West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Jan 1897, p. 5

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(Two goonggwm' THE BRIDGE.) VERY? description of Tinware con ' My on hand and madeto order. willful-k is mauui'actured under my own sypervision, and none but the very best stock used. JUBBING done promptly and in the very best style, at the lowest. living “ates. ff}: Particularaztention paid to Eave-Tronzhing. A large stock of StovecPipee, Elbows, T Pipes and Ridge Plates always on hand- ("IJL‘AD vnn JAM” Amy“ E55 SU‘flflIfiJ‘gflf ‘ w PASH 0R TM 1313' ‘Vareroom,_b'ne Of the big chair. _ w-cl. I’D bud as good asrét any other in the County. All work 4'3. iol'f'the whole law, and ".hat for the weary {7‘9" *4" "‘:T??'.‘_,.‘ 33d heavy laden there was rest, It, was re. hiOVCd by Mr. Lamprey, ”mar." is ‘ served for a metaphysical theology to sepa ’Mr. Travers, That a vote of thanks be according to m ,7... ' rate morality from religion, and ‘0 snbeti- tendereaztodames Edge, Esq, :iRecveil “adopt the :platform of the Reform '0 true a confession of faith for the pracxicai ' . , . . . :for theveryacourteons and amia‘h‘le eon-I vention Of 186 2" and to “denounce ‘ dorng oi the Dinne mil. If the priesthood duct which he has cVinced on all occa- .Patent Combination Government of Mr. barred the avenues to holiness Jr knowledoe ‘ . - ‘7) - ° lsions while residin over this Con '1 5‘ Macdonald. . P g . 061 ° ‘ Three~and-a-half fearssince, the “Pat Combination” was passing through ‘ HOOW . ‘ . hatching process. ’lo-day It presents fighting, in which both 'sides invoked the . 3.1“ 0f the GOd 0f battles, no wonder that l A PBUSSIAN null-RAGE. history for perusal, and courts the clos one Of 0‘" poetsâ€"Wordsworth Jf we are 1 -â€"' criticism. It will probably survive the l not mistaken-~described “ slaughter “3 tack of the perpetual South Grey Cen‘ God’s daughter.” Reform Committee. W0.“ ing year,” it will be profitable to make} LAND. LARGE Yumaâ€"Mr. Robert Laidlaw, some ih‘Ph'Y 0‘ the d3?“ ‘hht are P33“ The 5 11, con. 11, Bentinck, informs us that I very name of the month Whicb is about ‘0 ' . . . last season be procured and planted ”open is significant “f review and prepara- London,.Dcc. 27'2Tpe Sinking of Six pound of Uats, Norway variety, from w} English ships m the come by the Prus- he had the enormous return of 1001bs. tun. Januaryâ€"from Janus the God of ; sians for the purpose of obstructing navi- __ s, and wno in that char-ac- { ”I held a key in his right hand and a rod 5, gaticn has occasioned great indighhfihh (if? In our last issue, in giving the us in his left, to symbolize his Opening and l here and throughout England. The i of candidates for Municipal honors, in I tinck, we overlooked the name of Mr. 4 ruling ‘he 793“33 the th‘hh‘g Wint 0f the l British Vice- Consul at Rouen has pre- 39” and is 3“ “PP’OP’W‘! Point {0’ “king l sented to the Prussian commander a for- Adlhm- MF- A. inlehds contesting observations. Cowper, in the following mal protest aoainst the act of spoliation demo", and if elected we have no 6 a will make a very efficient Councillor. ' verses, with which we close our remarks: committed upon British subjects . , _ _ » _-’_ W affords the happiest illustration we remem- ber to have seen of the practical advantages -eiligent obsermnce of times and (Kt? filo-111;} last. was obserxei a: 5' holi 3 day by the business of Durhmnfiel’ 1’3“). h a r" to t c espz .4W-o " OSCEBT â€"â€"A“8‘” Fa" i states that “his‘com; i Rouen has , .â€"â€"-« FAIRBAIRN ’s C fbaim, the Scottish vocaliss, Orange next, Jan. 5tb,1871. Mr. Fairbair has been very highly spo EngXand and Ame-pica. A W press of both H of'Durham and vic‘inity well acquainted with md also Straw-work. But oh 7! 1f fortune -.With more 1 Tnke half ban a propitious gale, thy canvass in. ,._A_ description can be had 33’ The Concert it on \Vedncaday night Church, Durham, was the performance take: artery pleasing chara} Me affect ring comes: And Nature tugbs again. M Mr. H \ 3 Shoe Shopi die “Durham Ho hand CHEW I533 (sf-SUBSCRIBE FOR AND AD 9- (76 y) VERTISE IN THE “CHRONICLE” 316): or m be Concert. in we Ofauge Hall! have b Lnesdny night, in aid of Trinity \' upon t Durham, wagsfcn attended,aud I 0? to d . * o’eedfui erance taken altogether was of E ’ h _ __ outragt Masmg champion LOB} ”CW â€" SXWL', 'rfl! Cabinetwgfé {1th Factory, ?POSITB ORANGE m work warranted. Door North ofthe sign of Tinware con- nd madeto order. d under my own but the very best } done promptly 49, at the lowest “1 ----- -‘ ‘ to R. Mck 1' Village. enzie s rmed philosopher wholesome fear, spite of pain ; from the north, " ring comes dancing forth YOU WANT F m‘wai' the {uifilment , - 'year. * t that. for the weary b ‘- thy way, EVERY l'RXI'rI'R}: n57; flair HALL V II..", door to G. Isaac’s sa Town. Durham, where his entire attentigm to Nothing but the best neat fit guaranteed. the times. The borrower has, if he‘desi to pay offthe loan lent ; be h: privilege of liberatina his: nah. gCAPITAL 'uuuutl L‘ . Agent and Valuer. Durham, August 11th, 1870. 1844f. J Banana landed Dedit Cumpany ; Money Loaned at 8 per cent. P Wesidentâ€"st IS \Iopm'r'r, ESQ \ we Pusideutâ€" Jonx MM'mmAu Secret2u3â€"Jonx SY nuns, ESQ. DIREECTOIS Hon. G. W. Allan, M. P. ,W m. A Esqa Hon. George Brown ,Hon Lurnham, M. P.: C. S ('22)de I; N :lNKERSâ€"Baxik Nhh'iiSâ€"Buuk of Commerce, Toronto Advantages to BorroWers tbp ahnve line, m the prem 3 G. Isaac s s UVUIL‘. addlery ahop1 Moveyancbi, Codi . did Insurance Agent. {1:}.- A few good farms for sale â€"â€"â€"‘ 381‘VICQS but the best stock-fused guaranteed. {E’fF-Prinpn 81‘ Lonaon, Dec. 27. -â€"â€"The sinking of six English ships in the .Jcine by the Prus- sians for the purpose of obstructing navi- gation has occasioned great indignation mal protest against the act of spoliazion committed upon British subjects. London, Dec. 27 (noon.)â€"Th-ere is immense excitement in this city conse- . quent on the alarming intelligence that I the PrusSians have virtually committed I ‘ an act of belligerency in the sinking of l six English trading vessels in the Seine‘ for the avowed purpose of obstructing? ! the navigation of the river. The Timesi ghas published an “extra,” 3. most un-z ; usual course. and endeavors to calm pub- l 3 lie sentiment by expressing a hope thatl ‘ . E would not commit so suicidal an actsâ€"i People will not listen to this and point to the degpatch with indignation which {states that the British Vice-Consul at JlRouen has presented to the Prussian : commander at Rouen an indignanfi’and i 1 ‘ 3'on committed on British subjects.â€"~ * ' ' ' ‘sgggardgd hereas confirmation of 1 1 lthe (first but; despatch, and the Stan- : «lard and other Conservative newspapers lghsave bitter wafitened articles calling ylupon the Government either to resign i l or to declare itself insulted and take the ‘fg n'eedfut means for the correction of this toutrage upon the British flag. ; rm... 8! Professor Ringo; (LATE 0F Tonox'ro), 3G8 TO INFORM THE Ci “fa am that Us. has 4 F?!’ 8 0p% (:OIC 1‘r‘ncl 't )0 report 18 exaggerawu uuu “puss“, , _ as strong conviction that the Prussiansl The Phrenolog‘cal Journal for January ‘ rould not commit so suicidal an act.-â€"â€"l ”New Vi°1ume“°°“mi"Sâ€"“The BeeCher,s l 1 ’eOple will not listen to this and point Of “4135’” Wilh five excellent portraits; .. Importance of Chemistry, by Prof. Chas. o the iot‘patfih $93. if???“ whllch : A. Joy; H. B. Claflin, the eminent mer- tates t at t 9 111.13 ice- onsu at chant; Dream-land, the Nature of Dreams; : louen has presented to the Prussian Physical Educationâ€"Eating and Mentaly ommander at Rouen an indignanfi’andp’Acfionâ€"Dyspepsm, etc.; Moderation, an} Irma} protest against this act of spolia- i Poem ; Woman’s Sphere and Influence; , on committed on British subjee'ta.~l R. B. Wâ€"oodward,‘of California; Decision,‘ Wshlfgardgd hereas confirmation of 1 its relation to a successful life; The Mor- mon People, who and what they are, their , Religion, Social Life, Accomplishments and ‘ save hitter waf-tened articles calling 1 PrOSpects; The Editor’s Message; “’9‘, upon the Government either to resign |Study of Man; Leigh Hunt 118 an 1355331945 1 Dr to declare itself insulted and take the I “What Shall I do 7” Adventures of a N01). 1 n'eedful means for the correction of this ' Combatant; The Condor, illustrated, and a' ("“1ng uponDthc 57m"? flag. . Th dozen other articles, brief, pertinent and in- snag“; 006(1ng whiiaiitiii'ggongonhtede tereafing' The Whom making up a “in” new aziilnits the truth of-the reports con: l her 0f pecan” excellehce among the. 1%. caning *he treatment of British vesselsi sues of a Monthly whose general superior» - i i 1 ~ , J . ‘ ‘ ' ' ll acknowledcred. Sitwle in that? 3‘. e a ‘ s and 63-5 mversa y D , , D S” n by $119 gunman ’ ' ‘ umbers 30ct8° for the“ year, including a clares t. the Walnut must ln-in . ,tba. . to“ . . , romo premium. 33‘. S. R. be nitht hf the despatch, and the Stan- Zard and other Conservative newspapers I" buy Uo.,. . -J ‘_ w _ clan-es Quit. the Goibrnment must. In- study demané explanation and redress from P‘magia. - ' . |UOVLI 13 aUOWQG .nterest, for any e ven sum above '3 befurejt. becomes due. to pay. No shar No commission es required to charged. Nn )Wf. 1 .1131}; , M. P.; Wm. Alexander, 2e Brown ; Hon. Asa A. C. S. Gzimrski, asq. ; His “A ,x n ‘f' wn" - m the premxses next CUSTOM WERE . MCLELLAN. 0f the borrower being ‘called On will 8 per cent. $1,000,000. has alway’s’ggg 1mm Ln, ESQ , . 'most happy %se 13an pay off his 9 [TD _ per and a '3 CITIZENS 5‘ 23 years mmissioner. IN ‘Dreadful !’ COD. my ob servatzon’ said the indlguant clergy- man, as they rode on answered one ‘Horse~racing on the Sabbath 1" litter- ed the miuiéter. ‘ ner Mr. Ridewell ( bring up Morgan a stable. The order ‘ of the faithful negrc'j U _ -__-.. uuuu’uuu d EUCCCSSIOI - . e "‘ ._ if i” or r~ curious Winké and knowin nod< a bunday afternoon; as soon 58 be Could ’7 g _ L be racinn ~ ‘Upon my son], pareon,’ said the lead- o' . . . . No, for Morgan hims‘elf had learned to er of the abomination, approaching the ' ' too 313% where the minister sat in his sad- , ' ) . . ,. when upgn the die, he havmg not yet suffimently re- Sly he entered covered hi5 presence of mind to dis- into the spirit. of the game; mount, ‘Sou ride well. “’0 had not look- theSe things were not aiwai's to ed for tins honor , gasped Parson Rideweil, into the épeaker’é face. an honor. 'ou are the neon beheld this racing fi‘orn a dis- looking blankiy 'bhtway Went to the par. ‘Ayâ€"for ,“8 Rev. Mr. uuw Longed for the neh Sabhnth after- Struggled and yelled; theifastéi- noon to come, for he wag'd‘gtgmfngd to 313' « W911}; {13f} ere meny .um try again. He did go again, find again was again at the starting pomt be “'0"; and this course of wickedneS'S MOVE“) DOW stOpped of his oWn he kept up for two' manthgé making liis‘iaihere Was now a? hurried Whi: appearance on the fate ground. ' ’ of i ”8 the .Wl‘ik‘i‘? onyes,and a $11.0 Snnday afternoon; (is noon 58' he Could . ry curious Wink? and knowm ‘aftei‘ ‘me'eting vitae out.’ And daring which seemed to indicate that tli this time Pompey Was not the only one derstood. ‘ ' , o ‘ ‘ who had learned to love the racing.- UPC“ my 30”]: parson, 831d eh. ' . - Inn nLaâ€"-:â€" '. N0: for Morgan lumfiplf 1...»: 1- . A ev- nf‘ t U. muvuv “““““ Three-and-a-half fearg-Siuce, the “Patent Combination” was passing through the hatching process. Today it presents its history for perusal, and courts the closest criticism. It will probably survive the at, tack of the perpetual South Grey Central Reform Committee. LARGE YIELD.-â€"Mr. Robert Laidlaw, lot 11, con. 11, Bentinck, informs us that this last season be procured and planted one pound of Oats, Norway variety, from which be had the enormous return of 1001bs. of? In our last issue, in giving the names of candidates for Municipal honors, in Ben- tinck, we overlooked the name of Mr. Geo. Adlam. Mr. A. intends contesting the election, and if elected we have no doubt will make a very efiicient Councillor. Maelsmua’s Carmaâ€"On Monday last a. Mr. Thompson, of Normauby, was brought before D. Winkier, Esq.,~charged with cutting a pine tree on the land of one Horth. The case was dismissed, as it was proven that the tree was 011 Thompson’s own land. The division line not being run was the cause of the difficultys People in cutting timber on lands where the lines are not runshould be careful, and so should [parties laying informations under similar I circumstances. eéhoed .the secomf dea- and again started ofl'uhT succeeded' m getting home did ins best to stop the I" ma], H. could not ‘te done iting any suspicious, and be tru "I d and elled the s r » for the Heft. Sabbath after é" L 5‘ . ma! went; and ere man} 9, for he was detérmfmed to . it!) t _ t' > ('7 He did go bait), and aga‘jn was again a e s at m,‘ misgivings on the part 'V”.-â€"- ‘v 11 0f the Reform 0011' railway extending from Hainstén and to "denounce the ley, a. distance of 36.I miles. Simht ' As the wretchf [we heard that you‘ had determined to try if your horse would not beat us an, we agreed among ou‘reelves that if ya?! came we would let you in. We [gave done so, and you have _Wou the J Wee m a twomile heat. - Now, let. that .éatiSfy you. By the hokey, but you did‘it Well. ‘Vilh‘ins‘, What. mead you ? ye thusâ€"’ that you did your best to stop your beast; for I would rather stretch the truth a iittle than have such a good ’jockey as you sufi'er.’ This had been spoken so loudly thati the good deacons had heard every word,“ and the parson was bewildered; but he soon came to himself, and with a flash- ing ejeklie cried :-â€"- {ed for this'houor ' ‘HODOI', sir 1‘ gasped Parson Rideweil looking blankly into the épeak‘er’s’ face ‘Ayâ€"for ’tls an honor. 'ou are the first clergyman Who has nvon :5“: -- [1le i audi (If? Parties getting printing at this The office for Concerts, Soirces and such like, ,yist; iare cxyected to call at our office Eminev N("l-idiately after such entertainmeg? take; “‘1 9‘ place and settle their bills. It is more than one hundred days since the battle of 'Chatillon and the complete investment of Paris, and .yet after this long siege the city presents as defiant an attitude as ever to the ‘Ger- man foe. No one supposed it would have held out a month at the fart-best, {but more than three months have: elapsed since its communications were cut off, and still there are no signs of surrender. The Paâ€"risians have certainly succeeded in surprising the world by their patient endurance. There is a report that a plot had been discovered at Versailles having for its object the assassination of King William, Von Molkt and Bismarkâ€""- The police of the German army‘me been unusually vigilant, making domi- cilary visits all over the city and re- quiring the residents to give an account of themselves. Two hundred persons have been arrested, including many : who were found to be armed-.- According to the reports of Ger =ofiicers who have been exchanged, the icondition of the city is pretty much I what. the French papers represent it to man II ”v According to the reports of Ger officers who have been exchanged, condition of the city is pretty much what the French papers represent. it to be. The idea of surrender is unthought of, and there seems to be a supply of provisions sufiicien‘ to last. to the middle of February. man the for, Turkeys and Geese will take place at the “Orchardville Hotel,” Orchard- .villc, on Tuesday next, Jan. 3rd, 1871. Sport. to commence at. 10 a. m. Ranges for both Rifle and Shot Gun. A fearful conflagratiou visited St. Thomas on Christmas day. The @055 is; estimated at $70,000 or $80,000fueagy 1y all covered by insuranggéfifien are supposed tube b35355 ’ '. 45d another Was eefiyfi‘xfj._; V last- wori THE ‘VAR'. many moments he the bewi tch ed ani Why do the ini- ,‘ Where Money and time I value. He who makes one will never make a ofher. ' «am 15 avwise man that can aroid an OW] ?“ . J ,'8 affiyxtjent man llzatean endure 1t ; but “is ' . a Valiant man that can. con- quer 1t. - » \ . ‘50 active life 152' the virtue, and the beSt health frugality furnish you a pai for it. Then, with industry verance; ngmay soon be a} a good begmmng for a ”com ture. Successful business men did not carry , their money loose in their jackets when they were boys. They here prudent of even the pennies. Some one asked Mr. Astor, in his o!d age, to tell him the secret of his g wet Success‘in making money. ‘in by the cents. They ' s and the dimes “011,1 see I” 53' “Straw tells Which blow,” and the way a his money pretty sure} ture fortune. 'I'P‘ on this account ? boys occasionally, but othe: glance that he was possessm shallow purse and shallower No business man ever do: boy about his. establishment- tlemau but Would not wish have such an associate. _ Do you suppose Tomv body, or made any one u ‘ '(l {he Wished 0 -v *‘ ._. ,- [105% that it was; that it. v Death his genius to care for amounts. 15 a» Wise man giive him ipléa's‘ OYSTERS‘! OYSTERS . - J“ received at F. H. EDWARDS, per can. PRUNES! PRUNES ‘! y 10 lbs. for one dollar, at Edwards;’â€"â€"] A large quantity of first-class .DRIEDE APPLES just. to hand at EDWARDS,’ and selling cheap. Mom: TO-VLOANrâ€"Apply to D. jr., Durham. W Read the prospectus of Médre’s Rural New form, in axiother column ; it. is “one of tbs best papers of its class in the WOrld. As a family paper it. is unsurpassed. 'W. M. S. S. ANNIVERSARY..â€"Sermdn8 Will be preached in the W. M. Cfiutch, on Sabbath next,‘ by Rev. B. Matthews, at 10?, a m__ and 6}. n. 11). Collections in aid of afiDurham Post Office will be Open only one hour on Monday nextâ€"from half- past eight till half-past nine 9.. ms DIEDâ€"At Durham, on the 25th inst, Mary, third daughter of Mr. Alexander Rose, aged 26 years. a. m., and 6% P' Sabbath School. TORONTO, noon, Dec.28, 1870. Greenbacks, buying at 90; selling at 903. Large silver buying at6; sellinag at 5. Small silver bliying 3110 3 selling:3 at 7. “"‘ 11A: Small silver buying at. 10 3 selling at 1. Gold opened at 110%; close‘ at 1103. Bank bf Upper Canada. Bills, 6 ate. md time have both {I :cir who makes a bad use of the sire to become a millionaire L trong purse large the pennies and let Commeréial. Toronto Money Market Sb you a pair 1 Durham Markets. ppose Tom deeeived any- 3 any one reapect him more It? He might. make stable lily, but others knew at a r was possessed of a very and shallower brains. which way alga 1UI'LUDCS are too mean to enjoy preservative of ever desires such a [1 Wily the‘ wind 1 boy takes care of y foretells gig fu- Durham, Dec. 28, 1870. .-.. $0 95 to $100 0 90 to 0 95 0 28 to 0 3O 0 45 to 0 50 0 35 to Q 40 5 00 to 5 50 0 12-340 0. 00 9 10 to O 00 0 1‘ lito 0. 00 6 00 to 7 00 0 20 to 0 20 9 15 to 0 20 I ......... 1 DC. No gen- wish his boy to a 20thers to sup it was quite be such trifling The we athcx n . strawberries and {and cheap m San e u! l i 5.90m Loud and boisterous laughter. Read ing while others are talking. aloud in company without bein Talking while other ' Speaking g asked. [ Wash‘i'ngton Irvingv {sell to his young friend bitterness of heart 5â€"- hour’s study have I myself to to atone in a the boars Which I have to .cheat: me out éf!’ .LOUd 1 his youth was entirely: pa :1 friend :'â€"-‘Wha't wou Id I not give to have my spirit a littl c more stirred I 7 just tal and moral culture: V In his autobiogrziphy, Sir W21 Scott says 2â€"“ If it should ever fall the lot of youth to peruse these pa; let such youth remember that it. is n weather in California is fine 7-. 1J$ ”UV” Rafi; v .. a; 3110p}: {yin Up '1‘ n, o osx’te the “ ’Eotel, " where e is prggared to mak t§ and Shoes to order and re pair all Work b’i'ouglit 10 mm. ‘Hides,â€" skfli and all sons of Farm Produce taken m ex- change at the hitrhes't market price. All work Oval-ranted. __.__ HE UNDERSIGNED . WILL BE IN uttendanée on Thursday, Dec., 29th. 1870, at 3 o’c".ock_p'. lm;,j(‘m the ground, to let Bridge Over Kemp Cr'éek, oh lot No. 57, Con. 3111,49. -D. _R., better knowh as Oi, UUII. v..., W- __ DeviatiOn at Milligan s. INTEREST, Loan on improved farm property for aterm of five years; No Co'rhmission. No Inter- est in advance. No fines. Principal repay able by instalments, at Option of borrower. Law charges very moderéiel Loans prompt- 1y obtained. Good mortgages purchased. A? 1y 'tp - Dam Jackson, Jr., 'b'érhaih, Dec. 28th, 1870. J‘ SLQAN respectfully directs the at. .’ tention of intending purchasers to his large and varied stock of Instruments of every style and finish, which for purity of tone, beauty of finish, and all ‘the essen- tial qualities of first-class Instruments, stand unrivalled in the Dominion. Each Instrument is warranted for 6 years, and kept in good order free of charge. Also the only Agent in the adjoiningeountieé for Heintzman Co.’s Pianos whlch have I been ‘afiai‘de’d the first priz’es iii, the last two Annual Exhibitions of Ontario, above 3113 other competitors - they are warranted for five years. He viiil deliver than in Owen , . . , Sound free of ,charge, at Manufacturers prices. Price List on application. «Pianos tuned. A large stock of iirstclass Con- certinas always on hand, at the lowest pos. Isible prices. din/c... Notice. Bentinck, 19th, 1870. 6r LdNboN, éNdLAfiD, MONEY TO LOAN. , Durham,'Co. G'rey. Durham, Dec. 13th, 1870. THE C olonial Securiues 09., NORTHERN MELUDEEN FIXCTOBY, Dee. 6, 1870; Division Street, Owen Sound, uamorma is fine, and floWers are abundant Francisco markets. member that it is with n that I recollect in opportunities of lean!- (LIMITED) DI." U. JAMES HOPKINS, 8 PER CENT. acquire, if by so 0 remaining part my youth; my own ig. pages, Reeve. 203 2. ‘What are you after ; quired the stranger. ‘After a ground hog I hale.’ - 20â€"11631. The first loss; iDg your breath. , , WHO ART Tnov ?â€"A few S 9 since a stout, fatherly-looking m e pressing his way through the CIW I .1 art thou ?’ ‘Who art thou?’ cried out the dramatic. The sto: ty, thinking himself in the wrong haps, by pressing forward, and bel himself to be personally add: started the brethren and non-p their reVerend Chieftain by sedatel plying: ‘I'm a pig merchant from cago, sir. There ain’t nary Charo, or else I’d down. w u] .u urn ocett greybacks, but I’ll be blot-red lf I was ever in a plaée before Where the bedbugs looked at the hotel register to find out where your room was?’ And he sadly gathered up his baggage and departed in search of a house where the bugs were less highlyl educated. i ’ ‘Just as a traveller was name on the register of a 1 hotel, a bedbug took its wa page. The man paused am ‘I’ve been bled by St. Joe by Kansas City spiders, and ed by Fort Scout greybacks . you don’ t expect to £9 I ‘P’ Re I": 4) Val I new WINTER cooas. CHEAP FLANNELS, g and her groom with folaed T READY MADE CLOTHILG, hi‘fln(‘ [‘ FRESH ARRIVALS AT THE Mammoth House OVERCOATS Dcnfiw, Dec. 1421:, 1870. ‘Who art thou?’ again a dramatic. The stout par- bimsclf in the wrong, per- sing forward, and believing be personally addressed, In ’53 OD he was arrested in his 3 great ‘preacher’s voice Words of the text, “Vim 13W York, seeing and £1 large stock of RESH , in order to get nearer ‘that nigger mus: in drawingâ€"Draw euer was fii‘hifié Eel iii great variety; Also, a lot of and nomplussed I by sedately re- 1. saw run 2n this A few Sabbatbs git Joe fleas bitten ?, and interview- a pile to 'of bki’s’s Goons, 'c., 3 man was 3 crowd in ROCERIES. Chi- Seward, late Secretary of State at. Washington, 18 wandering In China, and according to American des a sensation 11111 revcr he goes. He seems to be war111iyv.clcomcd,and the author-i ities are getting up all sorts tainmcnts to do him honor. a thriliiug one at Tién-Tsin a furite fashion of the While Mr. Sewardi was the ghost at If cmion ground for parii cipating in thé‘ T zen Iain massacres“ . 228i} Entrainm- I ' ho 13 a single man, i. crallyiwdercd honest, bu are lines when his fingers toaook a dress. t says have it I ‘Man wants but little twauts that little long,’ l wants everything he c iand never is willing grab. Whenever yu find a thoroughly satisfiefi-‘fimxw got, you will find either an i< who has tried to get some ‘_]1¢.~- many years ago a Boston lawyer; ‘named Kent, got lost whi ithe Woods on Cape Cod. house he rode up to the d costed the lady of the house as follows :' ‘Medmu, if you tell me who I was, .who I am, where I am, and where I am 'go- ing, I will give you adollar.’ The wo- man eyed him from head to foot for a moment, and‘ then said : ‘You were Kent, the minister, you are new Kent; the lawyer; are in Falmouth woods," and you are going to the devil.’ Ho le travelling in Coming to e 00? and ac: V9 I a ge fil CANADIAN Messwaaa -â€"Semi monthlyé containing eight 4 column pages, devote sciencc, agriculture, educa- :10 \empcrance. tion and choice stories for the young. '13:; NEW Dosnxmx )Jox'mi 1. -OAn ele- lgant magazine of 64 pages. lil H1 (1 withthoice '1 literature original and 131901911 0. ‘ more pic“. 01 1:11 cillustrations fashion 1 b l c., momhly, besides a piece of mus ‘Terms. $1 50 ner a1111um,or a club of 51¢; (addressed sepsiratelg) foi $5; poetpaid 11y 1.111111113119115. PTHE WEEKIY W1'rx1sss â€"-A religious, literary and commercial newspaper of fivhf. Conversation between. an inquifl stranger and steamboat pilot : ‘That in Black Mountain?’ ‘ch, sir, highest mountain about Lake George.’ story or legend connected with tho Emountain ‘3’ ‘Lot’s of ’01:). Two iov: ers went up that mountain once and never came back again ." ‘Iudeed iâ€" What became of them ?’ ‘W on the other side i’ cut down: DIanv yRfifiPEfiTES UIC W line 88 Oflicc; literary and paces, W11!) annum; clu want a live ter. Tm: Domxxox Mommy with Winn! Wl'rsuss to one addrges, $2, wi‘h- Smu- \VEEKLY, $3, with DAILY, 1’4. . The mum of the Dominion \louthly is entirely difi'er- ent from the Witness. 7 -â€" A L v I_ Whit.“- nn‘ Subscribes} 1%. the Week}; -- 666 and Dominion IIothy may have. . ‘ ° _ Messenger added io'r 25 cems mowm The-ii thrte pixhli'cationé {are euéh cdmooeed “of entirely different, mailer from tbé mixers;l and for $2 25 per annfim, {will furnish large supply of varied, interesting and ' structivé family reading. J , JOHN DOUGALL 8: SUN. Montreal, Dec. let, 1870. Lb an d" {175 with océasional supp‘éménts, $1 bet :club of 9, addressed separately, {01‘ Address' ISSUED mom THE Let hu'mmef‘ COMBINATIONS. ‘Went down" D. T: MW fl‘Eark Roi" OF , 18 gen. mix/1811

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