West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Dec 1870, p. 5

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Tb {he Ratepayers of the County 9/ Grey agrccu man and tire 00:]; day Tun before I!) the said brehcnturc Directors «.t‘ the 33 shall for and on bi.- pany, finds!) and V“.' amendments. menu use 1.1) u... quy and you find this to be the case, thenfcmngmrc it with the fol'xmviug ex- tract from that. By-Iuw which the \Vcl- Nugtbn, Grey and Bruce Railway Cum- pauy. proposed to submit to some of the townships last fall, and you will at once see wherein the Narrow Gauge By-law is bq‘tb one-sided and defective, and the ciauses which ought to be inserted for 1'001' protectiun, are entirely omitted : 9‘ PROVIDED ALWAYS, by declared, and this 15‘ subject. to the fuliuwing. conditifins, mat. is to 5-13 flit the Gamma»); m urn: mu. w. u. ‘ .- , from the: said Mingcipwfity. lh-hmxmn-s! to the 21:1qu an zw>uiunmui s‘ucrviu, tn gclhér with the C(,>u;~ubt:$ yr! ta mature Note further, that the \Vcniltgton, ‘5 Grey and Bruce By law Ody required the interest. to be paid once a year, whereas the Nat-raw Gauge By-law rc- quirés you to be prepgrcd for the Tax Concctor in July as wall as January. Take warning from Qihcrs H “39‘ how the Toronto Bonus of $250,000.' granted for the special purpose of build- i; Grvy and Bruce, is all being spent bdw =cn '1' oronto and Arthur, and the road lmt finishvd to 01‘-1 angefille yet. \Vhy does this Company demand such an enormous sum from when they have already agreed to 21300 per mile from the town- i ’. \ ing a road throng you, accept 5 Ship of Arthur, and have promised to build their road from Mount. Forest. to ' " 1' less than $5000 per ‘ bv Mr. Jackson; who should know, Fitne‘ly : “ {Lat Vuc Company i: _. _ ‘ _ --. Tm following is the answexj, at: Jackson, who shnnld “ tLut Vne Company i: uni? mile ? given .by Mr. know, r meiy : now-bordering on Insolvency, mm W the County of Grey with bur $400,000 as a. solvent. partner.” meats Are we to be taxed so enormouslyl and so much higher than other Munici- ' s. to set. an Insolvent. Company on its feet? N0! g : It 'has ‘also been said by those who! opght to know, {nut unless the wanv Gauge Unmpmg get: ynur large B-zldb, ‘ the; madhwxli probably never reap}; Ar Four, and certaihly never come funhcr ; hence we infer that a portion of your $400,000 is required to bhiid the road up, 10'- Mount Forest. Why not wait till therefad is built. to the border 0! tfiié 'Ctmu‘ty ? Some people Wm tell you that you and mud; Vnte for have no a‘xtcrnative, hunt 3 Railway. this By-an or 30 win The ar'gmziem is not. sound. ' -'-Tbe'Weiiing;on, Grey and Bruce ' ° H1 1115: WThe Wellington, Grey and Bruce _Baji)vay pompany ~bus rcceiv'cd the *‘ihncti'pnt’ofz‘the 'nn‘glish Directory {La “Id Bfozvlfif‘Gydgq Railway- from ,. Battis‘fidfi 'ifigbiGré‘j fork 501109 of only I fimpenmh . i whic you find HHS to 00 um cunt we in with the follpwiug ex that. By-law which the \Vel RH [EXT 1’» 1'11 21 will protect you who me Municiptfl ity in .v'mg regard to the c .1316 hum H urnstnn NUTS, 01‘ any and delivm' er the seal H: RACT H 3 PEOPLE. [NW Vcl' to him an cal of the said and binding tin,- Grey and Bruce, is "\‘ii‘CD Toronto and .8 [mt finished [0 01‘- $113.11 issue‘ of thexn,the{ r Cnmpanyfl :ston to Dur- . “3mm“ ” anus payable 1 an” Sho“ such amount; the 00“? M amount per “'38“ 0‘ J 0f the line 313513“ am. the pro- ' 2*;an Cut 3 shall entitlel it {or m stun to zrsuch .1 C here m The advantages of connection with Guelph are greatand apparent ; among which 1 may mention, it gives easy and direct access to all the best markets in the Dominion and the United States, (which is you best cattle market), and enables you to load a car here, which will carry your produce to its destina- tion withons the cost, delay and loss of UEX'I‘I.E.\IE.\’,-â€"I bee; 10 call your 31‘9" tion to the proposed By-law granting $430,- 000 in aid ofthe Narrow Gauge Railway, as a vote will be taken upon it on the 12th instant. The poztion that you will be call- ed upon to pay is $43,613,70. The By-law sets forth that. a rate of 12'; milis in the dollar will be required to raise the amount. hut 5311 must bear in mind that that rate is based upon the equulmed assessment. It will require a rate of I43 mills in the dol- lnl‘ to he levied yearly upon the netnal resi- dent assessment of Gienetg to meet the in» terest and sinkingr fund. The petition of the Reeves and Deputy-Reeves to the Coun- ty Council in favor of the bonus contained many necessary cOnditions, but. strange to say, none oi them have been embodied in the By 331?, as they ought to have been, in order to give security to the ratepayersâ€"- Advoenzes of the By-l'nw will tell you that ‘nm Raiiwav Comnanv wiil give a bond as Turn out. to a man; vote down the prcscnt By-law. If you stay at hum: it wiil be carried. Do not. give your money without security. Only think uf it, «39:000 per mile! ! ! 1y Cara-ii in favor of 1h.) bonus contained i 131113 necessary 1:011di130113, but Strange to 3 52133110111: 0i them have been embodied 1'1 1:11: By 7112?, as iuey ought to have been, in 011121th 'i 9 security to the ratepayexs.â€"- Admmues of the Bylaw wiil teil you that 1 the Railway Company wiil give a. bond as secuiity that the couditio: l3 Dwill be carried 0111.13111 Ican assure you that. the Com- pany ’3 bond as a securitym mworthless. The 1311' iaw is to take effect on the 151*. of reb- eruarv next, and the de‘nnmres are to be 1 handed 1c the trustees in Fol-01110 within six . weeks {'10 :11 the [111331110 01 the Bj-law. Th1- in e1estis to be paid 111111 yearly, on the 151 1 01 -»h1111rv and the 151 01 Augustin each year. Que” :--VVn'e11 will the rate be iesied to meet. the ii1s1 instalment ‘? i .§ 1 sill vixe you my objections to the pro TO T7113 RATEPAYERS OF THE l 1 ‘ lbl‘u ‘) '61.) "I.“ LLulul'UUu V'IItqul. -- I. .b!‘ I 6‘ ‘ 1: '. v . ' ' ‘ . ““9 “re ”0‘0 Who “”11 tell 30“ l same kind of hearxngs were used by hxm ' it would be unposable to carry a 1‘5 and 19 years ago, and seven out of u lzz'. i favor of th‘ \Vclliugton lf’f the PM?!“ P“t PRbY hi?! the“ are I10 v u b " ’ ' m use, Much has Induced bun to fall bm ‘)r .1 j . ' . ‘ ' ‘ 'V “lid ”“9" hallway 2 1f, uufoxtu- on the old bearmgs anc fixtures. :ly, this should be the case, which I ISAAC IRELAND, ,; t f»;- a moment believe we would MAWFACTURER' u , ’ Mount Forest,3?pt. l, 1870. 1y. m units to a mam, revive the Narrow ngc Bylaw, reduce the amount ofi ,. ‘ aus, insert. the necessary protective’ ‘V ester“ canada PERMANENT uses, and carry it, all of which can done in a few nwmhs- Wullrllnn' anrl Qaulnn‘ aninlu pmcm; whereas the Narrow vould be, as has often been said, tramway and feeder 0f the Grand This is the immaculate Company that asks your money uncuz‘xditiona'nly, ' From my long utiidal connexion with; this township i mke the liberty of address. mg you at. present, and should my'lworst Ir‘dls respecunr the 8) law, be reaiized. I ml} h we the COUSul‘dk-iuq of being able to say that. I ham: done my duty towards you 311 this matter. . I am,_ gentfiemen, You!t obedient seri'ant, " ‘ JAMESBROWN, . g. 7 ’ .v ~ T9: filer}: qt Glengl'g. Ho be paid hair-yearly, on the 151 try and the lat of Augustin each Query :--W'n'eu will the rate be meet. the first instalment ? gixe you my objcctious to the pro- 133:. 1ka amount is too large tux 2. Railway tram Mount Forest. tu mud. a distance of 4â€"1 miles, being {he Gumm, Yours sincerely. '1‘ II A '1‘ TAX PA YER. wflfli‘i’fi? GOOD ELACKé’MITH WISHING ‘L to cmnmencc business, can find a first-class stand situaté on the Durham Road, 4} miles from Durham and 65 trom Hanover. A splendid chance for a steady man. App’y to JOHN 000K, ISAAC IRELAND would call the atten-l tion of the public to this Improved ‘ Bl achine Pump. He would say that his Pump took easily the first prize at the late Show in Mount Fort st, in competition with :2. Pump that is reported to have taken the first prize at the Provincial Exhibition at Hamilton and four other places. The im- provements consist of the strongest hear- ings, which will stand the most wear of any rump now in use in Canada, also Malleahle Valve Shirts and Hardwood Cylinder. The same kind of hearings were used by him 17. 1‘5 and 19 years ago, and seven out of ten of the pumps put up by him then are now in use, which has induced him to fall bacx E “r egtm’n Canada P ER“ AN’ 1331‘ Bulking and Saving Sncieiy! PRESIDENT, Hon. Geo. W. All en, Senator; \ 1m: h-PRESIDEXTH Inhn \th‘nington, Esq: Dmscm‘m s, W m. Gooderham, 13cc]. ., Samuel Plan, Esq; J33. E. Smith, Esq; Fran- cis Shanh', Esq.; the Hon. D. L. Mac- phersun, Smmtw" .. -4 -. . A m . \l’____1 -__L" Money received on depcsxt, and interest allowed at the rate ofsix per cent. per an- num, compounded halfoyearly. On improved freehold property, repayable in monthly, haiflyeariy, or yearly instal- ments, to suit the borrower. From the huge income of the Society, money can al- ways he had without delay and at a. reduced tariff rate. No management fees or deduc- tions from amount. of Loan. The Convey- an i'zg charges are much more than ordi- nariiy favorable to borrowers... Bxlxvxmwu, flank of Toronto; Merchants’ Bank of Canada. SAVING S BANK BR A\C’H. The undersigned trading as Farmers and Innkeepera, in the viilage of UrchardviUP, in the county nf‘Grey, have this day dis- mivod partnenhip by mutual consent. All debts owing by the said firm wiil he paid by John Irving, with whom ail ciaims due the said firm must be sewed. Bentinck, Nov. 28:1), 1 ‘v’itness : A. MCLELI AN. NOV. 18th, 1870. WALTER. 8. LEE. Sew-re-mry Treasurer. ARCHIBALD MCKENZIE. Head Oflce, 70 Ckzzrck 85., Toronto. Capital, TO BLACKSMITHS. PBBZE PUMPS. ESTABLISHED IN 1868, - IFor the purpose of qualifying Operators for the TELEGRAPH 6; RAILROAD LINES ca :3 afihfia Robes, Dissolution of Partnership. desiring to learn this light and honnrabie protessmn, shuuld do so at once. The zrveragelength of time required is three months. Ladies learn more rapidly than gentlemen. Both sexes admitted from 14 years ofage and Upwards. ; For full particulars and terms address MONEY TO LOAN HE subscriber is desirousnfselling Lots ‘24 and 25. con; 12, tqwnship of Ben- tiuck. containing 200 acres of good hardâ€" wood land,49 of which age cleared and fenced, and well watered. ~Theselots are situate in a. prosperous looality, '10 miles from Durham and four from the gravel road - Pric? .558 per acre, one thud cash. Title infisnutab'e. For fail particu‘a‘rs apply to - -A JAMES KELEHER, _ ALSO, A FEW coon “\IAKEN’T INSTITUTIONS OF THE COUNTRY, and has turned out OVER 100 OPERATORS, now fill important positions with Agr‘nt‘ Durham. ‘UWI‘I . 0r {0 JOHN SHEWELL, Duzham. Jane 23rd,1870. ’ ' White Ho'rse' Hotel JOHN CORNISH. J UHN IRVING. $380,000- building in the Bxitxsh, Malt, French and Canadian. es. It has be- 1 99-3 197. [LATE PARKER CATTLE] Established in Banada IBEB‘. Chemicals, Perfumery and Toilet Preparations, Cnmbs, Brushes, Fancy Goods, 6.31;, c., Parker’s Gelumn. of every description and reliable in quality. VARNESHE S ! Gueiph, Fire Pram Paint 2 LL: LLLLL’LLLL LLLL {PAWEYT ammaxms ESW’JE‘T‘S" MEGEIYE ME“ MW LAMPS, TA 'NERS OIL TAh, PITCH. PUTIY. Best Turpentine Varnish $1 50 per can. Cheap; used by Millers, Thrashers, c. Strength, Flavor and Quality Prices moderate. WBAQGQES AN! (HEARS ! Teas EALER IN PURE DRUGS AfiD Olive, Elephant, Seal and Crude Oil, afrPURE ESSENCES, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, SPICES, PICKLES, - HOPS, c., .550. PAINTS AND PAIMERS’ PfiATERIAL Roasted and Ground MOLSON’S CELEBRATED ALE RESIN, AXLE GREASE, c. P‘ nysicians’ Prescriptions, and Family Recipes carekully compounded,- and promptly attended to. comprising all noted brands, in wood and bottle. MQE’I BYES‘ VETERINARY PREPARATIONS VINEGARS, Is an effectual destroyer ofTick‘s on Sheep, 1 also a preventative against the Fly and Scab durmg the ‘hot Summer months” It greatly improves the QUALITY" and QUANTITY of the Wool, and that at a trifling cost. ‘ It has been long :gnd Inor- ably known in GREAT BRITAIN, audit gis confidently. anticipated, that-31pm trial; {it will enjoy as fayotable’ a, reputation in WEAVERS’ SU PPLEES ! Canadt. GLASS FRWT JARS. supplied at low rates. COFFEE Various Colors. g % T1934} 3“ rand Quality unsur asset}: in any quantity. PARKER’S of all kinds. on the promises. â€"_--â€"â€"-_ _ assortment of Ladies’, Gent’s, Misses’ and Child: Winter wear. also a large stock of Rubber and Felt Top tion paid toCUSTUM WORK. For Style, Qualitv of cannot be surpassed. ALL WORK WARRANTED. is about ready for operation and that business will be carried on with greater vigor than ever, and every satisfaction given, also that they have again commenced the in their OLD PREMISES, where they will any number of new ones. (if? BlinD r along flamess and gaddlery Enginess, Durham, Nov. 9, 1870. Durham, Oct. 5th, 1870. EARLY SIX THOUSAND PAIRS TO_S_E_ HE SUBSCRIBERS THANKFUL From - GLASGQ pleasme in informing the public that their EEHEENSE S'NCK AND FOR WHICH THE HIGHEST PRICE WILL BE PAID AT i The GRIST-EIILL 13 in complete ; ready fox: .ALL§Q£Q;Q£ "91'": First-ch f ‘UI‘J DUDOULULUHLU ”u, _ _ _ . . ERUJA’, and to hls numerous customwrs m partxcular, for past favors in his line‘ of buéiness, and also to infoirm them that his Cardirg and Cloth-Dressing Machinery is now: in complete order..h§vi9g been recently fitted Qpiwith latest-improvements, and having engaggfi the sérvice'g“ 9“? of the {110813- experienced: workmen in Ontario, 2) years standing, trusts b’v unremntmg attemlon- and good workâ€"46.11 work 'wafrantedâ€" to merit: a share Of public patronage. ' ' ' ' ' Parties from a. Distance can have“ their. W001 gamete day I Durham, Sept. 26th, 1870. EDGE HE SUBSCRIBER REGS TO RETURN THANKS TO THE PUBLIC GEN A___ ....A......-. “n :n nn-h nn‘nw P nnnnn 9 £017an :n L: a 1:. A has received and is new EEVV TANNERY 3 Imported Direct ompIete running? order, having recently been overhauled,'} First-class Millersand strictattentidn to custom'ers’ interests. g will be must happy to see all former patrons and long your Hides of evexy deseliption. FOR PAST FAVORS, TAKE GREAT SELECT FROM; A COMPLETE Childrens’ Felt B0018 for Fall and t Top Over Boots. Particular atten- v of work, Material and good tits THOMAS JGNES. - J . R- SMITH. aoHN KELLY; Lot No. 47, con. 3, E. U. 112., l‘ownsmp ( Holland. 100 acres. Lots 7, 8 and 9, N. D. R., and 7, 8 and 5 South side of Eégin Sh, containing acre each, in the village 0f1?ricevillc For further mutimflurs apply to SAMUEL E. LEGATE, July 13, 1870. Just to hand dirfict make:sâ€"Be.~t Dar AT TERDEYQ WEE? Ground in 099. 9911::11’nt is $21; and more dur:1939e 1mm 19 11f , ,_ :;t 61'} either for insxdc 01‘ outséde \s‘n going craft 8123. Its use 9:; 11m 912‘ 1he heahh. l)1rer.t {mm 91111;. 1': Sex, London, England. GRUETS, SPEEENS, FORKS ABD Nickle Silver Spams 65 Forks, Of a reliable qualil), in neat variety. Durham, Nov. 5 P3333"? 43. T3831: 33:. - Em. Impmted din ct, m i! In St 1'11 \1\lf\1‘_'\ RETAIL AT WHOLES HAND, TABLE, H Chimneys Wicks, direct E\COURAGE HOMEâ€":- MAX AL1L Platform 8}: Counter 563-88, Made by the celebrated firm of (WRXEY, i WARE 3; Co., of Ilafnilmn, in stuck at.- Makers’ prices. These Scales are \VAR-‘ RAKTED perfect, reliable, and durublefimiug : made in the very best manner. i 1 W. KGUGH. OPEN REBELLEQENQ TAKEN BY STORM! 1 Fenian E5 aid ! Z Phatugraphs for the Mi‘alina !3 rk Lot No. 2. North of Lamptoa St coutaining four acres. Am“? to BETTER than the BEST and (31193119 rht nan the Cheapest a). KL! T ‘ ’ 5 Owen Sound, Dec. 7, 1‘01). Opposite Fletcher’s, Upper Town, Durhamyl Busmess Car 3, Len :ammm 5'4. ' ‘25 Keg-ts HUBBUCK'S Ge: SPLENDIDFARM FOR SALE Forsale, Lot 13, Con. 7. Glenelgz com- i nrismg 100 acres, 60 of which are cleared. well watered and fenced, with al good House. Bar‘n, Stable and an Oxchar d l of 100 Trees thereon. Also .30 30168, 133$l1 half or Lot 13, Con. 6‘. h, Glenelg, {tom 8 to 10 acres cleared. The abovet3 prooeny will be sold cheap,- and clean deed given. -- 9 Terms easy. For particulars apnl y to énveza '0', m 2! n‘l " N ' .As COMMENCBD BUSINESS IN IIIL‘in,sIOIIa¢-e. the above line, In the pre mIses next _ Book door to G. Isaaca saddlery shOp, ka or Town, Durham, where he intends to dev‘mte , ibis entire attention to CUS'1UM WORK. Ofevervdeecrx] iNothIng but the be“ stock used. and a. ounsurpasad 1:3 ineat fit guaranteed. fifeP'rices to Suit. Ordersby Mai} the times. 103--.y i (31! 371‘»ij 8.17 SGJSLE fiflfixGY New 981100 Shep 2 (1144a) (EQAE; @5129 . 31 @fl Kamila, J A. SIMPSON EL]? CTROPLATED A LARGE LOT OF A BALI-4- OE Store cheaper accord- ing to quality than 31“" other m Durham. No surrender to the Factotums. Small profixs quick returns AT WERE?" 0.9 Boats 8: Shues BOML Anuixcur“ Can be bought 3‘2? GTIC Ontario Bout Stars 0. 134 if. :parucuiars appxy IO ‘ob‘ngu Jf which is to H; mm,“ ' ABRAM GOLD: ior private interests M" izuzf‘z at the Durham Ashery, leonsidered .advertiseuu‘nn ' or to ABRAM COOK, :accox'dingly. L0”, Con- 6« Gienelg-i cf? AH Advertiscmms W iinsertion shouidrpach {iii ~ t E)? 111 o'clock .on Waususzmx' . ‘ A. ifurthost'. , . Durban) T. JOKES, m from Makers: 130 Fiki‘éib nine Lt’ka 3"! mm [DURHA ‘15:. A 85MB A PAPER TC) SUI WEB FEE-ZS EEE§ Stands Unrivaiied Lu: SUCC A $25 Celebratr’ ed ”Le-elm: I Prize Sewinz‘ M30111: g FOR 4:5 ST. BFCRIB] I A $32 LOCKIIAN SEVIIIS i For 60 Subscribcm 1- WWW“ war t ofl'crs mdnccmmt; 3:9 Medium of Kate and over incre‘ 1 Stan»!!! sust'rwx or megs oz THIRTY SIRS ii milks . Subscriptions sent In new cons of 18:1. FOIRTBEN' MONIHS’ is: T10? F03 ONE DOLLAR! Specimen copies. AGENTS, Bead mm: LIST. In the DAILY and 'I‘EZIERRAPEI. A liberal ash cm Specimen copies. AGE‘S'ES, A ’ HIE.“ LIST. In the DAILY and WEEK“ TELEAGRAPEL A liberal ash commisflfl to Canvasscrs. THE DAILY TELEGRAPH. $5 PER YEW ‘ _Add.r088 all Letters, post-paid. O C.- W H I TE a: e: AT THE 0191-‘1v13, 1.0\\ 1‘ M'mmm. Law Respecting Ii- Ehii”f M 1-35: in Hawaii: 1. Subscribexswho do notice to t} e coutxa "m :1 wishing to continue their 2. Ifsubscribersox~<icx'1‘z.l of their periodicals, the 3-H: them until all arrearsarv In; are responsible for all mum 3. ”subscribers neglu-i filie periodicals tram the MC; i'are directed, they are 1, till they have settled their 1' ’their periodical to he -' , ecndmg numbers bade. w' . the (Mice, is not such :21 tinuance as the Law Hat; 4. If subscribers rm: lpiaces without iul'mn il; l, and theirpeniOdicals are all V C lduectionsfiney are halt.- FOR SALE OR TO Form your CEleS Eight cents per firm: and two cents (ore/1' h 5 The number ofiincs ii to be ascertained by :1; \\ bichit occuvicsin the by ascale ofsolid Inc \ i ' (1:? Liberal arravg Merchants’and other: year-C 0:?- Advertisement direcnons, Inserted un accurdingly. 1 V oiu11tarycorreapond Gnu : ofthe county Solicitu. K All commuqicatious, \(l 1 .1 gifotherwise salisfmt 13'. . iname of the writm. 111? fipulflicaunn 11111 asa Y11:1 : m (1%“ K 9 1111911111 18111: rs wis Ofevendeecription . rxr ( u. unsurpassxd by an} 0. Eu Ordersby Mai} wili zccciw CHARGES 11g, ASLZN 5 THE copy for one year, to an)‘ L 5; on IE’EZIWE . or (Y. K.» ‘4‘ Rates of Adm. 1.3.“ Book-and Job T» IS PUB-1 E btices in ed Babette; on 893k, 1‘ OVEFTTW' It'll“. “ .c <11:me o and“ be lair U .1“ X111 en: E03013 1 ‘ \V ”9 3: it Cl} 111 UP?! Oflicff J. F. Haisted. ,HYSICIA 3\. fl. ' l IUHU R. 1'. Porter, HYSICIAN. a mum Lani ‘6 1217.1 :1; most a. wiuian \RRISTER. A thcih'r in ”-0 ver Dal-£1.“ nun. Du‘ hum {anatomy-VF 1*“ 18 nner Good 175m maushi the charges are 1h Lerchdm S, H ;L L‘ “and as p: In the ‘ofthe big u 9. 1n J) a"? m‘ D.-.qs.makim' patmnafl" 0f Pet‘kifis is ‘ bran0h9971H£ don" in gnnd 1'1" :{LSW‘P 1.1-ge bfiCk 81 D Stam ‘z‘ A” work is ginrViSiCmg‘ ‘Dck used. .21 in the * 31‘91'0 (Hf Hf 08H A8111: 0 (Two 001 ‘VEBY 'iai SIG Store TU .13!

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