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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Aug 1870, p. 3

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i was octet-o‘- *veiottew-a journals this’ :0 Prussia! Dted. Aftu‘ ‘u oouucfl‘f fe Montague: o to-da'j Fhe battio‘ curred at :51‘etz, and EStated. - Ey. Half E 200, 000 he at that Prussian: Eabuut 815 EC enerafl : able t5 but after' madeni- i plan of Mel: ap- Hication o avoid direct], en they a very it can; d and 1‘ Fort” fire, in; The' point ’ded by and 3 rve i! f-past d from" D0 kill; have at, least I) French mi]; [JCS frgm TTLE oi Th arm 5 OF WAui WOW; ARIS'. follow mé ve offices “17268 3.11)., says: nrning con. In‘ ROAD 10‘ vate dej.‘ TRAYED from the premises (if the sub scriber, lot 63. con. 3rd, W. G. R., Bentinck, about the ist of June, two year- ling heifers, color red ; both marked by a nick under the right ear. Ans- perzon re turning them will receive $4 for their gronble. " JOSEPH MIGHTON. Benfinck, Aug. 17th, 1870; WWbips, Spurs, c., always on hand. fiJobbing done on short notice and in good style. Cash for Hides. _ (3f? Harness Shep opposite the Crown Land Office, prper Town ; Tannery on the corner of Lampto'n and Albert streets, Lower Town. Isaacs (9" Gray, _APPLIC:\TION (in writing) will be re- ‘L ceived by the undersigned to 8 o’clock, p. m., of Tuesday, the 30th inst, for admission to membership in the Durham Brass Band. Instruments and instruction will be pro- vided and the Band will go into operation immediately. Trustees will meet in the Orange fiall at 8 p. m. of the above date to make final arrangements. of the insolvent, and the affairs of the estate. The insoE‘vents are here tend said meeting. In the matter of THU‘JAS and WILLIAM SIRh, IHSOIVEIHS. Durham, Aug Durham, A SD their a are as rati on Durham, Aug. 2011). 1 .61}; $15,000 has already been raised by subscription, for the relief of the suffers by the great fire near Ottawa. INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. The Germans on French soil have been reinforced, and now number 520,- “HO taken pnsoners. l commanded. The defeat of the French was complete. (Signed) “WILLIAM.” All private despatches to bankers agree precisely in terms regaréing the victory of the Prussians. Ten thousand Prussian wounded have been sent to Berlin. Reports from Paris state that McMab hon has succeeded in forming a. junction wi:h Dazaine, and that the latter has not. abandoned his strong position near M an official despatch 'of King Wflfi:m, darted Rezonville, Thursday evening":- uwe have defeated the French under szaiuc after a battle ivhich lasted ten hours. Three were forty thousand kill- ed and wounded. The garrison here taken prisoners. I cammanded. The Insolvent Act Durham Brass Band. YO Ontari cial m, and as loudil :e the wonderfu honeea Remedy ummsigned, R. Fx‘xbLA'Y, haVe been ppointed assignee in this matuer. tors are notified to file their claims ne withm one month. '3 ‘m'm t0 Money med. Guelph Malâ€"rxéts. \\ Durham Markets. XATION 3V YORK, Aug. TANNERS, N SPECIAL, l‘iQ'f'Hilz',a .7» artiser of Tuesday reports: mat........-110 @ 1 15 hlr solver) ADVERTISEMENTS. J. W. MCDONNELL, Sc- oretary to Trustees. ;. 24th, 1870. LI, con. IS. Normanby, win Jr a; number of years on easy arm contains 125 acres, 105 Y :eured, we“ fenced, watered, state of ultivation, with a firing orchard. For fill! par on the premises to f THOMAS and WILLIAM 201b, 1870 aDUBEAM. J OS EP H DERBY. . 186 Dmnur, ON THE R. FINDLAY. R. FINDLAY. ) Harness and Trunk Makers, ADDLER xby notified to at Rem. OCket 1360!: con- The OWner can "3‘. and paying ex- of 1859 .0 '(C SPINNING WHEELS REELS or EVERY DESCRIPTION. Have now on hand alarge assortment nf all kinds of- Furniture, consisting of: 131 RE AUS, CUPBOARDS, BEDSTE XDS CHAIRS, SOFAS, TABLES, c., which they will sell 11’ MUCH LOWER PPIC'ElS. ’ than have hitherto beén sold for in Durham. (1:? Orders for Repairing will receive prompt attention. All kinds of TURNING execnted with Neatness and DeSpatch. FURNITURE! All debts owing to the said partnership, in Durham, are ,to be ..paid to HESRY P.\l?KER,'â€"Wh0 Will continue the business â€"and all claims against said partnership in Durham, are to be presented to said HENRY PARKER, by whom they will be paid. Dated at Durham, this 19th day of July. 1870. lSl-tf. Durham, June 14th, 1870; Referring to notice of Secretary of Bea f ver 6; Toronto Mutual Fire Insur- ance 'Co‘inpany in this iSsue, we have to in- 5 form the public that Mr. R. J. Doyle dis- } pe-nsed with our services only when he could 3 no longer retain them. fi-If you want Furniture or anything in our line give us a 59.”. It will pay you Suitable Lumber will be taken in exchange for work. ‘ . Fuither particulars can Be had on 3;): plicatinn to Presidents of Township Agri- cultural Societies. l Voticep is hereby gn en that the partner- EL shi subsisting between PARKER CA 'm E, as Chemistso and Druggists, in Dur- ham. Owen Sound and Goderich, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. To be held m Toronto on the 3rd, 4th, 5t.,h 73th and 71h 0__t_ October, 1870. Entries of Horses and Cattle to be made on 01 before the 3 d of September. For Grain and R outs, on or bexoré the 10th 01 Se 'plenbel’. Dissolution of Partnership. Intending exhibitors can xiiâ€"ave (free) printed forms and see prize List on ap- plication to , . ‘ . SAM’TTEL E. LEGATE, n."S‘ec. S. G. Ag]. Society. 11 i 1" ‘Nâ€"A As we send all applicatiohs direct to him? office we can guaranxce satisfaction. (f. T. DOYLE, W. A. DOYLE. We would advise all persons Edding our receipts for premiums to pay no attention to any demands for the double payment of such premiums, as we have made returns for all monies colfected by 13's, to R. J. Doyle with whom we have 'no further con- nection. We shall be happy to call upon all our patrons before the expiration of their policies to receive their applicetiop. Gang MATTHEWS SON”- To the Farmers of Sangeen Distlict. 1 am in no way re'spOnsible fer the acts of the ahove mentioned persons, and have to refluest all persons holding ‘their receipts for payments of notes or asses. ments, and not having received the oflieial receipt‘issued from this oflz’ce, to communi- cate with me at once. R.J.DOYLE, District Agent Beaver Toronto Mutual Insurance Company. Previnciafi $h0w, UR District Agent, Mr. R. J. Doyie‘, 0 having disnensed with the services of Messrs. Charles T. Doyleand W. A. Doyle, of Owen Soundâ€"the public are hereby notified that they are not authorized to do any business for this Company, and that this Company is in no way responsible {or their acts. Durham, July 27111, 1870. CLERKS OFFICE, Basrxxcx, 81h August, 1870. Beaver 8: Toronto Mutual Fina INSURANCE comm, _ ‘ _-_v---v “u“ h’V lluna, 111er or 18: to the sxderoad allowance, sand distances takén from the 'ce'ntre of road in the Devi ation. DUNCAN CAMPBELL. commencing at a point situated on the southerly limit of said lor, and one chain and eighty-seven and one half links from the south-westerly angle of said lot No. 21, thence north 9 degrees and 30 minutes, west 10 chains, thence north 32 degrees, west4chainsand 80 Make, more or less, to the sideroad allowance, sand distances A-‘_.'. 1‘ ' Owen Sound, Angfist 31b, 1376-1;318'. E T lie corporation of the township of Ben- t’znck, will at its first session, held four weeks after the first publication hereof,pass a By-law making a Deviation from the original road allowance at lot No. 21, 3rd con., 8. D. R., said Deviation to be 75 links wide, and its bearings and distances are as follows : Any person giving information, that will 19811 to their recovery will be suitably re- warded. CHARLES MCQUEEN. Owen Sound, Aug. lst, 1970. 183-3 August lat, 18 [WARE-ROOM OPPOSITE THE ARGYLE HOTEL, DURHAM] E'gremont, Aug PUBLIC NOTICE. AT PRICES To SUIT THE TIMES; Stray Sheep- Signed NOTICE. Signed W. T. O’REILLY, H. H \NCOGK " "'W4vuu-‘, Dromore P. G 16111, ‘1870. J oiut Secretaries. 184â€"4 . WILSON ,BOWMAN 00., HAMILTON, ONT. Could ofl‘er no more acceptablea gift to their Minister than a. “'Lockman Patent-3 Sewing Machine. Will be supplied with this exCellent Machine ll ith all the usual accessories and accom panied by Has all the attachments which have been found of use by long experience. EXTRAORDINARY CHEAPNES'S, Though notwithstanding this cheipness 'the WORKMANSHIP IS EXCELLENT, FULL INSTRUCTIONS AS TO USE AND MANAGEMENT. !-_ ..... , -u. C’lllUl 1111'. U. P Lockman, the LOL‘IsAIA“T PATENT IF AMILY SHUTTLE SEWING MA I CHINE, 'which has, 11. the short time during which it has been before the public, become WO\I)l I’I ULL)’ POPULAR. Although only a. little more than three months have elapsed since its first introduction, the “Lockman Patent in that short space of time has found its way into Over 1200 CAN ADIAN HOMES. A feat WITHOUT PARALLEL 1n the“ uening MaChine annals of the Dominion. if not of the world. So étrong has the demand for their Machine become, that the manufacturers have been compelled to ENLARGE THEIR PREMI 31:3 , and INCRE 151: THEIR STOCK or MACHHERY, to the extent ofmalting the producing capacity of their Establishment G. J. MATTHEWS sow. The secret of the great success of the “Lock man Patent” is to be found in its EXTREME SIMPLICITY, GREAT DURABILITY, ADAPTABILITY, WONDERFUL CAPACITY, SECOND T0 NO OTHER IN THE DO MINION. _.‘ Woutd call tbe‘attention of the readers of the Drama: CHRONICLE to thefafit that they are now manufacturing a NEW LOOK. .fimrmn" l‘hvvnsn‘r “ ~____- STiTCH SHUTTLE §E{VEVG“VB]X: QHENE, called after the inventor, MLC Agent for Durham and vicinity, WILSON, BOWMAN co., SEWING MACHINE MANUFACTURERS, IN PERFECT WORKING ORDER, DURABLE and ECONOMICAL? Are sent anywhere, on application. THE “ LOCKMAN PATENT ” IIMPLE AND ELEGANT AT A LIBERAL DISCOUNT. By that of any other Machine. FINISH UNSURPASSED F. H. Edwards. EVERY MACHINE CUNG REG ATI'ONS HAMILTON, 03m, CLERGYMEN CIRCL'LARS IS SEV? OUT Lands for Sale, nst received at F. H. EDWARDS’ Book and Fahcy Goods Store, a few capies of Disraeli’s latest novel “LOTHAIR;” a few cOpies of Wilkie Collins’ latest novel “MAN AND WIFE ;” Mrs. Southworth’s latest novel “FAMILY DOOM, OR SIN OF A COUNTESS.” Also a large lot of the “CANADIAN GIRL 013‘ THE PERIOD” Song Book, contain- ii‘lg an the new and popular songs of the day. The subscribers will pay the above amount to any person giving information, that Will lead to the detection and con- viction of the person or persons, who caused the abstraction, by fireu of our.tan- “nu-- nery, last. BUILDING LOTS. Ivorsale, Lo't13, Con. '7, Glerielg, com pnsmg 100 acres, 60 of which are cleared, well watered and fenced, witha good House, Barn, Stable and an Orchard of 100 Trees thereon. Also 50 acres, East half of Lot 13, 0011. 6th, Glenelw, trom 8 to 10 acres cleared. The above property will he sold cheap, and clear deed given. â€"â€" Terms easy. For particulars apply to SPLEN DID FARM FOR S ALE- T. 8: J. R. SMITH. Durham, July 20th, 1870.» (1pm.) The Besi Stbci: bf.TRUNKS in South Grey, oai-ying in _ , ,price from 2.50 to $14.00.. ‘ ._ , (if? The patent adiusting Hame with safety, ring, which; 'can Be made to fitany horse by raising or lowering the draft ; CURRY COMES, CARDS, BRUSHES and DIANE COMES. 0:? A cell from an 13 solicited. . - J; C GRIFFITH; The subscriber manufactures a kind of Collar which can be recommended for safety to horses, and which has proved its supertomy over the Scotch Collar. They have been thoroughly tested by and are now in use on the Durham and Collingwood Stage Line. Any person in doubt can refer to Mr. R. H. MIDDAUGII, proprietor of the said line.â€" Reference might be made to many others but the above named gentleman has more of them. in use thanany other man in the county; _ , , K? The Scotch Collar manufactured second to none. of}. CARRIAGE Tsmnmo done on shortnotic‘e and in any Style deSired',. . connexs‘so oArnsocuE OF Goons CONSTANTLY ON HAND: Japanned Team Harness; Brass Team Hat-11983:: '0 Plate 'Harness ; i Tug Team Harness;§ Tug Team Harness; Japanned Single Harness; C Plate Single Harness; Brass Single Harness; Silver Single Harness ;_ Riding Saddles, all kinds; Riding Bridles and Martingale; Team Whips, Buggy Whips and Stage Whips, of all kinds and quality, in abundance, also' a few English Oak Halters; Cotton Fly Nets; Worsted Fly Nets; Worsted Ear Nets ; Suits of Horse Clothing ; Frank Millar’s 'prepared Harness Oil, the only oil to preserve the Stitching and Leather. The best of“ work; no Apprentices of Qfiéék Mechanic's Employed! THE sizbécriber begs to inform his numerous customers and general public, that he has removed his business from one door south of the Eoundry, to the more com. modioua building, situated one d00r north of said Eonndry, where he is prepared to do business as usual, only with a much larger ostock of‘goods, and hopes by strict attention to business and reasonable charging to receive ashare of public patronage. MONEY T0 DURHAH, July 131b, 1870. on the morning'of’thé‘éti o'ffljlxulia S NEW BOOKS ! ! GREAT BARGAINS ! THOS. DIXON, . Barrister-at-Law, Lower Town, Durham. at the Durham Asfxe'ry, or 1:0 ABflAMCQOK, ALSO, Lot 7, Con. 6, Glenélg. ¢B§AÂ¥ floap, in eiidless variety FLOWERS 5:. FEATHERS; ORNAMENTS, RIBBONS, c;, in all the Novelties of the Season very cheafi New Groceries jlist Received. 0:? NEW HARDWARE just opened out. MflMNERY km} FANQ? @9033; New Shades and Colors. ’SHAWLS, MANTLE CLOTHS‘, and all kinds of Trimmingé. A Iai'gé stock of mDIEs’ SL MEIER. DRESS (#0058, in all the IN SHAWL PATTERNS; SILK CHECKS, A large stock of Staplé gdbds i3. ‘SHIRTINGS, 'GRAY BLfiA’CAED EOTTONS, CHECK$ Australia 8:. Euromig GLASGOW“ An Immense StOék of New and Fashionable Spring and Summer Dress Gooas. PRINTS GINGAMS, RlIJJANT DENIMS, HOLLANDé, SHEETINGS, NEW STYLES. A large 8160?: if A large stock of LOWER TOWN N EAR THE POST-OFFICE J ust Arrived froffi EX STEAMSBIPS PURPLE PA D3,- TOWELLINGS, [3:5- Pzinting 9f every description executr ed at the Cmggmeu: Offiee, jg good style, yy. 6: time, and at reesonible rates. Ashbnry, Thos. McKechnie, Susan A. B-othwell, Stewart McDonaldwNeil Mrs. C: mpben, Angus M‘Kechnie; Catherine Fraser, Mrs. -; . McLean, Mrs. McKeehnie,’ J ohn‘ Ash‘bnry, Thos Derby, Jogeph . Fleming; Thus. Foley, Hugh Farrier, Edward Farr, Henry GiIChl'ist, Dugald Gallow, F. Grasby, Thos. Honper, Henry Hopkins” Sam el quter, Danie Jameson, 5. J. l1:118'1‘ of unclaimed Letters remainingin the Durham P. O. on Aug.1], 1870. Acheson, Thos. Jardine, Rgbt: Ashbury. Thos. (3) Knowles, Elizabeth Alison, Geo. Kerr, Jas. (2) " Andrews, Mary Ann Leed, Geo. Aldrid g.e Catherine Lawson, Alex. Allan, gJas. Loney, Margt. Allan, Mrs. Leslie, John Begg, John Mofl‘att, Charles Bartley, Robert Martin, John Brown, Geo. Mitchell, Grace Banks, Sarah Mathews, Geo. (2) ByErs, Jas. Melosh, Isaiah ; l Bone, Mrs. E. McKinnon, Mary Ann Bailey, Miss McNeice,El1zabeth l Bnt‘ er, Richard McLean, Hugh Burgess, IMary S. McEachern, Alex. Campbell, Allan Maguir:3 And ew Campbell, Malcolm McFarlaue, hos. Campbell, John McCormack, Ma‘ry Dunn, Ann Mrs. Nichol, I. Darby, Daniel 0 Donald, Thos. Ditto, M. Miss Bombau li, xiiW. R. Dinnock, E. T. R1tghie, I_)ea_n, Sarah Ross, Wm.m Crosby,I . fileGuines, John lCamp bell, Donald cEachern, John Cuff, pJohn McGilvray ,Duncan Cuff, Geo McGilvray, Margt. ' Qowan, John McDonald, John 1 Campbell, Isabella McDonald, Ann 3 Campbell, Mrs. McDonald, Arch. l Carey, John . McLaughlin, Wm. { l CARPETINGS‘, URXITURE List of Letters. . MCKENZIE, .Pos'rnssrsn. TICKINGS, REGISTERéD; c., 550., 830., c. mx'rs, Show, Mrs. Story, Thos. Sealters, Geo. Smith, Wm. Smella,” ,Wrg. Sheppard, Anne Weaver, Amelia. , Walker, 3. T. (2) Williams, E. D. Wilson, N. Mrs. Walker, James Yoggg, J 0th McKinnon, Mary Ann McNeice, Elizabeth McLean, Hugh McEachern, Alex. chuines, John cEachern, John McGilvray, Duncan McGilvray, Margt. McDonald, John McDonald, Ann McDonald, Arch. McLaughlin, Wm. Maguirz_ And ew LIch‘arlgue; hos. McCormack, Mary Nichol, I. O’Donald,,. ThOS. Rothu '51..W. R. thghie; m. 'â€"'â€""â€"0â€"â€"- “â€"1. a Gasman; szaaezzmm a? ,. . ‘ DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES. 'Suoyin Durham, April 20th, 1870. Direct Ifileporiations. HATS CAPS, . Crockery, Glassware; . Clothing; (613. 9* All of which will be Sold at a small advance ofi OPENED OUT AT M. FBASEB’S STORE. LOWER VILLAGE, DURHAM AT IN c"! it. will enjoy" as févérégl; ; Canada. [s an effectual destroyer ofr'l‘iclfs 00 Sheep‘ alsoa preventative against the Fly an Scab during the hot ,Summer months. It greatly imoroves- {He QUALITY and QUANTITY of the Wool,and that“; trifling cost. It has‘be'en long Hid favor, ably known inGREAT BRITAIN, and it is cqnfideqtly ,anficipatgfi, that upon trial; vernwnvrnmnnlm Physicians” Prescriptions, and F1 Recipes carefully compounded, and promptly attended to. MOLSON’S CELEBRATED ~Ami. flerURE ESSENCES, FLAVORING EXTR ACTS, SPICES, PICKLES, HOPS, c. ., 850. mmcsss AND CIGARS?! Strength, comprising all noted brands, in and bottle. WEAVERS’ SUPPLIES z TANNERS’ 01L, TAR, PITCH, PUTri", RESIN, AXLE GREASE; '3ch Bxitxsb, Malt, French and Canadian: VARlenEsi (>an Oil AND LAMPS, MGTW“ mamm 63h; of every description and reliable in quality: Teas ! Teas 04‘ 0Q“ Roasted and Ground on the preniiéfi J . I I Chemicals, Perfumery ond Preparations, Combs, Brushes, Goods, c., c., [LATE PARKER .s; CATTLE.j Established in Canada 1856' Cheap ‘3 used by Millers Best Fire Proof Paint 9 c Parker’s; Column. PfiTEY’i‘ Olive, E‘ DYESTUFFS PAINTS AND PAINTERS’ MATERIAL; GLASS FRUIT JARS; E49131: IN PURE DRUG . PARKER, Turpentine Varnish $1 50 per c525; COFFEE PARKER’S ILIQIEIB‘ EYES; Flavor and, Quality unsurpm’éd. Prices moderate. of an kinds. supplied at low rates} in any quantity. lephant, Seal and Crude Oil Various Colors. fififlffifififii repétnuon i 's, Threshera, Arc. Fan”; ‘l‘oilqt Fancy

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