ffle‘r a M 1’. cars. oath; xegig. the sub. u dark {an old, Eleading arded. M , .hing gal l . Iary ru‘gt. Mrs; John Niary John 2 .r In» Alex. ,Ekuah Baptist)!!! Alex. fgé uni! Eugen?» M, ts’: tam road licevmo; ,rs. ;, ROb‘o .rrie Mrs; Hive: 869. 3811. Tim the )avxc RSON,‘ rsignment Jitora are he above Maxwell, the 15d! 138i gaze. .EHER, Thou. lie TS “.obt. ostmastefi' the f ore- »3 “fair: rey. 03‘} hw. ï¬lerk 015 GO ningin 1870. 1870. 00 00 00 *5" now F1 ndlay (V Shaw â€1‘“ ggiStSQ DURHAMB mass, CATTLE, PATENT AND 'PRO'PRIAIORY MED’ICINES, ' Toilet and Fancy A361“. [SQENQE3’ EXTBAG‘FS. £30.. £0. idéommended by all the leading physicians of the day. tray-comma, TEAS, Tomccons, 'smcns, 'c., ac. 6933‘ MAGHKKE 011:8, F. 81. 8-. have now {86mm Pd? in'ppbi'ng all the nevest medicin’es and prepua'tions ï¬b’ich may be brought before the public from tune to time. Sh0p open (for dispensing only) on Sunday from 2 to 4 p. m. 0:}- Night calB Ipunclun‘siy amended to. 03;â€? Physician! '15‘rescr3pt.iona carefully bompounded, and accuracy guaranteed. , ï¬ï¬' F. an S. are agents for th‘é Guelph Semng Machine Company. LAMPS AND LAMP CHIMNEYS, Dominion 5: Provincial Directories To be Published in October, 1870. OTICB.-â€"â€"Learnin that my name has -- been unwarrant'a 13 used in connec- tion with Directories now being canvassed int-he Provinces, and entirely distinct from ‘ my works, and that in other cases it has been stated that my Directories have been abandoned, I would request those desiring to give a preference to my works to see that persons reprewnting themselves as net- ing for the are furnished with satisfactory Credentials. JOHN 'Lo'VEL'L, Publisher. Montreal, March 16, 1870. complete assoetment of Liquors of the ï¬nest brands, for .fu‘nil! :nd Lov’elt’s Directérl'es'. T is intended to make these DirectOries A- the most complete and correct ever issued on this continent. They are not be- ing prepared by correspondence, but by per-soul canvass, from door to door, of my own Agents. for the requisite information. 1 have now engaged on the work in the sev- eral Provinces Forty men and Twen‘ty horses. These are engaged mainly On the towns and villages off the Railway and Steamboat Routes, important places on the lines being held till the completion of the Enter, to admit of correction to latest date. I anticipate issuing, in October next, the Canadian Dominion Directory, and Six Provincial Directories, which will a correct and full index to the Dominion of Canada, Newto‘undland; and Prince Edward Island. and a combined Gazetteer. Directory and Hand Book of the six Provinces. stSCRlP'l'lO-N 10 rue nomxrox ninecroar : Dominion of Canada Subscribers 812 Cy. -An DYESTUFFS Hand Book of the six Provinces. bLBSCRlP'l'ION 10 was nomxxox DIRECTORY : Dominion of Canada Subscribers 81.. -’ Cy. United States do 12 Gold. Great Britain and Ireland do £3 Stg. France, Germany, c. ., do £3 Sig. Subscription to Prbvï¬ttial Directories. Province of Ontario Directory, 1810-11 $4 Province of Quebec do 1870-71 4 Province of N ova S_cotia do 1870.71 3 ‘OVVCI-vv v- â€"~-.- Directory, 1870-71 Province of Newfoundland -A_- h- Province of Prince Edward v . bland Direc'ory. 1970-71 2 ï¬g- NO Muney to be paid until each book f3 delivereé. a . . medicinal put] 6'. “"" Bang-6f Amrtising will made be known on application to . JOHN LOVELL, “Hither. Montreal, March 16, 1370. 36833;}? Fliflï¬igï¬f, HOW TO MAKE A HORSE IBM: UST PUBLISHED, A COMPLETE set of Rules for Teaching any Home to Trek Fast in a Short time, wiihout the $58 of e Track, or Professional Trainer. Horse Trotter’s Guide PRICE 50 CENTS. 563"†for 230', Toronto PCU. DURHAM; FFICIAL‘ ASSIGNEE; sud warranted of the but quality. al pnr ones, including the cee cheated to: “rat. count or out; in great iariety. LOVELL’S F [NEST git-ectory, 1870-71 ' Saddler and Harness Maker, WALGLISH, 011611001" North of the Foundry. Groceries, Crockery, to Which he Would invite public attention; The Highest Price pan (1 for W001 Durham, June lst, 1879-. WELL ASSORTED, rtment of all kinds ‘ of anitnre', cansisï¬ng of : ‘ 65 hi iahrgé 3330 HSVB “0 90. n PBOARDS, BEDSTEAUS. CHAIRS, SOFAS, TABLES, c., BUREAUS. C . which they will 3e“ AT MUCH LOWER PRICES 1 than have hitherto been sold ' Durham. uj-Orders for Repairing will receive prompt attention. sï¬ï¬ï¬Ã© mus 111:an or EVERY DESCRIPTION. -4 n...‘..:...... m- “whim 3n our line give us a call. It will pay you} cf? If you want Furnimre or anything in our line give us a call. Suitable Lumï¬er ill be taken in exchange for work. \ - - -- I _-' Durhni, June 14th: 1370'. WHICH WILL BE FOUND CHEAP AND GOOD. ms nu“ "o'm’. His km .8111) Dried Park for Sale. BOOTS SHOES Speciai attention has been paid to the MATTHEWS .5: THE ARG YLH' H61HL,UHHHAM.3 G. J; MATTHEWS 85 SON. ROBERT DALcL‘ISH. .9 in 031311. 118 1 '1 Pyt’ Clothing, Dl‘y-GOOJSQ Crackery, 'c., in order to clear ‘oï¬' ’as much as passible before moving away. Produce taken as usual. A HEAVY DISCOUNT 'for a few Weeks 3n ' GREAT BARGAINS! AME to the premises of about thé istpt Jot Mare 001:, alien} three y Amendments, and Insolvent Act 01 1869. ' In the matter of THOMAS GRAY, an Insolvenb THE cfeditdrs of the insolvent are notio fled that a u‘l'eeting' willb‘e 1216! at my ofï¬ce, in Durham, on Monday, 4th day of July next, at seven o’clock, P. M., for the purpose of giving instructions as to law suits pending, and to the disposal of pro- perty and to advise generatly. JAnEs BROWN, Adaiguee. Hanover, J one 223d: Durham; June 22nd,- 1870. NoTlpEa Australia 8L Europa; An Immense Stock of New and Fashiouable Spring and Summer Dress Goons. A large stock of {Staple goobls â€m SHIRTINGS, {GRAY '6: BLEACAED COTTUNS, IN SHAWL PATTERNS?» 'SI'LK CHECKS, A large stock of LADIES’ SUMMER DRESS GOODS, in all the New Shades iturd. Colors. SHAWLS, MANTLE CLOTHS, ï¬nd all kinfls- bf Triï¬mingi. In éï¬dlEBS ‘Variety FLOWERS FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, RiBiaoNs, c., in all the Novelties of me Séééon very cheap iDRINTs GINGAMS, New? Gfbceries just Received. aï¬- NEW HARDWARE just Opened out. . , \. ) RILLnx' DENIMS, HOLLANDS, MM 63mg. ‘SHEETINGS, Just Arrived from away. Ex STEAï¬SBIP‘S ï¬E‘W g‘l‘YI‘s‘ES‘. A large stock of TOWELLING S, A large aiock of PURPLE PADS, Hanover. 177-3. LOWER TOWN, NEAR THE POST-OFFICE. CARPETINGS, . M‘KECHNIE, LURE ' ““u â€â€V" â€" 3â€"737 3Ԡl, Toyonto and Sydenham Road, being lot No. 238, lst concession, North-East of the said road, in the township of Melanc- thon, is ofl'ered for" ï¬le cheap, for cash.â€" The lot is known as ‘ Bell’s old Stand,’ and comprises 50 acres, 40 of which are cleared. TICKINGS‘, wEVERY FACILITY FOR DOING FIRST-CLASS WORK, AT THE “ CHRONICLE†OFFICE. Apply at. once to J. M. CAMPBELL, . BookselIer, Mount Forest. June 871:, 1870.187-2 WIIUTEL 'c., c.‘, ’c., 856. its? $03131: 33?!) 9N .TBE mm'rs, édlinKLE£ (I? Ready-Made Clothing Boots and 85663. Sharp’s Garden Seéds. Din-Bind; April 2011:, 1870. . A GEEEEE SEEEE'EEQL‘E E? DRY- GOODS, GEOGEEIES, HATS CAPS, Crockéry, Glassware, Elathillg, (ï¬t; All of which will be sold at a small advance On OPENED GUT CLOVER SEED. ¢ M‘KENZIE AT M. FBASEB’S STORE. LOWER VILLAGE, DURHAM. IN AT Bis-Obits", Dried FruitS5 Tobaccoésy Brandies, and Canadia'li Whiskéys, é also A. Complete found ‘ALWAYS 1N TTOCK": he subscriber in returning thanks for ‘ past favors would intimate to his friends and the ‘public genernlly,_$ba_.t he has again .commenced to; manufacture Spinning Wheelg and Jack-Reels, and bag now on hand fifty long reels, and ï¬fty more in course of construction; which, as bh'é times are hard, .will be sold very cheap for cash. Credit will be given as usual. GEORGE CAMPBELL, .. Near Schoï¬eld’s‘Saw-Mill, Bentinck'. May 4th, 1870. 251. LAZARUS, ï¬onms OPTICIAVS ASD OCL'LISTS. IOXTBEAL, Have, with a view to meet the increased dc. maud for their Celebrated PERFECTED SPECTACLES; As their Sole Agent 5?? D UREA}! Er; WALKER TON. They have taken- eare to give all needful instruc; tions, and havecoxiï¬dence in the ability of their agents to suit the requirements of all customers. An opportunity will be than af- forded to procure, at all times, Spectacles Unequalled by any for their Strengthen- ing and Preserving, Qualiti . p A‘A_2_ crvï¬il" III wu-w â€" . vv'â€" .3 -V .. _ Too much cannot be said of their Surg- xuom'n' over the ordinary glasses worn.» There is no Gummsmm, wusmxc or me: smut, mzzxxsss, or other unpleasant sené sation, but on the contrary, from the pecu- liar construction of the Lenses, they are soo'rmxc AND PLEASANT, cainsihg a feeling of relief to the wearer, and raonuclï¬ï¬ A CLEAR AM) msnxcr vnsmx, as in the NATURAL HEALTHY sxcnjr. They are the -wpvâ€"w .â€" only Spectacles that - Preserve as :well as Assist the’ Sight? . . g o " n 9‘ "A u- . 0‘0 . Od{ And are the Charger beééï¬se the 8535'; always lasting MAXY YEARS without change' beiu g necessary. ., (:3?- WE ’EMPLOY NO PEDLERS. MONEY To LOAN: David J ackson,J 1%,} Agent fdr the. . CANADA PERMANENT Money to Lsan; Building 81‘ Savings Society; ï¬qney loaned from 11,0 15 years. Cheapest, Safest and Best Society i Canada. of? Charges low and ï¬xed by Tariï¬l' ONEY To LOAN on real mnemon- 9.1 security. THOS. DIXON, Barrister-at Law; Lower Town, Durham. .LJ . U - 2’. Land Agent, Conveyancer, Commissioner, and Insurance Agent. . , w { I Paid up c'aipiuil, . .. . . 31,000,005 Invested on Real Estate, . . . 2,000,00d F. 11-. Edwards Go'od Mortgages Boas (:3- A few good funds for éflé.’ SPINNING WHEELS ! l Incorporated AD. 1855; ACKSON, Jm, APPOIKTED G . . ‘ 1n; Usu all; 3