COOd TEA, 35636-13329 'fliï¬o GQE’. can afford 1.» no†thPi' T923 at luwer prices dun any other House in the wade. tors in Ontario, _--A Being the largest Impm TU 1 ICE -- Learning J, br‘wa l- :1 a: :33an br‘m van-.-.a:'1’nxn1ahly used nu countâ€:- tiOu with Dire. units now beng ('aXIV'aS:rd in the Provinces, and entirely dwszinci f' om my Works, and that. in uther ("aw-s in has bpen statsai that an Direclwliws have been aha-damn}, l w u'd tequrst Ihwse dwa’iving tn giveugu-szo-nc" In my wuks to are â€at persons repmsemi-e; vhemwlves as not. iugt 1‘ me are Yuri-bed with enii‘?~c'OI‘}’ credentiais. I antimpalv issuing, 1H Uctnher o rxr, Int: Canadian D mainiun [)wt-rtury. and 5‘s Provincial Dzrecm'iws. “hi0" will be a. Currcct index to llm D mm; M! Of kahuna, Newtoundlaud, arod Pbince E“ v'ruc‘l 1:1 md. andat---m"icw-, (:azonmâ€"r. Dnectory and Hand Book of 1h» six Provm {‘8‘ BI‘BSURIPI 1018 To THE DnMZvaX DIRECTORY - Dummion of Canada Smscribexs $12 Cy. United States do 12 Guld'. Great. Bli‘dih avvdlreland do £3 4'1. France, Germany, c., do £3 Sig. Subscipflon to anincial DiPcfnir‘s. .. Provuw If Unlariu Directory, IS? :71 v Pruvmce M Q .ebec do lS‘M-Tl 4 Provmcr of N-wa Scotia do 1 ‘70-71 3 Province of New Brunswick Co ninion 8; Provincial Directories 'l'o hr PuListh an UCloin‘x'. 1570. 1T0 â€CE -- beaming but! my name has Dirvcmrv, 1370 Ptovzuce of Newfunnn'land Province of Prince E mam bland Ulrec'nry. 1*70 71 2 0:? No Mnney to De paid until each book is w uvPrvd. 4:1) WdRRANTE D F U LL WEIGHT. Our Teas am rut up in halfopnnnd and ï¬ve porind package 8, each package Sole Agents for Dutham and vicinity, A11 we ask is a trial. RU 3513, L JUHN â€WELL, PublisLer MoutreaE, Mule!) 16 187d. v, . . “ Rates of Ao;iver7‘sn‘g wle be made known Mon“! L “-_L.‘ 1 -A Vol. XXL fur 18?â€, of this Fammr 1 Journal wxu E<Crl m n-i â€w (‘3 syacIr-iMiw o! a. Firm-Cows Kurfl. human. Farmh ! msdhusiuesa Newspap-r Comb nod-making } i i it the NAPOLEON 0F I'rs_m..~\$m Montreal, Match i6. 1‘70. The Kl’liAl. “Me Duublrd in Size and! Vastly Impuwod m J m {23:41, and 13 now ‘ not an) In lmrgr-M, Chrayeat and Best, but alswthe Largost Circulaxing Week!) in its Sphere. b'u; eriu r in Abldt), Value and Varivty of Chute-Ms, as well as in Size. Sqle and Ilzustratimzs, and haung a, Cuminemai cmumohâ€" with tens of (non. Bands 0t urdvut ad'uifrra in My '11 [own and Countryâ€"the Rl'ku is the great FARM. AND FIRESIDS FAVORITE! BY Do .0. To MOORE, New lutk any, on†kahtblt‘k, bi- Y- Emp‘n~)ymg she UP“ Talent lu Hit: Lamu -â€"huving Nine Able Edam-9 and Hun‘heds 0f Sg‘ecim Cu in nbmors and 0|)rfe3PUHdg-hta- -â€"and being an acknoMealged o uhvrity on Practical, Smelmï¬c and Liter-an Suhjvcts, .wvv-v â€" an by have truly 8:93.»! it that. “1111-. Rt RM. is the most E eganhy Prrmed Mm Ear u? Wideiv Circuialrd and Henna; Weicumnd Paper. usu “11019, thixh no“ ï¬nds its way mu n: â€w P , Me.’ Mam-«sest-«cumin. ï¬nds “.5 “8y am «In; â€W P 1.1%†The CASADIAS DrPAKTMbST, mmh intro ‘ duced, is c'mduchd h} i; \-_ W. 1-‘_ Chain», 3 of Guelph, U L, funnel-z; euxtur ut théz Canada Fa mH'. MUvdm'S RURAL PAYS All whr. cu Liv-(us b‘;...i{.~, Hawkâ€. Vege tab’ws. c., even can a Smnzl scale, (in City, V1.33: Ul‘ Suburb.) Whih‘ lu L‘131mt-a5‘ anaers, BvlliquuriMs, SHH'k dirt-"Eds, W..u| Growers, lhiunxen P< uury Fan'- ciers,- --.. It IS INDISYENSABLE. In the FAhllLY it is hl;h.y roga drd, it:I Hungary and Misreiiahvmu Dyanmvhts furnish": "1101‘ E AND EN I EdT KIN- IAG RE \DINU‘ FUR â€.14. "lb- HI‘RAL'S MAaiKi'lf AND CROP REPORTS Are tuli add rel-alre. I ï¬red, being Ab‘f I Edited, Idusvat d av d Primed is: Extra Sflfle, and Adapt-01 to Connâ€), Vdmge and City. the RURAL is we Paper tur Youuef, Family and Fnends It is not a monthly or semi-motuhly, but a. Lxrge and Beami ful l‘lufl'att d \Vr?kl\,â€"â€"aud, though double its former size, its Subscriptxou Price to- mains unchauo’rd I Lovell’s Directories. 3013‘s Rum Rew-Yexk FORM, STYLE. TERMS. c. V l. XXL, fun 1870, Ml! he published in Swen r Sade. each Numbn- cumpnis- in;~ Sixteen Doubie Quanta Pages. (nf Fne Cumulus E....n.) Flut‘iy luusnaud, and NP'AY‘Y Pink-«i an B-nk Pam-r. CHLuluha‘ 13441).) DUNN) luuauauu, a..- antlj P ml- 4 a n 13- wk Pam-r. Uni} 33 s Year; m Ci'uba of ten or mnre, $25). Laundrans. 29 ms. 'a war exu'ad 1‘0. amerivan p--smg.â€". Suhscnhe and Cub? Now I Great induckmt’lns to Club Age-msi â€"-OVer one Hundred Vamahip Premiums, e ranging in urn-e 1mm $41056?20! Speciâ€"l menu, Premium Lists, Show-thls, c.. sent hr . The RURAL has alwats hailed from! waeetrr, N. Y., (the heart at aiamtd farming and furl growing region wherein steral 01 its Editors and Cuntrihutow rrside.) but as us p iuviral Publicatiun- Uflice is now in New York. all letters auuuld be addreswd m D. m T MOORE. _ 41PM]: Row, New York. The RURAL has Rn beelrr. N. Y., naming and f u ! saveral 01 its Efi ro-szde , but as. "3 ’â€" HY COPE, Tailor, 1 ‘ ULLD “Eh; Ebnl‘L’LLY IN: L km!) the Inha‘dtams of Durham. 3. d .-1cinity,nmt he has comment-ed bngi-r n- :3 in the Nut Cottage, war the Amity. Having had considx table pumice inn-Lon- Strong TEA, THE GREAT 11.1535“? RAT ED FINDLAY 8; SHAW. Lower Town. L( ’V I‘ll; Lb. {Ti-IR \ BY AND FAMILY WEEhLY. :un Direclwlir‘s have been u'd tequrSL lhnse drsilmg rucr.‘ 10 my “wlks [0 aft: upsemiw: themselves '43 net- fur..-i-hed with euli‘f‘cVOry THE 63%EAP TEA. Direcnny, 1870 mmsrBXSABLE. 1.. is hl;h.y re-ga drd, it: sc-elimw’um D- pavtmv m.» T. T. CO. 2 91 6.1). Ilisher. 135M353 wamwï¬ hcluling a aecdnd Ayply to Tl In the matter of PEI ER ChMPBELL, of the ViHage of Hanover. l iuu .“VV-vu-v_ l amigumentt-f his estate to me, and the crediturs are notiï¬ed to meet at the e‘nre of the Imuiwnt, in the Village of Hanover, 1n the county of Grey, on Wed. nesday the 14th day of December next, at 11 U’C‘OCK in the torcnoon, to receive Statement of his aï¬â€˜airs and appoint an Assignee. ___._.--“~ n11“ Glenelg. Nov. lat. 1870. Bpntinr'k. h M. 29-h. 1870. F. H. EU WA RUS’ ALBUMS E ALBUMS ! INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. Ownx SOUND, 22m: November, 1870 .330 ll. ED‘VABDg’ BE INSOLVEXT HAS MADE AN Biasswam, Blasswme ! . H. EDWARDS’. II. ED WARDS’ EEEER EEEE: 8s. PERFEMEHY. mantis, Lungeziinas ! . H. EDWARDS’ NOVELS, Nuve!s, NBVLLS. I. EDWARDS’ in the fnilnwing lines, Blank Books, Note Papvr, FOOISCap Paper, School Pawr, Biil Paper,.\lumc Paper; Envelopes, any quantity very cheat) by the- thuusand; Mourning Nute and Envelvpvs; Pass-Buoks, Blank Packe‘ Ledgers, Pens, Penciia, lilkr‘, C., a. \ H. EDWARDS’ GEORGE JAMES GALE, We invite special attention to our large and well seiected Stuck of GLASSWARE, which surpasses anything ever before breught tn Durham. Parties requiring Glassware will please call and examine the stock, and compare the prices and quali- ties with those of utJet houses in town. JAMES HOPKINS, JUHN BAMFURD. PETER MCGREGUR, Allanpark P Onr slut-k is 1-.ow_cnmp n--.- \Il ~15“:ch IiSTRUmeTs. Almost as white and durahle as sterling: silver. We have now Snoons, 'leasponns, D'sert Szmnns. Dinner Forks. D~se=rt Forks, Crupt-Qtands, c., r'., which for Beautyand Durability are equal to solid silver, and varv chvan. at NIEKEUUE . EDWARDS’ “'9 can furnish an E‘ezan’t A‘me, hn‘di'g furtv - e3ght full stzv‘d pit-fume. hound in ft)†gih mun-r. gilt edges, for thP low prir-P 0f 50 cents ; a large quar A'hum. in full gilt cover and (:1 v edges. holding 100 fui! 832 d ninmres for the low price of $1 0Q. 9:? .Mbums from 50 aunts’fo $10 each, at Remember the Place, Our flock in this line is nnw Cnmp €19. comp-ising Famvls Bi'sle=, PPW Bibhs, P wket Bibles. Retvrvnoe Bibles. and Paragraph BiMeS. Testament:- in large and SUM)" type (mm: 15 Comm upwards. ahm Wealey : an H}mn Bnuka, N. C. Metho- dmt van Bun-In, Baptist van Hunks, Eni‘cnpal van Blanket, Uninn Hymn Books. Svhm-l van Bnuks; R'Iman Catholic Prayer B-mks, Testa- mPnts and Catechi ms always in stock, at VARIETY STORE, DURHAM. Papal Calms ! Beutiuck, a Male Teach :1 class cemï¬caxe. Jewellety, Jewellely. STATE-SEER? ! Our stock of Paper Collars, Cuffs and Fronts is very largr and well selected, comprismg all the latest styles out. Up- wards 01200 Boxes of Collars selling: off at 5 cents per box, usually sold at 20 cents, at EDWARDS’ We have just opened out a hwzmï¬ful stock of Hair Oils and Perfumery, wbi‘h for qualiq and lowneas of mice cannot be surpassed anywhere, at Rifles, \rnl‘it“? The New Cottage Library series an rumplefl’. comprising three hundred and tiny Vuéumes. all 25 cent volumes. Full and de=criptive CataIOgues sent free tn any address on application, J ust- recived a Large and Banti- 3 fut mock of Enghsh Jewelery, comprising Ladivs’ colure-d sets, Lad es’ culured Earring. L‘i'ï¬es’ lung Chains. Gem's Albert Chains, Flo got Rings, yum, E9†C. ~Tbtee goods were hnught at lea? thn one half their valuv, which will gamble us to sell them atpriéés .that will astonish the natives. lmrim Assi an Storp, Durham. Variety Store. VA RI ETY STORE Variety Store. Variety Store. Variety Store. 200-2. Variety Store. ate in Ker, see. Dmm. A to commence business, can ï¬nd a. [inst-class stand situate on the Darham Road, 4’} miles from Durham and 6.5 tram Hanover. A pplendxd chance for a steady SAAC IRELAND would call the atten- . tion ofthe public to this Improved Machine Pump. He would say that his Purnp took easily the ï¬rst prize at the la‘e show in Mount F on st, in competition with a Pump that is reported to have taken the ï¬rst prize at the Provincial Exhibition at Hamilton and tour other places. The im- provements consist of the strongest bear. ings, which will stand the most wear of any numo now in use in Canada, also Malleahle Valve Seats and Hardwood Cylinder. The ‘same kind of hearings were used by him17. ‘ 18 and 19 years ago, and seven out of ten j of the pumps put up by him then are now i in use, which has induced him to fall back l on the old bearings and ï¬xtures. ISAAC IRELAND, MANU FACT URI-JR. l 5 On improved {reghold property, res-payable ' in momhiy, hull-yeuriy, or )early Instalv g IllPUIS. to suit the borrower. From the | large income of the Society, money can ul- ! ways be had without. delay and at a reduced g tariï¬'rnte. No management. fees or deduc- . tions from amount of Loan. The Convey- : 2m ing charges are much more than ordi- ,; narily favorable to borrowers. â€".._.-n A ‘7‘“ Building and Saving Suciaiy Head Oflice, 70 Church St, Toronto. Capital, . . $300,000. Pm-zszmzx'r, Hon. Geo. W. Allen, Senator; VH‘B-i’HESIDEST, Jab" \Vurthington, Esq : Dlul-LL‘TU 18, W In, Gnoderham, Eu}; Samuel Plan, Esq; Jas. E. vath, Esq.: Fran- cis Shunly, Esq; the Hon. D. L. Mac- Bentinck, Nov. 28th, 2870. Mnney received on depcstt, and interest {IHHWrd at the TEMP. OfSiX pf‘!‘ cent. per 3". num, compounded half-yearly. phorsnu. SPIm'Eur. BANKERS. Bank of Toronto; Mere? Bank of Canada. SxV'N-SS BANK BRANCH. Secreiary l‘reasurer. ARCHIBALD MCKENZIE Adam D .rham. 197_ The undersigned trading; as Farmers and Innkeepers, in the village of Orchardvflle, in the county of Grey, have this day dus- ~nlwd mflllership by mutual cunsent. All Mini owing b1. the said ï¬rm will be paid by J-»hn Irving, with whom all claims due the said ï¬rm must. be settlod. JOHN CORNISH. JUHN IRVING. Mount Forest, Sapt. l, 1870. Witness : A. M CLELLAK. Nov. 18Lh, 1870. 59 Pair Horse Blankets, 5399 Strings 'Of‘ Bells, _ TO BLACKSMITHS. “Testern {tallada Buffalo Robes, 511531; t3 hand at Emacs Gray’s szn PUMPS. GOOD BLACKSMITH WISHING ESTABI 15mm IN 1868, For the purpose of qualifying Operators for the TELEGRAPH RAILROAD LINES Dominion and United Smtes. It has be- come one of the Dissolution of Partnership. "vâ€" desiring to learn this light. and hon-Wrable pnnessmn, should do so at once. The average length of time required is three gunnths. Ladiee learn more rapidly than resalemen. Both Sexes admitted from 14 3931-3 of age and upwards. For-full particulars and terms address TELEG RAPH PERMANENT INSTITUTIONS OF THE COUNTRY, and has turned out TORONTO, ONT. who ' ‘ 1 ‘ Whips, Spurs, c., {flways on hand. ï¬Johbing done on ~hort notice and no good style. Spanish Sole Lgather, and FRENCH CALF, always in stock, also,â€"PEGS. all sizes. Eff- Harness Shoo Opposite the Crown Lam Utï¬ce, Upper Town: Tannery on the earner ot' Saddler and Albert streets, Lower Town. MONEY T0 LOAN HE subscriber is dpsirous of selling Lots 24 and 25.00".12,i01in8hip of Ben- tiuck, continuing 200 acres of good hard- wood land, 4‘) of which are cleared and fenced, and well watered. These lots are situate in a prosperous locamy, 10 miles from Durham and four from the grave] Yum. Pric $8 per acre, one thud cash Title mdisputab e. ,3 ‘ ' For full particulars apply to _ J AME; KELEHJEB INSTITUTE. 34 KING STREET EAST, ALSO, A FEW GOOD or to JOHN SHEWELL, D . June 2376,1870. nrham GOOD SALARIES. Ladies and Gentlemen OVER 100 OPERATORS, FARM FOR SALE. now ï¬ll important positions with PERMANENT LIP"! D .rham. JOHN COOK, White Horse Hotel. WA LTER 8. LEE. T. H. CHURCHILL, of Toronto; Merchants’ DOMWION ï¬rst-Class Land. TANNERS, Cash for Hides. DURHAM. ) Harness and Trunk Makers, Toronto, Ont. 'ADDLERS, 1993 [LATE PARKER 8.: CATTLE.) Established in Canada 1856! U Chemicglg, 13erfumery and Toilet. Preparations, Combs, Brushes, Fancy Gueiph, VABNISH‘E S ! Pï¬â€™i‘ï¬ï¬â€™ï¬' MEDWWES, Fire Proof Paint 2 Qflflï¬sï¬ï¬‚flo‘i’iï¬ï¬‚ “@3351†MMTTW EMAQMIENE (Mk. TANNERS’ OIL, TAR, PITCH, PUTTY, Best. Turpentine Varnish $1 50 per can. 37an 03] Am) LAMPS, Cheap; used by Millers, Threshers, ésc. every description "and reliable in quality. TOBAOGOES AND CIGARS ! EALER IN 13035 DRUG? AND Olive, Elephant, Seal and Crude Oil, Teas ! PAINTS AND PAINTEBS’ MATERIAL {gyPURE ESSENCES, FLAVORING -EXTRACTS, SPICES, PICKLES, HOPS, c., c. WinesLiqu0rs Roasted and Ground on the premises. MOLSON’S CELEBRATED ALE Britxsh, Malt, French and Canadian. Physicians’ Prescriptions, and Family Recipes carefully compounded, and promptly attended to. RESIN, AXLE GREASE, c. comprising all noted brands, in wood and bottle. VETERINARY PREPAnAnnus of all kinds; " mama mm. Is an effectual destroyer ofTicks on Sheep,’ also a preventative against "the . Fly and Scab'durlng the lmt Summer months. . I! greatly imnrqves tï¬e QUALITY and QUANTITY of the Wool, and that} at a trifling cost. It. has bpen long and favor ably known in GREAT BRITAIN, and .i| is conï¬dently anticipatedttlmt upon trial. it_wil_l enjoyas fagazable'a reputatign in Canada. ;__ ;‘ â€". _ - _ . '- HopARKSRm VINEGARS, WEAVERS’ SUPPLIES i supplied at low rates. GLASS FRUIT JARS. COFFEE Various Colors. in any quantity. PARKER’S l Great EARLY SIX THOUSAND PAIRS T0 SELECT FROM; A COMPLETE assortment of Ladies’, Gent’s, Missea’ and Cbildrens’ Felt Boats for Fall and Winter wear, also a large stack of Rubber and Felt Top Over Boots. Particular atten- tion paid to CUSTOM WORK. For Style, Qualitv of wor’k, Material and good ï¬ts cannot be surpassed. ALL WORK WARRANTE’D. HIDES .' is about ready for operation and that business will be carried on with greater vigor than ever, and every satisfacxion given, also that they have again commenced the Harness and Saddlery Business, in their ()LD PREMISES, where they will be most happy to see all former patrons and any number of new ones. 0? Bring along your Hides of every description. Durham, Nov. 9, 1870. Durham, Oct. 5th, 1870. HE SUBSCRIBERS THANKI‘UL FOR. PAST FAVORS, TAKE GREAT pleasure in informing the public that their From GLA S G IMMENSE Wool -_ Canning mam MES; mi ,1 _â€" V'wâ€"vv___â€"â€" l ,. .EiimLy, . .10. his, numerous cusrtomwrs ; .f hu‘sinï¬ï¬aï¬d ' ‘O to inform them that. his’ C: now in complete’IorGér. having be'en 1'60me [1- 1avmg quaggd thpgsepicgs of; one- 9f “(18 mos sears ‘staddipg, {mais‘bmuni‘ehiiit_infitt§ï¬ï¬op to melt-it €611§i~eÂ¥if$5blk pati‘bï¬cgéL" ' Parties from a Dlgtanee ‘can have their Wool same day 1 The GRISTMILL '13 in complete running order, having recenfly been overhauled, ready Wailmï¬ gfï¬gw 3 _ Fwd-class Millerg and strictnttention to customers" interests. ND FOR WHICH THE HIGHEST PRICE WILL BE PAID AT Durham, Sept. 26th, 1870;- Emu: mm, my 17th, 18.70; LE sUBSCRIBEKï¬EGS-fdvaETURN THANKS TO THE PUBLIC c nu..." n-ï¬a‘n ‘uhs unmannnd‘lï¬nnï¬n-ï¬uha :11 nurï¬ï¬‚lllaf. f()r hast fï¬vors in his has received and is new Durham. NEW TANNERY 3 Imported Direct §E£LS®H @3’ mm. AT THE STGCK 014‘ .n patticular, for past favors in his line Lrglir’g and " Cloth-Dressing Machinery is ittéd tip With Iatast. improvements, and t: 'eiperiwced‘vmrkmen in Ontario, 23 39d, gm; workâ€"“7,311 work warrantedâ€" THOMAS JONES. T- J- E SMITH- JOHN KELLY viz: Lot No. 18, con. Lot No.p16, con. 1, N. D. R., 'l‘ownship of; lenelg, 50 acres. l Lot. No. 7 and 8, con. 3, N. D. R., Townll ship of Glenelg. 100 acres. ‘Lot No.8, con, .2. W. G. R., Township oil Bentinck, 100 acres. l Lot No. 12,_con. 2. W. G. R., Township ofl Beminck, 100 acres. ‘ “Lot No. 25. 00"- â€, w. G' R†TWMMP of Nounanby, 100 acres. Also, “Lot No. 47, con. 3, E. G. R., Township of Holland, 100 acres. Lots 7,8 and 9, N. D. R., and 7, 8 and 9, South side of Elgin St., containing .5 acre each, in the village 0‘! Priceville. For further Lpagt‘icnlars apply to .w...« “ rhn n m“ GEN- July 13, 1870. Specialities at the big axe, Just to hand, direct from the English makersâ€"Best Durable Qualities, AT TORONTO WHOLESALE PRICES. WEETE ZiflC £51Tfl‘i3 Gii'uuud in Oil. 'l'hls paint is superior to, 1 '- . and more durable than the best White Lead, 1 either for inside or outside work, Lak. 1 ‘ 7 going craft, 330. Its use is not injurious to i 1 SPLENDID 514151 the health. Direct from Tnos. Huang“; THIRTY 8i 1 - s itSox, London, Engiand. i A. $25 Celebrat‘ DOOR MATS, COAL 03L, (3031 Oil Lamps, Durham, Nov. 5, 1870. Nickle Silver Spoons Forks, Of a reï¬able quality, in great variety. A LARGE LOT OF POGKET TABLE 0mm. Imported direct, will be sold RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES ENCO URAG E HOME MANUFACTURE Platform Counter Scales, ‘Iï¬cwmxc HAND, TABLE HALL, c. Chimneys k Wicks, direct from Makers. Made by the celebrated ï¬rm OfGL'RNI-ZY, \VARE 00., of Hamilton, in stock at Makers’ prices. These Scales are WAR- RANTED perfect, rvhable, and durabie,being made in the very best manner. W. KOUGH. OPEN REBELLION. Fenian Raid. ' Photogmphs for the Million! .rk Lot No. 2, North of Lampton St., BETTER than the BEST and ..pChea er than the Cheapest at KELSBY’S GALLERY, ééposâ€"ite Fletcher’s, Upner Town, Durham: SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. ELECTROPLATED GRUETS, SPOONS, FORKS _C. J: prisibg 100 acres, 60 of which are cleared. well watered and fenced, with a good House. Barn, Stable and an Orchard of 100 Trees thereon. Also 50 acres, East half of Lot 13, Con. 6th, Gleuelg, from 8 to 10 acres cleared. The above pronerty will be sold cheap, and. clear deedgiven.-â€" Terms easy. For particulars apply to ABRAM GOLD, 25 Kegs Hu BBUCK’S Genuine Owen. Sound, Dec. 7, 1869. containing four acres. Apply .to door to G. Isaac’s Town, Durham, wh hisentire attention Owen Sound. door to G. IsaaC's Bauuwry UIIUP, UH,“ ! -_ -__ Town â€".Durham where he intends to devote 3 - ‘ . r . a, : ,OfevervdeBOTiPt-iom exeeuted m a My e h' . . . ‘ 18 entire attennou to CUSTOM WORK; unsurpassed by any ofï¬ c e m the county-:â€" thhinghï¬t the best stock used, and ‘ . '11 “9.1!? 5!- guaranteed. ï¬Prioes to suitiordeTSbY M3“ 1»: t ‘ ‘ . I CHARGES REASONABLE. New Shoe Shop (1144a) N-EENNE NQENGY {ox-sale, Lot13, Con. 7, Gl‘ene}g,-com ma, saw, TAKEN BY STORM ! s'Xï¬ï¬ï¬fEf 'LEGATE, _ Durham. Out. 70. 130. .s COMMENCED BUSINESS IN th; 56;}; line, It) the premxseg next ; o G. Isaac’s saddleyy Bhpp, Upper; Book A BALE . SIMPSON KU uva-uw "' his aervices G. R., Township of ’3 and clear deed-glven.â€"1 (I? thices in editorial} cohnm‘F. â€C rparticulays apply to 5 objeg. Jf which is to oromotetiw pf LN ABRAM GOLD. or private interests ofindividuals. “the Durham A-‘he'Y: considered advertisements and c 01' to ABRLKM COOK, §3c(-ording‘.y. . _ ' Lot 7, Con. 6, Glenelg.; 33-- AH. Advertisements intenmd -.f(ï¬ ' ginsertion should roach this viiiu- M 1" “1 i111 o’clock on WEDNESDAY MLRMM'?’ ‘“ t est. - b a ‘furVE'mntary COrrESponden(r(fr0n1 a†parib . - .. iofthe cuunty SnliCitf‘d. . _ ' .. K Al] cnmmunicatinns.Men-‘11 ‘ â€I08 8110],: (if otherwise satisfactory. nW’lgéfl fnf name 'of the writer. rmf new. . . ‘ .2 I: 1,. 1'3â€. [MPSON ‘wdlmm ENCED BUSINESS IN‘the Pomofï¬ce. . . aline, m the premxses next; BOOk and .1013 Prlntlng “in!" tn "9 hauled O I Ontario Boot Store. 0. 197 If. 0F IT. JONES, Mn, My to attend t0 the V THE CHEAPEST BEARING ‘THE BEST_WEEKLY. In this use of progress the people demand and v .1114“? A PAPER TO 3 331‘ TE Stands Unï¬vaï¬ed peers. as ovmccd and over increas- u otters inducements how out by no other Hanan: of Intelligence. EVEBY Essa: Cï¬XTAETIS In: ‘5‘ “7': :73 '~qu LIED RiESI‘: 0F A. P04 8 “-29.; Ll-b-.. OR SACRED REYSIC EZZLiX'TK} For 036E DOLLAR you go: H? T- pieces of Music. worth $80. '21:}: Is worth the price of subscription. Read our Splenâ€" and Sewing, Premium ESECE «in I‘hh giss‘; Inn-{1:3 4., 1:: n. Popciar Divine cz'c [15.211011 .‘icws. Ergli: Ken's. forrizrn P: 3:31; Sparkling: and Exit: ‘cmry and Poetical sic A $25 Celebrated Leckman Pi P1226 Sewing Machine, FOR 45 SUBSCRIBE1?Q‘ Form your Clubs 1‘: E871. Single copy for one year, to any) â€l Subscriptions sent In now want an end 22. 0'18“. FOEBTEES 810311159 {£359.23 T103 [’08 ORE DOLLAR! Sea.) for Specimen copies. AGENTS, Read on: P323 1mm LIST. tn the DAILY and WILEY.“ 111: DAILY TELEGRAPH. $6 pea vam- dereflfl an Letters. post-paid " ï¬shermen Cask, - â€"‘ Manson-t URNITURE FACTORY WATER- POWER, in the Village of Han-mgr. for Sale or to L9ase. Terms reasmzahe. Apply to the suhsc War, at Om 11 Sand, or tn Mr. John Crispm, near Hat-never, 01 to G. Jackson, Esq , M. P., DmLam. W. A. STEPHENS. Owen Sound, Dec.16‘h. 186‘} tf. DURHAM CHRONiCLE Thumday Morning; N‘ ’1‘ ‘ ‘ ‘| 1:33 JOHNSOII .\(__i1-C DURHAM. Law Respecting Newspapers 3. no“ 3031231503. } fls - FOR sAi’eB’ï¬OTE l. Subscribus who 30 not gin ( notice to the contrary are 901151111 wishing to continue their subscxi‘ 11: 2-. Ifsubscribers order the (ï¬scal)! i1 uano oftheir periodicals, the publxsher m: 5 Own them until all arrearsare paxd, Subrcrlbtl are responsible for all uumners smn. ‘ An Orl' are responsible for all numners smn. 3. lfsuhscribere negleci ox- mime to take the periodicalstrom the oflice to widow’s-ivy are directed, they are heid rep!“ LSIYK‘ till they have settled their 1211/. mm «.erdrred their periodical to be diowmimwd. - Sending numbers back, or (caring them 7'2: (he .0flicea‘i8 3101 such, notice. nf desdifl- tinuance as the Law Requirf: , ,-1Arr 4. If subscribers remuve M places without informing the 911‘! and their periodicals are sem in tin? directions, they are held respOnsfl’nlc year. Jbulo . . .1 ‘ (Ij‘Advemsements wfl‘amfl Spï¬fflfq directions, inserted until forbid, and (tarp C accmdin g] y . (I? Nétices in editorial cohmms. .1†objec. of which is to oromotetim pr-umaxf or private interesis ofindividnals. f0 mmzapmd advertisements and J2me -$3;2L03Kl§1§r1 game MACHINE 71‘ BID SELECTION 01’ 236085 [‘03 THIRTY SiBSCRIEERï¬ 2 For 60 Subscribers IS PUBLISHED EVERY Machines wcro awarded 1st Prise at Provizcial 2231115131021 in 20mm» October 4.111, 18'. Erws. It is b?! xziunf: Etcrics, a :31 Selections. LE‘L TEG'IS mg Popularlt; among: Lashine List. ’zcs. and L3- 11' Y“ {EYE-ï¬ve) Ibis alone ’PY W at»: Firs: former uance 3* send White HOtC‘ . .{ten dc Elliott y (miceâ€"'0 V Durham: ( O L‘ 17 1 CI rm: '1'?“ 1e 8p m All â€All work v Carson's st l) F. Hats ï¬ces 9.59m Good wwurki the charges W“ and as go: in the 01‘ Warm-d 'of the big; B " 0 nt h irchamk, ‘arge Dress 2W0. 131% G ai branchj .done it CIR A“ '1 supef' EV