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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jul 1870, p. 4

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fords. Her‘father was a Crawford, and’ forms. the mountains. and she was the only daughter remain. E 0. Can kg at homeâ€"a ' 5 girl; of slight, entering he! nineteenth year. mother had been dead several years, and 1 upon her devohed the wholeeare of the E3 for the One day, late in summer, ; ford went with aparty of "uv v I But Bessie did not hcs'tate. Shel laid aside her work and went to get thel water. When she came back the man had entered the room. She did not like this, for she was sure he had come in by the window; but she handed him the tin dipper without a remark. The man drank, and then set the dipper down up- . on the table. Then he turned upon the! girl and drew a broad-bladed knife from 1 his pocket. ‘Look ye, my young lady,’ said he, ‘I know there’s money in this house; and I know that you are alone. Show me where the money is! If you don’t I shall kill you and then hunt it up my- self ! I’m in earnest, and there ain’t no time to waste. Don’t make a fuss, for if you do you’ll feel this knife quick !’ Bessie shrank back, and looked into the man’s face, and she could see that he meant just what he said. ‘If 1 show you where the money is, will you promise not to do me harm ?’ *Show me. honest, and I won’t harm ‘Show me, you. "Then come with me. But you wm snip ”ca: take only the moneyâ€"you won my father's papers?’ ‘Only the money, girl.’ Bessie led the way to a small bcd- l Mr. Bush room on the ground floor, where there l reported I was an old mahOgany bureau, the upper tee rose, C drawer of which she unlocked. The ‘read a th man, when he saw this, thinking, doubt- sealed. I less, that Crawford’s gold was within troduceB his graSp, shut up his knife and put it Section into his pocket. The girl Opened the Leave g1 drawer, and, quick as thought, drew and secor forth a large navy revolver-one with committe which she herself had killed a trapped , the chair. hearâ€"and cocked it. as amend ‘Villian !’ she exclaimed, planting her i resumed. back against the wall, and aiming the 3 passed, 3' ‘many a wild ‘~, bell asl committee weapon at his bosom, beast have I shot with this good pistol: 1 137, to and I’ll now shoot you if you do not in- a certain s stantly leave this house! I will give . By-law you not one second! Start or 1 fire !’ cil went The rufiian could read human looks . Mr. H as well as could the maiden, and he 1 reported could read very plainly in the firm-set tee rose lips’ and in the flashing eyesâ€"but more l a third clearly in the steady hand that held the1 Mr. Bu pistolâ€"that she would not only fire, as I That t' she had promised but that her aim would nicate ‘ be a sure and fatal one. of 08p] And he backed out from the bedroom , in repa -â€"backed into the sitting-roomâ€"thcn i bounda leaped from the open window, and dis Moved appeared. Buskit I-.. .. . .___ l ,_ Bessie kept her pistol by her side un- til her father and his guests came home; and when she had told her story, search was made for the ruffian. But. he was not to be found. Our heroine had so thoroughly frightened him that he never came that. way again. The wags tell of a good joke at the expense of a well-known collector of this city, who called at a small house the orher day to dun a hard customer, where, after knocking for some minutes at the door, a feeble voice was heard from Within, saying, “You can’t. come ID. ” Rector. “You can’tâ€"I’m sick.” “Oh, that’s played out. Open the door or I’ll open it for you.” “If you do it will be at your peril.” l I’ll risk it,” said the collector, as he} turned the door-knob and entered the: room, where he was amazed to see the debtor standing in the middle of the floor with a white blanket folded around him, and his faceâ€"-which wore a very demure expressionâ€"covered with red Watches. 1 l g 3 l l l I A Brave Girl. “It’s catching,” said the sick man, ominously pointing to the blotches. “What’s catchigg ?" said the intruder, ghast. at the up; earance of the man. “The small-pox,” cried the other, 801- l emuly. The collector vanished, and the debt- or, who only required a few hours time in which to “skedaddle,” is now safe on the other side of the lines. A bit’s worth of rouge and a white blanket have procured him a receipt in full for all indebtedness.-â€" Toronto Telegraph. “But I must. come in,” said the 1 People ought to learn to write plaint -â€"-if they don’t, printers make mistakegfi and awkward ones too, sometimes. ' man sent an obituary notice of his de- ceased wife to a Vermont paper lately which wound up thus, “1 shall hallow her grave with my tears,” but the type- setter rather spoiled the sentiment by making it read, “I shall barrow her grave with my steers.” Bread and cakes should be kept in a in box. 0t stone jar. It’s Catching. .'b “" liwuuuâ€"v ~ mg the i passed, signed and sealed. Mr. Camp. a Wild bell asked leave to introduce By-iaw to atter the melee and bounds of Leave granted. nd time. Conn 0 AL- â€"-‘-n‘n pistol: i 137, not in- a, certain school sections. ill give iBy-law read a lst and ‘2. of Rev. C. Cameron and others respect- an ing Tavern Licenses cannot be enter- 3‘ tained, as it is the Inspector’s duty to H 'enquire into the accommodation of each i Tavern in the Township and report the isame to the Council. Passed. Acom G l munication from Trustees of school sec- tion No.12 was presented and read. A petition from ratepayers ofschool sec- tion No. 9 was presented and read. P Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by‘ 11 Mr. Waldie, That the clerk instruct Mr. 31‘. B. Gil-leland, surveyor, to survey a ' deviation of the road on the 2nd con- f ~ cession south Durham Road, at-Lots No. 3 and 4-, and No. 20 side road lst i: , N. D. R. forthwith, and when the sur- ; vey is made, the clerk give notice as re- ! quired by law. Passed. Mr. Waldie l asked leave to introduce By-law No.‘ - 184. Leave granted. By-law read a J lst and 2nd time. Council went into- r: committee of the whole on By-law No. 134-, Mr. \Valdie in the chair. Comâ€" ) mittee reported Bylaw as amended. t Committee rose council resumed. Mov- ed by Mr. Waldie, seconded by Mr- Campbell, That By-law 134 be passed, signed, sealed and entered in the by-law a book. Mr. Waldie asked leave to in. l: and second time. Council went into committee of the whole on said By-law, l- 1 Mr. Buskin in the chair. Committee .re l reported By-law as amended. Commit- er l tee rose, Council resumed. By-law 135 Jelread a third time, passed, signed and 't- l sealed. Mr. Buskin asked leave to in. in troduce By-law 136 authorizing School it Section No. 12 to borrow $156.35. col committe of the whole Mr. Heard in 11:01.1 the chair. Committee reported Bydaw HAND, TABI as amended. Committee rose Councih Chimne)s Wicks, r resumed. By-law 139 read a third time ‘ __ De‘l ubkcu qu‘U vv -w--- ' 137, to alter the metes and bounds olE “was, SPDUNS, FORKS am. certain school sections. Leave granted. no By-law read a lst and 2nd time. Coun~ Nickle Silver Spoons 85 Forks, cil went into committee of the whole, Of a reliable quality, in great variety. Mr. Heard in the chair. Committee reported By-law as amended. Commit tee rose, Council resumed, By-law read A LARGE LOT OF athird ‘ifm’ passed Cw- Ploved by POCKET 8'. TABLE CUTLEBY, Imported direct, will be sold ETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES.‘ ‘ nicate with the Council of the township 3 of Osprey, requesting their co-Operation 1in repairing a bridge on the township SQALE fiGEEGY' . E boundary line opposite con. 8. Passed. . E‘ICOU , iMoved by Mr. l\*'aldie, seconded by Mr. ‘ RAGE 3033““ FACTURE *1 Buskin, That the Reeve issue his order Platform Counter Scales, he Treasurer in favor of the Treas- l Made by the edema“? firm of Gun“, \VARE a C0., of Hamilton, in stock at )Iakers’ prices. These Scales are WAR- ! on t l . ‘ urcr of he Artemisia Agricultural So- l . a.) . , ' l crety for the sum ?f t‘o’ Passed. MW . naxrsn perfect, reliable, and durable,being uskin, seconded by Mr. I, made in the very best manner. W. KOUGH. Owen Sound, Dec. 7, 1869. 5‘ ed by Mr. B .. >lHeard, That the clerk is hereby in- ? l structed to give notice that the Council l‘will rccieve tenders at its next sitting E.for Collector and that this Council do l . ‘ not bind themselves to accept the low- est or any tender unless otherwise satis- .e l factory. The parties tendering to give of two good and suflicient . - surities. Passed. On motion made 39 r i and seconded the Council adjourned till 8; l the 2nd Monday in August, then to rd 1‘ meet in the Town Hall at 2 o’clock. - l H. MELDRUM, Clerk. ,f the names Artemisia CounciL Somebody asked Baron Rothschild to take some venison. ‘No,’ said the ‘I never eat venison; I don’t» think it’s so coot as mntton.’ ‘Oh,’ says the Baron‘s friend, ‘I wonder at your saying so; if mutton is better than venison, why does venison cost so much more ‘r‘ ‘I will tell you vyâ€"iu this Iworld the peeple always prefer vat is l l l. l deer to vat 1s sheep.’ We are told that Harriet Beecher! Stowe has nearly ready for the press a volume giving ‘a true story’ of Charles Dickens’ matrimonial infelicities. The world will be shocked to learn that Mrs. Stowe will probably attempt to demon‘ strate that they had their origin in a strange infatuation on the part of Mr 1 Dickens for his great grandmother. 'U ."V \\ ELL Turbineâ€"pp theformatlon of or to ABRAM CO0K,‘ ' l the Granvrlle administration, Bushe, (114-3,) Lot 7, Con. 6, Glenelg. who had the reputation of a waverer,lâ€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"‘f':'f‘_â€"jâ€"â€"â€" ‘JfiflfiS SUEEEWAH, apologized one day for his absence from . TINSMITH, court, on the ground that he was cabinet- making. The Chancellor maliciously GARAFRAXA STREET, DURHAM. ‘ disclosed the excuse on his return. ‘Oh ! (rwo noons xonrn or rm: BRIDGE.) lindeed, my lord, lb“ is an occupation VERY description of Tinware con- E stantly on hand and made to order. l in which my friend would distance me, , , All work rs manufactured under my own i as I was never a turner nor a joiner.’ supervision, and none but the very best stock used. JOBBING done promptly l l l A countryman entered a doctor’s of. and in the very best style, at the lowest i living rates. (3:? Particular attention paid l ° Vorth Carolina an in ‘a . ~ the 1n 1 ’ dtak g m) Eave-Troughmg. A large stock ot Elevel tumbler full of alcohol,’ which he Stove-PipeS, Elbows, T Pipes and Ridge mistook for whiskey, drank it down at:Plates always an hand,- CHEAP FOR ,. . . ‘CASH on TRADE. (76-y.) ‘ A_A__-.1 -‘J _A?‘.AA noi‘ l one gulp, then turned and walked out. 1 An hour afterwards, while the doctor‘ iwas expecting a summons to View the : body of the rash countryman, in walked % that individual. ‘Doctor,’ said he, ‘can’t ' you spar’ me another tumbler-fol ? It’s i the most satisfyingest I ever drunk? be u: Heard l ."."' . . ’i T is intended to make these Directories G. M-i the most complete and correct ever 1 by the ‘3 issued on this continent. They are not be- his % ing prepared by correspondence, ‘but uy pos- I personal canvass, from door -t0‘door, of my that any own Agents, for “the requisite information. 1 have now engage ° ‘have ‘3 horses. These are engaged mainly on the 33 be 31 l towns and villages off the Railway and the in]. i Steamboat Routes, important places on the 1 , 1 lines being .held till the completion of the 1 he ward ‘ former, ”to admit of correction to latest date. I antici ate issnin , in October next, the bent?” Canadianp Dominiog Directory, and Six ’ petition Provincial Directories, which will a correct 3 respect- and full index to the Dominion of Canada, Newtonndland, and Prince Edward Island, be enter- and a combined Gazetteer, Directory. and I duty to Hand Book of the six Provinces. n of each senscmrrrox T0 was nomxrox nlanc'roav 2 A‘.‘ A rDominion Provincial Directories‘ T o be Published in October, 1870. ’ I OT‘ICEsâ€"Learning that my name has l ~ 'been unwarrantably used in connec- 1 tion with Directories now being canvassed} ; in. the Provinces, and entirely distinct from 1 imy works, and that in other cases it has 1' been stated that my Directories have been iabandoned, I wcnld request those desiring ; to give a preference to my works to see that persons representing themselves as act- ing for me are furnished with satisfactory .' ' credentials. < vâ€"v , JOHN LOVELL,=Pub1ishe1-. ! Montreal, March 16, 1870. Ubuuv-â€"â€"- __ Dominion of Canada Subscribers $12 Cy. United States do 12 Gold. Great Britain andlreland do £3 Stg. France, Germany, c., do :33 Stg. Subscription to Provincial Directories. Province of Ontario Directory, 1870-71 $4 Province of Quebec do 71870-71 4 Province of Nova Scotia do 1670311 2 Province of New Brunswick Directory, 1870-71 2 Province of Newfonndland 1onn n1 1 Province of Prince Edward ' ' ot' busmess, a Island Directory, 1870.71 2; now in comp] (If? No Money to be paid nnt‘il eachbook having engag years standin is delivered. 3;) ' ' '11 made be known to merit a sh: on application to . JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. Partles Montreal, March 16, 1870. ' The 'GRIS r___.o Sâ€"fieciahfies at the Blfi ‘AXE, Just to hand, direct from the English makersâ€"Best Durable Qualities, AT ioxuum WHOLESALE PRICES. wmm mm mm ”‘54 “aw " \M w” -_ w -_ Ground in Oil. This paint is superior to, and more durable than the best. White Lead, either for inside or outside work, Lake going craft, «kc. Its use is not injurious to the health. Direct from Tuos. HU-nnccx SON, London, England. ‘Lovell’s Directories- Made by the celebrated firm of GURNEY, \VARE 3 C0., of Hamilton, in stock at )Iakers’ prices. These Scales are WAR- mxnzn perfect, reliable, and durable,being made in the very best manner. W. KOUGH. HU BBUCK’S Genuine Owen Sound. OPEN REBELLION. TAKEN BY STORM! BETTER than the BEST INCLUDING HAND, TABLE, HALL, c. LOVELL’S Opposite Fletcher’s, Upper For sale, Lot 13, Con. 7, Glenelg, com-‘ prising 100 acres, 60 of which are, cleared, well watered and fenced, witha, ood House, Barn, Stable and an Orchard of 100 Trees thereon. Also 50 acres, E3311 half of Lot 13, Con. 6th, Glenelg, from 8‘ to 10 acres cleared. The above pronerly will be sold cheap, and clear deed given.â€" Terms easy. For particulars apply to ABRAM GOLD, at the Durham Ashery, f or to ABRAM COOK, l (1“-th Lot 7, Con. 6, Glenelg. Cheaper than the Cheapest i ARTIES WANTING GOOD SAWN, t SHIN GLES, (Wilson’s manufacture; ‘Beutinck.) can be supplied by applying 3 at this office. Sold reasonable. ELIE CTROPLATED A BALE OF SHINGLES. Directqry, 1870-71 direct from Makers. Town, Durham. rvices of a first-class MILLINER, from Toronto, Mrs. D. having secured the se by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. 0-...“ E FOR GOODS. L} . . e i _ _ 2‘ ' UPPER TOWN m. ' .E April 20th, 1870. . ’ HET ; i I’Mâ€"M GXtraor t . ,- GREA' mmm £0153“? him 13“?“ stern, ‘ ‘ suficie Mrs. D. having secured by strict attention to business t gags m-ost respectfully to opened out a. large an Consisting in part of 'l‘um DUDDULUIUHLI Luau-.1 a v _-__ - , REALLY, and to his numerous customers in particular, of business, and also to inform them that his Carding and l now in complete order. having been recently titted 'up wit having engaged the services of ene of the moss experience years standing, trusts by unremitting attention and good w to merit a share of public patronage. April 201b,1870. The GRISTMILL 13 in complete running ready for all sorts of work. Fast-class Millie: Paper Hangmgs EDGE MILLS, May 17th, 1870. VARIETY STORE, 12,566 fiOflifisS @fi“ 'Gfiflflflflfi'fl” Efi'fi‘gfififlffi WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADES, er brought to this part of the country, and selling c., er atterns to suit all tastes. at extremely low prices. P In addition to the above we have also just received a large con- signment of a" varying in price from 3 to $35,00. 4- %- Have your {vans papered‘ Whitewash. Note the Afldmss, DURHAM, May 1701,1370. UDD .1 1 U0 1. unsuuu‘-‘ w SNTARIOWfiOOT STORE. . made by mâ€"vâ€"._ Papers from 4 cents per R01]. E. E EEWEEEE. Ladies’ Misses‘ ‘0 from a. Distance can have then: W0 01 same day '1 do by the best Workman,‘uid of Stock of the warranted to wear well ahd fit neatly. SEASQN Q? mm. JUST RECEIVED AT omplete running order, having necently been overhauled, Fu'st- class Milzle'ra and stnict attention to cus‘tomers’ interests. IVI‘JLUBLV LLLLLL‘uU ‘ v .._.__ customers in parncular, for__past favors in Ins lme that his Cardiog and Cloth-Dressing Machinery is . recently ’itted 'np with‘lat'est improvements, and of the mos‘; experienced workmen in @ntario, 2) or attention and good workâ€"all work War-rantedâ€" AND papered, it is cheaper ‘and better than JOHN KELLY. moms "JONES; best quality, latest style? L‘UDUIHS "wv neat fit guaranteed. the times. ..._--\v n altcl‘ lUl "5V” in; --_ .V _ Shoshonees Remedy! For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive Organs, Kidneys, firm, as Well as Scrofnla, the various Skin iDiseases, Humms, and all diseases arising from impurities of the blood, we boldly state that thisgreat remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. W here wasthere ever such a cure as that ‘ in the person of Wilson Storms,'of Brighton,1 0n’t., of Consumption ’; or that of Peter C. V. Miller, of Earnestown, Ont., of Con- sumption; .or that of Ambrose Wood, of" Consecon, 0nt., of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of ~50hn Hosey, of Napanee, Ont., of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches for years, in spite of-all treatment heretofore, and is now well. Scores of such cases might be mentioned had we space. Y\ _ éL--nn nut: ND‘ 9. , at the . , l v (if? Call at the Drug Stores and get a circular, ot unquestionable certificates on -._- AA‘r-rn affinn n Ullvnv '6“. PILLS, and satisfy yourselves. Pyice of the Remedy "in large pints $1. (if? For sale by all Drugg‘ists and Dealers in Medicine. ‘9 _. . r #__‘A_ Whmesa‘e Agen Newcastle, Lyman, To Messrs. CHAMBERLAIN SILLS, Conway; Pd 0. County of Lennox, Ontario, Can-' a a. MADOC, County of Hastings, Province of Ontario, Eeb. 9th, 1869.‘ This. is ~to ‘c‘e‘rtify that during the winter of 3366 I was taken with a weakness of the ankles, whicl gradually, during the spring of 1867,.extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, and I became so weak that I could not. walk, but was confined to my chair. For about two years, while this weakness was coming on me, and after- wards, I sought medical advice, employing at different. times, three doctors, and medi- , cines of different kinds prescribed by friends, STOP AND SEE 1 FOLLOWING REMARKS GUELPHâ€"First Wednesday in each month. Hmmsroxâ€"Friday before Guelph Fair. BoswomHâ€"Saturday before Guelph. ELORAâ€"The day‘before Guelph. ' Draytonâ€"‘l‘he day before Elora. CLIFFORDâ€"Thursday before Guelph Fair. TEVIOTDALE--Friday before Guelph Fair. ,NEW;- BAuoURGâ€"First Tuesday in each month. BERLINâ€"First Thursday 111 each month. E1 MIRAâ€" Second Monday In each month. WATEnLoo-f-Second Tuesday in each month. MT. FORESTâ€"Third Wednesday in each month. DURHAMâ€"Tuesday preceding the above. FERGUSâ€"Thursday following Mt. Forest. URA1§GEV1LLp-â€"Second Thursday in Jan. ‘ March, Ma}, Jul], Sep., and Nov. , Moxo MILLS-.Third Wednesday in Jan., . April, July and October. ERINâ€"First Monday in January, April, July and October. MASON‘V‘ILLEâ€"Fimt Tuesday in February, May, Augus‘t‘vand' November. MOT No. 16, Con. 3, West of the Gara- fraxa Road. Township of Benti‘uck, containing 100 acres, about 30 acres clear- edL. Termsâ€"$300 cash. ' PATRICK WELSH. Feb: 15, 1870: Agentcâ€"Northrop 6r. Lyman, 'man, Elliott 00., TOrO‘nto. Monthly Cattle Fairs. LAND FOR SALE. DURHAM, OWEN SOUND a G’OfiERIOH. SEED S's mported and for 9:?- Purchased before advance in price. nausmsxs SEEBSMEN, 159‘ ASPARAGUS. BEANSâ€"Brow! Winasor, China Bush, Scarlet Runners, White Kidne‘?’ , Yellow Six eeks, Lima or Butter. BEET=~Early Turnip Blood, Long Blood, White Sugar. BORECOLE., BRUSSELSâ€"Sprouts; . CABBAGEâ€"Early York, Large Drumhead, Qllin‘fi...’ 0!: Heart, Large York, Flat Dutch, Red Pickling, Green Curled Savoy, Sugar-Loaf, Winningstadt. CARROTâ€"Early French Hor'n, Large Altringham, Large Red Surrey, Long Orange, White Belgium. ._ \Vhite Belgium C kULII‘ LOW Râ€"Early Paris, Half Early Paris, CELERYâ€"Red Solid, VS bite Solid, Turner’ 3 White Solid. CITRONâ€"For Presen 111g. CLUVEWâ€"Alsike, White. CO RNâ€"Adam’a Early; CRESSâ€"Extra. Cut-led. CUCUM BERâ€"Early Framé, Early Russia, Long Green, Gberkin. FLAX SEED. KALEâ€"Scotch. LEEKâ€"English Flag. LETTUCEâ€"Early Curled. Malta Cabbage. - . A Nonparefl Victoria CaBbage. MANGEL W URTZEL. Long Red. MELONâ€"Nutmeg Musk. Green Citron g.Musk Ice Cream Water. Long Island Water. MUSTARDâ€"Whites 'NASTURTIUM. ONIONâ€"Danvers Yellow. Large Red. Silver Skin. PEASâ€"Flack’s Blue Imperial. Tom Thumb. Early Kent. . - Dan. O’Rourke. Dwarf Sugar. (eatable pods.) PARSLEYâ€"Extm Curled. PARSNIPâ€"Hollow Crown. Sutton’ 8 Student. Guernsey. PEPPERâ€"Lon g Bed. P UMPKINâ€"Cheese. Large Yellow. RADISHa-v-Long Scarlet. RAPE. RHU BARBâ€"Giant. Victoria. SQUASHâ€":Yggetable Marrow. Cus‘ard MErmw. SPIN ACEâ€"Round. Prickly,_ ‘ . SALSIFY, or Vegetable Oyster. TARES. . TIMOTHYâ€" (clean). TOMATO-ngrly Red.-â€"Tilden’s. TOBACCO. ‘ TUBNIPâ€"Snow Ball. . Orange Jelly. For 1 Early; Stone. us SWeedish Sharp’ 5 Improved. “ Skirviug’ 8 “ “ Marshall’s “ Early Rose, Early; ‘Gooderich, Harrison and Gleason. We heve given our usual care in the selection of Seeds, and Would call the attention of the Farming community to our fine-martm'ent of ' A LARGE SUPPLY TURmP, CABBAGE, BEET, CARROT AFB MANGEL WUBTZEL SEEDS... PARKER 85 cgm'rm,‘ ~ Stubble or Six- Weeks. White Globe. ' Red Globe. . , Yellow Bullock. , Yellow Aberdeen Purple Top. HERBS. Seed Potatoes. _'_Large Red. "cwâ€"v â€"â€" Red Turmp. â€" White Turnip. llSHa-Long Sc. glapl: Spgfiish. Balm . Hyssop. Rosemary. line. Sage. Suhmer Savory. Sweet Majoram. Thyme. 0 U6' a‘t'e by For table URN-[TUBE FACTORY W . Pownn, in the Village of ATE; for Sale or to Leasg. Terms rea ' Apply to the BDbSCE‘lber, at mesog‘figg. or to Mr. John graspm. “'93,. Hanove, 0, to G. Jackson, Esq, M. 1)., hm‘ham. , r “Y; ”A: 57‘1:1)HENS. ‘ n 1 h- Vegetabie Ham Bestmat‘m, OR THE PRESERVATION AXE F Growth Of the Hair; Manufactmea b JOHN FAX'J‘, ' y Hair Dresser, (kc, Dmmville, 01ft, PRICEâ€"$1.50cts. and 2.3 cgnts [wir- horde. FOR SALE OR TO LEASE OULD RESPECTFYLLY m . form the inhabitants of Dam; and vicinity, that he has commenced bug}. 11968 in the New Cottage near the Asher"; Having had considerable pmcxice in L6“: don and many of the provilscial towngin England, bapes by Strin‘t attention to bug}. 0888, to merit a share of public patronage, Nov; 23, 1869. flj’ This is a most superior ai-ticle , posed entirely of vegetabio substancgs is positively the best amide fur the: ever manufactured. _ 1 Owen Sound, Dec RURAL, LITIIRAPY mp FAMILY WEEKLY. VOL XXL, for 1870. of this Famous Journal will Excel in ail 11w characterisfics of a First-Class Rand, L‘tmarv. Fami‘h: .. " 'J and business Newspaper, combinedâ€"making it the ' c .The RURAL was Doublrd in Mac ant! Vastly Improved. in Jan. last, and is now not only the Largesr, Cheapest and Best, but also the Largest Circulating Weekly in its Sphere. Superior in Ahiiitv, Value and Variety of Contents, as well as in. Size, Style and IllustraliUHS, and havittg'z‘. Continental Circulationéxt'ith tens of then- lsan’ds of ardent admirers in both Town and. Countryâ€"the RURAL is the great FARM AND FIRESIDE FAVORITE’. Employing the Best Talent in the Land 'â€"â€"-having Nine Able Editors and Hundreds ' of Special Contributors and CorreSpmideuts â€"â€"and being an acknowledged a ‘ithority on Practical, Scientific and Literary Subjects, an Exchange truly says of it that “Tm RURAL is the most Eiegantly Printed, Abl; Edited, Widely Circulated and Heartil; Welcomed Paper, as a. whole, which now ‘finds its way among the People.” '- The CAEADIAS Demm'mexr, latelyinim. \duced, is conducted by Reta W. 1". Clarke, . -r amt n1, Ont“ for'merlv Giiiu!‘ of the, Mama’s Hum! New-Ymke: BY D. o. 'r. moons, New York City, and I); «Emuâ€"1‘, N‘ MOORE’S RURAL‘PAYS - All who cultivate Fruits,.l‘ ngtrs; K ega- tabl’es. 336., ev’en on a sungl‘ sane, \‘m U}. Village or Suburb”. “brie to 1' arm‘erg Plahtets, ‘Hurticuhuflsts, btock Bree-mt, W001 Growersa D:i}xyn‘:t:;1.\}:c;11n.i~yE [:5 ciera,_ c., It as IND‘IEKIL J J . , _--v ‘7 '. ‘IDnlf‘AV‘AL ".’ The CANADIAX 135anan duced, is conducted by Rev. of Guelph, Outw, formerly Canada Farmer. the FAMILY it is highiy regard ILiterary and Miscellmmuua lk-{vat 1furnishing CHOICE AND EXTI‘IH IING READING FOR A LL. The 1' lARGEST-"BESI-"CHEAPESL Are full and reliable. 1 Edited, Illustmh d and Style, and Adapted It) ('1 City. the Run“. is the 1" Family and Friends. 1! 0r semi-motuhiy, but a‘ ful Illustrated Weekly,â€"â€"z its former size, its Subs mains unchanged ! V01. XXL, for 1870, will be published m Superior Style, each Number compris- ing Sixteen Double Quarto Pages, (3f Five Cofiumns Each,) Finely Illusu‘mtd, amI Neatly Printh on Book Paper. . -_L..A_,. NAPOLEON OF ITS CLASS“. Only $3 a Year; in CH. MS of $2.50. Canadians. 2:) ms. :1 for American postage. Savers Now! Great “inducements tn HY COPE, Tailor, -â€"OV61‘ one Hundred ‘2‘?“qu ranging in price from $4 to $6 mens, Premium Lists, Show-1):? “'88; ‘ Rochester, N. Y., (the heart 0t amine farming and fruit growing region whmit seyeral 01 its Editors and Cwntribmifi reside, ) "but as its principal l’uMicmio: Office is [19W in New York, all letter should be add resscd m __..4-"-‘ '1‘ 13 1:3 DURHAM CHRONICLE Thursday Morning. WHITE 8!. JOHNISON AT THE 014‘“ E. 1.0“}; “\IILM DLHUAW Law Respecting Newspapers MARKET AND C11 l. Subscribexsxxho do not iuww notice to the contrary are cons: idem» mshmg to continue ”193 r buhSC! 13110115 .vf'. 2. Ifaubscribers ordcrthe din of their periodicals, the puhl fish. them until all arrom'saro pafihK are responsible for all 1131mm .~ 1 3. “subscribers :zeghn-I m n the periodicalstrom the ufiiw : are directed, the-y are 1193 till they have settled their IMI. their‘ periodic-m to be dim Sending numbers back, or Zen 1' the Oflice, is not Such nnfm tinuance as the Law 13cqm'n 4. If subscribers l‘runw places witbom informing 11‘. and their periodicals are sL-m I d1rections,tney are held respo av. The RURAL has alqus haikd THE GREAT ILLI’STRATED Eight cents per line for i and two cents for each subsm Business Cards, ten hues a annum $4. Hutuâ€"u.- ‘7 The number oflines- in an NYC“ to be ascertained by the 311101an Whichit occupies in the (:ulumn as m by a scale of sofid hrevivr. 4‘_n1 FORM, STYLE, TERMS, c w V fiLibeml arrungmnm Merchants and 011mm adv you; Jvâ€"Uv whdvertisemems without directions, inserted until foxbxd, a accordingly. “TL”? Ngfices in editorial cohu?‘ Objem of which is m promo??? {11011: or private interests ()f11101\‘1dm.. considered advertisemcms and L MacqrdinglyZ . " 1. :néond . fiAfi ”Advertisements Insertion shouid reach this 11 ofiflock on VVEDKES»: furthest. “Vo‘untary Corresponriem é ofthe county solicited. 0v “._ All commfi'nicatimgs. tv ensuumn if Otherwise satisfactérv. nuts! 111““; name of the writer. {sot nocmssaffl : publication but as a gfiarantce ot‘goodtw, 0:? N0 unpaid letters wilt be takellf" th‘é Phat Office. ' Bonk and Job Printing Ufeverv description, execuim m - upsurpassed by any office in the cot“ OrderabyMail will receive due a“ _ 052518838 REASONABLE“ Rates of Advertising IS PUBLISHED EVERY 161b, 1869 is the Paper'f'ur Yong-59‘ :cds. It is'notl mom. , but a Large and’Bew eekl y,â€"and, though doub its Subscription Price 1‘ D. T MOORE. 41 Park Row, New (the heart pt a flame BY ad W 10 C" rtlsements intefl [and] this office 1’5 tnxsspn MOB‘M’ reanandencef r01n all!“ 0P ll namuex 5 seat. (idem or refuse (0185' the MM? 10 “ hichtbf} are 1103 d responszir their mu mm ordenv 3 be diScontintha.‘ wk, or lcm iug («emit mch notice of disM' um H‘- tf. 121 advertising ten Or more! URTS } n 1'6 1TH c columns- w hich sJoi fiesideuce store, Lou will give Wench day I to bring “mm vac (rake-"In County of promptly I (truce :' Uflice, U Glazing, h‘lost am Ece, pro ewm,ou L'or 88‘9- Durbal diceâ€"O 'urham, WHO Merck HYSI HYSI .I ‘1‘86 [1 ARR“ AN 0 ARR! 9091‘. in1 0V5 0U Mo' w 0 r1 for:

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