In compliance with the instructional These ordinarily cost more than most oi- the Minister of Agriculture, Dr. An- g are willing to admit, in my cases drew Smith, Veterinary Surgeon, has ; three times as much as they need to- visited difl'erent places in the west where l for the reason that a team is sthpp‘e'd- t the cattle have suï¬'ered most severely ' and a hand sent to a mechanic several , i? this summer, and has made an oflicial , miles away, for some little job that anyl1 report on the whole subject. He says . farmer of ordinary ingenuity could doli that'in every instance that comes under in half the time the messenger is gone i‘ his‘uotice, the cause has been the at. ' to the mechanic‘s, if he had a few tools it he}. of flies. He then goes on to sayâ€" and a little of the proper kind of mate- ' ‘ “ The symptoms are generally conï¬n- rial. The thrifty farmer will always ed to the limbs, and the fore legs al‘t'ï¬ilay aside pieces of timber 'of various “593113 ï¬rst attacked, behind the fet- kinds, to be used for repairs. These he be]: -.and knee, and from the animal often ï¬nds in his wood pile, and he lays . continually stamping and kicking l0 1'6‘ l them up where he can get them or send lieve itself ofthese pests, the irritation l a boy for them at any time. He will. i’ greatly increased, and frequently i also have a box of screws of difl’erentl l acute and inflammatory â€â€œ0" takes, sizes, with a wood screw-driver, andl place, extending upwards along the ab- 1 three or four gimlets. The ï¬rst and sorbent vessels and terminating in the 1 last of all tools for a farmer, a drawing formation 0f abscesses, causing pain,§ knife, will be at hand; also a few (life and difï¬culty in WOgTGSSlOD: and at the ; ferent-sized bolts with nuts and washers same time producing constitutional de-lto match; a brace and a good set of rangenzeut which may occasionally ter- auger bits. These, with a haud.saw’ minute fatally. These severe cases are i make a very reSpectable kit for a farm- usually a result of carelessness and ne- Z er, and if he has any skill at all in 8190'» 01‘ “Om â€1° application 0f irri- using them, he will save much more than tant and poisonous dressings injudicious- the cost of them in a few months. Let 1y applied. levery farmer who has been accustomed1 “ I am glad '0 50 able to report that l to run to the shop for every little repair the great majority 0f 03898; although l supply himself with such things as we very annoying to the animal, are not}, have named,and his do own repairing,and attended with any serious consequences, ; he will be agreeably surprised at his and the symptoms are so mild in theirl mechanic’s bill. Then there are har- nature that all that is noticed is merely l ness. If the farmer uses“ several of a slight excoriation of the skin of the l them, he can save (10113â€, in the course parts already mentioned. The flies are i of the year by having on hand two or found to be most numerous in 10W: W951; three awls, a showkuifc, a ball of shoe- paStures, and in districts where therei thred, and a ball of wax, all of which 1133 been an unusual fall 0‘ rain. There will cost less than a dollar, and will last are many simple remedies, and readily i several years. sonar-1"! “ The symptoms are generally conï¬n ed to the limbs, and the fore legs are usually ï¬rst. attacked, behind the fet bck and knee, and from the animal continually stamping and kicking to re- lieve itself of these pests, the irritation is greatly increased, and frequently acute and inflammatory action takes place, extending upwards along the ab sorhent vessels and terminating in the formation of abscesses, causing pain, and diï¬iculty in progression, and at the same time producing constitutional deo rangenzent which may occasionally ter- minate fatally. These severe cases are usually a result of carelessness and ne- glect, or from the application of irri- tant and poisonous dressings injudicious- 1y applied. ‘3 I am glad '0 be able to report that E to run to the shop for every little repair E," the great majority of 08898, althougblsnpply himself with such things as wetel very aDDOleg '16 the animal, are DOt E have named,and his do own repairing,and Fl attended with any serious consequences,;he will be agreeably surprised at his ’5 and the symptoms are 50 mild in thell'lmechanic’s bill. Then there are har- P' nature that all that is noticed .is merely i “933. If the farmer uses' several of 12: a slight excoriation of the skin of the E them, he can save dollars in the course P1 parts already mentioned. The flies are l of the year by having on hand two or P 1.0996 to be most numerous in 10W, W83: three awls, a shOP‘kuife, a ball of shoe- l pastures, and in districts where there; thred, and a ball of wax, all of which R has been an unusual fall 0‘ Milt Therel will cost less than a dollar, and will last are many simple remedies, and readily l several years. is procured, that will tend to allay the ir- l, ________.‘_.__.._____â€" ritation, and also prevent the bite of! What Railways DO 0' tie fly. As to the curative treatment of cases where there is much inflamma- tion the parts affected should be care- Any of our readers who may be du- fully fornented with warm water, then bious as to the effect of railway can (I: dry thoroughly, and dress with‘carbolic struction in stimulating progress may acid 16600, in the preportions of onelgain auseful hint from the following part of earbolic acid to sixteen parts ofll extract from the Orangeville Sun :â€" water; or an application of equal parts'g “ Orangeville is now one of the most 'of tincture (2" 50,330,)“ 0,2 of tar, and lin-5 prosperous villages in the Dominion.â€" sced oil, to be daily applied. The aft: During the present summer several ï¬ected animals should be kept in clean stores are being erected, and others en- and somewhat darkened stables during. larged and renovated, while there are 33,116 day. In mild cases, dressing the not less than nine brick, eight rough. parts daily with the last mentioned op. ; cast, and four frame residencas in course i ] plieation will sufï¬ce, (without resorting;0f- erection or near completion, besides to fomcntations) or washing the partslthl’ee 01‘ f0"? buildings for carriage J These con- A with carbolic acid soap, or the use of. works and public purposes, impure carbolic acid diluted with sixistitute the principal improvements be- parts of water to one of acid. The fly l «run this year, and either completed or; m ' a that has proved such a source of annoy- i approaching completion, but others may anee is somewhat similar in appearance be undertaken before the season 010803. to the common house fly, and is calledi we doubt if any other village in On- 6‘ the slomorys calct'irans, described by tario can display such substantial evi- E Harris in his work on insects as fol- demos of growth and progressâ€"in one e lows ;-‘ The flies that abound in sta- year.†E bles in August and September, and i, sometimes enter houses on the approach A Red River correspondent of the i of rain, "light be mistaken. for “0“?" \ Montreal ll’z’tmss says there is a good flies were it not for the severity of their , opening there for tradesmen, especially, LlilCS,‘WlJlCll are often felt through our l tailors, shoemakers, tanners, blacksmiths 919‘11’“g,':‘L‘d are generally followed by ' and wagonmakers. There is a growing blOOd' Lpon examination, they WM be desire for English shoes among the peo- found to differ essentially from house l p10. Common stoga boots 3311 now at . flies in their probosets, which 13 very 3 163., and the fashionable tailor just ar- iong and slender, and prOJCClS horizont- l ï¬nd from the States charges £3 for ally beyond the head; the bristles on makin" a suit. Of course, the. high . D “1"" atennae are feathered “PM? Cat- 3 prices obtained for the above mentioned “'9 suffer severely from the prercmg bite labor is because there is so few to do of thes: lites, an‘l horses are sometlmes i the work. A few good tanners are very ‘30 â€we.“ ‘tormeuted by them as to be‘ much needed in the country, also a card- come entirely ungovernable 1n harness. i inn mill and small woolen factory. A . . . . ‘, C Thts fly lays 1ts eggs to dung, where its portable steam saw-mill would pay well, .- l . - - young a.e hatched, and pass through as there is only one mill now In the their transformations.’ In my investi-isemement which cannot supply any- . 0 ' l V ’ l ganons I have been materially assrstedl rhino like the amount of lumber needed- ‘ . q q, . , l a . ° by Mr. Launders, the well known entOvLi Match, soap, pail, and broom factorles molOglst of London. E would also pay well ; and a person who ‘3 ' P . . 1“ CODCiuSIOD, I have to state that ' understands salt making could build up I feel conï¬dent there IS no great cause, a large business, there being splendid {up (alarmtand that the cold weather of;: 53“ springs in various parts of the coun~ autumn wxll soon put a stop to the at i try and the salt made by the l r yâ€"OQOW tacks Of this Peatiï¬â€™mm fly.†l half-breeds sells at 103. per bushel. In ' these" and many other things the capital- A Lindsay Sensation. ists of Canada would ï¬nd proï¬table in- l vestments for their money. â€" “ In conclusion, I have to state thatl I feel conï¬dent. there is no great cause: {Oi-inlann, and that. the cold weather ofl an'tumn will soon put a stop to the at;-3 tacks of- this pestifcrons fly.†fl . ‘K _ "r (I .l . o J .the Lindsay ar er has the follow . Mrs. Partington says she an] notll ing : “ Anion" the etnivrants who latel ' ; . ° ° ) 1-marry her second husband because she I arrived in Lindsav from the old coun-t . t f 2" f f u f ‘1 ,loved the male sex, but Just because be r ' was a amt ' 0 ourâ€" a ier.- . . 3 5 was the sxze of her ï¬rst husband, and mother sister brother †but no uncle: . i . 3 ’ ; could wear out his old clothes. nor aunt. lhcy had been located here; but a short time, when the husband’sl r ‘ Very few persons have sense enough feelinrvs found vent in numerous uncom-l . . - to . . . to despise the praise of a fool. pl iznentary expletives regarding 1113! wife Lindsav and Canada in eneral l . . ’ -' ’ g '6 An old man is easier robbed than a Not cen.ent with fresh meat. once a‘, . - - day in Canada he siohed for salt pork ; young one, for his locks are few and his ) D ' i r .t, . a , - . twice in England; and his lips weregé’a1 ls Denerally broken 31'}, and his soul yearned for one more l Why does an engine resemble a young l s‘ of “ llold I‘Iinnland’ bl d ’ lfi1 ) ° ° ' g :5 lf , B l a I? 00 y a .1ady?â€"bccause she has a train behind an ’a .“ at low was e to return'. - . . . and uffs in the air hair. to the old sod ? ,llis money wasâ€"welhl p ( ) s23 mi‘niy .WgsslSarcez‘ L111: the iglmor; The Earl ofShaftsbury, in speaking “I ‘a at“ ’ e cou . ï¬n , nolrecently of the evils arising from the 0W ° ‘ g 3said: “If his Holiness the Po e had a was incubated by his modicum of brainsi wife she would not allow hit: for an He’d sell his mte and ehlldm“: That‘ hour to remain in the belief that he was “’33 It. But who would buy . Eng- infallible.†lishmen are famed for their pedestrian-i in “good current coin of the realm,†thel‘ ' ‘ ‘ sum of SM; 330 for the woman, and E A correspondent of the Rural New ‘ fl ' o ' i v s alt? for the children. . The woman was i lurker can make titty pounds more but- 1 quite willing, and feelmgthat the onener 1 ter from a cow during the season, by t was horribly sold, the vendor started for ‘ churnino the milk thanrhy churnino the 1 the Market Hotel, and there indulged t cream 0:“. a 7.‘ 1 A writer in the Southern Cultivator ives the following as a remedy for the such as "Old England is my home _§f.c,, and gently sunk to the floor as he i . lg iâ€"muttcredâ€" ll colic in a horse :-â€"â€"Give a teacupful of “ The children of Israel some grub did want l wheat flour in a black bottle ï¬lled with And the Lord ’e sent them manna ! water ; dissolve the flour by shaking the "T33 that we“: cooper 3-9 wanteda Wife: bottle, and drench the horse. It will And the devil ’ave sent him 'Annah.†generally cure in ï¬ve or ten minutes.†E9“ day buyer and seller started for i Headds that a teaspoonlul of flour in a‘ Port Hope, from whence the latter left i tumbler ofï¬old water will prove an cf, l f for Montreal, while the former returned lfective remedy for a man. to Lindsayâ€"with, we trust, a heavy, .. . _ pauseienceand a very light pocket.â€" Holland ought to be aeool countryâ€" smwmhody will ride him on a they have twelve thousand windmills in 3-5 Q‘iiiififlher comment is unnecessary. operation there. ism; so our emigrant started out. on 3E Eggs may be canned in their own prospecting tour “a quickly came t? she la, and will keep fresh fer months across a purchaser in the person of Bar- l bytwo .or. three times pouring scalding “éy BFOOkS: a cooper, “1’0 mid to be l water over them and immediately turn- working round hooped things, and whol‘ing-“ OE; and then packing them in therefore cheerfully paid to the vendor E831!) small end downward. The Fly Disease.- approach A Red River correspondent of the For house, Montreal ll’z’tnms says there is a good y of their E opening there for tradesmen, especially, 1 ough our i, tailors, shoemakers, tanners, blacksmiths lowed by 1 and wagonmakers. There is a growing ’3 will be desire for English shoes among the peo- nu. house i p19. Common stoga boots sell now at l 13 very : 163., and the fashionable tailor just ar- horizont- i rivcd from the States charges £3 for ristles on making a suit. Of course, the high ove. Cat- ‘. prices obtained for the above mentioned Wing bite I. labor is because there is so few to do sometimes i the work. A few good tanners are very as to be‘ much needed in the country, also a. card- Any of our readers who may be du- bious as to the effect. of railway con‘ struction in stimulating progress may gain auseful hint. from the following extract from the Orangeville Sun:â€" “ Orangeville is now one of the most prosperous villages in the Dominion.â€" During the present. summer several stores are being erected, and others en- larged and renovated, while there are not less than nine brick, eight rough. east, and four frame residences in course of. erection or near completion, besides three or four buildings for carriage works and public purposes, These con- stitute the principal improvements be- gun this year, and either completed or approaching completion, but others may be undertaken before the season closes. \Ve doubt if any other village in On- tario can display such substantial evi- dences of growth and progressâ€"in one yearJ’ Mrs. Partiugton says she did not marry her second husband because she loved the male sex, but. just. because he was the size of her ï¬rst. husband, and could wear out his old clothes. Repairs on the Farm. A correspondent of the Rural New Yorker can make ï¬fty pounds more but. ter from a cow during the season, by churning the milk thanrby churning the cream only. LOVELL’S g Domini-on Provincial Directoriesi To be Published in October, 1870-. I OTICE.â€"Learning that my name has been unwarrantabi‘y used in connec- tion with Directories now being canvassed in the Provinces, and entirely distinct from my works, and that in other cases it. has been stated that my Directories have been ’ abandoned, I wcuid request thoseï¬desiring to wire a preference to my works to see i that persons representing themselves as act ing for me are furnished with satisfactory :credentials. T is intended to make these Directories the most complete and correct ever issued on this continent. They are nct be» ing prepared by correspondence, but by personal canvass, from door to door, of my own Agents, for the requisite information. 1 have now engaged on the work in the sev- eral Provinces Forty men and Twenty horses. These are engaged mainly on the towns and villages off the Railway and Steamboat Routes, important places on the lines being held till the completion of the former, to admit of correction to latest date. Province 0t New Province Province of P 0:?Nol is delivered Rates of Ad'vertising on applicatlon to 1\I’1'\T T (ï¬rEVERY FACILITY Fo‘R DOING FIRST-CLASS WORK AT THE u CHRONICLE†OFFICE. JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. Montreal, March 16, 1870 Specialities at the big axe, Just to hand, direct from the English makersâ€"Best Durable Qualities, AT TORGNTO WHOLESALE PRICES. 9003 MATS, Ground in Oil. This paint is superior to, and more durable than the best. White Lead, either for inside or outside work, Lake going craft, 35c. Its use is not injurious to the health». Direct. from THUS. HUBBL’CK s; 80):, London, England. ' CGAL OIL, Coal {Bil Lamps, ORUETS, SPODNS, FORKS G. AXD Nickle Silver Spoons Forks, Of a reliable quality, in great variety. '"rrmmU'OHN LOVELL, Publisher. Montreal, March 16,1870. " A LARGE LOT OF mm 1mg mam, ' {influx-{ea direct, will be sold {ETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. HAND, TABLE, HALL, c. Chimnqs Wicks, direct from Makers. ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE Platform Counter Scales, Made by the celebrated ï¬rm ofGt‘n-XEY, \VARE 00., of Hamilton, in stock at Makers’ prices. These Scales are WAR- RAX'I‘ED perfect, reliable, and durable,being made in the very best manner. W. KOUGH. Lovell’s Directories. OPEN REBELLHBN. TAKEN BY STORM! [GOULSON’S MAIL LINE; Fenian R mid ! Phntngtaphs fur the Miiliun !‘ BETTER than the BEST and Cheaper than the Cheapest at KELSEY’S GALLERY, ‘25 Kegs HUBBUCK’S Genuine Opposite Fletcher’s, Upper Town, Durham. Owen Sound, Dec. 7, 1869. N account of the opening of the Wel- lington, Grey and Bruce Railway to Elora for passenger trafï¬c, the stage line between Guelph and Elora has been dis- continued. After this date, the stages of this line will run between Elora and Owen Sound table : GOING Noam.â€"â€"Leaves Elora' at 1:30, after the arrival of the train from Guelph, Arthur at 5:30 p.m., Mount Forest. at 9, ar- riving in Durham at 1 a. m. Owen Sound. 65’le Scumâ€"Leaves Durham at 5 a 111., Mount Forest at 8, Arthur at 12, ar- riving in Elora at 4 p.m., to connect with train to Guelph. Goma NORTH. â€"Leaves Elora at 4 a. m. ., Arthur at 8 30; Mount Forest at 12: 30; Durham at 4; 30 p. m. ; arriving in Owen Sound at 8 p.111. - A - - Gong 86MB. -â€"Leaves Owen Sound at 4 a m; Durham at 11 a.m. Mount Forest at 2 p. m. Arthur at 4: 30 , arriving in Elam. at 8 p. m., connecting with. 6 o ’clock train next morning. July 1,1870. of 1 New .Brimswick Directory, 1870.71 3 of Newfoundland Directory, 1870-71 of Prince Edward Island Dxrectory, 1870-71 2 Money to be paid until each book [0 ACCOMMODATION STAGE. ELECTROPLATED 'according to the followmg Change of Time. A BALE OF flag, in October xion Directory, tmies, whicn v the Dominion 02 nd Prince Edwa Gazetteer, Diret Ld: REGULAR STAGE. INCLUDING will made be known icn will be a ion of Canada, Edward Lland, Directory and ElMPanw mam run su. The undersigned 13 authorized to 's'e’ll {he following Improved Farms on easy terms, VIZ. Lot No 18, con. 2, E. G. R ,Township of Glenelg, 100 acres. LotsNo.18 and 17, con. 2,E. G. R., Town ship of G‘ enelg, 200 acres. Lot No. 16, con. 1, N. D. R. ,Township of Glenelg, 50 acres. Lots No. TandS, con. 3, N. D. R., Town“ ship of Glenelg. 100 acres. LotNo o. 8, con. W. G. R., Township of Bentihck, 100 acres. Lot No. 12 con. ,.W G. R. ,Township of Bentinck, 100 acres. Lot No. 25, con. 17, W. G. R., Township 1 of Normanby, 100 acres. i " oAlso, Lot No. 47, con. 3, E. G. R., Township of Hollaxid, 100 acres. Lots7, 8 and9, N. D. R., and7, Sandy, South side of Elgin St. ., containing 3 acre each, in the village of Priceville. i For further :particulars applitom 4_-_a. .. FINDLAY 8.. SHAW’S Drug Store, LOWER TOWN Teas, *4 profns quick returns * f" «r o - Factotums. No surrender to the. Small mg auV 0th err '0 Durham. - o N! C ° toq ',‘ Store cheaper accord: i’ hality thanï¬ Can be bong ht A. 3"“; , 1 .H. . July 13, 1870. Coffees, Elwcolate, $043033, Biscuits, Eried Fruits, Tobaccoes, grandies, :2- i. i. ‘39. , -7 . J- 41 1"" ' 9 Ale Porter, Finest Scotch Whiskeys, Ms» A. Qomplete Stock of Everything * found SPINNING ‘WHEELS! ' SPINNING WHEELS ! t he subscriber in returning thanks for past favors would intimate to his friends and the public generally, that he has again commenced to manufacture Spinning Wheels and Jack-Reels, and has now on hand ï¬fty long reels, and ï¬fty more in course of construction, which, as the times are hard, will he sold very cheap for cash. Credit. will be given as usual. GEORGE CAMPBELL, Near Schoï¬eld’s Saw-Mill, Bentinck. May 4th, 1870. _ 2m. HE subscriber is desirous of selliu g Lots 24 and 25. con. 12, township of Ben- tinck, containing 200 acres of good hard- wood land, 41) of which are cleared and fenced, and well watered. , These lots are situate in a. prosperous locality, 10 miles t'rom Durham and four from the gravel road . . Vngce $8 per acre, one thud cash. Title indisputable. For ful} parï¬culars amfly to .. J AMES KELEHER, . Guelph, and Canadian ALWAYS IN STOCK: FARM FOR SALE. ram JOHN SHEWELL, Durham. June 23rd, 1870. particulars apply to SAMUEL E. LEGATE, ing to qï¬ality than auv other in Durham. No surrender to the F actotums. Small proï¬ts quick returns First-Class Land. Pipes, exchange. W mes, Durham. Out. 130. Esually a; m, W vvâ€"v -_V WW egs most respectfully to inform her Lady patrons, tha opened out a large and varied assortment of Ne w and Consisting in part of cured the services of a ï¬rst-class MILLINER, from ‘ by strict attention to business to merit a. share of public patronage. " 0 0:;- BUTTER EGGS TAKEN IN XCHANGE' FOR GOODS; HE SUBSCRIBER REGS TO RETURN mummy and to his numerous customers 3 of business, and also to inform them that his 0: now in complete order. having been recently 1 having engaged the services of one of the most wears standing, trusts bv unremitting attention HE SUBSCRIBER REGS TO RETURN THANKS TO THE PUBLIC GEN- En v.13, and to his numerous customers in particular, for past favors in his line of business, and also to inform them that his Cardirg and Cloth-Dressing Machinery is now in complete order. having been recently ï¬tted up with latest improvements, and having engaged the servxces of one of the most experienced workmen in Ontario, 24 years standing, trusts by: unremitting attention and good workâ€"ail Work warranted- to merit a share of public patronage. Parties from a Distance can have their W 001 same day 1 The GRIST-MILL 13 in complete running order, having recently been overhauled ready for all sorts of work. First-class Millers and strict attention to customers’ interests April EDGE MILLS, May 17th, 1870. VARIETY STORE, Loco seats «or: caeroasr sarcasm WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADES, 810., over brought to this part of the country, and selling at extremely low prices. Patterns to suit all tastes. In addition to the above we have also just received a large con- ' signment of varying in price from 3 to $35,00. w Have your walls papered; WhiteWash. Children’s Carriages, Cabs and Perumbulatars, ONTARIO BOOT STORE. 0th, 1870 DURHAM, May 17th, 1870. aper Hangings aper gaugings ape]? magings Papers from 4 cents per Roll. E. as Eï¬wgwg. The GREATEST BARGAINS of BOOTS SHOES to be had in Durham, at the made by ‘he beat Workmen, and of Stock of the best 1" warranted to wear well and ï¬t neatly. __ mm “3’: latest _style, Ladies’ 85 Misses’ Prunella. Gaiters 8; Balmorals selling at Cost. Note the SEQQ‘QK QE iQZ’Qa JUST RECEIVED AT Distance can have their Wool same day I Address, MRS. DAVIDSON, walls papered, it is cheaper and better than CUSTOM WORK AND "-'â€""--' UPPER TOWN, DURH'AM. Us vs-w \' v v that she has just received and Elegant Designs. JOHN KELLY. from Toronto, hopes and LUV “‘4‘, Jul- ‘ ' ' 7' I . . door to G.,Isaac’s saddlery shop, Upper" T0wn, Durham, where he‘ intends to devote } his-entire attentiï¬n to CUSTOM woaKz: Nothing but the best. stock used, and a.1 neat- ï¬t guaranteed. fljPPrices to suit the times; 163-31. New Shoe Shop ‘- Vuu [ “41.1 v .. -_. -7, , 1, Testimonials of most wonderful andl extraordinary cures in Canada by the? GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They are: stern, undeniable and incontestable facts,i sufï¬cient to convince the most skepticall that the Great Medical Compound vearnedf after for ages is now accessible in the Great l For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive Organs, Kidneys, c., aswell as Scrofula, the various Skin Diseases, Humoxs, and 9.11 diseases arising from impurities of the blood, we ho9div state that this great remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in the person of Wilson Storms,of Brighton, Ont, of Consumption ; or that of Peter C. Ulllo, Ul VUIluulnlrvvsvnu , v- -.â€"â€"- v V. Miller, of Earnestown, Ont., of Con- sumption; or that of Ambrose Wood, of Consecon, Ont, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. or that of John Hosey, of Napanee, Out, of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches for years, in Spite of all treatment heretofore, and is how well. Scores of such cases might be mentioned had we space. A n . ‘ wéj; (3:111- ï¬t the Drug Stores and get 3 Circular,_ ,nf Unquestmnable certiï¬cates on __ _ A _- ‘ --â€""n 1‘ hufï¬nii VII VHI‘V' PILLS, and satisfy yourselves. Price 01' the Remedy in large pints $1. (1:? For sale by all Druggists and Dcalers in Medicine. “Whoxes-a' e Agent~â€"Northrop Lyman. Newcastle, ij'an, Elliott 00;, Toronto. To Messrs. CHAMBERLAIN SILLS, Conway P. 0-. County of Lennox, Outarlo, ban- ada. MADOC, County of Hastings, Canada Farmer. Provmce or Ontario, Beb. 0th, 1869. MOORE'S RURAL PAYS This is to Certify that during the winter All who cultivate Fruits, Flowers. V906.- “1866 I was taken mm a weakness or the l tables. do, even on a small Scale. (in Ciii: anklesLWhich gradually, during the springl Village 0,. Submit» while ,0 I’armez's, 0f 1865.913911‘13‘1 to my knees, and 0“ “l" ’9 Planters, Horticuittn'ists, Stork Breeileis, to my 11193: and I became so weak that I l Wool Growers, Dain‘men. l’i uttrv Fan- c‘mld not walk. butwas conï¬ned to "tilt-am. are. it is IXIinsrtixsauLta. In chair. For about two years, while this-idle FAMILY it. is l:i_'hlv “.13,de 1,5 weakness was coming 0“,“,‘3’ and after-l Literary and Misrellmieehs lhâ€"partniwnls wards, I sought medical acme, employw l furnishinu cnou‘n so naturism. at difl'erent times, three doctors, and medi-l [AG 111530139, FOR ALL. L'l‘he Rt‘iui's cines of different kinds prescribed by iriends, MARKET AND CROP REPORTS but of no avail. I continued to get worse and worse, until the summer of 1868, when Are fun and reliable I'iflrtd hrin r ib‘v . . u to. i ‘ _ , - t, 3 I was induced to try the great Shoshoiiees Remedy by reading the cures performed, in a pamphlet. At this time I had begun to feel the weakness in my hands ; in fact I was getting almost helpless. I have taken two bottles of the shoshonees Remedy and two boxes of the pills, and I am entirely restored to health. I never expected to get better, but simply tried the medicine as a sort of forlorn hope. This case of mine was not a private one, but known to all my neighbors and lriends ; and to any one Edited, Illnstrnt- d and Primed in lime Style, and Adapted to Countty, Vittuge and City, the Itt’ttjtt. is the Paper lor Yourself, Family and Friends. It is not a tnuntlilv or semi-monthly, but a Large and Beauti- ful Illustratt d Weeklr, and. though double its former size, its Subscriptou Price re mains unchanged ! FORM, STYLE, TERMS, tic. 7ol. XXL, for 1870, will be published .‘ Q ' . ’ ‘ i ' V - V v . Efficifd 3" I Has, Idhd‘ieboiilivéoiiaz'ii‘y the tn buperitxr 5:} le. each Sumher compile OS onees “Be 5" e I“ “1 cure ing Sixteen Double Quatto Pages, (of hue you. Mn? Ass Dot'onrr. I hereby certify she is a woman of probity and truth. have known her before, her illness. true in every n! particular. always attribuh (1 her recovery shonees Remedy- A. F.- Woon, .1. P. Warden of the county of Hastings, Pro- Vince of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. Sworn to before me at Madoc, Couutv of Hastings this ninth day of February, 1869. A. F. Wool), J. P. «See. that I have known Mrs. Mary Ann Doughty for the last ï¬fteen years. _ I i duriuur and since I be;ieve her certiï¬cate to be I know that while ill her case was declared hopeless ; and I know that she has, since her recovery to the Sho- Whatever may be the peculiar prOperties of this medicine, one thing is certain that in her case, it has act- ed almost like the performance of a miracle. Columns Each.) Fundy Illustrated, and Ngatly Printed on Book Patter. Only $3 a Year ; in clubs often or more, .1". Z"). Canadians, 20 Us. a 3ear extra. for American postage. Subscribe and Club Now l Great inducements to Club Agents -â€"Over one Bundrrd Valuable Premiums, ranging in price from E4 to EG'lUl Speci- mens, Premium Lists, Show-Bids, ken sent lice. O l i The RI'RAL has always hailed from lochester, N. Y., (the heart of attained farming and fruit growing region whuein several ot its Editors and Contributors reside.) but as its p-incipal I’nhliration ‘Jllice is now in New Yolk, all letters Should be addt'essr d to l). l). T MOORE. 41 Park Row, New York. A HE FOLLOWING REMARK Shoshonees Remedy Gi’EImIiâ€"First \Veduesday in each month Hmmsmxâ€"Friday brfore Guelph Fair. Roswournâ€"Saturday befnre Guelph. Ermaâ€"1119 day befme Guelph. Duaytunâ€"l‘llf day'before Elma. C11} FORDâ€"Tbllxsdav befme Guelph Fair. '1 m IOTD u’ E--Friday before Guelph Fair. NEW BAMQURGâ€"l: inst Tuesday in each month. DURn.m-â€"Tuesday preceding the above. Ferretsâ€"Thursday following Mt. Forest. URANGEV‘ILLEâ€"Second Thursday in Jan., March, May, Julv, Sep., and Nov. MONO MILLSâ€"Third Wednesday in Jan., April, July and October. ERINâ€"First Monday in January, April, July and October. MAsoxvxLLizâ€"First Tuesday in February, May, August and November. month. BERLINâ€"First Thursday in each month. ELMIRAâ€" Second Monday in each month. WATERLOOâ€"Second Tuesday in each month. MT. FORESTâ€"Third Wednesday in each L SIMPSON SCO \IMENCED BU SINESS IN the above line, In the premises next ! i to G. Jackson, ISsq JINN ‘-'-â€"â€"-aâ€"_.-.â€" - _‘ OT No. 16. Con. 3 West of the Gara fmxa Rnad H’lomnship of Beminck, containing 100 acres, abou139 acres clear- ed. Termsâ€"$300 cash. STOP AND SEE! Feb. 15, 1870. Monthly Cattle Fairs. LAND FOR SALE» PATRICK WELSH. 1 J 9. E POWER) in the Village‘of 'B' for Sale or to Lease. Terms rem Appâ€, 1.0 the S'deCIiber, at Gwen or to Mr. John Crispm, near Han to G. Jackson, Esq_,M. P., Du“... FANT’ Vegeta Nah Hair Hestmalive, 1'11 \D Tn!) DD! Hair Dresser. (to, Dunnvineflhh PRICEâ€"$1.50cts. and 25 00.1115 p?!- home, (If? This is a mOst superior artible, 0%; posed entirely of vegetablp substaneeg’,.hd is positively the. best article for the hi: ever-manufactured. 121. "‘1 form the inhabitan's 01' During;- and vicinity, that he has curmneuced bmi‘, ness in the New Cottage, near the Ashe" Having had considerable pracrice in L0; don and many of the pzovincial towns}, England, hapes by strict. anem'm. to b“; ness, to merit a share of public patronage. Nov. 23, 1869. W‘ RUBAL,LI'IERA1’Y AND FANIIIV WEI hLY. Vol. XXL. for 1870, of this Famong' Journal will Excel in all the chm-actmisncé of a First-Ciass Rural, Lixetary, Familj and business Newspaper, combinedâ€" making it the The Rl'nAL was Doubled in Size am? Vastly Inqï¬'Ov-ed in J an. last, and is now not only the Largest, Clwapest and Best, buttalso the Largest Circulating Weekly in its Sphere. Superior in Al‘i'ity, Value and Variety of Contents, as mil as in but also the Largest Circulating ll eekly in its S phere. Superiur in Al 1 'it_\. \ alue and Variety of Contents, as \w: l as in Size, Style and Illustrations, and liaxinga " Continental Circula'i ("mâ€"w: tb 191.5 of thun- sands of ardent admirers in both Toxin and Countryâ€"the Rl RAL is the great FARM AND FIRESIDE FA‘ ORIT E Employing the Beet. Talent in the Land Lhaving Nine Eble Editors and Hundreds of Special Contributors and Correspmuilcuté â€"and being an acknowledged a nlmrity on Practical, Sciémiï¬c and Literary Subjects, an Exchange truly says of it that â€Tm" {URAL is the most 11‘1":ngme Primed, Abiy Edited, Widely Circulated and Heanilyj Welcomed Paper, as a whole, which now ï¬nds its way among the Pvuple." The CAxAnnx Duu'mraswz latelvintro- c'uced, is conducted by Rex. .I‘. Claxke, of Guehwb Out., formerly editor of the Canada Farmer. MUORE'S RURAL PAYS URNITURE 19mm“ 11â€..-- 3 Mama’s Rural New-Ymket Edited, Iilush‘utz-d and Primed in LExrrh Style, and Adapted to Cuuutxy, \"illngeuud City, the Rzrxul, is the Paper tor Yourseif, Family and Friends. It is not a monthly or semi-(notably, but a Large and Beaufi~ ful Illustratcd Weekiv,â€"and, though double its former size, its Subscription Price re« mains unchangtd ! New York City, and Rochester, N. Y. V0]. XXL, for 1870, will be published in Superiur Style. each Number commie; ing Sixteen DuuMe Quarm Pages. (of Five Columns Each.) Fme‘zy Hiusuated, and Ngatly Printed on Book Paper. Only $3 a Year ; in clubs often or more, $22 5‘). Canadians, 20 (3‘8. 9. 3ear extra. for American postage. Subscrihe and Club’ Now 1 Great inducements to Club Agents â€"Uver one Hundred Va‘uaNe Plemiums, ranging in price from $4 to $600 ! Speci- . mens, Premium Lists, Show-Dub, km, sent l (we. OR THE PRESERVATION Growth of the Hair. Manuf: 3.qu mm The RURAL has alwavs hailed fmiz'xj Rochester, N. Y., (the heart of alamed farming and fsuit growing region whczein several 01 its Editms and Contribulom reside,) but as its p-incipal Publication Ofï¬ce is now in New York. all letter‘ should be addressed to DURHAM CHRONICLE WHITE 8: JOHNSON, AT THE 0181:1«12, LOWER VILLAGE; DURHAM. Law Respecting Newspapers l.Strb3cribe1s who do 1101 gin exmrES notice to the central. are cox1~<idexed a! wishimr to continue theix subsui; 110115. 2.113ubscr1hcrsorde1 the discontmuance nfnmir nprindioals. the 1111111151161 111m semi wishing to continue llaéir subscri; Hons. 2. Ifsubscrihersorderthe discontinuance oftheir periodicals, the publisher may send them until all arrears are paid, sulmcribew are responsible for all numners svm. A A ‘n-‘.‘ lARGEST---BEST--:CHEAPEST. a“. .wrvu-.-" -. _ _V__V , 3. lfsubscribers neglect or refuse to take the periodicalsh'om the uï¬ice toM‘hicMhry are directed, they are he‘d reepunuhlé till they have scétlcdtllcir Bill. ana ordered their periodicai to be diacumizmed. â€" Sending numbers back, or leaving them in (he Oflice, is not such Notice of diSCOfl' tinuance as the Law Requires. 4. If subscribers 111me to other places withom informing the publidxer, and their peuiodiculs are sum to the fox-me! d1rections,tney are held responsible. NAPOLEON OF ITS CLASS! Eight cents per line for ï¬rst insertione and two cents toreach subsequent ingenious Busmeee Cards, ten hues and under, per annum $4. The number of‘iines in an advortisrmefl‘ to be ascertained by the :mmum uf spa“ whichit OCCUL ie in the column a: meas by a scafle‘ufsolid hrevier. . a? Liberal arrangements made “'1“ Merchants and others advertitixsg by the year. ' ‘ ‘ â€"â€"nn;ï¬ed HY COPE, Tailor, OULD RESPI‘ZC'I'IVITLLY ï¬fAdvertisemems wither iirectlons. inserted until fonbid, accordingly. BY 0. o. 'r. MOORE, ll (If? No unpaid letters will WWW" the Pom Oflice. Book and Job printing“ Ofeverv description unsurpassed by am ( Orders b) Mail will: THE GREAT ILLYS'I'RATE Rates of Advertising- â€VJ 5“ BLE. ES REASONA G can: IUN A“ 1112;191:111“ [1X PART "‘3 c. ,Dunnville On? 5 (CHIS per home BY “Ed in Exrri Ly, "'1'“th and r tor Yourself, not a monthly ge and Beauti- , though double men Price ma HIS, c. be publisixed mber compï¬s‘ Pages, (of Five ‘nc! ruisal‘ and Sound 3 0i QWCiï¬ed 1 chars“ the White prom M‘ Mere? A†w n OM Ilia