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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Feb 1897, p. 3

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no. rm Sufl’ered From I‘wo Severe Attacks of Rheumatism -- Doctors Feared the Trouble “'33 Going to Ills Ileau tâ€"l’luk Pills Cured Ilim and lie Gave Away Ills Crut-elles. GAVE AWAY HIS ,CEJJTGHES The - Story of Mr. J. McDonogh, of Tiverton, Ont. Put into a deep plate the yolk of the egg left from the forcemeat and one whole egg and beat well with a fork. Season with salt. Dip the stuff- ed oysters in this egg and then roll them in bread crumbs, being careful to have them part covered with the egg and crumbs. When all are done place them in a frying basket and cook until they are a rich brown in fat at the temperature of about 400 de- grees; It will take about one minute and a half to fry them. Serve with Maderia sauce. The stuffed oysters may be kept in a cool place for several bony before frying. Anyone seein the robust health and active lorm 0 Mr. Jack McDonogh, who is managing Mr. A. Gilchrist’s harness business during his absence in Scotland, would be considerably sur- prised to learn that only two years ago he was a confirmed invalid and unable to walk without the aid of crutches. But such is the case, and hearing of his re- markable cure from the excruciating agony of inflammatory rheumatism by the use of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills, a representative of the \Vatchman called upon him to learn the particulars. Mr. McDonogh was found working at the harness bench,aswell and active as any young man in the country, and in reply to a question about. his cure said:â€" “Yes, mine was quite a remarkable case. Two years ago last spring, while at home in \Vingham, I was suddenly taken down with rheumatism, my feet and ankles swelling so that Icould not even put on an overshoe. I was in bed for three weeks under the care of the doctor, and had to use crutches for a long time after that. The next spring the rheumatism came back again, worse than ever, attacking all my joints. but rincipally my ankles, knees, hips, el- ows and wrists. The doctor gave me very little encouragement, and said he was afraid of it going to my heart. and killing me. I had read a great deal about Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and the cures they had wrought, and I determined to try them. At first I did not notice much change, but be- fore I had taken a half. dozen boxes I was so much improved that I had given away my crutches and have never required their use since. I still took the Pink Pills for some time long- er and I have never had a touch of rheumatism since, and hope I never may. I can say that Pink Pills cured me of a bad case of rheumatism and I cheerfully recommend them to others suffering ‘35 I dig; 1'\OII . '1 L From the Tiverton \Vatchman. For two dozen lange oysters make u force-meat with the following ingre- dients: The breast of an uncooked fowl. Chopped, pounded and then rubbed through a sieve; one-fourth of a cup- ful of cream or milk. oneâ€"eighth of a cupful of stale bread crumbs free of crust, the white of one egg. one table- 8poonful of salt, a tiny bit of white pep- per and a slight grating of nutmeg. :Dr. \Xilliams’ Pin-k Pills strike at the root of the disease. driving it} from the system and restoring the pa- tient to health and strength. In cases of paralysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism, erysipel- as. scrofulous troubles, etc.-, these pills are superior to all other treatment. They are also a specific for the troubles which makes the lives of so many women a burden, and speedily restore the rich glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. .Men broken down by overwork, worry or excesses, will find in Pink Pills a certain cure. Sold by all dealers, or sent by mail postpaid, at 50c. a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. \Villiams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont, or Schenect- ady, N.Y. {Beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be “just as good." DELICIOUS WINTER DISH. Sometimes something is desired which I: t little more elaborato than the or- dinary every-day bill of taro affords. and it the family are fond of oysters. a. treat they will relish is stuffed, oys- tars. THE \VIN‘DIEST \VON Did Bluffly and \Vhooply come blows? I should say so. They were both blowing at once tlll \Vh'ooply's voice gave out and then he had to retreat. slur (cam) VEGETABLE BONNER!) and Iiles’ Sanatlvo Wash. Prices 750 and 25o. input 1MB: sad sad Into the “R?! the “ Roth. 8..” wort “flag. For a]. bygkl Dragging hplmtory wmghlet, Woman's m” @MPOUND may?» ink Every Woman “A. M. C.” ”ENGINE C0" 578 St. Paul 31.. Mfintrefl. to No. oneâ€"A Bicycle, same as No. one in first list. ' Two to Seventeenâ€"Each a. handsome silver plated Tea Set of 4 pieces. Eighteen to Thirtyâ€"Each a handsome Gem Ring. Thirty-one Lo Thirty-fiveâ€"Each Ten Dollars in Golds . Thirty-six to Fiftyâ€"Each Three Dol- lars in Cashl Fifty-one to Sixty-oneâ€"-Each Five Dol- ars in Ca‘ShJ Sixty-two to Eighty-two.-â€"A fine Gold _ Gem Ring. '.~ l N inety-one to One-hundredâ€"Each a fine Gold Watch; Each person competing must send one dollar for one year's subscription! to THE LADIES’ JOURNAL. which is an old established and widely circu- lated monthly publication. It con- sists of thirty-six large pages. with all the latest fashions well illustrated. serial and short stories, de artment, our boys and girls, househol and domes- tic, in short something to interest 6V4 ery member of the family. TIt is well woth the small subscription price. even if you do not get a prize; but all the prizes offered above will be given. No charges .of any kind will be exact- ed from prize Winners. Handsome Gotld W'at'ch. Sixty and Sixty-oneâ€"Each a ‘Bicycle .8me as described for Nos. 1, 50 and 51 in first dist. Sixty-two to One Hundredâ€"Each a: half dozen silver plated Forks. Then will follow :t‘he consolation prizes. when to the sender of the last set of correct answers will be given No. one (the bicycle), and so on counting from the last received up to one hum dred, when each sender of correct ans- wers up to one hundred inclusive will? be given the prizes as per this list of 3. In what year did the Battle of Queenston Heights occur. 4. In what year did Quebec City sur- render to the Engflishâ€"which end-a ed French rule in Canada. 5. In what year was the British North America Act passed. The Ladies’ Journal will give free to the first person sending a correct ans- wer to all the above questions, the first prize (the bicycle) in the list below. the sender of the second set of correct answers, another bicycle equal to the iirst, and so on till all these first prizes are given away. _'â€", five to Seven. -â€"Ea.uh Ten Dollars in '30qu _ flight to Fifteen .-â€"-Each Seven Dollals in Gold. Sixteen to Forty-nine. -â€"-Eacl1 Five Dol- lars in GOldJ 1 Fifty and Fifty- -.01ne -Each another Bi- cycle same as No.1, same hoice. Fifty-two to one Hundred .£oh Two Dollars and a. half in old“ After these prizes will follow the middle list. To the sender of the mid- dle set Icorrect answers in the whole eompeti 1011. counting all the coneth sets of answers from first to last, will be given Number One of these MIDDLE LIST OF PRIZES. Number 0ne.â€"A thoroughly up-to. date Bicycle, same as Nos. 1. 50 and 51 in first list. Two to Twenty-five.â€"E.ach a set of one dozen best heavy plated Tea or Din-l ner Knives. , Twenty-Six to Forty.-â€"Each Ten Dob Jars in gold. ForEz-ome to Fifjx-pine.â€"Each 3 Ladies’ 1. In what year was Victoria made Queen of Engfland. 2. In what year did the Battle of 'Wator- 2100 take place. Number one.-â€"-A handsome up-to-date. high grade bicycle, by a. well known maker, (ladies' or gentleman's wheel as may be preferreg.) -' [1--- All HISlflflCfll GUMBBHHUH " The king he Hanged!" said the in- corruptible sentry‘s ‘ “ \Vhat would my captain say?" Ten days will be allowed after date of closing for letters to reach the Journal office from distant points, huh must not hear later post-mark than 30th April, '97. The decision. of the publishers of The Ladies Journal must be considered final. ' Full names and addresses of winners of prizes will be given in the Ap-I‘ll number of the Journal. No winner's name will be published, however, if a request is made not to do so. _ Address and make all orders payable £0 The Ladies' Journal. Toronto. to T 1L Canada. A LARGE LIST OF VALUABLE PRIZES OFFERED FOR CORRECT ANSWERS TO THE QUES- TIONS ASKED. All five questions must be answered correctly to secure any prlze. FAITHFUL That was a 1 answer once m: to Frederick th That was a loyal if not very gentle answer once made by a private soldier to Frederick the Great of Prussia, During a campaign in Silesia, the king made it his habit to stroll through his camp in disguise at night, to come into closer relations with his soldiers. One night he was stopped by a sentry. but giving the proper password. was permitted to proceed. Instead of do- ing so, however, he endeavored to tempt the sentry into accepting a cigar, say- ing that a smoke would solace his long watch. Any person can compete any mum- be; of tunes, but a. dollar must be sent thh each set of answers and the Journal will be sent for a year to any desired address. “It is against the rules," said the soldier. Wlll You Be One of the Successful Wlnnen? The lnducement ls Great and the Outlay Smfi. “ Bug you have my permission.” said Frederlck. “ Your permission I" cried the 1d' “ And who are you ?" so let. “I am the king._” N "FL- I-:__ L. I- u n.- o- .- The competition will remain open from now till last day of April next. LAST OR CONSOLATION PRIZES THE FIRST PRIZES. TO HIS not very gentle a private soldier ; of Prussia, L in Silesia, the to stroll through Lt night, to come vith his soldiers. nped by a sentry. CAPTAIN BE COURTEOUS. Never economize politeness. To be courteous is a divine injunction. Court- esy should flavor every act of the most ordinary day. Its practice would in- vest life with beauty and sweetness, would garland the rough places and gotten the hard, and berseothin‘gubalgn to the sensitive, so often negdlessly wounded. ' ‘ This is the written testimony of a well known Toronto journalistâ€"you can have his name if you want it. Dr. AO- new's Liver Pills. at. all druggists, 40 in a Vial. 20 Cents. For Constipation taxke Karflfa Clover Root Tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cures Headache, Nervousmess, Erup- tions on the Face, and makes the head wear as a. bell. Teacher: When a woman’s husband dies, Patsie, w‘haxt is She called? Pat- sic: A Widder. Teacher: And when a man’s wife dies, what do we call him? Patsie (after some thought): A wid-aut-haer, mum. “This is My Own Testimony, and it's 3. Fact. Now I Never Lose an Hour or Miss a Meal. " “Now then, my heartiaes,” said the gallant captain, “ you have a tough bat- tle before you. Fig-hm like heroes till your powder‘s gone, thenâ€"run. I’m a. little lame, and I’ll start now.” “I was a Marty r to Sick and Nervous Headaches Caused by Constipati on, Unfit for Business on an Average 2 Days a Week. " Some Pills helped me. but Dr. Ag- new’s Liver Pills at 20 ots., a. Vial Cure-d Me. Easy? Yes, if you go about it the right, way, Get the best always. Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor never fails to cure. Aots m twenty-four hours and causes nexther pain nor dis- comfort. Putnam's Corn Extractor ex- tracts corns; it is the best. The Doctorâ€"Mrs. Brown has sent for go at once and see her boy, and I must go at once. His \Vifeâ€"VVhazt is the mat-1 ter whth the boy? I don’t know; but: Mrs. Brown has a hook on What to Do Before the Doctor 00111188, and I} must hurry up before she does it. Has for a Fifth of a Century Cured all forms of . . .- is but advanced Kidney Disease. KlDNEY and LIVER DISEASES. THE BREAD .The most. pronounced symptoms of heart disease are palpitation, or fluttering of the heart, shortness of breath, weak or irregular pulse, smothering spells, swelling of 'oat or ankles, nightmare, spells of hunger or exhaus- tion. The brain may be congested. can-mg headaches. dizziness or vertigo. In shor m- hen- sver the heart. flutters. or tires out earl y, aches orpalpitlates. it, is diseased and txeaamwr, 18 imperative. Dr. Agnew's Hears Cure has z-eved bliousands ot lives It; absolutely never falls :0 give perfect relief in 30 minutes, and to cure radically. Either is Dangerous. Both can be Cured if treated in time with Warner’s Safe Cure. Accept no substitute. Write for free treatment blank today. Warner’s _ Safe Cure 0)., Rochester, N. Y. A ONE OF THOUSANDS HOW TO CURE CORNS. Heart Disease Kills. BRIGHT’S Relief in 30 Minutes. DISEASE Stop that Cousgbl- Take warning. It may lmd to Cansumption. A 2Sc.bot- the of Shilohfs Cure may save your life. Shilgoh's Consumption Cure cures whens others {3.111. It; is the leading Cough Cure, and. no home should be Without it. PLeasant to take and goes right to the soot. Luca COUNTY. 5“ FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath is at he is the senior partner of the firm or F. J. CHENEY a: C0. . doing business in the City of Toledo. Coun- ty and State aforesaid, and that said firm will ay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS or each and every case of Catarrh that cannob be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, AD. 1888. A A. W. GLEASON. { SEAL } Notary Public. STATE or Omo. CITY or TOLEDO. l ONE MINUTE CURE FOR TOOTH- } ACHE. Magical in potency and power. pene- trating at once to the diseased nerve. Ne-rvilineâ€"nerve pain cureâ€" cures toothache in a moment. Nexrviline, the most. marvellous. pain yegnedyuknown to scleance, may be used for all pains. Test at once its efficacy. Deacon Blackâ€"How did you like i down at Bloom'town '3 Rev. \Vhiite-I tell! you thoy’ re Wide awake down there. Oh; than you didn't preach for them? Pa, What is a. down-trodden farmer! .He’spn aristocrat who has real cram Ln hm coffee. . may. Cuban-h Cure is taken internally and note directly on the blood and mucous surface- ol the system. Semi for testimonials, frne. F. J. CHENEY 8c 00.. Toledo. 0. ”Sold by Drumiata. 750. Jackâ€"I say Marie, if thirty-two de- grees is the freezing point, I wonder wiggt the. gaggle/aging point_ is? lead Packets Only All Grown _Bls_u~l§_and ijed 7 250.. 40c.. 500.. 600 “an Marneâ€"I don’ t know, Jack; possibly two in the shade. . WHAT DE. A. E. SALTER SAYS. Buffalo, N.I.-â€"Gents:â€"From my per- sonal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases of advanced Consummion, I am pre- pared to say it is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my attention. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. m “5.0:. in ooEii’fiéLh; Those people next door are still in their honeymbon. Do you think 509 Yes; he goes shOppiLng with her. YOUR CHOICE or Do you know Wm the bad people wfho do not go to church go, J ohnniei‘. My pop goes fishing. Watson’s Dough Drops at the top. It h ants, and assmts women into go Canadian Busin Enter anytime. Btntford. Ontario Alarg o, finely-equip ped. old- established!“ WtIOnâ€"NONE BETTER IN CANADA. Bad Business Education at Lowest Pondble Con. Graduates always 8 Jnficessful. erb It! «Magus. LLIOT'I'. Principsl British American usiness College confedoration Company, Ltd” Life sung}; 6am. Afilisted with Institute of Chartered Accountants Semi for Handsomo Free Prds , N am. TROUT. “0915191“, D. a 116’st 1;. pg; “SALAIA” Splendid Equipment and Good Solid Work --have placed the-â€" Steady work and good pay to men and women. No experience necessary. Write at once. Address, Standard Silverware Go. 246 St. James St, Montreal, Canada. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. POWDER {Medicine 00‘, "3E gocgfigfi E5519! '3 *Hamilt on. - II. a '1‘. W. Stamped on each Drop. T0 RON T0 nd 8.8818138 many more 1 into good positions, ian Business School.‘ anytime. Write W.I AGENTS WANTED. LIKE MY WIFE TO USE Ceylon. Tea. Standud Works. If you will: a cog write for particulars. J. L N10. * 0L8 CO.. 33 Richmond W.. Town“. n38 FREE [I 'I'IIY used for 5.11 nerve W.P.C 853 THE NEW INGREDIENT Send for Chart Book Mailed Free by Kootcnaxs Cure 1383; passed Point absolute recognized and IS IIOW the charm fig y 11163:. and endorsed masters Rheumatism, Disease, lflljsicialls' and cure for helpless as an Bright’s Kidney and a host Executives Hospital of health llgpeless, of other invalids. and Complaints Disease and lends made Disease. It has cures of Bright’s Rheumatism thousand

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