West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Feb 1897, p. 12

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The Postofiice Department calls attention to the fact that the rules now permit the return to the senders direct, without being forwarded to the dead letter branch and without charge except as noted below, of letters which fail of delivery to the address provided they bear Upon the face or back the name and address of sender. Request letters are returned at the end of the period Specified, the letters with name and address only at the end of two weeks. These letters are not subject to any fee upon return, and the only charge made is in the case of letters origin- ally insufficiently prepaid, Where the original rating is collected'. Delay in returning caused by the forward- ing of undelivered correspondence of the dead letter branch as well as the fee can be avoided if the public will ‘take the advantage of the regulation above set forth and stamp or print their names and addressess upon all letters mailed.- H DURHAM, Feb. 11th, 1897. A teacher near Delhi, Ont., has ofiered to teach a school, sweep the school room and make the fires, keep the window panes and fence in good repair {or the sum of two hund- red and fifty dollars. The same person should have offered to do the fall ploughing for the trustees, play the church organ on Sunday, and call off all local dances.-â€"Ex. Southampton has passed a. by-law for the purpose of raising eleven thousand dollars to purchase an e- lectric light plant. Diphtheria has been prevalent in Amaranth Twp. during the last; few months. Just now the family of “'m. Richardson of the elghth line is sorely afflicted, ten of the house- hold being under treatment. A lit- tle boy two years old died on Tues- day of last week. One of the biggesn mining deals re- cently put through in Ontario is the purchase just completed by Charles Cameron of Collingwood, and nine other easterners, of the location known as K65, in the Lake of the VVoor‘m‘, for $48,000. The property will be worked by the syndicate as a close corporation. The goldâ€"fields of Rossland are quite an attraction just now. The rich go there to Speculate, and the poor to be relieved of their poverty. The darkest cloud has its silver liningx and this: great glittering 1331-1 Drumlo has its dark side. If you are pox consider carefully before risking what little you have in “ going to the diggings”. A Rossland work- in; man writing to the Toronto \Vorid gives a warning that we think wor'hy of consideration, and we qrmte a part of it for the benefit of o 1; readers. He says:â€"â€"“ My object In writing this letter is to inform nit-canines, 1abo1ing men and otlifleis that have to “ork f01 wages, that the iiootat ey country is overstocked “win workmen of all kinds; the Wages are low and the hours of labor lien: (10 hours per day). The wages for carpenters are from $2.50 to $3 a (lay; laborers get $2 and $1.75. The latter figure was the one paid to the men that worked on the new rail- road line from Northport to Ross- land, and they had to pay ab 3 week for board, and pack their own blank- ets at rhat. That is the style here; must all working men have to pack their blankets and sleep in any kind of a shack. The country is full of prospectors. and very few make much out of it. For one that. makes anything; twenty miss. There are hundreds of men putting: in the win- ter in miserable shacks around Ross- l;-..1d that cannot. get anything to do. Then. everything; is high. There are few hotels that charge less ,than $2 per day. Common provisions are re :sonable. but clothing. bedding and furniture are high. and a work- in;.r man who has to work for wages Can do as well in Toronto 01‘ else- where in the Province of Ontario and have a lot more pleasure of life. I ha‘ve been here nearly two years and have visited all the points a.- rountl here, li-asl, Nels-en, Trail, the Kettle River Ucnnty and Slocan, and in all these places I found work (steady work) very hard to get. A few days here. and a week or two at. anocher place is the style here. Then, as to carpenters, the woods are full of them. The townsite men, real es- tate speculators and hotel men are lgrgelyreSponsible for a large num- her thhese highly seasoned articles GENERAL. ful‘fiWILLIAMsâ€"At Sault Ste. Marie, - on' Feed 0‘ all kinds: “7“? 138- Wednesday, Jan. 27:11, Mr. Wm. on hand.- are \C‘Lilloiannfibeloge?I son of Ignbandi Mrs}. I ‘ nstop er ’i iams, an rot :er 0 q , w um- . Mr. John Williams, Councillor of ' F. B cles - Glenelg. Aged 41 years, 10 months. Dughan; J an. 13th, 1897; we read in our papers. It is only just and right that the facts should be given, especially to those who live at a distance. Some of your young readers might think it would be nice to go prOSpecting? but about aweek at it would satisfy them I think.” late From various causes have these a1isen, but; the g1eater part was caused bya cold so Sli- ht at first as Scalcely to be noticed but later on demanding e1 en meiical attendance. Mrs. Charles McArthur had a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs but- by skilful medical aid and atten- tive nursing she is now able to be up and cm of danger as all her friends are glad to hear. Miss Annie McArthur, who for a number of years has been in Toronto is now at, home attending to her father and mother both of whom have had a rather severe attack of illness. Well has Scott said :â€" \lr, Thos' McComb had also an attack of the mannei of cold so pre- valent- a1 ounu here but now is much better and soon will be his usual self agahL " O woman in our hours of ease Uncertain, coy and hard to please, And variable as the shade By the light, quivering aspen made, But when pain and anguish wring the brow A ministering angel thou.” Mrs. John Cameron, of Bottineau, North Dakota, but formerly of Latona, has come to Canada to visit her mother and brothers as well as other friends in Grey County. On Sunday she attended Glenelg Centre Baptist church partly to renew old acquaintainces, but mostly in obedi- ience to the wish of Mr. John Cam- eron so long and so favorably known around Bunessan. Most ungrateful would this community be, did it ever forget the elforts made by Mr. Cam- eion to have a church at the Centre. No one. has ever presumed to dispute his right to he named the Founder of Glenelg Centre Baptist Church. There is now a colony of Camerons in Dakota, all of whom are doing well and feeling well in the land of the Dakotas. Misses Jessie and Annie McArthur spent a couple of pleasant days in the neighborhood of Rob Roy. That pleasantness reached the climax when that gallant young man hitch- ed up his fiery'steeds and took a load of live freight to see the bombard- ment of Durham by the 9. A If the stirring strains of "The Campbells are coming ” did float in the air that evening it was out of loyalty to their leader and captain, Mr. Hugh Campbell, and not from any warlike intent upon the Army which is not of this world. Many moons will ~, pass before the memories of that l night will be erased from the minds lofm Captain and Company, though i each may have diffe1ent reasons. Rev. Mr. McGregor is holding Special services in the Glenelg Centre church. During last- week they were fairly attended, but as the fact becomes better known larger audiences will be one result. Mr. McGregor is an excellent speaker and an ardent worker in the Master’s vineyard. He lives in accordance with the gospel which he preaches and believes in and practices daily the Golden Rule which is often thus expressed :â€" “ Deal with another as you’d have Another deal with you, What you’re unwilling to receive Be sure you never do.” If this Rule were better observed by all there would be less need cf spec- ial services. Mr. Arch. McArthur, who has been timberiug all winter and fall in Pro- ton, is now at home as he has work of his own to do which will demand all his time and attention. Archie is a general favorite and all will be glad to have him among them once more. A school entertainment is to be held at S. .No.1 (Bunessan) on the evening ofb Friday, Feb. 19th. It is confidently expected to bethe event of the season, as Mr. Dixon, who is at the head of the movement, is bound to surpass all form-m efforts in the same direction. The small charge (10 cents) made is for the purpose of buying prizes for the ch11d1 en Rev Mr. Norton, of Owen Sound, will occupy the pulpit of Glenelg Centre Baptist Church on Sunday, Feb. 13th, while Rev. Mr. McGregor officiates in the Baptist Church at. Owen Sound on the same date. DIIAT HS. McGIRRâ€" At the residence of Mr. Thomas B’lc‘u‘rirr, Gleuelg. 031 Tuesday the 9th inst.., Mrs. Jane McGirr, aged 96 years 3 months. Funeral to Sangeeu C emeterv on Thursday at 1 p. In. BUNESSAN. V THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Robas Gaiters. Only 4 of each left Must be sold‘in February Come and get a bargain Seed Brifle. NOW is the time to get one. The Massey-Harris leads all others. Four different kinds to choose from. $50 and upwards. Full Stock of PLOUGHS, HAR- ROWS, CULTIVATORS, \VAGONS and all other Farm Illlplements. remedy, and more of it is so all other cough medicines comblned. Stoves. Kitchen, Coal Box and Parlor. A 1‘11 0‘6 M1 1ety to (3110088 f1 0111. MONEY TO LOAN AT 595% and 60/0. Issuer of Marnage Licenses. A Banker’s Experience 9%}; HEREAFTER HE names TO . . . ._BE ms own FAMILY names "I tried a bottle of Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linseed and. Toupentine for a troublesome affection of the-throat,” writes Manager Thomas Dewson,of the Standard Bankmow of 14 Melbourne avenue,Toronto. “ It proved effective. I regard the remedy as simple, cheap and exceedingly good. It has hitherto been my habit to consult a physician in troubles of this nature. Hereafter, however. I intend to be my own family doctor.” In the matter of the Estate of Henry James Middaugh, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey and’ Province uf Ontario, Esquire, deceased. pursuant to R. S. 0. 188-7, Cap, 110, Sec. 36, and Amending: Acts, that a ll pevsons having claims against the estate of the said Henrv James sliddzmgh, who died on oraba‘out the tenth dayuf November A D., 1896. are required to send by post, prepaid, 01' to deliver to David Jamieson, 0f the said van of Durham, in the County of Grey, Executer, on or befure the 26th day of FEBRUARY, A. D., 1897, their names, addresses, and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security and liens (if any) held by them dulyr certified, and that after the said day the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of- the deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regai‘d only to the claims of which they shall then have notice Dated this twenty-third day of January, A. D., 1897. DAVID JAMIE_SON, ' O T I C E IS HEREBY GIVEN L pursuant to R. S. 0. 188-7, “Cap, 110, Durham P. 0., Out. The undersigned having opened up a Flour and Feed business in Durham in con- neotion with the Ayton Mills hopes to gain a share of you patronage .by giving striok attention to business and selling on close margins. FLOUR and FEE? D. Thése (3616131 21th Bumds of F10111 Will be kept in stock viz: -â€" 11m 310 3911, 11113031,, 1111111051.. HfiTifiE Ti Lmver Town Implement Large Stock of Raymond Sewing Machines and Bell Org-(ms. Feed of all kinds..- will he, kept on hand W R1. LAUDLQ W. F. Banag'h. Lower Town . {to Executor, MUFFS u FFS mm W $1.50, $2.06, $3.03, $03 A FEW FUR CA PS AT Big: B dueti 0:13. J 113$ recgived {ficFaflane 8; Co. These are rec‘ular 50 books 23 but by buying in large quantities for Cash, we are able to sell them at Don’t forget. 2 for the price of 1. All are made up with N0. 1 paper. 7 Q. C “BOUND TO WIN.” 6‘ 999. ” . W’. HCCKLER ANOTHER 1000 LOT 200 PAGE THE POPULAR SELLERS INCLUDING at half ibfi‘iiie. TRY THEM. gflni-fi 1013 GE AND far 1897. 5c. GRANTS M Do you want 8 GOOD GOA'E‘ Mg We have a. few Left3 {a}? am they go at $6.00. Still to be (1181308611 Ufa thud times p1ices 101 cash, 5doz Corsets, SR 16 confined to 0111901168, high L115 4 side Steels, the best corset 3et Ofiexed f01 the 11101163 only 750 a nail. 20 per cent. Off all our Mantle Clothes, but don’t wait too 1011;; if you want any. They won’t. last. g UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. Our $3? ecia . jugs... {law are Deub‘ae FQEéi BFGS$ Gag-fig at 20-0 and 2553 a ymad. ay ALM ON D9 FILBERTS \VALLNUTS ALL 0 ALEX. MCLACHLAN. [1 settied before March lst next. Debts left unsettled W111 be placed in court for collection. Dinner Sets. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose uni: Throat ‘ N. G.J. MCKECHNIE Durham, Dec. 18th 1896. There are a few G‘VFEECOA ‘ pm C473; We just received the ct} .wmmka 38311:? 6;; (0t res%. LL DEBTS DUE US MOST BE Having again embarked in they; Grocmy Blsiness~-â€"in \Ioflat‘s fmmer standâ€" -I heme enlatged and lefitted the stoxe and added a complete stock of L 0 QtQG EQQQERIES. DR. BROWN, Came£2 “£63. See éuem at prices; that are sure to sell them. Nothing Old. Everything Cheap. A a. eustadt, Ont. N OTECE. 2 pounds for 9.5 Cents. Tea Sets. 16F VO LU -â€"-Mockler’s gains. - Best Ca dozen at Upp .- VVhen yo neat- and ar photo, pat-r0 ' Town Studic THERE will connection xvi in the Town 1 Admission ‘25 DIVID KIN)! posts as they them every: are well saris settled by M arch 1 st, lectio 11 will H. Parker, settle. either All account. planml in on C. McArth Jan. 7th 18 zuested to c for er uptionj etc., whath diet and life any other 01 nic and 3.10 be over esti lmxmgrar ers find in 1 Many tru 335 about L! for this yea the Inspect chanzein t each sacti from the t al Grant 11 will not be I will be each Mend purchased call and se or note, 0!; be put in a Society n following Dear Si ore of thi: that. the 1 1897, if p: next. sec: di‘ion to in the Fru Ontario ft holdvr to wrist ” f0 copy of 1. also a. sha ion of p! consistinfi1 a Lillium of Conra! Dempsey; which a u 113‘ ’th: 2nd, y fowing 1 3rd Prex iuzn. Membti desiring them or . CHRIS. -;\ ONCE.- Mcirthu Not 106 lst. J()C 3t1¢ mm 1'68; ll

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