td Io "Doe. ng Starâ€_ , stoves;- and gen- as new, ery old ain tho he boat a wouldi quito 3‘ WI) over- ity havo- Dy morn? ling there' isï¬ppoaed‘ is a min; i, as‘ the’ fees; The‘ haken to‘ d under†certain" will be mare sf .†of Do- i, on Lake' tent wood be. eaten. {Secretab Dr {moi Ibex-s, :11 ed in his I ï¬nd 0! limed hi0 moo uh :tl'o were: by last nber of uly 1m, mt; muck“ 'k of 150’ lead we'd z Saturo' nametl ’here are quest is- |erby.â€"' of tho' Iodgins, Station, return- commg ï¬led in? Friday Ceme- At Trinity Church, Durham, -on the 20th inst, by the Rev. W. B. Evans, B. A., Archibam Davidson to Harriet Ellen, eldest. daughtexf of Mr. Thomas Jonea’. ‘oa the 30m 01L, by the Rev. 3.. F. Depew, ï¬t the New_COnuexion parsonagevhlr. Robert Scarlett, éf Prbton, to Ellen Scarlett, of Arthur. Ag Ho1stem, on the 11th inst, tlie wife of C. A. Jones, M. D., o“ a. son. Daily A Spring V W 001. . . in the matter of GEORGE SPEARE BUWES, Maxwell, an Insolvent. the undersigned, Jonx. KERR, of the city of ’l‘orqnto, have been appointed assignee in this matter, . Creditqrs are requested to ï¬le their ‘claims before me within one month. . . Dissolution 0f Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partner. ship subsisting between PARKER CATTLE, as Chemists and Druggists, in Dur- ham... Owen Sound and GOderich, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. girl. All debts owing in Durham, Ere PARxnu,â€"who pw â€"-â€"ahd all claims against. sgid artnership in Durham, are to be presented to saic‘ HENRY Puugau, by whomï¬hey will be paid . Dated at Durham, this 19m day army. 1570. 1314a and as near ACHROMATIC as can be produced. Durham. on the 20thinst., the wife of M. Abel, Baker, of â€ms, boy and The LENSES of which are GROUND by us, from material manufactured capeci ally for OPTIC purposes. It IS $800 Reward I The Most Perfect Spécéacles The peculiar form and scientiï¬c accuracy attained by the aid of complicated and costly machinery, warrants us in asserting them to be The subscribers will pay the above amount. to any person giving information, :that wxll lead to the detection and con- ‘viction of the person otopersons, who caused the destruction, by 'ï¬re.- ’of our tan- nery, on the morning ‘of the 8th of June 'last‘. __ _ .. __ ‘..-;.-_,.;.. NEW ‘ADVERTiSEMENTS. THEY ASSIST THE SIGHT Most ‘BRILLIANTLY, without requiring to be changed. So they are the CHEAPEST, as wells as the BEST. PURE, HARD BRILLIANT; Certain Presentation m the Sight. “Court Street, Toronto, 15th July, 1870. The undersigned is prepared to effect Loan in sums of.$200 and upwfuds on ap- proved Farm and Village secunty, for from A1- __‘_A n-_-_-‘.“. Insolvent Act of 1869‘. two to 1‘ terms. MONEY TO Land Agent Conveyancer, Commissioner, and Insurance Agent. 0:}- A few good farms for sale. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, sou: AGENT FOR. THE SALE o’p Lands for Sale, EASE , flour-en's: E subscriher is desirous of selling Lots '24 and 25. con. 1:3, township of Ben- tinck, containing 200 acres of good hard- wood land, 40 of which are -cleared and fenced, and well watered. These lots are situate in a. prosperous locality, 10 miles from Durham and four from the gravel road. Price $8 per acre, one thud cash. Title indisputable. For full particulars apply to PERFEBTED SPECTACLES v A lvertiser of Tuesday reports: . rr Wheat... 0.00.00-115 @ l 28 ....... .........o 31 @ o 32 LAST A GREAT MANY , 4 T. a; J. R. smm Durham, July 20th, 1870. _ LAZARUS. MORRIS~ CO BF I LDIN G LOTS. Great Reduction Durham, July 18th, F. ll. Edwards“. WILD AND IMPROVED or to JOHN SHEWELL, Durham. June 23rd,1870. Guelph Markets. IMPROVEMENT OF THE EYES, Durham Markets. FARM FOR SALE. WE EMPLOY NO Good Mortgages Bought. 1). Jackson, Jr., ON THE WEARER, cause a. continuous and abiding 295 Notre Dame Street, (UP MONEY TO LOAN. tw‘enty years, off the mosi'favorabl‘e OUR. CELEBRATED Married, B'RTH’y Fast-Glass - GLASSES, ACKSON, .13., ER MAXl'I-‘ACTURED to the said partnership, to be paid to Hssmr :11 continue. the business agginst said pqrtnership CONFER 83D MONTREAL AS!) THOS.» DIXON ,. Barrister-at-Law, ALSO, J AMES' KELEHER, Guelph, Lower Town, Durham); J 0 EN K ERR, Assignee. I. saw panuemmp prgsented to said .050050000 100.0000700 @@@@@@@@@@ 0. 000000 ,9m450110%% .00.04000.300 of Interest. PEDLERS LOAN YEARS STAIRS E subscriber beg: to inform his numerona ,cngtombr's and general public, that he haé removed his business from one door 3 th of the Foundry, to the more com- modione building, situatedone door north of eai Foundry, where he is prepared to do husineae as usual, only with a much larger etockof goods, and hopes byjtrict attention to business and reasonable charging to receive a’ehare of public patronAge. The subscriber manufactures a kind of Collar which can be recommended for safety to horses, and vhich has proved its superiority over the Scotch Collar. have been thoroughly tested by and are now in use on the Durham and COHIDVWOO? St Any person in doubt can refer to Mr. R. H. anwon. proprietor of the sai‘geline.e. â€" Reference mioht be made to many others but the above hamed gentleman has more of them m use an any other man' 1n the county. 3:}- The Scotch Collar manufactured second to none. 9:? CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on short notice and 1111113, style desired CONDENSED CATALOGUE 0F GOODS CONSTARILY ON Huh); Japanned Team Harness} Brass_,'l‘eam Harness; C Plate...l:iarneu; 3), Tag Team Harness;§ Tag Team 38:11:38; Japanned Single Barn. C .Plate Single Harness; Brass SingleHarneas; Silver Single Harness - eaiding-Saddles, all kinds; Riding Bridles and Martingale; Team Whips, Soggy .,Whipe and Stage Whips, of all kinds and quality, in abundance, also; ‘few English Oak Halter: ;. Cotton Fly Nets; Worsted Fly Ne 3} Worsted Ear Nets ; Suite of Horse‘Clothing ; Frank Millar’s prepared Harness Oil, the only oil to preserve the Stitching and Leather. -2 Dcnmr, July 13th, 1870. FURNITURE IIave now on hand alarge assomneni nralmnds of Furniture, consisting of: BUREAL'S, CUPBOARDS, BEDSTEADS...CHAIRS, sous, TABLES, «on, which they Will eell~AT MUCH LOWER PRICE-S! than have hitherto been sold for in Durham). (3:? Orders for Repairing will receive piompt attention. All kinds of TURNING executed with Neatness and Despath cf:- If you want Furniture or anything in our line give us a call. It will pay you. Suitable Lumber will be taken an eicbange for work. G. J. MATTHEWS ’ SON. Dmham, June 14th, 1870." Q U. *VL‘L**L.-u II IV ."vv -_ ___ [WARE-ROOM OPPOSITE THE ARGYLE HOTEL, DUBHAMJ AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. MATTHEWS . SON,- ‘33. Griz-ï¬t “ Clésing Sale- A HEAVY ï¬isCOï¬N‘f for a fevi7 Wéek§ bizi Clothing, Dï¬yifléodg Crockery; {Sm-'5; iii brdéi‘ f0 cues-r off as mucii ï¬Ã© IIII Produce taken as usual. LIST of unclaimed Letters remaining in the Durham P. O. on July 6, 1870. Allan, Jas. ,. y -; Morton, D. , _ _ Ashbury, Thos: R. 2 MarisettaJ.BaptistMrs Brown, Thos. McArthur, Alex. Bull, H. McColl, John Booth, Robt. McKnu, Dugal’d Bell, Andrew McArthur, Mary . Baldwin, John McTague, Margt.Mra. Butler, R. McDonald, John 8003, War} McGilvray, Mary Begg, John McDonald, John 2 Black, Arch; McLean, John Campbell, Mrs. McMartin, Mrs. Connor, Edward . McDonald, Alex. Crnickshank, Robt'. McLaughlin, Sarah Dunsmore, Nathan McMillan, David Dixon, John Nichol, Thos, (2) Davis, Thos. . , O’Don'nel, Thou. Duck, Thos. Or John Park, Andrew Easles, ,Edward Pratt, E. Mrs. Ector, J as. Petty, Henry Flood, J as. Henry Petty, Mrs} Farrier, Wm. Rowe, W113. Rev Feagan, J ohn_ Richmond, ,Thos. Gray, Elizabeth Ryndreeï¬, Elie Gagrow, Casin Ray, Will- 2.- Gale, Wm. Sharp. W. B. Geddes,Joh1§ Smith, Wm; H00per, Jas'. . Stony, Thos‘, 2 Hamilton, Alexâ€. T011153", 390- Hunt, J. . Tumbull, Robt. Hlylus, Thou. Williamson, E. D. Hillis, John .- Wilson, John Johnson,.Ellem Waters, J. ..: Larter, Wm. Williamson, Bobt. Livingston, Hugh Wilson,‘Came Mrs. Maddison, G. L. (2) Wiggins. Qlifl'r MlllS, ChristoPher Young, Jaa‘. Mighton,Jas. _ , o â€". . Tï¬AYED floss) the premises of the sub. 1 perihel- abqug the let of July, 3 dark red and white milch Cow seven years old, with) hell on. Any information leading to her recovery will be suitabl rewarded. JOSEPH A. SSEM, ‘. Priceville. aï¬EVERY FACILITY= FOR DOING FIRST-CLAS W RK AT THE “CHRONIC ' " o FICE. July 5th, 1870. GREAT BARGAINS! ARCH. MCKENZIE, Postmaster. List Stra’y .4 Cow. G.- ‘ J. M‘KECHNIE, of Letters. GEASGOW, Australia ‘ Europa; A Ilizrguegtoék fo'f'Staple gobas iii: S’HIRTIIVG’S, {GRAY BLEACAED COTTONS, ’CHECKS, SILK CHECKS, A large stock of LADIES’ SUMMER DRESS‘ Goons, ii: all the Léwe1= Town, Durhaima New Shades and Colors. SHAWLS, MANTLE CLOTHS, and all kinds of Triiiina'ingé. mmmm 31% MM“? ï¬ï¬‚émï¬; An Immense Steck.. of New and Fashionable Spring and Summer Dres’s Goods. In endless variety FLOWERS a; FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, RIBBoNs, c., in 511 the Novelties of the Season very cheap , New Groceries just Received. 0:;- NEW HARDWARE just opehed out; PRINTS GINGAMS; m SHAWL PATTERNS. BILLIAXT DENIMS, HOLLANDé, YEEYK‘ GEEEE, SHEETINGS, ; AShflown, Just Arrived from NEW STYLES. ’33: snmsnms A large st‘éc-k o'f A large stock of TOWELLINGS, LOWER Town, NEAR THE i’OST-OFFICE. PURPLE PAï¬Ã©, CARPETINGS, lvnmwms THE Hiinioipsl Council of the Township of Artemisia nintend ‘st their next meeting, (viz, 8th of August) to 11888 a By- Law to establish adéviatibï¬ road on Lots 3 and 4, second, south of. theDnnbsm road in said Township, as snryeyei; by T. B. Gilliland,’ Esq.,_2. L. S. . ,C. E., Eugenia. HENRY MELD’gUM, 2 a Township got-lg. EGEEE’E Artemiéié, my 4th, 1370. FFICLIAL: ASSIGNEE,’ FOB TEE COUNTY OF GREY. TICKINGS‘, Publid _; thiCe. ’c., c., c., c. a; 179-4. D O “a Imzim‘taum; Ready-Made Clothing Boots and Shoes-a, Sharp’s Garden Seeds. A. a. M‘KENZIE’S suolwwodml 109.1 (I Durham, April 20th, 1870. Cflï¬iï¬‚ï¬ Lag-macaw (w DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS , CAPS,“ Cfockery, GlaSSware; clothing, «as All Of which will be sold at a small advance on OPENED OUT CLOVER SEED AT M. FBASER’S STURE. th, 1870. L0“ ER VILL ’LGE, DURHAM. COQKE- IN AT _... mom FARMS tan sue. "The undersigned IS! mthoriiedrio‘eéll the following Improved Farm: on easy termss viz: Lot N9. 18, con. 2, E. G. R, Tewnship of Glenele, 100 acres. Lots No.16 and 17, con. 2E G. 8., Town}, 3,, ship of G‘ ene'lg,\' 2001mm. MNO. 16, con. 1, N. D. IL, Township of . lenelg, 50 acres. ‘ *5 1: Lots «9. 7 and 8, con. 3, ‘. ~. 8:, Town- 11 . .enelg, 50 acres. ' . 1 Lotsg‘k). 7and8, con. 3, N. 25.1%.; '10"- ' 8111;3th Glenelg, 100 acres. ‘ um, ; Lot. N08, mg 2, g'w. G. 8., Township of ' Bentinck, 100 acres. â€" Lot No. 12 con. 2. WEI}. R, Township of - \Bentihck, 100 acres. " .Rg LotNo.25, 0011.15, .W. 0.1%.,Tomhip of Noxmanbyl 1_00 a_crc_s. "fAls'of '.' ' Lot No. _47, cop. _,3 E. G. R. ,l‘qwnship or Halland, 100 acres. § ' . Lots}, 8 and9, N. D. B... ond7,83nd9, Sx‘mh side of El gin Sn, 'cbmainingns acr’e each, in the village of Priceg'ille. For further {paruculars app ply to AMUEL E. LEGATE, ' Durham. 0m. Jnlv 13. 1870. 130. INSOLVENT AGTO?1864, 1865 and 1869. Canada, Prorince of In the County Court Ontario,- of the County of County of Grey;:.- , . Grey‘ 3' . In the matter of mint CARSON, an In» 8 solvent. ' ON the thirtieth day of July next, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court. for a discharge under the said acts. . JOHN CARSON, . BY 'WM. BARRETT. . g1“ t " . t hiS‘Attortt‘ey, ad litem. Dated at Durham, 23rd of June, 1870. July 13, 1870. FINDLAY 8L SHAW’S Drug Storé‘, LOWER TOWN Teas, ,. Coffees; Chocolaié, Cocoaé; BiSc‘uitS, Dried Fruits; Tobaccoes, Brandics, Cigar Rum, Ale P011013; Finest Scotch and Caï¬adiaii Whiskeys; also A Completé found Stbék of Eifér'ything in ii ï¬rst-clasé' Drug Store. Butter Eggé taken iii SPINNING WHEELS! he subscriber-in returning thanks for; past' favors ,wOuld intimate to bid. friends-"and the public generally, that he has again commenced to manufacture, Spinning Wheels and J ack-Reels, and has. now on hand ï¬fty long heels, and ï¬fty mom in ,cpurgm of cénstchï¬on, which, as the ï¬gnés are hard, wiil be sold very cheap {6: cash. Credit will be given as usual. GEORGE CAMPBELL, 3‘, Near Schoï¬eld’a Sew-Mill, Benginqk'. May 4th, 1870. 2:1. ALWAYS IN TTOCK : SPINNING ‘WHEELS ! 2 Exchange; rs, Usually; Wineé; lpesg j ., ï¬e} ' ' 0M»