Wellington. Grey and Bruce Rail (From the Hamzth Tunes, Jam-e sum.“ The aï¬journea annua‘ meeiing of the g shareholaers of the Wellington, Grey. and Bruce Railway Company, wasiheld 1 at the Company’s oï¬ioes'in this éity yes- terday afternoon. The éhziir was occu- pied by! the President, Aaam Brown 3.... The fol] owing Reports were read: «â€" To the Sharelolders of 27:0 muing'ton, grey] and Bruce Railway. ‘ ‘0. . .‘o_ The Directors beg to their fourth annual mee ï¬g Report: lug llcpun t. V Since the last annual meeting your: Directors have 'had many difï¬culties to contend with 'in the prosecution of the: work on ï¬rst section, and "against: selï¬sh attempts to obstruct operationsE on the second section, from Fergus toE Harriston;hnt they have sought withE earnest perseverance to guard the trustE committed to them, and they have theE proud satisfaction of stating that one by E one these attempts to interfere withE their progress have been overcome, and? that now the ï¬rst section is open forij ’traï¬c, and already aiarge amount of freight has been carried over the Tine, and the prospects fora remunerative traflic most encouraging. Your Direct- ors found it necessary to ask the Town- ships of Minto, Maryhorough and How- ie}, to extend the time, origina'fly granted in their By-laws, for the com- pletion of the second section to Harris- ton. These several Muuieipalities, in the most honorable manner, granted the request by voting new By-Iaws for an extension of time, by very large ma- jorities. ‘ -‘ ï¬ â€™ ’ o‘A":-ln The contract for the iron rails, ï¬sh plates, c., has been given to John Proctor, Esq. _ The County of Bruce has since the last annual meeting, voted a bonus of ,"-’3’0,000 to the Company. Your Directors have completed an ar- rangement with the Great Western Railway of Canada, under which that Company agree to redeem an additional $2000 per mile of the Bonds of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway, making a total isme of $12,000 per mile and which arrangement completes our ï¬nancial scheme to Lake Huron. The Directors cannot close their re- gr. port without paying ajust tribute to . be the directors and ofï¬cials of the Great . in Western Railway, both in England and 0C in this country, for their cordial co-Op- ; p< eration and most valuable assistance to so this enterprise, and avail themselves of 1 Of this opportunity to tender their thanks, 3 m at the same time congratulating that tc Company for their wisdom and fore- *1 01 sight in procuring such a valuable aux-i 0' iliary to their railway. l The Corporation of Hamilton havel, 11 also continued to render material and e efï¬cient aid, and the Directors grateful- l 1y acknowledge the assistance. Amid t every diï¬lculty, the unity of action ‘ among all classes to secure success was most cheering. a The accounts for expenditure, c.,i during the year are appended hereto. , The report of Geo. Lowe Reid, Esq, C. E., will beread with interest. In looking forward to the speedy com- pletion of the line to Southampton, your Directors would draw attention to its great value and importance, not only for-the deveIOpment of the comparative- . l'y yeti hidden resources of the “Garden of Canada,†but from its connections as being part and parcel of the Railway system of the country, as a highway of travel and trafï¬c by its Lake Huron terminus to the vast territory of the North-west. All the Directors eiected last year, including Mr. J. Stuart, who has been elected in place of Mr. J. Brown, re- bigned, retire at. this meeting, but. they are all eligible and offer themselves for se-election. ADAM BROWN, 1 pt: ‘ President. it‘h HAMILTON,‘29.th J one, 1870. 1: The following is Mr. Reid’s report: or HAmL'rox, 24th June 1870. ol To the President and Directors of the g St Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway: W GENTLEMENâ€"In my last annual re-E 1: port, dated 25th May, 1869, I stated i r: that the contractors were then at work ‘3 ii clearing the line of standing timber, nt ties and bridge timber, and t] f! The construction of the line between 5 a Guelph and Fergus was proseecuted by U] the contractors, Messrs. Beckie and t Robertson, during the whole summer' and winter, under the immediate charge of Mr. Ridout, the resident Engineer, but the extreme wetness of the summer and the early setting in of winter, which 1 was prolonged (with an unusual depth at snow) until the beginning of April, unfortunately retarded the progress of the works to a very serious extent, and ‘ rented the opening of the line to the beginning: of the present, C l l pre Eiora at. year, as had been conï¬dently expected ’ and to which the contractors bad pledg ed tbemseives when they contracted to‘ do the work. The opening of the line between : Guelph and Elora has been still further ; delayed by “slips†having taken place? in several heavy embankments whilst: the frost. was coming out of the ground}i These banks are, however, being rapidly a a locomotive and a train of gr 3396 in inflating the track. The works are now snfliciently far ad- vanced to permit of the public opening s£ the line to Elem by the 1st. day of asstAL warms. Hamfltvm Times, June 30th.) ; to submit at this, meefiog, the follow- iron rails, ï¬sh given to J 011:: iâ€" iJnly next. . The large irriage war the Gama River is ï¬nished; but a heavy clay ent- ting between E1011: and Fergus, which ighml ‘to be suspended during the winter dimontha, will delay the Opening of the 1e ' line to the latter place till the lat day ‘ of September next. I“ The contract for the extension of the i line to Harriston has been let to Mr. E Wm. Hendrie, of Hamilton, who has? made a vigorous commencement at 39% eral points between Fergus and the Township Line of Peel. The railway ‘wil‘. tundonbtedl‘y be openefl to the lat ‘ ter point by the end of the present year, :and the grading and bridgmg as far as ; Drayton will, in all probability, be com pleted 'hefore winter sets ;in. The ï¬nal location of the ï¬ne north of I‘hrriston has not yet. been made, but. ‘ approaching autumn so as ‘to ‘aflmit of the letting of the third section of the line before next winter. I am, gentlemen, Your obed’t servant, Gzo. Lown Rem, Chief Engineer. '. The President, Mam Brown, Esq.,! in moving the adoption of the Annual Report, said': In accordance with pre- ’. vious custom it faiis to my lot to move 1the adoption of the report which you gha've ï¬ust heard read, and I assure you, , D g is open for trafï¬c, and that aiready a 1 large quantity of freight has been tear- iried over the line, and that the pros- I peets for the future are most. encourag- ! 102. I have jnst returned from a visit to the Elm-a station, and the works genero ally, and I was much pleased to see our station well ï¬lled with inward and out- ward freight. Mr. Tiflin, the station- master, reports very encouraging pros- pects for a good and remnnerative traf- ï¬e. As explained in Mr. Reid’s report, 'good reasons existed for the road not . being opened as soon as was expected; -but in addition to this, we had to en- icounter more than the eicments. 0p- position, having its origin in selï¬shness, sought to stop our progress; but we, iconscious of right, and with a single. ; ness of purpose, persevered in our duty to the Company, the country, and even 1 our Opponents, and the victory has been 1 T ours. I cannot conceive a- prouier position for men to occupy than to witness the: fruits of their righteous toil, especially when those fruitshave come to maturity,_ While during the period of work the la- borers have been beset with unforseen difï¬culties. \‘Ve occupy that position; but, gentlemen, through sunshine and storm we have strivcn to protect that interest you conï¬ded to us, ----and under all circumstances we have ever been able to bring round the bow of the good ship to the right direction. During the past year the strugglel has been an arduous one, but in every1 encounter With our opponents we havei'j been sustained by the best men in the country. By common consent, the uni- gversal verdict is that our line is the 1 true lineâ€"the only line for the devel- E opment of the rich and extensive coun- tics of Wellington, Grey and Bruce and E the regions beyond full of mineral wealth 1: and tributary to it at Southampton. i Apart from our strong position as allied to‘the Great. Western and all its excel. I lent and practical management, we afâ€" i ‘- ford facilities through that route of the ‘ shortest communication East and West ’ I l .iwith the great United States market, ,i against which any other project- would 3% have to struggle, both as to distance and ,‘ expense in changes to other systems. f Our watehword has been “never give l up I†one'of the best and oldest of max- ims; and today we have our compensa- tion in the fact that our trains have reached the Grand River, and are carry- ing off for shipment to Europe large lots of timber, flour, wheat, doc ,: and now comes the time when we shall wit- 1ness the rapid advance of the country. i As we open the line, station by station, people will wonder how the localities ‘- thrive and flourish. Land will increase in value, and the hardy settler will att last begin to realize real comfort. Neg one can preperly estimate the influence of the iron rail and the iron horse on ‘ lsueh a country. It will he like as it? 1 was in the States, to a certain extent. l In ten years after the introduction of lrailways, the land increased in value over 100 per cent. See what railways l have done for Chicago. In 1838 less than 100 bushels of wheat Was exported L from there; in 1862 some twenty-three ll million bushels were exported. Well: l then may men in the interior hail the atxproach cf the railway as a blessing. This road will do good to Hamilton and the country generally. We afford facili' ties to all. We are yet in our infancy of pragress in this country. Men are rising to a sense of public duty, and they will be forthcoming for every wise project. . u-v-â€"-~â€" - . y . , n .- _ _ _u, ‘ There s a.good tune comrng. at the Durham Ashery, The proper Impulse has been given. or to ABRAM COOK, Wait a little longer. In the bands of‘ (“4’“) L0‘ 7’ COD' 6’ Glenelg. W.Hd° s . _ sncha man as m . en rre the work 3):ng Sï¬ï¬ï¬IWAH, wrll be proceeded wrtb promptly and TINSMITH ’ Y b. b‘ 1 well. \\ e know rsc araetcr as a man GARAFRA- 14 STREET, DURHAM. of energy. I haveJnst vrsrted his works (TWO DOORS NORTH or THE BRIDGE.) at the Irvine River, andl can assure R1 d f T' ' ' 'r " ' t' o mwa . 50“ ‘t' did my hem g°°d t° 88" 1‘†“ml E‘ Etanfly zicbtfniiognd made tomorm. work was being pushed. I can tell you All work is manufactured anger my own l . . l'vel . Mr. , supervision and none but t e very best .tblngï¬ 1'30de i y Proctor per stock used’. JUBBING done promptly g , . . ? formed bxs ï¬rst contract In a mo“ Bang and in the very best style, at the lowest l ° 0 o o ' D o lfactory manner, and In his hands we hung rates. aï¬Parucnlarattentxon pmd ‘ to Eave-Troughmg. A large stock of i039 look thh every conï¬dence {0' Stove-Pipes, Elbows, T Pipes and Ridge ptltude and deepatcb. The 3" Plates always on hand, CHEAP FUR g prom lrangements made with the Great West- CASH OR TRADE (761-) em to redeem $12,000 a mile, of bonds, :instead of $10,000, cannot fail tobe SHINGLES. ‘ O ivery satlsfactory. It completes our .‘scbeme. That corporation has acted‘ ARTIES WANTING GOOD SAWN . . . SHINGLES (Wilson’s mannfactn :,towards us wnth great cordrahty. Fla Bentlncll.) 0811.5; supplied by applyibeé the directors andoï¬ciala here and i! England michiy deserve the thanks express- ed 1n the mport,and1 am glut} to know tha‘t tn Hamilton there 18 but one feeling towards them, and that most grateful and . kind. f I do‘feel, rm, ï¬at'the Mayor and cor- E poration are justly entitled to ‘eVery praise ‘ for their matersal “help. to the Company; E they did wisely to aid as and we have kept faith with them to the letter. E Gentlemen, I thank you for yanr uniform courtesy to myself; personally I feel, some- 'how, when I see trains running, and na‘vvies E at work on the second sec’tion that my mis sion is well nigh accomplished. - L. The Directors to be elected will, 3! am. sure, continue to persevere as theirprede- cessors have-done in the paSt, and that others will rise and do their part. in other great projects now being agitated. There should be no idle men when thereis‘imporo taut work lo be done. (Applause). Geo. 'D. Ferguson, Esq, Vic'e-Preaident, fleconded the adoption of the Raporp James Walker, Esq., remarked 'briefly on ;the present satisfactory position of the Company, and congratulated the Directors on being able to present so satisfactory an exhibit. I old Board. Messrs. Alex. Molnnis and James Walk- er having been appointed acmtiueers, abal- lot was held and the old Board were declar- ed as-unanimously deï¬ed. They are Adam Brown, Donald McInues, J. M. Fryer, A. Sproat, M. P., A. T. Wood, Gco. D. Fergusnn, Wm. McGivex-in, Jas. Turner, John Stuart, Jas. Wilson. Mr. Jae. Watson moved a vote of thanks to the President and Directors, sbea‘king of the eï¬'orts of these gentlemen in words of warm and appreciative euIOgium. Ald. Kelly, briefly séeonded the resolu‘ tion. Mr. Brow-n thanked the shareholders for the compliment, aad the meeting adjourned. At a meeting of the Directors, held im- mediately after the general meeting, Adam Brown, Esq., was elected Presxdent, and Gen. D. Ferguson, Esq., VicePresident. Spam-{flies at the BIG AXE, Just to hand, direct from the English maker'sâ€"Best Durable Qualities, AT DOOR MATS, mam 54me @3133 Ground in Oil. This paint is superior to, and more durable than the best. White Lead, either for inside or outside work, Lake going craft, the. Its use is not injurious to the health. Direct from Tnos. HUBBUCK 3% Son, London, England. COAL 01119 Coal Oil Lamps, Nickle Silver Spoons 8: Forks, Of a. reliable quality, in great variety. INCLUDING HAN-D, TABLE, HALL, c. Chimnew 8; Wicks, direct from Makers. A LARGE LOT OF POOKET , TABLE BUTLERY, --v - iâ€"gnIâ€"uortied direct, will be sold RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Platform Made by the celebrated ï¬rm of GURNEY, \VARE a; 00., of Hamilton, in stock at Makers’ priges. T_l-1e_s§ Scales are WAR- ! ‘_ 1._3_..‘ ‘VAII-"V-v r â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" RAXTED perfect, reliable, and durable,being made in the very best manner. W. KOUGH. CRUETS, SPOONS, FORKS 81.0. AND INCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE ’latform Counter Scales, ‘25 Kegs HUBBU’CK’S Genuine OPEN REBELLIGN. TAKEN BY STORM! TORONTO WHOLESALE PRlOES. Fenian Raid ! Photographs for the Miilinn! BETTER than the BEST and Cheaper than the Cheapest at KELSBY’S GALLERY, Opposite Fletcher’s, Upper orsale, Lot 13, Con. 7. Glenelg, com- prising 100 acres, 60 of WblCh are cleared, well watered and fenced, with a good House, Barn, Stable and an Orchard of 100 Trees thereon. Also 50 acres, E331 half of Lot 13, Con. 6th, Glenelg, from 8 to 10 acres .cleared. The above prooerty will he sold cheap, and clear deed given.â€" Terms easy. For particulars apply to ABBAM GOLD, Owen Sound, Dec. 7, 1869. Owen Sound. He urged the re-elect-ion of the ARTIES WANTING GOOD SAWN SHIN GLES (Wilson’ a manufacture, Bentinck.) can be supplied by app] 13 at. this oï¬ce. Sold reasonable. yi g SQALE Aï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Y. ELECTROPLATED A BALE OF Town, Durham. rviCes of a ï¬rst-class MILLINERflrqm foro'mo, t=a share. of pub‘ï¬c patronage. . 3: n# Mrs. D. having secmfed't'he 3e by strict attendon_to-bd§i'nesa to meri gags moatgapectfully to Worm he: Lady patrons; that ï¬lm has 3:18;}: recelvell Opened out- a largeand‘varieï¬ assortment of Ne w and Elegant Dealgns. Consisting in part of r-lâ€"‘HE DU bbUfltDin .lldfluo JV LVULULULV ........ 'r - ____ ER “.13, and to his numerous customers in particular, for past favors in his line of business, and also to inform them that his Carding and Cloth-Dressing Machinery is now incomplete order, having been recently ï¬tted up with latest improvements, 'and having engaged the services of one of the most experienced workmen in Ontario, .2) years standing, trusts by unremitting attention and good work-all work warrantedâ€" to merit a share of public patronage. Parties 'from a, Distance can have their Wool same day l "0 ar; BUI‘TER a; EGGS TAKEN IN E- CHANGE FOR GOODS. The GRIST-MILEL 13 'in 'compIe‘te ‘rumiing ready for all sorts of work. First-class Miller April 20m, 1830. Paper Hangings EDGE MILLS, May 17th, 1870-. Window Shades Window Shades Window Shades mimmm, LADIE’Sâ€" +- l‘F-EATHERS rAND 'R'IB‘BONS. HE SUBSCRIB‘EBAREGS T0 RETURNTHAllï¬â€™K‘S“ 1:9 CPEE PUBLIC GEN- -.- A ‘ rnnnwfl :I‘I ‘1‘“ Ig'lp. mt Em Am 63 THE MTEM EASE] 1 ,555 55555 55 «(25555555 55555551351 WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADES, 9 810., ever broughtiothis part of the country, and selling at extremely low prices. Patterns to suit all tastes. In addition to the above we have also just received a large con- signment of Spring 88 .v «a? ma ff.m@Â¥isÂ¥%Â¥i%% a: LEE w varying in price from 3 to $35,00. @ Have your walls papered; Whitewash.- Children’s Carriages, Cabs ONTARIO BOOT ‘ STORE. DURHAM, May 17m,187o. Papers from 4 cents per Roll. £333; EflW‘Aï¬ï¬‚s. The GREATEST BARGAINS of B00] 8 a SHOES to be had‘ in Durham Note the; made by the best Workman, and of Stock of the best quality, latest style, warmnted to wear well with neatly. ' _ _ . THOMAS JONES. Ladies’ Misses’ Prunella Gaiters Balmorals selling at Goat. VARIETY STORE. he‘ Address; MRS. DAviD-S’O’N, _-_.‘--n mm mm? 5% S633 @25†1.83101. JUST RECEIVED AT ornple'te running ord'er, having recently been overhauled, First-class Millers and strict attention to customers’ interests. CUSTOM WOR AND papered, it is cheaper and better than Flowers, Hosiery, 850. AA.- 1311131913 TOWN, DURHAM. 'hopes -p' - ' HAS ’COMMENCED BUSINESS IN the abovg line, ;_m the premises, next door to G. Isaac’s Saddlery 8h0p, Upper Town, Durham, where he intends to de’vdte’ his entire attention ‘to ‘CUSTOM WORK. Nothing but the best gtock used, and a , at the .. E FOLLOWING REMARKS ON 'Testimonials of most wonderful and extraordinary cure‘s in Canada by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They are _....:....:..mn mu: :nnnnimmhla faots. New Shoe S1101)": U LU“; stern, undeniable and incontestable 'facts, sufï¬cient to coiwince the most skeptlcal' that the Great Medical Compound yearned after for "ages is now accessible in the Great Sh'oshonees Remedy ! For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive Organs, Kidneys, c., as well as Scrofuia, the various Skin Diseases, Humors, : and all diseases arising from impurities of the blood, we holaly state that this great remedy 'ha‘s NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in the person of Wilson Storms,of Brighton, | Ont-., of Consumption; or that of Peter C. v. Miller, of Earnes‘t'own, Gut, of Con-? sumption; or that of Ambrose Wood, of Consecon, @nt., of Dyspepsia and Liver; Complaint, or that ,of ‘John Hosey, of‘ Napanee, ‘Onta, of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches for years, in Spite of all treatment heretofore, and is now well. Scores of such cases might be mentioned ‘ had we epace. - h "A ‘ A]- 0:? Cali" a1. the Drug Stores and geta circular, of unquestionable certiï¬cates on _. A __ 4 -_-.__--A -vï¬nn “ï¬rth“ “ v- v..- â€"â€"_v ZEeVEEEA T SHOSEONEES REMED Y ‘S‘ PILLS, and satisfy yourselves. -. Price of the Remedy in large pints $1. 31'?- For sale by all Dmggists and Dealers in Medicine. . _ Wholesale Agentaâ€"Nortbmp Lyman. Newcastle, Lyman, Elliott 00., Toronto. To Messrs. CIIAMBERLAIN SILLS, Conway P: 0. County of Lennox, Ontario, Can- MADOC, County of Hastings, : Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1-869. This ‘is to certily that during the winter of l866 I was taken with a weakness of the ankles, which gradually, during the spring of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, and I became so weak that I could not. walk, but Was conï¬ned to my chair. For about two years, while this weakness was coming on me, and after-: wards, I sought medical advice, employing at different times, three doctors, and medi- ’ ciues of different kinds prescribed by friends, but of no avail. I continu‘ed to get worse and worse, until the summer of 1-868, when Iwas induced to try the great Shoshonees Remedy by reading the Cures performed, in a pamphlet. At this time I had begun to feel the weakness in my hands -; in fact I was getting almost helpless. I have taken two bottles of the Shoshonees Remedy and two boxes of the pills, and I am entirely restored to health. I never expected to get better, but simply tried the medicine as a sort of forlorn hope. This case of mine was not a pr'iVate one, but known to all my neighbors and friends ; and to any one afllicted as -I was, I have only to say try the Shoshonees Remedy, I believe it will cure .you. MARY ANN DOUGHTY. , Sworn to before me at‘Madoc, County of Hastings this ninth day of February, 1869. A. F. Woon, J. P. c. l I hereby certify that I have known Mrs. Mary Ann Doughty for the last ï¬fteen years, ‘ she is, a woman of probity and truth. I : have known her before, during, and since her illness. I believe her certiï¬cate to be true in every particular. I. know that while ill her case Was declared h‘o‘peless ; and 1 know that she has, since her recovery always attributed her recovery to the Sho- shonees Remedy- Whatever may be the peculiar prOperties of this medicine, one thing is certain that in her case, it has set ed almost like the performance of 'a miracle. ada. "'_'_‘ L A. F. Woon,J. P. Warden of the county of Hastings, Pxo Vince of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. STOP AND SEE :! Guerraâ€"First Wednesday in each month. HAsmsroxâ€"Friday before ,Guelph Fair. BoswouTH~Saturday before Guelph. - ELORAâ€"The day before Guelph. Draytonâ€"Tbe day before Elora. CLIFFORDâ€"Thursday before Guelph Fair. TsvroTDA1.E--Friday bef ore Guelph Fair. l New HAMBURGâ€"First Tuesday in each month. BERLINâ€"First Thursday in each month. ELMInAâ€"Second Monday in each month. ; WATERLOOâ€"Second Tuesday in each month. I MT. FORESTâ€"Third Wednesday in each month. DURHAMâ€"Tuesday preceding the above. Furiousâ€"Thursday following Mt. Forest. Deanerymmâ€"Second Thursday in J an., March, May, July, Sep., and N (N. Mono MILLSâ€"Third Wednesday in J an., April, July and October. ERINâ€"First Monday in J anua July and October. MASOIVILLE-fFirSt Tuesday in Februarv, May, August and November. ' ry, April, fï¬xa: Road. T.o PATRICK WELSH Feb. 15, 1870. Monthly Cattle Fairs. mm - AGRIC AL Parker‘s? Cattle I DURHAM, OWEN SOUND EGDERIGH'. 159‘ \\\\ ‘n- w‘ 0:3? Purchased before the recent great advance in pr‘rkie. 3311361313 ASPARAGUS. BEANSâ€" Broad W1n1isor, China Bush, Scarlet Runners, ’ White Kidney, ‘ Yellow S‘E‘x \Veeks, Lima or Butter. BEETâ€"Eariy Turnip Blood, Long Blood, White Sugar. BORECOLE. BRUSSELSâ€"Spron‘s. CABBAG Eâ€"Early York, Large Drumhead, Quinta}, ()1: Heart, Large York, Flat Dutch, Red Pick‘ing, Green Cnrled Savoy, Sugar Loaf, Winningsiadt. CARRO Fâ€"Early French Horn; Large Altringha‘m, Large Red Surrey; Long Orange, ‘Vbite Belgium. CAU LI I1 LO \VERâ€"Early Paris, Half Early Pa1is, CELERYâ€"Red Solid, Turnel’ s W lute $01M. CITRONâ€"For Preserving. CLO V-ERâ€"Alsike, 1m 11 @mmw, Clover Seed. - White; .~ CORNâ€"Adam’s Early. CRESSRExtm Gnrled.. CUCUMBEReEarly Frame, Early Russia, Long Green, Gherkin. FLAX SEED. K ALEâ€"Scotch. LEEKâ€"Eug lish Flag. LETTUCEâ€"Early C.urled Malta Cabbage; ~ Nonpareil Victoria Cabbage. MANGEL W URTZEL. Long Red. MELONâ€"Nutmeg Musk. Green Citron Musk. Ice Cream Water. Long Island Water. MUSTARDâ€"White. ‘ NASTURTIUM. ONIONâ€"Danvers Yellow. Large Red. Silver Skin. PEASâ€"Flack’s Blue Imperial. Tom Thumb. ’ Early Kent. Dan. 0' Rourke. Dwarf Sugar. (eatable pods.) PARSLEYâ€"Extra Curled. PARSNIPâ€"Holl ow Crown. Sutt’ou’ a Student. Guernsey. PEPPERâ€"Long Red. PUMPKINaâ€"Cheese. Early Rose, Early Gooderich, Harrison and Gleason. Large Yellow. RADESHT-Pong Scarlet. RAPE. _ REL! BARBâ€"Giant. Victoria. SQUASHâ€"Vegéblhle Mamâ€. We heve given our nsuai care in the selection of Seeds, and Would call the attention of the Farming community to our ï¬ne assortment of Cusmrd Mirrow} SPINACH-BEGUM} . Pxickly. SALSIFY, or Vegetable Oyster. TAKES. TIMOTHYâ€"(clean). TOMATOâ€"Early Red .eâ€"Tilden’s. TURNIP, CABBAGE, BEET, CARROT AND MANGEL WURTZEIE: SEEDS. PARKER ‘ CATTLE, Large Red. - TOBACCO. TURNIPâ€"Snow Ball. Orange Jelly y. For tab Early Stone. use. Sweedish Sharp’ 5 ImproV'ed. “ Skirviug’ s “ ‘ ‘ M arsbal l’s “ Stubble or Six Weeks. White Globe. Red Globe. Yellow Bullock. Yellow Aberdeen Purple Top. "h““n Seed Potatoes. HERBS. Balm. Hyuop. Rosemary. Rue. Sage. Summer Savory. Sweet Majoram. Thyme. A LARGE SUPPLY Black Spaï¬ish. Red Turnip. _E’hite-.Turnip. SEEDSMEN, For table Dunn». for Sale or. to Lease. Um , .‘ Apply.“ the subscriber, at 802:0“.le or to Mr. John Crisrxin, near Hanov to G. Jackson, Esq, M. P'a Dmham egg . W. A. STEP Owen Sound, Dec. iï¬gh, 1869, HLXS. or Veg-3mm 1310B Tm â€" II-“ Hair Dresser, 385g, Dunm‘iï¬e ‘ Pam-$1.50cts. and 25 cents e ’ . . . P 1' LC (if? The 18 a most supenor article ‘ posed entirely of vegetable substance; is positively the best article for the ever manufactured. 1‘ I ‘luu‘uu ngmrrmuwud '1’? 'form the Inhabitants of Du,“ and vicinity, that he has COmmeuced}; ness in the New Cottage, near the Asher. Having had cOUSiderabIe pracm r; in 1‘02. don and many of the provincial towns; -h ‘L England, 1101188 by strict attention to bug. 9888, to merxba share of public patmnage; Nov. 23, 1869. § Yr hz‘ Us}. RURAL, LITERARY AND mum \\E1:.KLY Vol. XXL, for 1870, of this Famoggg Journal will Excel in all the characteristics of a First- Class'Rural, Litexary, {3qu and business N ewspape r,comb1ncdâ€"mah bar it the _Th_e RURAL was Doubkd in Size and Vastly Improve‘d. in Jan. last, and is now not- only the Largest, Cheapea and Best. but also the Largest Circulating1r Woekli in its Sphere. Su merior in Abilitv, Vain}. and Variety of éon‘tents, as wél' as in Size, Style and Illustrations, and having Continental Circulationâ€"with tens of thbu- sands of ardent admirers in both Town and Countryâ€"the RURAL is the great FARM AND FIRESIDE FAVORITE Employing the Best Talent in the Lane â€"‘â€"having Nine Able Editors and Hundrec‘z of Specï¬a} Coptï¬bptors and COI‘YGSPMTdi-ME Mum’s Rural New-Ymkm â€"â€"mld being in ’éckndwl'cdged a 'nhority Prac'tical, Scientiï¬c and Litera y Su‘jo an Exchange truly says M it that -' RURAL is the most Eiegamly Primed, 3 Edited, Widely Circulat'ed and Hear Welcomed Paper, as a. whole, which 1; ï¬nds its way among the People.†-‘ -- 1 w 1 1 1 1 UUU5 [‘5 “a! 0111qu \uv 4|. vul- The Cmunux DEPARTMEKT, lat eh 1 1 r: duced, is conducted by Rev. W. 1. Clarke of Guelph, Ont, formerly editor 0: tbt Canada Farmer. MOORE'S RURAL__PAYS New York City, and Rochester, N, Y. All who cultivate Fruits, Flowers. Yer; table’s. c., even on a small scale, ('m Ci; Village or Suburb,) while to fame: Planters, Horticulturists, Stock Breeée: Wool Grower's, Daitymen. Pruhry I; ciers,' 5.30.. it is INDISPEXSABLIZ j: the FAMILY it is high‘)’ regmdo' . ;Literary and Misc-eliu'ï¬mms D‘mw- . furnishing CHOICE _AN_1)' EE'H, .. A DJI“I Literary and MtHeHumm-s Hz: tmnisbing CHOICE A\D L.\ H 1 [DAG RLADING FUR ALL. Jae 1 MARKET AND (3301’ REPORTS Are fun and reliable. Indeed. being Ab'f Edited, Illustzatcd and Primed in Extra Style, and Adapted to Country, \'i\\age We} City, the RURAL is the Paper for Yourseli, Family and Friends. t is not ‘3 monthj‘j or semi-motuhly, but a Large and Beam} ful Illustrated Weekly,-â€"and, though douMG its former size, its Subscription Price xe. mains unchanged ! -L'ARG£ST--'-BEST---OHEAPEST. Vol. XXL, for LL70, will be publh'fl in Superior Style. each Number ('Cvlmv;~' ing Sixteen Double Quax‘to Pages, (uf 15M Columns Each,) Finely Illustrau-d, an: Neatly Printeg on Book Paper. B'TH’E PRESERVATION Growth of the_I_:‘[air. Mam“ Only $3 a Year, ° in clubs of tax or mr: $2. 50. Canadians, ‘20 c‘s. a 36m 1):. r for American postage. Subscriiie a: «j C Now 1 Great inducements to CE uh ’ m â€"0Vér one Hundred Valuable PIC}: ranging in price from S4 to $630 ! mens, Premxum Lists, Showâ€"B1115, M free. f The RURAL has always haiR-d z:'~ Rochester, N. Y., (the heart a tifidij‘: farming and fruit'growing region when: several 0! its Editors and (‘mm-i‘w reside,) but as its principal l‘ulï¬runb: Ofï¬ce is now in New York. ail luzszs should be add ressed to HY. COPE, Tailor, OQLD _ RESPECTL'L'LLY DURHAM CHRONiCLE Thursday Morning- WHITE JOHNSON. AT THE OFFICE, LOWER VILLAM NAPOLEON OF ITS CL ‘188‘. DURHAM. . Law Begpectmg Newspapers r‘:: l. Subscnbexs who do not gin Ag] notice to the contrary are com 'ierti3‘ wishing to continue their subsui. 1: mm 2- Ifaubscribersordei the dis< «m ‘inuat x 2. Ifaubscribersorderlhe disruntinuaz. “their periodicals, the Publithm‘ may ï¬t them until all arrears are. paid, salt-L13. are responsible for all numbers svm. A-..’ 3. â€subscribers negiectm mun to Ia the periodicalstrom the oï¬u e in “bid: . . at! directed, ,thCy are held xupm‘ till they have settled their Ba '.1 arm orét't' their periodical to be di: wmzi “mi Sendingnu mbers back, or [mm ï¬lm (in ’1?“ the Oï¬ce, is not such Hutu c «if d "M tinuance as the Law Requncs. _¢- _.L. V BY 9. D. 'r. MOORE, 4. 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C All communications. to 0113111 1 insemfl'c' 11‘0“)“sz suisï¬aetoxy, must 111'11e {0! name of the wriler, not necessmv iii- -..klhuucinn kn} nan «1191 1.11111 1 1 W1?“ All communications, to cnsmt‘l “otherwise satisfactory, must name of the writer, not neces: pubiication but 383 guaranlro (-1": “'| -- -111 > 0 o 0 Ti! Ofevervdescnphon, executed 111 ad, . “nu, unsurpassed bynny ofï¬cem the 00“ Rio: Ordersby-Mail, will receive due atten CHARGES REASOPI‘ABLE. THE GREAT mu'srnyrxn FORM, STYLE, TERMS, c FANT’ Rates of Advertising- IS PUBLISHED EVERY ' Hair. Manna ' JOHN mm: a“ D'. D. T MOORE. 41 Park Row \cu Y‘ I B Y P9X: 130m; advertism and éhflg to OW ULU to tsi White J ohnsl WI from F W. PRITCR ' . formed; Su Mdence one door W, Lower Town, Vin give advice, \ ‘0‘?“ day from 10 a. (1:? AH orders le ‘Dsgg Storv promr'vt‘.‘ ‘ - S.-â€"Purc \ ac go bring ah) them vacciua '10 D Soï¬cimr in .Oniceâ€"ovor In“; Durham, '0 mt. 'O‘h‘lcs :-~NPX' 05%, Durham b31148, <3., Vall made up and 0 1011110“ g°°d F†3 per cent. Ort‘ Durham. .HYSICIAN, SE nvgg, Ontano 'GlflZinfzs 1308‘ BP} .EYSICIAN. SI 'ï¬ce, prom P“? Waggon tans vand hes! m at P Jars 0 u THOM ARRIST 1.7.1:. . r. Hals DATE of Kerr, 3" IMWHHE R (a me“ â€â€œ3 Merchants. Ha eneral Ag?! Auctionee Good wor‘ ate chart;e OUSE, SK Solicitor in a :-~Next d mid as g in the Gamuel Willia ruved st. ainter‘ “I luvs; Valli km! [I‘ll