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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Feb 1897, p. 4

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Id and Management ” and “ Boys on the Farm. ” Mr. Elmer Lick, of Oshawa, on “ Growing Apples, etc,” and Mr. D. XV. Beadle, MIA, of Toronto, discussed “Clover, Para- sites. etc.” At the evening meet- ing the hall was filled and in addition to the above speakers Dr. Christoe and Rev. Mahan each gave addresses all of which were interspersed with pleasing music by the " Glee Club” and Dr. Mahau, for which upon motion by Thos. Kells and J. Boland they were tendered a hearty vote of thanks. Mr. J. Irwin, .of Redwing, occupied the chair in a pleasing man- ner. The annual meeting of the East Grey Agricultural Society was also held in this place on Thursday last. The annual statement was presented and passed as also the Auditors’ re- port showing the society to have had a prosperous year and to be now in a healthg condition. The entries iast yearwere 1773, amount paid for prizes $552.87. Total receipts for the year were $1345.11. Expenditure $1291.721eaving a balance on hand $123.39. The following were elected officers for the current year :~â€"-President, Thos. Kells; ISt Vice-Pres, John Boland; 2nd Vice-Pres, R. Ruthven; Bec,-'l‘reas., R. J. Sproule; Direc- torszâ€"Geo. Mitchell, A. Munshaw, Mex. Muir \V. J. \leads, Jas. Smwarm W. J. Shepherdson, D. \V. Clinton, John Abbot and the Secre- tarx . AuditOIS: C. J. Leitcll and Received too late for last issue. The East Grey Farmers’ Institute meetings held in the Town Hall here Thursday lass were well attended and interesting. The trio of speakers from a distance were well up in the sub- jects assigned to them and discussed the same in an intelligent and profit- able manner. Mr. McNabb, of Elgin County, spoke on “Sheep breeding Mr M. Richardson is in Owen Sound this week at County Council. Mr. John Davis is in Toronto tak- ing a. second term in the Military School. bury; Anamorsz D. -J. ueuuu nuu \V J. Bellamy. The remains of Alfred W'ard were followed by a large funeral cortege from his late home in Dundalk to the Flesherton cemetery on Friday afternoon last. Deceased was 63 years of age and long a resident of Artemesia. Signed in behalf of Your neighbors. Robt. A. Marshall, Thos. McAlister. Mr. Young made a feeling and appropriate reply, espressive of his good will, and the kind relations that always existed during his residence in the neighborhood. hers. The following address was read by Mr. Robt. Morris and a presentation made :â€"- To Mr. Geo. Young- Dear Friend :â€" During the past-number of years, in which you have been with us. we have always found in you a kind and obliging neighbor, and it is eril regret we part with you, but as the time has now come when you must leave us we desire to present you with some little memento as a token of remembrance. Accept this pipe and this purse, not for their in- trinsic value, but as a token of the high esteem in which you are held amongst us And though we may never meet again as friends and neighbors we hope to meet in the great unknown bey nd. \Ve wish you along and happy life and con- tinued prOSperity in all your under- takings. \In. and Mrs. Douglas (hove over from Collingwood on Saturday re- (1111 Hing Monda3. Mrs‘Joseph Reid. of W'innipeg, is the guest, of Mrs. \V. K. Flesher. Miss Martha. Fee left for Guelph one day last week to fill an engage- ment. She will be missed by the 301111;: people of the neighborhood especially in church matters. We all wish her success. Billy Bryons swapped horses with Thos. Russel the other day. Billy says he can take a. cord and a half to zown now. Two of the young men of this vicinity cut,sp1it and piled eight cords of wood in eight; 1191113 and nineteen minutes, who can beat this and the snow so deep. Mr. Quinton Pettigrew is one of those farmers who has some horses always ready for market,‘and the reason is he aiwâ€"a-ys keeps the best and can-always find feed)? sale. Last residence of Mr. George 1011110. or Normanby, when a number of the neighbors assembled to bid him good bye on the eve ofhis departure from among them. Mr. " always been regarded as an estim- able citizen and his departure is much regretted by his friends and neigh- 1mm 'l‘hp following iaddress was On SUurdav evening last a very enjoxable time was Spenr at the residence of Mr. George YounO'. of 2, nurx anku' ‘i'hflil a nrlm})er of the FLESHERT ON . VARNEY. s was and a . . - ' fair da he sold a good one and got | We have just heard that Mr. A1- ‘32:} the biggest market price. 2’ fred Ward of Artemesm dled on VVed- Mr- and Mrs. Kerr have the sum ‘ DBSdM’ and was buried on Friday. r (If Last Saturday Mr. Geo. Williams, old Durham Road, was coming to the village with a quarter of beef in his cutter, when his horse, not a very swift one generally, was not going as fast as desirable, he got out to get a gad when awav went the horse and soon there was a great fall in beef. NLJ. Cob‘urn left last week to take a situation in Mr. Archibald Nelson’s store at Proton Station. Mr. Alexander McMillan, South Line, happened with quite a bad ac- cident about two weeks agO' He with a friend drove up to Bruce to visit some of his friends and as the roads were bad on account of the snow being gone, he had to pick the side of the road and often into the ditches to keep on the snow and in doing so at one place the cutter up- set thowing them both out. Mr. McMillan struck his shoulder against a hard frozen bank and broke his collar bone. It will be some time before he will be able to work much, but it is fortunate for him he is not compelled to do much work. Mrs. McKechnie, South Line, Glenelg. died last Wednesday and was buried on Friday. Remember the entertainment in the Sons of Temperance Hall on Thursday February 11th inst. Last Friéay night a large sleigh load of our young folks “em: for a drive to Flesherton. We understand that our friend Angus 'had quite a time with one of his horses, it wanting to turn in at eveay gate to the great amusement of “he company. \Ve understand that Mr. Sandy McDonald, known as Long Sandy has engaged for a year with Nelson Bros., of Proton Station and will likely move there shortly. One day last; week Mr. Ernest Maxwell went in Mr. J. McArthur’s store and in closing the door which has a large glaqs in it, he shoved his elbow through it and he had to go to Flesherton to get: one large pane of glass suitable for it. He will be more careful in the future. Miss Floss Hartley is visiting friends in Priceville at present. ' Re can fill the position with honor for the next two years. Success to you, Jim. Mrs. M. MvIntyre is very sick at present but hOpe to hear of her get- ting better 80011.. \Ve are all pleased to see the name of our Countv Commissioner. Mr. J. Allan, appear in print as \Varden. Those two young men who had their coats off to fight the other night would be much better at home learning the commandments. 3112.]. Beattie. son of Mrs. Geo Patterson, North Line had his shoulder dislocated last: Saturday. Pat McArthur has been very sick lately but under the care of Dr. Fred McArthur. is. improving and will soon be around as well as ever. _( Intended for last issue.) Mr, Jas. Burnet who has been away for about a year and Donald McLean and Lauchy McMillan who have been about two months in Michigan lumber woods returned home last Saturday. Last Sunday the 17th inst. Rev. Mr. Humphries preached a very able Temperance Sermon in the Methodist Church to the Sons of Temperance who turned out in a body tohear his address. The roads were almost impassable the last week but the road masters turned out with their gangs and soon had them in a fairly good condition. Mrs. McEwen and her son, Archie, of Mt. Forest, were guests of their parents and grand-parents, for a few days last week . Mr. Dougald McDougall has bought the famous blood horse formerly owned by Mr. Reily. Mr. R. Petnigrew lost a valuable cow last week and thinking it was from feeding frozen corn had her opened and. found the cause of death was due to SW {lowing a hair pin. The man that tied the dog in the bush and ‘aeft: it there to starve or freeze, ought to be punished severe- 1y. Two young men from Blyth section were out hunting foxes the other day. After chasing one four or five miles ran him into abole. Another gentleman seeing this, waited until the two went to get a Spade to dig him out when he took a trap and set it in the hole waiting for Mr Fox to come out,but he did not venture until the first two came back. Then the jangle began as to who owned the fox. After a good deal of talk it was left to an arbritator and decided in favor of the first two. You ought to have seen that man seize his trap and get. Mr. W. G. \Vatson left last Mon- day for Georgetown, where he in- Legd§ t9 remain till next fall. Mrimd .‘Jrs. Kerr have the sym- pathy of the community over the loss of their little daughter, who died on the 30th ult. PRIOEV ILLE. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, February 4th, 1897. ApainfuLand which might have! TERMS OF SALE :â€"â€"’1‘he property Wil - - . . 3 besolfl subject toa reserved bid. Ten per been, a fatal acoldent befel Mr. Herb cent. of the purchase money must be paid Livingston last Saturdav. While hi8 : at the time of Sale and the balance within brother Frank and he were running S thirty days thereafter. Possesswn Will be a chOpper. It. appears the “horses ’ given on paymentof the balance ofpurchase were going too fast, and in stepping from the horse power to stop them 3 his. foot slipped. into . the gearing Or to James Carson, Vendor’s Agent, whlch lacerated hIS leg 1n a horrible Auctioneer. ' - Durham, manner and broke some bones. Dated this 15th day of .IanuarY. A- u 1897 Mr. Will Setters, of North Dakota, but formally of this burg, is home, after renting his farm in Dakota en- joying himself with his old friends around here and Dromore. M rs. James Muir we are sorry to hear is on the sick list. We hope she will soon recover. ' ‘ Mr. Wm. Grierson left two weeks ago for Hepworth Shanties to Spend the winter. Most of the farmers here are teaming out poles to Durham and Flesherton Station. Mrs, Alex. McKechnie, Sr., relict of the late Alex. McKechnie, north of here. died on Wednesday the 27th ult., and was buried in the Priceville cemetery on Friday, A large turn out followed the remains to their last resting place. (Received too late forglast issue.) Dame Rumor has it that W. H. Hargrave has taken up land in AL goma. Mr} John George, Dornoch, visited at Mr. Fraser’s on Saturday. A subscription was taken up in the church here on Sunday in aid of the famine in India. About $8.00 was raised. Mrs. James Muir left on Monday, the 25th 11113., for Toronto hOSpit-al. \Ve hope she will come home with recovered health and Strength, Sympathy isfelt for her husband and little family and most of allfor the ailing mother in her severe illness. Have we snow ? Why yes, lots of it. Roads are being opened through fields for the travelling public. Mr. Thos. Long, near Dromore, purchased a. farm near Priceville from Allan McKinnon, of Durham, this week. We wish him luck in his new home. Mr. J. Calvert was around lately buying up fat cattle. Mr. Jas. Donnellyâ€" who has been laid up for some time with a. broken leg is, we are glad to hear, improving. Mr. Sam Robinson} Hampden. visited atMr. Wm. McColloch’s last week. Mr, John Hargrave, of Osprey. was the guest of his father and bronher for a few days last week. Messrs. Dougald McCormlck and John .McArthnr, of Priceville, visit-ed their many friends around the Corn- ers one day lately. Mr. Archie Little, of your town, was here on Fridav also. Archie is a good buyer. Mr. Wm. Muir, who spent five or six years at his trade in Detroit, now has a good job as blacksmith in Toronto. Mr. John Vickers who has been working at Hampden is spending a few weeks under the parental roof. We understand the Sons of Tem- perance Society are to hold a grand entertainment- in the near future when a great time is expected. Mr. Geo. Watson has +reated him- self to a. fast driver. Mr. Neil Calder has lately purchas- ed a fine blood driver, no need for the Electric Railway here. Mr. and Mrs. {\"ills. Durham, spent Sunday at Mr. Hunt’s. EX-Mayor Reily and Mr. Scott each vied with the other to see who could say the most. We also hear that one or two parties made balls for them to fire. We are told they hada high old time. The vote was taken which was in favor of grant- ing the society the privilege of the grounds as requested. We were in- formed later that there is to be a pe- titon circulated and another meeting called shortly. This will‘bring forth some more of the able 51.18%le from the above nomed gentlemen. “'0. learn that a certain youngiady who lives on the second back line. has two dogs. She has christened one Wilfred and the other Laurier; the first named is black with a white band around his neck; the other is all black. She says she is looking, for a five hundred or thousand dollar situation. Mrs. John VVier spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. John Bell, near Durham. There was a very noisy time at the school meeting lass Saturday about leasing the school grounds for two days in the year for the use of the’Agricultural Society. Mr. Duncan Muir is hustling out his poles to Durham. Mr. Herbert \Vatson drove to \Valter’s Falls last Friday and return- ed Saturday evening. FAIRVVELL CORNERS. V ICKERS. v the great 11311216621 far {‘0 :0112, CGtCZS, 2.1111 all dise2 262 01' the Threat 2:11d Cl122t.A few fdoses give 11111112111319 relief. TERMS OF SALE :-â€"The property Wil besol'd subject toa reserved bid. Ten per cent. of the purchase money must be paid at the time of Sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. Possession will be given on paymentof the balance of purchase money._ . _ _ _ . , For further particularsapply to W, L. MACKENZIE, Or to James Carson, Vend or’s Agent, Auctioneer. ' - Durham, All that certain paICeI or tract of Iand and plemises, situate in the Township of Glenelgiu the County of (xrey, .. conta111111 - nineames more or less Bein compose of pa1t of the third division of ot number fifteen on the first concession East of the Garafraxa Road and more particularly described ina deed of Bargain and Sale from one ~Allan McKechnie and Janet ,Mc- Kechnie (as to dower) to Joseph Gibbonsl dated the 28th day of MarchpA D 1879 and registered 111 the Beg 1st1 v Office for the South Riding of the County of Grey on the 6th day of April A,_D D1.880y as number 2548. The pronerty is situate about three miles from the Town of Durham and has erected upon it a , good, commodious, one and one half story, rough cast Hotel with convenient stables. etc. ' KNAPP HOUSE, DURHAM, the following propert known as the Rocky Saugeen Hotel. name y: ‘ Power of Sale contained in a cer- tain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of Sale, there will be sold by Public Auction on IN THE TO WNSIâ€"IIP OF GLENELG. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 16th, 1897. at the hour of 2 o’clock, p. m., at the Especiafly aflapted for 'Whppping fough Dr. Jamieson was at- once sent for and dressed the injury and the patient is doing as well as coulc‘t be expected. A pie-social will be held in the Vickers School House on the evening. of Friday 5th to raise funds for their annual picnic. The Allan Park band will be in attendance to furnish first-class music. We extend a cordial invitation to all. Don’t forget; Friday 5th. H. PARKER, KERRâ€"On Friday, Jan. 29th. the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr. KERRâ€"Near Varney, on Sunday, Jan 24th the wife of Mr. John Kerr, of a daughter. COUTTSâ€"On the 25th Jan., the Wife of Mr. John Coutts, of a daughter. FROM ALL LEADING GROCERS. White Pine- prcmmmy 7 INDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A 0f Vaiuable Hotel Property MORTGAGE SALE The best that money and brains can pmduce For 250., 400., 500. 01‘ 600. per 11)., Black or M Do not diiflk chgaa mi xim Tea when ynu can gat (I’D 25c and 500 Botfles. Many testimonials in its favor. DEATHS. BIRTHS. SOLD ONLY BY COUGH BALSAM. mm" "‘ Aw?» . CEYLON TEA r00. 01 600. pez lb. Black 01 \Iixea Lead Packets onlv. Dr. Budd’s CHE-MIST and DRUGGIS’I‘. Durham 1 25111 JANUARY,A. 1)., 1897 to deliver or send by post, In e paid, to Abra~ ham C111tchelv, of the tounshin of Glenelg, in the county of (11 eV, Administratgol of the Estate of thes said Henry Crutchely. deceas- ed. a statement of thei1 namesand addresses and full particulars of their claims together With a statement of the securietv (if any, held by them and notice is he1eb_V1 giv e11 that after the said last mentioned date the said adn1inist1ato1 will moceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled tl1e1eto haV 111g regard oan1 to the claims of which notice has been (giV en , as above 1equi11;ed and the said adminis- 1t1113t01 will not be liable for the said assets 1 or any pa1t thereof so distributed to any erson 0f VV hose claim notice shall not have een receiV ed as aforesaid at the time the said distribution is so made. A BRAHAM CRUTCHLEY, Administrator 5 l ‘ Dated at Durham tke 8th day of January, I A. 1)., 1897. l l for sale lot 50, con. 3. W. G. R. 3 Bentinck, consisting of 100 acres. 70 aeres ; cleared, balance hardwood bush. The farm :' is in a good state of cultivation, 5 acres ' under fall wheat. Well watered and fenced. Frame house 20 x 26. frame barn and stables, What a World of suffering and misery is comprised in that sick- headache/ Take advantage of the result of years of investigation and study and procure a box of Wright’s Liver and Stomach Pills from Mac- Farlane Co., Durham, This is no experiment but a perfect treatment and positive cure. If you do not Wish to invest fifty cents, send 6c. in stamps to Dixon Wright, Toronto, for trial box. Also cures constipation weak stomach, loss of appetite, im- paired digestion, all trouble coming. from disordered liver. fl lots 22 and 23, con 12, Bentinck. The above farm is offered for sale at 9 bar gain on easy terms. It is well wooded, 1 mile from store, post office and sawmill. New concretehouse and new frame stable. For further particulars apply to J. A Hunter, Durham, or August, 24th, 1896. In the estate of Henry Crutchley, late of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, yeo- man, Deceased. ‘ to MARRIED. McLEANâ€"CHRISTIEâ€"On Wednecday the 20th of January at the Presbv terians Manse Pricevillé by the Re‘ D. McLeod, Mr. Neil McLean South line to Miss Christrie, of Egremont. Nov. 10th. _ 3m. pursuant to the 1ox1s1ons of the revised statues of O11ta11op1887, cl1ante1 110 section 56, that all c1editors and others having claims against the estate of Henr3 Crutehely, late of the Tow uship 0f Glenel in the County of G1ev yeoman decease u ho died on or about the 7th day of \la1cl1, A. D. 1896at the said township of Glenelg are on 01 bef01 e the I? fame lluusc 4U A 420. name Utu u auu auuuco. 1 mile from post office and school and 2% miles from Durham. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply TOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN f pursuant to the provisions of the *UT HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. 150 ACRE 'I‘ARM FOR SALF CE TU CHEDITGRS. 1;».- JAMES STINSON, n. Aberdeen P. O. H. H. MILLER, pér Battle. Hanove‘n

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