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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Feb 1897, p. 1

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'60, that tho the German.“ I: npany w). . m, on Ffldly. 3310?“ -9.- i‘! .I . MUST BE chBCHNm L’U 'ch b: next. acfi in confl ea Sets. ILAN. ae VOLUME 30. A grand assembly will be given in the town hall here Monday evening under the auspices of the bachelors and benediets. Mr. Kelly is Hon.- Sec. Not-ice.-â€"All accounts over due, if not settled forthwith will be placed in other hands for collection.-â€"J. A. Black. Hell Hanover on Monday evening next. An excellent program has been plovided. Accept thanks for com- plimentary tickets. 0' The Hanover Choral Society will ive a grand Concert in Telford’s C. Smith at: the Durham Foundry. I \vill' be at the Middaugh House each Monday, Wednesday and. Satur- day" â€"â€"-Alex. Beggs, Durham, Jan. 26-111. 3 Few consumptives believe they are in danger till medicine is of little avail.’ Ayer,s l3herry Pectoral -:.taken in the early stages, has pre- vented further progress of the disease, and saved many a life. At any stage of ?llthlSlS, Ayer,s Cherry Pectoral affords great relief. â€"â€"Notice.â€"â€"â€"All persons indebted to C. MoArthur, are respectfully re- quested to call for their accounts and settle either by cash or note at once. All accounts left unsettled must be placed in other hands for collection. b. McArthrr, Merchantâ€"Durham, Jan. 7th 18117. The citizens of Durham and Glenelg will learn with regret; of the death of Mr. Wm. Williams, at Saulc Ste. Marie, Mien, on Yednesday last. Mr. Williams was in his forty- seeond year, highly respected and leavesa wife, five children, father, mother, eight. brothers and. four sisters to maurn his loss. Death was caused from inflammation of the lungs and pleurisy. A TEA MEETING and musical and iicerary entertainment were held in Knox church, Normuxhy, near Var- ncy, on Friday evening last. The eatables were pronounced excellent by Inspector Campbell and he ought to know. The select-ions given by the choir were of the most; apprOpriate character and given in a manner that I reflects great credit on the musical taste of the neighborhood. Mrs. Jas. \Vatson presided at the organ in a most efficient manner. Mr. James \Vatson sang a sacred solo most effectively. The Johnston Family, of Durham, gave anumber of musical selections, but felt somewhat “ tied” on accountof it being acburch enter- tainment... The chief selections were “ Saveet bye and bye,” “Annie Laurie,” “ The Mocking Bird," “Scots \Vha Hae,” etc. The rendering of each piece was in the real Johnstonian style so well known here. “nuf sed.” >7 Rev. Mr. McVic-ar was chairman and f. gracefully opened the meeting bv C referring to the inclemencies of the 0 x'eather on the evening the meeting 1 should have been held. He thought I the gentleman who suggested Friday ll night for the social. must have had a 3 prophetic vision of the weather, and C he should be consulted on future i occasions. \Ir. ‘3 m Allan was call- 'l ed on and addressed the meetinglg briefly. Some good advice was given l to the young people which must meet 1 the approval of every sensible per- son. Misses Mary and Victoria Cornish, each recited pretty little pieces. Mr. Watson, the oldest man in the house. eight-one years old made a few remarks wnich were listened to with pleasure. Mrs. Mc- Vicar charmed the audience in her rendering, of a touching recitation. Her services will be in demand in future, and justly so. Such talents should not be allowed to lie dormant. Ye Editor was called on but didn’t out much of a figure in his address. Inspector Campbell was the Speaker of the evening and for over half an hour he kept the rapt attention of the audience in telling them ‘° How to help Nail up the Church .Doors.”‘ The address was practical, and we trust will be profitable to those who heard it. Mr. Campbell. is a good speaker but we must say he was far from being at his best on this occasion. Votes of thanks were passed, the National Anthem sung and a very pleasant evening meet- {:13 was brought t9 a elose. LOCAL NEWS. A Salvation Army blizzard struck town on Tuesday evening last No harm was done. A Credit Sale of Far: Implements will be held -‘ Pollock’s, Ian 22, con; i on Monday next. HE Auctioneer. â€"-Notice.â€"â€"All accmnts must be settled by Cash or Note on or before March lst, 1897, after that date, col- lection will be placed in other hands. H. Parker, Druggist, Durham. Calder’s advertisement oi a full line of Farm Implements, stoves, sewing machines etc. will appear in next; issue. Onlv four Cutters and Robes left. Must. be sold in February. Call early and get. a bargain. The Dundalk Herald has the cen- tract for the county printing. \Nhile Bro. Glendinning’s purse is being inflamd we hope the exercise will reduce his superfluous corpulency. It’s better than Anti- fac Bro. G. When sufiering from throat: or lung troubles, take only such medi- cine as has been proved wcrthy of confidence. Such aremedy is Ayer,s Cherry Pectoral; a’Specific for sud- den colds, and Invaluable in all sorts of pulmanary complaints. Sold by druggists. Price $1. Noticeâ€"In reply to a small article which appeared in the ’31: issue of aTHE CHRONICLE I would ask Mr.H.Kel- sey what interests he ever had in the Upper Town Gallery or What inter- ‘est he was ever prepared to take in it. I Want it distinctly understood that'I have no use for Herb Kelsey while I have Miss Fraser, who is a first class all-round artist and very pOpular with the general publie.â€"â€"R. Torry Upper Town Studio, Durham. MR. HERBERT LIVINGSTON, of Allan Park, While grinding grain on Satur- day last, met, witha very serious and painful accident. He was driv- ing the horses on the power when by some means he slipped and one of his legs become so entangled in the cogs that the horses were brought to a. Standstill and considerablegtime was spent before he could be ex- tricated The calf of his left leg was fearfully torn andasmall bone. brok- en. He is now under the care of Dr. Jamieson and it is to be hoped he will speedily recover, though he cannot possibly be around for three or four weeks. THE Fire Brigade was haSLily sum- monesl to action Saturday evening by the toll of the fire bell but happily were not required. The alarm was due to a fire in Conductor Lavelle’s house. Some of the younger children set fire to a window curtain and be-7 fore it could be extinguished the curtains, some bed coverlets and other drapery were destroyed. ‘1 Further harm was prevented by the prompt action of the members of the household and a few of the neighbors. Mr. Lavelle and family are to be congratulated on their good fortune ‘in not losing their beautiful home. The Fire Brigade made all haste to i get ready for action and would have been on hand in a few minutes, had they not been ordered otherwise. \VE regret to chronicle a sad occur- rence that happened the week be- fore last in the city of Detroit. Mr. William Ferguson, the young- esc brother of Mr. James Fergusonfi of Varney, met with a sad accident which terminated fatally. _On the fllst of January he was delivering a. load of lumber for the firm with which he worked. On the top of the load there were several bunches of shingles which 'slid forward knock- : ing the unfortunate young man ofi the load. It is thought that one of the horses kicked him and thus forced him to let go the lines.' He was ble to 1oll clear of the wagon and be h \w heels passed over him. He had five ribs broken, was injured internally and lingered f01 two days in excrutiating pain. when death re- lieved him of his 311591111 as THE CHRONICLE, though a stranger rd ~M'r. Ferguson, is in full sympathy with him and his family in this, their sad hour of bereavement. tale of Farm stock and vill be held at. Mrs. Geo. 22 , con; '3, Egremont next. Hugh MacKay, DURHAM. ONT., FEBRUARY 4. 1897 James Allen, Esq., Elected Warden. â€"â€"Standing Commitees for the year and. Chairmen.â€"â€"A Batch of Ap- plications for the Position of County Auditor. The January session of the new County Council of Grey commenced Tuesday afternoon. After signing their declaration and qualification of of office the members took their sea:s. All were present with the exception of Mr. Totton. They are as follows:â€"_- v -]v)â€"igriisicv)n No. 1. Owen Sound, and Township 0% Sarawack.â€"Chas. Gordon W. A, Bishop._ _ -7- i 1‘ ”N o. ‘LTOWIlshipsofKeppel, De1by and Sullivan.-â€"Jas. Anderson and Mr. Totton. â€" No.3, Townships of Bentinck and Glenelg and town of Durham. Chas McKinnon, Geo Binnie. AUU LLIUILULL, UVV a--- No. 4, Townships of Normanby and EgremonL. -â€"Jas. Allan, A. Schenk. .Vâ€"- '- No. E),Town‘=hips of A1temesia and Proton Dand villages of Malkdale and Du11dalk.â€"-Geo. Watson, Matthew Richardson, No. 6. Township of OSprey and Collingwood and to Ivn of Thornbury. â€"â€"Neil McColeman and D. K. Preston. .No. 7, Townships of Euphrasia and St. Vincent: and town of Mea- ford.â€"C. R. Sing, G. A. Brovyn.‘ No. 8, Townships of Sydenham and Holland. â€"â€"F. Quance, J. Mc- Donald. After the roll was called, Mr. Sing moved that on account of the inclem- ency of the weather the council ad- journ till seven o’clock in the even- ing. Ex~Warden Anderson seconded the motion, which carried, Mr. Bi- shop being the councillor to oppose it. TUESDAY EVENING. Clerk Rutherford took the chair and received the following nomin- ations for the Wardenship :â€"â€"â€"Messrs. 138- 'Allan, Geo. Brown, M. Richardâ€" son and Neil McCplman. On 'the third ballot Mr. Allan was elected, having received 8 votes to Mr. Richardson’s 7. The Warden elect, upon being in- troduced by his nominators, Messrs. Anderson and Binnie, said that he was not altogether surprised with the result of the election as the people in the part of the county he represented though they had a right to the \Vardenship. There was nothing special that he knew of that would come before the council. He? pointed out that some scheme should be devised to reduce the cost of heating the County buildings and said that all should have a due re- gard to economy. The following were then appointed a special committee to strike the standing committees for the year ;â€"-â€" Messrs. Binnie, Richardson, Ander- son, Preston, Watson «I. _ Q “_‘A New County Council. “V“, -â€"v Council adjourned till ten o’clock Wednesday morning. \VEDNESDAY MORNING. All the members were peid except 2dr. Totten, â€"- “. . The Special committee, Mr. Binnie chairman, appointed the night previ- ous to strike the standing committees reported as foiiows : Financeâ€"Bishop, Anderson, Binnie, Schenk, Richardson, Preston, Sing, Mc Donald. -“vâ€"r Road and Bridge-*GOI don, Totton, McKinnon, Schenk, Watson, Mc- Colman, Brawl], Quance. 1 County Property.â€"-â€" Anderson, Watson, McColman, Sing, McKinnon, McDonald, Gordon. Education.â€"â€"-BiShOp, Totton, Binnie, Richardson, Preston, Brown, Quance. ? Printing.â€"â€"â€"T0tt0n, Sing, Gordon, Watson, Quance, McKinuon, McDon- ald, Schenk. Communications and Memorials.â€" Bishop, Brown, Preston, McColman, Anderson. - " ‘ Warden’s Committeeâ€"The W’ar- den, Messrs. Binnie and Richardson. rl‘he various committees then re- tired and elected their chairmen as follows in the order as given above : â€"â€"Binnie. Gordon, McDonald, Rich- ardson, Sing. Preston. _ -“~'_ Among the communications pre- sented and read by the \Varden were these:â€"â€"â€"1etters from Messrs.'John McKenzie, C. A. Fleming. W. J. Allison, Chas, McGinnis, Jno. Lyons. Thos. Hanbury, Thos. Dingman, C. Graham, Jno. S. Black, Thos. Me- Auley. Alex. Stephen, E. Rorke and Jno. Thompson asking to be‘appoint- ed countyauditor for 1897 : John A. Robertson, ,asking. to be sent as County student to the Ontario Agri'cultural College; W. C. T. U., ré prisgg reform. The Clerk read his ”report regag‘ding the regept ‘20‘ county council elections, and the cost of such. Binnieâ€"McKimzon â€"â€"That leave be granted to introduce by-law No‘ 528 to appoint; counzy auditors for 1897. -â€"â€"Granted ' Andersonâ€" Schenk-w That: leave be granted to introduce by-law No. 529130 appoint; members of the lad- ical Board of Audits for 1897.â€" Granted. Sing ~Brownâ€"Jl‘hat a special com- mittee be appointed to consider the accounts of the several Returning Ofiicers in connection with the elec- tion of County Councillors for this year, consisting of Messrs. Binnie, Richardson, Preston, Bishop and the mover.â€"â€"Carried. The by-laws were read-a, first and second time. Council adjourned till two o’clock Thursday afternoon. ' ’ The second regular meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday evening last, the Mayor presiding, Members all present. The followng accounts were re- commended for payment: -â€"Geo. Rus- sel}, Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, . $ 6. 60 Geo. Russell, one month’s salary 17.50 Hewson Bros. Electric Light, 3 months ..80 00 C. Elvidge, shovelling snow .40 D. Macdonald, boarding tramp .75 N. G. J. McKechnie, 100 lbs. flour for Mrs. Becker 2.40 Geo. Russell, 43:5 cords wood ‘ 4.50 MacFarlane (30., Lelegraphing - etc. .vu \Vhitmore â€"Elvidgeâ€"â€"That the fire and light committee ascertain cost of team to handle fire engine. - Carried. Sparling â€" Parker â€" That fire, light and property committee purchase heater for engine room, cells, etc., at a cost not to exceed $35.~Car. McKechnieâ€"Kinneeâ€"That the fin- ance committee wait on treasurer to ascertain if he Will deliver notices to tax payers, etc.â€"Carried. Brownâ€"~Kinnee -â€"That the reeve and Mr. Parker be a committee to en- qnire into the sufficiency of the Treasurer’s bonds. -â€" Carried. Sparling - Parkerâ€"~That all accounts for the year be certified by the ' chairman of the committee to which the account belongsâ€"Car. Brownâ€"Sparlingâ€"That no committee let a contract unless the ma‘yority be favorableâ€"Carried. Sparling â€"- Parker - That the mayor, clerk, Parker and Brown be ani executive committee for 1897, for charitable purposes. - Carried. Moore -- Elvidgeâ€"That the collector be authorized to continue the levy and collection of unpaid taxes in the manner and with the power provided for,by law for the general levy and collection of taxes until February 20th and that the final " returns of the roll be made by the first regular meeting in March.â€" Carried. Mr. John Cochrane, of St. Thomas, is in town Mrs. Allan licKinnon was laid up with La Grippe last week. Mr. John Wier and Mr. D. McKin- non of Fairwell were in town on Wed-. nesday. Mr. Jas. Allah the warden of the County of Grey was in town Sacur- day. Mr. John Bradley, of Orchard, a former pupil of ours, called on Saturday. : \ir. Elwin, Guard of the Central prison Tmonto, spent; a. few days in town last week. P11ncip 211 Allan saw a real live rob- in on the fiist; of February. The1e’ 5 nothing fishy about this. Mr. A. Bell, 31' of Bunessan who has been very ill of bronchiiis for the past few weeks is on the mend. Mr. Dixon teacher of S. S. No. 1 Glenelg intends to glve a school enter- tainment on Friday evening t he 19th Mr. A. Rogers foreman of the Mt. Forest Representabive gave THE CHRONICLEapleasant call on Friday inst. on Saturday a call.. aSL. Mr. W. J. Blakestone, principal of rmeville Public School wa_s in town Town Council. PURELY PERSONAL. ‘ and gave THE CHRONICLE 17.50 .90 That’s What We have got to say about the prices of the balance of our Trimmed Hats. \Ve have a few nice ones left and we would Sooner sell them at a. sacrifice than carry them over. If you want any- thingin this line 1n Remember that the Hats that were : NEW, 80913 sms Our fii‘ét shipment of new Boots 811668 was passed into stock this week and it comprises some very nobby goods. The quality is high but the prices are low. Ladies 2 Button Oxfords turn sole $1.35 J US'I‘ ARRIVED. RAMS“ -Cash and One Briceâ€" Calder Block. Lower Town. Ladies Seguiu Belts Elas- tic Web in a nice vaxiety of colors. $400 are now. $2.00 $3.50 are now $1.75 5.00 are now $2.50 3.00 are now 1.50 2.50 are now 1.25 2.00 are now 1.00 1.50 are now .75 Q‘r“ NO 1561 ski} Mé‘iRLOCK, '

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