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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Jun 1870, p. 3

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L0 lay both. lz':3t clutter I. icue without red the“ rt of the e Opinion uld com‘e‘ 030 in the he the 8:4 osition to at said a bat hope9 en up.â€" agitation the Data em town; nd wait a £0 this 13696 by people of ownships s, for if mention Cumberland, ly satisfied iucere. The My surveyed r mile, but estimated to tuning stock . Mills bt tho ave the not get ist the to replied to know was much '5“‘6°1 “'4 fits 0f the z the ante it contained, neral tenor .3 statement rest and b. t. something ain, and re- ; ago. Mr. as '1; state! what. use d 2;; if, we re- 'ow-gauge B. M r. at the as- the Not- ‘urno en canea '0 Sound. '. rat, though ’el would be um not ha BI Deputy. From ’W The horse Kingcraft won the Derby this year, making the race in 2:45.â€" Palmerston came in second and Muster close behind, third. MeGregor, the favorite, fell behind, to theaatoniahment of all, and utterly failed to meet the high expectations of sportsmen. The fruit crop of 1870 is said to be excellent in all parts of the conntry,with brilliant prospects for an abundant yield. PROGRESS.-â€"-In a country like onra,where 'there are those who yet remember the privations and inconveniences of the set- tlers, the many mechanical improvements laborâ€"saving machines indicate a pro and grew unparalcled in history. We have now machinery to lighten the labors of peed-time and harvestâ€"inventions to in-' ‘ mforts of lifeâ€"and to facilitate communwauon. To lessen mortality and. step the inroads of disease, we have the great Shohenees Remedy for diseases of the lungs, iiver, and kidneys. For sale by all ‘ . . 187-4. . Daily Advertiser of Tuesday reports : F811‘V'heato o o o- ------0 90 @ l 08 Spring Wheat ....... .-0 '88 @ 0 '94 Potatoes. . . ”Wool --- - We desire to return our most sincere andr heartfelt thanks to the citizens of Durham, for the efficient services rendered on fire occasion of the destruction of our premises by fire, in endeavoring to stay the ravages of the devouring element. T. rk J. B. SMITH. Durham, J uue 9, 1870. HOW TO MAKE A HORSE TROY. 2’ set ofI- less for Icacbtng any Horse to Trot Fast 111 a Short time, Owitbout the ‘use of a. Track, or Professional Trainer. ilmham Dishict lndga MM. 1 Toronto and Sydenham Road, being lot No. 23‘ , ‘lst concession, North«East of the sail road, in the township of Melanc- thon, is offered for sake cheap, for cash,â€" The lot is known as ‘ Neil’s old ‘Stand,’ and comprises 50 acres, 40 of which are cleared. HE REGI L \R SE‘JI ANNL AL Meeting of the abnve Lodge, will be held on Friday, 17111 of June next, at 0 ’clock p.11). ‘ "‘ ‘ n‘ - "I l- _____ v-vvâ€"‘ The Royal Scarlet Chapter will be open ‘ed on the ych, but the business will be *zmmacted at the close g the District [fleecing on the 17th. 'blet Term instalments, SPINNING WHEELS! me: Terms, $200 'down, balance in yearl} instalments, at ‘7 per cent; ‘ ‘ Apply to W. R. Turner, P. L. 8., 01 'John Moodie, Durham 5 Creasor J: Morrison ‘Owen Sound; or'to friends} and the has again (51):} Spinning W heel now on hand M? in course of c times are hard, cash. Credit. w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR School Section No. 12, Bentinck, to enter on duties immediately. For particulars apply stating qualifications, to flue subscribers. A female teacher prefer- Address Box 230, Toronto P. '0. Horse Trotter’s Guide. TRAYED FROM THE PREMISES . of the -snb.=cribers, Durham Village, a small Red Heifer, 3 years ‘old, ill-08" ; has some white spots on her face. Any person giving information that will lead w er recovery will be suitably rewarded. m A ‘- 7‘ nun-1m" Apply at once files from ( .og House a [8. Terms May April, 3370 GEORGE CAMPBE Near Schofieid’s Sawaill, I May 41!). 1670. HE REST ST PI'BLISHED, A_ COMPiiETE ESIRABLE Crawford P. 0., Bent’inck, Méy 9, 1870. Whm, May 3, 1870. lhe subscrib - past ‘ {a}! SPEQEAL NOTEQE. CARD OF THAN KS; ARM 41 a Guelph Markets. 310129 s’ to Lsan. Durham Markets. LACHLAN )IcQFARRY, «~11,me BOYLE, CHARLES BOYD, ONEY T0 LOAN on real orperaou 31 security. nanâ€"[\f‘ “'vn‘Y £31 in the l and 42, 100 acres PRICE 50 CENTS, Stray Heifer. V. G WHEELS I! )t Gravel Road. and Log Barn OSLER MOSS, Barristers, FOR SALE. H40; 0â€"4 JOSHUA WOODLAND, Exchange Buildings, Toronto 167.6t. HOTEL STAND ON THE J. M. CAMPBELL, iodliscller, Mount Forest ll) mu be ill be 2 in returning thanks for would intimate to his ubli 0 generally, that he 0: .ced to manufacture m d J amt-Reels, and has long v reels. and fifty more In M: inn», which, as the M be Sn ‘d very cheap for he gi‘. ’ 1 as usual. RUE C‘ XMPBELL, £9“) 3 Saw Mill. Bentinck. THOS. DIXON, Banister-”Law, Lower Town, Durham. wash the : mile T. a; J. RISMITH, SALE ! Iship 0 U'I‘EL - QTAND s from of Glenelg, Lots ,d Concession N. From Durham, 1;} 30 acres cleared. Title indisputa- balauce in yearly Mstr'ict Master. Tanners, kc. Trustees. yéarly ROBERT DALGLISH, 01' Groceries, Crockery, to which he would invite public attention. The Highest Price paid for \Vocl, in Cash. has commenced business in Durham. Shop opposite Book and Woods’ Store, Upper ToWn-. Durham, June lst, 1870. PRACTICAL TAILOR '2 Selection of Teas, Durha‘m, ’Dec. 1, 1888. RAT-E WELL ASSORTED, WHICH WILL BE FOUND CHEAP AND GOOD. Dried Park for Sale. AND CHEAP STOCK 0F 'GF Special attention has been paid to the BOOT-S SHOES ’. French, 'HITE RANITE ROCKE RY. BITE . RANITE RUCKERY. Han now a Large, Gfig‘ifilfl'fl, 'cfisWATERPROOFING DONE 0N SHORT NOTICE (LATE 0F TORONTO.) (2-1.) m. Ashdown’s, LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. 'AT ROBERT DALCL‘ISH. IIST of unclaimed Letters remaining in. Durham P. ‘0. on June lst, 1870 : Ashbm‘y, °John . Morton, David Acheson. Stewart M‘Intyre, Donald Boice, Wm. M‘Meekin, James Beaten. John . M‘Donald, Arch. Brynes, Patrick M‘Phail, James. Black, John M‘Arthnr, Mick Black, Alex. M‘Lean, Flora Bxatton, Hugh M‘Donald. Sandy Cralt, Henry M‘Langhlin, A. B. Cameron, Janet M‘Nab’, Ewen Campbell, Donald M‘Langhlin,Miss M. 2 Dunn, Agnes M‘Gilhay, Sarah Elliott, James M‘Taggart, M. F- . Flowers, Henry (2) M‘InnigMargret Ann 'Fletcher, Chas. Newall, Geo. R. Geddes, Eliabeth Nelson, Robert Hartford, B. Noakes, Daniel Hastie, 'John RedfordLHenry Hastie, R. B. Staples. John Hill, Richard Scott. Wm. Irvine, Wm. Sharpe, DawsOn J ardine, Robert Stenart, Geo. Jameson John Stuart, John Kelly, Chas. Vessie, James Moyer, Rev. Sam Wilder, Chas. Morden, John R. Wurans, Geo. gehtonygohn k tyne atric Blackleohn Black, Alex. Bxatton, Hugh Cralt, Henry Cameron, J anet Campbell, Donald Dunn, Agnes Elliott, James Flowers, Henry (2) Fletcher, Chas. Geddes, Eliabeth Hartford, B. Hastie, 'John Hastie, R. B. Hill, Richard Irvine, Wm. ,Jardine, Robert Jameson John Kelly, Chas. Moyer, Rev. Sam Morden, John R. Mahar, Jeremiah FARMERS, and all interested in GIVING '8: TAKING Money, remember that. and that no Storekeeper can make it Par Value any ‘more 'than he 'can make 3,20) ENGRES fig Yéfifl If you take United States silver at six or eight. per cent more than it is worth, either in CHANGE, or for LABOUR, or lor PRODUCE, you wiIl 'be the loser. You may be 'told ‘tha‘t'it ‘Will be taken from you at par again; if ‘yo‘u believe that Storekeepers will lose eight per cent on BEPREQM’Efifl SMA’LFER, without an advance on the oods you buy, you will be easily pe uaded. LOWER ’1'0 WN, and you will see the difference. (If;- American Silver 13 taken and given in change at the following rates : waaam mam; to money the value of which ‘is knqwn and fixed, and repudiate the snare land by interesteq parties who haveleot __.__-â€"‘._-‘ h--l Don’t take their Silver '31 Par. The beBt’Cdnadian Coal ’Oil at a gallon. LAZARUS, MORRIS CO, OPTICIAXS AND OCL'IJSTS; MONTREAL, Have, ‘with a view to meet the increased de ‘man'é'i for their Celebrated PERFECTED SPECTACLES, As their Sole Agent for DURHAM d': WALKERTON. They have taken care to give all needful instruc-‘ tions, and have confidence in the ability of their agents to suit the requirements of all customers. An opportunity will be thus af- forded to procure, at all times, Spectacles Unequafled by any. for their Strengthen- ing and Preserving Qualities. Too much cannot be said of their Snpg- RIORITY over the ordinary glasses worn.â€" There is no GLIMMERING, WAVERING OF THE swim, DI'Z'z'INEss, or other unpleasant sen- sation, but on the c0ntrary, from the pecu- liar construction of the Lenses, they are soornING AND PLEASANT, causing a feeling of relief to the wearer, and PRODUCING A CLEAR AND 'DISTINCT ’insmx, as in the NATURAL HEALTHY SIGHT. They are the only Spectacles that Preserve as well as Assist the _ Sight, Anda‘l‘e’the CHEAPEST because the BEST, always lasting MANY YEARS without change bemg necessary, 01;- WE EMPLOY N0 PEDLERS. MONEY TO LOAN. David J ackSc‘m‘,J r., Agent for the CANADA PERMANENT Fourteen Ounces a Pound, GIVE THE PREFERENCE Building 8: Savings Society, Canada. - (1:? Charges low and fixed by Tariff. Land Agent, Conveyancer, Commissioner, and Insurance Agent. Mail‘s fér the South are closed at '9 sin. “ . “ .. North at 3 p.111. “ East and West, . . . ..... - 6 p.m. A. MCKENZIE, POSTMASTER. afiEVERY FACILITY FOR DOING FIRST -CLASS WORK AT- THE “CHRONICLE” OFFICE. HALF DOLLAR, . 47 QUARI‘ERDULLAR, 23 DI\1E,- 9 HALF DIME, . 4 Test the Prices of Goods ARCH- MCKENZIE, Postmaster, Paid hp Capital, ........ $1,030,000 Invested on Real Estate, . . . 2,000,000 . S. Silver List of Letters. Good Mongages Bought. (1:;- A few good farms for sale. Fr. 11. Edwards Is not at Par Value, ‘SEFfiEBfiEEETVEâ€"fi éSIA'L‘L CHANGE to_ get rid of, MECHANICS Durham PosthOfficé. . Ashdown’s Incorporated A.D. 1855. ‘ACKSON, .13., APPOINTED AT ASHDOWN; DURHAM Lower Cents. u (c u Horsn Town cents in \ . :gx‘ \'â€"‘»\ "\.2-'\\3“‘\\\7§‘\.“ . . . .- ‘ ‘ 5 NM” . . » y ‘ tore cheaper accord- ing to quality [than ;_ 3.71“" .2 M. fig‘any other in Durham. - ..;; Tie-No s’urrender to the . ' a 1 __ {:1‘ actotums. Small . - 7ng ; ._profits ‘ qulck returns . . ‘c-u. . ”:5. ' r- ‘ ;';~,;::'3_ f {f OT No. 16, Con. 3, West of 'the Gara- fraxa Road. Township of Bentinck, cuntaining 100 acreé, about 30 acres clear- ed. Termsâ€"$3OO cash. ~ PATRICK WELSH. Feb. 15, 1870. ~159. GUELPHâ€"First Wednesday in each mouth; HARRISTONâ€"Friday before Gfaelphi‘air. ‘ BoswomHâ€"Saturday before Guelph. Emuâ€"The day before Guelph. Drayto‘nâ€"The ‘day before Elor‘é. - CLiF'FoRDâ€"Thursday before Guelph Fair. TEVIOTDALEQ-Friday before Guelph Fair. , NEW HAMBURGâ€"'First Tuesday in each month; V . BERLINâ€"First Thursday in each month. ELmRAâ€" Seqon'd MpgdayLin gach granth. “Hull.“ wvvvuw WATERLoo-fSBCOIIâ€"dfi‘oâ€"eisday in eachmonth. MT. FOREST â€"â€"Th§'rd Wednesday in 'eaich month. DURHAMâ€"TueSday preceding the above; Fsaocs-e-Thursday following Mt. Forest. ORAXGEFILLEâ€"rsecond Thursday in J 311., March, May, July, Sop.) end Nov. Moxo MILLsâ€"Third‘ We‘doeséey in J an., April, July and October. _ * ERIKéâ€"First Monday in flannel-y, April, ‘1ou â€"--.â€" MAsoxvxLLEâ€"Fii'aâ€"f Tuesday in February, May, August and N'ov‘embcr. 0 Go Jo M‘KECHNIE, GREAT BARGAINS 2 LAND FOR SALE- Monthly Cattle First Manda 111 July anipcto er. 'Store cheaper accord- ~ing to quality ’than y‘any other in Durham. 3N0 s’urrender to the EFactotums. Small nprofits ‘ quick return}: GLASGOW, Australia 8L Europa; Goons. A 'Ihrg'é s'tO’c’k of Staple goods it: BHIBT’INGS, GRAY "a: BLEACAED COTTONS, ‘CHECKS, SILK CHECKS, A large stock of MD‘IES’ SUMMER. DRESS GOODS, in all are New Shades and Colors. SHAWLS, MANTLE CLOTHS, 'and 311 kinds of Trimmings. mmmm JANE MM? MEWS). in em‘i'le'ss 'vafi’efi'y FLO was as; FEATHERS, ORNAMES'T‘S, 31134130313, ’-c.-, in all the Novelties of the Season very ‘c‘fiéa‘fy New Groceries just Received. ’fi- NEW HARDWARE just opened out. PRiNT-S 61: GINGAMS4, m SHAWL MIT-mus, RILLIANT 1 Immense Stock of New and Fashionable Spring and Summer Dress DENIMS, HOLLAND‘S, mar Gama SHEETINGS, Just Arrived from NEW STYLES. ‘sx éfm‘fismt’s A large stock of A large: stock of TOW’ELLING S, "Low'ER T0wN, NEAR THE POSTiOFFICE. PURPLE PADS, 'CARPETINGS, URB Findlay (Sr Shaw Druggisis, DURHAMe Have now HORsE .R'ITCRE Toilet and Fancy Aticles, Essamgsa axmwtso as”, m of every kind and warranfed 6f the Best quality. LIQUORS ! LIQUORS- recommended by all 'th‘e 1eading physicians of the day. wCOFFEEs, TEAS, 'TOBA'CC‘OES, "SPICES, c., Sac. Qfiflx MMQHME MMS, F. 8!. 8. have now facilities for supplying all the newest medicines and preparations which may be brought before the public from timé ‘to time. fiPhysiciane Prescriptioh‘a carefully compounded, and acqurgcy guaranieed. Shep open (for dispensing ‘00} ) on Sudday from 2 to 4 p. m“. 03’ Nig t 08118 pun‘ctuall y attended to. (1:? F. ~85 Sr. are fige‘fifi; fo’r tlfé 'G'Iielph Sewing Machine Company; N7. B.-â€"‘â€"Fii\'bui' a: Sin? are figen‘ts for this Méntreal Telegraph Company. Office open every day (Sundays excepted) from 8 32m. to 8 p. tn. LAMPS AND LAMP CHIMNEYS, mama Wings, PROPRIATORY TICKINGS, complete assoetment of Liquors of the finest brands, for family and medicinal phrpQB‘es) including the celebrated DYESTUFFS c., c. CHEMICALS, CATTLE, PA {c'ompleted their ing in part of .Rm'rs, in great éa‘fiety. FINEST MEDICINES. PATENT stock, consist AND D W ed Imp artatwfl's. Ready-Made Clothing Boots and Shoes. Sharp’s Garden Seeds. Durham, April 20th, 1870. DRY ' GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS CAPS, Crockery, Glassware, _ ClOthingg ‘60.; All of which will be sold at a small advance on New Styles :5; CflQX‘GE SELEG‘EIQN QF OPENED OUT CLOVER SEED; . M‘KENZIE’S (3085!). AT M. FRASEB’S STDBE: LOWER VILLAGE, DURHAM. AT

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