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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Nov 1870, p. 4

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The business of pulling snags out of i A Story is 1013.5; the Mississippi Hirer is considerable of Ecallednn an apothc an institution. Congress granted an ap- i oil, to be mixed wi ,propiation of $150,000 towards improv-é s‘honld disguise it ing the channels of the Missouri and asked if she likedsc Mississippi rivers, and part, of this grant i in the afirmative, .‘ is used in keeping up a ‘snagging corps’ i gave her a glass as comprising four snag boats and a steam i and the oil. Bats! dredge. A tremendous "force is some-Hug, and presently times necessary to drag the sunken man i again, when the an: stern of the forest from their beds. The i she had already tail machinery used on the boats in raising Said Shel wanted it snags is of the most powerful and pon- , Soda-irater is not: derous description. Chains, whereof : is efiecfive for the the links are of iron two and a halfi 011 may be readily inches in diameter, and weighing twen- rors. Heat the t, ty-two pounds each, are frequently hro- it. tinse the WI ken in raising the enormous snags. as to get that also - Each snag bunt keeps a record of all :dose is nonred out it raises, and data. are taken whereby to -‘ liquid as water. A cemgute the weight of the tree. Some i‘mitzt added to it v monsters ave been raised. On the reg- l and the patient ca: ister book it is shown that the DeRnss~y_I large degree 01- co in December last, raised a cottonwood snag in the Mississiypi River, at Gair’s§ K11 Bend, below Vicksburg, that weighedi I two hundred and eighty tons. This‘ Said an Olti E giant was one hundred and sixty-five never did an not C feet in length, thirty feet in circumferâ€" man being Wilho‘ once at the butt, and nineteen at the happier for it a tap. friendly act, chee: ‘---A'â€"â€" -‘h-‘A"A .« --.-.«.M Trchabl y there 18 not the remotest corner or little inlet of the minute blood vessels (life vessels) of the body that‘p does not feel some wavelet from that great convulsion (hearty lauohter) shak l m ., 1 ing the central 1111111. lhe blond mov es! ‘ more liv clyâ€" pwbably its chemical clec-~ I . "trio, or vital condition 1s distinctly mod . iifieaâ€"it conveys a dtii'erent impressioul to all the organs of the body as it visitsl i {hem on that particular mystic journey,l 1 when the man is lauvhing t1ou1 what it‘ ‘ ‘ does at other times. And so, we doubt no’t, a good laugh may lenrrthen a man’s life, conveying a distinct stimulus to the. :vital forces. And the time may come - u-m- when physicians, attending more closely , than at present they are apt to do, to; the Inn lniernblc subtle influences whichl the soul exerts upon iis tenement ot; clay, shall prescribe to a torpid patient"i “so many peals of laughter, to be under- gone at such and such a time,” just asl 'they now do that far more objectiona-l éble prescription, :1 pill, or an electric eri galvanic shock ', and shall study thei best and most effective method of pro}! 'dnciog the required effect in each pa-3 tient. ; l We find the following credited to Beecher :â€"â€"“I thank God for two things â€"-yes, for a thousand; but for two among many; first, that I was horn and bred in the country, of parents that gave me a sound constitution and a no bile example. I never can pay back what I got from my parents. If I were to raise a monument of gold higher 'than heaven, it would be no expression of the debt of gratitude which I owe tn them, for that which they unceasingly gave, by the heritage of their body and the heritage of their sou-’s, to me. And next to that, I am thankful that I WIS brought up in circumstances where l mover became acquainted with wicked- ness. I know a great deal about it; for if I hear a man say A, I know the whole alphabet of that man‘s life, by "which I can imagine all the rest. If I see a single limb, I have the physiolo- gist’s talent by which I know the Whole structure. I never became acquainted with wiekedncss when I was young, by coming in contact with it. I never was snilied in act,nor in thouglzt,r.-'hen I was young. I grew up as pure as a woman And I cannot express to God the'thanks which I owe to my mother, and to my father, and to the great household of brothers and sisters among whom I lived.” All secrecy is injurious in its nature. i Public Thanksgiving for the many bless- { We do not mean to aver that men and e ings which have been vouchgafed 'to curl women can live without those episodes: country during the past year. As none' in their affairs which require privacy.-â€" has been appointed by Civil authority, "Vhere is the man who can boast that he deems it incumbent upon him to call ‘ he is altogether free from the presence. upon his Reverend Brethren, land Breth- of a skeleton in his cupboard? But ren to assemble 011 Sunday, the 6th of‘. the fewer that weaave of these grinning . \0‘. 1.111th to 111 ite in offering to AlJ inmates the better will it be for our-e: mighty God praise and thanksgiving selves and all those who are concerned for the blcshinus of a fr'uittul year, and with us. A secret, it we think of it fot the enjoyment of peace. has ever some quality of the skeleton. .â€"â€"§ His Lo1dship appoints, that. the 'It is to us a secret, because the divulg- ' thanksgiving of t’ 1111: day be devoted to ing of It would be injurious to us. Hi the \Iission Fund of the Diocese ° to ~53 kept hallowed, “05 because it is 3 j‘t)’ J, . aid in meeting the increasipg demands but because it might become a painâ€"‘- tor extended operations. . . i No doubt tlure 13 an exe1tement about i a secretâ€"a secre tso cal eelâ€"which may: SET FOR. 11-): HOUR. â€"A story is told to some extent be pleasurable. Thei of ajudge visiting a penitentiary, and knowledge of that which IS 1111' 1101311 to being ptactieally disposed, the learned others has an aiiurement. But such gjudge-philanthropically trusted himself "pleasure is a poor trifle, and stands quite on the treadmill, desiring the warden to apart from the general good or evil of: set it in motion. The machine was ac- aecreey in the affairs of life. icordiugly adjusted and his lordship be- F It is said that a Speculative yoeng. lady of Indianubas already accumulaV ed a stock of two hundred correspond- ents, and has the pleasing alternative of living on her principal, so to speak, by marrying them seriaiz'm, with two hun- ted divorces, or deriving an annual in- come from an equal number of breaches of promise. An urchin being sent. for five cents womb of maccaboy snuff, forgot. the name of the article, and asked for five tenth Worth of make a. boy sneeze. Tim prisofier’s were latebr acquitted ofatbeft. The magistrate tald them not to come there again, or they might whosoformuate. One of the pris¢ 930:8 paid. ‘No, your worabip ; we ahonld not have come now if we had not M brought; Beecher’s Bringing Up. A Speculative Young Lady. Benefit of Laughter. Concerning Secrecy «D 3 4.9).â€" A Story is told of an Irish girl who can ed on an apothccary for some caster «.71. to be mixed with something whrcb oil, to be mixed with something which] should disguise its taste On being asked 1f she liked sode-water, she replied in the affirmative, when the apothecary gave her a glass seasoned with lemon]l and the oil. Bat Sher still lingered wait ing, and presently asked for the oil again, when the man informed her that.j she had already taken it. Oh, gracious, said she,I wanted it {01111 mao'who is sick. Soda-water is not always as handy as it is effective For the purpose, but castor oil may be readilv depri1cd of its ter- rors. Heat. the bottle which contains it. 131153 the cup in boiling water so 1as to get that also warm, and when the ”‘30 i: nmirml nut it Will be almost. as liquid asw water. A few drops of gypper- mint. added to it wiil cover the odour, and the patient can swallow it with a large degree 02' comfort. --- ~ -.-_._.,.__.1-..._..---__..-.. The world is crazy for Show. Therel is not one person in a thousand who dares tall back on nothing but his real l simple self 101 power to go th1ou'rh the \‘VOlltl, and extract enjoyment as he goes along. There is too much living in the eyes of other people. There is no end to the apinjz, the misery, t' 13 false airs, and the superficial arts. It requiles great courage, we admit, to live up to one’s enlightened convictions in these days. Unless you consent to join in the general cheat, you are jostled out of reach. There is no room for you among the great mob of pretenders. If a man dares to live within his means, and is resolute in his purpose not to appear more than he really is, let him be ap- plauded. An ingenius American has discovered a new use to which old paper may be appliedâ€"namely, to the construction of cufiins. The paper is reduced to a pulp rolled out to a. requisite thickness, satuo rated with oil, baked, japanncd, and pole nixed. It thus becomes hard, and.’capa- ble of resisting all ordinary destructive agencies, and IS thought to be imperish- able. Said an 010'. merchant one dayâ€"“ I never did an act ofjkindness to any hu- man being without finding myself the happier for it afterwards. A. single friendly act, cheerfully, pleasantly, and promptly done to a fellow creature in trouble or difficulty, besides the gooa to him, has thrown a Lstreak of sunshine into my heart for the renraiuder-Qfivvthe day, which I would, not have taken a live pound note for. A young man just. graduated says the long dry spa“ is nothing compared to the lung dry spell he‘ was compelled to perform during his academical studies. 13.; DR. WISE says :-â€"“ Activity is the hesicondition of healthy life. Idleness is ideuth. This is as true of the spiritual ilife as it is of the physical and intellec- enhsé tun]. It. cannot. grow, nay it cannot the 3 long exist without appwpriation.” Young lady physicians are multiply. ing rapzdly throughout the country, and consequently the young men are décid- edly more sickly than they used to be. An old bachelor says, ‘It is all non- sense to pretend that. love is blind. .1 never yet. knew a man in love that did not. see ten times as much in hisswect- heart as I could.’ His Lordship, the Bishop of Homo, has just issued a Pastoral address to the Clergy and Laity of his Diocese; stat-i iing thathe has waited for some time, iexpecting the appoxntment of a day of i Public Thanksgiving for the many bless- ings which have been vouehsafed to our I, country during the past year. As none has been appointed by Civil authority, 1 he deems it incumbent open him to call 9-11; is a strange thing that. the "tecto- taller ‘par excellence,’ me pawn-broker, is always taking the pledge; and yet. al- ways sees things to duplicate. A c'uri- ous instance of sobrietyseeing double is only to be equalled by Scotch second Sight! SET FOR AN IIOUR.â€"A story is told1 of ajudge visiting a penitentiary, and being practically disposed, the learned judgephilanthropieally trusted himself on the treadmill, desiring the warden to set it in motion. The machine was ac- cordingly adjusted and his lordship be: gun to lift his feet. In a few minutes, however, the new band had enough of lit, and called to be released, but this l , was not so easy. ‘Please, my lord, said The Passion for Display. the man, ‘you canst get. off. It’s set for hour; that’s the shortest time we can make it. go.’ So the judge was in dur. ance until his term expired. New Use for 016. Paper. WOMAN’S SPHERE.â€"-At the Sarato-j g3 Woman Suffrage Convention the- only new thing uttered was by a Mrs. Blake, who said that. woman’s sphere‘ had been houndcdson the north by hci' husband, on the south by hex-baby, on the east. by her mother-iu-law,aud on the west by her maiden aunt; they 06' Eplfopbse to enlarge it. aster .011. Kindness. TELEGRAPH RAILROAD LINESI then and now so rapidly budding 1n the Domimon and United 8181128. 11011113 be- come one 01 the ' PERMANENT INSTITUTIONS OF THE COUNTRY, and has‘turned out OVER 100 OPERATORS, who 110w filrimportant posiiions {rim GOOD SALARIES. I ‘ Ladies and. Gentlemeh desiring to learn this light and hundrable lgzrotessmn, should do so at once. The 311131'3116111111111‘1 at 111111; requiled is three 511113111115 131.1316: learn more rapid1y than J811tlemezL 1311 (h sexes :1dm1tted from 11 4 391113 ofage and upwards. . i F or full particulars and terms address Esmnusuan xx 1868, For the purpose of qualifying Cfie‘m‘tors --- for the . The subscrihers will pay the above amount to any person giving information, that W211 lead to the detection and con- viction of the person or persons, who caused the destruction, by fire, of our tan- nery, on't‘he morning of the ‘8th of June $300 Reward ! last. Have now completed their stock, consist- CHEMICALS, HORSE, CATTLE, PATENT AND PROPRIAI‘ORY MEDICINES, Toilet and. Fancy Articles, fissgacgso EXTRAGFSa 5% 6st Findiay c% Shaw TELEGRAPH of every kind and warranted of the best quality. LlQUORS! LIQUORS- ”U " 3 HE subscriber is desirous of selling Lots 24 and 25. con. 12, township of Ben- tinck, containing 200 acres of good hard- ,to,;_wood land, 40 of which are cleared and ‘gfenced, and weil watered. These lots are the'isituate in a. " " ° prosperous locah.y, 10 mrles Its. aifrom Durham and four from the gravel mayo 5 road. . Bruggists, recommended by all the leading physicians of the day. afrCOFFEBS, TEAS, TOBACCOES, SPICES, c., c. TORONTO, ONT. {KME 3:; magma 'G‘MKS, 3'. T. J; J. B. SMITH. Durham, July 2011), 16-70. F. 35 S. have now facilities for supplying all the newest medicines and preparations which may be brought. before the public {rem-time to time. (tiff-Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded, and accuracy guaranteed. Shop open (for dispensing only) on Sunday from 2 to 4 p. m. {31? Night calls punctualiy attended'to. K? F. S. are agents for the Guelph Semug Machine Company. A complete assoetment of Liquors of the finest brands, for family and medicinal purposes, including ' the celebrated N. B.â€"F1,.~:~pLAY . SHAW are agefitsfdr the Montreal Telegraph Company. Office open every day (Sundays excepted) from 8 3.111. to 8 p. m. 18154508 (Sr Gray, LAMPS AND LAMP CHIMNEYS, mama: WINES vJâ€"L ‘ Whips, Spurs, ‘.c ., always on hand. (:3: Jobbing done on short notice_ and 1n good style. Spanish Sole Leather, and FRENCH CALF, always in stock, a!so,â€"PEG S, all sizes. (if? Harness Shop 'opposite - the Crown Land Office, Upper Town ; Tannery on the corner of Saddler and Albert streets, Lower Town. INSTI‘fiJTE. 34 KING SIREEI‘ EAST, Price $8 per acre, one third cash. Title indisputabze. ‘ For full particulars apply to . * JAMES KELEHER, Guelph, DYE§TUFFS FARM FOR SALE. or to J OH\T SHEWELL, Durham. June 23rd, 1870. DH} BEAM-9 T. H. CHURCHILL, Dflfiilfiiflfl mg 111 part of in great variety. Flrst-Glass Land. TANNERS, Cash for Hides. FINEST éDURHAM. Toronto, Ont. )‘ H‘arnesa arid 1mm; Makers, ADDLER H. PARKER, [LATE PARKER. - CATTLE] Established in Eafiaflwa 1858! EALER IN PURE DRUGS AND Chemicals, Pertumer) and Toilet Preparations, ,,Combs Blushes, Fancy Goods, c., c., Parker’s; Cplumn. of every descriptidu and relialilé ip quality. VABNESHE S ! Fire Proofi Paint 3 wmmwim 9mg sz‘Jx‘EYT MEBWWES as; 9%, ARE LAMPS, Stren'rtb, Flavor and Quality unsurpassed. Prices mode‘mte. TOBAGGQESA ANB CIGARS ! Cheap; used by Millers, Threshers, c. 0:?PURE ESSENCES, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, SPICES, PIGKLES, HOPS, C., C. Teas ! Teas C-ll. DYESTUFFS WineséfirLiquors MOLSON’S CELEBRATED ALE Olive, Elephant, Sea-I and Crude Oil, Physicians" Preécr‘ipt‘ions, and Family Recipes caretully compounded, and promptlyafiended to. ROasted and Grdiind on the premises. PAINTS AND PAINTEBS’ MATERIAL Bx’filéb, Malt, French and Canadian; VETERINARY PREPABAHGNS COFFEE comprising all noted brands, in wood and bottle. Is an effectual destroyér of Ticks on Sheep, alsoa preventative against the Fly and Scab during the hot Summer months. It greatly improves the QUALITY and QUANTITY of the Wool, and that at a trifling cost. It. has been king and favor- ably known in GREAT BRITAIN, and it is confidently anticipated, that upon trial, it will enjoyas favorable a reputation in Canada RESIN, AXLE GREASE, c. Turpentine Varnish $1 50 per can. VINEGARSs WEAVERS" "SUPPLIES 1 EaEEEEEE EEEESa mass FREEJT JARS}. supplied 81: 10W rites. Various "Colors. ‘in any quantity. PARKER’S of all kinds. H.PARKER, DURHAM ; {2,000 Hides}, Wanted 4' " SCRIBERS THANKFQL Fog Hglefsgr]: in. informing the public that, thexr .-...~ b "" - -71 is about ready ‘for e‘ver, and ev in their OLD PREMISES, where the; any Immber of new Ones. (Ii? Bring AND FOREWHICH THE HIGHEST PRICE Durham, Oct. 5th, 1810'. INIMEN§E STflCK HE SUBSCRIBER REGS TO RETURN THANKS TO THE PUBLIC GEN. ‘ ER'U.LY, and to his numerous customers in particular, for pastfavorg in his line of business; andaléo to inform them that his Cardin g and Cloth-Dressing Machinery is now in compiet'e order. having been recently fitted up with latest improvements, and having engaged the services of one of the most experienced Workmen in Ontario, 2) years standing, trusts bv unremitting attention and good workâ€" all work warrantedâ€" to merita share of public patronage. ' . .. ,- The GRiS’f-MILL 13 in complete running order, ha‘fing recently ' been overha'xfled, ready for all sorts of work. First-class Millers and strict 'atte'hiidn to customers’ interests. Durham, Sept. 26th, 1870; The GRE A‘TEST BARGAINS made by the best Workm'en, and of Stock of the best quality, latest style, warranted to Wear well and fit. neatly. THOMAS MINES. Ladies’ 85 Misses’ Prunella, Gaiters Balxhorals selfing at Cost. EDGE MILLS, May 17th, 1870. Parties from a, DiStance can have their WOOI fly 2for operation and tn and every satisfaction g pennag out 5 . has receive 6 and is now Imported Direct and that bfisin‘e‘ss wiil be carried on with grea'ter vigor than nion given, also that they have again commenced the-1 QEQQQQ Q5” lQ7Q CUSTOM WORK they will be most happy to see all formex I iug 3101):, r youl Hidcs of evely deseliption. TANNERY ‘ of B00] s SHOES to 'be had in Durham, atthe FOR PAST FAVORS, TAKE GREAT 0F AND WILL BE. PAID AT . J- E SMITH. JOHN KELLY‘ same day 1 patrons and To be Published in October, .1870. - OFICE.â€"I;earning that my_ name has I been ‘ warrantabiy used 111 cennec‘ _ . . fin? .-- “m. 1.0:", mnvassed .lN been'upwarrantably used in conneCo tion whh {firéctories spams: being canvassed in the Préfinceh, ‘é’ndieht'frély distinct from my works, and that :in other cases it has beengsmted that my Directories have been ébfilidohea, Ly'iculd reqfiest those desiring to give a. prefix-cage to m1 works to see that-persons répresentixifi themselves. as act- ing for me are furnished with satisfactory credentials. -V'Vll v â€" IT is intended migrates , these. Directories the finest Vehixiblete' and "correct ever' issued on this continent. They are not be- ing prepared by correspondence, but by personal canvass, from door to door, of my own Agents, for the requisite iul'oimation. l have now engaged on the work in the sev- eral Provinces Forty men and Twenty horses. These are engaged mainly on the tow’us and Vi agfiSE’oL’t‘ the Railway “and Slezr'mboat Rq tea; important placesâ€"on the lines being held till the completion of the former, to admit of correction to latest date. _-L 1‘.“ IV‘.MVO UV “u“... '- Ianticipateissfiing, in October next, the Canadian Dominion Directory, and Six Provincial Directories, which Wiil be a correct index to the Dominion of Canada, Newfoundland, and Prince Edward Izland, anda. combined Gazetteer, Directory and Hand Book of the six Provinces. SUBSCRIPTION TO THE DOMIXIQX DiRECTORY t Dominion” of Canada. Subscribers $12 Cy. United State‘s . do 1'3 Goid. Great, Britain andIreland do £3 Stag. France, Germany, c., do £3 Stg. Subscription to Provincial Directories. i Province of Ontario Directory, 1870-71~ $4 ,Pravince of Quebec do _’ 1870-71 4 Province“ Nova Scotia do 1570-71 2 [Province o‘i New Brunswick Directory, 1870-71 ProvinCe of Newfoundland ,i ‘ Jo‘E‘IN 'Lov ELL, Publisher. Montreal, March 16, 1870. Province of Prince Edward ' . , Island Directory, 1870-71 2 (If? No Money to be paid until each book is delivered. 4:3 _ H Râ€"aie-S of Ad‘Gé'x-tking will be made known on applicutlon to ‘1‘ rv‘f r [\TYTV' T h 1-10-1 _-_ afiEVERY FACILITY FOR DOING FIRSTCLASS WORK AT THE “ CHROMCLE UFFiCE. Specialities at the big axe, AT mnoma \‘EHGLESALE muses. A LARGE LOT OF PUSKET 5!, TABLE BETLEBY, D093 EEATi‘é‘, RETAIL‘A'L‘ WHOLESALE PRICES. Ground in Oil. This paint is superior to and 1110 e durable than the best White Lead either fox inside or outside wmk, Lake going craft, Sac. Itsus se is not injurious to iihe health. Direct {1021111105. HUBBL’CK SOS, London, England; Nickle Silver Spoons Forks, Ufa reliable quality, in «neat *azietwy ENCOURAG E B OMB M AN U FACTCRE Platform Eunter Scales, Made by the celebmted E1111 of Guam. WARE .1: C0., of Hamilton, in stock a! Makers’ prices. These Scales 1119 W 1111- RAM‘ED perfect, 1911111119, :111dd111‘ab.e,bei:1g made in the very best manner. W. KOUGH. C3 3333 (gigâ€"J, COM @ifi Lampg9 OPEN REBELLEQEN. TAKEN BY STORM! Fenian R aid ! Phntugraphs fm the Minion! BETTER than the BEST land Cheaper than the Cheapest JOHN LOVELL, Publisher Montreal, March 16, 1.570. at KELSEY’S GALLERY, I.\'('I.CDI.\'G - .- HVND, TABLE, HALL, (kc. Chimue)s uWiL-ks, direct from Ms. Opposite FleLcher’si'Upper Tawn, Durham SPLENDID FARM FOR S ALE Forsale, Lot 13, Con. 7, Glenelg, com- prising 100 acres, 60 of wlnch are cleared, well watered and fenced, witlxa good House, Barn, Stable and an Or‘éhard of 100 Trees thereon. Also 50 acres, East half of Lot,l3, Con. 6th, (ilenelg, from 8 Lo 10 acres cleared. The above prouerly will be sold cheap, and clear deed given.â€" Terms easy. For particulars applyto ABRAM GOLD, at the Durham Ashery, or 3.0 ABRAM COOK, Owen Sound, Dec. 7, 1-961). CRUETS, SPi’sGNS, FORKS 81.0. A'Sl) I iAS COMMENCED BUSINESS IN the above line, In the premlses next dour to G. Isaac’s suddiery shop, Upper Town, Durham, where he, intends to devote his entire attenfion to CUSTOM WORK. Nothing but. the best eiack used, and a heat fit guaranteed. cg’PPz'ices to suit ihé times; 1633?. Lovell’s Diyeqtor-igs. New Shoe Shea; : (114%.) 25 Kegs HUBBUCK’S Genuine Owen @(nand. Imporled direct, will be sold‘ A. SIMPSON ELECTROPLATED A BALE OF Directory, 1870-71 Lot- 7, Con. 6, Glenélg. ¢‘ ' “21‘ 5 0x. . '3. POWER, in the Village for Sale or toLease. .Terms Apply 7to the subscriber, at ( or to Mr. J o’nn CrisPin, near to G. Jackson, Esq, M. P., t » .. ., W'- 3:81“ Owen Souhd, Dec. 16:11, 181 1 Vegetabm THOR TH] Hair Dresser, c.,1)m PRICEâ€"$1.50cts. and 25 cents (1:? 1 his 18 a most superio; poSed entirely of veaetable su} is positively the best unis-1c ever manufactured. "V {Qrm the inhu‘dtamh; 01‘ Um“ '; and vicinity, that. he has Cnmmcnccd . ness in the New cottage, near .tbe .AS‘IEry, Having had 'conSIflerale- prncucce, In 1:09. :{o'n and‘ many of the_ provncxnl 10me1; England, hopes by stnct atfinutxon to ; ness, to merit a share of public pzumw Nov. 23, 1869. JBEL ge. FOR .SALE’ W RURAL, LITERARY AND FAMILY WEEKLY. le. XXL, for 1870, of this Famcn‘g Journal will Excel in all the characteristic-3 of a. First-Class Rural, Lilcmry, Famggy and business Ne wspaper; combined-making it the 3 MARKE'I A) :1) cm)? 313130 :rs l 1 Are fun and ref able. Indeed, being AM; Edited, Illustratrd at d 1’ inzcd in Run". Style, and Adaptcd to Comm)‘, V x'x‘. ngL and City 37, the RURAL is the P333301 it x Yoursefi, JFamHy and I“: feuds. It is 1-01 311.0331“: or semimotuhlv, but a Lawn and mei ful Illustrated W ceklv, -â€"â€"and thou ti: drwbh {its foxmer size, its Subscript: on I’xice 1c mains unchan "L d. ' The RURAL was Doubled in Size Vastly Improved. in Jan. last, and is not only the Largest, Cheaycst and! but also the Largest Cir-cumin; Woâ€" iu its Sphere. Superior in AHsz, V; and Variety of Contents, as wed in Size, 8:er and illustrations, and bind UREHTUBE ”FQQTORY Coming-Mal Circul sands of ardent. ad Countryâ€"the in; VOL XXL, for 1870, will be {-111.2ir-Ezmi in Superior Style, each Numbcr («mg-ris- ing Sixteen Double Quarto Pages, (ut' It‘ne iolumns Eacb,) Finely IHuSU'aIL-d, and Neatly Printed on Book Paper. Only $3 a Year; in dubs 01' ten or mow, $2 53. Canadians,.20 Us. a 3ear exam. for American postage, Subscribe and Ch." N3“? ! Greatizrducemems to Club A gems Employing the 1308! Talent in flze Land --having Nine Able Editors. a1.d Bundzcds of Special Contributors and Corresyrmdwts â€"and being: 31: acknuvsledged :3 11110131? cm Practical. Scientific and Literar} bu‘yim an Exchange truly says of it that "1111: RURAL IS the most L“ egamly Pxiined. Abiy Ehted, \V idely Circulaxed and Heamly Welcomed Paper, as a whole, which now finds iks way amen-’1' the P120111“. FARM AND FIRESIDE FAVORITEÂ¥ The Cnmux Dummnum duced, is conducted by Rev. V of Guelph, Ont.., formerly 0 Canada Farmer. - The Ri’i‘AL has alwars lmi'cd {mm Rochester, N. Y. (the hearth! afmmd farmiu-r and (mi! groning region “Lucia several 0! its Eiitors and Cmmibum s reside”. but as its pt; 'ncipal Pul-‘lica iun (mice is now in New Yonk, all letters should be addressed to MOORE'S RURAL PAYS All who cultivate Fails, Fluwers. tables. ‘c:, even on a small scale, ( Village or Subu1h,) while to l“ Planters, Hurlicullurists, Stork 13 Wool Grower‘s, Daizymen. l’rum ciers, o. it is INDISPEXSABI the FAMILY it is hiohly regal: Literary and Miscellaneous Dru: furnishing ( ROYCE M 1) Hi 1 1L: [AG READING FUR ALL. The l â€"0ver (ne Hundled Valuah‘o Pinninnw, ranging in [nice lrom $410 50‘”)! 63%?- mens, Premium Lists, Show1 Jr ls,‘ um. saw (100. Mama’s Rural New-Mel DURHAM CHRONiCLE WHITE JOHNSON. AT THE 01:17:53.3. 1A..)WER \‘11.LA«.,;1-., DURHAM. Law Respecting Newspayas 1. Subscribers who iio not gist cxyzu notice to the contrary are COnSideltd a wishing to continue their >ubscri1-‘1i0ns. 2. Ifsubscribersorderthe Glscum imumt’f‘ of their periodicals, the publisher may send them until all arrearsare paid, suLsL-x-ihcx s are responsible for all numners 5cm. 3 . IS PUBLISHED EVERY 'l‘hursday Morning New York City, and Rochester, 3. lfsuhscribers neglect or refuse to take the periodicalsirom the office to whichthy are directed, they are hefd z-eplmnszlm till they have seitledflceir Bill, and uni-r11 (1 their periodical to; be dictulllillut’d. â€" Sendiflg number‘s batik, or lmrhzg Nu m it; (TLC Ofiiée, is. do! such nut-Eu: of (lit‘FUZZ tinuance as the bait: Requires. 4. 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' . . :0 ,--- n?! ? 91‘5- Voluntary Corresp‘cndenu {1-0; ofthe county solicited. All communications, to ensm c if otherwise Satisfactory, 1111.51 name of the writer, not, new. pnhi‘ica‘tjon bin-ass guarantor uf; Afjl_‘4 ...:ll Inn: v"----vâ€"~ . 0:? N0 unpaxd letters will be mica: U the Post Ofiice. Bonkand Job Pmtmg‘ HY .COPE, Tailor, OULD RESPECTM’LLY than the inhu‘dtamh; 01‘ I) Ofever-vdescription, executed in unsurpassed b)‘ any oflice in the 002 Ordier'sby Mail will receive. due at CHARGES mxsomw: NAPOLEON OF ITS CLASS! BY D. D. 'r. MOORE, FORM,STILE,TERMS, Rates of Advertising- THE GREAT ILLUSTRATED FANT’ D, T. MOOPE. . 41 Palk Row, New Yoxk. anionâ€"with tens of thou; mirers in both Town and AL is the great 1 by Rev. w . j formerly edit :o-‘S E h, 18 9,“ ' Em tf. Bestmalivseg D; {ummfints N" 'I L HTM‘S The R rnm.’ Sofi-ud‘ lat '30! IS “OW 3m alif ssari C 7000 “'"r the" from we ll‘. n! In with XL the White Johnson. Elliott’s 110i" ARRIS'H SO} iCiX v OmCeâ€"UM Durham, Uut W Y UFFICB zâ€"Kfixt Uflice, Durham. iHYSICI.\__.\’ HYSICIAN, 51' 2mm years, (for 88,“:- Durham} 1 SSU E 1’ Durh: Town, I)“ ARRISTEI Solicitor " '03"; I 1»- l”. Glazm'ls “mi host a 1) i ' 1' u V ansâ€"and <55 tmfierlal. 'ft [1! All work wa.:~::nt Canon’s Store, L 'fice, promptly a 1T 1. 8TH w .5» Good workma the charges at eneY TH OM FOE \‘YH $7. find as '.._'O in the C \V a re r0 6f the big M 01 Larchains, H William 1'. Porter, Kerr, Bro ’MPUl-z i‘1-:1:~~ Samuc' larg James DENTIST WHIiam GARAFRJJ AH work is I! supervision. stock used. and in the v1 livin! '3‘“- stove-Pit)“: puma shim“ CASE. OR Tum: (009$ EG T0 A14 01. ham, 0 (Two DUO 7' ‘VERX t' to fur U {81' On stands SH 01' as at .11 t V

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