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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Oct 1870, p. 3

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k’a Chrom'cb 1' .3 iv a wilfully falao' e writer of the 31-: 'er,” with referencé her on the collecl As many of £56 id what they mice? ime, ltd not. bging ratepayeré of Ben; of said article, I .as uniting. the db; desire {o fai‘se #3138 peak on behalf of re}y gave you my‘ 1 fliexfiber, and {of ouncil would bani Uses respousible correspondentga 1“ E27313! 1?)? the iifor.’ 'mbfm was a new veaâ€" u on the 015m. only e was one of the t, and best equipped NDENCE tail), yours, 650., CORPORATION or Atlantic cable furo' etc evidence of ibé 9m: 01' the finest A".- ever pioughed the ast. The C'ambria cbor Line, and sail- !) the 8th instant, ow. She had on in; eighteen second; 01) steerage panel)? 6 twentyosix alto- cm, which, wixh the tobably amou’nfi £0 and seventy-Eve perish W311: a single the ocea'if. Her rnaghan, was iepui- best and surési of eforc no faultéaz'i [1" j in connection with lble vessel be com; ria was a vessel of ad besides her pas- m the New York 19,1»; very valuable .- m him i'anthe' maid“ outrages.- at, who was one of My the only survio 'e Cambriw, crowaéd En she struck. Me- 5” of these; and he ship or the' Other h- was very heavy fit inks all the boats ramped. The boat the infamous Riel: 9‘ '19.”, will take up hi” Food Mountains, of rhe Oambria. £ once took w (hi? vessel to her fate; ,all but one pel’i'ml'P if, ewallowefl up by has he wilâ€"l prdccod ‘1 only four. 01’ 5" adhefe' id him: 9‘ I struck upon mated, and Was the shock, that I almost immediate- :hed, and 311 tho‘se id pitated into the’ sea» rt McGanland, who; bred itself, managetl nimv’thetc he feuné lady. After being may hours, he has Enterprise, Captain .g all the informai uires. Ty: 5%: , Oct. 18,1870. Ckronicle. ed about. the scene :0 hope of? saving lif'e' fi’oyage from Newi 'muate, though the exceedingly rough, Yednesday, the 19th | 10 and 11 o’clock. zen under Bail; And suddenly, Says MO’ Were apparently 8°; VN,DURHAM, is éipectcd 1116 the residence 06111 inst-g of 'the firiae'h final”, on; by up ‘Iame. Mi. 03031? n. Toombfl, Walked-n}, to Miss Chflr‘otm Ellen Bin], Orangetovm, Ben- at Durham, t D8 A 51:. An ‘Al Durham 0 on the 14th inst}. itfig wife of! Thomas Carson, of a dangkter. rham, on the fll'égj‘figtfie wife bf- drew Simpson, of a. son. n the ‘let ifistqithfe wife of f .1 “r. Wm. V’ollett, of'a Ingmar, ; T030310, noon, Oct. 25,1870. Greenbacks, buying at 89; seliing at. 90 3 i. bu ing t 6.} ;selling at 5%: fax-g8 sglver b1. ygngo 331010; selling at. 6. â€"â€" a Exchame, 1087. Gold Opened at Spring Wheat,..-. ... ‘ 0 Data, .................. 0 Peaks, ................. 0 Barley, -- - .-.-...-_: 0 Hour, ................ 4 Butter, ................ 0 Lard, ................. 0 Eggs, .. -. . .-.. "0 Bay," -.... .....--- 5 Potatoes, .............. 0 W001, ................. f Sheepskins, ..... '. .‘. . . . . 11 Calfskins perlb. ..,,___. ( fl Hides per cwt ..... . . , Owen Souxid, Get. Full Wheat, .'- -'- . . . . . . . 1 Spring Wheat, ......... ‘- Barley,.--- -..-. ..---. Oats, .......... ‘ ..... ‘. Peas, ............ '. . . . Hay, ........... '. .'. . . ‘Posatoes, .‘.'. . -.-‘- . . . .'. . Fa“ VVbeat, ...... ' fipring \Vhémr . .'.‘. Barley, -_ .. . . .‘. Oats,.... ..... ... Pew. - . - _- . °_°:..° Tim Leading .Machine. '1‘ oronto Money Market 03 n m wr ci a? -__.'â€"â€" I) . .. “ j Fami lg Shuttle cw'mgfl’lachme. M .\ DUTTVR. EVIDENLC OF THE Durham Markets. 3' if. OOOOOO'-IO .O'Onmm_ 0.....0000'. ‘00 -.-.........s£3 r .......o--. .52. it if». AGENT IN DURHAM. :Ing cotm‘) BE FURNISHED 130 Unexampled Success of the above Sewmg Guelph Markets. "af'ieas DryaGOOI‘Sg TORONTO, Provinci CHATHAM, County INGERSOLL, Count WOODSTOCK, Con PARlS, 991331)] of I TORONTO, Provincial Exhibi‘tionr . . . . '. - .. . . . CHATHAM, County of Kgng, .5- . . . , . . .-'. ~. ..... INGERSULL, County 0! Oxford, N. R ,H .......... WOODSTOCK, County of Oxford, 8. 1%,. ..'..} PARIS, County of Bram, NLR, .............. ,BRANTFORD, County of Brant, S. R., .-. , .-- -. . ST. MARY’S, County of, Perth, S. ’u,,. . . ....... STRATFURD, Coilhty 0‘." Perth, N, R.. .. . -. , , , , -.. DUNDAS, Township of West Ftamhoro’; . - . . . . . . ‘. .AY LMER. Township of .Malahide, .............. FREELTUN, Union of Five Townships, . . - - . . . .. Bl‘. CATHARINES, County of Lincoln, ......... WELLAN D, County of Wolland, ................ AU R0 RA. Townshins of King and Whitchurch,. . BRADFORD, County of Simcoe, S. R., .--- ..-. . . YVHITBY, County of ORInrio, S. 1%., ......... -' FRANCE ALBERT, County of Ontario, N. 1L, . . MILLBROUK, County of Durham, N. 1%., - - - - . -. NAPAN BE, Counties of Lennox and AddingtOn,-. Durham, Births, Durham, Oct. 26th, 1870. ..f-.. $0583to $0 90 .....‘ 0 80 to 0 86 0 20 to 0 00. ......oo... .......... 033 to 0 40‘ ...-.-...., 045 to 048 ....-.-- 450 to 500- .......... 0 15 to 016 ........... 010 to 0 00,, . .--- 01010 0 00 . . .-.- 5 00 to 7 00 0 20 to 0 25' ........... 025 to 075 ’lb.....---. 0 08 to 010 L-.- . . 550m 600 ‘IHE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW Men’s Oven-coats from $3. Guelph, Oct. 18th, 1 human; (in. 20th, 137 .' without exception, the best Machine now ~. James McGirg, jl}, artiea ifi‘iy‘durihgihis Fall at. the Oct. 25 b, 1839:. ct. 251,11 1370. .1 3 02 to $1 (:6 l - 0 , 0 . O . . 0 . 7 0 20 to 0 25 Good Wincys 10.1: ceflts. Hoop Skirts for 25 centé. Ladies’ Jackets for $1. TWO BOXES PAPER co Great Bagains in Crockery, fl? T68 LLARS FOR 5 GEN Sets for $2. 33:33.53? (37 ££1ifl 1870. 0 $1 ? IWE RECEIVED THEIR 811 36 00 D the undersigned up to 12,91" (infl 'l‘hnrsgiay,'3rd day of Nov., for the are tioui of a. {game building at the village qulea art ton. antgactor to furnish" u}l_n}aterial.-~' Plans and specifications t9,be seggn at. J. C. Griihtn’s Harness 3110p in Bath an. ! DAMUDE a5L6RIFFI’I‘H. Wgnted for'iéligol section No. 8, NorJ man 3 angle Teaeher holding a. second. class c’erfificate. Duties to 'comfiréhce on: the let of January, 1871. 5 Apply to'any of ‘he undersigned. '. ANDREW DERBY, ” [EDWARD ARI), Trustees. JQHN YOUSG. , . Normanby, Oct. 24Lh,’187u. _ 3795.3. 'â€" 20 D10. '4 Company Durham Volunteers, will meet for Target anctice, on Saturday 5111 of November ‘heit, weather permitting. . .. . . JOHN MOQDIE, 'C'a'fifi. N0. 4 0011)., 313k. Ban, G.V.M. ”C‘“V Durham, Oct, 2771: EEK.- 2.51321) ‘rEVBEE'wa TENDERS WANTED. CST on the l‘8th inst., in Durham, two nates of hand, hothdrawn in favor of the snbscriber, one for the, sum of $25 against .Barnard Hartford,“ Glenda, made ‘ 27th of Feb;, 1869, due oneygzar after date, the other against James Mateer,.Glenelg, for the sum of $8 2913., made and due at the satae date as the above. All parties are hereby cautioned against purchasing tor negotiating said notes as payment has been stopped. Any person finding the same viii! obiige by leaving them at this ottice, or with Mr. ThOma's Gray, Durham Road, Gfenelg. nnnvcmnDLmD I?! .nnn Vélunteer Notice. 'ry amboro’}.- ...... '.‘_..-..‘.... de, .............. ‘. ........ £ )wnships,.---. . . ..--.. . . . . . :‘Lincoln‘, .................. I am, N. R.,.,_,,,,.,...."_.: ‘ and AddingtOn,. ...;'. ...... 50 Pair Horse Cali); N0. 4 0011)., 313 Durham, Oct. 26th, 1870. Blankets, 206 Strings 0f. Bells-e, ' TEACHER. WANTED. Buffalo Robes, Just $43 hand at Isaacs Gray’s "0,-â€" x D RD BETTER EVIDENCE Sewing machine, than the fullo wing .1... , .....’..-.-......---.--.FIRST PRIZE. ‘ .. ............. FIRST PRIZE. N. R», .......... . ...... FIRST PRIZE. , s. 1%.,”...‘..‘....-.---.FlR$‘-I' PRIZE. ........ ....--V-'-........FIRST PRIZE. 5. R,FIRS'I PRIZE. ‘ a. R., ................... FIRST PRIZE. 1 5?. R... ......'. .......... FIRST PRIZE. i nboro", ......... ‘ ..... ‘....1~‘IRST PRIZE. 9,....----.....-'.........FIRST FRIZ . ’nships,.---....-.-...”HEIRS”? PRIZL. Jincoln‘, .................. FIRST PRIZE. ........ .....-FII’IS'I‘ PRIZE. d \Vbitchurch, ........... FIRST PRIRE. s. R.,.--. .'.'--...'....FIRS'I.‘ PRIZE. . ...- ...... " ......FIRSI‘ PIIIZE. u, N. R..------.......- . __ .- and Addington,....~.. ..... FIRST PRIZ 7'. I best Machine ndiw fiefofe the puch. ' A WILSON, BOWMAN 00., MANUFACTURERS, HAMILTON, GET. Btu, U lbuu-a. CHRISTOPHER FLOOD. GleneIg, Oct; 22.xd, 1870. 1953. Casiâ€"Job. OF OUR Pmcsss ‘NOTES LOST. V8310“ D ‘ o ' ‘3 A-‘gncu lt'ura. 1 Fairs. will be WNW“ b! no to 12 M. ., on New Goods and New nghionsg Féllcfi Winter Stm‘ik‘a monks 9231a Wool: all G010??- Mrs, D...hayigg.eecnred the services of a_ firgtrclass. MILLINER, from confideng'that. she will be able to give entire sansfact’ib‘n'to all who may i their patronage. ”(Iâ€"‘5 fi'fifirfie ls; EGGS TAKEN IN EXcfifim'ia FOR Goob‘s. for 1870 and 1871-. Mrs. bafldSOIDJ WodLEiq YARNS, FA" ‘ - 'Montreal House, Upper puma, 'oct. 20m, 18m. ILLINEB AND DRESSMAKEB, OF THE “MONTREAL HOUSE," reapectfnlly to Inform her Lady Patrons, that she has just. received her ng GOODS, Gm- Stick of u..- V‘lv‘ aâ€"-~--, C rockerey, é., Will at all times be found complete. NEW HOOP SKIRTS [W Alida-[Suva U1. L VUAAM -__. __ ‘ ave now on hand a large assortment of all kinds of Furniture, consisting of : BUREAUS, CUPBOARDS, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, SOFAS, TABLES, c., which they will sell AT MUCH LOWER PRICES! than have hitherto been sold for in Durham. aff- Orders for Repairing will receive prompt attention. All kinds of TURNISIG eiecnted 35th Neatness and Deepatch. - â€" -- m... ananurnmnu t‘llk musox 1UD\1Luc w- ..--____ Oct. 27m, 1870. “Note the HE subscriber begs has removed his {.6 inforui bugmess fr modioua bui'l'ding, situated one do business as usual, only ’â€" HE subscriber begs to infoi-rii his numfétptiSfiIIstomei-s and getter-ft! p’dblic, that he door south of the Foundry, to the more com- has retpoved his business from one . one door north of sand Foundry, where he is pl'epared to do ding, situated ch larger stock of goods, and hopes nystnct attention busmess as usual, only with a mu . to basins” and reasonable charging to receive a share of public patronage; The subscriber manufactures a hind _of pollar which can be recommended for safety to horses, and whiehohas proved in superiority over the Scotch Collar. The .2 hage ;been thoroughly tested by and are now an use an the Durham and Cohingwo f Stage ,Line. Any mrspngn doubt,can refer to r R . Minnsmn, proprietor of the said line.â€" Refgggnce. might be made tomany others but the above named gentleman has more of them in use than any other man in the county. ' The Scotch Collar manufactured second to none. 3:} CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on short notice and in any style desired, ...... u n-‘ivhnr‘naffli‘. ma dnnng nn'ud'I‘ANTLY 0N HAND: . Durham, June 14th, 1370. Ja‘ WUARBLCLUH 11.5.“.uro-w _-._- ‘ i - - CONDENSED‘CATiALUGUE OF goons CONSTANTLX 0N HAND: , la anned Teain Hérness; Bog-383 Team; Harness; Q :Platfl,.,l§§réess; '3 Tag Team Bernese;§ Tag Team Harness; {apanned Single Harness; C Plate Single Harness; Brass Single Harness; Silver Single Harness; Riding Saddles, all kinds; Riding Bridles and uMartmgals; TeamI Whips, Buggy Whips gm} Sm e Whips, of all kinds and quality, in agindance, 3,1st few l uglish Oak Halters; Qquon Fly. Natal» oreted F13; Nets; ! Worsted. Ear Nets ; Sons of Horse Clothing ; Flank Miller’s reputed Havens. Oil the onl ‘1 ‘ a, . p ‘ Stitfhiné and Leit‘l’ilerfo oreseree; :6 _ . _ The 358: Stock of TRUNKS in South Grey, varying in price from 2.60 to 814,00. . , ' The stem. ad usting Home with safety ring, which can be made to fit an horse. (if? P J . ,, , y ' lowering the draft. ; CL REY COMBD, CARDS, BRUSHES and DIANE COMES. 0:}- A call from all is solicited. . . T n n 11. T1113 fm‘l'I . 'Consisting in part of : IDS, - LACES, .. VELVETS, FE‘THERS 'fiUrTONS, TRIMMINGS, sac. [WARE-ROOM OPPOSITE THE ARG' DCRfi-U‘: wW‘W‘ 013 an Gowns. . .. fibézktTLFR'bN‘fs, 113% AND BONNET SHAPES, S, BREAKFAST 'sfi’AWLs, C‘LQ‘ATKINGS a: SKIRTIEIG‘S,‘¢. Tofontu, jeels muted the services of a firsttfclass MILLINER, from . find: her mth :11 ha able to give entiie s'atxsfact‘ién'to all who may MRS. DAVIDSON, um...“ TTnnnr ’l‘mvn Next door 'to Mr. Parker 3 Drug of work: no fipprénfices or Qtiaic‘li Mechanics Emfiioyed! July 13x11, 180 OJ 35’ ‘ .1 IV'no' ”n ' I'lq‘v v -’ . . Town, Next door 'to Mr. Parker’s Dru‘g Séare. “o .2948»: 'J.‘ C GRIFFITHg; G. J: MATTHEWS 85 SON. “LOWER TOWN DURHAM. give us a. call; It will pay you. ‘11 RIBBONS. FLOWERS, BEGS i fig. 09 ues, an ' gnd ‘ 5' aw i AME tc Lot 49 of last Dar} gear, with e was sob wing in Fair. The rt fit any horse prope 3" p and MAN E D'urhémt‘ QCQ 1‘, 1500) 3021353 QE fiflflE’GESE EAE'EEEESI WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADES, brought to this pint cl" tlie ’COuntry, and selling c., ev (31 Patterns to suit all tastes. at extremely 10W p1ices. In addition to the abbve We-haxe also just recéived a largé 0631'- varying in price from @ Have your walls Whitewash; TRAYED from the farm of thieaubscri- her, lot 26, con. 2, Bentiuck, about 3 weeks since, three head of cattle :---a Brown Heifer. 2‘ years old; Steer, spotted Red and White, 2 years old, arid a Sgring Steer Calf, Red. Any person Fettii‘hming them,or giving information that will lead to their recovery, will be suitably rewarded. DURHAM, May 17th, 1870. to théir récovéry, Lot 49, Corn. 2, Gleuelg, on the night. of last Durham: Fair Day, a twooyear old Steer; with a buyer’s mark on his right hip. He was sold by the subscriber at the said Fair. The owner is requested -to prove property, pay expenses, and take-him away; 7.1.130 “1'71 nu. CAME to the premises of-the subscriber, i guy-3133503113}; FOR AND A VERTISE m- THE “CHRONICLE.” 9 ALLAN MCKECENIE. Beniinék; Sept. 6, 1870. is . .4. 41B, 1870. "- Goofié‘: fGROCERIAES, STRAY CATTLE- STRAY¢S+EER. VARIETY STORE, ',1870. “VII euLu IIIa - TROUBLE T0 sHovi: AN IMMENSE STOgCKDF JUST RECEIVED AT CONSISTING JAMES D1LL0N.; alls papeled, it IS cheaper and better 0F": 191.3 9 LL IgARTIES are hereby cautioned agaiusltI purchasing or negotiating a Promissory Note made Hinnian thnston, Bentixr‘ck, in fav'cr of Samuel McDearmid, Glenelg, beaninadate 20111.:05 September: 1870, end ga'yable one year therefrom,as payment has been stopped :11 SAMUEL MCDEARMID. NOTICE. IS HEREBY. GIVEN THAT ' applicatibn will be méde to the Legislature of Onta‘b, atiits neit labssion, fcr an Act. to extendAthe time for icotnpleto lbl’ an RBI: UV wavvuâ€" -_- -_-_, ing the construction at the Line. of Railway authorized to be cofisti'ncted by the Acts incorporating the Wellington, Grey, and Brut; Railway: Company and for certain amen meme io fhe said Acts. Lug. â€"Apy quantity of firqt'clus lath for sale, by F. H. Edwards, Durham. Sept. 23; 1370. c0655 2 ! ‘7 M KENZIE . Vv- W__ v- 3035: OSBORNE, ‘ Secretary. .3 , , E :' ' Hamilton, 4:11 October, 1870. 193 6. NOTE LOST. hhursdayézmdmf.ncmam, :Spence’s Hotel. m ‘the ‘mmfi’g ,0}: WWW. 'vâ€"vâ€" Lo; seventeen (17), in the Second (‘2) Con- cession, North of the 'Durhém Road, -iu the township of Bentinck, containing 50 acres, more or less. _ of? Improvements said to be on the premises :â€"36 acres cleared, fenced and ‘uuder cultivation, With. 310g hbuse. 1 . . -‘ ‘-‘_- A IN THE TOWNSHIPS 0F BENTINEK finfl RENEE?) Lot Fourteen, in the Third Concession, North of the Durham Road, in the township of Bentinek, containing 50 ncres, more or less; also, two and ahalf acres comPose'd of .the North East corner of lot 14, in the .2nd Concession, North of the Durham Road of‘ the township oi“ Bentinck, _heing 18 rods North and South, by ‘22 rods East. and West, to form a. right_,angle. 0:"? Improvements said to he onuthe premises :â€"â€"42 acres oleared with good Log Bufldings. ' â€" â€"Aâ€"j - Lot No. Fifteen in the First Concession,‘ North of the Durham Road, tn the township of Glenelg, containing Fifty‘ Aeres, more or less. 0:"?- lmpr‘ovementsi -said to be on the property :â€"a Log! . House and Barn, 3?) acres cleared and‘ t cultivated. . 1 TERMS zâ€"Oneetenth of the ‘Pui‘chase s Money to be 13th Qoyvnpn the day of sale 3 for balance terms will be made known at the Eale. ' For fuft‘ner ’par‘t‘icnlafs’hpplry to some A? JONES, ]_i‘.sp., A: one o’clock 'x than .. 'd Park Let, bf fog; acree, Situate Within half a mite di'the village 0! Dlll‘hatlll‘l. ‘ There is a goodrqew frame- ham en tf e 1; premises, also _the cellar 39d foundanog or ‘3 a. dwel‘lixig house. A good well of my]??? ..-ln 1 _ -‘J .55}... anncnhn 3 . .v-. . . i "1‘ he subscriber is desirous of disposmg of l Or‘to VIRTUE of Powers 6f ‘Sake con- tained in cert§ig mortgages which will be pfoduced at the sale, on . 191.3 l:This Fork o'eeas only to be Seen to he ;_‘-.p *rpreciated. We feel confident in. introduc- 1Lingil’..1;;o._~1;he farmers geaerally5_ t at i‘tf‘has Superior qualities overany other a‘y ‘i'ork l in the Dominion, ik-jime to test. its merits againS} any 01h?” 3 forks in Hay, Barley, ,or loose Graiinujt 18 flight to handle, and powerful. It is n: no I I ithan a team can draw. It js peculiarly @‘aéapted {or Barley and looée Oats ”as well Lars Hay. .It- can be Operated. .with more ease a go and from the mow than any other fork THOMAS 311mm, A'geJt, .Benlih‘ck, Allafifiar'k, P. O. Y . i l l Solicitor, Masonic Hall, Toronto. thence westerly along aforesaid read allowa: D. JACKSON, J12, Esq., Dur‘qam. .southefly parailel to Toronto, 27th Sept., 1870. 192 4. between lots fifteen a‘ "M‘fl more or lesg, tog)? {to Come and. See -: 'TH1: ONLS Perfect, Safe and Reliable LflNTERJV“. N0 “ Blow Out.” 0:? Ever} FAfiSIER 0F VALUABLE Sept. 27, 187 O. IST of letters remaining iii-Durham Post-Office on 12th Oct" 1370. Black, Thos. Bone, Edwin Brown, John Burns, Mekel Bain, Thos. Bowe, Patrick Blair, Isabella Bunt, Geo. Lamb, David. Livingston, A. Livingston, Danccy Lamb, David Linnell, Joseph Leitch, Neil Mackee,'David . .Micks, Matthew Chapell,Marv A. .MrsAIartin, Thos. L l Carson, J obn l Campbell, J ohm, Campbell, Hugh Collier, Richard. Campbell, Agnes Coverley, Joseph Connor, y-Edward Colon,- Mrs: Coyeland, E. - Campbell, Donald Cooke, P-eter Campbell, Duncan Coll in'son, .Joseph Creswell, John Daley, Michael l Dean, J. H. Down, Agness Dean, A. S. lFergusson, W. Fara, Henry Fergusson, Wm. Fulton, Tnos. Glencross, Maggie Hastings, Geo. Hendry, Robt. Hinch,'.lohn .. Hastell, Mattheiil gall, :Jo‘gnd. 0 Pfii 01,-. e :d Jangiesop, Wm; a Kerr, J as. _‘ n Leunbdy, Juo. ,1 i Knowles, Siles ‘ampbell, Quinton Mountain, W m. MOOrb, Margt. A. lfilann, Wm. Morton, David McLean, Jno. McNeil, Mr. Muhachlan, J no. McDonald, Sarah McLean, Donald McCutcheon, Albert McVicar, Angus McGauley,‘ Robt. Malones, Mal. Mclnnes, Dugald McCausland, Oliver McFayden, Hugh McPhail, Hugh McDonald, Neil McMekene, J as. Noble, T hos. O’Connor, {ichard Park, Andrew Ryan, Geo.- Ramain, Joel A Robinson, Jae. R1 ve, Montreal Reid, Mary Ann Sweeney, Patrick Smith, Robt. -. fucker, Henry Yeesey, J as. . )Vood, Christina Wilson, Wm. Watson, PeterE ' W: tters, Matthew. Park ‘ Lot for Sale. ”PARCEL 2. PARCELg. ISAAC IRELAND would call the atten-‘i tion of the public to this Improved a Machine Pump. He would say that his l Pump took easily the first prize at the late . show in Mountli‘orcst, in competition with l 9. Pump that ia-reported to have taken the i first prize at the: Pmt'incial Exhibition atj Hamilton. and four other places. The inn-[i ,proyemem's consist of' the strongest hear-‘ * ings; which will stand the most wear of any pump now in use in Canada, also Malleable Valve Santa and Hardwood Cylinder. The same kind of hearings were page] by hirn' 17. 18 and 19 years ago, and sexcfn out of ten of the pumps put upfibii him‘ then are now if; use, which has induced hixfi to fall back on the old bearings and fixtures. ISAAC IRELAND, 1570 CHIMNEY REQUIRED. No Smoke and PARCEL DRUG STORE, LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. imRSE FORK. Mme; gc-‘rtnzn. Mount Forest 5551. l 1870. ~ 1;. List of Letters. PRIZE PUMPS. in-the afternoon, at Masonic Hall, Toronto. A. MCKENZIE, Pusnus'rm. Sale. ‘1 should have one. ‘ ; (Lu-n or fohu'b), :BEGS T0 INFORM THE CEMENS of Durhamatm 5333)! ll» opened It {Barber Shop ovq: cigfi Tweed’s More, 3 Lower Town, wherqe V ll be most. happy to_ attend to the 1:313:30qu those requiring his services. ‘. pose -5f . coasidering? certain propbgeg 1amendmepts to the company's charter, an 3 of ahthorxziug a further issue of bonds. JOHN OSBORNE, Seagull-y. Eggway. . _ SPECIAL GEL RAL MEETING of the shareholdefis in this company, will be holder: at the Cofigfiy'mm, in the c347 of Hamilton, on fi‘fiesdhy the Twenty second day of November mm, at the‘hour of 1?. o’clock, noon, for the..pun_- nose of coasidering certain prop‘not! The Cox-fermion ot the Township of Behtinck <vill,at11s first session held four weeks after the first pg blication hereof, 9. pass a 13': ”Raw making a Lot Numhcr Fifteen, in. Cthe Thirteenth, Fourteeht‘a 311d Fifteenth Coqcessions, sand Deflation and $3 beatings and distances being as follows: Wemngmn, Grey and Bruce 39.1le- U91“ 6 "u “v -v DESCRIPTIQN OF PART OF LOT JIFTEEN IN THE T HTgEEENTH CONCESSION 011 THE w‘Nsau‘ OF B‘Z\TI\CK. Commencing at the'Noxth-east angiegt' ,said lot number fiflee n, thence aouthgrlyhon 'the weéterly limit of road alloyanfe fig tween lots fifteen and sixteen, ninety two links, thence nO1ti1 seventy degijees, went one chain and ninety- tour links, more 05 his to the division line between concession! I thirtee‘himd fouxteen, thence easterly along said division line 0 .1:-. drain and seventy links to the piece of bewiuning. - A Lmn‘nn .nfl Hamilt‘ms; “lab 0a., 187 . 110KB 10 luv: PIOLU u; Hub ....... a- Containing by admeasurement twelvemd a halfhperches by the same, inorei‘oi' led. . DESCRIP 1‘10): 0F PART‘OF Low FlFTEEN, UN THE _ FOURTEEN TH .CONCESSION OF THE TOWNSHIP DF- BENTINCK. , m Commencing on the Southerly limit of like road allowance between concessions fourteen and fifteen, at the distance of nine chains and twenty links w‘estei‘ly of the north-east angle of said lot number fifteen, thence westerly along the south limit of aforesaid read allowance one chain, thence PUEUCMNOTICE. “V. â€"vâ€"â€" the thirteenth and fourteenth concessions, thence easterly along aforesaid. division line, ten chains an'd six links, gnoreor lean to ygith‘in fourteen links of the government stake planted at the southeast angle of raid lot fifteen, thence north. seventy degrees, west two chains and five .links, thence westerly parallel to the aforesaid division line between concessions thirteen and four- teen seven chains .and twenty links, more or less, thence northerly parallel to the aforesaid road allowance between lots tif~ l teen and sixteen forty-nine chains, more or 1‘ less, to the place of beginning. - A..L C... An.“ 1C“, tU illâ€"V r.“\'v v- l . Containing by admeasuremhnt five notes, l three roods and ten persches by the same, lmore or less. l'DEspRIPTION on PART OF LOT FIFTEEN IN THE FIFTEENTH CUNCESSION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BENTINC . . . . Commencing on the southerly limit of the road allowance between the townshipsof , Sullivan and Bentinck, at the distance "f .‘nine chains and twenty links westerly of the north east angle of said lot fifteen, thenoh weSterly along the south limit of aforesaid road allowance one chain, thence soulherl y parallel to the road allowance between lots fifteen and sixteen . fortytwo chains and fifty links. more or less, to the northerly e ‘ limit of roai allowance between concessions fourteen and fifteen, thence “easterly along said northerly limit of road allowance one chain, thence parallel to, aforesaid roadal- ' lowance be‘twe‘en lots “teen and sixteen ° lorty-two chains and fift'yxlinks, more or less, to the place of beginning. 1 _i-_..__‘ race. and ‘ l l ‘Pi‘ofessor RingO'. 1355, IA) luv tuna.» VD! ch-â€"â€"_â€"o_ Containing by admeasurement four and a quarter acres by the same, more or less; DUNCAN CAMPBELL, ’. Township Clerk. IMPROVED FARMS {BB 'SME‘. f< Glenelg,100_acre,s. ‘ Lots No. 16 and 17, can. 2,143. G. R., Town- ship of G‘ euq19, 200 acres. . Lot No. 16, con. 1, N. D. R., Township of G1ene1g,50 acres. 1 Lots No. 7and8, con. 3, N. D. R., Clown- ship of Glenelg. 100 acres. Lot No. .;8 con‘. 2. 9:W. G. R., Township of : Bentinck, 100, acres. Lot No. 1:2, con. 2, W. G. R., Township of - Bentinck, 100 acres. Lot No. 25, con. 17, W. G. R., Township of No manby, 100 acres. ‘ Also, 1 -. -, con. 3, . . Hogand, 100- acres. Lots7,8 and0,N..D R., and7,83nd9, 1 1 11.61. R., Township of 1 South side of Elgin 81., containing a 1 acre each, in the village of Priceville.’ I or {111 th‘er particulars apply to SAMUEL E. LEGATE, Durham. Ont. m- 12 11270. 130. Bentinck, Oct. 11th, 1870. MR. P... J. DOYLE, .. . DEAR Sm, -â€" Phage“ cor.-~ vey to the Directors of the Bank bud. Toronto Mutual Insurance Companv, my gthanka for the prompt and honorghje aet- itlement of my claim for loss of m’y Barn 13nd such fax-mung umnsila,_’prcdnce, km, as were in the barn at the {ignei July 13, 1870. Vu‘\vll’ unv-no v_- V read allowance oné chain, thence ' parailel to the road allowance lots fifteen and sixteen finy chains less. to :he division line between The property was inséxjég under policy No. 25,539 and you have .paid‘mc $279 60, per draft, less assessment, which is suin- factorv, being f9?! amopm of ,my. dams- instant. BUILDING 6RB‘ 611‘ TEMEKS. WILD AND IMPROVED forks; réspéctfully, Signed, ANGUS McECHREN Egremont, Sept. 23, 1870. mos. . DIXON. . 5 .Bmisteru-qu, ALSO, m. crow- â€"v Lower Town, Durban:

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