9: @Mpouuo DANCE!) IN Cure the 00113117;th Shiloh’s Cure. The best Cough Cure. Reliev promptly. One million bottles sold last Be Not Deceived. A ( ough, Hoarsoâ€" noes or Group, age not LO be trifled wjth. A dose in tune of Smloh’s Cure: Will save. you much trouble. Sold by Dutch cooking ovens: and while the as ‘ ls sometunes o{fensnve. 0113 soon ‘ com used to 11:. 0311 parts of t he country of the class of peopie who are proclaiming the re- markable results aCCOIan'she-d by Dr. Agnéw's Catarrhnl Powder for lead- .ing citizens: in Ion are usmg all parts of the Domin- it. Among other? who tell of the effective nature of this me- dicine for catarrh, hay fever. or coid in the head, is Mr. J. H. Bietcaife, the popular M.P.. stituency wept years by the for Kingston. the con- esented for so manyi late Sir John A. Mao- donald. Beyond all doubt this rem- edy is a marvel. radical in its effects, it 18 at the same time simple and agree- able to take, which cannot be sand of meat catarrh medicines. =. exile was really innocent after all. The firm have made strenuous efforts to find this erstwhile assistant, but all traces of him seem to have disappear- ed-~even the last remaining members of his family have left the country. Should these lines per-chance meet his eye, he Wm probably require no assur- ance that there is a substantial berth Open for him in the neighborhood of Lincoln’s Inn-fields. fore when it was found that the petty, cash did not balance to within £80 and ' some odd shillings. The clerk vehe~ mently protested his innocence, but there was no satisfactory explanation forthcoming, and although the firm were loath to prosecute, they couldmot, bf course, entirely overlook the. mat- ter. Accordingly the employe was given the alternative of the dock or retirement from the land of his birth. He chose the latter, and with the as- sistance ofn. few remaining friends he- took himself to Canada, and the last that was heard of the poor fellow was that he was working “on the railway†the story come in. The firm of solicit- I are still flourishes, and a few weeks 1 had gone to 9?" this fee, and that the 31 . nv-‘n .. i--.‘ _â€" "m m Tm‘ghw writ ten “' U “h“ M VMIJII'm mun. Ami-“LII“ 'VU‘OI '0' W I Mfl*a J. H. Metcalfe, M.P., for Kingston. Talks of the Character of Splendid Curative Dr. Agnew 's Catarr- A Law Clerk Bu pccwd or Emhezzleme-t ~Givcn Ii... 0mm: of Exile or the Dock ~lle “cm to Canadaâ€"Now Proved to be Innocent. but lle Cannot be ‘l-‘onnd. JOHN MACDONALD'S OLD CONSTITUENCY. MOURNING COSTUME A LEGAL ROMANCE- mov ms n ma 00cm. â€"v "UV“ â€â€œ0 ease are not taken. A safe remed always found in Dr. Agnew's Cure the Heart. It gives relief immed ly, and even. without much of the dicine being taken. it completely moves disease. It is a. heart spec really wonderful in its results. bu cures heart disease only. t at Woman submarine 't StaYï¬nder the water Inmates at a time." dy down there to talk , _ â€"vv -avvu W "“1 until heart disease has de that degree that one hardly 14 hour to hour, when he or she dead. Those heart flutterin little excitement brings on. f1 smothering spells that seem posts pointmg to the grave and reliable measures to she] HE ART ject was sug ested by our reforter see- mg a box of ï¬e Pink Pills in Iiss Raw!- ston’s possessxon. “I always carry them with me." she said. “and would not be :8. day without them; although I do not take them regularly, Ifind them a very beneficial stimuJus for one in our pro- fession. If the assertion of the beneï¬t Which these pills have worked upon me “will do {.119 public any good, I am per- purchase one box of the pidls. Beforb she had used half of them. she began to feel an immediate improvement. in her wnstlon. and by the time. she had used few acnrwes whb dns lay a better ex- amp‘lepf perfect healt than our repre- §entaqu found Miss Rawlston in when â€"-â€" " \’- a scram of this kind, she began to feel the effects upon her nervous constitu- tion. She is of a. robust build, and ap- parentlystrong physique, and stood _the ‘ the highest honors, and prepared to en- ter upon her stage career. The reac- tion of over study, and long hours. soon began to tell upon her. and although it did not interfere with! her climbâ€" ing the ladder of fame as an actress. she very soon became comizant of the fact that she was suffering from 3. st: ain on the nerves, which threatened sooner or later to result sarlnxmlv fn _ W__ .. n u. 10 L111 )of'good nature, amiabfe qualities. and interview with Miss Rawiston which resulted in a biographical sketch of her life being published in these columns on Saturday. During the course of the interview, Miss Rawiston let out a secret. which she consented to allow the Telegraph to make public. For many gears she has devoted the beat her time to ' study, some- for 10 hours a day. 1 t is not.‘ therefore astonishing, that under a. strain of this kind, she began to feel the effect-5 upon her nervous constitu- tlon. She is of 9. rnh'naf mam -_.. -A chevous twinkle in her eye, and a. captivating manner. err magnetism for drawing large audiences 13 not aione confined to the stage}, as she is possessed of a character WhiCh is pleas- mg to come in contacï¬with. __It is full A: “A‘A â€"AL-* ‘ Those Who have attended the per- foymance ad: the Academy of Music this week, Win readily concede that Miss Zelma. Rawlston is one of the hrightest soubrettes on the stage. She is a clever musician and a. charming singer, and as an impersonator shows a talentnfongiderabyy _above the aver- From the Quebec Telegraph. She Tells Something of the Bard Work Necessary to Make a Successful Artist-â€" Ban! Break Down Under the Strain- WINTER \VRINKLES. A CHARMING SOUBRETTE WHO AT- TRACTS LARGE AUDIENCES. MISS ZELMA BAWLSTON. An Interesting Chat Wlth a Telegraph Reporter. -_ .. v “.st Lu. heart. fliutter-iigs that .“L i, wvv‘ bad to worse immediate- fe' Halo'a Catarrh Onto In taken int acts directly on the mood and mum%?:$-{aâ€c'ée of the system. Sega}; 1; {oz-Linmninla. tree. 1. ' A ‘ .l‘ o d. \JIJ’W“ 5x a U00. 11‘0“ “Sold by Drug-mats. 76c. Editorâ€"“Your story is flat." thprâ€"“Yes 9" Editorâ€"‘1 Wish * . auu unw mun urm Will p'ay the éuiï¬'ér"bâ€1~i'i£"uu NURED DOLLA as for each and ( very case of Guam-h t! be cured by the use of H ALL's Canan'gcc 3%? m--- IRAN K .J. CHENEY. Shunt-n *A "1 know now.†remarked tb mgn who was sued for breach misc, “why they call it court of pro- mg 10 u It is a sign that you have Kid- ney Disease; Kidney Disease, if not checked, leads to Bright’s Disease, Eriendâ€"“I suppose everything on write now goes "3’ Authorâ€"“Yes, at most of it comes back." given abdve. _ __ w-. - Hub LuC LIVCSII‘ eét and Sest seeci'svuébalinable.’ ' his catalogue cal; be had {or the asking‘ A pgst card W111 do it; The address is "21711“ aluxnn [AN ELABORATE SEED CATALOGUE. “’6 have just received a very hand- 1 Seed Catalogue, published by “'11). Rennie Sons, the well-known Kagl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant lgxauve. Regulates the bowels, puri- ï¬es tbs blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasapt to Lake. 25 cents. Sold by all druggxsts. Sheâ€"“You seem to forget yourself. git.†Heâ€"“How could I do otherwise m your presence 3" "Undle Simon. what .is a phenomen- on ?" “A Ehenomenon 18 a. man who gets so yin that. he won't accept a. pass on a railroad.†f . A.‘ Certain Indication of the Lodgm’ent ' and re L - greedy de of Kidney Disease. "‘1‘.“ oft: S . H: is a mistake to suppose that pain utnams m the back is a. result onlyqof a com, g‘flg’nfgfg and is more of a rheumajzio tifonbin‘ the safest «than anything else. It. Is evxdence ed ’ disease has lodged itaeif 1n . the kidâ€" y. neys, and the warning 15 plain. If fur- ther trouble is not tqbe taken 01}. that CO] the pain must be quickly got rid Of. Do you i There is no remedy we can so ponlplegï¬w \Vell, sai 15' recommend as South American Kld- never been ney Cure. Knowing what It \}'111 do, ; got: to pre there is nothing extravagant in the statement of Count de DUTY, Who wrote DRE. from Neepawa, Mans "During nriy tra- Gentszâ€"I V818 L“ was induced to cry South Am- for relief in erican Kidney Cure, from which remedy . -. T t ; received instant relief. 14 do not Wk . stitngtllmm it has an equal‘†‘ ' NEW AILMENT. _ -'n ed Perfect Relief’Z-This Remedy Gives Relief in a Few Hours, and gsually Cures in One to Three Bring to the surface every latent pain. Rheumatism, neural ia, lumbago. and complaints of a simi or character hold revel at this season of the year amongst human nerves and human muscles. The best. the most powerful and most cer- tain pain cure is Nerviline. Nothing! equals Nerviline for penetrating pow- er. Nerviline is beyond compar i591! the grandest discovery for the relief of pain offered to the public. , and Bright’s “Disease Kills ! RAW CUTTING WINDS IN THE BACK. HAVE BACKACHE ‘ For N anon: Restlessncu‘ recalling, gr 9ther Causes. TRADE ' 7"“ W‘- ‘vusv Db... attained to positlo H. S“A“r ‘r’rlnnin..l 159:“Young.men and n0\V "I fltttndal :‘or nervous Restlessncu, Wind on the Stomach, Colic. and Com thing, or other Causes. aw sale by all Tho result of more than twenty rem “pot-[em u Phnicim sud Nun. 0.- both In Rum ORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL. Young men. learn want. no better trade. write I r circular giving full infurmatiun. am a cute for McDowell’s Ladies Garment. Draft.- iug Machine. {13 Yonge St. HOV] To For rules and fun articular..â€" see the Toronto L088 OBTAIN 2; ï¬ring" of Saturday issue, p y y postcard TflEM _ _- .----- v-vlu Illvulll I’U‘ou 12 M Total given dur’g year '97, $9, 500 AS F0 LLOWS‘.’ 10 ï¬rst Prizes, $100 Steams’ Bicyc!o,$ 1,000 2.530001"! "‘m $25 Geld Watch . . . 625 VBV Binnie: and Watches gmh each {nor-31h. 1.823 ..__...v_ !1 VW aU! Jul-.7 u strengthened my whole Nervous Sys tem. I was troubled with Consupa lion, Kidney and Bowel trouble. Yon Tea soon cleansed my system so thox oughly that I rapidl regained healt} and strength. Mrs. L. A. Sweet, Barb ford. Conn. Sold by all druggists. 31,62 151 333%? TORONTQD‘ Soap CONVENIENT FA ITIE Gerrard a_nd Yongo 5“» omen and womenâ€"~15% Ingtundance at. - I luroeuqul. Write .J. ELLIOTT. Principal." to [EVER 8308., 178., 0 Scott 8L. Toronto BE \V’ARN ED. -_ ‘0'"- tinted to pdsiuonl: SHAW. "’r'nnin-u. Hh'rzle yg‘rvéixs s3; KN ITTIN G- MACHINES . . W.P.C 859 THIS IS FOR YOU-Clothe your family from head to foot With our ' 33 1'70? sale by all-Didi; Physician 3nd Rune. both in Europe and " Cgtttng lumbel; StOP “13 w am: 1‘ cent. of tho Waste... :53: 23"“ wastes but. 10. per cent-producing 20 per cent. more lumber, cutting it also truer. smoother. nearer to um. mate 8120. Why not investigate? The band 13 no experiment! We baud the ï¬mumm'mnco†MEI: GOLD MINING AND KILLING CO..'LTD. Fully Papa-up Shares, only 250. each. In blocks or not [cu than our hundred sham This in a dew loped claim. with shaft no feet deep. and all in p ‘ying n'e. mill teats ohuwin magniï¬cent. towns. 8 port of Minister 0, Mines very faV()rable. Send a; GEO. H. M50333. Sec’y, 34 Vionori. Street. Toronto. for Duospncws. Watson’s Gengh Drops 30 Front Street East, Tornto. OLD AND RELIABLE - v v- v. II III countnel International Patent Buresa. 12 Melindoï¬ Toronto. Lookout QXperionro. ‘ Information (roe. G. O. Flatware. Mung R. A. Ktuoxo. Expert ud tum! I‘m into; 300 BOO BOO FREE†3 FREE!) Paar. CHAMBERLAIN, Ceylon load Pick?“ 03?, 170â€". 'HUICE (W Steady war} and women. 1‘ B. «t 'l'. W. Stamped on each Drop. {AIM GE 1‘. gang. “ sifl'Kï¬E " Standard Silverware Go‘ 246 St. Jamao St, Montreal. can ‘H‘N-k Established 1813 and mud OORDIAI- YR? dainty tron Patent. Obtain it .1! countries MI. 12' “2“ng 8~ nâ€. .h-_ __.- Eye Specialist.