â€A u»: There was a heavy {all of sum " Igctshire, Eng, on Friday last. om 30c} is getting ahead of Canada. OR! “ID stanzas u“-..â€" -_ _ i The following statement relative totl Young McCrudcn, who Was convicted an existing secret treaty between Bus-l at the Berlin Assizes of the crime ofi sin and Prussia lately appeared in the rape and sentenced to be hanged on ‘the i Hone’éeur Unz‘versel, and is vouched for 20th December “at: has had his sen- by the editors, who declare, in a letter tonne commuted to imprisonment in the i to the London Tunes, that “the informao . . . l men 18 guaranteed 1n the most undoubt- i . ed manner, and has the conï¬rmation of Cheese making has been a most proï¬t- i , . , , . .. . E one who, by his rank and position, could able business tor the farmers m the, , . n , i . V . . . not fail to be well Informed. Its 1m- neighborhood of Borwxch during thc-t , . . . . . . : portance is apparent in View of the au- past year. Captain Ncsbitt realized; d h' . f . from 20 cows no less a sum than sl’ognounecments ma e t is mormng a? ‘! rupture between Bismarck and Von I’euitentiary for life. i t 690, being an average at a little over; . , [Beusg and the demand or Russia for LLL 3031’s OF PABAQAPHSQ Russia. Cheese making has been a most proï¬t- able basinesa for the farmers in the neighborhood of Norwich during the past year. Captain Nesbitt realized from ‘20 cows no less a sum than $1,- 690, being an average of a liule over $50 per cow. For the information of those of curl readers who are in the habit of hand ling greenbacks, we publish the follow- 3: “A new and dangerous 50 cent‘ coarse, and the ï¬ne lathe. work 13 want- ing, while the red and blue ï¬bres 1n thei paper of the genuine are imitated by printing in tlit counterfeit, and the ï¬n- ures ‘oU’ or: the rivht hand surrounded by sol1d black instead of ï¬ne lines as in the genuine.†Mr; G. Laidlaw and Alderman Bax-l ter, who have been up in Kincardine attending to matters relating to the Bruce extension, paid a visit to the Egremont Council at Holsteit, to- day. Soon after they arrived the Council ad journed business, and the Reeve made a. statement to the ratepayers present in explanation of the action taken by the Reeves and Deputies at the meeting at “1 illiamsford and latterly at the special For the information or these or Utrri . aders who are in the habit of hand i “then the war broke out between‘ lFrance and Prussia, the Emperor of 3g greenbacks, we publish the follow-i, ia declared to the French Ambas- g: “A new and dangerous 50 cent‘ Russ - h‘ terfeit fractional note has recently l sador at St" Petersburg that W "33 ‘3 >un . . . which is well calculated maintentbn to preserve the strictest neuo, ppmed’ ' r ’d d h t A t ' an a] ' . 7 _ . . i l’ er eeeive. The engravmg IS somewhat, tra â€3’: Pro“ .e t a “3 “a l , -, ' same. Austria, on her part, had made; curse, and the fine lathe-work is want. . . . a formal declaration of neutrality; but cg, while the red and blue ï¬bres in the t d . ' ° ' ' ‘ t were no even a e. ot the genuine are imitated by as her armanen 3 . _ counterfeit and the fl", 0 the usual peace footing, she â€" ' , . c need pushing them forward, al-, taper ° ‘ uate t )rtnting tn the EQ tres ".30" o' the rn ht hand surrounded comma l . . ‘ , ' - - i - - ‘- 2 ' ' taractert‘tic s.owness ‘ by solid black instead of ï¬ne lines as in 3‘1“)“51‘) mm b“ 0 ° _ '1 land only so as gradually to attain thel, the genuine.†1 . i l strength. Russm took umbrage l A l ; norma Mr. G. Laidlaw and Alderman th-‘ at this, and, afew days after the decla-l ter, who have been up in Kincardine ration of the Emperor Alexander to, attending to matters relating to the to General Flenry, the .Russian Chargei, Bruce extension, paid a visit to the | d’Atl‘aires at Paris received instructionsi I‘lgremont Council at Holstein, to-day.iby telegraph to see the Minister ofaa il ad- l; Foreign Affairs, and to call his atten-l ality of JR Soon after they arrived the Coune made a; ti )1] to the fact that the neutr statement to the ratepayers present in7 Russia was conditional upon, and entire, taken by the ly subordinate to, the inaction of Aus- ig at , tria. If Austria called out her reservesl Russia would do the same; if Austria} l t journed business, and the Reeve explanation ofthe action leeves and Deputies at the meetir Willian‘isford and latterly at the special meeting of the Council at Owen Sound. increased her artillery, Russia would- - 3 Mr. Laidlaw also addressed the meeting . increase hers. In a word, Russra would, l 0 al ?' under all Circumstances, regulate her; at some length, and answered sever armaments according to those of Ans-'3 questions that were put to him in a very‘ ' tria, and to avoid the two countries en-§ straightforward and satisfactory mane: ner. -From the feeling manifested by tering upon a course which could not but those present, there will not be much . be attended with some danger, the Rus« : aled to France, so dilliculty in carrying the By-law in the l sian Government appe Township of Bgremont.-â€"l[t. Forest that by causing Austria to desist from Cozzfcrlerate, 17M met. arming, Russian neutrality might be in- l ST , .Y , . . . _ ' sured. The Russian Charge dAfl'aires \\ e hear very much â€â€œ1 concerning, even went so far as to ask the Minister 1 the growth of American cities, but littlcl for Foreign Affairs to declare that 119‘ of the still more remarkable progress, would take no steps whatever barrio†which London, Lngland, has made oft, for their object to bring Austria into late tars. qorne e l 59 ' .‘ . . . 5‘ " P 0"" 9‘“ t" "’3 alliance thll France. (This occurredâ€. S, . ‘. . o 3 ‘P 5 â€gm" ‘1’“ things m ‘he 01“ “ Odd are E at the commencement of the war, before ta I 0 , V o o o i at a s M still, aid that n is only 1,0 a the ï¬rst reverses of the French arms, the western hemisphere that there is . . . i t'bl . . 1 t' and when the assrstance of Austria was .n erceieincra . , .. ‘y p P . e se 111 pop it a ton yet possrble.) The Branch Minister re- and material resources. The present . , . , . . _ . plied ‘ that be was not informed of the population of London is computed at 3,-l , _ lextraordmary armaments of Austria, 563,400, having increased in twenty= , . years from 2,432,780. Within thatiwmch seemed so to alarm the Russmn . on? ,0 l gGovernment, that, moreover, if Aus- time -_o,0u new rouses have been, , , . trra was really arming, he had no pre- built and 1.930 miles of streets addedl , , 1-1, is computed that by the year 1900 t tence to remonstrate wrth the.(?abrnet , thepOpulation of London will amount Of Vienna With a me? Of obtaining the .w upwards of "ï¬ve millions. \eessatron of preparations which'evident- ‘ - ly could to no way be directed against icular times aï¬ord thing objectionable in Russia arming on her part, if she thought ï¬t, nor would he be any the more disposed to make but. there are other tints which speak l such a course the object or diplomatic lrepresentations, for he was persuaded with equal clearness and accuracy. A l o a that such would in no case, on a ques- bright yellow sky in the evening indi- 2. Cities wind; pale yellow, wet; a nut“ ltion of this character, conduce to any l alteration in the resolutions of the RUS' - ral grey color in the evening is favora- . his in the morning. The unfavorable:Sian Government. A8 to the demand' lthat he should beclare in advance that TE these forms are soft, undeï¬ned and l in no case would France seek an alliance thew feathery, the weather will be fine if thel “71th AuStria) web a declaration at the 13‘“ edges are hard, sharp, and deï¬nite, iticontniencemcnt Of a war would be at will; be foul. Generally speaking, any l “‘33" inepportune, and could “0" justify deep, unusual hues betoken wind, orlilsc†sufï¬ciently by the prospective l rain; while the more quiet and delicate! neutrality 0f Russia.†The Russian tints beapcnk tair weather. Simple aSlCharge d’Aï¬aires then added that thesemaxims are, the British Board ot'i France would, nevertheless, ï¬nd such a Trade has thought ï¬t, to publish them l course her interest and a certain advan~ for the use of seafaring men. tagc; for the moment that AuStria de- (1 e: clared against Prussra, that same in- pm ‘8. ors of the sky at part. wonderfully good guidance. Not only does a rosy sunset pres-age fair weather, For clouds are meaning in themselves. If ‘ A FUNERAL Snmrox.â€"lt is saidt‘stant would Russia take the ï¬eldlav mt t . . v n that once a man of, small consequence:against Austria. “lhen,†replied the 08 died, and the Rev. 1‘. la. Beecher, (not French Minister, “that is because you - ye H. W. B.,) was asked to preach the .1 have asecret treaty with Prussia.â€â€" funeral sermonâ€"a man who abhors the l That the armaments of Austria should 0 . . i O 0 landing of people, either dead or alive,§have provoked srmtlar movements in except in digniï¬ed and simple language Russia as a measure of precaution could and then only for merits which they1 be regarded as a natural consequence, Q merely ought to have possessed. Thel but the moment that Russia declared friends of the deceased got up a stately l 1181‘ readiness Ii0 attack Austria, if the funeral. They must have had misgiv-l latter sided against Prussia, it became I ings that the corpse might not be prais- l evident that before “16 war a treaty had it led strongly enough, for they prepared i been entered into between Prussia and ‘3' some manuscript headings and notes in l Russia. ~ And this is what had happen- i1 which nothing was left nnsaid on that g ed. and has since been made manifest ‘ subject that a fervid imagination and L by the course 0f events. \Vhat are the an'unabridged dictionary could compile, l clauses of this treaty ? This question and these they handed to the minister i, will naturally occur to. all experienced who stood up in the pulpit and procCcd- i politicians, and, although the two sov- cdgto read off the curious Odds and ï¬tted ereigns have preserved absolute secrecy in ghastly detail and in aloud voice! upon the reciprocal convention, it is And their consternation solidiï¬ed to not impossible to determine what are petrifaction when he paused at the end, , the principal points. All who are ac- eontcmplated the multitude reflective-lquainted Will! the traditional points of ly, and then said impressively : Russiaâ€"of the two currents of Opinion “The man would be a fool who tried . which divide that vast empireâ€"all, in to add anything to that. Let us pray l†l fact, who can form an estimate of the the various elements which at the same A gentleman once reported to the time constitute its powers and its weak- government taxocollector that his income , pegsâ€"will ï¬nd no diï¬cnlty in fore- for the prevrous year had amounted to seeing with what object the Emperor- two thousand dollars. A meddling Alexander has borind himself by treaty neighbor was surprised at the largeness ? to the King of Prussia. As its further of the sum, and when he met his pros- ‘development proceeds, this question will porous friend he said to him: gdoubtless receive further attention. For t‘You have returned an income of two i the present, it may sufï¬ce to establish thousand dollars for the past year ?†clearly, by information, the accuracy of; :tYes, sir,â€ganswered the other. which is guaranteed, that Russia is in “tell, how did you make so much ‘I' the Prussian camp, and that she is there I don it see, how you could do it.†by virtue of a treaty of which England “Well, sit-,1 made one thousand 4101- would do well to seek to ascertain the lunelean cash, by attending to my own i clauses, so as to be able to anticipate business; and I made the other “103- their consequences before it is too late and dollars by letting other folks’l to avert them. meeting of the Council at Owen Sound. Mr. Laidlaw also addressed Ihe meeting at some length, and answered several questions that. were put to him in a very straightforward and satisfactory man- ner. From the feeling manifested by those present, there will not be much difficulty in carrying the By- -law in the Township of Egremont. â€".Il[t. Faust Mon/'eclerat 1" I 5/; met. “Fe-hear very much said concerning! the growth of American cities, but little! of the still more remarkable progress; which London, England, has made of! late years. Some peOplc seem to im agine that things in the Old \Vorld are at astandstill, audthat it is only in the western hemisphere that there is any perceptible increase in population and material resources. The present population of London is computed at 3,- 563,400, having increased in twenty years from 2,432,780. Within that time 225:000 new houses have been ore of the sky at particular times aï¬'ord ‘ wonderfully good guidance. Not only does a rosy sunset presage fair weather, but. there are other tints which speak with equal clearness and accuracy. A l bright yell ow sky 1n the evening indi E cates wind; pale yellow, wet; a natu ! ral grey, color in the evening is favora l ble 1n the morning. The aunfavorablel clouds are meaning in themselves. If these forms are soft, undeï¬ned and, feathery, the weather will be ï¬ne if the1 edges are hard, sharp, and deï¬nite, it will be foul. Generally speaking, any deep, unusual hues betoken wind, or rain , while the more quiet and delicate tints heapeak lair weather. Simple as these maxims are, the British Board of Trade has thought ï¬t to publish them for the use of seafaring men. A FUNERAL Seamsâ€"It is said l s that once a man of small consequencel :1 died, and the Rev. T. K. Beecher, (not H. W. B.,) was asked to preach the, funeral sermonâ€"a man who abhors thel landing of people, either dead or alive,l 1 except in digniï¬ed and simple languagel and then only for merits which they! merely ought to have possessed. Thel friends of the deceased got up a stately l funeral. They must have had misgiv-l ings that the corpse might not be prais- ed strongly enough, for they preparedl some manuscript headings and notes in; which nothing was left nnsaid on that'g subject that a fervid imagination andl au'unabridged dictionary could compile, and these they handed to the minister who stood up in the pulpit and preoccd- cd_.to read off the curious odds and ghds’l in ghastly detail and in a loud voice ll And their consternation solidiï¬ed to petrifaction when he paused at the end, contemplated the multitude reflective- ly, and. then said impressively : “The man would be a fool who tried to add anything to that. Let us pray l†l I l l t l A gentleman once reported to the government tax-collector that his income for the previous year had amounted to two thousand doilars. A meddling neighbor was surprised at the largeness ‘of ~the sum, and when he met. his pros- perous friend he said to him: “You have returned an income of two thousand dollars for the past. year ‘3†“Yes, sir,†answered the other. “Well, how did you make so much 1' I- don’t. see how you could do it.†, “Well, sir, I made one thousand dol- lsrs ~clean cash, by attending to my own business; and I made the other thou- sand dollars by letting other folks’ business alone.†Much lms been said abouf the supply ing another company of girls for Cana- of provisions "1 Paris, but little 0" 2 da. She states that. there is a great. nothing concerning the supply of fuel. f want of female labor in Upper Canada, Fuel is 83 necessary 33 food, 0" hardly E housekeepers prefer girls between nine less so; and it. must require an immense and twelve years, as being more tracta- quantity for cooking and general pnr- ible and useful than older girls. poses. for two millions of peOple. N0: . r .‘ he} is produced in Paris, and as the: Canadian millers areimporting wheat siege has lasted two months-r the supply very extensively. this season from Mi]. must. b'e’ nearly Exhausteil. wankee and Chicago. fall of snow The 2 nussm m Russiaâ€"Her Demands for the Revision of the Treaty of Paris. I """" 7 £5 nounccments made this morning of a{ rupture between Bismarck and Von: Beast, and the demand of Russia for: the revision of the Paris treaty, which neutralizes the Black Sea: PRESBIA sncm'ru ALLIED. Miss Rye is now in England collect. Paris. kLLIED. ‘ .tive toi n PLUS-E. in the i 6) (C Blankets, 00 Strin Bells, as of‘a VARNISH, PRESERVING “ VERY PRETTY INDEED.†STOVE - PIPES ['1‘ SAVES FINDLAY 8L. SHAW ESTABLISHED IN 1868, For the purpose of qualifying Operators for the TELEGRAPH «K7 RAILROAD LINES then and now so rapidly building in the Dumimon and United States. It has be- ‘ come one of the desiring to learn this light and honorable protessinn, should do so at once. The average length of time required is three months. Ladies learn more rapidly than gentlemen. ' Both sexes admitted from 14 years of age and upwards. For full particulars and terms address Admirable Preparation TELEGRAPH The subscribers will pay the above amount to any person giving information, that. will lead to the detection and con- viction of the person or persons,- who caused the destruction, by ï¬re, of our tan- nery, on the morning of the 8th of June last. T. . J. B. SMITH. $305} Reward ! ALSO A FEW GOOD PERMANENT INSTITUTIONS OF THE COUNTRY, and has turned out OVER 100 OPERATORS, who now ï¬ll important positions with . GOOD SALARIES. Ladies and Gentlemen EE£UE£3Y£EQ TORONTO, ONT. Isaacs «Sr Grm‘, .:£=:~;1.â€": -iiï¬aui‘. ;_â€"*'â€"»-" Whips, Spurs, 55c†always on hand. 0:?Jobbing done on short nOtice and in good style.- Spanish Sole Leather, and FRENCH CA‘LF, always in stock, also,â€"PEGS, all sizes. Cash for Hides. (3f;- Harness Shop‘ opposite the Crown Land Ofï¬ce, Upper Town , Tannery on the corner of Saddler and Albert streets, Lower Town. Durham, July 2011], 1870. HE subscriber is desirous o‘fsellihg Lots 24 and :25, con. L2,‘ township of Ben- tinck, containing 200 acres of good hard- wood land, 40 of which are cleared and fenced, and well watered. Theselots are situate in a prosperous localify, IO miles from Durham and four from the gravel road. Price $8 per acre, one third cash. Title indisputable. For full particulars apply to JAMEb KELEHER, INSTITUTE. 34 KING STREET EAST, F ARM FOR SALE. or to JOHN SHEWELL, Durham. J1me 231'd,1870. “rvnfl PER BO M TROUBLE EXPENSE,- DRUG STORE, T. H. CHURCHILL, DOMINION Fast-Class Land. AND TANNERS, FOB CTS. Toronto, Ont. ‘ADDLERS, D Harness and Trunk Makers, [LATE PARKER 53 CATTLE.) Established in Canada IBSB‘. DEALER. m PURE DRUGS AND Chemxcals, Perfumery and Toilet Fancy Preparations, Combs, Brushes, Goods, c., c., of Guel'phl PNEEET MEBMWES VARNISHE S ! Fire Proof Paint wwmmma «gems» M-W‘ES" mmmm MIL, Best Coal €311 AND lA-MPS, - ‘ TANNERS’ OIL, TAR, PITCH, PUTTY, RESIN, AXLE GREASE, c. 'every description and reliable in quality. Cheap; used by Millers, Thrashers, 8L0. Strength, Flavor and Quality unsurpassed. Prices moderate. TOBAGCOES AND (HEARS ! PAINTS AND PAINTEBS’ MATERIAL Olive, Elephant, Seal and'Crude Oil, (IjnPURE ESSENCES, FLAVORING EXTRACTS,- SPICES, PICKLES, HOPS, c., .c. WinesLiqu0rs MOLSON’S CELEBRATED ALE Roasted and Ground on the premises. Physicians’ Prescriptions, and Family Recipes caretully compounded, and promptly attended to. Bxitxsh, Malt, French and Canadian. mama. MES, VETERINARY PREPARATIONS comprising all noted brands, in wood and bottle. Is an effectual desu'oyer of Ticks on Sheep, alsoa preventative against the Fly and Scab dunng the hot Summer months. It greatly improves the QUALITY and QUANTITY of the \Vool, and that at a trifling cost. It has been long and favor ably known 1n GREAT BRITAIN, and it is conï¬dently anticipated, that upon trial, it will enjoyas favorable a reputation in Canada: H. I PARKER, VINEGARS, supplied at low rates; WEAVE'RS’ SU PPLI ES 1 GLASS FRUIT JARS. COFFEE Various Colors. in any quantity.- PARKER’S of all kinds. DURHAM .' Hillbu- â€"â€" V L assortmeni of Ladies’, 61 Wmter we'a'r. also a large stock tion paid to CUS TOM WORK, cannot be surpassed. ALL W< Harness Durham, Oct. 5th, 1870. HE SUBSCRIBERS THANKFUL FOR PAST piéa'siire' in informing the public that their _ m - -T‘Tn" From GLA S G 0 W. AND FOR WHICH Wool - Carding u†vvâ€"v- i-lâ€" ERU'LYa and to his numerous customers ‘indparticulat, for past favors in his line of busineSS, and also to inform them that. his Car irg and Cloth-Dressiing Machinery is now in c‘or‘tr‘plefe order. .having been recently ï¬tted tip with latest improvements, and having engaged the serv1ces of ens: of the rnost experienced workmen in Ontario, .2) years standing, trusts bv unremrmug attentxon and good workA-a‘ll virork warranted-a to merit a share of public patronag‘er Parties from a: Distance can hare their W001 same day f IMMENSE STGCK 0F The GRIST-MILL 18 in complete running order, having recently been oirerbanled, ready for all sorts of work. Fast-class Millers and strict attention to customers’ interests; Opening out“ Durham, Sept. 26th, 1870. EDGE MILLS, May 17th, 1870; HE SUBSCRIBER RE‘GS TO RETURN_THANKS 110 THE PUBLIC GEN- fly for opéra‘tion an’d tbs and every satisfaction gi has received and is now SMITH 1-4 DRESJSJNGJ E OESA‘ND. PAIRS To SELI‘CT FROM; A CUM‘t'han (1 Childrens’ Eglt Boots for Ball and ies’, Gent’s, Misses’ an _ , _ . ; , _ ., a stock of Rubber an‘d Felt TO-‘P OVE‘i' Boots. , Partlcular but-1n- 'ORK. For Style, ‘Qual'rty of work, Maternal and good hts [2L WORK WARRANTED. _..n-- I A Inuro NEWWTANNERY .C' ï¬nd Saddler v BuSmess, Imported Direct where théy will be m (1f? Bring along your and that business will be carried on ‘ :tion given, also that they have again swam «@250 mm. most happy to see all former patrons a M Hides of Every description; T. J - E SMITH. Aï¬‚ï¬ THOMAS “WES. carried on with greater vigor than have again commenced the FAVORS, TAKE GREAT JOHN KELLY. COMPLETE LOV'ELL’S Dominion Provincial Directories 1 ' To be Published in October, 1870. . l I OTICE.â€"â€"‘Learniug that. my name has i been unwarrantably used in connecâ€" 'tb Directories now being canvassed tion m ‘ ;iu the Provinces, and eat: rely distmct from I|my works, and that is other cases it has been stated that my Drrector'ies have been I wculd request. those desiring " "06 to my works to see sentmg themselves as act- :_... 9.... mo are furnished with satisfactory and â€a†I’Vlvvuv â€" v r . mg for me are furmshed credentials. T is intended to make these Directories‘g the most complete and correct ever i issued on this continent. They are not be- , ing prepared by correspondence, but by personal canvass, from door to door, of my 3 own Agents, for the requisite information. 1 have nonr engaged on the work in the sev- ’ eral Provinces Forty men and Twenty horses. These are engaged mainly on the i ' if the Railway and i Steamboat Routes, important places on the lines being held till the compiction (if the ‘ former, to admit of correction to latest date. I anticipate issuing, in October next, the Canadian Dominion Directory, and Six Provincial Drre‘CEOr-ies, correct index to the Dominion of Canada, Newtonndland, and Prince Edward Island, andacomhined Gazetteer. Directory and SUBSCRIPTION T0 rm: 130241me DIRECTORY 1 Dominion of Canada Subscribers :3 2 Cy. United States ‘ _ do 12 Gold Great. Britain andlreiand do £3 Stg. Fra‘nc‘e, Germany, 850., do £3 Stg. , Subscription to Provincial Directories. PrOvinc’e of Ontario Directory, .1'8'1'0-71 $ Province of Quebec 60 1870-71 Broi'ince "at Nova SCo'tia do 1070-71 _Provinoe of New Brunswick , . ' Directory, 1870-71 ?rovinée of Newfo’grydland ffOVlDCB OI L‘CWIUUUUqu-u . Directory, 1870-71 2‘} Vol. XXL, for 1570, of this Fame“ Province ‘of Prince Edward :Journal will Excel in all llle charactelisucé .. Island Dlrectory, 1870-71 9 l of a First-Class Rural, Litexary Famil (If? No Money to be paid until each book 1 and business Newspaper:combinedLmakin: is delivered. 40 .. l it the Rates of Advertisinc will. be made kno'Wn l , ‘ . â€JOHN LOVELL, Publisher.l The RURAL was Dani/[(11 in Size ma l Montreal, March 15, 1570. ‘ Vastly Improved. in Jun. latt, and is n01 - mot oulv the Large“, Chvapgst and Best Speciahties at the Just to hands makersâ€"j AT TORONTO WHOLESALE PR!CES. Dflflfl MATS», :Ail who cultivate Fruits, Flowers, Vege- 9 » 7 v i“ 9 v . . ‘. . *5 Kegs HL BBUC‘K D Gename :abies. 610., even on a small scale, (m Lily, Village or Suburb.) while to Farmerq, Wï¬lfï¬ ZIEQ £A$N$ Planters, Hunicuhurists, Stock Breeders, Ground in ‘Oil. The. paint is superiur to, i Wool Groweré, Daiwmen. Pouitry F305 and more durabléthanthe best-White Leadaiciers, Xxx, it is INUISPENSABLE. In either for inside or outside woikt Lake ithe FAMILY it is highly regaided, im’ going craft, 870- Its use is “01 hummus ‘0 '1 Literary and Miseeliaueous Department! the heahh- Direct from T1108. HUBBUCKérumismng cuowu m1) EN'I‘ERTAINS ‘3 803, London, England- i we READING mu ALL. The ï¬rm i MARKET AND CROP REPORTS 5 Are full and reliabie. Indeed, being Ab“! Bum CGI‘L OIL§ Edixed, lilustvaiwd and Primed .i.“ A i o’ ' ' _ _. , Style, and Adapted to Cuuntry, ‘ nlage an ‘ ,l ‘ h I ,0 ' "t R v . ‘ th Pu er for l'ourseif‘ . _ (I!) I ll Alhpg7 ic‘iggï¬lfviieanci Effieiidé. 9 It [is not a mommy1 1 li____ Lovell’s Nickle Silver Spoons Forks, Qf a reliable quality, in great variety. ï¬sEVERY FACILITY 1701-1 DOING FIRST-CLASS WORK AT THE “CHRONICLE†OFFICE. A LARGE LOT OF PDOKET mu euTLEmr, Imported direct, will be sold RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE Platform Counter Scales, iNCLUDING HAND, TABLE, HALL, c. Chimne>s é: Wicks, direct from Makers. Made by the celebrated ï¬rm ofGL'n-xm', WARE (30., of Hamilton, in stock at Makers’ prices. These Scales are WAR- RANTED perfect, reliable,' and durableibeing made in the very best manner. W. KOUGH. OPEN REBELLIGN. TAKEN BY STORM 1' [Vanian . R a i d ! BETTER than the BEST and Cheaper than the Cheapest Photographs for the Miilinn !' at .KELSEY’S GALLERY, CRUETS, SPOONS, FORKS 81.0. A51) Opposite Fletcher’s, Upper Tovm, Durham. SPLENDID FARM FOR S ALE- Forsale, Lot 13, Con. 7, Glenelg, com- prising 100 acres, 60 of which are cleared, well watered and fenced, with a good House, Barn, Stable and an Orchard of 100 Trees thereon. . Also 50 acres, East half of Lot 13, Can. 6th, Gle‘nelg, from 8 to 10 acres cleared. The above pronerty will be Sold cheap, and clear deed given.â€" Term‘s easy. For particulars apply to Owen Sound, Dec. 7, 17569. I1 the above line, m the premises next door to G. Isaac’s saddlery Shop, Upper Town, Durham, where he intends to devote his entire attention to CUSTOM WORK. Nothing but the best stock used, and a neat ï¬t guaranteed. ï¬Prices to suit Owen Sound. New Shoe Shop: (114%.) ï¬'ï¬kï¬ï¬ ï¬G'EVQY A. SIMPSON 'AS COMMENCED BUSINESS IN ELECTROPLATED UHN LOVELL, Publisher.l The RL'RAL was Doublal in Size ml "ch 16, 1370. ‘ Va'Stly lug/raved. in Jun. latt, and is now _____________'___-___, inot only the Largest, Cheapest and Best; lb'ut als†the Largest Circulaxing Weekly F kCl' IT? TOP DOIVFG : in its (ï¬pliere. Superior in Ability, Valué u u i 1 A. gand V uriety oi Contwfls, as Well as in SS WORK AT THE l Size, Stiie and llzusnatiom, and havingt . .1 . w lComiumiial Cirttulaiiunâ€"wllll tens of thou- ,LE' OFFICE. sands of ardent admirers in both Towuaud _ Countryâ€"the “run is the gieat FARM AND FIRESIDE FAYORITEl I ; at the hlg axe, Employing the Best Talent in the Land {â€"bavmg Nine Able Editors and Bundredé l of Special Contributors and Correspondent! 331 Sound. gâ€"aud being an acknowledged a nhority on jl’ractical, Scientiï¬c and Literary Subjecui A BALE OF iau Exchange truly says 01 it that “Til l RURAL istlie most Elegantly Printed, $ny 1 Edited, Widely Circulated and Hamil!" ’B‘, RIATSS Welcomed Paper, as a whole, which not . Hinds ils way among the People.†, direct. from the English? The CANADIAX Duii.w'r§uz<'r, latelyintro ~B'est Durable Qualities, Lic'uced, is Conducted by Rev. W. 1“. Clarke; mf Guelph, Uut., formerly editor of the 0 WHBLESALE PRICES. e l l l l l ____â€".â€"-â€"_._â€"â€"-.____.__â€"â€"â€" ‘ Canada. Farmer; ""â€"" ' i moomg's RURA1_.__PAYS - v Directories; ABRAM GOLD, all: the Durham Ashery, or to ABRAM COOK, Lot 7, Con. 6, Glenélg. s DIRECTORY : )815 $12 Cy. ) 12 Gold. ) £3 Stg. 3 £3 Sig. E RNITURE HENRY i ‘ POWER: in the Village of giga- ifor Sale 0,. to Leasg. Terms renewals? 3 Apply to the '8me . er at 0 ; or to Mr. John Cri8p ’ we“ 8 in, near Ham) I: to G. Jackson, Esq, M. P., Durhauier' 1 Owen Sound, Dec.161h,1gm ENS: ! 0t Vegetabm FOR SALE - “u 1 a ' Hair Dresser, c., Du: PRICEâ€"$1.5308t8. and 25 cents u . “‘ Vvutu Br (13? This 13 a most superior articlebo posed enurely of vegetable substance}. is positively the best article fol. tho‘ ever manufactured. OULD . RESPECTFULLY forth the inhabitants of 1). and vicinity, that he has commeuu nesa in the New Cottage; near the 4 Having had considgrable practice i don and many of the provincial t England, hOpes by strict attention ness‘, to merit a share of public pat: Nov. 23, 1869. RURAL, LITERARY m) Emmy WEEKLY. Moore's Bum! New-Yorke: New York City, and Rochester. or semiomotnlily, but aLalg e and Band ful Illustrated Weekly,â€"â€"and, gthough double its former Si 19, its Subscription Price re mains unchanged. ' Vol. XXL, for 1870, will be published in Superior Style. each Number comprie? ing Sixteen Double Quarto Pages, (of Fivé Columns Each†Fmely Illï¬Ã©lmted, and Neatly Printed on Book Paper. Only $3 a Year; in 'clubs bf ten brmol'e, $2 50. Canadians, 20 us. a year éxtm, for Ametican postage. Subscrihe and 0105 Now 1 Great inducements to Club Agenti iâ€"-~Over one Hundred Valuable Premiums; lrangmg 111 price 1mm 54 to 56W! bpecx- 3 mens, Premium Lists, Show-B1115, Munch] 1 tree. - n a. ‘ f ‘ LARGEST-"BEST-"CHEAPEST. llcc. The RL'ML has always hailed from Rochester; N. Y., (the heart of aiamed farming and fruit growing i‘égiiiu wherein several 01 its Editors and Contrihumrfl reside.) but as its pvincipal Pubiication Uflice is now in New York, all lettezi should be addressed to --1.nn'§ “W V. â€"'-'v' _ _ U 1. Subscribers who do not 3.11:0: expect? notice to the contrary are coszidexed a! wishing to continue their subscriptions. , 2-. lfsubscribersorderthe discunttnuancg of their periodicals, the publisher may send gthem until all arrears are paid, subscriber! iara‘ reéponsible far all namoerc sent. . . ' 3. lfsuhscribers neglect or refuse to talié the periodicals trom the ollice to whichthef are directed, they are held responsible till they have settled their 1M], ana ordered V their periodical to be dig-antinued. -' ‘ Sending numbers back, or barring them if. (he Qflice, is not Such notice of discofli ‘tinuance as the Law Requires. l 4° If subscribers remove to other’ lplaees withourinforming the publishâ€; format land their periodicals are sent to the {directionsï¬hey are held respOnsible. Thursday Morning; BY D. D. T. moons, I‘ usvv rthe mimber oflines in an advertismw; to be ascertained by the nmountflf 8P“; which it; occupies in the column as measure by a scale ofsolid li‘revier. . ll" (Ij’Liberal arrangements made “id Merchants and others advertising by l yearn. , ï¬ï¬â€˜Advertisefnents without Spec‘ï¬d directions, inserted until forbid, 5‘ accordingly. ; ï¬Notic s in editorial colum , iobjem. of which is to promotethe p8 r, lor priVate interests ofindiv considered advertisements an accordingly. 331m Advertisements intend“! { insertion should reach this oflice by r00 1.1 o’clock on Wsnxssmr M0333“! furthest. . _ Voluntary Correspondence fro oftlie county solicited. m all par“ I I i, All communications, to eï¬sux-éins‘éfl if otherWise satisfactorv, must have {of name of the Writer, not necesss? ithi Pï¬blication but as a guarantee ongO ’ff‘oï¬ .01? N0 unpaid letters wiubetaken r the Post Oï¬ce; Book 'and Job Printing.“ uvvâ€" "â€"vw ' , Ofevervdescription, executt-d 1" t" ce in the coll“ Y e due 3‘ unsurpassed by any ofli Ordersby Mail will receiv CHARGES REASONA BLE. F0RM,STYLE,TERMS,¢ TH E GRE AT ILLUSTRATED Rates of Advertising‘ IS PUBLISHED EVERY CHARGES REASO’J .ge, near the Ashen; ble practice in Lou'- = provincial towmiï¬ ict attention to bmf. of public patronage. D. T. MOORE. 41 Park Row, New York. BY â€E", Betti; 1 0t Whlte SLJo‘ms WHOLE 3: HYSXCI HYS'. Tl 3‘ ARR! 11 lii‘aéB’r‘i; ‘ Che-on ’ s S! mrclml Bee, pro 111 1‘ Good v ate cba. Ware of the h W†and . in" tl Sext may; Kerr, B MPUH'I‘EI \Nilliar St-QCk u “'21