘ie; Funérgls furnished at fivp 1:0an notice, in the best Style at the Idiréfi’t terms. Mails for the South are closeu at :1 a..m. “ “ North at 3 9.111. “ East 'and West, . . . con-y 6 p.m. A. MCKENZIE, Posmasnz. Paid up Capital, ........ $1, 030, 000 Invested on Real Es§a_te,.. 2,000,000 [If]? A few good farms for sale. Good Mortgages Bought. Durham Post-Office. Monthly Cattle Fairs. . W. MCDONNELL, for the South are closed at 9 sun. “ North at3_ p.m. Incorporated A.D. 1855. II EMfiLoY N0 ACKSON, JIL, APPOINTED Sight. well as Assist the Edwards SPECTACLES , WAVEI‘JXG OF THE Ler unpleasant sen- my, from the pecu- Lensés, they are ', ,caasing a feeling and rx’ .ODUCING A VISION, as in 'the PEDLERS. , Spectacles Strengthen- WOI'D } OF '1 in are SUPE the the A I Store cizébj ing to q} anv other 1 LOT N o. 16, Con. 3, West of the Gara- fraxa Road; To‘imship. of Bentinck, containing 100~acres, about 30 acres clear- ed. Termsâ€"$300 cash. - GREAT B AR'GAI NS ‘2 HORSE BILLS, Printea in goodastylerâ€"plain or colon-pd;â€" at. ‘his office. We have a better sel.ectio.n 9:7,.adjoizfiiqg.;.Coupt.ies’. Ogden by 51331 firomotly attend'ed to. FILESâ€"Internal, Bleeding, External, and Itching, no matter how severe, reliev- ed quickly, and cured magically with Dr. J. Brigga’ Pile Remedy. Sold by Findlay Shaw. '_ PATRICK WELSH. Feb. 15, 1870. LAND Eon SALE. iStore c/zéirper accord ing to quality than {any other in Durham. No surrender to the IFactotums. Small profits quick returns "GLA SC 0 W2 Australia Eurbpa‘; SHIRTINGS, CHECK$ . IN SHAWL PATTERNS, Si’LK CHECKS, ’An Immense Stock of New and Fashionable Spring "and Summer Dress Goods. A large stock of LADIES’ SLMMER DRESS Goobi‘; in all the New Shades and Colors. SHAWLS, MANI‘LE CLOTHS, 'and all kinds of Trimmings. In endless variety FLOWERS "a; FEATHERS, . _ :ORNAMENTS, RIBBONS, "amt, ‘in alllthe Noveities 6f the ~Ska-karézou‘v:er'y‘c’flitea'p MELMEERY MW) FANfiY SEWER. New Groceries just Received. 0:? NEW HARDWARE just Opened out. _ : TldKINGE, GRAY BLEACAED ‘COTTONS, A 15:39. stock of Staple goods in RILIJANT DENIMS, ‘Ho‘LLANDé, mam Game. SHEETINGS, Dun ham. to the Small J ust Airfied from NEW STYLES. EX STEAMSBIPS A large stbck 6f A large stock of J. M‘KECHNFIE, TOWELLINGS, “PURPLE PADS, LOWER TOWN, NEAR THE Posrowxca 159. CARPETINGS, URNITURB Findlay (Sr Shaw muggis’ts‘, fivRHAM; Have now HORSE1 PROPRIATORY MEDICINES, Tbiiét and Fax-fa} Articles}: gssgbfc‘é‘s‘o axmm-‘so 35% a of every kind and warranted of the best quality. LlQ‘tfloR's ! LIQUORS. reconiifiéndea by all the leading physicians of the day. . '="= ' u. 33’" COFFEES, TEASL TOBACCOES, SPICES, c., c. WM: mam“ em, , F. £5 S. have now facihties far supplying all the newest medicines and preparations which may be brought before the public {rem time to time. WPhysiciane Prescriptions carefully compounded, and accuracy guaranteerl. 8110;) open (for dispensing. ,onl ) a Sunday from-239 4 p.,m. (11'? Nfg-t 63-15 punct‘ualfy fittende'd to”, *r-t'. 01% F. S. are - agents for the Guelph Sewmg Machine Company. . thg‘iIZr'xtx-eal :I‘eiégraph- Company: Ofiioe open avg-y day (Sundays excepted) from 8 open every day 51.11:. to 8 P- m. LAMPS AND LAMP CHIMNEYS, N. B.â€"-FII\'DLAY a; SHAJV are agents for complete assoetment of Liquors of the finest brande, for famiLy‘ and medicinal purposes, including the celebrated DYESTUFFS c., 6m, I'c., 5m. completed their ing in part of cuchps: CATTLE, PA ‘RINTS, in great variety. FINr EST 'PATENT MEDICINES stock, consist- AND "snoutzuodml 15593!“ Ready-Made Clothing Sharp’s Garden Seeds; Durham, April 20th, 1870. DRY GOODS; GROCERIES HATS CAPS, Clockel y, Glasswal e, Clo thillg, (60.3 .7. Styles All of which will be sold at a small advance oxi ‘50 Gamma sfiwcmw a? OPENED {PUT “magma Béots and Shoes. CLOVER SEED â€" -_ AT M. FBASER’S smut. th, 1870. LOWER VILLAGE DURHAM. COQTa IN AT

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