West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Dec 1870, p. 4

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DP 1869. M P BELL, of iware ! “NS, )RD, {EG 0R, lunpark P 0 3 '0 me, and mes-t at the )8 thlage of my, on Wed. nber next, 3: m, to receivé mum ! run Assigneo int 21‘ m Hymh Bduks, i. Hunks; Roman pf Paper COHGI'Q, 'yums is very Barge iecmd, comprismz ; styles out. Up‘ 1 this line is now “uprising Familf Bibfes, Pn-kei rence Bibles, ancI bles. 'l'estan'lenta“ smuH type. fioin‘ STRU MENTS to $15.”). A MELUDEONS alwags 9n ham! when, at bi attention g6 vie“ selécted WARE. which. u: .ever before ham. Partieh are will please ish an Efegant: ‘g forty - eight '99,}bbfifid in in]! ; urges, for thg D cents " a larva in M. g I: c: ver hui dinzz IL‘O ful‘ V9” 1;. HRS, Tes'a‘ Iatecbi ms alwayn Imus-1e moral-y am.-- :19, comprising three md fifty Volumes, d! Fun M t free on. Volumes. 2 catalogues sen ress on applicau ~72 GALE is 3§W8VS complcw Ming fines, Biz-Ill! the stock, and gs and qualil W3! tore, Durham rd 123! owned out . :k of Hair Oils and vs hi‘h f0? quali', at price tannot be wry/Here, at A R 033’ ; FEMEfii U ‘a WIRNITUfiEv VIC rth Hm wk MA DB 1m other bbusei 'ers, BUMS E run sn' 3103‘- 313 RT Variety S‘t ore «am 93911:! Id 9pm!“ ad , 3);"; Weslé'i' N. C. MrthO-' Variety Store. r in price )0 cache-f price from ACCUTdiaDé [9. Fame: :8 Library 89'5” mums 200- )u ‘3 {11'8le ad [HY-'8 DOW {HE Vatiety SW'“ 1ilxe 3“: priced. as .rom Baptist 31 H v mn s new Tame ' Desert INSFY$ 1bilitj r; all" tore H AV E RECEIVED THEIR {ufi_mfll @VEZ‘QECK, Dry-Goods, SPINNING WHEELS EEELS OF EVERY ADESCRIETION. FARM TO RENT FOR SALE. Oct. 20th, 187 FIE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF OUR PRICES Tulsa‘s Uvercoats from $3. .. BEBE-Al's CI'PHUARDs‘. mm 3mm" ”195‘ m“ 3e” AT MUCH 'LOIVEI or in D‘uham. of? Ur iers for Repairin A31 kinds of TU RNDZG executed ‘with ‘ was 3nd tr nn- ~ new r {at in .: stream Rai lway amhonzed to ‘38 constructed by of water and good watvr pnwur. One- the Acts incorporating tlie We'lington. fourth mfle south 0'! rhp \ilizue at Durham Grey, and Bruce Railway Compap'v and Title indispum’nlp. '1 arms easy. for certain amendments to ytho said Act‘s. X' tp‘ v :0 JOHN OSBOENE,_ F PELLEK'I 1.-\.\'D (‘( )0!) BLILD ling the construction or the was 0: J Bargains will be given, ”HI - I‘l-aser’ Wanted for school section No. S, Nor- manbv, a mafia Teacher, hoidmg a second class 'cenificate; Dmios to commence on the lat ofJanuat-y, 1871. _ ‘ Apply to anv 0f the undPrS‘aguea. . ‘vn.IY.“IY “UDDV \ MS {£1 Calls, ' Groceries, Crockery, 9:} If you Suitable L1 Durham. JnnP 14'“. 1:7 STOCK CONSISTING 0F .- Nov. lst, 18 o0. T Teacher \V anted. [w “(15-30031 we now on hand ’TEACHER. WANTED. Gleselg, NOV- (FELL-EXT LAND. GOOD BUILD ’ UCt. 20th. 18100 Teacher. Addr'eas, if by rate.- Good Wincys H009 SE Ladies’ Jackets for $1- TWO DUKES PAPER COLLARS FOR 5 CENTS. firs-3i Bargains iu'CrdéEery, 3:? Tea Sets for $2. are invited to in'spect! N0 TROUBLE T0 SH ANDREW DERBY, EDWWRD ART) Trustees. JOHN YOUNG by. Oct. 24¢, 18:0. 195 3. fi-r ‘FSIR.HORTON. nlfingwood, Co. Szmcoei'Ont. hand alarge assortmpnt Mall Rum S CI'PHU;\RD\‘. REDS'I‘E‘xDS‘. Q] H AT MUCH LOU'ER PRICES! THOS. SULLIVAN, Priceville. MATTHEWS AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F lat, 1370. Ready-NIade Clothing, FONSISTING 0F 01,9051sz THE ARGYLE HOTEL, Dunnnmq urniture, consisting of : :1 large assortmpnt of all kinds of F ,___nr- ..1\n1n MADTDQ ’vn for 25 cents. 10; cents. CONSISTING OF STUR'E, LOWER SOTImPnL "I an annua- :. mans m \M. QHAIRS‘, "S'Oâ€"FASI. TABLES”, c., ,OWIJR PRICES! than have hitherto been sold epairing will receive prompt attention. {1 with Neatness and Des‘patch‘. 3:11. g o HOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT‘ N application will be made to the ‘ Legisflature 0t Ontario, at its next nession, ‘ for an Act to extend the time for complet- ing the - construction. ot the Line of [he subacriber IS desirous of diSposing of a splendid Ptrk Lot, of four acres, situate «'nhin half a mile of the village 0; Durham. Thereis a good new frame barn oh the uremises, also the cellar and foundation {or a dwelling house. A gncd well of water convenient. Will be sold verv reasonable. HUGH McKENZIE. Rant, 7th- 1370. tf. HUGH MCKENZIE. , . . -, Sept. Tth.1870. tr, Clouds and Wools aft] colors. . ,.. ‘STRAY CALVES. . . .. ... .. ~__ . WOOLEN YARNS, BREAKFASTMSHAWLS,” ", .. STE-:32?) $311961 {HE}? PCREMISEEES _ Mrs. D. having gecnréa the get-vices of a first-class..umL " , “ “as?" e" 0‘ ° 0. 0'? - 2’ ’ confident that she will Be able to give entire 8 G. R., blenelg, about the 20th 0} October their patronage. last, tour Heifer Calves, color red, two of '.,,._.-. 2 Bouxnrr'RONrs, HAT AND BO them have gray hair's, bnt‘nosgpots on my 33' BU ITER EGGS T AKEN IN EXCHANGE FOB GOODB- - _‘ LL‘.-‘ ‘- "ILW "..-â€" â€"_- of them. . AnJy pet-gnu ramming them or giving such information as will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. WILLIAM - MORRISQX. J 0 HN 0330 RN E, Secretary. Hami’ton, 4th October, 1870. 193 6. YLE HOTEL, DURHAM.) Gleuelg, Nov. 15th, 1870. COLE Towfi, DURHAM. Park Lot for Sale. TWEED'. J C. GRIFFITH begs to inform his cuslomers. and general phblic. thtlt he has as- , aociated with himself as purple; SOLOMON DAMUDE, and that. business will be conducted as usual under the style and firm of Grifiith 8; Damude. at reasonable prices. We are pafiagg the highest marké‘. tizri‘ce'in cash fo‘r all kinds of Bernenibor {he i’laoeâ€"Une door north of the Foundry, Lower Town, Durham. Durham, Nov. 30th, 1870. Olil‘ ”Stuck of MrLLINEI: AND DRESSM Removed to one dour north of the Gl ,. FANG? “(36003, L'AU SILKS, . . , . . . V EL FEATHERS, BUTTONS, Clouds ‘alnd Wools afll Golbrs’. L isOcomplete in every department. Also, a large ssock of Oct. 27th, 1870- Dec; 7, 1870; GRIFFITH ' DAMUDE. All are solicited to give us a cell aifd eatisfy themselves. 7'} Note the address, U0 mu Wu; vuw' - - - One door of Mr. Perry’s Glasgow House, UP?“ Our stock of LOWER TOWN DURHAM. TRIMMINGS: TOW“) Durham- 3‘3 t ‘3‘ [HERE COULD BE FURNISHED UneXamp led Success of the-above S TORONTO, Provincial E‘xtfimtxon, . . - . . . . CHATHAM, County of Kent, .-. - . . . . . . lNGERSOLLog County 0t Oxford, N. R... . . WOODSTOCK, County of Oxford, S. R.,. PARTS. County of Brant, N. R., ........ BRANTFORD, County of Brant, S. R.,--. ST. MARY’S, County of Perth, 8. R.,. . .ST'RA'll-FORD, County of Perth, N. R.... DUNDAS, Township of West F1amboro’,. AYLMER. Township of Malahide, ...... FREELTON, Union of Five Townships, . RT. CATHARINES, County of Lincoln,. WELLAN‘D, County of Welland, . - , .' . . . . AURORA, Townships of " 0 ° BRADFORD, County oftSimcoe, S. R., .-. WHITBY, County of ORtario, S. R.,. . ... __-._. râ€" . ,Dn,-Ln_:n ‘ Remova l 0‘. W DIU)1, UKIUIIUI \- PRINCE ALBERT, County of Ontafio, MILLBROUK County of Durham, N. E NAPANEE, Counties of Lennox and A \ MAMMOTH such as the following : 101bs. BRIGHT SUGAR for $1.00; GOOD TEA 50 cents per lb. and upwérds. DRESS GOODS 12% cents per yard. ALL WOOL PLANNEL 25cts. pér y‘é'rd. Other Goods Equally Cheap. A large supply of Carried away during this \ AME to. the premises of the subscriber, 0 Lot 46, 2nd Com, Glene1g, about 20‘}; Oct. lqst, .a red Haifa-,3 with“ white 5 on Oh behhgad and- face, about 3 years 0d. The ow‘nencan have the ammal by - .ro rty and Buying expensem P"°'“"g 9,, Pa DUNCAN McDOU GALL. Nov. 16’ 1810'- I have great pleasure in recommending I to the notice of my friends, (that is if ny), Dr. Halated, of Durham, as a a bi ualified Physician .c., imow- $2,313 1.1%“ give perfect. satisfacnon to m. .. » . DR. rBITCBARD. E 15mm, Oct. 17, 1370. DUBH 1m, Nov‘ N15 (313% Male Teacher wanted, for U. S. 3- NO, 3, BBnIiUCk and Glunplg. WILLIAM CRANSTON, ' Trustee, Latmié. P. O. hi‘éufgéifds‘ind th‘é public in general, that behas removed to the .1 H19 new and commodious store, on the corner opposite the "British Hotel. ”. where he is prepared to give good 0 0dlan’d. Provincial Exhibition, ..... Stray Heifer. .23,1870. on hand. 33 Fall at the Sewing Machiné, best Machine now before me pl 7â€"â€" “A17 199-tf. huul‘, ”v ‘II II InI‘i MANUFACTU RERS, HA5}: .3: . F. II. Edwards. IMPORTANT T0 FARMERS. This Fork needs only to be seen to be ap- l preciated. We feel confident. in introduc-i ing it to the farmers generally, that it has 1 Superior qualities over any other Hay Fork ‘ in the D uninion, and. are willing at any l time to test its merits against any other 1 forks in Hay, Barley, or locse Grain. It is l lightto handle, and powerful. it is in nol case likely to'get out of oréer. It will pene- trates the Hay easily. It. will elevate more than a team ,can draw. It is;,peculiarly adao‘ted {or Barley and loose Oats as well as Bay. It can he Operatedwith more ease ;to and from the mow than any other lork 'in use. ' , « THOMAS MILLAR, Agest, Bentinck, Allanpark, P. O. on.» 0'7 15270- ‘ 191. various Agricultural Fairs. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application will be madehy the Toronto, GM} and Bruce Raii’way Com- pany, to the Legislature of Ontario, at. its next session, for an Am to amend the Act incorporatifijg,r the‘said Company a'td'to'ex- tend the po‘werB conferred upon the said Company. 1n 11 n1: A "P'I‘V Strayed from D 1rbam November Fair.a Rod Cow, eight years old. Any one giving mformatlon that will'lead to her recovery will be suitabty rewarded. THOMAS TOWSEND, _= ‘ Lot. 5, Con. 12, G. enelg. N'nv 17, 1870. 198.3. Sept. 27, 1870. BU! LDING LOTS. , Barley and, Straw . , ' Soli'cifor for Applicants. Toronto, Nov. 7th, 1870. 197-7. Vegeiéhm :H‘air vfias‘tma‘five, WILf) AND IMPROVED 6‘; ~ .‘ . JOHN FAN'I‘, . - Hair-Dresser. 850., Dun’finville, Ont. PRIgBâ€":$_1.5_Octs, and 25 cguts Ear bottle. 0:} This is a most superior article, com- posed entirely of vegetable substances, and is positively the best article for the hair ever manufactured. 121- Nov. 17, 1870. arties indebted to Messrs. 130-31! '8; . Woods will save 04:18 By paying the same without delav, tn A. M’cLELtm Durham. Durham, Nov 23rd, 1870. Eflfififlfifi Wfifl'flfifi Durham, Nov. 9, 1870. Wanted for School Section No. 8, Ben- tinck, a Female Teacher, hmdmg a second class cprfificatp. Duties to c mmencn about the lat of January, 1871. App’y to any of the undursi med, stating salary. s. B. WILsov. Trustveé,- JAMES BRANDER, Crawford PETER. CRUMAR. J a 0. Bentinck, N0v._ 15h, 1370. 1984a. c , Wesleyan Church, Durham. (ertify that the contmt of W. M. Church Exten anon; has been cnmpkted hv Mr. J. W. McDonnell to our entire satisfaction. JOSHUA WOODLAND, GEORGE ANZ’ERSQN; N. S. BURWASH, Sup’t- [he'Stme and Dwelfinc know? as the » " Montreal House,” Upper Town. Apply to ' Z THOMAS JONES, MONEY 3 T0 LOAN. THOS. DIXON, Barriste r-at .Law, Lower Town, Durham. OR THE PRmERVATION. AND Growthof the Hair; Mafiufactured L’y- SUBSCRIBE FOR AND AD- VERTISE IN THE “CHRONICLE.” i‘IORSE "FORK. a Durham, Nov. 10th, 1870. STRAY COW. $9 “271’ '.'.i‘iPLST PRIZE. before the public. THE TRUSTEEQ OF THE FANT’S. FIRST PRIZE. PIII ST PRIZE. FIRST PRIZE. ,F IRST PRIZE. .1?! 151‘ PRIZE. _Fl ST PRIZE. _'FIR“-P PRIZE. .FIRSI‘ PRIZE. .FIRST PRIZE. Notice. w, H. BEATTX, ALSO, Ontario Bont Store. {0. 1974f. EBY - I‘AW N0. 16?. ONT. '. . . . W In uuuo-‘ar- _ - _ A B!" Law to (“d and, “3313‘ the Town“: : wision, at lot 10 iuXLst pougession; for 2nd at Ferguson's, lot 3. Grey and Brm fimlwayflommny by '. Electoral Division, gwmg Four Hundred 7 Imusand DOL i. 17th concession ; for 3rd Electoral Division, ("TS to {he CW'Pan-yi by way. Qf bonus. 3 at MLCuieoch’a blacksmith shop, on lot 11, and 10.1881.“ debeliiurw‘ihrt’foruund to : 13d) cmieeflséqn ; f0! 4th Eiectomi Divwion, aztthqnze the let'ng “fa specmt 7013‘} at John Suzi-3:28, lot 9, concession 9 ; for i f” the payment “f the ‘debenlurcs and i 5111 Electoral .Dn'isinu, at Robert Home's {mer‘flfl ' ~ on 101 C), conussionfi WHEREAS-.- by 1119: Act of '1he 6m ;. 1" “03?“ij 0‘ 13‘ E‘?°‘°'§,‘.‘P*"‘j Session of the Legislature of the Province ”MHZ 3; Ef‘fffi 3‘18?! 3" A) ‘13" 2‘ U38." u of Ontario, passed ip1§b8;.th1rty-first year uf . orb n _ iefcr um. ‘I‘Viséog, “it E 0. mon Her Majesty’s Reign, incorporaiing the (01 - erwxse rayner b)“ c 99 - ouse. , Toronto, Grey Brine Railway Company. .11; Gpran-For Dug-ham .Ezectoral D:- it was provided that. {my Municipality of '1 V‘s-‘0“: ft Uurbani .Lecmre -. Room‘; for ! Municipalities tbrgngb any Pa.“ Of which Ol‘ i SOU'h 151801.011“ ".l)lV181(?B, Bt-gNunl‘ bChOO‘ i near which the Railway or wci‘rks of the i 3993?, D‘l‘baUU‘Qe ? ' if)" Centre Blecioml said Company shall pass or be snuagéd may Dwxsmn, at Purdy s Mill's! 5th concesmon ; aid and assist the said Company by loaning; ‘0}: web“ lilac-Lora! D'V‘S'O'H. 9:" Chum?!" or guaranteeing or giVng 11101193 by “ay 01 Mini , for 1‘0”!) D {:ciOfBi DIF!810“.783 m hoaaepf Mchael Norris, lot 18, 13:11 com bonus qr Other means to the Company, or . . r - - - _. L- _._ ‘. -..:.. .Am “ukulcesswn. . ._ . WHERE-as by the Act ot 'the sml. Session of the Legislature of the Province l; of Ontario, passocgi ia'I‘thegthtrty-first year of ‘ Her Majesty's Reign, incorporating the < Toronto, Grey Brime Railway Company, it was provided that any Municipality org: Municipalities thrsneh any partpf which or I ‘1 near which the Railway or works of the 1 ' said Company shall pass or be situated may l aid and assist the said Company by loaning. ‘ or guaranteeing or giving money by may 01 bonus or Other means to the Company, or l issuing “municipal bonds to or in aid of the Comprny or otherv ise in such manner and . to such extent. as such Municipalities orl any of them shall th‘iutt expedient, provided always thatno such aid, loan, bonus or guarantee shall be given except (after the passing of By laws for the purpose, and the adoption of such By Laws by the ratepayers ‘ t as provided in the Ratluay Act : , i ; And whereas by the Act of the Legis ‘ glatnre of the Province of Out-trio passed in l'the thirty-third. year of .Her Majesty’s EReign, Chapter fortyooue, power is given to any portion of a Munich atity or County I ‘ Municipality to grant a bonus to the said ' Company tor the purpose of aiding in the a t c0nsttucti0n of their R xiiway : ' a 1.....- culll“! ULt|\n| VI .uvâ€"u â€"' And whereas the said *Company - have‘ :asked the Councrls of the Municipalities of Egremont, Norm-sub” .Glenelg,‘ Beutinck, iHuHuud, Sullivan, Derby, Sydenham, Oneu Sound, Sarawak and Keppei, (being a portion of the County of Grey) to- wear them a bonus for the purpose 0t aiding m ° f the said Built-.ay, and of the Reeves 'and Deputy iREeves thereof have petitioned the Lou 1y ICouncil ofthe-Cuunty of Grey (of w..icn County the last named municipalities are a portion) to pass a By-Lu’vv in pursuance of such request, and ofthe powers given by the said Acts to grant it burns or Four Hundred Thousand Dull: rs for the purpose of aiding in‘ the construction of _thc suio Railway, and it "is expedient to grant the same . - ‘ ' ““‘- ‘1‘ :Q 1..) Anu WUCICGD, I‘ll. uu‘ -- r.-- l' I necessary to levy and raise frum the mid local \lanicipa- iues of Eiremoul, Norman Dy, Glenelg, Bentiuck, Holland, Sullivan, Derby, Sydenham: Uweu Sound, S ravmk and Keppel the ~ai1 sum 01 hour Huudued .Tr housald Duliais, in the manner herein- after mentioned} an. o 4‘,_ A---- I“ 3138f UJUULIUuou . And wnereus, it will require the sum of Forty-Four Thousand Deniers _tu,,b_e raieed annually by special raIe on the Whole "atr- able, I‘eaLand persé’nai}. pt‘dpert) of the said ,Mun'icipdlifies Of ‘Egretnmlt, Nurmanhy, Glenelg, Bentinck, Hail-and, SulliVat, ‘Dcrhy, S’vdenham, Owen Suund, Sarawak iand’ Keppei, for paying the said debt (A iFour Hundred Thousand Donors and in- terest on the debentures to he issued there I for as hereinafter mentioned : n ‘LA .‘ILn‘l‘ And whereas, the amount of the wnoxe raw-able property of the said Municipalities of Egremont,N~u~mauby, Glenetg,Bemi‘uck, Hoiluud, Sullivan, Dewy, Sydcuhathwen Sound, Sarawak and Krpptl, irrespecdve :Of_ any fixture iu'crcas'e of the same, and also irrCSpecLive of any income. to be dc. ,rive‘d frothe tempbmry investment of the .sinkiug fund hereinafter mcminno d Or any part thereof, according to xhe last revised and eQual’zed Assessment Rolls, as revised -_,.. “mum"! .h‘v nheDuuncil -uf the said find eQuahaed Assessment Rolls, as reviseu and equalizedhy the =Ouuncil -uf the. said Conntyof Grey, ufthe said Municzpalilies .of Egremnnt, Normruby, Glene‘g,Bcntinck, Holiand, Sullivan, Derby, S) drnham, Owen Suund, Sarawak and Keppel, being for ‘be year One Tahuusuhd Eléht Hundred and 1"“ 108 null . 198-3 {LIE o . . . . And whereas, for. such p'urpr-BP, 1t )3 -L- _‘_,‘ v“â€" Seventy, is 23 486 000 beve.ll{y, ID fiU;‘f.U.uvv - And whereas, the whole amount of the rateable propeuty ol'the County of GreyH irrespective of any {mum iimreas‘é of the} Same. land 3130 'irrr‘slpectiveiot' 'any increase ‘ to be derived from the temporary. ichst merit of. the sinking fund hereiuaher men- ' tionea or any part. thereof, according to the last revised and equglized Assessment Bulls 01 the said (hunt), flcmg fur the year A. D. 1870, is 55 335.090: - IOIU, ID‘VVVVI.---- . . ‘ And wtereas, the amount of the existing . debt of Me said County of Grey is the sum of $236 44332 for principal, aid-tor ll:- terestjtfie sun of 23124500, and there is no interest inrarrean; and the pmpmtion of the ' said last mentioned debt chargeable to the ° said Municprlities of Ezremont,Nurmanhy, Glenelg, Bentinck, Hol-and, Suilhun,’ Derby, Sydenham, Owen Sound, Sarawak and Keppel, and which they will be expect ed and have to beer and pay is for principal the sum of 5141 258.16, and for interest the . sum of $74,384,1JU, and no interest in i arrear : And whereas, for-paying the interest and , Creating an equal yearly, sinking fund for paying the said debt of Emir Hundred Thou sand Do=lars as, hereinafter mentioned, it will require "an equécl annual special rate (1 122 mizls in the dollar on the said sum 0! 5:3 4>6 000, heiugthe revised and equaiizw assessment for the said Muuimpulities as aforeszid in addition to all other rates to bx levied in ear-h year : ~ - . A l ‘ ‘ »‘ \' I _9U __‘ ., Be. it Lberei‘oxe enacted by the Municipal 1 Council of.the County of Grey, that it shall and may be lawful for En'emunt, Norman- by, Gleneluz, Bentiock, HoLand, Suliivau. Derby, Sydcnham, Uwen Sound, Sarawak and Keppel being a. portion of the Munici- pality of the County of One), to aid and n8- sist. the Torootu, Grey and Bruce inlwa) =Company by giving theceto Ibe sum 01 :Four Hundred Thousand Dollars by wizy 0! bonus. , .- . ~ . "v Q 2. That for that purpose ihe Warden o1 i the County of Grey shad cause any uumhe ofDebemures of Lhe County of Giey to be i made tor su’ch Sums of money as mac he 1 required for th‘é said purpose, nupiess than 1 twenty dough! each; and um eXCcediug u. ‘ the wholefihe amount ,of Fuur. Hunareo Thnusand Dollars; which gaid Dchcmures shall be sealed with the 'seal of t.be.saiu Coumy--Municipa‘ity - of Grey,- and be sign ed by the! Wamen, and counteusigned b. the Treasurer ofthe County of Grey, um (ahali define the portitm of the said Count} Municipality ‘of Grey, namely : the saw- Mumcipalities of Egremmt, Nurmtmb). ;Gleue|g, Btlltian, Holland, Suaivau, Dc:- by, qdenham. Owen Sound, Smaaak an"? heppvl, for and on acwun‘. ot which the) are' issued. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ .U‘ wv-â€"v .3. The Said debentures aha“ be madr payable in twenty years from the day berr- inafxer mentioned for Ibis By-law t’u tukt- effect, at the Bank of Toronto in the ci1y ut Tux-onto, and shssil have altacbvd to then. coupons for the payment of interest. at. thv rate and in the manner nereiuauer mention- CU; . ‘ -. . 4, Thabthe said debentures 811.11 bear interes, at and 'after the rate of six pee cent per -annum from the date tbvretfl, which interest shall be payable halt-yearly, 0n the first day of August, and the first day (.f February in each year at the said Ba k nfTorunto in Turuutu. . _ 5. That for the purpose of forming a 5. That for the purpose of formzng a: sinking fund for the payment of the said debentuxes,aud interes; Ib-ttzunmt the rate a uresaid, an equal, 8;,ecial_..rate of twelveâ€" tfiiils and five-fights ci‘ a iniil in a duHar. shall in Addition to all other rates hernia ed, ieviedémd ( ollemed in each year upwn ,all ihe :rmeuhle mimic-:3 in the said Mum- {cupalit'aes of Egremom, Nurmanhy, Glen. ielg, Benginck, Hoilaud, Sullivan, De-by. .Sydeuham, Owen Sound, Sarawak and i Keppel, according to the last revised and : inqunl'zed asessment rolls as frumjeaa tu- yeer revised and equalized fur mesaid Mu- picipalities by the County Counc'ii. of the ' County of Gruy, or otherwise reiised and equalized as the law directs; timing the said term'of twenty yeaia from ethec‘nming into effectuf “118‘ Bidgwtfiuiess such deo bemur‘ea shall he 8.00m: paid. i i F 6 This By-law shall take effect on. fmm and alter the a St (’3‘ of Bebruarv, in the year r“? Our LOrd. 1871. -- .-. A , LA “tâ€"n‘AJ Ari: Jbu' 7 Th at “file debentures to be signed and issuea 11's aforesaid, shal be deli ered by the Treasurer ut the said Cons-11v 01 Grey 1.. the Trustees appointed (or to be anpuimed) in accordance with the tenth sermon of the said Act, 1:1corporating the 831'} Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Company. 8. And it..ie further enactgd, by ‘he aaia Municipal Council of thezConniy‘ of Grey, that the votes of the electors of E3: mom, Nn'manby, Glenda, Bentinfik, ,quland. Sullivan, Derby, Sydehbam, Oweti Sbilnd, punt of the whole Said Munitipglitigs Sarawak and Keppel, be taken on tins By- law at the following places, that is to any : Ix Eeksuos'râ€"For let Eloctornl Dio nisiou, at lot 10 ioXlLst poncesaion; for 2nd Electoral Division, at 'Ferguson’a, lot 3, . 17th concession ; for 3rd Electoral Division, i at MLCuleoch’a blacksmith shap, on lot 11, g 11th concession ; fox 4th Electoral Divmion, g at Julu: Huir‘yzs, lot, 9, concession 9 ; for i Srh Electoral Division. at Robert HOI'DO'I IN BE'MINCK â€"For lat biecmrai Ulfllluu, at me Sch-oat House in Durham ; for 2nd E!ect«»ral Division, at, School Housesection No. 10 ; for 3d 33 ecwral Division, d. Orange Hall, Hanox‘erJ fur 4m E Pcwrnl Division at Scbnol Housmaenlion No.5; f vr 5th Electoml Dwision, at House on Lu! 10 in 13m concession. . 33 IN HULLASDâ€"For West Electoral; Divili mm, at SuthUl H «use. section Nu. 1H; for Gaxrafraxa Electoral Dlvision, at SebOul Hume, Section Nu. 2 ; for Suulh Electora,‘ lm-ision, at Schuol Hause, section No. 3 , fur .Em"; zEerHHml Division, at Selma} :80 use, sec'ion No. 5 ; tor North Electoral DiVi310n, at Price’s School Huuee. Ix SULLIVAN-:FOI‘ lst Electra-8| Divisuon, at. Beanieâ€"’5 Schodi House; f0: 2nd Elec- nml .Divi.~inn. at. Baker's School House ; Ix SULLIVANâ€"For lst bleclurm unmuu, at. Beattir’s Schodi House ; for 2nd Elec- toral .Divi.~iua, at Baget’s School Home ; for 3rd Elrcwml : Division, at Cook's Sch0ul House ; (or Lb Electoral Division, at Aiexander Clark’s Hwee‘;.for 5m E-eo- torul Division. at Vgiise)’s $5;qu House. . IS DEREK-~For lat Electoral .Divisinn, ,3“ house of John Smith, 18: concessiun; tor P 2nd biectoral Divismn, at Wm. Max-wall}; 51h coucessi-m ; fur 31d Electural Uivisiutz, 3:! old Town Hall ; fur 4th Ezectcrul Duo fisian, rut Robertsmfs Si-hgmi Houw ;'- {of “(Bill Efeczoral Divnsioin, at. Webster’s School Liuuse,. ”\luuv - In SYDEXHAMâ€"For lst Electoral Divis- ion, at Sch-col House of Umon School Seo- lion No. 9 ; for 2 a: Electoral Dnvisiou, at Schoui H. use 0! Szhool Seclion No.1; for 3 d Elrcmrnl DBL-it‘ll. at School Howl of School SeClion NO. 14; {0141}! Eloc- torol Divi ion. at School House ol Setool ‘ Section No. 4. {or-53h Elccxorul Diquu‘, abSchuol Home [A School 5‘ etiou N0. 5., : Ix OWL-LN Sumoâ€"~19 r Bay Ward, at the hu‘l'lw. o! I. C. Swag" ' for Centre “ an], o l . = at Cousou's Haul ; lor Rwer “ and, at the Brfzk School House. _ IN SARAWAKâ€"At lerOwn's School Hm”. Ix KEPPElrâ€"vFUtln‘t Electoral Dixiolon, at Peunmu’s Grist. Mull ; f r 2nd Elecmral , Uivisnon. at Big Bay School House; for 3:11 E=ectoral Dixiaion, 2t Boyd's School House, South Diagonal ; fnr4lh Electoral Divisum, la! Cruikshauk's School House, Somh Dist;- Onal. ouun. . -- - . - On the Twelfth Day of Docember, A. 1). 18:0, cummeucmgat the hour of nine u’cuouk in Nu: m -ruiug and clOsiug at fivp u'clflck iuu .theaftcmuuu of the same day, and that the following be the Returnmg Officers for taking the said vote-P, namely : ls EGREMuxr-viâ€" For 1st E 900m: Divin- inu. Mr. “Myer: Leggah; {112210 Elmsldral Division, ’Mr. James L. Uuym; fur Bad Ewctoml Divisfam, Mr. James Sin ; for 4th Eieumml Divaswu, Mr.John anrv; for 5th Electoral D vision, Mr. R but Home. 3 4 I3] -A..-n' "AU- V IN Nulm.a.xmfâ€"I*‘ur l ision, (at Avian) Mr. M ‘an Bier-toral Didsnm, Na. 2) Mr. W. H. Ryan. _ Is G..EXEI.G -- For ‘ Duisinn, Mr.. James. E’ectoz-al Dwisiun, Mr. fur Cemre Elecgoral,__‘Di _ IN Unhbbuuâ€" ..u. y...__-V-.__ _ Dnisiun, Mn. James Brown; for South E’ectoa'ul Dwision, Mr. Archbald Buick; fur Ceuue ‘Elecgoral, ,Divis'um, Mn. Fin‘ay [Mc‘Crae ;'f'or West, [$190le Div'sio’nd. .v‘. John McCorrr'fiL-k'; for Nan}. lec'onl Davision. Mr. Samuel Dnnnvlly. IN HENTISCK-Fur last Eledora‘ D‘vis- ion, Mr. John Mordie; fur ‘l-d Elvcmrui Divisxon, Mr. Charles Ftrtchtl‘: "for 14‘ Eieq‘cq-al Diviézou. M". Duncan Camp‘ etlj‘ mr 4'h Evoluml _Divxsiun.,/Mr. Jams; anmtgug; for 5th Eicuural Division. Min ' HCgh N. Barhm.’ . " ' I}: Enumnâ€"For West Eiecmral Div- isiun', Mr. Vm; C. Ludo: for Gurafmxs ElectoralI'Dwieitm, Mr. Henry Cal-dwell; a .m Snugh E'ectmal Divismn, Mr. Mum?“ Wilton; fur Ear Electoral Division. Mr; . J ohn Flemmin , Jr. ; for North Electortl D.visiun. M Sohn Price. ' u “- -_9___ fur 5th E‘ectural Dlvic‘ Webstet‘.. Ix SYDaxmmâ€"For lst Ei-ctoral Divid- ium, Mr. Dunald Baxter: fm 2rd Eecmmi Dwision, Mr. Charles Gordon; Mr 34 E ectAwaLD'vision, Mr. Tnuluas Matthews, fur 4‘11- Electoral Dnvision, Mr. Wilxian .luhustone ; fur 5th Electoral Division, Mr. Dav‘d Armstmxng.. ' . , Ix Owes S-csn-For Bav Wand. Mr. W. 0.1, Suragg ;; for Centre Ward, Mr. R. H. Hill; fur River Ward, Mr. Jamel B. Camerun.‘ . _' IN Sumwaxâ€"Mr. A. K. Roy. H KEPPEl.â€"Fm 15!. E «ctpml Division. Mr. T.'H. Reeve; fur 2r“! E act and Div- ision, M '. ‘mvin Sh'av; for 3 d E‘oâ€"ct'au‘ Division, G. A. Tenant, Jr. ; 101' 4th Electoral Du‘isi'm. Mr. Jaiemian Wallace. :z'nxcx â€"For lat E‘eqtoral Division; That the above :8 a true cupy of the pro- posed By law, which win be taken into cou- sideratitm by the Cuuucl 'ot' the sail Cunn- ty of Grey, after One month trom the first publicahon in the Owen Sound Times. the Own Sound Axlvcrtisrr. thu Owen Sumtd ! Comet. the Dufha‘ti' Chronicle the qufdt-t: Monitor, the -Watcher am Sanquz. the date of whigh first utt'mcaztuus «as in the (Met. S UI‘C! 'Iimrs on he lflih GM of Nh'emh‘et, A. D , 1:570. {hf-“0W9." Sound Advertiser th» 17th day hf Nugpmher, A. U . L570, the (men Sunni C’qmct on the lilh day «f N vvetnhei'. .At. 1)., 1870. the Uu-nam Cat-mutiny"; the 17m «my .9 Nv». vetnher, A D . 1871). the Meat'ord Mummi- 0n thP 17"! dav UL N"V“Yflh€r. A. D., 11‘7”. and the: W'uchter am Saug'en an me 171!- davof N-JVPJLW‘T, A. D 1870; and that .he vgtt-s pf the E ecmts of Eztvâ€"m-mt, N.»ro FAKE NOTICE u-v m:Lvai13';:é-;£l_llel!, Henhnck H-lmud, Sut- livan, Derby. Sydeuham, Oven Sound}. Sarawak and 1(9pr will be taken tubes-eon. Monday, the 12th day of De'czemb‘ei'f A. D. 1870. commencing awning ujclopk if: the fmenoon, and chain; a; five o'vlock nu ma afternoon of the same dav. at the sew oral olacps mmnioned. set out m and fixed by ("e eifluh 0‘3'38“ nf the above. true copy 0: [he said prouused BV-La-tr. ‘ 'l\n\'nc'n GCFLPB-r-Firsi Wednesday in each month. Hmmsms ~Fridav before Guwlph Fair. Hoswumn-8aturday .hmnre Guelph. EI.uP.A-:.'l'h° day mifmo Gukiph. ‘J.“'. - D aymn-i- F519 d w before Eldm. Cmrrnxnâ€"Thnvsdac b~fore Guelph Fair; 'I‘Ex°1.JImLE~oFu-xday befme Guelph Fair.‘ erw BAuscac-Furst Tuesday in em '0“, anmâ€"Fbst Thursdav in each-month... ELuIBAâ€" Second Monday in each «10an. . w u uzm.oo-â€"Serond Twain-intact; month: Mr. Fons-1‘ «Third Wednesday in each ' ' mnmh. ' 1; ' DURBAl-Tuesday preceding the above; FERGUS-T ursdax {allowing Mt. Farah. , Onaxcthl.w-5-Secor1d Thursday in Jan.; I‘. \I I.”.‘ ”3'0“; 313?, Jalv. Sep ,Iénd,Nq'.. Mono Mll.L8~â€"Third Wednesday in Jul Aural, J°ily and Octdher}? Emsâ€"First Mom“- in January, Apri -.l _ Julymnd October. - MLSOSYjLLpâ€"bFiI-at Tuesday in Fem-nu: my, August 3nd Novembcr. Monthly" "Cattle Fairs. fw\|3|‘ no -‘ 'JOHM' GALE, Assistant County Cler': -. 198 5. r. John Holirv ; for let. Eltctnral DlVf Maul»: w 0 Fa: rell ; Durham E‘ eqtoril (a: Union Schoo'l

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