castdr and grate it in Of Rhodium and 8p the three sena- {01' taming z1101-. pecu. seem to it exerci- influence over 'Oll with of the dyour be on on) the to lie tside ; {he pon â€He gut horse mawc 'lD- i ll parties indebted by note or nther Wise, to the estate of Mr. Hugh Mackay, will please Call an settle with the subscriber AT ONCh to prevent costs bei ngsin'cu‘rred. “one! must be paid or god notes handed oven; Oflicev‘ut Mg.: -' May ’8, Lower’Tomi;, quham â€f" <_ Auctioneering punctualfy a'ttténded to in all parts ofsthé county of Grey. , . “LA A t‘ ,A i .. . .- . _ . - _ . .' -_ -..- r ..... in general, for 'the llberal a‘upport extended to him during 'his stay in the “Argyle,†and to‘amxouuce that he has‘ removed to Mr. Charles Vollet's Hotel, Lower Town, Durham. “357A hESt--c1§s2LU'A1rLE YARD on the premises, which is (he 0:}- DURHAM CATILE YARD. The subscriber having left the “Argyle .Ho.el,†begs ‘to_ return thanks to the public ‘ “Ann-Al PAL. .A‘A_ "I it msuxca or 36; MILES, Plans and speciï¬cations will be. on ex- hibition at the ofï¬ce df G‘EO. LOWE REID 7Esq., Chief Engineer, Hamilton, on and alter the 27th instant ;; and Sealed Tenders, marked “Tender 'for Uons'trucu'on of Tnird Section W. G. '3: B'. Railway,†must be in the hands of the undersigned before noon of the 121h day of January next. WM. McGlVERIN, _ ‘ _ President. W. G. 8: B. R. Ofï¬ce, , 3 Hamilton, December ‘21, 1870. The Directors are prepared ’to receive Tenders for the man sacrum â€or m: ’RMLWM WELLINGTON, GREY AND BRUCE HAW’ISTON TO PAISLEY, Came to the premises of the subscriber, Lot 5, con. 22, Egremont, about the middle of September last, a steer, color red and white, 3 years old. The owner is requested to prove iproperty, pay ex- penses and wise him away. Durham, Dec. Fall Wheat, . . Spring Wheat†Barley, , Oats,. ... ._. Peas,. .. ,,,,,, Pork.--. .. Fall Wheat, Spring Wheat, Barley,.--- .. Oats, ........ Potatoes, . . Pork... . . , , Dec. 23rd, '18?0. N EW ADVERTISEM ENTS. RajflWay. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Owen Sound Markets. Guelph Markets. Guelph, Dec. 28, 1870. est,...'...-,.... $1 15 to $127 i’heat: .......... 1 15 to l 20 .-- ...- .0 45 to 0.55 W... O38to 040 ............ 060 to .0 63 - W. ‘5 75 to ‘6 4O ’ EXTENDING FROM HUGH MACK-AIL, Owen So‘und, NOTICE. Stra'jr 'Stéer. 28th, 170. WM. McFAYDEN. Dec. 28, "1870. Auctioneer. 204E. $1 10 l 05 0 50 0 '33 0 55 9 00 O 30 6 00 $395] 13 Countyf’gUouncil 'Proljéédings; Re- form of Rublic Meetings, Agricultural Shows, City News, and other matters of in- terest to the people, will conï¬nï¬e to ï¬nd a ‘place in the TIMES, , Perhaps iii) department of a Newtâ€"gaper is of more importance to the Farmer _and Store~kéeper than copious Market Report's, which are reliable for their impartial cor- re'c’tn‘ess, The-Conduc‘tor‘s ol‘the TIMES wili give spec‘ialï¬tt’nn‘t’ion to this department of the Jourdal, and gather the returns from all tho~- principal points by -' Telegraph and Mail, up ‘to'the hour of‘puhlicatiop, forging infoyiggtiog‘pf their,Sgt}§QribngT;." 5;... : ' 'f “ '».‘ . ~, . r" " _»_‘- .'. " , _ s . _ . NEWS OF THE WEE-K. Particular attention is paid to Politics, British and Foreign, News Canadian News, American News, Local Mat't'érs, Markets, Paragraphs, Poetry, Commercial, Facetiae, c., c. Inaddition to carefully written editorials on the leading political and social events of the day, ‘the TIMES Will be found to contain valuable selected articles from the British, Canadian, and American Journals, forming a concise and pleasing epitome oi‘the THE Oxmuto, Csmns. HAMILTON, Dec. 13, 1870. To the Ratepayers of the County of Grey. Gentlemen,-As the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway ByiLaw has been de- feated, I desire to state that so soon as the new Councils are Organized, in January, the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway Company will submit an equitable scheme for the extension of their Railway through "the ‘County of Grey, to Owen Sound. I have the honor‘to ‘be Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, WM. MCGIVERIN, HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Durham District Lodge, will be opened at 7 o’clock p. m., on the 14th day of January, 1871. JOSHUA WRODLQD, ’Durham, Dec. 21, 1870. . †12m 18 om: 0'? E BEST AND MOST RELIABLE NEW-EEPAPER-S PUBLISHED IN WEEKLY “ TIMES †Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railvvay, Contains an Immense Amount of GOOD FAMILY READING INTERESTING KIND, WEST RN CANADA: .‘ Lo‘pAL NEwsgg. T‘BE CH EAP'Es‘f IN cum. ‘ MARKETS. OF AN HAMILTON District Masfer. President. ._~-J .. -.....wr.u wc_+1uu-'LICUI‘YD. Kan; dall, . Authon‘of’f‘ihe Frantical Shepherd,†and dherisï¬anard works; while that of Dairggï¬nsban'flry is conducted by X. A, Willide. M., the best authority there. upon. Amongthe recent accesswns tom previously' guperior Editorial Stat}; areA. S. Fuller. (late of Hearth and 11101112,) author of several able and poputar Works on ï¬guticuiture, etc., as Associate Editor; 1‘3 ‘XJ’.._‘ '3â€" 4. I! u.A. (State EntomOIOgist of Mo.,) as j logical Editor: and Gen. 5. D. Ha many yearg past Proprxetor and St: tor ol ï¬fe-(911m Farmer, as Cul'l‘l‘es Editor. ' ' Comprises “1anth Talent in the land. 170} example,‘ lgflgpartmenp of Sheep Hug. gandry is edited-bl: €_â€"'Hd_","H_ePTY S. Rani i)" AnoL-..â€"-(‘7(‘ I The gr'eat Enlargement 0 last )ear,‘ has rendered‘ic 1: convenience of handing and bound, to publish ‘. ' S- _....' “ m a tavonte in many of the best families :11 over the Continent. 0U “u; L‘A‘HGUS'JOCRN‘AL, which enters upox its Twenty-Second Year on the " 1871', is not only the LARGE â€"_ Tats FAHGUS'JOCRKAL its Twenty-Second Yth 1871, is not only the I AND CHEAPEST. but facturers, on'tbe T ban, the township of Bemi solved by mutual cone All accounts and 1 ï¬rm to be paid to S. “I continue the buéiness, against said ï¬rm. Wittiéza‘sa ALEXANDER Crawford, Dec. 15th, ‘ {he Firm known as 8‘: SUN,_ Lumber Dissoluti .g EST AMERLQZN ITS=TE9IIQRIAL STAFF aon consent :u n necessary, 1 g 831d reading wh 5 and pay all claim; notes due of the E '7 Anemia the aboé