West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Jul 1870, p. 4

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frenchmauâ€"‘Madame, you charge ver mooeh 'tookprice for zat room.’ Land. Eadyâ€"‘Ob, you know, we at. the water- ing’p'faces must make hay whiie the sun shines.’ Frenchman (indignant)â€"-‘Ma- dame, you shalt never make ze bay of me. You must. not zink because all flesh is graSs, zat you can make bay of @159. was as mammms. moss. ‘I have nothing,’ was the cart re- ply. ~"l‘inen take something, sir,’ she answered; ‘yoa know I am begging'for ’the poor.’ That was an apt «reply of the lady, who, at a. charity fair, offered the plate to a-ricb man well known for his stingi- ‘Why did you leave your last place?’ inquired a young housekeeper about to engage a new servant. ‘\\’by,_you see ma’am, ’ rc- plied the applicant, ‘1 waS'too good looking, and when I opened the door folks took me for the missus.’ ‘A close fisted fellow treatinga‘friend to some old wine :poured out a very small quantity. The latter, taking the glass and holding it above his head, remarked, rather skeptically: ‘You say this is forty years old ?’ ‘Yes,’ replied thehoat. ‘Then,’ replied the other, ‘all that-II have to say is, that it is very small {or its age.’ ‘How is it,’ said a man to his neigh. her, ‘that Parson M-â€"â€"-, the laziest man living, 'wfites these interminably long sermons?’ ‘Why,’ says the other, ‘hc probably gets to writing and “is too lazy to stop.’ piecea, and five bibles.’ ‘Don’t shiver for last year’s ‘snow,’ a saying of Archbishop Whateley’e, pecu- liariy applicable ‘to those who make themseives miserable met troubles of the put. ‘ A physician examining a student as to his progress, asked him, ‘Should a man fall into a well forty feet deep, and strike his head against one of the tools with which he had been digging, what would be your course if called in as a sfirgeofi' ?’ The student replied, ‘ I should advise them to leave that man lie, and fill up the well.’ Tbe'way for 2: 31111110 truly ancceed is to do what. he thinhs'best worth his doing, in the way be ‘thinke'it ought. to be done, and he wilLbave all the suc- ceas that. is-wonh'having. ‘No, 'Biddy,’ said Patrick’tohis wife, ‘you never catch any lies coming out. of my mouth? “You may we" say that,’ repliedlfBiddy; ‘they fly oath-solfast'that nobody caucatch ’em.’ ‘Ab, mefsaid-a pious lady, ‘our min- ister was a powerful preacher; for, in the short timeihe ministered vthe-word armng us, hekickcd 'tbree pulpits to pieces, and banged the in’axds out of ‘Dennis, darlint, éoch, Dennis,~wbat is it you’re doing?’ "Whisht, Biddy, I’m tbryiu’ an experiment; giving hotwater to the chickensl am, so that they’ll be aftbcr laying boiled eggs.’ ‘Dad,'have-you'been‘to the museum?’ said a ten year old boy. 9N0,my sou.’ ‘Wcll, go, and mentionmy namc'to the doorkeeper, and-he’ll take .you .round my}. show you everything? ‘1 don‘t wish to say anything against the individual in question,’ said a very polite gentleman, ‘but would merely re- mark in the language of .the poet, that to him ‘truth is ~stmnger than fiction.” The most ba:hful girl that we ever . knew was one who blushed when she was asked if she had not been courting sleep. OUR Moons.-â€"-‘Moods’ are to he watched lest they influence us in the wrong direction, and bring to us and to others much trouble and sorrow. They often lead us to magnify trifles, to play the fool with striking ingenuity. Mo- ments of spite and weakness often cause words that never can be recalled, often destroy the happiness of the do- mestic circle, often fritter away afl'ec- tion and sour the kindly feelings of the heart. Keep watch over your ‘moods’ and conquer them, or they will conquer you, We saw in one of lhepapers the mar- riage by Rev. I. Gates, of ‘Mr. *John Post to Miss Sophia Rails. If this match don’t make a. 'fence-of the first quality, we should like to know what wili. Goon axn EVILâ€"Why there is pain and death in the world, it has not yet pleased the father to declare; but since his goodness is abundant, and his wisdom and power have no bounds, we cannot doubt. but that the reasons, when they shall be made known, will attest some hidden wisdom, which man is not yet able to comprehend. All that we know is, that everything exists by God’s absolute decree; that evil exists and therefore that evil exists by God’s abso- lute decree. Why plagues and earth- quakes have desolated the earth, why pain and guilt have troubled mankind, we may hope to learn hereafter; and till then we may wait patiently. since we see how beauty rises up out of the dust. how peace issues from woe, and how purity is wrought but of repentance. aajfartmeau’: Essays. Donn INannxcn.--We shall never know till we are ushered into eternity how great has been the influence which one gentle, loving Spirit has exercised in a household, shedding the mild radi- ance of its light over all the common events of daily life, and checking the in- roads of discord and sin, by the simple setting forth of that love which ‘seeketh not her own, but which snfl'ereth long, and isikind.’ Goon RULEs.â€"Stick to your trade. Fulfil your promises. Make honest change. Keep your life insured. Pay your bills promptly. Don’t-wait to be dunned. Watch your bank account. Finish up your work daily. .Don’t keep a businessman waiting. Don’t. be asleep when you’re working. ‘Do you believe, sir, that. the dead ever [walk after death ?’ ‘No doubt of it, madam; I :have heard the ‘Dead March in Saul? ’ Paocasss.-â€"-In a country like onrs,where there axe those who yet remember the privations and inconveniences of the set- tlers,'.the many mechanical improvements and labor-saving machines indicate a pro- gress unparaleled 'in history. We have now machinery to lighten the labors 0* seedotime and harvestâ€"inventions to in- crease the comforts oflifeâ€"and to facilitate communication. To lessen-mortality ano amp the inroads of disease, we have the great Shohenees Remedy for diseases of the lungs, liver, and kidneys. For sale by all Drnggists. 187 4. TAvx-mx Seashâ€"‘Laudlorfl, *come here; I have got a secret that will make your fortune foryou.’ ‘No! what is it ?’ ‘Do you see that roast goose at the head of the table 1” “Yes; what of it ?’ "That is the very one whose zcaokling saved Romc.’ The fellowin‘g account of extraordinao ry conduct on the part of a bear has been related to us :---About two weeks ago achild of M r. J ohn Sinclair, Gosben, Antigonish county, aged {our years, and an elder sister‘were out herding‘cowtl. The latter having occasion to remove some distance left'her littlesister-stand- ing at a gate till she ehould return, when shemissed the 'child, but Wit-nt- tracted by her-cries-inanothe‘r direction. On proceeding to the spdt sheéfogndhgr safe and-sound, and on inquiring. how she had got there she-replied that’ahe had been carrried “by a big “black dog,” and that hecarried-her sometimes -in his arms and sometimes in his mouth. The child was not injured in any way The parents of the child readily under stood, by the stony of the child and the smell on the child’ s clothes, that the “big black dag” was nothing less than a bear. Neat morning Mr. Sinclair goâ€" ing out saw a large she bear prowling ; about in the same vicinity, but befOre firearms could be zprocured she escaped. A down-East clergyman once said that he wrote a sermon in a day, and thought nothing ofit. His peOple held the same Opinion. One of the most satisfactory indica- tions of the growing prosperity and wealth of Canada, 13 to be found in the present abundance of money seeking in- vestment, and the comparatively low rates of interest at which it can be ob- tained. In this connection we observe that the Canada Permanent Building Society, our leading local loaning insti- tution, has just made a material reduce tion in their rates, and now offer terms l and facilities for re- payment, which en- able owners of real estate to redeem 1 their prOperties by simply paying a rent- ‘11! for a few years. With such induce- 1ments, many, who are now paying high lrents, will find it to their interest to 'build and become their own landlords. â€"Tor0nlo Telegraph. The white hairs that appear-on‘horses from the uee~or wear of the saddle or harness are often ~unsightly. My remedy is a very simple one. Take a piece of butter or fresh lard, :large enough to givelthcspot a thorough greasing; rub the same‘with the hand untilit becomes quite hot, repeating the operation at least three or four times. The white hairs will soon‘come out and hairs ol natural color take their place. lI-have tried this on several horses, and never knew .itto fail. I think the best time to do ”it isinrthewinter, before the new coat starts. [Mr. D. Jackson,jr., of Durham, is agent for the above Society in this 10- cality.] Sound table : COULSON’S MAIL LIN B. N account of the Opening of the We]- lington, Grey and Bruce Railway to Blow for passenger traffic, the stage line between Guelph and Elora has been dis. continued. After this date. the stages of this line will run between Elora and Owen GOING Noam.â€"Leaves Elora at l 30, after the arrival of the train from Guelph, Arthu: at 5 30 p.m., Mount b'oreet at 9, ar- riving in Durham at l a. m. GJIXG Scumâ€"Leaves Durham at 5 a. 111., Mount Forest at 8, Arthur at 12, 31'- riving in Elm-a at 4 p.m., to connect with train to Guelph. Goma Nonaâ€"Leaves Elora at 4 a.m., Arthur at 8 30 ; Mount Forest at 12:30 ; Durham at 4:30 pm. ; arriving in Owen Sound at 8 pm. GOIXG Sdl’Tu.-â€"Leaves Owen Sound at 4 am ; Durham at 11 am : Mount Forest at. 2 p. m. Arthur at 4: 30; arriving in E cm at 8 p. m., connecting with6 60 ’clock train next morning. July 1,1370. CATARRB, HEADACHE, N ECRALGIA, c., no matter how distressing, instantly relievâ€" ed and quickly cured with Dr. J. Briggs’ Allevantor. To be had at Findlay Shaw’s. COXSL’MPTIVES.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Throat and Lung Healer for all diseases of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest. Very pleas~ ant and eflicacious. Sold everywhere. NEURAIHGIA â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Alle- vantor tor Neuralgia, headache, ccatarrh, sore throat, bronchitis, are. It is agree. able to use,and reliable. Sold by drnggists. PILEsâ€"Intern21,Bleedinq External, ant. Itching, no matter how severe, reliev- ed quickly, and cured magically with Dr. J. Brigoé’rPile Shaw. Coaxs.â€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Modern Cnrauve for cows, bunions, in growing nails, tender feet, c. Mild, soothing, softening and healing. Sold bi dragging: A Remarkable Bear Story- Remedy for White Hairs. ACCOMMODATION STAGE. SPEQML NQTEQE, Interest on Money. according to the followxng time Change of Time. REGULAR STAGE. â€"â€"_.â€"â€"wâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-Qâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"T MPPJUPMJ FARMS MM 8MP The tinder-signedr 33th following .Improved‘Fmbn viz : _ fl _ Lot No. 18, comg; $3.3, ‘ Glenelg, 100 fires. i 7-53. ‘V' - wpv Lotsâ€"No. [‘6 and l7,"cufif’§,fl.'R., Town- 5111;) of Glenelg, 209 acres. ‘ Lot N o. 16, com-"1, N. -D. R, Township-6f Glenfielg, 50 acres. .. _ Lots No.7 and 8, cos. 3, N. D. R., Town. . ship of Glenelg, ’100 acres. Lot. No. 8, con. 2, W. G.'R., Township of Bentinck, 100 acres. . : . Lot No. 12, con. 2, W. G. R., Township of Beminck, '100 acres. ._ Lot'No. 25, con. 1-7, W.'G. ‘11., Township- ‘of Noxmanby, 100 acres. ‘ Also, Lot'No. 47, com-3, E. G. R., Township of Holland, ’100 acres. Lots 7, 3 and 9, NXD‘. ‘R.. and 97, 8 and-9, South side of Elgin Sh, containing 5 . acre each, in-rhe village df Priceville. For furth’er "particularsfpply to #A FINDLAY 8., S‘HAW’S Drug Store, LOWER TOWN Teas, Canada, Province of In the County Court Ontario, of the County of County of Grey. I Grey. In the matter of HOHN CARSON, an In- solvent. N the thirtieth'day of July-next, the undersigned will apply-tovthe Judge of the said Conwfor a dischargetnnder the said acts. JOHN CARSON, Coffees, Chocolate, Cocoas, INSDLZV'EMI' .A’L'TBF 1864,1865 and 1869. Biscuits, Dried Fruits, Tobaccoes, Brandies, Ale Porter, Finest Scotch found Rum, also A Complete in a first-class Drug Store. Butter Eggs taken in Stock of 1 Everything j Whiskeys, SPINNING WHEELS! he subscriber in returning thanks for past favors would intimate to his friends and the public generally, that he has again commenced to manufacture Spinning Wheels and Jack-Reels, and has now on hand fifty long reels, and fifty more in course of construction, which, as the timcs are hard, will be sold very cheap for cash. Credit. will be given as usual. GEORGE CAMPBELL, Near Schfield’s Saw-Mill, Bentiuck. May 4th, 1810. 2m. WM. BARRETT. his Attorney, ad litem. Dated at Durham, 23rd of- Unne, 18-70. July i3, 1870. and Canadian ALWAYS IN TTOCK : SPINNING WHEELS ! ! partlculars apply to SAMUEL E. LEGATE, exchange. Usually Wines, Gin, ', Township of Durham. Out. 130. BY 1‘ to sell ihe easy terms, DohinionS: Provincial Directories To be'Pnb_liehed in October, 1870. I OTICE._â€"-â€"§Le£i-dingfhat my name has been unwarrantebly used in conned- tiou with‘DirectOries'now being canvassed in the~Provinces, and edtitely'diaiinct-‘from my ‘woi'ks, and‘that in ”fiber ”chads fkigi'hxi! been stated that my Directories have fBé’éb abandoned, I wculd request those. desiring to givevepreference 'to any work; to see that Mouwpresenting themselves, as act- ing for me are furnished with satisfactory credentials. T ‘is intendéd toin‘xake 'these Directories 1 'tli‘e‘iim‘st "iso'ifi'plste and correct ever issued on this ccntineut. They are not be ing prepared by corp-eagi‘egidetiee, but by personal‘ban‘vass', "ft-0E1 dad: to 'd'por, of my own Agents, for ‘flie reouisite in'f0rmation. l have now engaoed on {he wbrk in the sev- eral Provinces giz‘orty then and Twenty horses. These are engaged mainly 0n the towns anli villages oi? the Railway and Steamboatlfioutes, rimpottant places on the lines being held till the completion of the former, to admit of=C0rrecti0n to latest date. I anticipate issuing, 'in ‘0'cto’li’e'r n'e'xt, the Canadian Dominion Directory, ‘and Six Provincial Directmies. whicn will‘a'correct and full index to the Dominion of Qanada, Newtonndland, and Prince Edward Island. and a combined Gazetteer. Directory and Hand Book of the six Provinces. svss‘csirrro‘x TO The ’DO‘MINION'DIRBC-‘I‘ORY : Dominion of Canada Subscribers $12 Cy. I United States do 12 Gold. Great Britain and Ireland do £3 Stg. France, Germany, c., do £3 Stg. Subscription ‘to Provincial Directories. Province of Ontario Directory, 1870-71 $4 Province of Quebec do 1870-71 4 Province-bf Nova Scotia do 1570â€"71 3 Province of New Brunswick Ground in-Qil. This paint is superior to, and moi-e aurdble than the best White'Lead, either for 2inside or outside work, iLa'ke going crafty‘iizc. Its use is not injurious to the health. Direct ‘from THos. HUBBUCK. a; SON, London, England. . _ - ‘ Directory, 41870-751 Provin’ce of Newg'ofindland Province of Prince Edward ' . Island Directory, 1870 7:1 2 (11,5 No Money to' be paid until each book is delivered. .320 _ Just to hand, Hirect from the English makersâ€"Best Durable Qualities, mmm Lime wmg Rates of Advertisitig will made be known on Lpplication to JOEN LovE'LL, iSumisher. Modtreail, March 16, ’1870. AT TORONTO WHOLESALE PRICES. AND Nickle Silver Spoons Forks, Of amelidbie quality, in great variety. Specialities 3i ihe B‘ii‘i AXE, COAL OIL, Coal Oil Lamps, DOOR MATS, POOKET £9 JABLg mum, ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE Platform ' Counter Scales, Imported direct, will be sold RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Made by Ihe celebrated firm of GURNEY, WARE Co., of Hamilton, in stock at Makers’ prices. These Scales are WAR- ms'rsn perfect, reliable, and durable,being made in the very best manner. W. KOUGH. OPEN REBELLION. TAKEN BY STORM! HAND, TABLE, HALL, c. Chimne)s ISL Wicks, direct from Makers. at KELSBY’S GALLERY, BETTER than the BEST and Cheaper than the Cheapest Fenian Raid ! Phutngtaphs for the Million ! Opposite Fletcheris, Upper Town, Durham. Forsale, Lot 13, Con. 7, Gleneig, com- prising 100 acres, 60 of which are cleared, well watered and fenced, with a good House, Barn, Stahle and an Orchard of 100 Trees thereon. Also 50 acres, East half of Lot 13, Con. 6th, Glenelg, from 8 to 10 acres cleared. The above prooerty will be sold cheap, and clear deed given.â€" Terms easy. For particulars apply to ABRAM GOLD, at the Durham Ashery, or £0 QthMflQQK, JAMES SUEEEV’AEL (TWO DOORS NORTH or Tm: names.) VERY description of Tinware con- stantly on hand and made to order. All work is manufactured under my own supervision, and none but the very best stock used. JOBBING dox.e promptly and in the very best style, at. the lowest living rates. 0:;- Particular attention paid to EaveoTroughing. A large stock of StovePipes, Elbows, T Pipes and Ridge Plates always on hand, CHEAP FOR CASH OR TRADE. (76-y.) SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. TINSMITH, GARA FRAX A STREE T, D URHAM. PARTIES WANTING GOOD SAWN SH IN GLES, ( Wilson’s manufacture, Benuncko can be supplied by applyino mm office. Sold reasonable. ° . JOHN'LOVEL‘L,Publisher. Montreal, March 16, 31830. Owen Sound, Dec. 7. 1869. ORUETS, SPOONS, FORKS M3. (114%.) 25 Kegs HUBBUOK’S 'Genuine ‘ :~ . .. . lovell’s Directories. SGMJ} Afififi’éfi’. Owen Sound. SHINGLES. ELECTROPLATED A LARGE LOT OF LOVELL’S A BALE OF 'I‘XCIgUDING Qiyectory, 1870-71 Lot 7, Con. 6, Glene'lg. . v3 QM .- mwwmwwwww-w _,__ â€" tfnlly'to 'xnform her Lady patrons, that - she hits just ’gzceived and Begs moét’fi‘spec Opened out alarga‘nnd‘varied Essortment 'of New-a d El - '- ‘ .. _ Consisting in part of .. ” egantDesngns. cured the services of a first class MIL‘LINER, mm bus: {was to merit a. share of public patronage. “â€"- _I_ 2311.13, and to his numerous customers in particular, ’for past favors in his line of business, and also to inform them that his Carding and Cloth-Dressing Machinery is now in complete order. having been recently 'fitted up with latest improvements, and having engaged the services of one of the most experienced workmen in Ontario, 21 years standing, trusts'by’unre’in‘itt'ing attention and good ivorkéall work warranted .. to merit a share of public patronage. The‘GR‘ISTMILL 18 in complete '1‘1‘1 .ing prder, ha‘xziigg 'fec'ently been overhauled, ready‘for all sorts of work. Fn‘st-clahs xllera and‘strict attention to customers’ interests. Paper Hangings Paper Hangings Paper Hangings” Window Shades Window ShadeS Window Shades VARIETY STORE, woo ”some or momma momma WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADES, 810., eVer brought to this part of the country, and selling at extremely low prices. Patterns to suit aii tastes. ‘ In addition to the above we have also just received a large con- signment of Varying in price from 3 to $35,00. 3 ENE Have your walls papered, it is cheapef and better than Whitewash. Papers from 4 cents per R0“. 350. a; angws. 33} Bfiri‘ER 1's: EGGS .TAKEN IN EECHANGE FOR Goo’fis. Note the Address, MRS.‘ DAVIDSON!z --â€"_‘--â€". mnm‘v “1’?“ April ”21mm, i350. Children’s Carriage's,~ Cubs and Parambulators, EDGE MfLLs, May 17th, 1870. DURHAM, May 17th, 1870. Pafti'es from a Distance Can have their Woo‘l same day ! The GREATEST BARGAINS of BOOTS SHOES to be had in Durham, at the made by the best Workman, and of SI warranted to wear well and fit neatly. HE SUBSCRIBER REGS TO RETURN THANKS To THE PUBLIC GEN Ladies’ Missesf Prunella. Gaiters 85 Balmorals selling at Casi.- fiiifimm. TTT TT‘T TTT TT TTT TTTTTT TTTTTT “w" M"- LADIE’S HATS AND BONNETS, FEATHERS AND RIBBONS, ‘ Flowers; Hosiery, 8w. TE mmgflm E GUST RECEIVED AT“ SEQSQJM @f i@?©. Decoratiéhs Decorations Decorations AND Stock of the best quality, latest style, UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. JOHN KELLY. THOMAS JONES. Toronto, éfmpes I KS COMMENCED BUSINESS IN ' the above line, In the, premlses next door to'G. Isaac’s’saddlery ‘sbop, 'Upper Town, Durham, where'he intends to devote his entire attention 1to CUSTOM WORK. Nothing but the best stock used, and a neat 'fit guaranteed. afiPrices to suit the times. 163-y. HE FOLLOWING REMARKS “ON Testimonials of most wonderful and extraordinary cures in .Canada by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They are stern, undeniable and incontestable facts, sufficient to Convince the most skeptical that the Great Medical Compound yearned after for ages is now accessible in the Great Shoshonees Reifi’iedy '! For Diseases of the Throat,-.. Lungs, Liver, Digesti'v'e'Organs, Kidneys, c., as well as Scrofula, the various Skin Diseases, Humors, and all diseases arising from impurities of the bloodyyqe, .boldlv state tvhal this great remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where wasthere ever such aeure as that in the perSOn of Wilson Storms,iof13righton, Qnt._,_qt_' Conquglption '; or that of Peter C. V. Miller, of Earnestown, Ont, of Con. sumption; or that of Ambrose Wood, of Consecon, Ont, of Dyspepsiaand Liver Complaint, or that of John Hosey, of Napanee, Ont, of Rheumatism, who han actual!y been on crutches for years, in Spite ofall treatment heretofore, and 18 now well. Scores of s’u’c h cases might be mentioned had we space. To Messrs. CHAMBERLAIN SILLS Conway P. 0. County of Lennox, Ontario, Can- ada. a} Call at the Drug Stores and geta circular, cfunquestuonable certificates _o_n the G RE A T SH OSH ONEES REMED Y MED-CC, County of Hastings, i Province of‘Ontario, Feb. 9,1h 1869. i This 18 to certify that during the winter! of l866 I was taken with a weakness of the i ankles. which gradually, during the spring 1 of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up? to my hips, and I became so weak that I could not walk, but was confined to my chair. For about two years, while this weakness was coming on me, and after- wards, I sought medical advice, emp103ing at different tlmes, three doctors, and medi cin‘es of different kinds prescribed by l1iends but of no avail. I continued to get worse and worse, until the summer of 1868, when I was induced to try the great Shoshonees Remedy by reading the cutes performed, in a pamphlet. At this time I had begun to :feel the weakness in my hands; in olact I I was getting almost helpless. I have taken two bottles of the shoshonees Remedy and two boxes of the pills, and I am e11tirel3 restored to health. I never expected to get better, but Simply tried the medtcine as a sort of forlorn hope. This case of mine was not a pri1-a e one, bit 11-1101. 11 to all my neighbors and 1rie11is ; and to any one afflicted as I 11 as, I have only to say try the Shoshonees Remedy, I believe it will cure you.M.1:1Y 111131130311“. Sworn to before me at Madoc, County of Hastings this ninth day of February, 1869. 13.15. WOOD, J. P. c. I hereby certify that I have known Mrs. Mary Ann Doughty for the last fifteen years, - she is a woman ot probity and truth. I have known he r before, during, and since her illness. I bei' 1eve her certificate to be true in every particular. I know that while ill her case was declared hopeless, and I know that she has, since her recover3 alwa3s attributed her recovery to the Sho shonees Remedy Whatever may be the pecaliar prOperties of this medicine, one thing 19 certain that in her case, it has act. ed almost like the performance of a miracle. A. ‘1‘. W001), J. P. warden of the county of Hastings, P10- vince of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. (g- PILLS, and satisfy yourselves. J Price of the Remedy in large pints W1. 0:? Ear sale by all Druggiéts "and Dealers in Medicine. Wholesale Agateâ€"Northrop ‘ Lyman. Newcastle, Lyman, Elliott 00., Toronto. GUELPHâ€"First Wednesday in each month. HARmszâ€"Friduy before Guelph Fair. BosWom'Hâ€"Saturd'ay before Guelph. ELORAâ€"The day before Guelph. Draytonâ€"‘l‘he daybefore Elora. . CLIFFORDâ€"Thursday before Guelph Fair. TEVIOTDALE--Frlday before Guelph Fair. NEW HAMBURGâ€"Fimt Tuesday in each month. BERLINâ€"First Thursdayjn eachmontb. ELHIRA- Second Monday in each month. WATERI.OOâ€"Second Tuesday in each month. MT. FORESTâ€"Third Wednesday in each momh. DURHAmâ€"Tuesday preceding the above. FERGUSâ€"Thursday folloz'ving Mt. Forest. ORANGEVILLEâ€"Second Thursday in_Jan., March, May, July, Sep, and Nov. More M 1!.‘1.sâ€"-:â€"Third Wednesday in Jan., Apiil, July and October. ERINâ€"First Monday in January, April, J ulykand October. _ MASORVILLEâ€"First Tuesday in Februar y May, August and Novemher. ’ LOT No. 16, Con. 3, West of the Gar-a fraxa,Road. Township of Bentinék, contaiuihg 100 acres, about 30 acres cléar‘ eds Termsâ€"$300 cash. ‘ PATRICK WELSH. F81). 15, 1870; STOP AND SEE ‘1 . SIMPSON Monthly Cattle Fairs. LAND FOR SALE. 159: j} POWER, in the'iifufglélof for Sale or to Lease. Apply'to the ”subscriber at 0 . or to Mr. John Crisyin: ; a to G. Jackson, Esq , M P . ., Du: .’ . W. A. STE] Owen Sound, Dec. 16111, 1869 Vegetable Hair Restorative, - OR THE PRESERVATION - . AXT Growth of the Han: biéfllnfar‘tmg by ‘ JOIN mm 41 ~' - This“ aanStsuv fin“, P?” ”0‘36. (If? .. KS Denor amcle’ 00m. posed entire! of vegetabie an is positively the heist article for {hp 11' ever manufactured. {m “If . flair Dresser, kc, Du: PRICE~$;.§0ct§. and 25 cents ‘r-‘ {mm the inhabitams of ; and vicibitx, that be has Commen noes‘in‘t'be New Cottage, near the Having had considerable practice dnn'and many of the provincial Englafld, hopes by strict atmmim ness, to'inerit a share of public pat Nov. 23, 1869. HY COPE, Tailor, VTOULD RESPI:C:,;THH form the inhajit mm; m h RURAL, LITERARY AND FAM WEEKLY. Vol. XXL, for 1870, of this Famon Journal mil Excel in all Ihe charm-tram of a First-01388 Rural, Literarv, Tum; gnfhbusmess h ewspape r, combinedâ€"makin‘ u; e ' Employing the Beet Talent in the Land â€"having Nine Able Ediinre and flu .ri ed: of SpecialL Contributors and Correspm 13111 is â€"and being at: acknowled god a 11h02:TV 1.1: Practical, Scientific and Literary S-uiims. an Exchange truly says of it that 1'1: 1 RUB 11.11, is the most Elegantly Prinu 11 3‘13; Edited, Widely Circu‘ ated and 111-: Welcomed Paper, as a w,hoie which not finds its way among the People.” The CANADIAN DEPARTMExT, latelv intro- duced, is conducted by Rev. W. F. C hnke’, of Guelph, Gun, formerly editor of the Canada Farmer. . (A ‘.r The RURAL was Doubled in 5.51: “1H Vasily Improved. in Jan. last. and is now not only the Largest, Cheapest and Ill-5;, but also the Largest Circulating Week-2y in itsSphere. Superior in Abilitv, Value and Varietyof Contents, as wéil in Size, Style and Illustrations, and havmgz z Continental Circulationâ€"with tons: of thou sands of ardent admirers in both Town and Countryâ€"the RURAL is the gleat FARM AND FIRESIDE FAVORITE All who cu‘ tivate Fruits, Flowers, Vega tables. 83c” even on a small scale, (in (‘in Village or Subuib) while to Farmers. Planters, Hurticuhurists, Stock Bren} 11-; Wool Growers, Daiiymen. Pcultrv Ja‘ ciers, c., it is INDISPENSABLE. n the FAMILY it is highly r! val-dul 1.3 Literary and Mismllaneous Dima 11119115 furnishing CHOICE A\D ESTliz-i'il 4}\' Only $3 a Year ; in cmbs'of‘tm) 0 $2. 50. Canadians, ‘20 MS. a §€21 tor American pngtage. SubSCl H e a: 1. Subscribers who do not 2i... notice to the contrary are corm' Wishing to continue their subsuix-i Vol. XXL, for 1870, will be published in Superior Style. each Number cmnpris ing Sixteen Double Quarto Pages, (of 1"sz Columns Each,) Finely Ulustx-ated, and Neatly Printed on Book Paper. The RURAL has always imi? Rochester, N. Y., (the heart {.91 farming and fmit growing 1115:): several of its Editors and Cu: reside,) but as its .pzincipal Pu Office is now in New York, a should be add resnd tn Thursday Marylin WHITE a: JOHNSC-N, AT THE OFFICE, LOWER VILLSwE; DURHAM. Lg“: .Regspectlng Newspapers 2. Ifsubscribersorderthe disunnimmncé of their periodicals, the publisher may sHil: them until all arrears are paid}; sulyscz‘iim' are responsible for all numbers swat. New! Great-inducyements to C511- â€"0Ver ofie Hundrcd Valuable P ranging in price {101115110 5 '3 ('1 mens, Premium Lists, c110w Lw 1: free. 3. lfeuhscribers neglect or refuse to m the periodicalsfrom the oliice 10 mm}; a} are directed, they are he d m penal till they have settledtheir Bill. mm o; o'er their ,tipeliod cal to be die-Lani: w}. Sending numbersl‘ack, 07‘ ch'i'ing than the Ofice, is not such. mane "17' dew tinuance as the Law Requires. DURHAM CHRONiCLE .If subscribers lemme to < places without informing tie 1min? and tin 1r periodicals are sent to 1.19 10 d1recticus ,they are held lesPousible. [AG READING FOR ALL. 'l‘h MARKET AND CROP RU Are Full and reliaMG. I-ydeed, Min; .53: Edited, Illustrated and I’rinIL-d In "Lyra V-v! ‘ Style, and Adapted to Country, 'x suggemni City. the RURAL is the Paper for Yuursei, Family and friends. I: is not a mommy or semi-mommy, but a. Large and Beam. ful IHustrated Weeklyâ€"and, though dcmble its former size, its Subscription Price re mains unchanged 1 Eight cents per line for firm 119.111 on and two cents foreachsubbequcn.1115111ch Busmess Cards, ten hues and 111.1291. pe annum $4. FOR SALE OR To i N R‘UfiNITUng FACTORY The number oflines in an adx ertiyment to be ascextaimed by the amount «1 space which 1t occu {aies in the column as mo: asurf’d bv a scale ofsolid hrex wr. yeah. uvv‘v. v-..b.J , Notices in editorial columnS, the ohj’u? wahich is to promo‘ethc 1~e:cunia_:'y or pnvate Interests ofindividzzals, (o 09 consxdered advertisements and charged accordingly. _ . . A ‘ - . _ , . , g” r... . @Advei'tisements without directions, mSerLed until foxbid, a acco-rdyngly. uw......5. . _ . _ 0:?AH JAdv rtisements intended K insertion should reach this offin- 1-3; 10 0 11 o’clock on \VEDXESDAY Momma, 8 furthest. 'nfi’Liberal arrangenwnts made Merchants and others advertitiuL; 1» ‘ A VohmtaryCorrespondencefrom :11 f ofthe county _80H_Cit€d._ All Communications, to enSm‘o it: if otherwise satisfactory, must b name of the writer, not necess: publicaiion but 883 guarani 99 0 11:10 oil _. 1- uutuc Ul buy "I‘LLI’ nu; u\\\.V.-V.. ‘ 'b pubiication but 883 guaraniee vflmud 1311 - 01'? N0 unpaid letters will be taken {mm the Post Office. Ofe’Vérv description, executed in 8 “F"! unsurpassed by any ofiice in the count)": Ordersby Mail will receive due anemwv LARGEST---_§_E_$T---CHEAPEST. Moore’s Rum! New-‘r’m'm THE GREAT ILLUSTHA TE!) New York City, and Rochester, X, Y Book and Job Printing NAPOLEON OF ITS CLASS! FORM, STYLE, TERMS; gi'c BY 0. D. 'r. MOORE, Rates of Advertising- MOORE'S RURAL PAYS CHARGES REASONABL a T‘ ?ANT’ IS PUBLISHED EVERY D. D. T MOORE 41 1)dll\1LU“ \ B Y unny’il'ie is per h -n~l. I 0m 1 0N: mien to bug. C patronage. 0f Durh and to other publisher, sari It .ecxm hargf dared arts White 98 '30 hr them U r F‘H’E {Y if D Wag Merch ‘( ener W at W 1)

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