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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jun 1870, p. 4

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The “American Builder” enumerates these faults in planning and steering 'h‘qnses: 51‘. Cramping a house down to the candies: possible space, so as to-make more yeord room, which will never be used. 4. Arranging windows anti doors so that. one opens against the other, or. in bl! very spot to be occupied by a piece 0f furniture, or so placing'them that no fresh air can getthrough the house, even though the whole should be open. If you have haulky horses, it is your fault, and not the horses’, for if they do not pull true, there is some cause for it. and if you remove the cause, the effect will cease. When your horse baulks he is excited, and does not know what you want him to do. \Vhen he gets a little excited, stop him five or ten minutes; let him become calm; go to the haulky horse, pat him ; :lml speak to him; and as soon as he is out of his excitement- hc will in nine cases out. of ten, pull at the word. Whipping and slashing and swearing only serves to make the matter worse. After you have gen-tled him awhile’ and his excitement has cooled clown, take him by the hit, turn him each way, a few minutes as fuer as you can; pull Out the tongue; gentle him a 811*} 3. Building chimneys by guess, so that one has to have a fioZen lengths of useless atove~pipe, or else place his stove in the most. inconvenient location. 9. Letting the work out. as: whole, trusting to the honesty of the contract. or to do it, without. having “piano and {specifications preperly drawn and with- out. having any one to criticise or di- rect irt. fur'e 5. :I’roviéing no means of ventilating rooms, save by open doors or windows; .hence all the impure air which is gen- uated by breathing, cooking, or fer-mono cation, as it is ratified, rises to the top of {be room, and libero remains to breed discomfort, (lisease, and death. .7. Laying the floor directly upon joists, or at best, laying it with cull: full of knots and shakes which are but Iittle better than nothing, and, as a con- sequence, the floor is always cold and uncomfortable. 6. Nailing sheeting to the outside of 'the studdéng and olepobonrde (or siding) close to the outside of that, leaving small or no air’holea between them; and as, nine cases out of ten, green materials for eaehvcovering have been used they shrink and rot, soon making a .lxeney- comb oftbe shell, though plastered with ,paint and cement. 8. In finishing, first laying the bash pilastcrs, and casing (perhaps of green Ember); and then Lathing and plaster mo up to them so that when they dry large orifices we left to let. 1n the cold .and moisture. start half the mail is out before the othex Marts; by standing before him, tln other etart-s first. By close application to this rule, you can make any horse pull. If a horse has been badly spoil- ed, you should hitch him to the empty waggon, and pull it. aroreznd a while on the level ground; then put on a little load, and gradually increase it, carress- ing as before, and in a short. time you can have good work. For 3 Fit of Passionâ€"Walk out. in the open air, you may speak your mind to the winds without hurting any one, or proclaiming yourself to be a simple- ton . For a Fit of Idienessâ€"Connt the licking of a clock. Do this for an hour, and you will be glad to pull ofi your coat. the next, and work like a ne- {(1'0. ‘) For :1 Fit of Extravagance and Fol- lyâ€"Go to the work-house, or speak to ragged or wretched inmates of a gaol, and you will be convinced, 'v'ho makes his bed of brier and thorn, Must be content to lie forlorn. For 3 Fit of Ambitionâ€"Go into the church-yard and read gravestoucs; they will tell you the end of ali ambition. The grave will be your bed-chamber: the earth your pillow, corruption your £~ that, and the worm your mother and sister. For 3 Fit. of Regainingâ€"Look out for the halt, and the blind, and visit the bed-ridden and amicted and deranged; they will make you ashamed of your light afflictions. For a Fit of Deapondencyâ€"Look on the good things which God has given to you in this world, and those which he has promised to his followers in the next. He who goes into the garden to look for cohwehs and spiders, no doubt will find them; While he who looks for a flower, may .return with one blooming in his bosom. For all Fits of doubt, Pcrplexity, and Fearâ€"Whether they respect the body or the mind; whether they are a load to the shoulders, the head, or the heart, the following is a radical cure, which ‘may be relied on, for I had it from the Great Physician :‘-â€"“Cast thy burden on the Lord, and he will sustain thee." Making 110 calculatxous as to the of rooms or the location of furni- An old1bacbelor says, “It is all non- sense to protend that. love is blind. I never yet knew a man in love that did DLckens’ son. Faults in Building. Baulky Horses. Cure for Fits. return with one blooming Council met at. Neustadtvillnge, Kane 3rd, 187’. All the Council present. The Reeve in the chai. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. The cicrk informed the Council of Mr. McEdwarda taking the declarations of qualification and oflice. Council went. into committee of the whole on change of schooi boundaries, Fir. Morris, chairman. Committee rc- ported it advisable for ‘Lbe present to grant to John M cGrath and «hers the prayer of their petition, which involves a change in the boundaries of No. 1 and 2 Union Sections and No. 1 and 2 sec tions, Normanby. Mr. Most-Sr: introduced By-law No. 5 to appoint municipal officers for 1870 which was read the lat, 2nd and 3rd time and ordered to be entered on the minutes. On motion of Mr. Morris, seconded by Mr. McEdwards, “'11). H. Ryan was reappointed clerk and treasurer. The collectors appointed are Daniel Ecstein, John Lackey and Patrick Dowling. Pound-keepers, Leo Noecder, Frederick Herbst, Charles Widme'yer, Thoma:- Duignan, John Smith, Alexander Cal- der, Henry Chilton, George A. Privat. David W. Kenny. Pence-viewers, Dan iel Eestein, George Hapl, Wm. Krema- hon, James D. Allan, Robert Watson, sr., Andrew Marshall, John Robertson. George Stewart, James Anderson and Thomas Reid. Moved by Mr. Henry, seconded 1)} Mr. Morris, That as some parties on mate of our town lines have applied f0: aid to repair said townlincs, this Coun cil will extend an] to the amount. of $50- »n each of our townlines, provided :2 Like amount-is given by the adjoining township. Carried. Moved by Mr. BIL-Edwards, seconded by Mr. Butchart, That no grants of money be given to parties applying fox aid in repairing roads, unless supple- mented by an equal amount from the parties applying, said supzpplement to bx marked on the yclition asking for aid Carried. The sum of 8130 was granted to Laurence W'ard and others in terms of their application, to erect a bridge 1m. dot the superintendence of Mr. chEd- wards. Said amount. to be charged to west division. The Council being informed that a certain party wrote to the Post-master General that Mr. Duignan was incapable of acting as postmaster for the new post office which the Council applied to “It department to establish in the township. the clerk was ordered to write to tlu department, giving the assertion the flattest contradiction. Mr. Henry was appeinted to call on Mr. Smith, the late Reeve, and request him to deliver up the treasurer’a bond given Mr. Smith by McMahon. Mr. Morris and Mr. Henry were ap- pointed a. committee to report on treas urer‘a .socurity. The tavern inspector was oréered to prosecute Daniel Our-r and Henry Doe: for selling liquor without having paid the township license fee. Moved by Mr. McEdwards, seconded by Mr. Butchart, That the sum of $201) be granted to aid the repairing of road.- in the different. divisions as revised it. this year, and over and above aid al- ready granted, and that Mr. McMahon let. and snperintend the work on north division, Mr. Henry in the south, Mr. )IcEdwards in the west, Mr. Morris in north portions of centre and east divi sions, and Mr. Butcbart for south por- : [ion of centre and east. divisions. Car- I i fled. On motion made and seconded the Council adjourned to meet at. Doer’s Hotel, Aston village, on the last. Mon- day in August. next. FILESâ€"Internal, Bleeding, External‘ and Itching, no matter how severe, reliev- ed quickly, and cured magically with Dr. J. Briggs’ Pile Remedy. Sold by Findlay 3:. Shaw. Cnman, Hmmcns, Nm'aucu, 62c. ., no maner how distressin o, instantly reliev ed and quickly cured with Dr. J.‘ Briggs Ailevautor. To be had at Findlay 3:, Shaw’s. I’nxxrsns’ DE\*1Ls.â€"Miss Piney Forthc a lady of great intelligence, who is a practical printer herself, has the follow ing happy and appropriate notice of so called printers’ devils :---A great man)~ persons are in the habit of looking upon and speaking of printers’ devils in a manner that reflects no great credit up' on themselves. ' Those same “devxls” in nine case: out of ten, are three times as well posted on the issues of the day as the persons who speak of them. There is no class of boys for whom we have a more profound respect than well ‘behaved printers‘ devils. They know isomething, and are practical which is ' more than you can say of all classes of boys. In that respect, we place the boys who work in a printing oflice head and shoulders above most other boys. Young women, before you again elevate get some one who knows history to tell you the characters of some men who Iwere once printers’ devils. The Prince of Wales, while driving home from the Derby, lifted his hat. to a group of ladies and by accident drop- ped a glove. The fair ones dove into the dirt for it, “His Royal Highness laughing heartily at the scramble of the ladies ” Township of Normazzby. An Irish servant girl named Scott, who has been washing dishes at the Irving Hotel, New York, for three dol- Iars a. week, lately fell heir to a legacy of $75,000 by the death of an uncle in New Orleans. There is a vacancy in the dish-washing corps of the Irving. Nsv341614.â€"-Use Dr. J. Briggs' AlleJ vantor tor Neuralgia, headache, (33123312,; sore throat, bronchitis, ¢. It is agree-é abie to use,and reliable. Sold by 'lmggists. ’ WM. H. RYAN, Clerk. H 0.. Mrs. D. having secured the services of a first-class MILLINER, by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. 1 enumr, and to his numerous customers in particular, for past favors in his line of business, and also to inform them that his Carding and ClothoDressing Machinery is now in complete order, having been recently fitted up with latest improvements, and having engaged the services of one of the most experienced workmen in Ontario, 2-) years standing, trusts by unremitting attention and good workâ€" all work warranted-â€" to merit a share of public patronage. The GRIST-MILL 15 in complete runnjng order, paving recenfly been overhauled, ready for all sorts of work. First-class Millers and stnct attention to customers’ interests. \Vindow Shades Window Shades Window Shades cf;- BUI‘TER a; EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. wee 3612125 @F GRMGES‘F FF‘EFFFMSS WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADES, c., ever brought to this part of the country, and selling at extremely low prices. Patterns to suit all tastes. In addition to the above we have also just received a large con- signment of April 20th, 1870. legs mast respectt'ufly to. inform her Lad-y putrgns, ’ opened out a. large and varied assortment of been Ionsisting in part of varying in price from 3 to 2535,00. @ Have your walls papered, it is cheaper and better than Whitewash. EDGE Mums, May 17th, 1570. I‘mtie s from a. Distance can haxc thei1 Wool same day! Children’s Carriages, Cubs and Perambulators, 7 1'. ONTARIO BOOT STORE. LIE SL BSCRIBER RFGS TO RETURN THANKS TO THE PUBLIC GEN DURHAM, May 17th, 1870. Efimhmfifi’ifi LADIES HATS AND BONNETS, FEATHERS AND RIBBONS, Flowers, Hosiery, c. The GREATEST BARGAINS of 8001 S dc SHOES to be had in Durham, at the 31:35:ng fiE‘W fifiéB 6? THE Mk’flfi'fi‘ FASHWN. Papers from 4 cents per Roll. E. a. Eflwgws. made by the beat Workmen, and of Stock ofthe best quality, latest style. warranted to wear well and fit neatly. THBMAS JONES, aper Hangings aper Hangings ape!“ Hanginms Ladies’ 85 Misses’ Prunella Gaiters Balmorals selling at Cost. . Edwards’ Note the Address, MRS. DAVIDSON, .5 Ch" VARIETY STORE, JUST RECEIVED AT Sflfiéfifl? EE 18m CUSTOM WORK Decorations Decarafiong Decoratimus AND UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. v “‘0 ‘I vâ€"_VVU that she has just. receivsd and and Elegant Designs. JOHN KELLY. from Toronto, hopefi ‘ AS COMMENCED BUSINESS IN - the above line, 111 the premlses next door to G. Isaac’s saddlery shop, Upper Town, Durham, where he intends to devote his entire attention to CUSTGM WORK. Nothing but the best stock used, anda neat fit. guaranteed. fiPrices to suit the times. 163-y. HE FOLLOWING REMARKS 0N Testimonials of most wonderful and extraordinary cures in 'Canada by the GREAT ”INDIAN REMEDY. They are stern, undeniable and incontes’table ‘facts, sufficient to convince the most skeptical that the Great Medical Compound yearned after for ages is now accessible in the Great Shoshonees Remedy ! For Diseases of the Threat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive Organs, Kidneys, 850., as well as Scro'fula,_the various Skin Diseases, Humoxs, .___ -1" v- v-..â€" and all dlseases arising from impuritles of the blood, we boldly state that this great remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in the person of Wilson Storms,of Brighton, Out, of Consuggption ; or that of Peter C. UUlo, Ul UUuouulleIVAn , vs usauu u. .. vvvâ€" V. Miller, of Earnes’town, Ont., of Con- sumpt‘ion; or that of Ambrose Wood, of Consecon, Ont., of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John Hosey, of Napanee, Ont.., of Rheumatism, who ham actually been on crutches for years, in Spite of all treatment heretofore, and is now well. Scores of such cases might be mentioned had we space. Z13}; EEEA'T'SEIOSI'IONEES REMED Y afi- Call at the Drug Stores and geta circularLOi unquestlonable certificates on ___ __-_-.~__‘__-"-~““Ilhht‘ <5 PILLS, and satisfy yourselves. Price of the Remedy in. large pints $1. (if? For sale by all Druggistsand Dealers in Medicine. - “Wholesa‘e Agentaâ€"Northrop 3: Lyman. Newcastle, Lyman, Elliolt 00., Toronto. This is to certily that during the winter of lh‘titi I was taken with a weakness of the , ankles, which gradually, during the spring? of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, and I became so weak that I could not walk, but was confined to my chair. For about two years, while this weakness was coming on me, and after- wards, ‘I sought medical advice, employing at different times, three doctors, and medi- cines of different kinds prescribed by lriends, but of no avail. I continued to get worse and worse, until the summer of 11868, when I was induced to try the great Shoshonees ; Remedy by reading the‘cures performed, in Ea pamphlet. At this time I had begun to i’feel the weakness in my hands ; in fact I i was getting almost helpless. I have taken i two bottles of the shoshonees Remedy and ,two boxes of the pills, and I am entirely ; restored to health. I never expected to , get. better, but simply tried the medicine as g a sort of forlorn hope. This case of mine , was not a private one, bat known to all my s neighbors and friends ; and to any one a afflicted as I was, I have only to say try the 3 Shoshon'ees Remedy, I believe it will care i you. MARY Ass Dorcnrr. ; Sworn to before me at Madoc, County of i Hastizags this ninth day of February, 1869. l A. F. Woon, J. I’. the. . I hereby certify that I have known Mrs. Mary Ann Doughty for the last fifteen years, ’ she is a woman of probity and truth. I ; have known her before, during, and since i'her illness. I believe her certificate to be ‘true in every particular. I know that while ill her case was declared hopeless ; .and 1 know that she has, since her recovery l always attributed her recovery to the Sho- F shonees Remedy- Whatever may be the {peculiar preperties of this medicine, one thing is certain that in her case, it has act- ; ed almost like the performance of a miracle. ; A. I“; WOOD, J. P. i Warden of the county of Hastings, Pro- lvince of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. -.__. .__... .- '1‘ 0 Messrs. Casual-mum SILLS, Conway P. 0. County of Lennox, Ontario, Can- ada. GUEI.Puâ€"Firet Wednesday in each mouth, HARRISTONâ€"Friday before Guelph Fair. BoswonTuâ€"Saturday before Guelph. ELORAâ€"The day before Guelph. Draytonâ€"The day before Elora. Curfewâ€"Thursday before Guelph Fair. 'l‘EvaDALEn-Friday before Guelph Fair. New HAMBURG-First Tuesday in each month. BERLINâ€"First Thursday in each month. ELMIRAâ€" Second Monday in each month. WATERLooâ€"Sacond Tuesday in each month. MT. FORESTâ€"Third Wednesday in each month. DURHAMâ€"Tuesday preceding the above. FERGUsâ€"Thursday following Mt. Forest. URAXGEVILLEâ€"Second Thursday in Jan., March, May, Julv, Sep., and Nov. MONO Mums-Third Wednesday in Jan., ‘ April, July and October. ERINâ€"First Monday in January, April, July and October. MAsoxvxLLEâ€"First Tuesday in Februaty, May, August and November. 0T No. 16, Con. 3, West of the Gara. fraxa Road. Township of Bentinck, containing 100 acres, about 37! acres clear. ed. Termsâ€"$300 cash. Feb. 15, 1870 STOP AND SEE! . SIMPSON MADOC, County of Hastings, Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1869 Monthly Cattle Fairs. LAND FOR SALE- PATRICK WELSH GARDEN AGRICULTURAL Parker «3/ Cattle DURHAM, OWEN SOUND 8!. GODERlCH. fil’urchased before the recent great advance in price. m‘ported and for UHUBGISTS K: SEEDSMEN, ASPARAGUS. BEANS ~B1‘0ad Windscr, China Bush, Scarlet Runners, White Kidney, Yellow Six \Veeks, Lima or Butter. DEBTâ€"Early Turnip Blood, Long Blood, White Sugar. Early Rose, Early Gooderich, Harrison and Gleason. BORECOLE: BRUSSELSâ€" Sprouts. CABBAG EwEarly York, Large Drumhead, Quintpl, We heve given our usual care in the selection of Seeds, and would call the attention of the Farming community to our fine assortment of TURNIP, CABBAGE, BEET, CARROT AND MANGEL w URTZEL SEEDS. PARKER. 8.; CATTLE. HQ 3; Qfl’fiifl’? White. CO RATâ€"Adam’s Early. (DRESSâ€"Extra Curlerl. CUCUM BERâ€"Early Frame, 1331‘] y Russia, Long Green, Gherkin. FLA}: SEED. I{ALE-Scotch. LIJEK~ English Flag. LETTU CEâ€"E arly Curler}. Malta Cabba a.g\e Nonpareil Victoria Cabbage. MANGEL W URTZEL. Ox [191111, Large York- 11131 Dutch, Red Pickiiug, Green Curled 8111'05'; Su gar Loaf, Winningstadt. CAR 1’10 1‘-â€"E11rly P1911011 H011“: Large Altringham, I1111'e Red 5111 111, 11011:? U1a11ge, W bite Belgium 4 CAULIFLOW ”ELâ€"Early Paris? Halflfiarly l’aris. CEL‘EI‘LYchd Solid, White Solid, Turner’s White Solid. CITRONâ€"I‘br Preserving, C LU V E Râ€"Alsike, Long Bed. MELONâ€"Nutmeg Musk. ({reen Citron Musk. Ice Cream Water. Long Island Water. M USTA [{Dâ€"â€"W bite. NASTURTIUM. . ONIONâ€"Danvers Yellow. Large Red. Silver Skin. PEASâ€"Flack’s Blue Imperial. Tom Thumb». Early Kent. Dan. O’Rouxke. Dwarf Sugar. (eatable pods.) PARSLEYâ€"Extra Curled. PARSNIP-“Hollow Crown. Sutton’s Student. Guernsey. PEPPERâ€"Long Red. PUMPKINâ€"Cheese. Large Yellow. RADISHâ€"Long Scarlet. Black Spanish. Red Turnip. White Thmip. " A RAPE. RHUBARB~GianL Victoria. SQUASH~Vegetable Marrow. Custard Marrow. SPIN ACEâ€"Round. Clover Seed. SALSIF Y, or Vegetable Oyster. TAKES. TIMOTHYâ€"(clean). TOMATO--Early Red.-â€"Tilden’a. Large Red. TOBACCO. TURNIP~Snow Ball. Orange Jelly. For tal Early Stone. use. Sweedish Sharp’s Improved. “ Skirviug’s “ “ Marshall’s “ Stubble or Six Weeks. White Globe. Seed Potatoes. HERBS. Balm. H ySSOp. Rosemary. Rue. Sage. Summer Savory. Sweet Major-am. Thyme. Prickly. Red Globe. Yellow Bullock. Yellow Aberdeen Purple Top. A LARGE SUPPLY For table 2116 by 19mm}: Dominion-8L Provincial Directories ~.To be Published in October, 1870. I OTIGE.-Learning that my name has been *unwarrantably used in connec- tion with Directories now being canvassed in the Provinces, and entirely distinct from my works, and that in other cities it has been stated that my Directories have been abandoned, I wculd request those desiring to giveapreference to my works to Set; that persons representing thems rm. mg mp. furnished with satisfactory tllub vaxuv--w - _ I Q ‘J l ing for me are furmched thh credentials. T is intended to make these Directories the most complete and correct ever issued on this continent. They are mt be ing prepared by correspondence, but by personal canvass, from door to door, of my own Agents, for the requisite information. I have now engaged on the work in the sev- eral Provinces Forty men and Twenty horses. These are engaged mainly on the towns and villages oif the Railway and Steamboat Routes, important places on the lines being held till the completion (-f the former, to admit ofcorrection to latest date. Province of Prince Edward -- Island Directorv, 1 70 71 2 (1:? No Money to be paid until each book is (xvii ’creq. gm) _ _ Provinr'e of Newfoundland Rates of Advertising will made be know on applicatlon to .--g-‘-A--“' f 1‘ 1 0 Q Just to hand, direct from the English makersâ€"Best Durabie Qualities, Specialities at the BIG AXE, AT TORONTO WHOLESALE PRECES. Wfii'i'fi 3’; {NC 395.}: 1 7'3 Ground in Oil. This paint is supeiiur tu and more durabha than the best. White Lead. either for inside or outside work, Laku going craft, Sic. Its use is not injzniuus to the health. Direct from 'l'sws. HL‘BBL’CK 80):, London, England. Emma, MATS, POGKET . TABLE SEELEQY. Platform «5.: Cbunter Scales {‘QAL (BEE: a €0an {EH Ls‘emps w -Iicklc Silver Spoons 65 1rows Imported direct, will ”be sold RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTU R [‘2 Hade by the celebrated firm ()fGl’RNlJY. \VARL‘ (30., 0f [ialeilfig-zr. in stock :1' \lakers’prices. These Sxaips an: Wu: [Lurk 1! perfect, reliable, anddurab e. Leiu made 1n the very best manner. W. KOUGH. OPEN REBELLIGN. TAKEN BY STORM! BETTER than the BEST and Cheaper‘than the Cheapest at KELSBY’S GALLERY, Fenian R aid ! Photographs for the Miilinn ! Opposite Fletcher’s, Upper Town, Durha SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE :B SHINGLES’ (wiigonfrsOOD SAWN;0fevervde®1-iption. exer'uué 1;; 1"- Eategjgan‘.) can 135 Supplied Tannfactmg é unsurpassed 5“ an? c‘ficc in 41» can" . . ‘Q a ' . I a .. . . L L l .« -- Misc“ Sold feaSOfeftbkx F applymg L Orden by Man! mi] recch‘f C1,. ;~.1- i-‘H’chs 1;. ‘i-pO‘VV-‘ Forsale, Lot 13, Con. 7, Glenelg, com- prising 100 acres, (30 of Whlch are cleared, well watered and fenced, with a good House, Barn, Stable and an ()rcbmd of 100:1:rees_ libefeon. _ Also 50 acres, East or mu 'L'rees thereon. Also 50 acres, East half of Lot 13, Con. 6th, Glenelg, from 5 to 10 acres cleared. The above prooem' will be sold cheap, and dear deed givenu; Terms easy. For particulars apply to JOHN LOVELL, Publisher Montreal, March 16, 15‘70. EVERY description of Tinware eon- stantly on hand and made to order. All work is manufactured u supervision, and none but. the very best stock used. JUBBING done promptly and in the very best style, at the lowes: living rates. (1:? Particular attention paid to Eave-Troquing. A large stock 01' Stove-Pipes, Elbows, T Pipes and Ridge and, CHEAP FUR Plates always on b (73-" \ CASH OR TRADE. rider my own HAND, TAB] Chimneys £3 ‘5 icks, TINSMITH, ' GARAFRAXA STREET, DURHAM. Owen'Sound, Dec. 7, 160. Ol‘a GRUETS, SPGQNS, FORKS 8L6. Lovell’s Directories. (1144K) 2.3 Kegs HL'BBUCK’S Ge Owen Sound. SQMEE fiGE\GK oPipes, Elbows, T Pipeso and Ri(Lre 3 always on hand, CHEAP EUR 1 OR. 'lRADE. (76 y.) SHINGLES rcliubie quality, in «rreat variety- Du U LOVELL’S :4. LARGE LOT OF ELECTRON.ATICI) A BALE OF INCLL'IJIXI. r particulars apnl} to ABRAM GOLD, at the Durham Asher-y, 0r :0 4313M! COOK Pig-ectqry, 1870371 AND uixect 110m \Iuku HALL, (K'C nuine blisher 3 W elcomed Paper, as a “1101 1111115 1 3 may among the Pew SE 'lhe Campus DE? 1112.11: ' ' . inced is conducted by ‘wx. \ Lead, 2t Guelph, Ont, foxmerlv .g Lake Canada Farmer. ms to MOURE'S RURAL ? “BUCK All who cultivate Fruit-11"} tables. c., even 0113 £21,223 : Village or Sulmzl ) nigh.- Planters, Hurtic: 1:2: i ts. S- Wool Growers 1.1.2 211 «- 1 triers, o.. it is ]\lii$"1§f‘ lihe FAMILY it is lists.- Negetabk i FOR 0 URN ['1 LP. 130‘“ R, i“ for Sale or 10 L A ply 1015!: $2; orpto Mr. John 10 G. Jacks-u" (Z? Th?“ is :1 posed mm" ‘yt = is positive!) the eve: manufamm and vicinity. that ness in the New Having had (tons don and many 0 England, huyes } mess, to mexit a s fol I I) \‘ {um ! RURAL, LIT ;- Vol. XXL, for 1 870 Journal will Excel in a '1! of a Filst Class R'mal, ' andbusiness Newspapez,u itthe The RURAL was Duublc ’asz‘t’y Improved. in J an. 1 not only the Largesr, (Thea but~ also the Largest Gin-r. in its Sphere. Superior in and Variety of Contents. Size, Style and Illustration: Continental Circulation-wan sands of ardent admirers in Countryâ€"the RURAL is the FARM AND F1 Employing the ”having Nine Ah 0f Special Contribt â€"â€"and being an ac!â€" Practical, Scientifi m Exchange trul {run is the most deted, Widely C \Veicomed Paper, Owen So RICE “OR TH E Thursdau’ Mm '1‘ 11‘ 1-: DURHAM CHP‘L "‘ hL' HH.-\ 3!. Law ‘Rcspecfimg Nays; Vov. L 23,14 “I 1. Subscribâ€"exs who Ho 11L”: notice to the contrary are c 9 wishing to continue their su ': 2. Ifsubsvribers urdertise‘ of their periodicals, the pu‘u them until all arrears at" $23 are responsible for all numl 3. li‘subseribers neglu the periodicnis (mm the u are directed, Hwy are till they have settled (Iv 2'1 their periodical to be‘ Sending numbers back. u the Qfiice, is not Such tinuance as the Law 12. LARGEST-"BEST-"CHEAPESI 4. If subscribers neg: places Witbom informing and tlxeirpeliodi‘cals an 5;; d1rections,they are held re Eight cents per line {I and two cents breach sv'u Busmees Cards, ten 11m" anuum $4. New Yonk ( The number ofliues in 22: to be ascertained b) the :222 whichit occuuiesinlht- a n. 1222 by a. scale ufsoiid 121m .21. 0:? Libexal anange 1m 1. 1 . Merchants and 011161: adxcxt yeay. _ A 0:}“Advertisements witln =lirect10ns, inserted until form! accordingly. Naticea in editorial P-J‘UV‘V ohjee.r of which 18 to prommmm or piivate inteicets oi momma considered advertisements and U accordingly. ixléeI'tion shouid reach 1 l1 o’clock on Wunxrz furthest. Voluntary Correspondenc e ofthe county solicited. All communications tocnsuré if otherwise satisfactmy. m' H name of the writer, not HM publication but 382. guaxaz In I ‘-. . (If? No unpaid ieitcrs wzli he the Post Office. 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