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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jul 1870, p. 3

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lb arrivd )cir annd then north tween Lot “9. 1 chain ’l'ibtd ash!- went-30“ jmit henna has nine 8“ “Rs from lh 11:29: eight; and LN along said 3 numb!!! n easterly, in fr out of 13 maroon n said Lots '9 port. 0622] min! a ENTS. of “with 5d Lot nu. the line of e and Lot iy from tho amber hing terly, paral- Dntvcâ€"vf- said the lineal tun: POW” Irriving ’3 h 6 o’clock rat the“ to sell tho 33y term!» .e plac' u Ctérk. 9‘1), 1870a at 4 8-13., at 12:30; in Uwen Sound ELL, the In; am at 3 at 12, 3" .nect with Mace-scion 1 Lot, 15 at y tong lace 0f in 1:30, Mme. 1.10 0% of Aftemxsia. intend at ’Ifiefi- ugxt ' , viz, 81b of August) to pass a 3. King egtablish a. deviation road on Lots 3 and 4. second south of the Durham road in said'TownsbiQ, as surveyed by T. B. Gilliland, Esq-o i)’ L- S- C. E.. Engem ‘fikvncr ‘n-‘c first?" THE Municipal Council of ‘hef'ljo'mhip LIST of unclaimed Letters remaining in the Durham P. 0, on July 6, 1870. Allan, Jag. _ Morton, D. Ashbnry, Thou. R. 2 MarinetwfiBaptistMrs Brown. T hos. McArthor, Alex. Bull, H. McCon, John Booth, Robt. McKnu, Dugald Bell, Andrew McArthnr, Mary Baldwin, John Mel'agne, MargLMn-s. Butler, R. McDonald, John Booa, Wm. McGilvray, Many Begg, John McDonald, John .2 Black, Arch. McLean, John Campbell, 3113. McManin. Mrs. Connor. Edward McDonald, Alex: L‘rnickahank, Robt. McLaughlin, Sarah Dunsmore. Nathan hlcuillan, David Daxon, John Nichol, Thos. (2) Davis, Thos. U’Donnel, Thou. Duck. Thos. or John Park, Andrew Dixon, John ‘ D‘aVis, ThOS. ' Duck, Thos. or J obn . Farrier, Wm. Fengnn, John ‘Gray, Elizabeth Gagrow, Casin ‘Gale, Wm. Geddeo, John Hooper, 333. Hamilton, Alex. Hunt, J. fiiylns, Theo. 1mm, John Johnson, EUens Loner, Wm. Luinzlton, Hugh Mndfiiuqn, G. L. (2) link, Christopher Mighton, Jan. July 5m, 1870. HE subscriber is desirous'ofSelling Lots 24 and 25. con. 12, township of Ben- 'fluck, containing 200 acres of godd hard- WOod land, 40 of which are cleared and fenced, and well watered. These lots are dilute “In a prosperous locality, 10 mi!es from Durham and four from the gravel road. "indispntabie'. For-Tull particulate apply to 4' A ‘nnr I711 Township Clark, rtemisxa, J uly 42.5, 1870. 179.4, Have now completed their stock, consist. Findlay (V Shaw CHEMICALS, HORSE, CATTLE, PATENT AND PROPRIATORY MEDICINES, Toilet anil FanCy Article's, EsszncES, 5267356173,, 390:, 850. Public Notice. mam? maxim of every kind and warranted of the best quality. L|QUORS I LIQUORS FARM FOR SALE. recommended by all the leading physicians of the day. Jag-COFFEES, TEAS, TOBACCOES: SPICES, c-., 83:. Price $8 per acre, one thud cash. Title or to JCT-IN SHEWELL, Durham: June 23.11, 1870. Druggists, (110%: magma 911:8, F. 55 8. have now facilities forsupplying all the newest medicines and preparations which may be brought before the public from time to time. beysicians Prescriptions Bareiully Componnded, and accuracy guaranteed; ShOp open (for diapenising only) on Sunday from 2 to 4 p. m. 5:3- Night calls ”actually attended to. A complete the fmest fi- F. S. are agents to? the Guelph Sewing Machine Company; N. Râ€"Fmbtn a Smw are agents for “16 Montreal Teiegraph Company. Dfice open every day (Sundays exceptéd) from 8 mm. to 8 p. m. Coaxs.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Modern Contiv'e for cow's, bunions, in-growing bails, tender feet, c. Mild, soothing, boftening 3nd healing. Sold by dmggifll; Stray Cow. List of Letters. DURHAM, FFICIAI. ASSIGNEE, LAMPS AND LAMP CHIMNEYS, EREH‘GE WiflES ARCH. MCKENZIE, Postmaster. FOR THE COU‘STY OF GREY. DYESTUFFS first-Class Land. unplete nssoetment of Liquors of e finest brands, for family and medicinal pntpdses, including the celebrated iii) URIHAM, mg In part of in great variety; 5mm; KELEHER, _ ’Guel p11, Pratt, E. Mrs. Petty, Henry Pettyfilflts. Rowe. Wm. B. Rev Richmond Thos. Stony, T1108, 2 Turnbull, Geo. annbul', Robt. Williamson, E. D. WHSUD, John Waxew, J. Williamson, Robt. Wilson, Carrie Mrs. Wiggins. Oliver Young. Jan. FINEST Priceville. HE subscriber begs to inform his numerous duStOmers and general pdblié, “lat he has removed his business from one door south of the Foundry, to the more com- tnodioua building, situated one door north of said Foundry, where he is prepared t0.d0 business as ueual, only with a much larger stock of goods, and hepea by ntr'icl attention to business and reasonable charging to receive adhare '6f public patronage. The best of work; no Apprentices ’br Qfiaék Mechanics Employed! The subscriber manuiactures a kind of Collar which can be recommended for area to horses, and which has proved its superiority over the Scotch Collar. They have been thoroughly tested by and are nowxin use on the Durham'and Collingwood Stage Line. Any person in doubt can refer to Mr. R. H. Minnmon. preprietor of the said line.â€" Reference might be made to many others but the above named gentleman has more Of them in use than any other man in the county. (Iii-The Scotch Collar manufactured second to none. 3:;- CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on short notice and in any style desired, msosxsso CATALOGUE OF GOODS CONSTANTLY 0N HAND: Japanned Team Harness; Brass Team Harness; C Plate Harness; ; Tu Team Harness;§ Tug Team Harness; 'Japanried Single Harness; C Plate Single Harness; Brass Single Harness; Silver Single Harness; Riding Saddles, all kinds; Riding Bridles and Martingals; Team Whips, Buggy Whips and Stage “Hui s, of all kinds and quality, in abundance, also a few English ak Halters; Cotton Fly Nets; Worsted Fly Nets; Worsted Ear Nets ; Suits of Horse Clothing ; Frank Millar’s prepared Harness Oil, the only oil to preserve the Stitching and Leather. REMOVAL! The Best Stock er Tnuu'ks inwsheuth Ci‘ey‘, varying In price from 2.50 to $14.00. ej- The patent adjusting Hame with safety ring, which can be made to fit shy horse by raising or lowering the draft ; CURRY COMBS, CARDS, BRUSHES and MANE COMES. W' A call from all is solicited. J. C GRIFFITH. Dcnmu, July 13th, 1870. Groceries, Crockery, to which he would invite public attention. The Highest Price paid for W001, in Gas!» I lave now on hand alarge assortment (if all kinds, of Fumitui‘et, Eonaisting pf : BUREAUS. CUPBOARDS. BEDS'I‘EADS. CHAIRS, SOFAS. TABLES, c., which ,they will sell AT MUCH LOWER PRICES! than have hitherto been sold for in Durham. 6:? Utders for Repairing will receive prompt atténtion. All kinds of TURNING executed with Nestness and Despatch. SPINNING WHEELS REBLS or EVERY DESCRIPTION. -4. 1r ...... 9 L‘npnhnm m- anvthing in «mi line give “3 3 (3:311- It Will my 3'60. Durham, June lst, 1870. Selection of Teas, .Duhun, June 14th, i370.- (33» If you want Furniture or anything in we line give us a. dell. Suitable Lumber will be taken in exchange for work. WELL ASSORTED, WHICH WILL BE FOUND CHEAP AND GOOD. ‘0 vi ;LV-n-A 4.....â€" [WARE-ROOM OPPOSITE THE ARGYLE H01EL,DURHAM.] AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMESa AND CHEAP STOCK 0F Dried Pork far Sale. BOOTS SHOES Special attention has been “paid to the ; MATTHEWS 85 SON” Has now a Large, gamma, G. J.- MATTHEWS 8i SON. ROBERT DALGLISH. will pay ybu NDLAY 6L SHAV Drug Store A HEAVY DISCOUNT for a few Weeks on Clothing, DI‘y-Goofls’, Crockery, c., 1 in order to ciear off as much asi possible befm'e moving away. Produce taken as usual. LOWer Town, Durham. AME to the premises of the sfihsériber about the lat. at June, fine Sorrel Mare Colt, about three yeah old. The owner thereof wit 1 1Exhaust; pr’ovep p'rc'p‘ertv, my expenses and ta her 36337. _ __.__ --- . -9“ anfi'fl Id the matter of GEOfiGE SPfiARE BUWES, an Insolvent. “The insolvent.-§asmade an essignment of his estate to me, and time creditoré are notified to meet At the Store of 'he above named insolvent in the viilaqe of Maxwell, in the Conntv of Grey, on Friday, the 15!}: day of July, 1870, at ten o’clock in the fore- noon, to receive statements of his afl'airs and to appoint an assignee. “finnnva ' I Ilnfl n I In D. A. CBE‘ASOB. Solicitor. Dated It Dies Sound, 28111 June, 1870 GREAT BARGAINS Y Hanover, June 22nd, 1870. insolvent A0}. 0? i869. om!» a n ESSIEDBH. GEORGE JAMES GALE. Interim Asst] NOTICE. FERDINAND YQ_ST. GLASGOW; Allstralia 8L Europa, SHIRTING S, ‘GRAY BLEACAED corroxs, CHECKS, m SHAW}. PATTERNS. si'L‘K CHECKS, An Immense Stock of New and Fashionable Sprifi‘ig‘ and Summer Dress Goons. LADms’ SUMMER DR' in all'tfie New Shades and 601m. SHAWLS, MANTLE CLOTHS, and all kinds of Trimmings. FLOWERS '6; FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, RIBBONS, c., ‘in all the Novelties of the Season very cheap New Groceries just Received. (32':- NEW HARDWARE just Opened out. PRINTS GINGAMS, A large stock of S‘aple goods i‘d m'LLuxw DENIMS, HOLLANDS, may cast-29. Fritérz‘ni game. SHEETINGS, Just Arrived from EX STEAMSHIPS NEW STYLES. A large stock of In endless variety A large s‘iock '0? Han’over. 177.3. TOWELLINGS, large stock of PURPLE 'PA'DS, LOWER TOWN, NEAR THE POST-OFFICE. . M‘KECHNIE, CARPETINGS, \UIINITURE HE BEST Bomb STAND 0k THE ; Toyontq ahdSy‘denhem‘Roadi beiu lot No. 238, lst cdnceeéi‘o‘h; NorthlEaSt o the said road, it} the township of Melanc- thon, is oé‘ered toi- Bale cheap, .for"caSh.â€" The lot. is known as ‘ Bell’p old Stend,’ and compriseis 50 acres, 40 of which are clearedi (L’s-EVERY FACILITY FOR DOING FIRST-CLASS WORK AT THE! “CHRONICLE ” OFFICE. .ESS G OODS, Apply at once to J. M. CAMPBELL, Bodks'éller, Moimt Fox-ed. June 8m, i87o.18'7.;2 TICKINGS, c., c.5 FOR SALE: m 'Sll0gjfiilgflbdlll] 199.1!“ Ready-Made Clothing Boots and Shoes. Sharp’s Garden Seeds. A; Durham, April 20th, 1870. DRY * GOODS, GROCERIEsé HATS 8:. GAPS, Crockéry, Glassware, Clothing, (643.4 All Of Which Will be_sold at a small ad wince (in cams magma: as; OPENED CLOVER SEED. AT M. FBASEB’S STORE. LOWER VILLAGE, DURHAM. 1N AT Q. ‘ FINDLAY SHAW’S ELOWER TOWN Teas; COEEBS,‘ Chocolate, 0000389 BiSCUitS‘, Dried Fruits, Tob‘accoes, Brandies, and Canadian alga) A Complete _ Stuck of EVel'ything found SPINNING WHEELS! The subscriber in returning,Ir thanks for past favors would intimate to his friends and t.he.puhlic generally, that. he has again commenced to manufacture Spinning Wheels and Jack-Reels, and line now on hand fifty long reels, andfifly more in course of construction, which, as the times are hard, .will he sold very cheap for cash. 'Credit will lie given as usual. , GEORGE CAMPBELL, Near Scholield’s Saw-Mill, Bentinck. Hay 4th, 1870. 211. LAZARUS, MORRIS 8: Co, OPT'XCIANS AND OC-L'LISTS; HOXTREAL, Have, With a view to meet the increased de. mand for their Celebrated PERFECTED SPECTACLES, As their Sole Agent for D URHA .11 J: WALKER my. They have taken care to give all needf‘ul instruc- tions, and have confidence ii: the ability of their agents to suit the requirements of all customérs.’ Ah o'pfiortu‘uity will be thus afi forded to procure, at all Limes, Spcclacleé Unequalled by gny for their: Strengthen- ing and Preserving Quqlilies. I ° n ALWAYS IN TTOCK: .gl‘oo much cannot be-said of their SlTPE- RIOIJTY over the ordinary glasses worm-- Tbgre is no Guxytmxc, wuamxu 0y 1113 SIGHT, DIZZIX'ESE, or other unp!easant sen-‘ sation, but on the contrary, from the pecu-' liar construction of the Lenses, they me SOOTBING 1’3"!) PLEASANT, causing a feeling of reliefto the wearer, and mom-«rim; A CLEAR Aim msnxc'r vnsxoy, as in the Kuwaiti HEALTHY SIGHT. They are (he only Spectacles that Pfeserve as well as Assist the And are the QngAPgST because the BEST, always Iastmg MANY YEARS without changé bemg necessary.- MONEY TO LOAN. David J acksongJ 15, Agent for the CANADA PERMANENT Building 8: Savings Sucieiy, Monéy Iqfine‘d from 1 to 15 yéars. Cheapest, Safest and Best Society i: Canada. of}: Charges low and fixed by Tariff; Land Agent, Conveyancer, Commissioner}- and Insurance Agent. ONEY T0 LOAN 031 real orperSOn- a1 sec’urit'y. : THUS. DIXON,_ . Paid up Capital, ........ $1,030,000 Invested on Real Estate,” . 2,000,000 G? A" few good farms fdr sale; WE E'MPLOY NO PEDLERS. 4:9 Good Mortgages Bought.- SPINNING WHLELS 11 a. ll. Edwards Incorporated A.D. 1855. 'ACKSON, .13., APPOINTED Exchangé; Sight..- “fines; Ba! rister -at Law, Lower Town, Dur ham. Usually .fi’illg

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