along the borders of Belgium avoiding? any encounter with the Prmans that would be likely to involve i pitched battle By this movement, he will be enabled to leaVe the Prnsaians in the math, anl will probably eï¬'ect njnné. zion w: {b Ba‘zaine north of new TAKEN PRISONER. Landau A-ug 27 -Geu. Montalgn, who was wounded, according to the Paris 319mm was taken prisonér' b", the PruSSl 1103. 4,, Berlin, Aug. 28, 6 P-mj‘é-Tbe Prus- éian general headquarters “are tempo. rarity at St. Dizier. . . Great quantities of 'storegfp! £30 {we of the Prussian arm? ‘9 abd’dihhlitihg at Nancy. 7 0f the three new armies jnatt 'o’rgnnip ed in Germany, one will match on Paris with the Prince Royal, and the others will remain to protect the rent. Paris, Aug. 27'.-0no 9f “1% bit, :journals ibis evening has a re'in'ariiable editorial of which the following in an extract :â€" 513m CQMPLETELY 1mm. . ,_ A! eight o’dock thia_ morping Mot; was completely invested. Marsha“ 'Ba- zaine, who is in command there, makes no eï¬ort to force a fixésage. b‘e'iei-t'ers report the extreme demoréliiation of the garrison. The Prussian: ar'e Strong. 3y entrenched before flag plï¬Ã©e. “Next to the news of the near ap- proach of the Prussians to the walls of Paris, that which most o'c'enpies the public attention is the possibility of an open rupture between the government had General Troehu._ It is reported that the Empreee has demanded the dismissal of Gen. Trochn from hi: posi tion as Governor of Paris, but we can afli rm nothing positive. It ib, never theless, true that a person has been per- mitted to express: eareleaély the opinion that Trochn, in the 'p'ree'en'ce of the Em- press had been asked to retire.†rumor. nnsoiia‘l‘lor‘t. A late copy of the Journal of Nancy says:â€"“ That which woundé if! more than all else is the condition of the un- fortunate farmer dWellers in our coun- try, our tears flow at the sight of long lines of waggone laden with oats, hay and provisions of every kind to begiven 'over to the Prnnsian army. The ï¬ne horses, which were to prepare the earth to: the seed of future harvests, have been harnessed to Pr’n‘ssian. Banned-â€" l Since everything is heather‘éa hind dea- “058d in this ‘way; after the harvest it equally follows that 5 remarkthle harrenness of the country ihuei cutie.â€" The difï¬culties of the entire year are 'crowded into one mement‘. The ruin is ‘completc and unspeakable. Long y'ears will be necessary to repair the damages "of these few days.†“We learn thit inf-ï¬re the army of the Prince Royal set out to march on Paris the King held at Pout a Mousson --\. v \;v wow V‘u w‘ , L» naked scouts kined and the Prussian: harrassed m flank and rear. , Dain Advertise! Spring ‘Vhéito‘ . “OOloooimuoooo i a. council of war composed of Generaliw and Princes commanding the Prussian forces. The advice of all was to remain in the territory 'c'onqnered, fortifying the rinht bank of the Monelle. The “King alon’e determined to march on 1’ aris. The Prince Royal slept the high: before last at Cbalon‘s Prefect'nro. Fall “’beat ........... 0 SO @ 0 85 Spfing \that --- .'.0 ‘70 @ U 70 ï¬ts .00.. 0‘00. o---QOD@025 Peas----.'... .... --. 0 37 @ 0 4-0 Flour ................. 4 5O @ 5 00 Butter ......... .......0 00 @ 0 16 'Lard,perlb.....----.. 0 10 @ 0 00 Eggs----............O 8 @ 0 00 Hay..............'.’.. 5,00 @ 7 00 I’otatoes...... ..... . 025@03Q WOOL--- .... .... 020@O27 U Mortgage. Lot. No. 1‘, in the 11m COllcessiou, 0'? he township of Glenelg. in the County of Grey... :containing LOO acres, Will be sold at. PU BLIC AUCTION, 3:! the BRITISH HOTEL, Saturday, September 17th; 1870, ~ at one o’clock, p. m‘. Fifty. acres o‘eared. Good Sousa and ‘ontbuildmga. Terms very liberal; long ’credit.. . , For further particulars apply to JARVIS JARVIS. .. 22 King Street, East, Toronto. Ol’ C AME to the premises of the â€subscriber, lot 21, con. 15, For gab o,‘ about three weeks ago, two yearling ei up. The 'owner is requested to prove property, ply 'eXpenses and take them‘ aw t. -. , . . 5033: B L, Unmgnhv- Ana- 30â€). 1870. 87'3. N EW ADVERT! SEM ENTS. OUND, IN DURHAM, ON THE 1673 instant, 8 Pocket Book Gon- taining 33min of money. The ownervqtn have it by proving property. and paying et- penses. Apply at this oï¬ice. Duihalb, Aug. 23:6, 1870; Sept. lst, 1870. v vâ€"â€"V Nomanby,Aug. 30th,1870.1_87-3. '2; mm 'POWER 9F _ISA.LEA r > v \that.;.-- . . r000... perlb..°...----..0 1 0 0 .0 4 0 m 3 5 0 0000.. @@@@@@ 000.000. xx rm: VILLAGE oi? DUB‘EAM, 01:! j Advertiser of Tuesdpy reports: . '_ t . A ; Durham Market's; §TRAY HBI‘FBRS. Money Found; H. HUNTER, E31... red-ar- 0'1? Dn‘rham. \LE IN A in the 11th tinek. [Mat its tinck, witl'at its ï¬rst mu, héld‘ four weeks aft'ér the ï¬rst publication Moi,†a. Bylaw making 3. Deviation from the original 'road allowance at lot No. 21, 3rd com, S. D. 11., said Deviatibn to be 15 links wide, and its bearing: am! distances are a: follow“ Commencing at a. point situated on the southerly limit of fluid loz, and one mo and eighty-sewn and one half 1 the southwesterly an gle ‘of abidle o. 21, thence north 9 degrgeï¬ â€œand 30 niinntes, west 10 chains, thence north 32 degrees, west4chains and 80 links, more or less, to the sideroad allowance, said distances taken from the centre of road 1n the Devi. anon. . CLERK' s OxmchxximCK, 8th August, 1870. Lands for Sale, BiflL'flING LOTS. isaa‘és 8w Gray, The coquyagion Pf the tgvynsï¬in 9f Ben- --L _ n WW ips‘ Spprs, kc" ahays Oh Land. 333 obbing done on short notice and in good style; Spanish Sole Leathé'r; and FRENCH CALF, alwayl in stock, al§o,â€"PEGS, 3“ sizes. - Cash for Hides. g‘l‘RAYED irony-the premises ol' the sub. k ecriber, lot 23, con. 20, Egremont, sometime : in May last, 5 sheep and three lambB'. Due ewe and her lamb are black. Any person giving information that will leadlq their re'cévery will be suitably re- 01:} flatness Sho opposite the Crown Land Ofï¬ce, Up hr own; Tannery on the corner of Sad er and Albért streets, Lower TOWB. PUBLIC NOTICE. TRAi’ED from 3110 preiiiiseé of 't'h’é 's'n'b acriber, 1m 63‘ con. 3rd, W. G. R., Bentinék, about the lat of June, two year- ling heifers, color red; both marked by a nick under the right ear. Any person re turning them win rebeive $4 101' their troubles. .‘ .. ,.. fl . JOSEPH MIGHTON. Beminck, Aug. ink, ‘1870. IMPROVE; In the matt'ér b! TEGMAS and WILLIAM‘ shut, Insolvem‘s. N THE {33133131sz 05“ "'i‘ihé 15:: Bomssï¬. are notiï¬ed to mee‘ at my ctï¬ce,._ in t e villagg of Durham, on Thurs- ; day, 22nd 3y of 'éptember, 1870, atpne ! o’c10ck, p.. .m., for the ekamiï¬ï¬‚ï¬on iof the insol‘vgï¬gi, "9:13 the ordering of £1123 Egr‘eniont, Aug. 16th, i370. ï¬ï¬‚'airs of the 'eatéfé’g The insolveqm are hereby notiï¬ed to af- tend said meeting. R. , FINDLAY. _0§ï¬cial An'sign'ea. Insolvent Act Of 1869-. be ie't {or a number of. tears 'on gas terms.‘ The fat-in contains 1525 acres, 10 of which are cleared, well fenced, watered, and in a high state of cultivation, with a good young bearing orchard; .Foi' full par- ticmars appiy on the premises 16 .. JOSEPH DERB . . r. . Aug. 23rd, 1870. 186 3. LOT No. 23, con. 18.. Normanby, will Beaver 8: Toronto Mutual fire msquNoE comm. UR District Agent, Mr. R. J. Doyle; haying dispenged ï¬ith t Le services of Mesérs. Charles T. Doyle and . A. Doyie‘, of . Oven Soundâ€"the public he hereby notiï¬ed that. they are not authorized :0 do any business for this Company, and :hat. thié. anapany is in no way responsible for theil-‘h’cts. B' (1 ac ., _ . .; ' '. '3 w. 'r. 0’ 11.11, h. HANG; CK, Durham, Aug. éom, 18::6". of the above mentioned persons, and have to request all persons holding their receipts for paymentq of notes or asses- “ents, and not having received the oï¬icial reqeipt issued from, thï¬ 'oflict, to communio cine with am at dnoe. I am in no way reéponniifle fol" £59 sofa District Ag'ue‘nt ï¬e‘avei 3; Town}, hfulmh Insurance Company. . .,_ ,._‘ Owen Sound, Aug. lot, 1870. 183-3. Referring to notice of Secretary of- Ben ver _ Tod-any) Mutual Fire Inau‘r- ance Company ih Hus 35309, we have lazin- form tbfe public _ thatMr. R. J. Doyle (Iii- pensed with our Sew-bias 311% 10thde noionger retam Uumi. n _-‘_;-'.-'.;.. Imam-.. nnr "IU ‘UIIyCJ I baa-u- run-u.-- We would advise all pe‘réoiis holding our receipts fol-,premiums to payno attention to any demand; {9; the double payment of such pi‘exhioms, aafv’vh. ï¬ave made reï¬ll-us for all dionies colleccï¬gi by us, to B. J. Doylelvith whom we ave no further con- motion; 7 1| :_'_-- -‘l A“- 1180"qu We shall Sc happy to palloiipon s11 oqr patrons before the expmmon of thou . . ive their a lication. pol-10189391939.“ ---I:Mi;ï¬ga direct to he“ Augun lat, 1810; v W. LDOYLE. Owen Sénnd August 8th, 1870.184tf. ï¬bhcm CAMPBELL, TANNERS, gtféyjhéep- CHARLES MbQUEEN, - .- Drbthbro P. 0. Esti‘ï¬u’s i‘ï¬â€˜Ã©Ã©. iii'xou, ’ Barrister-atoLaw, Level-Town, Durham. NOTICE. bURHAM. ABDLERS, ambié a n d Trunk Makers, 'Iiownahip Clerk. ;. HANCOCK, 'Joint Shot-ewes. J. 13031133, 1844. sPmem mm: FOR SALE? For 3“}?! Lot 13, Con. 7, Glenelg, come . phaxng 100 acres, 60 of which are cleared. well watered and fenced, with a g’bo’d Home, Run, Stable an an Orchard of 100 Trees thereon. Also 5 acres, East half of Lot 13, Con. 6th, Glenelg, from 8 to 10 acres cleared. The above property will be sold chea and clear deed giyemâ€" Terme easy. F0 putichl’ara apply t'é' _ ABRAM GOLD, . . ï¬t the Durham Mary, 02' to ABBA“ COOK: .- (ll4-tf.) Lot 7, Con. 6, Glenelg, IST of unclaimed Letters rEmaininéin the Durham P.O. on Aug; 11, 1870. ï¬cï¬gson, gluon. 3 gimme, Rabi. beth a ury,.. abs. ( ) nov‘rles, E ' Alison, Gad. Kerr, flag. [’58) Andrews, Mary Ann Deed, Geo. Aldrid ', Catherine wson, Alex. Allan, oi. ‘ ney, Margt. Allan, Mrs; Leslie, John Begg, John _ Mofl‘att, Charles Bartley, Robt‘t Martin, John Brown, (390'. Mitchell, Grace Banks, Sin!!! Mathews, Geo. (2) Byers, Jan. , Melosh, Isaiah ; Bon'e, Mrs. E. McKinnon, Mary Ann Bailey, Miss , McNeice, Elizabeth Butler, Richard, McLean, Hugh Burgess, Mary S. McEachern, Alex. Crosby, I. McGuines, John Campbell, Donald McEacï¬e'rn, John Cuff, John McGilvra , Duncan Cuï¬', Geo. . - McGilvfllargt. Cowan, John _ McDonald, ohn Campbell; Isabé McDonald, Ann †Allan; Mrs; Begg, John Hartley, Bali's. ‘i Bfown, (390'. Banka,J8dn‘-H B us, ‘ an. . Bgti'e, Mrs. E. Biï¬ley, Miss , Bauer, Richard Burgess, Mary S'. Crosby, I. Campbell, Donald LCuï¬', John Cuff, Geo. . Cowan, Joï¬n_ 1. UU W on, u on u , Cam bell' Isabéhg géuafsbep; Mrs. ' â€5:1,, cvuu A Campbell, Allan- Campbell', Malcolm Campbell, "John Dunn, Ann Mrs. Darby, Daniel Ditto, M. Mini Dinnock, E. T. Dean, Sarah Derby. Joseph : Flething, Thoa. Foley; Hugh Fame}- Edward Ear?" i‘éury Gil‘cï¬rihtrpugald Gallow, . Gil‘cï¬nserug gald Gallow Grasby, Thos. r, Henry Hop no, 8945081 Hunter, Daniel Jameson, 8. J Ashbnry‘, Thou; Botbwell, Stewart Crmpbell, Angus Fraser,.Mra. McKechnie, J ohn_ DURAï¬LE and ECONOMICAL! WILSNLBO BOWMAN £5 00., . SEWING MACHINE MANUFACTURERS, Wouid qgll the. intention .of. ,tbe readers of the Dvnmivi Cï¬aomcw to the fact mat they argnow maniifac urine: 3 NEW LOOK STITCH SBUTTL SEWING MA- CHINE, called after the inventor, Mr. C. - A..w‘rn\? ï¬lmn\7m .“ CHINE, called after the inventor, Mr. C. F. Lockman, the LOCKMAN PATENT FAMth SHUTTLE SEWING MA- CHINE, which had, it. the short time during 1 which it. has beenhefore, the phblic, become WONDERFULLY POPULAR. Although only a little more than thr'ée months have elapsed since its ï¬rst introduction, the “hockman Patent.†in that short space of ,time has found its Way into over 1200 CAN- ADIAN HOMES. A feat wrrtloU-T PARALLEL in the Sewing Machine annals of the Dominion, if not of the world. " 80 strong has the demand for their Machine become, that the manufacturers have been ,..-L “-C‘l' A n11“ mnnfo Dnnut IMPLE‘. Arm ELEGANT 2 EXTREME SIMPDICITY, GREAT DURABIL‘ITY, AbAPTABILIrY, O ‘Woï¬b'BRFU‘n mflcfri, EXTRAinbmARY CHï¬APNï¬ss', Though notwithstimding this cheaï¬beu Um WORKmNsmP IS EXCBLtENT, fit: 31! the i’ttachments which have bc'en Tdflbfl of has by long experienï¬Ã©'. List '6? Letters. With all the usual. ; gagesgorieu, cchULARs Are sent gnywhere, on abbï¬ciiioï¬". CLERGYMEN Wili Be supplied with this excellént ï¬aéhine AT A LIBERAL DISCOUNT. 'CONGBE'GLTIONS / ‘ ‘ . , . 5 v . . thlé - etino pd; accepiuhl'le a gift. :14 their inister t {in a “Lockma'n Patent’ ’ Sewing Machine. '"“ "'†'" "jawed By FULL INsBï¬ï¬criONS Aé T3 {73% AN MANAGEMENT; WILSON, BOWMAN 8;. CO. ; HAMILTOfl, ONT. Agent for Durham and vignity, IN PERFECT WORKING ORDER, AI. MCKENZIE, Pusnusua. HAMILTON, 01m, Rscls'rsnan. :. McKechbie. Sdsan art McDonald, Neil Mrs. ;us M‘Kechnie, Catherine Leliean, Mrs. EVERY MACHINE 'cDonald', Arch. “flagghï¬nl Wm Ma ni}: Andrew Me ‘arlane, Thos. McCoruiack, Mary Nichol, I. ,. O’Donald, Thou. Bomblm 11, W. R. Ritchie, :11. 33, Wm. ‘ 8 .w, Mn; ‘ StOry, Thos‘. Seatteré, Geo. Smith, Wm. Smells, Wni. .Sb'egpard, Ann‘é Weaver, Amelia Walker, J. T. (2) Â¥illiam E. D. iléon, . Mrs; Walker, games Young, obd IS SENT OUT Akii ms Edwards. ies, and accom- Wm. _..,' U; ’LVL ‘L‘u’wâ€" 7' [WARE-Eben OPPOSITE I lave «how on hind alariegï¬so me}. they will â€11' 41' HUGH L’oW DS, BEDSTEADS 'f’EE AEGEL‘E ho'rEL, DUEHAMJ rtment Of all kiiids of Furniture, consisting of: CHAIRS, SOFAS. TABLES, e., WEB PRICESJ than have hitherto been sold - _ _ - _ - .. p-_ nnnnnn .1“ "mi... nmmnf nflnnï¬nn mun NIB] Wu; Dc" ‘4 as for in Dmhun. uj- 01-1101:va igpurwmg 'will receitbï¬pmmpt attention. All kinds of TURNING executed with Names! and Despatch. 1 has removed his business-from one door south of the Foundry, to the more com. modious building, sitï¬nted‘ofle door with of said Foundry, where he is piepgred to do business's"; u; “tea?†with, agmuch larger gtock of goods, and hopes by strict intention to busixiess nzi . ’ onnble charging to receive nshnre of public patronage. :The best '61" work; no Apprenticei 3f Qiiack Mechanics Employed! THE subscriber begs-i0 iriforni iii; ‘riumérous ,cnitogners {and general public, that he The subscriber manufactures 'a kind ‘6? «(36113: which can he recommended for safety to horses†d vhich has, . T: its superiority over the Scotch‘Collar.‘ ' The have been thorong ‘ly tepte‘llbaan ire now in on the Durham and Collingwoo Stage Line. do'ii ,can An rson id “' 'efer to Mr. H; MIDDAUQB, ro rietor of the said line.â€" Y pe P P Reference might be made 0 many others’ï¬ft the above named gentleman has more of '1 them in use than any other man in the county; .. . ,. .,-...-. 0:} The Scotch Collar ,. manufactured second to none; . . aï¬- CARRIAGE TRIMMlNG done on short notice and. in any style desired, CONDENSED cATAnoGUn, 0F qoons' cdxs'rAï¬TLY 0N BANDâ€: 0 b n. “u‘ u 1‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" cï¬- If you want Furniture or anything 1!! our line give us a call. It will pay 3611. Suitable Lumber will be taken 1n exchange for 'work. . UNI-Is Ouu vvvvv fhe 365i: Stqs‘ of TRUNKS ih Soï¬iiï¬ Ã©iéy, varying In r . 1 6e homaao. to';_ Durham, ane 14th, 1870.. hi} The patent djï¬liBEBQAE‘QilfsQét} ring, ;vbici1_ can be ma e to ï¬t any horse by raising or lowering the draft; CURRY COMBS, CARDS, BRUS ES and MANE COMBS. n- A call from all is solicited. : J. C. GRIFFITH. Dammit, July 13th, '18:?(5. VVL‘yung-u vâ€"â€"______ _ _V 9) snned Team Harness; Brasé Team. ï¬am‘éaa‘; 0 .Plate Harness; § To Team .ai‘nesagi Tug Team Harness ;‘ JapannEd Single. flatness; C Plate . in la Harness; Brass Single Harnea'e :. sum Single names 3 “Riding Saddleg-al klnfla; Riding Bridles and Martingale; Teaiii WElPBa nggy .Whips and Stage Whi of all kinds and duality, in abundance, also; aim? English ak Halters; Cotton FlymNete; Worsted Fly Nets; Wdï¬tEE Ear Nets ; Suite of Horée Clothing ; Frank Millar’a ï¬'répared Harness Oil, the only il to prbietv'e tliï¬ Stitching and Deal. 5:: , , ' - The subscribers will pay the above amonm, to any person givin information, that 9"!“ lead to the dete'ét on and con- viction .of the person or persons, 'who caused Hi ï¬esta-action, b 3%,: of onr'tah. pery, an a morning a trio 8th of :hma $300 Reward! NEW BWK§ 1 NEW BOOKS! ! us: received st F. H. EDWARDS’ Book and Fancy Goods Store, a few capiee of Disneli’s “test novel QLUTHAIR -" ,few ' _ « - ilki'e {lollins’ lamzngel “MAï¬mï¬Ã©ï¬ f: ‘I'uu I-â€.'u‘fVUC yo..-- â€-v-‘ "'Pf.â€" rs..Southwoflh’o latest nével 5“FAMILY DOOM, OB SIN OF A ‘COUNTEssé†Also merge lotpfgthb «0314‘ , ,AN GIRL OF THE PERIOD†Song Boo , contain- ing all the new and popular sqnga of the day. 03- Printing of every dumptipu exacuH ed at the Gnomcu Oï¬ee, 1n good style; on time, sud a tunable rates. AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. - ThJRSMITï¬ Durhahr'athiiy 20th,1870. GREAT BARGAINS ! Jaj ï¬â€˜ï¬rhmsmrs Australia . Europa; An Immense Stock of NeI? and PaShidnable Sprmg and Surf-1mg- Dress ' Goods. '. : K --..f. :2 A large stock Of Staple goods} iii BBIRTINGS, mmmx MB RM"? @9093 .. 37 ‘x‘ . ' .' - GRAY BLEACAED COTTONS; bHECKs, Si'Lii cï¬iéciis, A large stocf’: éf LADIES’ SUMMER ï¬R'Ess 600533; ih 511 the . ' flew Shades and @010“; SHAWLS, MANTLE CLOTï¬S, and ail kinds of Triiiamings. map A“ _?Y._L‘P In endless variety' i’LOWERS is: FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, RIBBONS, in: ., in all the Novelties of the Seasbn very cheap New Gioéerie’s jm Received. it}; NEW HARDWARE just Opened out: PRINTS Gi‘NGAMS, m suaw’t initials. c.-, c. nth'ILix'T c9 I‘i‘ijï¬i’mvns P111235, | , . -..’ 'Fu 4 NEW STYLES. v; a? ; DENIMS, . ‘ 5* 3‘. 3. HOLLANDS; fl _ ~9~ ~ ‘8 ‘fl éHEETIï¬'éé', jusi Anivéé from .‘K- . .L... -77..“ â€J- 3. large stock of A large stdck of TOWELLNGé - TICKINGS PURPLE PADS, {Owisa Town, NEAR THEJébsjsï¬t'FIéE CARPETiNGS, a; mrrnzws son. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that'the partner- ship subsisting between Pumas a; Cums, as Chemists and Dmggists, in Dar. ham, Owen Sound and Godetich, hes been this day dissolved by hintnslibohs'ent: All debt; owing to {hb Quid partnership, it» Durbidapthre to be .pdifl to Hana? PARtsg,â€"yh6 finwfebï¬tidue the business â€"aufl alluélaimï¬ uguust suit! .p’értnership in Durham, are tp be presented LB 99?.‘1 HENRY. PARKER, by whom fliey willbe paid. atea at Durham, this 19th day of July. 18 0. ‘ _ . 1814f, ,To be held in Toronto on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and. 7th of, October, 1870.. . _:Entries of Horses and Cattle to be made oxj. or before the 3rd of September. For Graig and Roots, on or below the 10d: Qt Sepwmbg‘r; 1-4: 9 t ‘ : 9 ‘° , :gFugtlyer_ parhczflarscan in bad ; on up- plicguon, tp Emidents of Township Agri- cultural Societies. - .. . ‘ . . 4.. ., cultural Socieuen. Intending exhibitors can have (ii-0e) printedâ€" form and see prize List on up. plinction to - SAMUEL ..E LEGATE, : Sec, 3; G. Ag]. Society. 0 L 1 _ _ A... n --_A Pravincial Show, â€â€œÂ¢'g.â€4. â€I. Durham; July 2721:; 1870. NOW GoiNG 6N GVER 0 WE ï¬iï¬LLéiE .r Ready-Made Clothing 306% ail-"fl Shoes: oâ€"_ Sharp’s Garden Seeds. d H. ‘ Hunter’s. Durham, April 20¢, {8:10. 5 Games? “imam w DRY GOODS; GROCERIES; HATs t. CAPS; Ciiéc , Glassware; 'N'ew Sty“ les All oif virhiéh will bé sold at 3 $1113.11 advanéé 0“ OPENED OUT â€CLOVER SEED. AT M M. msm sme. m LOWER VILLAGE, DURHAM. ;.«M.-’: ’6 . own ."- 9‘7“ H. PARKER, 2" "'"‘- “.{K - ~-° [LATE PARKER CATTLE] isiablisheti in Canada “1563. EALER IN PURE DRUGS ANT) Gï¬emicals, .Pexjfnmery. and Toile; Preparations... Qom , Brushes, Fancy Goods, c., c., of every déséription 91:16 i-elialble in Quality: VARNISHESi PM‘EHT mwmmxs; Fit‘é Proof Paint 1 nmmcamm mg.- MGTTS‘ M$ï¬ï¬‚Â§ï¬‚ï¬ 93L. ï¬ifESTUFFS coal 0 il AND LAM“; TANNERS’ OIL, TAR, FITCH, Pu‘r'r‘}; Cheap; used b} Millers, Thrashers, kc. Strength, Flavor and Quality unsurpassed. Prices moderate. 10mm: AM) cmARéi - .. fAINTS AND . PAINTER? MATERiAU a". -r'..‘ z‘ -.'..1 ' 2.! . '1' ï¬rugp ESSENCESL FLAVORINé Exrhacns, . _ spgcras, .PICKLES, HOPS, c., c. Teas ! Teas ." - ‘13?" ' IT. ' monsï¬ï¬â€™s CELEBRATED ALI! W ‘ mes "I“; 1qu0i‘é Olive, Elephant, Seal and Crude Oil, Physiciapo’ Prescription, and Famflf cl'pe's caretully compounded, and promptly atotended to. “'lg"2"? l Roasted and Ground on the premise; vmmmfllï¬jamnAnoug Bxiush, Malt} French and Canadian. -1 - arf - ‘ . â€K Krmm w ' ",L,__J._‘ _‘_l_J_; ~__â€"â€"â€"d ___-â€"â€"v Eggs. Turpentine Varnish $1 50 per cnn'. Is an .eï¬â€˜ectoaldestroyer of Ticks on Sheep, alsoa preventative against the Fly and Scabdunng the,,bot Summer onths., It greafly iuioroves the QUA ITY and QUANTITY of the Wool, and {bit 'at a. trifling cost. It has been long and favor; ably known in ‘GBEAT BRITAIN , -, and it is conï¬dent], angcipated, that .upon â€is!" it will_ onjoyéi vorsble a 'reputatién it! comprising all noted brands, in wood and bottle; MGEIB EYES; RESIN, AXLE GREASE, 8m. WEAVERS' SUPPLIES I VINEGARSs supplied at low rates. Gt AS FRUIT JARS; COFFEE Various Colors. in any quantity. PARKER’S 5f all kinds. Hzï¬Aï¬KER;, bcaï¬lï¬â€˜.