West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Feb 1897, p. 4

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iorm 1c. state: the V recei \‘ thf! 2‘0. J. “mu. w V-.. ,...- ‘ __ Timnhuu, lumilnei‘S, 35.50; R. 1’. Butchart 4):)” >~um>lies audK-pairs to County build- i115, 37:2 LU; tum, the Hovernor uf the anal keep a day bank in which to enter allarticles ufmpuir and tue time uccztpied in placing hem : hat 21!! cast. of? hunlware material be stc'rzwl mi the pi'emiaes and said in quantities as it :méruuzllzxre~<: that excem in caries of real emergency in the purchaseof snppiies, or when me cm: i< of a miamr character, the clinimnm 01" this (u_):112|!it?eel_)e comulted; thgt :1 mm nut to exceed 3? be expended in flu curs for the lawn izxfz'uut of the Court 7111111011 went.“ 1 DJ bylg. ws N11 .321 takin" the ( 11.111. 11-). ._ 2111.1th mmuber A' eiit. \Vardeu Fiv Him: one audit pre. @8119“! 11111119 f n: \ nt 11 hich was ‘ 0:1; .bm made ap] 111.11: 3 1;: the 11 :11le Oil Th? f0.‘.l {h b Unnduik. was 9190 (Continued fr4 The Thursday af e mutt}? 002‘ ."m it “as a xf Th i “E Hi w‘lilt‘ll elections; that the county du 11% '¢\2.:1821 <nbscriber for tne La-V Journal: .1? Jerry .‘xlanner'mv be given rebate (:t it.) for gmzllar’s licen-ze: that no action be Ken re the conn'mlnicatimi of R, Tait, local anager Bell Telephmxe t‘0.: that Jas. Gal- ‘aith be given rebate of 5.00 for pedlar’s sense: that the application ut' Geo. Noble r25.00 reward be not entertained. Uom- ittee co did not recommend that the County -.erk be-given an increase of salary, but at he be paid 50,“) as services of Return- g Officer at the late County Council elect- ns; that the County Treasurer’s salary in ture be 1200.00 instead of 1400.00 at pres- 1. Report No. 1 of Education Committee, Mr. chardson, chairman zâ€"Regardin the ports qfthe Ins‘pectprs of South an _ East 9y with gppl}cation to firant. to the ahers’ instance leave to 1.101 31191: meet- lilt ed 91 . l lXt “UK it the at of t (D Gaunt}; Council. ” c {used ahezu‘ty laugh. ‘Jr. Davi ez‘vmsezltative 0f Ellifilrasizt in th‘ {Mimi} fur years, and at all *tlme aly nmmsed auyexpenditui‘e being n‘ fimvm's fur the mud yard. pecial Cummittee rear-or was receiv 1tinued from last issue. F RI DA Y AFTERNOON. Mjnurned to meet Frid Allan took he member Lures of 1‘ d been read ‘Jl‘. Sande :y Clerk bli0fl\ addressed the Lu: them toiucr we hln‘ salary 18 811 3haimlmx of Finance 601(1031. {:3 d the quC reasarex' ~: )ou meeting of the : }'i11;erestizlg one ,5 matters we 6 eat- ess. which the old h e chair on time. <everal COmm unl- red to the van the c \11‘ zen preseute h EYE fsee pedlar’s ml 25.1)) cgst hi0, :_ that the 13.1366 10 00: s fulluws : w. “hurling MC ’herrson, )u. Turner, all present. afturnoon’s ianie 1110'de .Ee:~<1\‘. And- ll' umnmittee igs which tamnmfiee, u; :â€"-that yummy be :5) cents of axes; that c C It Davis .1 the tImES being e,_ pre- after- A'VIUE‘IIPIL1.â€" ‘15 I (til |\ \A. McDonald â€"~.\Icl{i1mon-â€"â€"That leave be granted to introduce by-law No, 532 to ap- point a Director for the corporation of the Count}r of Grey on the Board of Directors of the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railx a)". Council went into committee of the whole on bV-lleS. .‘sir. McKinnon took the chair. § 011 iiiotimi of Mr. Gordon Capt. McKnight ’was appointed 'I‘i‘i1<tee for the Collegiate , Institute. On motion of Mr. Sing Mr. 'l‘hos EMcKenzie was appointed Trustee for the .‘sleafrml High School, and on motion of Mr. Richardson Mr. \V. A. Bishop was apo , pointed Director. The by-laws were given i their third readings and were engrossed in 3 the by-law book. i Singâ€"Qnanceâ€"â€"That the County Trea- Esnrer he requested to furnish the council with a statement. showing the indebtedness et‘an) ofthe municipalities of this county. â€" Carried . Andersonâ€"Totten. That \V. J. Graham be paid 3.00 one day’s pay as member of the council in ‘96. Mr. Sine: said that Mr. Graham was a well ofi‘ man and he was not in favor of pay- 1 int: him. .. .vm- fl-..“ --... .fl..._._ , 4»...â€" ....-. ...- -...... - -v»._--,_.â€"... ..._--___ “a, ,__l __ . --r “.1 y ings on Thursday and Fridav in accordance with regulation 9‘ of the Education Depart- ment, committee recommended that such leave be granted to the teachers of the Whole county; the statements from the .‘tieaford High School and the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute showing additional maintenance required to be paid by the county had been examined. and committee recommended that the sum of 493.36 be paid the funner and the sum of 120: 41 be paid the latter: committee had been informed that the Inspector of North Grey has not furnish- ed regular reports of the competency 0f the teachers to the Trustee Board in his In- Spectorate‘ and recommended that the council require him to furnish such reports. Council went into committee oi the whole on report of Finance. .‘vlr. Bishop chairâ€" man. When the clause in connection with Mr. Tait‘s communication was read, Ward- en Allan said that he did not approve of it. He believed that the telephone at the county I) aildings was convenient and that it. should he, kept there. \lr. Binnie said that. in the first place the telephone was put in free of charge. simply for the purpose of advertis- mg 01‘ creating business. 3.11“..Hordon.â€"Let the report go through as it. IS. Mr. Sing said that he was in favor of the clause as read. The next. speaker was Mr. John Macdon- am wtm rpfm-md to a conversation he had ' ‘he next. speaker was Mr. John macqon- ald who referred to a conversation he had had with Mr. Tait. when the latter said he would write to headquarters and see what. could be done. The clause passed. , A db‘CllS‘SiOIl followed the readmg 0f the clause regarding: the rebate recommended bV the committee to be pmd \Ir. Gralbralth. '1‘ \I'-- U)" LIIU U11IIIIIIII.IIJU [‘7 UV f :::::: . at If Mr. Several of the members said tn Galbraith was given a rebate others who h‘ld al ‘0 procured lineuses during the year should be dealt with accordingly. Mr. McColman moved that the clause be struck out. His motion was defeated and the \Vardrn declared the clause carried. Mr. Binnie then stated that he had received some extra informatirm on the question, and believed it would be better not to Bass the clause. He believed that if Mr. Gal braith was given a rebate others would apply: for a rebate also. The clause was struck out. The lax-t clause of the report, after some (li:‘(‘.ltS<i01, wag referredbackto the com- .. “J ‘lxn D»! UK“ In”. The East. clause of the report, after some direuss‘in 1. was referred.back.t0 the com- mittee for further cenmderatmn, and the committee arose and asked leave to sxt again, a “‘I a. A “Am.\\:"+nn ‘X’na The report of Education Committee was aclonted. Richardsonâ€"\Vatsonâ€"That leave be granted to introduce by law No. 530 to an point a Trustee for the Collegiate Institute of Owen Snnn(l.-â€"â€"Grante{l. Richardsonâ€" \‘.-"at~ on â€" That leave be granted to intrmluce bv-law No. 531 ‘to appointa trustee for the High School of Meat'a'n‘cl.â€"- Grantegl. m1 ‘ ‘â€"_-_- 1‘A Mr. Sine: said that Mr. Graham was a we.“ nfi man and he was not 111 tavor of pay- ing him. It was a small matter Mr. Richardson said tn bring before the council. If “1' Graham was a poor man it would be differ- ent. ‘ On 1 Ullko )sil‘. Binnie said it waa usual if a member was absent frum the council through sick- ness or some unadxwaidable cause his pay was not deducted' In Parliament if a mem- ber was absent part of the session he receiv- ed his' full salary at the end of the se<si0n. He had no objection to Mr. Graham receiv- ing: the 3.00. In reply to Mr. Binnie’s statement regarding a member of Parliament receiv- ing his full salary at the end of the session it'absent part of it, Mr. McColman, who is an ex \1. P. 1)., said that if a member of the loc-.l house was absent a day during the sewinn, unless he was sick he was docked 6.00. U Mr. Anderson had known men he said. to attend meetings of the council for ten minutes. go away, and then draw the day’s pay. He could see, however, that perhaps a majority of the members were against the motion. and rather than have it defeated he would withdraw it, which he did. . A O .\Ir Preston chairman of Communications and Mexntrinls, presented reportNo.1, of the con'nnittee, which recommended that the pre<entnmnt of the Grand Jury at the recent sessions be filed and dealt with a few memorials received from Other county conncih. The report was adopted. Council adjourned till eight o’clock Fri- day eveningâ€"O. 5. Advertiser. Mr. Geo. Calvert has disposed of his farm north of the Durham road to Mr. Henry Miller. Mr. J03. McCulloch has been in- stalled Master 3 218011 of the Masonic lodge in Hawkesbury. He claims to be the youngest Master in the Grand Lodge of Canada. A tea-meetingwill be held in the church here on Friday evening Feb. 12th A good time is expected. The pie social on Friday evening was fairly well attended. Mr. Robb. Lindsay acted as chairman and Mr. Alex. Grierson as auctioneer. Each filled his position in a. creditable manner. The Allan Park band was in attendance and rendered several choice selections. Songs were ren- dered by Alex. Grierson, F. :Living- 830!) and Wm. Baily. Proceeds amounted to $5.20 ’ Concluded next week. THE DURHAB VICKERS. 9.49.0! Graham was a 1n tavor .Of pay: l CHRONICLE, February 11th, 1897. What a World of sufiering and ; misery is comprised in that sick- Eheadache Take advantage of the Eresult of years of investigation and ‘ study and procure a box of VVright-’8 ,Live-r and Stomach Pills from Mac- LFarlaue Co., Durham. This is no iexgieriment hat a perfect treatment and positive cure. If you do not wish to inveSt fifty cents. send 6c. in flstamps to Dixon Wright, Toronto, s for trial box. Also cures constipation iweak stomach, loss of appetite, im- § paired digestion, all trouble coming 2 from disordered liver. '" ‘iv little daughter. three and a. half )eal‘s old suffered three years 1'11 Eczema. He1 little body was oolr'wned “ith the itchifig rash. and donors did 110 good. Four boxes of Chase’s Ointme 11thavee11tirely cured and saved our child. H81 811111 is clear (.1111 not a Sign of rash iS to be seen.” Andrew Aiton, Hartland, N. B. Mr. Aiton is one of thousands bearefi'ed by this unfailing cure for piles and skin diseases. home last Tuesday. Mr. Roderick McLeod, son of A. McLeod, happened with a bad acci- dent last \Vednesday.‘ While cut- ting wood in the bush his axe became loose and in making a wedge his hand slipped and he cut the first; finger clean off. He quickly wound a handkerchief around it and hurried to Prieeville where Dr. Hutton at» tended it. Last week some of our villagers} were treated to the sight of a piece: of mechanical ingenuity by one of} our blacksmiths and according to his; version never saw before as fine a3 piece of work. Your Corrospondent has not yet been luckv enough to Z I see it but as it is on exhibition, will likely have a Chance. It is what is used to break in military horses in the old country. It has several joints and is supposed to clasp some way on the jaw ard completely con- quer the horse. People who own wild or vicious horses should see this piece of handicraft. Some time ago Mrs. Malcolm C:.meron was on a visit to Toronto and whlle travelling on a street car, an acciden‘t happened to a little news boy. For fear of trouble the con- ductor took down the names of all the passangers on the car and where they lived. Last week the Vice- Cameron as a. witness for the com- pany, the parents of the boy having sued the company for damages. Mrs. President, of the street railway came to Priceville and summoned Mrs. Last Friday John looked very crest fallen and on making enquiries found that he had intended driving to Flesherton that night to have a skate in the rink, taking a lady with him of course, when behold Mr. Grip put in his appearance and so the trip had to be postponed. There was quite a noisy time in Egrernont near Farewell Corners last week when John and Angus were pitted against Dan and Allan. We have not heard if it was Queensbury rules or ‘cateh as catch can’ probably the latter. John says “Dan took me on a wares.” Cameron Went; down but we have not, heard the result of the trial. 3.11“ J. L. Brown Photographer' of Durham, visited his father here last. week. Mr. and Mrs. Denny of Norval visited the latters father Mr. Nelson Main and rela‘ives here last week. Mac. Dixon, who has been in North Dakota since last spring is for a short visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cantelon of the Coyne House Mt. Forest were guests at the Commercial on Sunday last. Dougald Ferguson of Swinton Park was the guest of his cousin Miss Jennie McKenzie on Monday Miss Murray of London is the guest of the Misses Conroy this week. he Y. P.S.C.E. meeting next, Sabâ€" bath evaning will be led by Mr. John Dixon and Miss Jennie McKenzie. Ul‘xvu “u'A -u. -wv v v” Mr. John Walmsly. who has been 9 a M rs. Bogal, who has been oonfinefi in Algoma. the forepart of this Win- ; to her bed for the past two months, ter timbering, is home assisting his.is not improving much, She has father who has been in poor health. ibeart trouble and to make matters ____'II -.._J Miss Lewis of Mt. Forest is visit- ing at G. Freeman’s {or a few days this week. ,Iiss Kate McIntyre returned It Saved Oui‘ Child PRIOEV ILLE. HOLSTE IN. ,‘ 09> '- FROM ALL LEADENG GRflCERfi. ”212268 ‘2fi2r 002221223, (32222? {2.3, and ‘2' 2-228 Threat 22222}; C122: st. A few 253 222262 569 822-22288. 2222222222222 222 223 m 22% 222022. Esgesmfiy adapted f: Quite-a number from this part are attending the revival meetings held in the Baptist Church Orchardville. “’6 are all pleased to see Mrs. Lit- tle Sr. around again, looking fairly well after her hard speil of sickness. Quinton Pettigrew doesn’t; intend to be cold this winter by the way he was purchasing clothing at Mr. Young’s sale, A couple of sleigh loads from a- round t-liis Vicinity drove up to Mr. R. Matthews a few evenings ago and had a good time. Mr. andfiirs. J. Matthews were the guests of Mr. and 1V rs. R‘eily one dav last week. Mrs. Wm. Grant Sr. vis5ted friends in Garafraxa iatelv. Mr. John Cornish, 81"., of Norman- hy sold $33.?) worth of pork this season and his son Jonn sold fat cattle to Mr. J. Brown {or over $300 get ma1y farmers say that farming is a failule. Those men we paving rent» amounting to over $1000 besides taxes and other expe 1363. Mr. Nelson 01111110111: of Normanr by fell last week and b1oke several libs but is improving nicelV Mrs. Leason who has been very low for some time is improving nice- 1v. Look out for the concert in connec- tion with the singing class. It will be a. good one and is coming off in a couple of weeks. ‘ prcim‘ m, Mr. Colin Blyth has several teams employed drawing wood to Holstein. He sends it to the city The gravel road, both North and South is in excellent condition for teaming All the pathmasters ex- cept Mr. Lew-is turned out after the last snow storm and did a good deal of shoveiling In his division the Ijoad is bad and it is difficult for teams to get over it. We would recommend the council to cancel his appointment and put some other man in his place at once. Agreat many saw-logs have been. taken to the mill during the past week. The revival meetings started some time ago seem to be domg much good. defse, Mr. Bogal is not well and their means of support is quite limit- ed. ' The hast mat msaey and brains Gan n For 2330., 400., 50c. 01' 600. per 11)., B12101; Lead Packets onlv. En Mi mm; ORCHARDVILLE. SOLD (,ENLY BY . f? 7’73 E?“ s . CHEMIST , fiifi‘iagga and DRUGGIST‘. E121 hafll VARNEY. >-â€"‘ ‘0. 0â€"4 M. i: .22.. GE 351.5% GEVLGN TEA ”?e flit"... EL“- '-.:‘-‘r.ib?1‘_u."§.’ imm "M- Er. Budd’s E if Power of Sale contained in a carâ€"J i tam B-Iortgage whlch “‘11! be produced at”: .the tune of Sale, there W111 be said by 1 Public Auction on E T TESDAY FEBRUARY 16?}1, 1837.. g at the hour of :2 O’clock, p. 111., at. the 2 KNAPP HOUSE, D URHAM, IN THE 'l‘OWNSIIIP 01? GL 3') the township of Normanby, County of Grey. containng 100 acres‘ 70 of which l are cleared and under cultivation. 15 acres ; ploughed. Flrst class orchard, growin lall kinds of hardy fruit. There is a go 1. house with a never failing well and a spring ; creek adjacent ; a new first class barn and l stables. The tenant will be required to feed ‘ all nay. straw and grain on the place. Rent : to be paid in part bymaking improvements. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM FEE. l Fab mt‘n- 4 Varney P. Oâ€" 2‘5“" NDER AND BY All that certain parcel 0r tract of land and premises, situate in the '1‘mvnfixip of Glenelg in the County of Grey, containing nine acres mere or less. Being composed of part of the third divisingz «(pflut number fifteen 01) the first couces-imi East of the Gurafraxa. Head and nmre particularly described in a deed of Bargain and Sale from one Alizm Mciiechnie andJanct Mc- KeehnieMs to (lower) to Joseph GibbonsJ dated the 28th day of March A. I), 1879, and registered in the Registry Ofiice for the South Ridng of the Cannty of Urrev on the 6th day of April_A, D. 1880315 mimbcr 25:18. ‘JU‘. v- â€"- '1‘11ep‘11‘me1txhis sit-11am 11b1m1 1111913 miles f111111 the 1'11 111 of D111}. am and has e1ected upon i1 :1 good 111111111111Jious,1111e 111111 111111 111111 st01y 1011011 cast Hotel 111111011111 enieut stabies etc. _ TERMS OF skLE :â€"â€"The property wil be sold subject tea reserved bid. Ten per cent. of the purchase money nmsit. be paid at the time of Saleand the balance within thirty days thereafter. Possession will be given on paymentof the balance uf purchase money. For further particulars apply to W, L. MAQKEEZIE. Or 10 Jam es Carsbn, \ 911801 3 A gent, Anctumeer. DI 11.13111 Dated this 15th day of January, 18.111897. n 12% Tea w Feb, 10th, 1L1 lots 2231116 23, con 1:? Pentinck The abox e farm is offered f0! 5 ale at b Lar -n ---__ ,1“: 1 gain on easy terms. It is well wmdecl, l mlie from store, post, office and summit. be“. concrete house, am. new frame stabie. For further particulars apply to Hunter, Durham, or _ LL PARTIES OWING US ARE- . _ requested to call at once and settle. as all accounts unpaid by the 15th inst. will he placed in court for collection. Don’t. blame us if you have costs to pay. J. C. ALLAN 8: CO, “‘0‘“ an. Holstein. August, 24th, 1896. Feb 6th. Call and subscrible for the THE CHRONICLE. It: leadsg, EING LO‘L‘ NO. 7. CON. 3, IN Farm to Rem}. .i‘arm for Sale. Mfifififi mm $232333 aaiei Pa“: 20m *ifig 00135311 “.556 we? Bstfle. ACRE I'ARM FOR SALT? N OTECE. n pfaduee ack 01‘ Mixed, H. H. MILLER, Hanover.

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