West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jun 1870, p. 3

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ortby-. orable 1% that. ratepa- M can't be all to con- [110“. is bod! ébes,the ho Ham- b the nar- Eth befor’é !0r ‘Vrong’ iiver peo- aud have Kristal), by will ford an ion, but ,en that I um: gos- visions of mas and I0 abund- ICCS 3 Engine!) i} acknowâ€" Pdering of dson Bay Ir. Mac- at a Pro? e formed, es which by illegal received t :m-“Tbe Province unofficial. cept the Province, 02102 M, all the Viuia‘m o'n remained the Lake 'lun-‘d, has 7 will pro- iver, and rrv beforé the Do foronto int-U. over "V108, 8X was 1n- nantablo G Bits. \_ be. n the 433:0. \Ianitobah m“ con- ! on their It. 51 uage to the great. liugton “i doubt r “oar ommon 8V8 a. mom express- I) ce the 1'3 intmenh Rivet: 0 W11 that we The 3f cu ipring Wheat. rug: 111 \l NSOLVENT ACT OF ‘1864, and 1869. ()V ti um Canada, Province of Untatriu, County of Grey. In the matter of JD solvent. ol the 32: said acts In Buck N EW ADVER'HSEM ENTS. Thursday Evemng, June 30, 1870. {ins Night Only THE GREAT MUSIUM DUB Combination Troupe. FARM FOR SALE. Admission ’25 :t3 Ten Dramatic Acrobatic Negro MINSTREL STAR. PERFORMERS. g m “Waters, 206 '03:). Osprey, gve stolen out of his field on 19th inst, and an old worn ft. in its place. Dated at Durham fiQBEfiT fix-muggy, If U Volunteers, Attention SPECEAL ROUGE. JL’ST PUBLISHED, A COMPLETE? set of Rules for Teaching any Horse t to Trot Fast in 9. than time, wirhout the, use of a Track, or Professional Trainer. 1 HUWIU MAKE AHUBSE 1301.3 Guelph Markets. Man Durham Markets. R. .V . Sr H. ORANGE HALL. Monti Address Box 230, Toronto P. 0. s.â€"»'J 'Dr. ‘3. Briggs 03’ lg Reader for all diseases of sgs, and Chest. Very pleas nus. Sold everywhere. It Lt (200 SAVE THE QUEEN First-Class Land [I H.) thirtieth day of July next, the lgrsigned will apply to the Judge d Court for a. discharge uudn' the s for the South are closedu 9 a. m. North at3 p. 111. East .and West“ ._-.---o- 6 p..m SP.\CK.\I.-\.\'--Managcr. :I. I.\"rm.l.â€"â€"Business Agent. mm; Aaxmnâ€"Advertiaing Agent Durham PostiOffice. JOHN SHEWELL, Durham V4499“ Bleeding, External‘ ,ter how severe, reliev- ed magically with Dr. ledy. Sold by Findlay as? and West“ ----- 6 p. m A. MCKENZIE Posmurzr mce of I In the County Court of the County of .irey. Grey. of JOHN CARSON, an Iu~ PRICE 50 CENTS. MRI four ”hum v'tbc “r. J. Briggs’ , NEL‘MLGIA, c., mg, instantly reliev 1h 1):. J. Briggs” at Findlay 8: Shaw’s. . Mild, soothing; Sold by druggisls. Tuesday reports ‘ ----1 1:3 @ 1 ...-1 00 @ 1 )0 was KELEHER, Gut-lph, th h are red .xions, in-ngng one thud cash. Title L Briggs’ Alle- Iache, cutarrh, . It. is agree- “ by‘druggiste. JOHN CARSON, \V \I. BARRETT. his Anomey, ad litem . 231d 01 June, 1‘70. Briggs’ Resérved Seats 50cm. rous‘ofseiling Lots township of Ben- res of good hard- are cleared and :1. These lots are localitv. "IO mi‘es h to Modem 1n ilk. )lu'ntcers v Vol 6) US 80 Saddler and Harness 313141613 50 00 00 00 00 4:3 ROBERTâ€"IMLGLISH, J. C. ito which he would The Highest Price paid for “7 001, in Cash. E which they will sell i for m Durham. (1f Durham, Juno lst, 1870. WELL ASSORTED, of? If-you want. Furniture or anything in our line giv Suitable Lumber will Be taken in exchange for work. All kinds of TURNIBi Durham, June 14th, 1370. WHICH WlLL BE FOUND CHEAP AND GOOD. HAS REMOVED HIS BUSINESS T6 ‘ U. aL'J.‘ ‘4..- â€"â€" â€"_.___ [WARE ROOM OPPOSITE? THE ARGYLE HO'IEL Dried Pork for Sale; ROBERT DALGLISH. HARDWARE 82 1 -, , . .---./ .41.; :61: 3; ND CHEAP STOCK 0F BOOTS SHOE-S Special attention has been paid to the CUPBUa-i“ U39 DDUDIDISUD 9 W” U, UVL‘“U, ‘uuuu-w all AT MUCH LOWER PRICES! than have hitherto been (if? Orders for Repairing will receive: prompt attention. LI RNING executed with Neatnea 3 and Despatch. '1 .- MATTHEWS 8: SON, 113.8 mm 'a Large, CLGTflENG line give us a call. G. it MATTHEWS SON. DURHAMJ Clothing, Dry‘aGoods; Crockery, e.,~ \ in order to clear off as much as3 possible before moving aWay; \ Produce taken as usual. Wm. As-hdo'wn, Lower Town, Durham. I i t1 )2 “ 1 BE AT BARGAINS _! - AME to the premises of the subscriber about. the. lstzot. June, one Sorrel Mare Colt; about three. years old. The owner thereof will please prove property”, pay expenses and take her move}: â€"_A 4_'_. â€"-’ IN SOLVENT ACT OF 1864 AND Amendments, and Insolvent A'ct In the ibattgr of THOMAS GRziY, an Insolvent. HE- creditors of the insdlvent are noti- fied that a meeting will be held at my oflice, in Durham, (513., Monday, 4th day of July next, at seven o’clock, P. M., for _______’ . {he puerose of giving Instruptioixs as to, law suits pending, and to the disposal of pro- perty and to advise generally; units Baoifix, Hanover, June Q2ud, 1870. Durhath, June 22nd, 1870. NOTICE. Australia , Eurepag SHIRTINGS, FERfilNAND Y0 51", CHECKS, 01 1869. An IN SHAWL 'PAT'IERNS, 51141: CHECKS, ‘A la’rge stock 3f LADIES” SUMMER DRESS GOODS, in all the New Shades and Colors. SHAWLS, MANTLB Chums, and if?! k‘iuc’fs ‘o'f Trimmings. A large stock of GRAY BLEACAED C’OTTONS, MHKM’XER'? M??? EA???“ fi-QQB‘S‘ FLOWERS FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, RIBBONS, c.', in all the Novelties of the Season very cheap New Groceries just Receiv'ed. (If? N EW HARDWARE just Opened o‘ut'. PRINTS ’GINGAMS, l Immense Stock of New and Fashionable Spring and Summer Dress Gooas. R HJJANT DENIMS, HOLLANDS, “wax" GEE-£559 SHEETINGS, 'Just Arrived from NEW STYLES. in endless varis't‘y STEAMSIHPS TOWELLINGS, Assignee. lame stock of PURPLE PADS, Hadover. 1n.- 0 “'00 LOWER TOWN, NEAR THE POST-OFFICE. CARPETINGS, ERNITL'RE ‘ HE BEST HOTEL STAND ON THE Toronto and Sydenbam Road, being lot No. 238, 151; concesSion, North-East of the said road, it; the township of. Molanc- thou, is offered for ’é'alé cheap, for cash.â€" The lot is known as “:Bellgs old Stand? ‘and comprises 50 a'cre's, 40 of which are cleared. 'l‘fC‘IilNGS, Apply at once t? ‘ ,Booksell'ei, Mount Forest. June 8th, 1870. ' " 187.2. fir-EVERY FACILITY FOR DOING FIRS’LCLASS WORK . AT THE w CHRONICLE OEEICE. 'c., ‘c., c., Joe. “ms, FOR SALE. ii. bAM‘PBELL, (IQ Sharp’s Garden Seeds. Durham, April 20th, 1870. A, cmmr: gamma»: 95” DRY GOODS GROOERIES, HATS CAPS, Uféékery, Glais’Sv‘v‘zh‘Q Ail of Wfiibh will be sold {it a-é‘méll 'advance 6n OPENED OUT C.- M‘KENZIE CLOVER SEED. AT M. FBASEB’S STORE. m. m. LOWER VILLAGE, DURHAM. IN AT BlscultS, Dried Fruits», Tobacc‘oés, Brand 10.5, Rum, Ale Forte-'1‘; F inést Scotch found ALWAYS 'IN TTOCK : SPINNiNG WHEELS! he subscriber. in returning thanks fog past favors would intimate to his friends and the p‘nblic generally, that 113: has again commenced -.,to_. manufacture Spinning Wheels and J ads-Reels, and has now on hand fifty long reels, and fifty mm"? in course of construction, which, as the times are hard, will be sold very cheap for cash. Credit «villi be given as'nsual.’ â€"~ -â€"â€" . -.a\1\1~1 LAZARUS, MORRIS .CO-y OPTICIASS u’qo‘cmqs‘rs, noxmztst, Have, With a ’i'iew to'inee}. flie increased de- mand for their Celebrated PERFEGTED SPECTKCLES; As their Sole Agent for D L R11 A 11 d‘: WALKER TO V. Thfy have taken care to give all nee‘d’ful Ens'truc- tions, and have confidence in the .abilitypf their agents to sujt the requirements of all customers. An ‘oppOrtunity wil‘! be thus af- forded to prdcnre, atall times,e.Spcchwles Unegz‘lallcd by any for their Strengthen- mg__a d Preserving Qualities. . _‘l‘ ‘L_:_ en's” w.” w.-- _ ., _ Too much cannot be said of their Stra- alonl'n' over the ordinnry, glasses worn.â€" There is no Gleuimxc, wuusxuxc 01‘ THE SIGHT, ~m'zzu'isssa, orpt‘ker unpleasant sen- sation, but on the contrary, from the pecu- liar congtr‘qctiqnflt: the Lenses, they are soorm‘it: Lid) I’Lm'ssx'r, causing a feeling of reliefto the wearer, and raonccxxc A; CLEAI; AND. nxsnxcr Visxox, as in it; xuunAL Limmm' smn'r. .They are t o ~0u1y Spectacles that - Preserve as well as Asfiist tiie Sight._ . I - . 'l‘ f ...D_-. . ‘ And are the Cumrns‘r because the BEST; always lasting MARY Yum wilhoxit changé being necessary. (:5- WE EMPLOY NO PEDLERS. 5n. UIUUIL "VIII I10 Flvvu w u"...â€" IL, GEORGECAMPBEI . Near Schofield's Saw Mill Beutinck. May4th,1870. 2m. MONEV To LOAN; David J acksohJ 1%; Agent for the . CANADA PERMANENT -y Q 'tLand Agent, Conveyancer, Commissioner', and Insurance Agent. , Gbod Mortgages Bought; i (:3?- A few good farms for sale; Building 8: Savings Society“, Hone y to Loan. Money loaned train 1. to 15 years. Cheapest, Safest and Best Society i Canéda. , ’ ' cg? Charges toe: and. fixed By Tatifl'. 18 I. ‘ ONEY T0 Luigi? 6: rear orperson' a1 ‘secu'flt‘y. _--z\n “"Vn‘? incorporated A.D. 1855. Paid up Chifitai, ; ....... “£50,006 Invested on Real Estate, . . . 2,000,006 F. 11. Edwards SPINNING WHEELS : 1 ACKSON, Jp.., exchangé; APPOINTED mos. DIXON, . i Barrister-at-Law; ‘. Lower Town, Durham. W most, Usually

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