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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Sep 1870, p. 3

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sire (mm D l' U :hand you a cgp. .W. A. Doyle's forge: d1 "Insurance Compames, 3a] transactions with as. Cmmrxmrs. I. Tuom‘e BO‘mfinsx, Dam of the “Beaver .t'. surance Company,” at, as follows :â€" That in iouking over 1 iOfiice, and comparing't‘h _early in February 1w, 1. following Notes were mi S. Crosby, Osprey, No. ' Email, St. mejent.t N0. Ross, Glenelfz, No. 6363 'these missing Notes... On the 39;!) of Apr} Do; 1e handed me the it in the hand writxng ofC “C. T. DOYLE, “T1 'Relative to the fullomng of 0., T. Day] ledge ties (lays (Signed) “C. T. Dorm-57 The following partxes, in answer to {re 3 mands for payment from this Uflice, élalm- " ed to have paid 0. '1‘. Doyle, some time prior to receipt of said notice, which pay- .mentrs had not been accounted for by C. T. Doyle, and he only acknowledged the re- ceipt, of these moneys when notified that we ‘ haul knowledge of the fact? Findlay Mc- {:».e, Durham; James: Hog", Meaford ; Wm. Bowler, Arte'misia; bamel Dick, mini-a. 'l'hére are also other transactions of a similar nature. . ' According to the, last Cash accountâ€"re- "ceixed from C. T. Doyle just after his dis- missal-he had in hand cash amounting to | $411”), the whole of which belonged to the ' Comoam‘. Of this amount he only paid' into‘zhia'Utfice $1.00, retaining the ba‘-; migrainaxuo -wlnch amo’nnt-has not yet 1 1m,“ Vim‘ul by him, notwithstanding Mi. R. t lug-le- has paid the same to the Com-I and 100K Inc on the desk, ties ‘ '" 9915- . fbese young men having phhlished a no. : to the public, denying what they are zsed to term our “ covert insinuation,” .t they have acted in such a x'nanper as to nand their dismissal, in order that yet: 25; be proteeted from .imposition,‘ we de- E to put you In possessxon of the follewo r Certificate of the Book-keeper in the ten Sand Ufiice, as to Mr. C. T.Doyle’s uduct; as also of Mr. W. A. Dpyle’s f doing business. We she be to' .ud you a cnpy Ufa. letter, relative 10‘ r. A- Defies tormer dealihg yith other _-‘ az‘mpl‘ O lest Ullfialllz 5‘ V.v-- On the 19:!) at 'Ai'piii, last, Mr. R. J. ’05 1e handed me the following S'ta'tement, x the hand writmg of C. T. Doyle : James S. Crosby, Osprey, ........ 'thert Laternail, St. Vincent, . - - . "‘Owen Sbund, April] jnxTLEMEx,â€"$Ir. R. J. Dofle, om- 3‘ tho ized Agent. for the counties of ,BmC: and Simeoe. has lately been tc fiismiss C. T. ’Dgyle and W. 1. Exit , _ . who acted for bun as Traveliing 0c;99 Mr 30188 “03 “MY Burmmzsâ€"In reply 16 7th telé-‘l nks 20-day, as 9.136 'yuur abus- t him; letter of a late date, in; which you make we of language_ that no‘ gentleman could use in his correspdhaence, . I beg to say am you will receive no more ‘ {anks from this Office. and that. no further baxsiuesd acts of yours will be recognized by; me. You-are no longer authorized to d0‘ Business?!“ this Oifice ; and I beg to refer ygufur dum‘aed answer of your letter, to mine nf‘fléc 1.83:1 united to Comabuss by gram for hm five and hm. ers. A. Duyle’s conch Danv: Kl note the demand tut 5m :-r-..)eee~.lings and ,pay COSlS, 910-. int rt-n'v‘ we have to state that the matter is in { ll}. Deacon's hands, and settlement must? 'J in:- made through him. ,Any errors. in thei . d from this Ollice can } gs accounts furnishe ’ easily be rectified, and ll shown, we would l wish to 'correct them , but, you a‘rein error. 1 The accounts furnished from this Office l agree with one another, and are. correct â€" t My, Deacon has probably laid the amount? at $200, probably in obedience to, ouriE wishes, to cover items which were'not re, ponpd to us hy your Brother. Ofthese fohr } of have been discovered. They are as follows: Robert Bell, M. P. 1’., $300 remiumâ€" 1 gr», 2.7 ; norm Bell, M. P. P.‘, 2.000 pre.‘ 'minmâ€"i‘L’L’ 3 l; W. J. Warham; $175 pre- miumâ€"~‘l.-l.'); and John Stephens, $800 pr?- miumréh’ "tiâ€"making a total of $36.32. ‘These gentlemen have been nmified that the , Company is not on the risks ; but as the ' L premiums were paid to the Company’s Agent, the Company is bound to return it, therefore, these amounts, and any others which may yet he discovered, must he add- ed to the amount of the balance of the ac- count, viz: $162.52, as shown by otir ac- countsâ€" making the amount now $198 84 ; less the Twenty-seven Dollars remitted by Wallace. And if other amounts, not re- ported to this Ottice by your Brother, are re discovered, they also will have tohe added. “ We do not think your Brotherreported the above amounts, as letters do not now go astrar ; besides which: ashe appears to have induced some of the parties to pay Renewal Premiums (some of the amounts are Renewal Premiums.) some weeks before the first Policy expired, he would at once have been reproved for: so doing, had he rcported the items.- We mention this fact, as it, adds to the susyicions character of the transactions. “Regarding the term to be applied to your Brother leavinw the country, do may say t c». ‘:.Zli~', l‘E‘l‘Ot'P us, at hat his own letter to us, written from the States, suppliE'd the term. or jnstifiedit. In conclusion, We have only to say that . your Brother is well off in that we do not class the above four transactions difierently from the regular items of the account,_which ire might well do so ; , and if there are any ;other non-reported items yet to be discover- ‘ed by us, we would candidly advise your Brother to inform us of them, in order that ' w put them in the account, for if once settled, newly discovered items will be treated differently. In regard to the costs, they are a. necessary result of your; Brother’s error, and must of course fall upâ€" i hit him who is in tault. , I “We are, dear Sir“, .- “Yours very truly}, . (Signed) “TAYLOR, Bans, Managers.” 1 further certify that. the. 3603's of this Company have been tanner-ed :l'ith, and in the case of RichardDunseath, in the hand- writing of W. A. Doyle, some time defore his dismissal, the efi‘ect of whiCh fins to se« cure t8 himself double fees; .and that the fee was actually credited to him in this Of- _ _II_ -‘_‘l DE 1h Lative to the above-mentioned Notes, :ilowmg is a. true extract from a letter T. Doyle to R. J. Doyle, dated July 5‘70 : ' “I am and was freefio a‘cknow- . that I took the money from the par- went to the (mice 002m? rettm’), ‘a few after the receipt of the last payment, ruuk the Notes from the patqel lying ze desk. and waited thém to the par- MEMBERS OF THE BEAVER J c I: looking; over the Books of this m} cr')mi.~aring the Notes therewith, 'r'rb-ruary 1w, I discovered that the 3 Notes were missing, v12: James ’3', Osprey, No. 7193: Robert Int- »[. Vulgeut‘ No. 7228, and James {cup}; No 6363. lat. once advised I. Doyle, the General Agent of the . of the fact, who took steps to‘trace issim Notes. Ime Cobaiéfl A‘iféuranCe COV. United, “)Iontrea , 23th Dec. ‘1865. * h. Dqu, E312" Owen Sound. C. W., D} .u: Sm,â€"â€"We have your lettenof the Hush. relam'e to your Brother’s up- 111*. before us, and note the demand to proceedings and .pay costs, etc. In v we have to state that the matter )3 m hummsu hands. and settlement must Companies, saying ~Bathing of his ,3 with 118. f CIRCULAR] ICC “0‘ unnuuu- u-vâ€"uvâ€" -- __-__ flee, (althofighlhe had personally gollected the same from Mr; Duuseath,) dad would have been paid him the second time, had hot the alteration in the Books Been detect- Shortly after entering rhe Oflice, I receive Ed special instructions from Mr. R. J. 135er B ARDMAX, Accountant m the ”Beaver 5! Toronto Mutual lu- mm), at Owen Sound, certify {owing is a cnpy of a letter from 1);er to C.'.1‘ Doyle, containing ., Glenefg ?ne'i) “R. I. DOYLE." rrin: to Ledger account of 0.3 I find the balance due by him to m h-: over $231.00, the whole of mc-ys coliected by him ; and a1. ficngiug to the Company was :11. Mr. R. J. Doyle has, .how- the amountto the Company, and dwi m seeming himself. :ers of “The Home and Colonial Company,” in reference oto ‘vfi s mndum as agent of that Com- MUTUAL "IXSUBAXCR cox- (D1333! Owen Soun’fi, July 27, 1870 ;"c. T. Daring? J. 1870.” 3"! ’«twp $22 60 60 00 00 I not to allow either W. A. or C. T. i the use of my he , to prevent their E to the Books or gafe in my absence. THOMAS Bouunux. Dated at Owen Sdund, this 30th day of August, 1870. . It will be remembegggrthat our business was est: blishediu tie ‘oaugeen District by our presentK-Agent, fir. R. J. Doyle, and t, thatC. T. Doyle and W. A. Doyle were simply travelling in the employ of our Agent, ‘while in that. Agency. In our late published letter to our Agent, we desired'to . state no more than was absolutely necessa- ? r-ygto protect the interests of the Members in the-District, and have to regret that the : cool etfrontery of those dismissed persons, i courting investigation, makes it Dee’BS’SaFY; to publish this Circular ; and wedeeply re- 2 , gret that the efforts of our Agent ‘tq.'assist i i; and instruct these men have. been repaid 1 g with the basest kind of ingratltpde. r i These persons having been instructed by our Agent in Insurance business, can now travela among our Members, in the nice of Companies who are not very pagemnlar as to the charactEr of their Agents, traduc. ing us as a Company. Yet we are content to C,leave the matter thh the public, and doubt not that our business in the hands of Mr. R. J .Doyle, will steadiiy increase, as it has always 'doixe. 181‘ of unclaimed . Ledefs remain'ng in the Durham P.o. on Sept. 14, 1 70. Adlam, Geo, 'Lntcb', Neil Armour, Wm.‘ ‘ Lee, fienry ‘ Anderson, James Leonard, McAnfhony Andrews, M188 P. Long Annie Burns, James Lindsay, Robt. Baker, J. C. Mathews. G. J. Benord, F. M‘Laughlin, Mary Beaton, Mal. M‘Gilvoray, Donald Butler, Samuel M‘Millan, Mal. :- 1 Bull, Robt. M‘Faydén, Mrs. H. : Binnie, Geo. M‘Lean, Catherine leaton, John M‘Lean, Miss Flora Cameron, Mrs. Mary M‘Cracken, Samuel 1 Campbell, puucan M‘Millan, Arc'hd. ‘Iln Col‘li‘gson, Joseph Cov e‘rly‘, ' J oseph Campbe“, Quinton Clarke, 11. Corlnel‘li', John Clark, 'Duncan Creel man, W m. Conner, . Campbell, H. A. Cowan, John Campbell, Hugh Dixon, 'John ._ flunkerlj, W. R. "Dillon, James Davis, Tbos. sr. Davis, Thos. :Erans, Geo._ Elliott,James Ellison, W. H. iFletcher, D. 2 l Farrier, Ollivér l Fer?» .356an 5. Fisher, James 5 Flynn, Walter Freeman, 'Rich. i Fennel], A. H. 2 iGold, Abram iGeorgen, W. Hinch,‘John ' , Hamston. Isabella L HunterflIames 5 Hunter, 'John 5 Hartford, Barnett [Johnstom Wm. Jr. 2 Lawrie. Mrs. Mary , Leslie, John M‘Girr, John M‘Dcnald, Margt. M ‘Girr, Wm. M‘Quarrie, Hugh M‘Donald, Mrs. D. M‘Ki.mon, John MjVicker, Angus M'Laughlm, Mary M‘Lean, A. M‘Girr James M‘A nulty, Anne M‘Clooskey, Morten M'Calmon, Saml. O‘Flanni‘gan,Patrick ‘ouuey, 'o. ‘Jas. Newal, W'm. ., ,Porter, Wm '2 Pritchard, r. ,Richmondr hos. Robinson, Joseph Sharmjospeph B. Sullivan, Thomas Scovill, S. W. Smith, J. W. Shepard. John Seler, Wm. Thomas, James Toltru, H. N. Townsend, Thomas ‘Vilson, Samuel Watson, Chas. Watson, 'Robt. Jr. The subscriber is desirous of disposing of a, Splendid Par-k Lot, of four acres,‘ 'situale w'irhinhulf a mile oi the village of Durham. There is 3. good. new frame barn on the premises, also the Cellar and foundation for a dwelling house. A good Well of water convenient. Will be sold very reasonable. HUGH McKENZIE_. a (Signed) .‘ _Jvc. Sept. 7th, 1870. of every kind and warranted bf {He best quality. LIQUORS! LIQUORS. ‘6 recommended hynll the leading physicians of the day. fiCOFFEES, TEAS, TGBACCOES, SPiCES, c-., to. List of Letters. £0113}; 8: Magma om, A complete a‘ésoe‘tment of Liqnoi‘s of the finest. brands, for fainiiy and medicinal purposes, including the celebrated F. S'. bév’é {10* fabilities for 301515113539 911 the nev‘vest medicines and preparauons which may be__brought before the public frem tune to time. (Ifl’h'ysicians Frescriptians carethlly compounded, and accuracy guaranteed. :Park Lot 101' Sale. Shep open (for (11' Sunday from 2 to 4 p. l punctually attended to. 53313263; WINES 35- F. a; s. areâ€"gents for the Guelph Sewing Machine Company. N. B.â€"F1.\'nur a; Smw are ago-nu 1m. . Ofiice the Montreal Teiegraph Coppany Open every dav (Sundays excepted 34m. to 8 p; m. ) from 8 unis AND LAMP CHIMNEYS, A. MCKENZIE, PosruAsnn. DYESTUFFS Yours, Sac. T.O’ REILLY, H. HANCOCK, mg m part of in great Variety. M‘Donald, 'Archd. M ‘Donald Donald M‘ Dougall, Mal. M‘Keachney, Duncan M‘Girr, John M‘Quafiie, Hugh M‘Donald, Mrs. D. M‘KiJuoo, John MjVicker, Angus M‘Laughhn, Mary FINEST Dovle their. access Isaacs LS” gray, PHD“ Secret'aries. stock, consist- minor only) on tf. ' " " " Whips, Spurs, 550, always on hana. (ff-Jobbing done on short notice and 10 good style. Spanish .Sole Rather, cf? Harness Shep opposite .the Crown Land Office, Upper Town ; Tannery 0n the corner of Saddle: and Albert stréets,‘ Lower Tofu. bâ€"â€"scriberâ€", letâ€""23V,“e3n. 20, Egremont, sometime in May last, 5 sheep and three lambs. One ewe and her lamb are. black: Any person giving informarion that will lead to their recovery will be snitabl'y ‘re- CHARLES MCQUEEN,“ For sale, Lot 13, Con. 7, Glenelg, com- prising 100 acres, 60 -of which are cleared, well watered and fenced, with a gogd. Houose,,Barn, Stable and an Orchard of 100. Tree; thereon..;;A189 5.0 acres, East half of Lot 13, Con. 6th, Gleuelg, from B {0.10 acrés; éléaredn Thé above‘pr'ope'rly will be sold cheap, and,clear, de‘ed given.â€" Terms easy. For particulatrs apply to. x ABRAM GQL_D, BUILDING LOTS; Dromore P. O. Egremont,Aug.16th,1870. and FRENCH CALF, always in éfOcli, .,-P'EGs, all sizes. TRAYEB {mu} ithe premiges 3f the sub- -__-A-‘ ‘ Wou'fd call the attention of the readers of the DURHAM CHRONICLE to the facg that theTv are now mnnufacturing a NEW LOO K- .sTiTCH SHUTTLE SEWING MA- ‘ CHINE, called after the inventor, Mr. C. F Lockman, the LOUKMAN PATENT ‘F'AmLY SHUTTLE SEWING LTA. WILSON, BOWMAN 60, SEWING MACHINE ‘wm; AND IMPROVED zamls for Sale, (114-tf.) I'A'JllLJl. Uuua.-__ CHINE, which has, in the shorttime during which it has been before the public, become 1 W UNDERFULLY POPULAR. Although‘ only a little more than three months have; elapsed since its first introduction, the "Lockman Patent” in that short space of time has found its way into over 1200 CAN- ADIAN HUM ES. A feat WITHOUT PARALLEL in the Sewing Machine annals' of the Dominion, if not of the world. So strong has the demand for their Machine become, that the manufacturers have been compelled to ENLARGE THEIR PREMI- ‘ SES, and INCREASE THEIR STOCK 01“ MACHINERY, to the extent of making the [prodncihg capacity of their Establishment IMPLE AND ELEGANT '! SECOND TO no OTHER IN THE D0- MINION. .4 The "secret of the great succeqs of the “Lock. man Paten't” is to fie fo‘imd In its MANUFACTGRERS, EXTRAORDINARY CHEAPNESS, T'ho'uoh hotwithstaddhg 'this cheapness the WORRMANSHIP IS ERCELLRRT, Has all the attachments_ which,’ have been found'o? 'use by long expenence. MONEY TO LOAN. With all the usual gccessqries, find accom- CIRCULARS Are sent anywhere, on app‘jcation. CLERGYMEN Will be 'supplied {vith tfiis exéellent Machiné AT A LIBERAL DISCOUNT. FULL INSTRUCTIOS’S AS TO USE AND MANAGEMENT. £11 £1 .Uluuuu;u .......... CONGREGATIONS ‘ flaw BOOKS. I! ust received at F. H. EDWARDS’ Book and Fancy Gouda Store, a few cop ice of. Digneli’s latest novel “LOTHAIB; " g few cgpiea of â€"_ _~_, ‘Collins’ latest ho*el "MAN m _ TANNERS, m fiERFECT WORKING ORDER, CaSh for Hides Stray Sheep. Iouid 0‘38! [10 mOrQ acceptable.“ gig ‘0 their Minister than a “Locknian Patent” Sewing Machine. HAMILTON, ONT. Agént for Durham and vieiliiqg By that of any other FINISH UNSURPASSED HAMILTON, 0N1‘., EVER? MAcmfiE u LOCKMAS i’ATENT " THOS. DIXONL _ ' Barrister-abLaw, .. Lower Town, Durham. it tâ€"hYa Durham Ashe'ry, or to ABRAM (39019 ALSO, DfiRHnM: flotâ€"T: Con. 6, Glenélg. IS SENT OUT 1ADDLER 3 Harness a. n d Trunk Makers, AXD THE AND Machine. V . -'-â€" [WARE-ROOM OPPOSITE THE ARGYLE HOTEL, Donna?) ave now onhand‘ alar’ge assortment of all kinds of Furniture, 'cOnsietingfif : BUREAUS, CUPBOARDS, BEDSPEADS. CHAIRS, SOFAS, TABLES, e., which they will sellAT MUCH LOWER PRICES! than have hitherto been sold for in Durham. 13:? Orders, for Repairing will receive prompt attention. All kinds Of TURNING e‘iecuted with Neatness and Desmtch. . m - c ~ = . . t at: ___~3:_ __ All kinds of TURNING executed with Neatness and Desmtcn. SPINNING WHEELS 8: HEELS: QF EVERY nEscRIPT’mN (9”: If wnn monf pnrnlfnrn nr RHVthing in our line Hive “3 a ca‘l’ It Will pay YOL’ O has removed his business from one door south of the Foundry, to the more com- modious building, situated one door north of said Foundry, where he is prepared to do business as usual, only with a much larger stock of goods, and hopes by strict attention to business and reasonable charging to receive a share of public patronage. THE subscriber bears to inform his numerous customers and general public, that he The best. :5} work '; no Apprbntice’s 0r Qfiack Mechanics Employed! The subscriber manufactures a Itindtdszonar whichxah he recommended for safety to ‘ horses, and which has proved its superiority over the Scotchflollar. They have been thoroughly tested by and are now in use on the Durham and Collingwood Stage Line. Any person in doubt can "refer to Mr. R. H, anancn, proprietor of the said line.â€" Reference might be made to many others butthe above named gentleman has more of them in use than any other man in the county. . .. g 3. (If? The Scotch Collar manufactured second to! pone. (If? CARRIAGE TRIMhflNG done on short notice and in any gtj'le desired, 1 CONDENSED CATALOGUE AOF GOODS CONSTANJ‘LY 0N HAND: VVL‘J4HAIvâ€"w Vâ€"-Tâ€"â€"' - _ Japanned Team Harness; Brass Team Harness; C Plate Harness; izTng Team Harness;§ Tug Team ,Harnees; .Japanned Single Harness; C Pla‘te,Single Harness; rass Single Harness; Silver Single Harness; Riding Sadd‘lgshall kinds; iding.,Bridles and Martingals; Team Whips, Buggy ~Whip§.v.an'd Stage Whips, of all kinds and quality, in abundance, also. a.few English Oak. Halters; Cotton Fly Nets; Worsted Flyg Nets; Worsted Ear Nets ; Suits of Horse Clothing ; Frank Miller’s prepared Harness Oil, the only oil to preserve the Stitching and Leather. Durham, J nne 14th, 1870. The Best -, -'JIIIV\‘_I --.v--- _--- â€"- v- --â€"â€"â€" -7 . (I? The patent .adjusting Hame with safety ring, which {can be made to fit any horse lowermgjbe draft; CURRY COMES, CARDS, BRUSHES and MANE by raiemg or, COMES. afi- A can from {all 18 solicited. r ‘7‘. z - J. C GRIFFITH. 13mm}; July i‘3ah,18‘zo. 'i‘l‘lé subéér‘ib’ers will Opay . the abogve amount to phy person ivnng tnformatlonz that wnll lead to the. etettxonhnd con- viction of the persnn or: persons, who caused the destruction, by fire“ of on; tan- nery; on the morning of the 8th of June last. “‘ - C n n‘rrmfi A‘T PRICES TO SUIT TH TIMES. Dissolution $300 -Reward ! ing all. Durham, J :11] 20th, 1870. GREAT BARGAINS ! [Mu L16 Stock of TRUNKS in South Grey, varying in _.price from. 2.50 to $291.00. I. '-.... I..- _-An in Q6 ant! “tn-co MATTHEWS ;SLQN ., Australia 8:. Eurbpa‘, SHIRTINGS, CHECKS, IN SHAWL PATTERNS’, "W I: CHEC3:s-, ‘An Immensé Stock of New ‘and Fashionable Spring and Summer, Dreés’ Goods. A large stock of LIL-minis? SUMMER fiRléés Gdobé‘, in all the New Shades and Colors. SHAWLS, LiANT'LE CL6Tfis, '~‘. and all kinds of Tnmmings. mummy" MB MM? FLOWERS ”s; FEATHERS, bRNZ’LMENTS, RIBBONS, c., ‘in all the Novelztieis 6f the Season very cheap New Groceri’éE just Received. b1? NEW HARDWARE just Opened out. TICKINGS, GRAY BLEACAED COTTOIES, A lax-0e s.toci1‘: of Staple 306323 m RILLIANT bENms, HOLLANDS, '. B. SMITH. SHEETING S, ‘Just Arrived from NEW STYLES. EX STEAMSHIPS A large stock of In endless variety A large stock of T0 W ELLINGS, PURPLE PA'ISS', Lowfia Tomi, NEAR THE BOST-OFFICE. - To be held no Toronto on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th of October, 1870. Entries of Horse and Cattle to Be ixiade rd of Saptember. For _ .' 3:1- punctflai'fl 68an had. on ap- .. « - to President: Of Township Agri- . M‘KECHNIE, ‘CA'RPETINGS, URNITURE Notice is‘he‘r‘eby giiren that the psi-tset- ship subsisLing between PARKER Cums, as Chemists and Druggists, in Dar. ham‘, Owen Sound and Godericb, has been this dafg dissolved by mutuabconsent. “‘WV- v vâ€" â€" wilfxeht‘s owing tlo Yhé said Paflnpmhip’ in Durham, are to be ‘paid to HEan Pssxsgrewho will ‘gontmu'é- the business -â€"‘â€"-a'ti:d ‘a‘Il‘filaimE agaznst said. partnership in Durham, are to be. pyesenled go said HENRY PARKER, by whom they willbe paid. Dated at Durham, this 19th day of July. 1870. ~ - 181-tf, Prévincial Show, c., c., c., c. RINTS’, gf___Pa.rtnership. Teri per cent Silar'p’s Garden Seeds. Durhax'n’, April "20th, 1370. C. M‘KENZIE’S l-lATS ; éAPs, Crockery, Glassware, Clothing, ‘féoq' All of which will be.sold at a small advance on New Styles a, Gamma samcmw an? [ Hunter s. OPENED OUT ONE DOLLflR .r AT M._,mseazs 1mm; LOWER VILLAGE, DURHAM. IN AT b‘aau‘rgsfij x- ~ 9‘ «of fill Established it} 'Eanada‘ IBSB‘. EALER IN ‘PURE DRUGS ANS! Chemicals, Perfumery and Toilet Preparations, Combs, Brushes, Fancy Goods, 82c": c., Â¥$TE§T MEEKGIHKK’. VARNISHES‘. Fire Proof Paint! Best Turpentine Varnish $1 50 per c'nn. {QEBILIQJAEEKG ©1328, DYESTUFES [LATE PARKER a; CATTLE.) Mfi-TTS“ mam“ 912.. anl 011 AND LAMPS, TANNERS’ 01L, TAR, PITCH, PUTTY’, RESIN, AXLE GREASE, Ec'. Cheap; used by Millers, Threshei‘a? c B A}. j"13ALISL'Ifi'flis AND . PAINTEBS’ MATERIAL; TonAccoeS ‘AND mmsi Strength, Flavor and Quality unsurpassed. Prices moderate. ' “(gs-away: ESSENCES, FLAVORINé EXTRACTS, SPICES, PICKLES", HOPS, c., c. Olive, Elephant, Seal and Crude Oil, WinesLiqudré MOLSON’S CELEBRATED Au: Teas ! Teas ! ! Physicians’ Preacri tlom, and F: Recipes caretul y compounded, and promptly attended to. l’ARKER, Roasted and Ground 0.1.1 the breihiséfi'. British, Malt, French and Canodiah. vmmmi? PREPAWIM 1mm» Mm. I's~an' effectual desu-oyer of Ticks 05 Shoe; also a' preventative against the Fly anti Scab durmg the hot Summefi, Bon‘ths. It, greatly improves the QUALITY tad QUANTITY (if 'the W'ool, and that st . trifling’cost. “It'has beefi‘ long and favor. hbly known in GREAT BRITAIN, and it is confident], anticipated, that upon hid, it will enjoyas favorable a repntttion in Canadu. ' H.PARKER, co‘m'prising Ell n’ote’d bmnds, in and bottle. WEAVER'S’ su'PPLc’Eé : VINEGARS, supplied at low rates. GLASS FRUIT JARS. COFFEE Various Colors. in any quantity. PARKER’S,_ 6? 'all kinds. DUKE“:

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