West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Feb 1897, p. 12

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UM of water will r {ens hours it nearly all tilt of the fined 9. particles sin;- teasnoanful wdl Fodemd alum \" ATER mr; reek“ “I. n‘t your steak, [It Hill Jr” .1; (KW? ll munerci' gauu and {“1 ill a 30d BB, 696m“ He- told cred m 1.1 gridiron wtual know what g luau}. sumt m “Ollie m0 the \" bold H .1! \V bat ll MO \\' IDS )f. hat )wn .188. ery H Charles Golgeleen and Peter Clement; have been arrested on a charge of diSplacing a switch, whereby the accident on the O. and P. S, Railway occurred on Thursday last, in which three men were killed. The arrests were made last. night; by Detective Halton, 13nd the men were placed in Renfrew Jail today. They will come up on Monday for their preliminary trial at Renfrew. The Goat scores one. The Owen Sound Sun says of our Traverston Humorist, that he is delightfully personal and fairly outdoes their late Queen’s Valley correspondent. The mayor of Chicago has likely. lost the good graces of the ladies. He makes it imperative for ladies to remove their hats. in the theatres after complaint has been made. Non- compliance renders the wearer liable to a fine. The Rat Portage Miner and Record in its report of the inauguration of the new town Council, refers to the presence of all “ the other members, except Thos. Teevins, who could not take his seat on account of a. very sore boil.” If Mr. Teevins’ affliction continues he will probably be made a member of all standing: committees. The public school buiiding at Delhi} was burned on Fiiday morning last. f Loss $5000. Insured for $3000. f through the courtesy and generosity of .\lr Smith. of The Economist, who allowml Mr. Mortimer the use of' his office and plant the paper was receiv- by its readers at the usual time \Vhile we svmpathize with our old friend Mortimer, we feel that. we Through the introduction of the X rays the science of surgery is receiv- ing an impetus hitherto unknown. Its application is now becoming so common that scarcely a. week passes without some use being raported of it. A few days ago a shanty-man near Ottawa discharged a. revolver bullet into the‘palm of hishand. The doctors were unable to locate it un- til the X rays were turned on. The Operation is now easy and certain. As it should be.â€"Last week the Shelburne Free Press office and plant were totally destroyed by fire, but must commend the action of The }~1nonomist, and we are more than. (“fer convinced that newspaper men have kind hearts after all. The Toronto Board of Control do cided to appropriate $1000 for the fat: nine fund for India. Mr. John Mitchell, of Dorchester. died last week at the age of one hundred and three years and three months. He was born Oct. 30th, 1793, and completed his apprentice- ship as a blacksmith before the Battle of \Vaterloo. --\ couple of weeks ago a. robber b. oke into the domicle of Mr. Kerr, editor of the Brussels Post, and in- vading the Sanct-ity of his bed chamber. purloined his pantaloons, carrit Li them to the kitchen, fobble'l sign dollars from the pockets and made good his escape. Fortunately for the editor the pants were left although the money was taken. Se :eral papers while congratulating ti]; elit or on the safety of his pants, cox‘iole with him on the loss of his monev. There is a fishy flavor to the atorv It is doubtless true that. n ourgular interviewed the editors torusers but when we are told that that eight dollars were found therein it is impossible to believe it. No editor in this or any other country ever owned that azimunt of money. DURHAM, Feb, 4th, 1897. Over four thousand deaths are reported from the plague stricken districts in India. ‘ 3 sax we burger 1.; the house and allowed him tomake asearch. If he had found anything of value the editor would have immediately rose in night, lambasted the intruder and taken away from him any cash that had been found, or perhaps would have divided the Spoils with the burglaras arecognitiou of his ser- Vi?” in finding somethingsâ€"Ex, Our own opinion is that Bro. Kerr )'\ Durham Chronicle. GENERAL. There was no morning service in the Presbyterian church last: Sunday on account of sacrament services at the Fairbain church ~ The leaders for the next meeting !of the Y. P. S. C. E. will be Mr. Jchn iMark and Miss Mary Ellis. 1 Honor Roll of Durham School for i January zâ€"Sr 5th classâ€"Joseph iCollinson, John Lunney, Finlav lGarham, Alma Hughes, Douglas iSutherland. Jr 5thâ€"Allie Black- ‘burn, Jane Hutton. Walter McCrie. ‘Harry Kress, Edith Parker. 81 4th --Bert Mockler, Phoebe Wolfe, gAnnie Lawrence, Lorne ; Vair, Joseph Moore, Paul Vair. Jr 4th--Eva Mockler, Ada Brown. Dora Davidson, Minnie Mr. \Vm. McMitchell and Miss Ida Keith visited relatives and friends in Riverview a few davs last; week. Mr. John McMeeken, of Lake View, is assisting his brother, Robelt to cut wood. Bob get the contract of the school wood at 900 a cord. Mr. James Allan was laid off duty a few days last week with la grippe. Miss Charlotue Horsburgh, of Tor- onto, is visiting her parents on the 12th con., and friends in Holstein. Rev. Mr. and. Mrs. McVicar,_ cf Dromore, were guests of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Miller last Thursday. Jr Pt 9.116. (15) â€"Eva Campbell, James Vol!ett., James Dargavel, ’ Amy Kelly, Ted Kilmer. Mr. Jas. Main received the contract of supplying the WOcd for the Pres- byterian church. His tender being the lowest, 94c. per cord. Miss Gordon, of Murdoch, is learn- ing the tailoring with Mr. W. Ked- slie. â€"â€"Rosina Nester, Edith Grant and Jefi Moikaoken aeq., Flossie Limin, Edith Lloyd. George Burnet. Sr 2nd â€"â€"John Colville and Hilda Parker, aeq., Maud Connor, 1110 Davidson Rena Fagan, Millie Havens. ,Jr 2nd -â€"-Murray Smith, \Villie Darby, Willie Ballagh, Triaggie MoFarlane, Etta Fox. Sr PI: 2nd â€"John Lloyd, Lottie Harbot-tle, Frank Parker; Loretto Milligan, Hugh MoCrie. Jr Pt 2nd (A)â€"George Harbottle, Lloyd Bean, Frank Becker, Annie Saunders. Harry Lavelle and John RenLon aeq. Mr. John Brown is doing a very extensive stock shipping business just now. He ships two or three car loads per week of cattle and pigs. Patterson. Levina Nester. Sr 3rdâ€" Maggie Hutton, Mary Renton, Annie Colville and Jessie Robertson aeq.. Grace Barclay, Bella Rent’on. Jr 3rd The dry cordwood business is about; through for this season. There will be a few car loads go out this week shipped by Messrs. C. Blyt‘h, J. C. Allan 00., and W. T. Browne. Mr. W. J. Mitchell, late proprietor of "HE DURHAM CHRONICLE was in our village last week. He called on his late correspondent and friends. The Epworth League, of Holstein. drove over to Little Breen on Thurs- day evening last: on a fraternal visit. A very enjoyable time was spent, ‘25 cents cures Catarrhal Headache “ “: Incipient Catarrh “ “ ’ Hay Fever Catarrhal Deafness “ “ ‘ Cold in the head in 10m “ “ Foul Breath caused by Catarrh. 25 cents secures Chase’ 3 Catarrh Cure, with perfect blower enclosed in each box. Sold by all dealers. ‘3 ‘S The L. O. L. County Lodge of South Grey met at Mt. Foresn, Feb. 2nd. Officers elected £01 the present year are as follows :-â€"- W. C. M., Thos. McFadden. D. 0,, R. J. Shields. C. Chap.. Wm. Ritchie. Rec.-Sec., J. G. Wilson. Fin.-Sec., J. Williams. Treas., W. A. Anderson. D. 0., Wm. Stevenson. Lecturer, Samuel Sproule. Dep. Lecturers, W. Williams and Thos. J. Lawrence. The annual Oyster Supper of the I. O. F.C0urt Dufham was held in Calder’s Block last Thursday eve-n- ing. The usual bountiful supply of oysters, stewed. fried, fricaseed or raw. just as you liked, besides turr key and goose galore with tea and coffee etc. etc., served up a la. Paris constituted: the first part of the sumptuoustbanquet. It is needless to say the brethren. of whom there was a good sttendance did full justice to this part. of the programme. '1“ Prnfes scrs. Ladies PxesS. etc“ etc. , we: e proposed and heartily i‘eSponded to by bzethren u hose speecli- makino‘ proclivities wexe well known to the chairman Mr. Calder being called to leave Mr. Liman ably dlScl1a1 0red the duties of the chair. Special mention of Dominie Graham of Edge Hill should be made. He undoubtedly made the speeches of the evening. That in reSponse to the Ladies’ toast was a hon mot in itself. Sparkling with a Scotchman’s The second part of the evening was enjoved to the fui l. Aft-er C. R. Calder took the chair the usual toasts to Queen, visiting Brethren. learned HOLSTEIN. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, February 4th, 1897. ever ready wit, Mr. Graham’s talks always take with the brethren. The evening was delightful, so was everybody and every thing. All it lacked perfect ion u as the Ladies. Soon may they be of us.â€"â€"Com. Sun re-organized. It is strictly independent, and “ A. Bystander” is a regular contributor to its columns. Its mark-ext reports are acknow‘ledg- ed to be the fullest and most accurate published in Canada. It gives the ’best farmers’ page in #he Dominion. It contaiins a short story from Lon- don Truth. weekly. -‘ _ - Three co'pies will rbe sen't rto any three addresses (outside ‘this city), for the same period for a. dollar. Cheapest and Best ‘ Reading Agents Wanted. Write for terms, and hear how to secure a, gold watch or parlor clock. Without the cost of a dollar. Specimen copies free on application. This paper will be sent to any address in Canada (outside of Toronto) to the end of ’97 for 50 cents. Messrs. EDMANSON, BATES Co.. . Toronto. DEAR SIRS,-â€"â€"I take the liberty of writing to you regarding my experience with DB. CHASE’J KIDHEY-LIVER PILLS, and the wonderful cure of dyspepsia of 18 years’ standing effected by them with three boxes. I am as well as I ever was, and am a man of 64 years of age. I have re- commended 05.011.455'3 KIDNE r-lesn PILLS to a great number of people and they all say they are worth their weight in gold. If you desire any further statement or certificate of my case, I will be pleased to furnish one. Yours truly, W. \V. HODGES, 'J‘he r-un and Weekly Globe combined will be sent to the end of 1897 for One Dollar. Address all orders to THE SUH PRINTING COMPANY. LTD- T :Rf"NTO. In the matter of the Estate of Henry James Middaugh, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey and Province (If Ontario, Esquire, deceased. Thése Celebrated Brands of Flour will be kept in Stock Viz :â€" m‘! magma, Eaaaaz, ‘ MfifilTOSA. - The undersigned having: Opened up :1 Flour and Feed business in Durham 111 (3011- neetion with the Aytou M ills hopes to 911.111 21 share of you pat10na9e by 9;iv'1119; shiek attention to 1311511158 and 813111119; on close 11121191113. Durham Jan. 13th, 1897‘ kl UL. UU, ltll\1 LLILIVI nus: A‘â€" ‘‘‘‘‘‘ u- 5 l’ vâ€"Vv--~ ha1i110' claims against the estzite of the said IIen1'1 I James \‘Iiddaug h, who died on 01' abuut the tenth day of N01'embe1 A 1)., 1896. :11'e1'eq11i1ed to send b1 nest, prepaid, or to deIi1'e1 t0 D111 1d Jamie on, of the said I‘u1111 of Durham, in the County of Grey, Exeeutor, 011 or before the 26th day of FEBRUARY, A. D., 1897, their names, addresses, and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security and liens (if any) held by them duly certified, and that. after the said day the Executor will proceed to (llh‘tl‘ibdle the awets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereâ€" to, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice Dated this twenty-third (layof January, OTIC purs pmsuaut to R ..O 1887 Cap, 110, Sec. 36, and Amending Acts tlmtall peysqns THE SUN 15- the Canada Férmers’ NUHEE TB BREWERS. .â€"-DR. CHASE’S KIDNEY- LIVER PILLS EFFECTED AN ALMOST MIRACULOUS CURE. . . . . . . . 1x.1). 1807 . . FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS W.W.HODGE5 SUFFERED Feed of all kinds will be kept: on hand ' YSPEPSIA ‘in Canada CURE!) BY DR. CHASE. E IS HEREBY W. F. Ba] lagh- Holland Landing, Om.- GIVEN MUFFS FURS. {ZUFFS 750, $1.00; $1.50. $2.00. " $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $6.00. Don’t forget. 2 for the price of 1. All are made up with N 0. 1 paper. These are regular 50 books but by buying in large quantities for Cash, we are able to sell them at STORM COLLARS A FEW FUR CAPS AT J 11513 received MeFarlane . Co. H. V ’ K. HOCKLERB “ BOUND TO WIN. ” “ 999. ” THE POPULAR SELLERS INCLUDING mm PAGE ANOTHER 1000 ‘ LOT “THE ALARIV .” “THE DAISY.” “ JOLLY TAR.” Storm Collars at half price. Big deuctions. TRY THEM. A lot of AND Do you want a GRANTS AD. We have a few left, full size, they go at $6.00. Still to be disposed of at hard times prices for cash. 4 side Stweels the best celset yet ofieled f01 the money only 750 a path. 5 doz Corsets, style confined to ourselves, high bust. 20 per cent. off all our Mantle Clothes, but don’t wait too long if you want any. They won’t last. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose ancl Throat. A settled before March lst nex t. Debts left unsettled will be placed in con rt for collection. ALEX. MCLACHLAN. N., G. J. MCKECHNIE. Durham, Dec. 18th, 1896. WALLNUTS AL MON D3 FILBERTS UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. Dinner Sets. Our Specials just now are Double Fold Dress Goods at 200 and 250 a. yard. Come and See them. ALL 0 a, _V GOOD GOAT ROBE '2 There are a few C. L. GRANT. We just received the other WBean 6.: Co. rash. Havmg again embarked in the Grocery Businessâ€"in Moflat’s former stand-I have ehlarged and refitted the store and added a complete stock of L 0 NEW 9 GRUBEHIES. DR. BROWN, OVFRCOATS at; prices that are sure to sell them. EBTS DUE US MOST BE Nothing Old. Everything Cheap. NOTICE. 2 pounds for 25 Cents. Tea Sets.

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