oka Jno. (3eo. :3. Ch“! petty, re pazahl‘ or yearly! as“! Wér. From ihc y, money ca“ :3; 1' 31:3. J; L. [um-maxi.) p rs. Ann L Jno. , M n 3. El iZQhC‘fl b, Doudd 3:, . Male Teacher, siniug_ counties :I'th; Es‘q: Fran: [00. I). L. Mac'- ’os'mu'rxn. os, éhtch hav'é I at the last two ario, above al! v warranted for them in Duet: Manufactnmn’ :ation. Piano. ï¬rst-e‘au Con- the low?†you; t1 {and at a; reduced n! 2993 or deduc- 'n. The Count more unmodi- Iy tnnhï¬ng:fï¬ â€˜b. 'ates. I! but b’ ï¬tibe Allen, Sensioiï¬ urthington, Esq: mm, P} ~‘.;q Signâ€! ELROAD LIE rects the at. pur'cbaiera M .f Instruments ch for putity I all the even"- = 113th pinion . Bucli SI. 3 Â¥3Yï¬n »nto ; Merchants’ Annui- $300,000. BRANCH. lTE .' arr EAST, Sound, m, and inlei'bd w cem. per 003 .lifying St. Toronto.- LOAN APH Burro“ 1 U 68, Toronto, ONT‘ '29. 5‘13!) :_ counties rhxch bav'é be last twn ahove a]! wanted for I!) in Duet: ufamurers’ a. Piano. c‘asa Con- lowï¬st poo: EAL]; $139011, 1 OCNSISTING OF Dry-Goods, ’ ; Ready-made Clothing, Hats,Caps w- CrockerV~, Hardware, c. Ont. 1:97; r'nHE WHOLE STOCK COXSIS' Hardware, “Must be disposed 'of by ism «a; ésiï¬ï¬ï¬‚iï¬ G90Ds, ï¬gs, 3155!: ï¬EGEW‘EB 5.9% 0 ED 9 1n 6 d 0 1 Durham '( ~( g [7‘31 .I‘ 5% \_/ 'V:‘-’:D I; Z ’ n i‘ ("I I} I'Jlade ClOthi EB , ‘Durham, Oct. his FOLLOWING ARE FERNITUB Durham, 0c I‘V;\Hb-d\)U.\l UL'IZ'UOLLu ALA“ 1 isz now on hand a‘arge assortment nfall kinds of Furniture, consiniing offl RUREAYS (.‘I'PHHARDS. RRDSTE \Ds‘. "HAIRS, SUFJAS‘ TABLES, c., which :hgv wa son A T MUCH LOWER PRICES .’ than have hitherto been sold for in Durham. K}- ')1' 291's for Repairing will receive prompt attentiun. ‘ All kinds of TC RNING executed With NeatneSs and Desp’étch. bunnmm mmms REELS or EVERY DESGï¬IOr. 'sriNNmG WHEELS REELS or Oct. 20th. 1870. ' R1 U'I‘ICE ls BEREBYGIYEN THAT 0 N application Will ,be magic to the l Lugislature 0! Ontario, at its next nession, F ARM TO RENT for an Act to 9109' d the time for complet. FOR SALE. . .. , . ‘-,LD‘i'.g the cansnuction 0t lbe Line of FXPELLEXT LAXD‘ GOOD BL‘ . Railway authorized to be constructed by J 1563 and femâ€.- “9"?†will“! “ream :he Acts incofl‘orating the. Wéllingtnn, of water and good walpr inf’" 0118- Grey, and Bruce Railway .Companv ind fmmh mile south 0“ â€â€˜9 vxllage 0‘ Durham. for certain amendments to the saxdlActs. Title indisputable. Terms easy. JOHN OSBORNE, Apply :0 . ’ , > s ' Sac-rotary. A. R- HORTON' Hamilton, 4th October, 1870. 193 B. _ Cnmnawood Co. Suncoe. Ont. ‘ ,.. ‘ mm)â€. 1R7n° ’ 311- Dovlr Tnf fm' Sale: ._.. Mâ€â€" ï¬tsr a: CHEAPEST 3 Teacher‘ Wanted. w. if you want Suitable Lumber Wanted for school section No. S, iï¬anby, a male Teacher, holding a sec class Certiï¬cate. Ilmies to commence the 131’. of January, 1871. App‘y to anv of the undPrsig'ued. ANDREW DERBY, EDW A RD ARD, T1181 JOHN YOUNG. Durham. J nne 14th, Good :B'rkmanship, punctuamy and woe me charges are the rules at this Smithy. Cnmn Nov.13t,1870. {WARE-E Noman‘éy', 65:. 24m, 1870. ’ 1953. TEACHER WANTED. Good Wiucys Great Bargains in Crockery, 4113, 1870 u " “u--~ __ ‘ want Furmmre or anything in our line give us a. Call; xmber will be taken in exchange for work. It. Grill paiy yén. ROOM OPPOSITE THE L Stu-re AN IMMENSE STOCK OF eneral Blacksmith, opposite Wiley 8 Boot, and Shoe 9. Lower Town, Durham. â€"- ship, punctuality 2m! t‘noder- MATTHEWS HUGH ROSE, 'CONSISTIN'G 0F HAVE RECEIVED THEIR. for 25 cents. limited time, consequently 10), cents. ‘ . Crockéi'y, ’c. STORE, LOWER TOWN, DURï¬Au. 'rustees. Nor- secemd ARC: OD Tea Sets for 3 - 9 The subscriber is desiroué of disposing of ‘ a splendid Park Lot, of four acres; situate wilhln half a mile of the village of Durham. There is a good new frame ban! on the premiSPS. also the cellar and foundation for a dwelling: house. A good well of water convenient. \Vl“ he sold verv reasonable. :onvenieut. \vm hp sold verv nmnnnhlo. 13 u Color! HUGH MCKENZIE. . " WOO 3' . i - ' WLS CLOAKlNGS an S . - EAKFAST SEA 9 _ nto, ieflfl STRAY AcALvss; “260133: mags, BR. . . f ‘ . ' " ' â€" ‘ ' ‘ D. having securéafh‘: â€3"?“ °. - r t 511.30 i'noy rm: 1 TE? 3151303533121“ {3125. 1,0213%??? “$38": flint ï¬lm will be stile to give enuré satisfaction 0 G. R. Glenek’. about. the 20111 of October their patmnoge- ‘ ,__“q.,_.,." GE FOR GOODS. A last, four Heir.» Calwes, color red, two of - , , . them have gray hairs, but no Spoth‘ on any 03- BU PTER 3:. EG of them. Any person returning them or .. - ' giving such information as Will-(lief? to their Note . the address! . fecover will be suitablv rows 6 . - , -, .P y WILLIAM MORRISON. - * 0M 69°? 1‘0““ ‘5' mi . : :.. Dec. 7, 1876- ‘ 2 1‘: '8 ‘5; t mt ‘ \Y-.. 1 {6“ ‘97“ ‘98'3. â€" iYLE HOTEL, DURHAM.) G. J. MATTHEWS SON. THE TIMEQ; GYene‘g, Nov. "15th, 1870. 1983. CENTS. Rik Lot 10? Sale: ‘KENZIE. J C. GRIFFIT'H begs to :inform his cnsiomers. Tana getieiiil public, 7that he has as- . pocigted with himself as partner SOLOMON DAMU DE, and that business will be conducted 'as usual under the style and ï¬rm of Grifï¬ith b; Damnde'.‘ . at reachable prices. All are solicited to give us a c511 and hatihiy Ithéihsel'vei. We aié paying £12}: highest inarket price in Cash for all kinds of Remember the Placeâ€"Ooe‘door north of the Foï¬hdr‘y‘, Lower Town, Durham. Durham, Nov. 30m, 1870. Bélls “and Blankéis, From GLASGOW, Direct. Oct. 27gb.» i830; is complete in every debdriiixeni. Also, a large mock a: FANCY Goons; SILKS, M; GRIFFiTH DAM UDE-. ‘6 in- ‘étockbf C'dnsisting LA 0E3; ' VELVETS. LOWER 3‘30in DURHAM. TRIMMINGS: ~ "V".- m-‘l‘ ~ 'J 8w. RIBBONSy FLO W BBS: Family 6 HER’E COULD. Unexampled E LWK: It is, AGEï¬'r 11¢ ISURHAM, TORONTO, Provincial Exhibition, . . - . . . .. . . . - CHATHAM, County of Kent, .-.. . . . ..-.-. .- INGERSOLb, County or Oxford. N. R., ....... WOODSTOCK, County of Oxford, 8. B.,_. . ..... PARIS. County of Brant, N. R.,. . ........ _. BRANTFORD, County of Brant, S. R., ...... .. ST. MARY’S, County of Perth, 8. R., ........ STRAIEOR‘D, County of Perth, N. R.... . . . .. DUNDAS, Township of “Lest Flarnboro’,. ._... .- AYLMER. Township of-Malahide, . . -V-'-'- . . . FREELTON, ITnion of Five Townships, .-- - . . Rl‘. CATHARINES, County of Lincoln, ...... WELLAND, County of Welland, .-- - . . . . . . . . . AURORA; Townéhins of King and Whitchurch, BRADFORD, County of Simcoe, S. 1%., .-. - ...- WHITBY, County of ORtario, S. 1%., ......... (In . ‘Y n Dnatï¬Ã©m, Octr2bth', 18310:; t.’--, VVVuâ€"r. Unexamyled Shgéess of the above Re m0 val 0‘. WHITBY, County of Ulttano, a, m, ......... -. PRaNCE ALBERT, County Qf_Ont.ari0.- N. R., . . MILLBROUK. County of Durham} N. .R., .--.-x--. NAPANEE, Counties of Lennox and Addington,. MAMMO TH withbut exceptibu, th'é be N D 1: Machine such as the following : 101155. BRIGHT S'UGA'R for $1.06. GOOD TEA 50 cenfs pér If). and upwérds. DRESS GOODS 12% cents per yard. ALL ï¬don FLANNEL 252m. p‘er yard. Other Goods Equaily‘ Cï¬eap. A large supply of AME to the premises of the subscriber, Lpt 46, 2pud Con. Glenelg, about 20m Uct. hlast, ared Heifer with white at on her head and face; about 3 years ago. The ownercaa have the animal by proving property and paying expenses. DUNCAN McDOUGALL. halve great plegsnge irl recommending I ‘10 lbé ‘uogicé. of my‘lxiends, (that is If 1 11an any); Dru-Halated; of Durham; as a ordnzhly qualiï¬ed Physicidn, c., know- mg that. he will give perfect. satisfaction to 311 who employ him. _ , : , . DR. _PBITCHARD. 1 Durham, Oct. 17, 1870. DU'RHAiI‘, Nov. 23, 1870. .ND class \Iale Teacher wanted, for U. I S. S. No. 3, Bentinck and G|9nelg WILLIAM CRANSTON, Trustee, LatonaP. 0. The subscriber beg? to inform his friends and the puhlic in general, that he has removed to the Nov, lst, 1870. His new and .commodinus store, on the corner opposite ï¬be; “British ,Hotelg†where he is prepared to give good N'o’ir. 16, 16: Stray Heifer. TEACHER .WANTEB; 2 Woodland. Bic FU RNISIEIEQ @2553: «w mama, on hand. nd Whitchuer; ........... 1 S. R.,...-...- ..-........ 5. R, .................... 1 )ntario N. R., . ...-..---' .m, N. Râ€, --.---.......---. L and Add noton... ......... WILSON, BOWMAN 08-: __ â€"t\" o†D oNO BETTER EV‘IDENCE Sewing Machine, than the follo wing MANU’FACTURERS, HAMILTON: 1994f. fl ï¬wgz-M ./ - ~.. IMPORTANT To FARMERS. This Fork needs, oniy to-he seen to be ap- l precnated. We feel 'Co’r‘ifiden‘t in introduc-l ing it to the farmers generally, that it has i Superior qualities over any other Hay Fork u. in the Dyminion, at‘lti are Willing at any itime to test its _merits_’ against any other forks in Hay, Barley, or..lot;§s_e Grain. . It is liglitto handle, and powerful. ‘It is in no case likely to get out of order. It. will pene- trates the Hay easily. . It will elevate more than a team can draw. It is peculiarly adopted {or Barley and loose Oats as well as flay, It can be operated with more ease to P.9d from the uioiv than any other fork innse. u, ._=~--., .. ' THOMAS MILLAB, Aged, ' Béhtinck, Allen'p‘ark, P_. O. varlous Agricul‘furzfl Fans. ’ OTICE IS HERERY GIVEN THAT application will be made by the 'l‘u1‘0nt0,.Grey and Bruce Railway Como puny, to the Legislature of Ontario, at its men session, for an Act to amend the Act. incorporating, the said Company and to ex- tend the powers conferred ï¬pon the said Company. . H. Edwards. Sept. 27, 1870. Slmyéd from Durham November Fair. :1 Red Cow, eight, years old; Anyone giving mlormationthat will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. ,. . THOMAS TOWSEND, . Lot 5, Con. 12, Glenelg. 1a,... 1'7 15470- 198,3, THOMAS MILLER, ‘ GF NT for Abrams Improved Hay, , Barley and Straw Toronto, Nov. 7th, 1870. Bmmnm: LOTS. Vegetable ,Heif, .Rester‘at'we. '63 THE. PRESERVATION AND Growth of the Hair. Manufactured ny . . JOHN FANI‘, Hair Dresser. 35c, Dunnville, Ont. PRICEâ€"$1.50cts. and 25 cents p9r_b0tt1e. WILD AND IMPROVED lands for Sale, iï¬? This is a meet sunerior ai-ticle, com- posed entirely of vegetable substances, and is positively the. best. article for the bail ever manufactured._ _ , __ __ 121- arties indebted to Messrs; . Boak [c Woods will save costs by paying the same without delav, tn Durham, Nov. 9, 1870. Wanted fonSohool Section: No.8, Ben- tinck, a Female Teacher. holding a second- class certiï¬cate. Duties to commence about the let of January, 1871. App!y to any of the undersioned, stating salary. S. B. WILSON. LTmstees, JAMES BRANDER, Crawford PETER. CRUMAR. } P. o. Bentinck, Nov. 15“], 1870. 198-m. 1 m-SUBSCRIBE FOR AND A EVERTISB 11': THE «cggogmmy ‘NIE THE TRUSTEES OF THE _ Weé‘eyan Church Durham, certify that the 'éontract of W% ‘1. Church Exten- sion. has been completed. by (Mr. ,J. W. McDonnell to our eï¬tire saï¬qfactiqn. JOSHUA W'do’DLAND, GEORGE.ANDERSDN. N. S. BURWASH, Sup’t. ihe Store and Dwelling known as the " Moan-ea! House,†Upper Town. f ' A. M'CLELLAN, Durham. Durham, Nov. 23rd, 18-70. MONEY TO LOAN. HORSE 1 FORK. ....... FIRST PRIZE. ......-FIR3‘T PRIZE. .- ..... FIRST PRIZE. ..__..---FIRST PRIZE. l ........ FIRST PRIZE 3 ........ FIRST PRIZE. 1 ........ FIRST PRIZE, 1 FIRST PRIZE. 1 -.. .FI'RST PRIZE. \ ........ FIRST PRIZE. . . . . .FI-RST PRIZE. ........FIRST PRIZE. ‘ ........ FIRST PRIZE. ....... FIRST PRIRE. ........ FIRST PRIZE. ....... FIRSI‘ PRIZE. FIRST PRIZE: FIRST PRIZE. 00.0---. . IO. ...... now beforfle IIie public. Dhrham; Nov. 10th, 1870. FANT’S STRAY COW'. Apply to‘ m was. Notice. -W. H. B'EATTY, Solicitor for Applicants. _..._â€" mos, DIXON,_ ALSO, Barriste r-at QLaw, Lower Town, Durham. THDMASJONE Ontario Boot Store. r0. 197 tf. ', ON 1‘. ‘. l . T i l _ 1 BY. [AAW Néiu 167. 5 Sarawak “d Keppel, be tukenon this .By- . ‘ law at the following places, thatws may 2 . . ' ‘ ' . ‘ . Ix EcnsuoxTâ€"Fcr let Electoral Di. 1 n . - ' . . ° ' 0 . i . ‘. . v‘ M ’w W . _ .~ ' ' ' , ' . iec ora inszon at ‘erguson a. lot 3. i 9" mg Four Hundred .1 housand Dot * l7th concession ; for 3rd Electoral Division, 1073 ’0 {hefComp-my, .bfliway (if bonus, at M. Cnluoch’s blacksmith shop, on lot 11’ l ' ' . _ - . . . n ‘ V ‘ o ' ‘ ' ° ' 1 ($th 5:1. gaitlfï¬igsliggsvl ‘2‘ 11(1):“ :Z‘fatt‘l’l lath concessxong for 4th ElectoralDivmon, flâ€; the mm inc-3‘ Eff the dflbc‘uu'es and l ’3" John Henry 3, .lot 9, conceaswn 9 3 for . . .._ .1: ‘u - » - . - * nth Electoral Dmemn, at Robert Home’s I-t. f ~ - . ULCTCSI- j on lot a, concesuon 6. I i l 1 . ... . s w- I " T. ! I'V’ ‘ -‘ ' ‘ f. o g, l WHEREAS by the Act .0! me am! . “ ‘ "3‘24â€!" 0’ 15‘ ‘“â€"’°'°"“. â€WW ‘ Session of, the Legislature of 'tbe PrOv’ince l.;.°"", a; hielley 39“??? at Aylnn val“? 3 of Ontario, ‘ assed in the thirty-ï¬rst. year of1 orb†. .e'i‘tora innsion, at No. 2 down ‘Her Majesty’s Reign. incorpor‘aiing the (Oi erwiee rayner s) bcbool House. . Toronto, Grey 8.: Bruce Railway Company, _IN GL*351‘G'F°T Durham E‘eCtOral Di- l it was prm-‘idod that any Nuniciiiality or“, V‘B‘OE‘: ‘ft Uurhaui .hecmre YRoom ; for i Municipalities thrsmheny parsof which or ‘1 50m“ “90‘0"" PMS'G'": at 1‘0- 1 SChOO‘ ‘ near which the Railway or~~ works of the a 11993;“, D'l'ham 1"}8 3 if“ Centre Exectoml said COmpany shall pass or be silnntedymy i~D“"5“‘}!li at... Purdy. 3 MW}! 5111 concession ; aid and assist the said Company by loaning mi i†‘3“ Electoral DWiS‘OW. 3} Chaï¬ey'n or’g‘JarglnlCeing or giving money by nay 01 l M"! i“ forr‘b-‘orlh '1“ emoml DW‘Slono 1" "I†~ house of g‘xiicbaei Norris, lot 18, 131i: con- lbonus or other means to the Company, Or' . ’ ‘ ‘ ' AI L‘_‘Jn 6n ni- :n aid n" thp ! CBSSIUII. a- 197-7. l “HDRI‘AS by Session of flip Legis the Act of me ï¬rst! lature oi the PrOVinccis of Ontario, passedc' 111 the 111111)“ urst year uf Her Majesty 3 Reign. incorpor‘ming the g'loromo, G193 Sr, B1uce 11.11lway Companv it was proxidcd that. any municipal} 1: or Municinalitie s “1:511 b any part. of which or *'â€"- 41- oLn i LUlUuLu, Vuv ..., H_,_...._- ' ' _ it was provided that any hinniciynlhy or} Municipalities thumh‘any partof which orl near which the Railway or-- works of the: said COmpany shall pass or be situatedignay l aid and assist the said Company by loaning ' or'éhargmoeing or giving money by may 01 bonus of: other means to the Company, or issuingznnnipinal bonds to or in aid of the Compeny or otherwise in such manner and ; to such extent. as such Municlpalilies or E-any of them shallgthénk expedient, provided galways that no .snch aid, loan, bonus or I guarantee shall be given except, after the lpassing of By laws fo; the purpose, and the _ _ ,. 7 k -1- 0-1 ....... ~.- tlnn r-nnnurnrg PIICUIAIO "‘â€" 'IJ adoption of such..By.IlAws 53' the ratepayers as provided in the liailwgy Ac; : ‘ '41â€. A no 5“ Han Tnnh 55 luvunâ€"u ... .--- ___- , .3 ‘ grid whereas by the Act Of the Legis lamre of the Provjnee of Out-{mic passed in the thirty-third year of Her Majesty’s Reign, Chapter fortyeoue, power is given to any portion of a. Municipality or County Mummpality ‘0 grant a bOIIllSi.t0 the said ‘Company for the purpase of aiding in the construction of their Riiiwaj: A. - ..---_ L“..- UUll-‘luIU\b|\lol v. ._â€"__ And whereas the said Company havel asked the Councils of the. Municipalities of Egremont, Normztnby, Glenelg, Bentinck, Holland, Suitivan, Derby, Sydenham, Owen Sound, Sarawak andeEppel, (being a portion of the County of Grey) to grant them aibonus for the purpose ot aiding In the construction of the said Raihay, and the majority of: that Reeves and Deputv Reeves thereof. have petitioned the Con; 13* ‘Council of the County; of Grey (of w..ich County: the last named municipalities are a portion). to pass a By-Law in. pursuance of such request, and ofthe powers given by the said Acts to grant a bonus of. Four ‘ Hundred Thousand Doilz rs for the purpose .of aiding in the construction of the Said iRailvtfay, and it; is expedient. to grant the 1 same . same . ~ .. - And whereas, 'for such purpnse, it is‘I necessary to levy and raise from the said§ ' ' "mes of Egremom, Norman , . ' k, Holland, Sullivan, Derby, Sydenham, Owen Sound, S rawak and Keppel, the said sum of Four Hundxed ThmzsaLd Dollaxs, in the manner herein-l after mentioned : ; . w. And wnereas, .it. will-.require; the sum of [Forty-Four Th-ousana Dollars to be raised annually by e'p'eeial rate 'on the. whole rate. nble, real and peranal propert’; of the said ‘ "ities of Egremout, Normanby, Glenelg, -Bentinc‘k,- Holland, Sullimu, Derby, Svdenham, Owen Sound, Sarawak and Keppel, for paving‘the said debt 01 Four Hundred Thousapd Dollore .and. in- terest 0n the debentures to be issued there for as hereinafter anLIODtG : ‘1. ‘LA an‘fl 10!. as DEI'CIH'GILGA lllwutvnu..-â€" - And whereas, the amount of the wholel rateable prOperty of the said Municipalities l of Egremont,N :rtnanby, Glenelg,Bentinck, l Holland, Sullivan, Derby, Sydenham, Owen Sound, Sarawak and Keppel, irresluectivc, of any future increase of the Sauna, andl also irreSpective of any income to he. del rived from the temporary inVesttnent of the l, ysinking fund hereinafter mentioned or any i ' part thereof, according to the last revised l and equalized Assessment Rolls, as revised l and equalized by the Council of the said‘| ,(Jounty ufGrcy, ofthe said Municmalities‘ of Egremnnt, Normruhy, Glenelg,Bentiuck, Holland, Sullivan, Derby, Sydenham, Owen Sound, Sarawak and Keppel, being for the year One Thouennd Eiéht Hundred and Seventy, isï¬-‘B, 66,000.: .,_ . l, And whereas, the whole amount of the .lrmeable Drones-t? 01'.th,e County of Grey, 198-3 Seventy, IS $3,456,000 ': .. , ‘. . - . -- - \ , bsecxoral Dmsmn, Mr. Atcmumu lhuwu. And whereas, the whole amount of the . . . . , . . . for Centre Electoral Dwmon. Mr. Flam] rateable propes-ty 01, the County of GIG). . - ‘ - ' . . . . . , .\1cCrae.: for .Vest Electoral anmon, ï¬r. IrreSpecme of any future mcrease of the ,' . . _ r 1 . . John McCormick; for. Numb Elector“ same. and also Irrespective 0t any mcrease . . V . ‘ - to be derived from the temporary invest D‘VIS‘OD“MF' bamue‘Dounelly. ’ . . . . K . 9 ‘-â€" 11 .. ‘ I 0 meat of the smkmw fund hereinaher men- . l Bm‘Tu‘CK 1'0? 1““ Electorp D5“? tionea or an art :het‘eof according to the mo, M“ John MOM": 3 "1‘ . ' i ' .' ' ‘ g . y P Dlusxon,Mr, ._Chat}_ers_¢ be. er , or s 43“ revised and equalized AsSessment Rolls EleLtnral D‘xviéi‘on 'Mr Dunc " .w. - '. . . auCam-oell° ‘i’tsfzbe PaԤ5(ég%n1 be‘,“8 for the year A‘ D’ tor 41b E-ectoral Divxsion. Mr. Same; A0, ‘8 $ “’1 0 ' -- -. . ' J.ohu.~tone : for 5111 Electoral Division, Mr. nd whereas, the amount of the emstmg Hutrh NI B'u't‘n _ , debt ofthe said County of Grey is the com I 1:, Ht;'1";\‘r:J-.I’or West Elector-pl Div; of $236 443 32 for principal, and for m- g Nion Mr Wu] C IMtle . rm Fa‘rorraga terem the. sum of 5124.000, and there 15 no i Elm-10ml. D‘;-i.ior: {'11. £181"; 60min}; . - .- a . J ' l V o‘ ’1 .g o ' . ' ‘* - - I. ‘1' And whereas, the amount 01 me existing , debt ofthe said County of Grey is the sum l of, $236 443 32 for principal, and for in- l teresu the. sum of $124,500, and there is no ‘ interest in arrear; and the propuitiun of the said last mentioned debt chargeable to the said Munimpaliiies ofEgremont,Normanby, ‘ Glenelg, Beutinck, Hol'aud, Sullisan, Derbv, Sydenham, Owen Sound, Sarawak and Keppel, and which they will be exnect- ed and have to hear and pay is for principal _ the sum of $i41_ 2:38.16, and for interest the ; sum of $74,384,00, and no Interest in axrearâ€"z ,- , . . ... And whereas, for paying the interest and Creating an equal yearly sinking fund for paying the said debi of Four Hundred Thou. Isund Do'lars as hereinafter mentioned, it i will require an equal annual Special rate of l 1‘ng mi1ls in the dollar on the said sum 0! $3 4% 6.000, heing iherevsed and equaliZed I ._-_-.... .\ . :.;u no uuuuuo l l 2. T hat; for that purpos‘ethe Warden of the Qount'y of Grey shall cause any number l of Debentures of the County of Grey to he madetor such sums 'ot' money as may be required for the said purpose, not less than twenty dolluts each, ,and not, exceeding in . the whole, the amount of Four Hundredl Thousand Dullars; which said Debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said ; County Municipality of Grey, and be sign- ed by the Warden, and countersigued by the Treasurer of the County of Grey, and shall deï¬ne the portion of me said County Municipality of Grey, namely : the said Municipalities of Egremunt, Normanby. Glenelg, Bentinck, Holland, Sntlivan, Der- by, tydenham, Owen Sound, Sarawak and hepprl, .t'or and on acCount ot which they are issued. . . - .I Q 1 3. The said debentures shall be made. payable..in twenty 5ears from the day here- inafter mentioned for this By-law to take effect, at the Bank of Toronto in the city of Toronto, and shall have attoched to them coupons for the payment of..interest, at. the rme and in the manner hereiualler mention- ed“ our . 4. That the said debentures shall bear interes. at and after the. rate of six per cent per annum hem the date thereof, which interest shall be payable halt-yearly, on the ï¬rst day of August, and the ï¬rst day (f February in each year at the said Ba‘k of Toronto in Toronto. 5. That for the purpose ot.t‘orm1ng a! sinking fund for the payment. of the said debentures and interest thereatz at the rate E attiresaid, anoequal special rate at twelvel mills and fiveoeights of a mill in a dollar, E shall in addition to ‘all other rates be rais- E ed, levied and collected in each year upnu E all the raleable property in the said Muni- crpalitzes of Egremmn, Normal-thy, Glen-i Eelg, Bentinck, Holland, Sullivan, De by,l E Sydenham, Owen Sound, Sarawak and E , Keppel, according to the last revised andl Eequalézed ass ssment rolls as from year to Eyear revised and equalized for the said Mu- Enicipalities by the County Council of the 'Cuunty of Grey, or otherwise revised and equalized as the law directs, during the said term of twenty years from the Cumin! into effect of this By-law, unless such de- bentures shall be sooner paid. M _ P Sydenham, Uwen nouuu, Ualawuu . u..- I . ieppel, according ‘0 the last revised and E Gruntâ€"First Wednesday in each month; 'qualized ass ssment rolls as from year to Hsnmsrox-Friday bpfore Guplph Fair. year revised and equalized f“ the 531“ Mu' ‘ HosmanHâ€"Saturday before Guelph; nicipahties by the County Council of the . Emmaâ€"The day before Gueiph. County of Grey, or otherwise reviseo and : Dzmnm__fhp day before Elors..- -. . , equalized as the law directs, during the ' Cmgmmpqhmsdav before Gueinh Fair. Fwd term 0" me“? '593'3 {mm the 0"“13â€! : 'I‘vao'rn.u.e--Friday lief-we Guelph Fairy into 938“ Of this 133“!“de ““1953 â€Ch de’5NEw HAMBURGâ€"First Tuesday in can bentures shall be sooner paid. t. . mouth. . 6- This By-law shall takeoeffect on: from? Baumâ€"rust Thursday in each month; and after the ï¬rst. dav of February, in the E Emu“- Secmtd Monday in each month. . year “f 0111' Lord, 1871- » -- . . E WA'rsm.ooâ€"-Second Tuesdayin eachmonth. 7. Th It the debentures to be signed and ; MT. Fonss‘r Jun-d Wednesday in “ch issued as aforesaid, shall .he Idelirered by E month. - the Treasurer of the said Countv of Grey to panamaâ€"Tuesday ï¬receding the above. ‘be Trustees .1anth (or to be appointed) E FBRGL’Sâ€"T 'urgday funou'ing Lit. FOI‘MJ'; in accordance with the tenth section of the E Umxc,;y;ug_second Thmsday in Ju.‘ said. Act, intorporating the said Toronto, ; . March, May, Juir. Sep , and Nov. . EGrey and Bruce Railway Company. . E31050 3111,],sw'l‘hird Wednesday in Jam, . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ E A . -3: '..in and (,P'flher. : 8. And it is further enacted, by :le said Muniripal Council ofthe County of (Eng, that the votes of the electors of Egr‘mont, Norman'oy,' Glenelg. Bentinxk, Hofland. Sullivan, Derby, Sydenham, Oven Smfl. the purpose of.forminga - f‘ -x - -T :J for the t: IN GLESELG â€"â€" For Durham Electoral fed and Divisiun, Mr. James Brown; (Or Smith ' Eiecxoral DlViSiOfl, Mr. Archibald Blgck; Cf the for Centre Elecioral Division. Mix. Finis] ‘f Grey, ‘ McCrae.: fer West Electoral Divmon, ï¬r. . 0t the John M’cCarmiqk3 (qr. Nurth Elector“ "19m“? Division.~.Mi‘. SamueiQonnflly. <\' _ -. I “:4": II: BmtrHCKâ€"Fo‘r lat Electoral Division}, at me School House in Duubam ; for 2nd Electoral Division, at School House,sectiun Na. 10; for 3rd Ezectoml Division; u: Orange Hull, Hanover -, fo’i' 4Lh.E actor“! Division at School House. scjj’tioo No. 5 ; f‘)!‘ 51h Electoral Division, at House on [‘0‘ 10 in-ll’ah concession. . . 3-: i“ Ix HOLLANDâ€"For West Electoral, Divid- ion, etKSchool House, section No. 1.3:. {o Gural'mxa Electoral Dwision, at Scho House, section N o. 2 ; for South Electoral llwision, at School House, section No. 3 ; for East Electoral Division, at. School Home, scolion No. 5 ; for North Electoral-l Divimon, at Price’s School House. . . . ULVISXOD, 31 {race a ucuuu- uvu'uuo ' 0 IX SULLIVANâ€"For lst Electoral Division, at Beanie’s School House; for 2nd Eleo- t‘qral- Division, at Baker’s School Home 3 for, , 3rd; Electoral Division, at Cook'u Schoiil House ; for 41h Electoral Division, at Alexander Clark's House ; for 5th 8.120- tox'al Division. at Vaireys School House. _ Ix DERBY--F0r lst Electoral vaisiom, zit Loose of Job}; Smith, let concession; tor ‘2ud Electoral DlVISlOD, at Wm. Maxwell'l 51h concession; for 3d Electoral Division, ï¬t old Town Hall ; for 4th Electoral DP vision, at Robertson’s School :Hoose 3...!0: ' 51h Electowl Divi‘éiou, at ‘l'tbSKCI'B School 39038. . _ ' l . ; In SYDEKBAMâ€"For let Electoral Divio ion. at Srln 01 House of Union School Soo- llon N0. 9 ; for 2 Cd Electoral Dwisxon, a EScbnol House of School _Sec1ion No. 1 5 z, for 3 d Elecmrul Divuion, at School House t r31.) IUF o u ulcuuuuu u" u ..-.., --- _,--__ _, _ i" of School Semiou N0. 14; {Or 4111 EM- torol Divieion. at School House ol,.Sch,ool Section No. 4. for 51h Electoral Divisibn‘, al School House of School Srction No. 5.. . I}: Own Boronâ€"For Bay Ward, M thy house of J. C. Swag" ; for Centre Ward, a! Coufsou's Hall ; (Sr River \N ard, at the ‘ Brick School House. . 0 IX SARAWAKâ€"Al Brown’s Scï¬ool Home. h’ KEPPEI.â€"-For lst Electoral Digisiog} at Peunmxfs Grist Mill ; for 2nd Electofhl \ Division. at‘ Big Bay School House; I»: an; Electoral Division, at‘Boyd's School Home, South Diagonal ; for 4111 Electoral Division, at Cruikshank's School House, South Diag- coal. ' ' 0’! the Twelfth Day of December, A. D. 1870, commencing at the hour of nine o’ciock in the manning and closing at ï¬ve o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, and that the following be the Returning Oï¬icvrs for taking the said 'votes, namely : IX'EGIzemixTâ€"s-For »1mEneetoral Dixie. ion, Mr. Robert Leggan; foLZud Elect“ il)ivision, Mr. James L. onie; for 3rd Electoral Division, Mr. James Sirr ; for 4th lElemoral Division, Mr. John Henry; for i511) Electoral Division, Mr. Rubert Home. i Ix NURMAXBYâ€"For lat Electoral Div: iision, (at Aytmi) Mr. Matthew U'Fmrell ' 10nd mammal Division. (at. Union Schoo. I Ix NuRMAXBYâ€"For 1: iision, (at Ayum) Mr. M: ï¬nd Electoral Division, ' 3N0. 2))11'. W. H. Ryan. Ix-EcnsxnxTâ€"H’or 1‘: ion, Mr. Ruben nggan Division, Mr. James L Electoral Division, Mr. J U".ibl(’x.o L‘l'. UUI'II Ix SULLIVANâ€"FOP lat. Electoral Diviniod Mr Charles Critchelvz {or 2nd Electoral Division, Mr. John Mil'ourn. Jr.; for 3211 Electoral Divismn. ,Mr. Andiew Henfl’; t‘or4h Electoral Division, Mr. Robin Kil- patrick ; for 5 h Electoral Division, Mr. Donald McInts‘ï¬b. . Ix. DERBYâ€"For'lst Electoral Division, Mr. John Smith ; for 211d Electoral Divis- ion, Mr. Joseph Kent-hen , for Bid Elector“ DiviSiOn, Mr. Abraham Finch; for 4le lilecuoral Division, Mr. James B. Young: for 5th Electoral Division, Mr. Alexander Wehsicr. ' ‘ Ix SYDEXHAMâ€"FOI‘ lst Electoral Divin- : ion, Mr. Donald Baxter: for 2nd Electoral :l)ivision, :Mr. Charles ‘Gordon ; for 3rd 1 ElBCiUraerlViSiOD, Mr. Thomaalilalthewag lfor 4'h Electoral Di‘visiontyfi-xf'lfli’llhn I 'x u “IVV'V- J ubnstone 3 fur 5th Electoral Division, Mr. David Armstrong. - ' ’ Ir: Umzx S-yr'snâ€"For Bav Ward, Mr,- J-. ().-‘Spraqg: for Centre Ward, Mr. R} H. Hili; for River Ward, Mr. James B; Camemn. IN RAMWAKâ€"Mr. A. K. Roy. . ; Ix KEPPELâ€"Fur lst Electoral Divuï¬Ã©ï¬‚, Mr. T. H. Reeve; fur 21d E Pctnml' Div- isiml, My. Gavin Shaw; for 3 d Electurd. Divisiom G. A. Tenant, Jr. 5 for 4gb Electoral DlViSiOD, Mr. Jeremiah Wallace. TAKE NOTICE That the above :3 a true cupy of the pro. posed By law, which will be taken into co'ii'o sideratinn by the Council of the s‘bLi-l Conn, ty of Grey, after One month 1mm the ï¬rst puhlication in tho Owen Sound Times, 1h Owen Sound Advertiswr. the Owen Soun .l UWCII UUUII'I l‘wvv Unmet. the Du: ham Chronicle. the Meaford Monitor. the Watcher am Saugceh, (56 (law. of which ï¬rst numications was in thé Owen S-mud Yinzcs on lab». ,18th diy of N'wmnher, A. 1)., 1870. thr ,Ojverf Sound Advertiser the 171h day of I‘prmber, A. l)., 1-570, the (men! Sunni Gnnet on the I‘ll}! day 5‘25 Nl'qemher.’ Pu 1)., 1870, the ~ Durham C/merle an the 17th any of No vernï¬er." A 1).. 1870. the Meaford thitoof . 0" the 17"] dav ul November. A. 1)., 187“, i and the Wuchter am 8ngng on the 17th lday of Nuvemher, A. D 1870 ; and (but 1 lhe votes of the E ectors of Ezremont, Noro 1! manby, Glenelg, Bentinck. Holland, Sui: llivan, Derby. Sydenham, O veg!“ and, i Sarawak and Koppel will be taken t ereon ï¬enday, the 12th day ofDecember - . D. 1870, commencing at nine o’clock in the forenoon, and closing at ï¬ve o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, at the qevl eral nlaces mentioned; set. out in and flied by the eighth clause of the above true copy "v LUV wig-l ;- v-._'_ 01 the said ‘pmposcd m4. inn " 'Mr.†Chagleg ‘kwcfer° fora 3rd vaision Mr. Duncau Camp‘ï¬ell; E Pctoral Diusion. .Jameg :for 5111 Electoral Dini: ion, Mr. III'II naeâ€"Tuesday ï¬feceding the ‘50â€. :--â€"T luraday quowing Mt. Fore-std ; I-iy'aILEâ€"Secorad Thmsday in Jun; March, Mar. Jul“. Sep , and Nov. ." Mn.1.s-Third Wednesday in Jan.,' Avril, July and ()cmher. " ‘6 A __:l F'â€" JOBN' GALE, ssz‘stant County Cleft}. 1985. Dhrham Elegtorn} AJ 3'â€.