b Printing ertising- 1291' ï¬rst insertion, mmluent insertioill .rs and under, pet (I) MS made EI'UEH} (I by H: to othef the publishef, t to the former .;ousible. .d, an (7f (Ii 8601!. speciï¬ed (1 c1338“ with the Dress-makinz. patronage 0f Permss ~13 w Dress-making. and woum mum, Wu-.- ---- patronage of Durham and vicinity. Mrs. Pei-kiss is well acquainted with above branches, and aiso Strawwork. Flnting (30:1? in good style. 9:?Residence next to R. McKenzie’s large brick score, Lower Village. T§?~3ۤMITH, MFRAIJ STREET, DURHAM '2" .m moons, SORT}! OF THE BRIDGE.) ' 1i â€01: TRADE. 2 rates. t DYING 3133351253 A ch 1:33 3110013 On'l’ucscfay evening, a short while after dark-,3 most terrible tragedy oc- curred at Shelby, a station on the Memo phis and Louisville Railrord, eighteen i miles from this city. From what. our! reporter has been able to gather from! those persons who seemed to be im! formed in regard to the occurrence, it? appears that Samuel J. Dickey and (ï¬nsi Fleming had been d ning the afternoon playing tenpins in the alley of Messrs. English 85 Stewart They were friend- 1;, and nothing occurred to mar the pleasure of the game until an old man, whose name could not. be ascertained, and who had just come from Memphis, entered the saloon. Mr. Fleming used words to the old man which Dickey did not seem to consider appropriate to be applied to one of his age, and therupon remonstrated with him. This angered “I Rut-ripï¬ï¬n of Tinware con- I; §' :. 32:; on Eymd and made to 0rd". : is nmvutactured under my own‘ and none but the very best 14‘ ml. JUBBING done promptly he very best style, at the lowest te-s. {if}? Particular attention paid 9-Trouzhing. A large stock of DOORS Meeting Dickey standing in the gro- cery store of William Jones, he levelled the gun at him, and ï¬red. The con- tents entered his left. side. Dickey quickly seized a gun which was leaning 'against the counter, and, walking to- ward the door, ï¬red at Fleming, the contents entering his left breast, a short distance above the heart. Sust then both fell dead within twelve feet of each other. Mr. Samuel J. Dickey was a. farmer who resided about four miles from Shel- by Station. He was a widower, and leaves but one child, aged three years. He was about 33 years of ago. Mr. Fleming kept a livery stable at Shelby, wasamarried man, and leaves a. wife and one child. He Was 21 years of age. In an inn at Strasbourg, some Alger- ines, ofï¬cers, sub-ofï¬cers, and French soldiers, were engaged in eating a com. fortable dinner,_the ï¬rst for eight. days. A brother of Mr. Dickey was in the city yesterday, and procured two walnut coflios from Messrs. Flaberty 8!. Co., which he took with him on the after- noon train. The afl'air, has, of course, created great excitement in Shelby and and its vicinityâ€"Memphis Avalanche, Sept. 15. ‘ A stranger entered and asked permis- sion to join them at the table. “Gentle- men,’ said he, ‘although I do not have the honor of being known to you, I am not a stranger to the grand family of the army. Captain Brunet, of the Twenty-ï¬rst line, is my best friendâ€"al- most my brother.’ A jury of inquest was summoned by Squire Brewer, and a verdict rendered in accordance with the above facts. F.,aud a dispute arose between Mr.‘:0bjectiou is ma: Dickey and himself. 100 the back, at] Finally Fleming left, and went to the 1 by a number. house 0t ’Squirc Brewer, near by, and i the premiums asked him for the loan of a .double-bar- ; good husbands, I l { lbeauty. reled shot-gun. ‘W'uat do you want. with it ‘3’ enquir- ed the ’Squire. ‘To kill chickens,’ replied Fleming who took the gun and departed. On account of Capt. Brunet, although no one present knew him, the stranger was allowed to take a seat. He had al- ready eaten the cotelette and the ragout, and had commenced to chat with his companions, when his evil destiny brought into the room an ofï¬cer of the Twenty-ï¬rst.- ‘Ah !’ said one to the stranger, ‘here is some one who will give you news of your friend.’ ‘Lieutenant, we present to you an in- timate friend of Captain Brunet.’ “What Brunet ?’ ‘Of the Twemy-ï¬rst.’ ‘We have never haul any Captain Brunet during the ten years I have been in it.’ The intruder was visibly embarrassed. He stammered, and, in his confusion, betrayed a foreign accent. Some Turcos took the Lieutenant aside, and said: ‘ ‘Are you sure Capt. Brunet is un- known in the Twenty-ï¬rst ?’ ‘I give you my word of honor!’ Fate of ,a. Prussian Spy in a. Strasbourg Inn. DEAD 1113 BIURDERER. Double Tragedy! Banada Landed Credit Edmpany. Money Loaned at 8 per cent. ‘. CAPITAL, - a $1,000, 000. Presidentâ€"LEWIS MOFFATT, ESQ. Vice-Presidemâ€"“Joï¬x MACDONALD, ESQ. Secretaryâ€"Jens Sx'noxs, Esq. ' ‘ DIRECTORS: Hon. G. W. AHan, M. P. ; Wm. Alexander, Esq. ; Hon-George Brown ; Hon.’Asa A. Burnham, M. P.; C. S. Gzowski, Esq. ; His Honor Judge Gowan; Hon. W. 1’. How- land, C. B. ; Hon. Wm. AcMaster, M. P. ; J. B. Osborne, Esq“; S. .Spreull, Esqfl; Larratt W. Smith, Esq., D. C. L. BANKERSâ€"Bank of Commerce, .Toronto - debt. . . ‘ _The borrower has, if he desires, 23 years . to'_pay off the loan lent ; he has always thei privilege of liberating his estate from the mortgage by'gii'ving 6 months notice. The borrower is allowed 6 per cent, compound interest, for any even sum above $100 hepays before it becomes due. No ï¬nes to .pay. No aharea required to La mkpn. No commissxon charged. No l' . . . . nor ' § 0n n snmll- r oc amon. If u (If? A few good farms or 83 e. v-7- _The borrower has, ii tozpay of? the loan lent privilege of: liberating mortgage by'gii'ing 6 1 N0 ï¬nes to .pay. m: be taken. No commis expenses of renewals. I am receiving app] All business connected promptly transacted. ' A 7 single lady in the State, to be exhibited Eat the next regular fair, to be held on Ethe 5111, 6th and 7th days of October next, viz: A full sized portrait of the! Elady to be painted from the photograph, by an accomplished artist, and elegant lly flawed in gilt. Every lady in the i,State who lays any claim to beauty is Einvited to have her photograph taken 1 . Eand sent to the “ Agrxcnltnral Associa- ‘Etion P. 0. box 151, San Antonio, Texas†The standing position, with Eflowing robes, is recommended. The Ename and place of residence-must ac- Ecompany each photograph; where no Echjection is made, they will be placed Eon the back, others will be designated The handsomest woman in ‘ Tens is wanted. Here is a novel mode of rais- ing a breeze :â€"-At a meeting of the di rectors of the Agricultural, Industrial and Stock Raising Associating of West- ern Texas, it was resolved to glow the young men of San Antonio to give the following special premium for the pho- tograph of the handsomcst married or Asians, DUCHESS or Summaâ€" Amelie, Duchess of Saxony, whose death is announced, was sister of the reigning King of Saxony. She was born in 1794, and, after an extensive tour int Europe, applied herself to literary pur- < suits. She wrote under the assumed name of Amelie Hciter, two’eomediesl in verse, which were performed at Dreso den in 1829 and 1830, and were favora- ‘ bly received. Encouraged by the suc- cess of these pieces, she prepared nums erous others, which were performed at the theatres of Germany, and enjoyed great p0pularity. The leading feature in her dramatic writing was the skill and taste with which the virtues of the middle classes were placed in contrast with the sentiments thus expressed ser cured her many friends, and rendered her generally popular. Beside the writings referred to, the Duchess com- posed some pieces of sacred music. It is a standing tradition of the Nia- gara Indians, shared to a great extent now by the white people in the vicinity of the Falls, that the “Great Spirit†or Thunderer of Waters must have annu- ally four victims sacriï¬ced to his power. Curiously enough, a year seldom passes during which at least four persons are not drowned, either in the Falls or the whirlpool below. This year an old man of more than 70 years stepped into the breakers above the Falls, and, losing his hold, was swept over the frightful cataract. At De Vaux College, a stu- dent, daring his companions to wade into its terriï¬c eddies, and instantly disappeared to be seen no more. A few days afterward a drunken father adven- tured, with his two children and a rep- robate companion, into a boat above the rapids, and in their drunken orgies the little ones were thrown out and drown- ed, though the two drunken wretches escaped. So far, therefore, the Indians believe implicitly in the fourfold sacri- ï¬ce, and each year’s disasters conï¬rm their belief. Some witty divine relieves the mono- tony of a stage coach pilgrimage with anecdotes admirably descriptive of a certain style of modern praying zâ€"A Cape Cod clergyman one Sabbath had prayed most earnestly for rain. He en- treated the Lord to “uncork the bottle of Heaven and send down the refresh- ing showers.†The drouth had lasted through August and a part of Septem- ber. Tuesday morning the storm hem gan, and continued with great violence till Friday, flooding the country and sweeping oï¬' bridges in all directions.â€" 1 Saturday night it set in to rain again, and on the Sabbath morning it was still 1pouring down. This time the prayer 1 was as follows :---“0, Lord, we recently 1 took occasion to entreat Thee to uncork 3 the bettles of Heaven and send down 1 the refreshing showers, but we did not 1 mean that the corks should be thrown * away.†Mr. Starr followed with a sto- ry of "Parson Howe,†of Milton, Conn. Auaust 1 1th, 1870. All. SORTS 0F PARAGRAPHS. in. applications for Loans. cted therewith Will be . MCLELLAN, Agent and Valuer. «In: .1- The committee to award will be married men, and competent judges of u All day loné the landscape has been ‘ above haippy with the green gladness of warm . 'All day long the waters have d. No made their mnrmnring mnsm, the woods Loans have breathed their pleasant fragrance, " ' end the school children have laughed and sung and played. . . ahaâ€. The porter looked for one moment 1844f. lafter the vanishing carriage,and then at t during thel . - . ._ ment for life, for the murder 0 ' 'a r . Mark‘s, where is she ? The porter Opens an inch wider the door, which he has hitherto held as tho’ to shut it in the lady‘s face, and responds with one word. Dead! One moment, for heaven’s sake! pleads the woman, putting forth a hand that has money in it. When did she die? How ? I will tell you ma ’am, says the porter, his great band sweeping sw: ftly over the little outstretched palm and leaving it And the child ? continues the lady. Was taken an hour since to the Fonndling Hospital, and admitted. A suppressed sound, an inartieulate ‘sob, an incoherent word or two is heard beneath the veil; A moment more, the lady has re entered her carriage, and it has rolled atvay. _ LOYELL’S _ . Dominion Provincial Directories To be Published in oetober, 1870. I OTICE.-â€"Learning that my name has been unwarrantabiy used in connec- tion with Directories now being canvassed in the Provinces, and entirely distinct from my works, and that in other cues it has been stated that my Directories have been abandoned, I wenld‘ request those desiring to give a preference to my works to see that persons representing themselves as not- ing for me are fnrnished with satisfactory credentials. Lovell’s Directories- T is intended to make these Directories the most complete and correct ever issued on this continent. They are nct be ing prepared by correspondence, but by personal canvass, from door to door, of my own Agents, for the requisite infer-mation. l have now engaged on the work in the sev- eral Provinces Forty men and Twenty horses. These are engaged mainly on the towns and villages 03' the Railway and Steamboat Routes, important places on the lines being held till the completion of the former, to admit of correction to latest date. I anticipate issuing, in October next, the Canadian Dominion Directory, and Six Provincial Directories, which will be a correct index to the Dominion of Canada, \ew,toundiand and Prince Edward I iand, andacombined Gazetteer, Directory and Hand Book of the six Provinces. SL'BSCRIPTIOX TO THE DOMINION DIRECTORY 2 Dominion of Canada Subscribers $12 Cy. United States do 12 Gold. Great Britain andlreland do £3 Stg. France, Germany, c., do £3 Stg. Subscnption to Provincial Directories. Province of Ontario Directory, 1870 71 $4 Province of Quebec do 1810 71 4 Province of Nova Scotia do 1:570 71 3 Province of New Brunswick Ground in Oil. 'l‘hib’ paint is superior to, and more durable than the best. White Lead, either for inside or outside work, Lake going craft, c. Its use is not injurious to the health. Dlrect from Tnos. HUBBUCK a: 80):, London, England. wm'w zmc gum Province of Prince Edward -. Island Directory, 1870-71 2 (I? No Money to be paid until each book is g_elivereg.‘.;;n _ _ Rates of Adz'értising will made be known on applicahon‘to 1‘ ro‘v r n'vnn ' n f .0 I makersâ€"Best Durable Qualities, - AT TORONTO WHOLESALE PRICES. Directory, 1870-71 Province of Newfoundland Just to hand, direct from the»English Specialities at the big axe, 0003 MATS, C®AL OIL, Coal Oil Lamps, Nickle Silver Spoons . Forks, Of a reliable quality, in great variety. Img-mrtvea direct, will be 861d RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. Montreal, March 16, 1370. ENCOURAG E HOME MANUFACTURE Platform Counter Scales, INCLUDING HAND, TABLE, HALL, JLc. Chimneï¬ Wicks, direct from Makers. Made by the celebrated ï¬rm of Gl'RNEY, \VARE a 00., of Hamilton, in stock at Makers’ prices. These Scales are WAR- RAS'BED perfect, reliable, and durable,being made in the very best. manner. W. KOUGH. %EVERY FACILITY FOR DOING FIRST-CLASS WORK AT THE “CHRONICLE†OFFICE. Montreal, March 16, 1870. CRUETS, SPDDNS, FORKS M3. AXD Owen Sound, Dec. 7, 1869. 25 Kegs HUBBUCK’S Genuine Owen Sound. 86:13.3sz AQENEY. ELECTROPLATED A LARGE LOT OF A for one moment Adversity brings a man outs-at the carriage,and then at. knees and elbows.- J OHN LOVELL, Publisher. A BALE OF Eirectory, 1870-71 ‘ mv other ~ m N surrend: t e handle 5 I E W?“ the threshhold, he graspe of the door, and shut the servant out.â€" Thc movement was so singular that Mr, Gilmore started to his feet,and Alice clutched her father’s arm. A change came over the intruder. -â€" H IS hands could be seen to tremble, and he turned very pale. Excuse me;lx-e said, feebly; I am ill, and I have walked very far. Will you let me take a seat? Alice was about. to place him a chair, but her father restrained her. Leave Us alone, my dear, a. little while, he whispered. This person, if I am not mistaken, would like to see me on business. And he waved his hand towards an arm-chair, in which the visitor seated himself. In another moment, Alice, with one questioning glance at her father, quitted the room, and the two were left alone, facing each other, and looking straight into one another's eyes. There was a long pause, and then Mr. Gilmore re-seated himself and drew a long breath. WELSON, IUWMAN 00., SEWING MACHINE MANUFACTURERS, Woan call the attention of the. readers of the Dt RHAM Cnnoxlm E to the fact that they are new manufacturing a NEW LOCK- STITCH SHUTTLE SEWING MA- CHINE, called after the inventor, Mr. C. ___ _. - ‘â€" -; - -â€"___-m F. Lockman, the LOCKMAN PATENT FAMILY SHUTTLE SEWING MA- CHINE, which has, n. the short time during which it has been before the public, become WONDERFULLY POPULAR. Although only a little more than three months have elapsed since its ï¬rst introduction, the “Lockman Patent†in that short space of time has found its way into over 1200 CAN- ADIAN HOMES. A feat WITHOUT PARALLEL in the Sewing Machine annals of the Dominion, if not of the world. So strong has the demand for their Machine become, that the manufacturers have been compelled to ENLARGE THEIR PREMI- SES, and [NC-REASE THEIR STOCK 01“ MACHINERY, to the extent ofmaking the producing capacity of their Establishment SECOND T0 NO OTHER IN THE D0- MINION. ,j The secret of the great success ofthe “Lock. man Patent†is to be found in its EXTREME SIMPLICITY, GREAT DURABILITY, ADAPTABILII‘Y, WONDERFUL CAPACITY, EXTRAORDINARY CHEAPNESS, Though notwithstanding this cheapness the WORKMANSHIP IS EXCELLENT, Has all the attachments which have been found of use by long experience. VS ith 9.11 the usual accessofiges and‘ accom- panied by Will be supplied with this excellent Machine Could offer no more acceptablea gift to their Miuish‘r than a “Lockman Patent.†Sewing Machine. WILSON ,BOWMAN . 00., HAMILTON, ONT. FULL INSTRUCTIONS AS TO USE AND MANAGEMENT. (1:0 131% 00516136311.) IN PERFECT WORKING ORDER, Agent for Durham and vicinity, tore cheaj 0' to q: other.i . S ‘ I 9' in 0 HIV t 7 he era‘sflé . . .w/./ 7 , . 1 , ,. x . . fflï¬/f h/Iflf/ï¬I/IV/I writ/A 0/. zflllln surrenl handh 8e THE “ LOCKMAN PATENT †Are sent anywhere, on appficaï¬on.- AT A LIBERAL DISCOUNT. By that of any other Machine. FINISH UNSURPASSED HAMILTON, emu, EVERY MACHINE F. H. Edwards. CONG REG GATIONS CLE 1G YMEN IS SENT OUT CIRCULARS AND THE BUM: to WILLEY’S? er accord- Ellily than I Durham. 91‘..LQ-},119. supper [1 ed.’ tinned Polly. ‘Polly,’ replied Joe, ‘you don‘t know nothing about ï¬ghting. I tell you We fonght like tigers; we rolled and tumb- ledâ€"ï¬rst. him 'on top and then meâ€"then the boys would pat me on the shoulder and holler, ‘Oh; my I Stetson !’ We gonged and bit, and tore up the dirt in Seth Runnel’s grocery yard Worse than two wild hulls. Polly, ainlt supper most ready ? I’m monstrous hungry.’ ‘Joe St‘etson,’ exclaimed Polly, in a tone bristling with anger, ‘will you tell me who whipped. ‘9’ ‘Polly,’ said Joe; drawing a hang sigh, ‘I hollered 1’ Of the chassepot in actual use a pri- l vate letter from the ï¬eld says. Hâ€"Noth could be worse than a chassepot at short range. We see the Frenchmen spitting on their cartridges, sticking their ï¬ngers into their guns, and giving every 9053i" ble sign that, after a few shots, the chassep‘ot gets so foul they don’ t. know how to treat it.- ;Joe do tell me who whipped} con' The Chassepot in Actual Use. Mrs. I). having secured the services of a. ï¬rst-class MILLINER, by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. n VVUâ€"vvâ€"â€"_ ll ERu.LY, and to his numerous customers in particular, for past favors in his line of business, and also to inform them that his Cardieg and ClothsDressing Machinery is now in complete order. having been recently ï¬tted up with latest improvements, and having engaged the services of one of the most experienced workmen in Ontario, 2J years standing, trusts by unremitting attention and good workâ€"all work warrantedâ€"=- to merit a share of public patronage. The GRIST-MILL 13 in complete running onier, having recently been oxjerbauied, ready for all sorts of work. First-class Millers and strict attention to customers’ interests. Paper _ Paper Hangings V" gags most respebtfully to inform h Opened out a large and varied a: Consisting In part. of- Window Shades Window Shades Window Shades 0:1? BUTTER EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. April 20th, 1870. VARIETY STORE, l,5QQ ï¬QIALS Q1? GEEQZQEQS rarraans WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADES, c., ever brought to this part of the country, and selling at extremelv low prices. Patterns to suit all tastes. ready? I’m nearly stal‘V' like madmen, and giving way without -__--(.)r iaam . knOWiDg Why 0“ Wherefo’e' They did taloes. .. .1 me who whipped,’ can use; great deal of mischief with the Bush anv otl . _ bayonet, but when the VVurtemhurg Dozen Sivedi: plied Joe: '3’03 60“" know cavalry (3113'ng them they ran away '4 One dozen P: .t ï¬ghting. I tell you We It is not like that that men should he- Dozen Chable igers; we rolled and tumb- have in war.†Dozen Field EDGE MILLS, May 17th, 1370. Parties from a. Distance can have their Wool same day 1 HE SUBSCRIBER REGS T0 RETURN_THANKS 1:0 THE‘ PUBLIQ.GEN- MEthERY; _- LADIE’S HATS AND BQNNE'gs, ,. ¢ . FEATHERS AND RIBBONS, EETTETT’ END 6‘? TITE EATEET EESTTTOTT. Spain 1.8 Fash 10118. Note the Address, MRS. DAVIDSON, JUST RECENED AT 535591??? @E 1.8:?0. It used to be said, in times past, that the Yankees of Connecticut were queer inventive-geniuses; they went so far as to invent wooden nutmegs, and palm them off on the honest Knickerbockers as the simon-pure article. But their , star must wane before a genius in Mis- souri, who has recently taken out a very ‘notel patent. The invention consists in lso combining and arranging a poultry roost with the gates of one or more bee hives that the perehin‘g of the poultry upon the roost will serve to automatical- ly close the hives. The object is to in- sure the closing of the hives at night, so as to exclude the bee moth, and the opening of the same in the morning to permit the passage of the bees in and out during. the day. Surely,- the genius of our peOple of this univereal Yankee nation is equal to all emergencies; A Patent Hen Roost; AND Decoraï¬ians Decm‘aï¬ons Decoratimns Flowers, Hosiery, .c. UPPER TO WN, DURHAM. JOHN KELLY. ., from Toronto, hopes or Garnet Chili Po- ‘ tatoes. ...... .a. ...- 1 00 O 75‘ Bush. any other kind. ... 0 50 O 25 :t Dozen Swedish annipsu 0 50 0. 25 t One dozen Patsnips. ... . 0 50 0 25 I Dozen Table Carrots†.0 50 O 25 2 Dozen Field Carrots..:.1 00 O 75 ( Dozen Blood Beets----.-- O 50 O 25 ( Dozen Seed Onions. “as. 0 50 0 25 ‘ Peck any other kind ..... 0 50 O 25 z Half dozen Cabbages. ... O 50 O 25 1 Half doz. Red Cabbages. 0 5O 0 25 ‘ ?Two Caï¬liflowers. ...--. 0 50 0 25 ' {Dozen Crab Apples.... .-. 0 50 0 25 ’ iDozen Tomatoes.....-... 0 50 O 25 ' 501ba. Raw Flax. ...--- 1 00 O 75 ' DozenPlums......-..- --- 0 50 0 25 ! Dozen Apples... .....-- 0 50 0 25 Dozen Pears. ......... - -0 50 0 25 Three Stalks Celery. . . .. 0 5O 0 25 Six Bunches Grapes. .. .. 0 50 O 25 Six Squashes .......... 0 50 0 25 Six Citrons----........ 0 5O 02 Six I’nmpkins. o 50 o 22‘ MECHANICAL onK (to makers.)i \Vaggon. 5 o' o' 3 a a o .--- .; - Buggy......d. 45;...“ Farm Horse Harness. .- .- a Set of Horse Shoes, from ' the hammer...a ..; AS COMMENCED BUSINESS IN the above line, in the premises next d__oor to G. Isaac’s saddlery Shop, Upper Town, Durham, where he intends to devote his entire attention to CUSTOM WORK. Nothing but the best Stpck used, and a neat ï¬t guaranteed. 0:?Prices to suit the times. 163-y. HE FOLLOWING REMARKS ON Testimonials of most wonderful and extraordinary cues in Canada by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They are stern, undeniable and incontestable facts, sufï¬cient to convince the most skeptical that the Great'Medical Compound yearned after for ages is now accessible in the Great For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive ()rgans, Kidneys, c., as well as Scrofula, the various Skin Diseases, Humoxs, and all diseases arising from impurities of the blood, we boldly state that. this great remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in the person of Wilson Storms,of Brighton, Out, of Consumption ; or that of Peter C. V. Miller, of Earnestown, Out., of Con- sumption; or that of Ambrose Wood, of Consecon, Out, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. or that of John Hosey, of Napanee, Out, of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches for years, in Spite of all treatment heretoi'oze, and is now well. Scores of such cases might be mentioned had we space. 5‘ r. C 0:? Call at the Drug Stores and geta circular, oi unqunslmnahle certiï¬cates on _-_ _--‘-â€"_ ‘----‘~ “ “-111“?! {I}; 01219,: TSiIOSHUNL‘ '8 121311110 3 Q PILLS, and satisfy yourselves. Pgice of the Remedy in large pints $1. (3:? For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. Wholesale Agent.~‘â€"â€"Northr0p 8: Lyman. Newcastle, Lyman, Elliott 00., Toronto. To Messrs. CHAMBERLAIN SILLS, Conway P. 0. County of Lennox, Ontario, Can- ada. MADOC Count of Hastings of Guelph, Ont. former} editor or" the . 2 Y ‘ , _ 9 .. , 7 3’ Provmce of Ontario, heb. 9th, 1869. Canada farmer. ' This is to certity that durino the winter _ . '1 MUURE'S RURAL PAYS 32,3536 Ihvya: tahedn “,Tthda “.Fd'lttigss Of lhe All who cultivate Fruits, Flowers. Vege» " w 1c gra 11‘“ y’ tprlng e spring tables. 8:0. even on a small scale (in (it: 0f1867,.é'1{tended to my Knees, and: on “l, Villaue orZ Suburb) “hilt: to :l‘ar'nv-f Sway hips, alt;debecatne suï¬weztjk that] Planters, Horticulturists, Stock Bret-ting, - “Qt wa {’ ““48 con tie‘to my Wool (izowers. Dulltmï¬l. Poultry l'iarlâ€" chair. For about two )(31‘8, while this - q - lVIlNl’I’YS , -. h weakness was comin-r on me and after- Clef†0" u 1.5 3 3’ “ ALL]; -' . '= . ." . the FAMILY it is hr-hly rewarded, ‘1‘- ““‘?S~ {3°“éh‘med‘c'd‘ ““0", emP“‘Y“‘¥ Literary and Miscellmi’eous Diraflmmti at different times, three doctors, and medi- t'urnishino CHOH'F A\‘D ENTERTUV cines of different kinds prescribed by Iriends , ‘ -, . , . but of no avail. I continued to get WOI‘SZ- UM: RbADI‘Sb FOR ALL. 'lhe l’thAI. s and worse, until the summer of 1868, when MARKET AND CROP REPORTS I was induced to try the 0rest Shoshonees - D - . - :r‘ ‘ I . ' Remedy by reading the cures perlormed, 1n )2"? full and "alum?“ It'di’ed‘ him? 5â€"? - ° ‘ J O ‘ 3 I ' , . '5‘ ' F: n "u‘ , feel the weakness in my hands ’ in tacr 1 5351“? m“ A‘Ml ".0 ‘9 hum“ 5’ \ ‘l. ‘r' “l? ’ . City the ltrnu is the Paper tor loam-rt was getting almost helpless. I have taken F- A, ‘d 1:“: d‘ l .‘ y ‘ ' ,j ' two bottles of the shoshonees Remedy and 4"†5' an â€e“ °‘ t 1° "M :1 "MM“ two boxes of the pills, and I am entirely restored to health. I never expected to get better, but. simply tried the medicine as a sort of forlorn hope. This case of min:- was not a private one, but known to all my , , . . . , ’ .‘ ‘ . 1* . neighbors and friends 3 and to any one I OHM, S] 1141*: 'IERLb, M' afflicted as I was, I have only to say try the . . . v r v . Râ€" . ". Shoshonees Remedy, “where it Will cure . ‘ 0“ XXI". for 1‘ ‘0’ WI†he Fulï¬ll?! vou'. ‘ MARY A,“ DUI'GIITY. in Superior Myle. each hummer cmnuns- d Sworn to before me at Muduc, County 0'. ‘_â€â€˜-' Sixteen Douhle Qumm 1"“95' ("l I â€3 Hastings this ninth ea" of February, 1869 (.Jilumns) Lad“) kWh." ‘ “â€5““th “L3 $.13. \VUUD, J: P. «SIC. .\eatly 1 :‘llitt‘tl on lug-Uh i aper. I hereby certify that l have known Mrs. c.3331“? :7? a if“ :’ "lycmlm 01 ‘8] or more Mary Ann Doughty forthc iast titteen years. "f‘ a ’ L.““"“ “‘"S‘ ‘0 “5° 3.8Ҡ(j 3.“: have known her before, during, and since M’W 1 Great “Mooring-3.1? lo‘cittn AgHilt her illness. I be.icre her certiï¬cate to he l -â€"Uver "“9 Hundr‘d \ “’"al’m 1 â€'“ill‘ms‘ , , .. ,' ' ‘. c -<‘. v Q true In every particular. I know that ranging: 1†ll'ue trout ‘4 to “Um ' “lԠo a ) . . .5 Q ‘ . V I a . .. ‘ while m her casp was declared hopeless ; tnens, I temium lele, bhow LLL, scent . ' l ) and I know that she has, Since her recoverr "5°: ., , , , ’ lhe RURAL has alwars hams .rnr: always attzibutad her recoxery to the Sho ‘ . . , ,. shonees Remedy- Whatevt-c- may be the “WWWâ€? P“ .1" (the heart .M 1" (â€if peculiar pt'OpelIiQS oftl‘is medicine, one farming al‘d,f"u",§.râ€â€œ"“€ ""31"““1’3": thing is certain that in her case, it has act- 58"?“ o! "5 Wm“? “Pd L "fluffufll‘: ed almost like the performance of a miracle. reside). but as. â€s ,l“ â€"1““! I'l‘,l,‘l‘,‘"“'é“"’ A. I). \VUO“. J. l). ‘Jbllltffd lbs “3?? m lhew 30th, tut .t-lttfï¬ .. ..°'- ) sou eatrcsnttn Warden of the county of Hastings, 110- I). ll. T Mtltlllli. . ‘ ‘\ -._ \v .. vince of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. , , n v ,1, or semi-monthlv, but a Large and Beauti- ful Illustrattd Vt'rekly,â€"â€"and, tliotzfltduulaie its former size, its Subscription Plltt re- mains unchanged ! New Shoe Shop 2 GUELPIIâ€"Fil‘st Wednesday in each month. HARRISTUXâ€"Friday before Guelph Fair. BOSWUII'I‘II~SaIurday before. Guelph. I“! ORAâ€"T110 day bM'IIve Guelph. Draï¬onâ€"J he den before Innra. Cl.l|-I-‘01II)-â€"'lhlnsday b fIIIe Guelph Fair. 1‘ E\ 101 I)ALL--Fr1ddv befnre Guelph Fair. NEW B IMBUIIGâ€"Fixst luesday in each month. BERLINâ€"First. Thursday in each month. ELMIRAâ€" Second Monday in each month. Wunmnoâ€"Second Tuesday in each month. MT. Fonss'r -â€"Third Wednesday in each U month. Dl RHAMâ€"T uesd9 .y precediyg the abqvp. u-v -‘-4-- Shoshonees Remedy ! STOP AND SEE! . SIMPSON Monthly Cattle Fairs. â€GIUIID l†'I-v (to makers.) ‘ Champagne Wine truade, There is one 2 00 1 oogmerchant there who holds 4,000,000 3 00 1 5O ' bottles as his ordinary stock. His cel- 1 00 0 75 lars, excavated in the chalk rocks, are six miles long, and are traversed with {tramwaya through which loaded has: I 00 O 75 gonl are driven. GO'Q OIOV l0 Kl b3 3‘0 t3 t3 '4" O1 OOOO oio‘to!0! to take people as they ï¬nd them; to bear with friends after they have found their flaws, their littlenesses, and selï¬sh: nesses One is apt to grow heart-weary and bitter, when in some strait the near-: est and most trusted give way, just as one needs to lean most heavily upon them till the trouble goes by. There“ are natures that long to give, to lavishg' but they exact equal devotion in re. , turn, not. for its oWn sake, but use proof [of love, and so go hungry and thirsty all their lives. Such natures can keep their poiseâ€"can hold intact the sweet- ness, and purity, and grand breadth of soul with which they are endowedâ€" only by looking to Christ. In him is ‘the ideal greatness and tenderness, the ideal power of sacriï¬ce, that all long lfor, some vaguely, others urgently, _il1 proportion as they feel within them- selves the divine capabilities of love.†M. .u.(. RVCCcF‘o r566: (C6 .C69 Chalons is the greatest seat of tho 'w RNITURE FACTORY If POWER, in the Vinage ( ' Sale or to Lease. Terms {Aegply to the subscï¬ber, at U or to Mr. John I(Erispin. P ‘ . Jackson *‘sq BI. , I) to G , vb, A. gr Owen Sound, Dec. 1611]. “f Vegetabh - â€"--AI ' . . HA 1, Hair Dresser, c. bum v'i' l' ‘ - 7 “l "3,1 PRICEâ€"$1.0M“. and .u cents in be (I? This is a most superior unit-ï¬e posed entirely of vegetabie substance; is positively the best article for the ever manufactured. 1. "u 1‘ form the inhabitams or Durhv‘ and vicinity, that he has commom-eg ban ness in the New Cottagt’; near the Ash: Having had considerable praoziw in LC don and many of the provincial town: England, bOpes by strict attention mm mess, to merita share of public putro’nag. Nov. 23, 1869. Vol. XXL. for 1870, of llis Famom Journal will Excel in all the Chal‘atll‘liqipg of a First- Class llmal, Literary 1"; milk and business New spaper,combinedâ€"1Lakihg it. the RURAL, LITERARY AND 1mm; WEEKLY. The. RURAL was Doubled in Size ané Vastly Improved. in Jan. last, and is, no: not only the Largest. Cheapest and 1393:, but also the Laruest Circulaxinn‘ “held in its Sphere. Suc‘pexior in Abiiin, \ nine and Variety of Contents, as well m % Size, Style and Illustrations, and baxinga Continemal Circ ulationâ€"“ith tens oftbc-u sands of axdent admirers In both Tomxaud Countryâ€"the RURAL is the meat Employing the Best. Talent in the Land â€"-baving Nine Able Editors and Bundled: of Special Comributors and C(n‘reswmdems -â€"and being an acknowledged a nhority on Practical, Scientiï¬c and Literary Sulv‘ivms: an Exchange truly says of it, that â€THE: {mum is the most E'egamly Primed. AMy Eillled, Widely Circulated and Heartlly Welcomed Paper, as a whole,- which now ï¬nds its way among the People.†FARM AND FIRESIDE FAVORITE The CASADIAS Dunm'rmzx'r, latelv intro- duced, is conducted by Rcv. \‘v'. 1". Claxke. of Guelph, Out, formerly editor of the Canada Farmer. ' All who cultivate Fruits, Flowers. Vege tables. c., even on a small scale, (in City, Village or Suburb,) while to Farming Planters, Horticulmrists, Stock Bi‘tHlHS, Wool Growers, Dailymen, Poultry 153p F O R' SALE Ci'ty, the RURAL is the Paper ior Yuntsï¬ï¬ Famiiy and Friends. It. is not a mouth}; or semi-motumv, but 3 Large and Beam}- ful Illustrated Weeklyâ€"and, thougixduubie its former size, its Subscription Pure re. mains unchanged ! VOL XXL, for 1870, will be puhhs‘m'tl in Superiur Sifle. each Number Pcmmms- ing Sixteen Double Qumto I’a ages. («11' 1'1 m Columns Each.) 111.9. y Illusnaxcd, an: \eatly Printed on Bunk Paper. connly $3 a Year ; in (211.116 of ten or mare 25). Canaimns, 20 Us. a war ( xna tor American postage. Subscribe and C111! Now 1 Great inducemoms to Club P mm -â€"-OVer one Hundred \ aluaM e Pwmiums‘ ranging in mice 110m $410 5600381196 mens, P remium Lists, Show 131115. .c.,sen1 i189. Moore’s Rural New-Ymks; New YOI'k City, and Rochester, N. Y, The RL'RAL has always hai‘md frat: Rochester, N. Y., (the heart of :1 famed farming and fruit mowing regivn Mm (in several 0! its Er’ Stars. and Cum: i‘uuxors reside. ; but as its sz mcimd I’uLWivatim ‘Jï¬ice is now in New 101%" all law: should be addresu d m Thursday Morning": DURHAM CHRONICLE \NHITE 81 JOHNSON, ($1,. AT THE OFFH‘E. LUWliH HILL DURHAM. Law Respectlng‘ b URNITURE OR THE PRESERVATI ION Growth of the Hair. lARGEST-"BEST-"CHEAPEST. NAPOLEON OF ITS CLASS! av D. n. 'r. MOORE, HY COPE, Tailor, OULD mzsp_15(:1‘1rr1.n THE GREAT ILLI'STRATL‘D IS PUBLISHED EVERY D. 11. T MOORE. ‘ 41 Park Row. New Y 0W5“ xmenwdm r the A at: Iice i: ‘ cialt it ntionm 953'- \- "If?! iliott’s Ii ï¬cfn.â€"â€" urban] n10 I: : ï¬ne. I.) 'for Ba 0- Dur ban HYSIC made H Wiuia ARRISTER. (ice, promptly All wov iarson‘ Durh jgoms an 'hest mat H. 1;. '3 Me rchan AND ener an Kerr. '3! I’m: JOE?! H1