West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Nov 1870, p. 3

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.16, and for interest the and ad intei‘es‘t in paying the interest Ina arly sinking fund lot of Four Hundred Thou. .reinafter mentioned; ig ahnual éméial raté' of at on the skid sum of e revised and eWized said Municipamiu u' to all other rates to M ctegl by the Municipal ty ni' Grey, thug it shall or Egremont, Norman!“ ck, Holland, Sullivan; Uwen Sound, Sanwuk portion of the Mnnici: bf Grey, to aid and u: rey and Bruce Railway g then-to the sum of and Dollars by way of which said Debeniun’é the seal of the said of G my, and be sign- and countersigued by e (Tmmty of Grey, and Hon of the said County my, namely: the said Hgmnnnt, \5 Ulnanby,‘ 'w pnrpoSe the Warden of" shall cause any buinbe: B County of Grey tobd s of money as any bo' [l purpose, not less than n. and not exceeding ii: iount of Four Hundred I debentures shall bent: whet tfie rate of six pct 30!!) the date thereof} I be payable halt-yearly, f Atrium,“ and the first each year at the aid Tux-onto; purpose of forfiti‘ng-a‘ he payment of the said real thereon at the rate. steers! rate of twelve 6f a mill in a dollar; all other rates herald; let-ted in each year upon? “petty in the Said Mani-I mum, Nnrmanhy, Glen- oilzmd, Sullivan, Derby Sum-d, Sarawak a to the last revisedand ent runs as from year t0 qualized for the said Mn: law directs, dun-m0 "to ty years from the coming Bytaw, unless such deé (mner paid. is: Mifl ; in: 200 5 Bay School BOW? or Durham Electox‘al D;- m Lecture Room ; f0: )xvisiun, at. No. 1 School ne : for Centre Electoral PII ’. I‘f‘l 'XI-u “'Vf" . nson‘s bchsol H0953 i ”I ~ I Y ‘ , mum, at W ebstzr a {muse of 'nion Sch?“ 8'; 2nd Electoral Dlvfi'ml ; fl School Section NO- ! Divnaion, at School Ho." :01! No. 14; for 4!!! m. It School Home 0‘ f- , . ‘ for 5th Electoral DI"?- of School Section Re; A“ ,Uc WED Dentures to be Signed ‘91 9. shall be delivered by “19 said (‘0!10‘j Of Grey “5 Hated (or m be appoimed) h We Icmb section of the Ming the said Toronto; insiway Lk'unpany. [Hurt enacted, by the said 3'] of the County of Grey, the electors 02' Egremont, Belg, Bclutinck, Holland. Sydenhum, Uwcn Sound; me], be taken on this By- inj: places, that is to say : ~â€"Fur let Electoral Di- n 213: cmncessiod; for 2nd m, at Ferguson’s, lot 3, for 3rd Electoral Division. lacksmith shop, on lot I], for 4th Elecmral Divmiong i lot 9, concession 9 ; f0! visinn, at Robert Home's “or West Elector-£1 Divil" unse, section No. l ; {0' rat Division, at Selim!§ U. '2 : for South Elam)?“ l lluuse, section No. 3’ val Division, at School 0. :3; tor Noah Elect!!!“ '3 School House: 0 ‘or lst Hector-a! Di'bw‘l 01 House ; for 3M5 Elec- t Baker's Schoo} BM; 81 Division, m 009“ r 4th Electoral Dim rk’s House ; for @h 3100‘ bmxm, is; cont-msgg-qlv’. \is :00, 3: Wm. Max" ; for ird Electonfl DIM : all; for 4th Electoral“ l-‘ shall hike effect on, from dav of Februarv. in thd y's Mills, 51b concession; *al Division, at Chafl‘ey’o Eiectoral Division. at the l Norris, lot )8, 13th com V uiaey s School Home. "- lst Electoral Divide-g Smith, lst conce‘eslqfiim For lst Eféctoral Division mse in Durham 5 for 2 I. at School House,sectioe d Eiecwral Division, 8 mover ; for 4th Esectotll ml House, segtion No. 55 Division, at House on In! sion. )entnres shall be undo" years from the day hér'éf fur this liy-Iaw to take, ()f'rurunto in the Ch, 0‘ have attached to than .yibem of interest at. 153 nnér' héreinahér metttion’i :Dâ€"er 1“, Wm spragg; for 009‘" .11 ; 10: River “"6! >088. Lor Is: Elecml“.l E Fur lst Electoral Diviss house, at Ayton Village} Dis-is. on,- at No.2 Union :- s) School House. ll u Sound, $8130"ka and account of which they' g'cxo'ck in the morning and closing at five? o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, 3 and that the following be the Returningi officers for taking the said votes, namely : 15 EonsMoXT-e-For lat Electoral Divis- ion. Mr. Robert Leggatt‘; for’2ad Electoral , Division, Mr. James L. Doyle ; for 3rd§ {immoral Division, Mr. James Sirr‘; for 4th} Electoral Division, Mr. John Henry; foré 51h ETecmral Division, Mr. Robert Horne. i I; NORMASBYâ€"For ,lst Electoral Dir-l f3§0n,'(at Ayton) Mr. Matthew O’Farrell; iEnd Electoral_D_i_vision, (at. Union School; ggectoral Division, at Boyd’s School‘Honse, South Diagonijl ; for 4th Electoral Division, at Cruikshank s School House, South Diag- No. 2) Mr. W.'H. 'Ryan. Is Gi.1-:.\'ELG â€" For Durham Electoral , Division, Mr. James Brown; for South Elecwral Division, Mr. Archib'i'id Black; for Centre Electoral Division, .- Mr. 'Finiay McCrae ; for West Electoral Division, ‘Mr. John McCormick; for North Electoral Division, Mr. Samuel Donnelly. Ix anrxxcxâ€"For ‘lst Electoral Divis- ion, Mr. John Moodie ;.for 2nd “Electoral Division,.\lr. Charles Fletcher; for 3rd Electoral Diviqion. Mr. Duncau'Campbell ; l for 4th Eiectoral Diwsion. Mr. James J ohnstone: for 5th Electoral Division, Mr. Hugh .‘I. Barton. 1:: Hm.r..a.\'nâ€"For West Electoral Divâ€" isiOH, Mr. Wm. (3. Lyttle: for Garafraxa Electoral Division, Mr. ‘Henry Cardwell; for South Electoral Division, Mr. Maxwell _Wilt0n; for East Electoral Division, Mr. John Flemming, Jr. ; for North Electoral 1).vision, Mr. John Price. lx SULerx-For lst Electoral 'Division Mr. Charles'Critchely; for 2nd Electoral Division, Mr. John Milhurn, Jr.; for 3rd Eiectoral Division, .Mr. Andrew Henry; for 4'h EleCtoral Division, Mr. Rolirn Kil- patrick : fur 5 h Electoral Division, Mr. Donald McIntosh. lx Danniâ€"For lat Electoral Division, Mr. John Smith : for 2m! Electoral Divis- fion,.\lr. Joseph Kenchen , for 3rd Eleétoral Division, Mr. Abraham Finch; for 4th ‘lcctoral Division. Mr. James B. Young; Webster. _ Ix SYDEXHAMâ€"For lst Electoral Divis- jon, Mr. Donald Baxter; for 2nd Electoral Division, Mr. Charles Gordon; for 3rd E. ectoral Division, Mr. Thomas Matthews , for 4: h Electoral Division, Mr. William Johnstone ; for 5th Electoral Division, Mr. David Armstmnrr. Ix Owes Sumoâ€"For Bay Ward. Mr. J. U. Spragg; for Centre Ward, Mn}! R. H. Hill; for River Ward, Mr. ”James B. cameron. Ix SARAWAK-Mr, A. K. Roy. Ix Karynâ€"For lst Electoral Divssion, Mr. '1‘. H. Reeve ; for "id Electoral Div- ision, Mr. Gavin Shaw; for 3rd Electoral Division, l}. .‘l. 'leiiant, Jr.; for 4th Electoral Division, Mr. Jeremiah Wallace. TAKE NOTICE That the above is a true COPy of the pro- posed By law, which wiil be “taken into con. sideration by the Council of the said Coun ty of Grey, after One mon‘th from the firs‘t publication in the Owen Sound Times, the Owen Sound Advertiser, the Owen Sound (hmet. the Durham Chronicle. the Meaford Nlonitor, the H’atcher am Sa-ugem, the d ue of which first. publications was in the ()weu Suund 717mm on the 18th day of Nmeht-r, A. D, If“). the Owen Sound Avlreltiser the ITLh d: xy of Nmember, A. I). 1‘70, the (Men Sauni Comet on the 7 (h dayrf Vuvemier, A. 1)., 1870, the Durhun C'Izmnicle rm 1!. e 17th day of No- \ember, A. 11,1870 the Meatord blonitor 0n the 17th day at \uvember, A. 1)., 1870, and the H 'mhfer am Sauyeen on the 17th "(hyx of \memher, A.1).1870; and that the votes of the I; ecmrs of Bdremont, Nor. manbx. G enelg, Hentinck. 110113116, 3111 Monday, the 12th day of December HM $'lU\ , UiClICI :, llblll' nun u ------ lixaz, Derby, Sydenhun, Owen â€"Sdhnd, Sarawak and Kepuel will be taken thereon Oll (31 the Trelfth Day‘of ’December, A. 1), .0, commencing at the hour of nin. niock in 'he morning ant! closinc at five \. [11370. commencing at nine 0 ’cloc‘k m the 1'30 ~enoon, and closing at five o clock in the afternoOn ot the sage day, a‘. the sev ' 3nd places mentioned, set. out in and fixed ‘3': he ei rhlb clause of the above true copy 3': the said propdsed Bymaw. Inn\f n .1“ Avg Re In 0 va! .4 5th Electoral Division, Mr. Alé‘xauder 135A RE RE 0 TH Ram maul. BARGM NS, DRESS GOODS 12 . cents per yard. ALL. WOOL FLANNEL 25313. per yard: Other Goods Equally Cheap; A large supply of Hats 65 Bonnets flafilge, Drum, 801-. 23, 1370. The subscriber begs to inform his friends and the pu‘u‘fic in general, that be has removed 'to the His new and commodious store, on the corner Oponsi'e the “British Hotel,” where he is prepared to give good 0 odland. ., JOHN GALE, ’Asfistunt County Clerk such as 'the following : SUGAR for $1.00; on hand. 1985. 199-tf. F. H. EDWARDS’. ALBUMS ! ALBUMS ! F. H. EDWARDS’ '. H. EDWARDS’ Bibles, I". EHO E D‘WTI‘RS’ Bfiifl 0}}: gmawmm. Cancetti‘nas, Dnn'ceninas ! F. H. EDWARDS’ . H. EDWARDS Glassware, Glassware. 1 nevus, Navels, nevus, W ostern Canada PEEMANENT Building and Saving Society! Head (Mia, 70 Church St., Toronto. ‘I‘U uuuuu v‘ 7 -_ Enveldpes; Pass-Bzok‘s, Blank Pocket-Ledgers, Pens, Pencils, Inks, 350., at H. ED'WARDS’ "â€" .-l_â€" 01A...‘ Passznsxr, Hon. Geo. W. Allen, Sebator; VICE-Panama“, John \Vorthington, Esq : DIRECTORS, Wm. Gooderham, Esq; Samuel Platt. Esq.; Jan. E. Smith, Est}: Franc cis Shanly, Esq; the Hon. D. 1:. Mac: pherson, Senator. . _ .. Baxxsas. Bank of Toronto; Mer‘chanta’ Bank of Canada. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. Money received on deptsn, and interest alloWed at. the rate of six per cent. per an- num, compounded half-yearly. On improved freehold propefty, re‘-payable :.. mnmhlv- half-veariv. or yearly inst?!- U0 Impl'Uch uccuUu. V'VI'“'JI . ' in monthly, halfâ€"yeariy, or yearly instal- ments, to smt‘the borrower. From the large income of the Society, money can a‘L ways be had without delay and at a reduced No management fees or deduc- tions from amount. of 'Loan. The Convey. anving charges are much ' ‘ ' narily favorable to borrowers. WALTER 8. LEE, ARCHIBAL-D fickfik'ZIE Agent, Durham Capital: . EDWARDS’ J nst recived a Large and Banti- ful stock of English Jewelery, comprising Ladies’ colored sets, iLadies’ colored Earrings, Indies’ long Chains, Gent’s Albert Chains, Finger Rings, Pins, ‘c., ‘c. These goods were bought at lesa then one half their value, which _,W‘ill enable us to sell them at prices that will astonish the names. Remember the Place, VARIETY STORE, DURHAM. We invite special] "atten'tion to our large and well selected stock of GLASSWARE, which ’ ’eurpasses anything ever before 1 ”brought. to Durham. Partieag requiring Glassware will please i call a‘nt’. examine the stock, and { ‘compxre the prices and puali-’ tie: with ‘tbose of other houses rin tb’iva. i . EDWARDS’ £23M$9mm ‘2 Jewe|ery, Jewelery. Coucertinas varying in price fl-om $2.00 to 3!?) 00 each.â€" Our stock is now campTete in MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ViOllflS varying in pfice from $2.00 to $15.00 Accordians from $3.50 upwards, Flutes from 50 cents to $15.00. ‘A Large Stock of MELODEONS and PIA-NOS alwrys on'hand iron) the best makers, at NICKELETTE Paper Cullars ! 'Almost as white and durable as steriing silver. We have ‘now on hand, ' made from this new metal, a large stock of Table- spoons, Teaspoons, Desert Spoons, Dinner Forks, Desert Forks, Crud-Stands, ‘c.,'c., which for Beauty and‘Durabil‘ity -are equal to solid silver, and vary cheap, at We can furnish an Elegant Album, holding forty - eight full siZed pictures, bound in full gilt cover, gilt edges, for the low price of 50 cents ; a lirge quarto Album, in full gilt cover and gilt edges, holding 100 full sized pictures for the low price of $1.00. 0:? Albums from 50. cents to $10 each, at Our stock in this line is now complete, comprisini" Family jiiblec, I’ew Bible's, Pocket Bibles, Reference Bibles, and Paragraph Bibles. Testaments in large and small type, from, 15 cents upwards.\I also Wesley ' an men Books, N . C. Metho? dist Hymn Booka, Baptist Hymn Books, Episcopal Hymn Books, Union Hymn Books, St‘bOOl Hymn Books; Roman Catholic Prayer Books, Testa~ ments and Catecbi<ms always in stock, at 011‘? Stock of Paper Collars, Cuffs and Fronts ‘is very large and well selected, comprismg all the latest styles out. Up- wards of 200 Boxes of Collarrs selling off at 5 cents per box, usually sold at 20 cents, at W'e have just opened out a beautiful stack of Hair Oils 91"" P4§°¥évrfiex’y, whi~h for quality and lowness of price Launot be surpassed ahyik'leere, at 'Our stack is always complete? in the following lines, Blank} Books, Nlfie Paper, Foolscapl fPaper, School Paper, Biil‘ Paper, Music Paper; Envelopes, any quantity very cheap by the thousand; Mourning Note and The New Cottage Library series on complete, compi‘isingfl'hree {hundred and lift’y voluxris, all ‘25 cent volumes. Full and descriptive catalogues sent free to any address 'on “application. Bibles, 1Variety Store, Durham. $300,000: VA R1 ETY STURE. Variety Store. Variety Store. Variety Store. Variety Store. Variety Store. Bibles DVRHA'M. THE WEI-51413: STOCK CONSISTING OF Readyfilu‘de Clothing Must be disposed of by a. limited time, consequently Hardware, 1870.] FALL :[1 S70. FALL éfi WINTER G001! E‘AS 331151,“ fiflflfii’lflfl ANA ofiyelieCl (but: mats; am 521,035 HATS AND CAPS, Ready-Made ClOthingy (SI/('21. 197. Duffham, Oct. 20th, 183:0. DRY - GOODS, GROCERI'E'S-y =| The public are imlited to inspect! N0 TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS !! A. 0. M‘KENZIE. Durham, Oct. 4th, 1870. L'I “A.“ LUVv--â€" - I ave ‘now on hand Marge assortment 6f all'kinds of Furn'itd'fe, 'é'bnsisting of : BUREAUS, CUPBOARDS, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, SOFAS, TABLES, 6.30., which they will sell AT MUCH LOIVER'PRICES! than have hitherte been sold for in Durham. [51"? Orders for Repairing will recexve prompt attentio‘b’. All kinds of TURNING executed with Ned‘tue‘s‘s and Despatch‘. ,__ __ __ _ é:- :ézhml“? Great Reduction in PriCefi THE FOLLOW! N FARM TO RENT éR'N FOR SALE. Ifeg‘ l‘nra Durham, Oct. 20th, 1870. XCELLENT LAND, GOOD BUILD? was and fences, never failing stream of water and good water power. One- fourth mile south of the village of Durham. Title indisputable. Terms easy. Apply to A, R. HORTON, Celliugfi’o'od, Co. Sxmcoez‘ Ont. Wanted for school section No. 8, Nor- manby, a male Teacher, holding a second class certificate._ Dnti s to commence on the lst of January, 187 . Apply to any of the undersigned. ANDREW DERBY, EDWARD ARD, Trustees. . .JOHN YOUNG, ' Normanby, Oct. 24th, 1870. 195 3. L *““H‘ u " --I-â€"-â€"â€"â€".v ._ (31’? If you want Furniture 6': a'uy‘t'liing in our line give us a call. Suitable Lumber will be taken in exchange for work. G. J-. MATTHEWS 2% SON. It {will pay you. A. C. M‘KENZIE Durham, Jung: 14th, 1970. CHE AP CASH STORE. Bax-bani, Nov. 5, 1870. [WARE ROOM OPPOSITE ’lHE ARGYLE HOTEL, DUEfiA-MJ --H- ‘. n 1" '1 _'..__ ”A‘ TEACHER WANTED. Men’s and ‘ Boys" Boot' Sb Bargains will be given, AT M. Ira’serss -k_Lot No. 2, North of Lampton SL, containing four acres. Apply to Good Wincys 10; cents. LOWING ARE A FEW OF OUR PRICES: Men’s Overcoats from $3. Heep Skirts for 25 cents. Ladieé’ Jackets for 31. Two BOXES PAPER COLLARS FOR 5 CENTS. Great Bargains in‘Crockery, (If;- Tea Sets for $2. Groceri'eS, Crockery, c. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ,IATTHE\VS 85 SON., AN IMMENSE STOCK OF gm}: REC'E'I'VED 'THE'I'R CONSISTIN G 0F 'c T. JONES, 'ry our $T. CONSISTIN G 0F 3m. STORE, LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. Crockery, KL O'lICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application will he made to the Legislature of Ontario, at its neiIt session, for:3 an Act to extend the time for complet- ing the construction 0! the Line of Railway authorized to he constructed by the Acts incorporating the Wellington, Grey, and Bruce Railway Company and for certain amendments to ythe said Acts. JOHN OSBORNE, cretary. Hamilton, 4th October, 1870. 93 6. The subscriber is desirous of disposing of a Splendid Park Lot, of four notes, situate within half a. mile ot.the villgge of Durham. There is a good new frame burn on the premises, also the cellar and foundation for a dwelling house. A good well of water convenient. Will be-sold veryreesonahlo. HUGH McKENZIE. pdst~paid Téachér Wantéd. Sept. 7th, 1870. ANTED immediately, a Séhbol Teacher. Addteas, if by letter st~paid - T HOS SULLIVAN, Priceville. Gleuelg, Nov. lat,- 1870. COLE TWEED‘. Park Lot for Sale. New Goods "and New Fashions for 1870 and 1871. Fall Winter Sifiék; Clouds and WOol's ‘33 Colors; BONNET-FRONTS, fiA’i: mm BONNET SHAPES, WO'O'LEN YARNS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, CLOA-KINGM: SKIRTINGS, 520. Mrs. D. having secured the services of a first-class. Mi‘L‘IiINER, ifg'om Toronto, feel: confident that she will be able to give entire satisfaction to 'all who may find: her mt their patronage. ‘ Mrs . Davidsong FANCY GOODS, sums, ““1 Anhéu‘l‘lce large ‘arrivals of New “and Fashionable I 0 or,» BUI‘TER a; EGGS TAKEN IN ExcHASIGE FOR Goo'bs. UU Ill-Ly “pl.“ vvvvv - - . Montreal HouS‘e', Upper Town, gainâ€"door to Mr. Parker‘s Drug Store. Durhatfi, ‘Oct. 20th, 1870 - _ .. Y m 0111‘ Stock of ILLINER AND DRESSMAKER, OF THE “ KONTREAL goUSE." BEGS respectfully to inform her Lady Patrons, that she has jés‘. recexved her fl ’4 ; _\ Baats (Sr Shoes, Grfléeri339 has removed his business from one door south of the Foundry, to the inure co‘mv modious building, situated one door north of said Foundry, where he is prepared to .do business as usual, only with a much larger stock of goods, and hopes by strict attention to business and reasonable charging to receive ashare of public patronage. THE subscriber begs to inform his numerous customers and general public, that he From GLASGflW, Direct. The best of work; no Apprentices or Qiiack Mecham cs Empioj’ed! The subsliriber manufactures a kind of Collar which Can he recommended for safety to horses, and whichhas proyed its supériority over the Scotch Collar. They have been thoroughly test’éd liy and are now in use on the Durham pindugollingwood Stage .Lme. Any person lh doubt can refer to Mr. R. H. Mifihivéfi, ,Hroprxeto‘rvof the said line.â€" Reference might be made to many others but the aho‘ve named gentleman has more of them in use than any othér man in the county. afiThé Scotch Collar manufactured second to none. (I? CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on short notice and in any style desired, CONDENSED CATALOGUE OF GOODS CONSTANTLY 0N HAND: Japanned Team Harness; Brass Team Harness; C Plate Harness; fi Tag Team Harnessfii Tug Team Harness; Japanned Single Harness; C Plate Single Harness; Brass Single Harness; Silver Single Harness; Riding Saddles. all kinds; Riding Bridles and, Martihgals- Team Whips, Buggy Whips; and Stage Whips, of all kinds andQudlitz’, in_abnndance,. also a few 1 . m___L-J 0'; “15‘: O Luguau van uaucla Vuuuu 3, Juan”, ________ Womted ar Nets 3’Snit's. of Hosze Clothing ; Frankâ€"M’fllar’s I prepared Barnea‘é Oil, the only 011 to preserve the . ' . Stitching and Leather. -. ._ r... 7 , The Best Stock of :TRUNKS in South Grey; varying in price from 2.50 to $14.00. (If? The patent adjusting Hame with safety ring, which can be made to fit any horse by raising or lowering the draft ; CURRY COMES, CARDS, BRUSHES and MANE COMES. (1- A call from all l8 solicited. . _ J; C; GRIFFITH Oct. 27th, 1870. Dtaini, July 13th, 1870. AMAZiNGLY - CHEAP. ‘- Note the . ‘Confii‘éfiing in part of : ms, Mons, _. _ VELv-E'rs, FEATHERS, BUTTONS, TRIMMINGS, 5:0. JUST OPENED o? Address, MRS. DAWDSQN, . M‘KEUHNIE,‘ LOWER TOWN ‘D’U‘RI’IAM. RIBBONS. FLU W ERS, The Lead I. 1;] qr Mach Ines THE TRIUMPHS OF THE Famelj Shuttle 6ewing Jul/whine. «It is, Without exception, the best Mabhine now AGENT I}? DURHAM, I the _g1‘e‘gt pleasure in recommending to the notice of my friends, (that is if I have any), Dr. Halsted, of Durham, as a thoroughly qualified Physician, c., know- ing that he will give perfect satisfaction to all who employ him. Dn. PRITCBARD. J“. .SPEQIAE'VI‘JNnD AJ-wywwwj‘, will be ilolden at the Company’s Offices, in the city of Hamil'ton, on .Tuesciay the Twenty ‘secoiid day of November next, at the h0ur of 12 o’clock, noon, for the par. pose of considering certain ~pmposed amendments to the company’s charter, and of authorizing a further issue of bonds. JOHN OSBORNE, a .. _ .jQA‘l‘E 0F mach-179),.” EGS T0 INFORM '1‘ng CITIZENS of Durham that he has npened 3 Barber; Shep over .Cole Twéed’s store, Lower Tom}, where he. will be most. happy to attend to the wants of all those requiring his services. â€"â€"-Uâ€"â€"_ ‘ iHERE ‘COU'LD BE FURNISHED N0 BETTER EVIDENCE :01? THE Unexampled Success of the above Sewing Machine, than the NUO "mg Durham, Oct. 25th, 187". ND class Male Teacher wanted, for U. S. S. No. 3, Bentinck and Glenelg. WILLIAM CRANSTON, Trustee, Latona P. O. Nov. lst, 1870. Durham, Oct. 17, 1870. IMPROVED FARMS H18 SALE. The undersigned is authorized to sell the following Improved Farmé on easy terms, viz : . Lot No. 18, con. 2, E. G. R, Towhsfiip of fl'ORONTO, Provincial Exhibition, ............... -- CH A'IHAM County of Kent,. -.- . ............. INGE’ 1.301111, County 0t Oxford, N. R., ............ WOO‘DSTOCK, County of Oxford, S. R., ..... -. PARIS. County of Brant, N. R, ................... BRANTFORD, County of Brant, S. R. .,---, .-.-. . . .. ST. MARY’S, Countyy of Perth, S. R., ......... ... . STRATFORD, County of PertIJ, N. R.... ....... '. ... DUN!) AS, 'I ownsbip of West F2 amboro’ ,. . . . ' AY LMER, Towngh’ip of Malnhide,. . . . - .- - . . . . ,-. .. FREELTON, U nion of Five Townships, .-- - . . . ..-.. RT. CATHARINES, County of Lincoln, ............ WELLAND, County of Welland, ................... AURORA, Townships of King and \V hitchnrch, . . . . . BRADFORD, County of Simcoe. S, R, ,-.- .-.. ..-.. WHITBY, County of ORtario, 3.1 . . . . . PRINCE ALBERT, County of Ontario, N. R., ..... MILLBROOK, County of Durham,N 1 .I§.,. -- - ,.., . . N APANEE, Counties of Lennox afid Addington,” Glenelg, 100 acres. _ Lots No. 26 and 17, con. 2,13. G. R. ,Town ship of G1 enelg, 200 acres. Lot. No. p,]6 con. 1, N. D. R. ,Township of G.enelg, 50 acres. LotsNo. 7and8, .-.con 3, N. D. 1%., T-own ship of Glenelg, 100 acreiz. Lot No. 8, con. 2. £1:W. G'. R., Township of Bentinck, 100 acres. Lot No. 12 ,con. 2, W. G. R., Township of Bentinck,100 acres. Lot No. 25, con. 17, W. G. 11., Township of Noxmanby, 100 acres. Also, â€"â€" ‘. n m ‘ . r Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway. Hamilton, 4111 Oct., 1870. Lot No. 47, con. 3, E. G. 11., Township of Holland, 100 acres. A LotB7, 8 and9, N. D. R, and 7,8and9, South side of Elgln St. ., containing’ 9 . acre each, in the village of Priceville. For further particulars apply to -_.____ -- -- "l‘ m" ISAAC IRELAND would call the atten- tion of ihe public. to. this Improved Machine Pump. He would say that his; Pump took easily the first prize at the late show in Mount Forest, in competition with a Pump that is reported to have taken the first prize at the. Provincial Exhibition at amilton and four other places. The im- provements consist of the strongest bear. ings, which will stand the most wear of any pump now in use in Canada, also Malleable Valve Seats and Hardwood Cylinder. The lsame kind of bearings were used by him 17. i 18 and 19 years ago, and seven out of ten ' of the pumps put up by him then are now in use, which has induced him to fall back on the 01d hearings and fixtures. _ ISAAC IRELAND; July 13,1870. Masc FACTI’RFB. Mount Forestfi: pt; 1, 18 TO.- 1y. TEACHER WANTED. PRIZE PUMPS. "Carrieé away during this Fall at the various Agricultural Fain}: Professor Ringo, SAMUEL E.‘ 'L'EGATE, . Durham, Out. 70. 130. 34.1251? Biz-7’ mugs” ‘, Township of Secrétary. 1m. Lmboro’,.. .........'..'.’..'.2 le, .................. '..'.'.. wx}8hlps,.---oooogg..oodoo. Lincoln, .................. nd Whitchurch, ......... .. s R.,.-.-.-.. {.12 -‘3-0- 0... no. .--- coo... )utariq N. R., .......-..-. N 0.1",.--ooo-IO-Boo-oo '. mafifl Afidington, .......... WILSON, BOWMAN 0.0., MANUFACTURERS, HAMILTON; 0N1”. IMPORTANT T0 FARMERO. THOMAS THLLER, s L; This Fork needs only to be seen to be ape preciate‘ét. We feel- confident in introdno’y ing itto the farmers generally, that it bu Superior qualities over any other Hay Fork in The Dominion, and are willing at any time to test. its merits .against any otheis forks in Ha , Barley, or locse Grain. It is lightto litangie.z and powerful. It is in no case likely to get out ofmder.‘ It will pens-3 trates the Hay easily. . ,Jt will elevate more than a team can draw. '~.’ It is .lpeculiarly adapted for Bailey and loose. Oats as well as Hay. It can be Operated 90th hope can to and from the mow than any otfie’r York ‘ . g _ Bentincli, Allanp;rlr; Pg .6: Rent- 2’5. '18‘I‘0. 191-, one}; IS HERERY‘GIVEN THAT application will be Wmde by me Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Com- pany, to the Legislature of Ontar'fd, at its next session, ‘for an Act to amend th‘é “Act incorporating the said Company and to ex- tend the powers conferred upon the aid Company. W. H. BEATTY, , 'Solieilpr for Applicants. --_.£ Strayed from Durham ,Novegnbchfigl, | Red Cow, eight years old. aA 10139. ginng information thgst will lead ti) 1' re'covery will be suitably rewardeyi.. ; THOMA§ TOWSEND, . . .' . Lot 5, 0011.12, Glenelg. Nov. 17. 1870. 198.3. _ Guamâ€"First Wednesday in each month. ngnmsmyâ€"Friday before Guelph Fsir. Boswmnnâ€"Saturday beforefiiuelph. ELORAâ€"T'ne day before Guelpfl‘. Draytonâ€"The day. before Big-5,14. ‘ L’ Curfewâ€"Thursday before Guéi pluFair 'l E\ IOTDAI E-«Friduy beforeG Gel ph Fair. Nzw HAMBURG-First Tues: in en , month. BEnuxâ€"I irst Thursday m each month. El MIRA- Second Monday to each montll. WAN-3m (Joâ€"Second '1‘ uesdny In each fidmh. MT. FOREST-'1 bird Wednesday 1:: each DURHAMâ€"Tuesday preceding *2? above. l"mmts-â€"Tbursda'y fellowiu . Forest. URANGEVIIJJIâ€"SBCOSd Th raday in Jan., March, May, ,July, Sep, and Nov. Mono Mn.v.s-â€".â€"Third Wednesday in Jam, April, July arid bomber. ERINâ€"First Mpnqay in January, April, . _ J uly and October. MAsofwfitax.r.E-First Tuesday in February, May", August and November. BUILDING LOTS. I ,; Sept. 27, '18 4 0. Toronto, Nov. 7t§,fi»~1870. LL PARTIES are hereby on one“ against purchasing or neglirm egg Promissory Note made Bimfiau 3060mm, Bentinck, in favor of Samuel McDearmid, Glenelg, hearing date 20m of Septemberf 1870, and payable one year therefrom, I! payment has been stopped. , . ‘ . __ -, SAMUEL MCDEABMID, Sépt. %, 1970. 191.3 f Nov: 17, ié70. AME to the premises of the NW" Lot .49, Con. ,2, Glenelg, .on thafiigh; of last Durham Fair Day, a "(010” old Steer, with a'bnyer’s msrk on his right hip. He was sold by the subscriber fit the aid Fair. The owner is “agitated to pron property, pay expense; an tails him any. JAMES DILLON. Sept. 27, 1870: 191.: Durham, Nov. 9, 1870. WILD AND Iii-930m lands for Sale, 2‘ -- v â€"--â€"-â€"~ GENT- for Abram’sâ€"imp'rovea HI], Barley and Straw {he Stare and Dwelling known as tho “ Montregl House,” Upper Tofin'. Monthly Cattle Pairsfi month. HORSE. FORK. STRAY- STEER'. STRAY COW. Apply to] .‘. Edwards; EQ LET-B. NOTE ...FIRST PRIZE’. ...FIRST PRIZE. ...FIRST PRIZE. '.'.-‘.FIRST PRIZE. ...FIRST PRIZE. ..'.F|RST PRIZE. ...L’IRST PRIZE. ....FIRSI‘ PRIZE. ..'.‘.l:‘lRS'I‘ PRIZE. ..'. .FIRST PRIZE. .'.'..1«‘IRST PRIZE. ”HEIRS; gRIZE. ....FIRS . RIZE; ....FIRST- PRIRE'. ....FIRST PRIZE. ....FIRSI‘ PRIZE; .-.-FIRSI‘ PRIZE... -.-.FIRST PRIZE; ....FIRST PRIZE: before the public: Tans.mx'01§r _ j Barrister- «bLavh Lower Town, Durban. ALSO, THOMAS iUNFLs‘, Ontario Boot Store. [870.197otf. :i'pil fair.

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