.tadt, Ont H‘! (J. 1896. OCK( DUE US MOST BE 58, Ear, Nose anal. “VLLéi-g SE11 A 34 IILAN. them J. MCKECHNIE. 1V arch 151'. next. placed 111 court u 31 oï¬at‘s c enlargeé T333 8813. r :5 Cents. an LAES d added “set? 1(‘(5 Hi VOLUME 30. THERE will be a. tea connection with the B3,} in the Town Hall, Frida‘ Admission 25 and 1;") cts. gains .â€" When you want something nice, neat and artistic in the line of a photo, patronize Prof. Brown, Lowe Town Studio. 1 ' DIVID KINNEE is inspecting ties and posts as they come in and paying for them every two weeks. Farmers are well satisï¬ed with his culling. 1 --:<OtiCB.-â€":11 aceaunts must be settled by Cuh or Note on or before March 1%, 1597, after that; date, col- Marian will be placed in other bands. faction will be placed in other 1 H. Parker, Druggist, Durham «Noticeâ€"All persons indebted to C. Mcirthur, are respectfully re- quested to call for their accounts and settle either by cash or note at once. All accounts left unsettled must be placed in other hands for collection. C. McArt-hnr, Merchant.-â€"Durham, Jan. 7th 1897. Immigrants and returning voyage ers ï¬nd in Ayer’s Sarsaparilla a cure for eruptions, boils, pimples, eczema, etc, whether resulting from sea- diet and life on shipboard, or from any other cause. Its value as a. to- nic and alterative medicine cannot be over estimated. Manv trustees a? e making enquir- 333 about the \I 1111113111211 School Giant for this y.ear \Ve are informed by the Inspector that on account of the Cl1321~ re in the law last )ear gi\ ing each s3etion $130 instead of $100 irom the township, the old Municip- al Grant has been discontinued and will not be is suel 111. le1 the piesent Act. ~Xoti¢e.â€"-â€"The undersigned has any quantity of Goou Sued Hay for side which can be procured from Mr. C. Smith at the Durham Foundry. I will be at the Middaugh House each Monday, \Vednesday and Satur- day. All parties indebted for feed purchased l'ast year are requested to call and settle .at once either by cash or note, otherwise the accounts will be put in other hands for collection. -â€"-â€"Alex. Beggs, Durham, Feb. 6th. 2 Tim Secretary of the Horticultural Society requests us to insert the following circular : Dear Sir or Madam:â€"â€"The Direct- ors of this Society beg to inform you that. the Membership fee ($1.00) for 1897, if paid before the 18b of March next. secures to each member in ad- di*ion to membership in this society: lst, A Certificate of Membership in the Fruit Growers’ Association of Ontario for 1897, which entiles the holder to the“ Canadian Horticul- turist†for this year and a bound copy of their Annual report, and also a share in the annual distribut- ion of plants of that Association, consisting: lst of a Japan Lilac, 2nd 3. Lillium Speciosum, 3rd Two plants of Conrath Raspberry, or 4th a Dempsey Pear tree, any one of which a member may select. 211d, your choice of any of the fol- fowing premiums: A 12 Gladiol‘i bulbs. ‘2 Cannes. lst Pry 1‘3 Papers flower seeds. L 1 Tuh’s Bogonia, single. 1 Geranium. V :3 Coleus. \1 Heliotrope 1 Swainsonia. 2nd Pr.1 tharanthus. 1 Aboutilon. 1 Gloxinia. 1 Sanseveria Zealanica. 2 Downing Gooseberry 3rd Prem- bushes. inm. 4 Red Cherry Currant. ‘.‘ 2 Columbian Rasterry “ Members choosing a. premium and desiring the others can purchase them or other plants at. cost. CHRIS. FIRTH, WM. GORSLINE. President. Secretary. LOCAL \E‘VS. be a tea-meeting in h the Baptist Church L11, Friday, Feb. 26th. J. A. Hunter has just received a large shipment, Ladies’ Rubbers. All sizes. Noticeâ€"Ali accounts over due, if not; settled forthwith will. be placed in other hands for collect10n.â€"â€"â€"J. A. Black. A meeting of the Fire Brigade Will be held on z3'1‘h11rsday night, in the Clerk’s office. All membe1s 1equest- ed to be present. R. Parker. WOOD, good hard wood, taken on subscriptions to THE CHRONICLE. Those from adistanoe may send it by eXpress or registered letter pre- paid. Au entertainment under Prof. Parker’s singing class, Varney, and his orchestra. of town, Will be given at; Varney on Tuesday night. A good prog‘am is being prepared. A PRUATE cheese factory is about to be established in the Snell neigh bmhood, near Flesherton Station. Ofï¬cers:â€"â€"Pres., D. McLeod; Vice- Pres., Alex. Muir; 880., Alex. M c?herson ; Treas., Stimson. The only blood puriï¬er admitted on exhibition at the Chicago VVorld’s Fair was Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, all oth- ers being excluded as secret prepar- ations and patent. medicines. With doctors and pharmacists, it has al- ways been considered a standard remedy. MR. JOHN MCCOOL, teach er in he Modern Language department in the Meaford High School has received an appointment: in London Collegeite Institute at: $1000 per annum. As a public school teacher, Mr. McCooi made a record forhlmself in Hanover and his many friends will be pleased to hear of his promotion. MR. \VHILLoum-IBY, of Elmwood, has sent in his renewal subscription, thus giving us the most tangible proof of his conï¬dence in THE CHRON- ICLE. If all our readers would do likewise we can only imagine the happiness we would experience. These voluntary remittance make the Editors’ heart dance with joy. THE thirty ninth annual meeting‘ of the Canadian Press Association was held in Toronto the week before last. Several papers were read but the question around which the great- est interest seemed to centre was the re-imposition of a postal rate on newspapers. Postmaster General Mnloch was present and from the tenor of his remarks we may expect a change in the postal regulations at no distant date. Apie social will be held in the Allan Park school on Friday Feb. 26 to raise funds for their annual pic- nic. The Allan Park Brass Band will furnish select music and the program will consist of vocal and dramatic talent. This picnic is known far and wide to be the best in the South Riding of Grey. Everyone should deem it a duty as well as a pleasure in support;- ing this good cause an imperative duty to school No. 2. THE State of Nevada. is surely the most progressive State in the Union and at the same time is blessed with a legislature, whose liberality is without parallel. Corbett and Fitz- .simmons are to give an exhibition of their pugilistic powers next month. Prize ï¬ghting was contrary to law but in order to accommodate those gentlemen (‘3) a special act was pass- ed for the'occasion and the very pleasant and elevating show will go on without violating the sanctity of! the constitution. Soxne of our moreI fastidious readers will look withl StiSpicion on the righteousness of the Act but their consciences will be ap- peased when they learn that the same body is gravely considering an Act for the establishment of woman suflrage. This is a progressive age. but we must forego the pleasure of witnessing even a. scientiï¬c en- counter. DURHAM, ON T» FEBRUARY 18. 1897. -â€"â€"§tore in Middaugh House Block for sale â€"See ad. -â€"â€"â€"Try our $1.25 and $2.00 per cwt. flour. A great bargain.-â€"~George Sparling. 1 Canada, has aleady contributed over fifty thousand dollars to the India Relief Fund, The Garrick Financial Company. a private Banking Institution at Mild- may made an assignment on Monday. -â€"Until March lst., Ladies and Gentleman over 45 years will get one Cabinet Photo, best. ï¬nish for 250. at the Upper Town Gallery. 2 A Missionary Conference Will be held on Wednesday Feb. 24th in the Baptist Church Durham presided over by the Rev’s J. P. MoEwen Toronto and A P. MoDiarmid, Supt’s of Home and Foreign Missions. Ses- sions open at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. The public are cordially invited. On Tuesday evening a number of citizens met in the Hall to discuss a. scheme by which some industries couldbe started in town. Mr. Gr. McKechnie was in the chair and ad- dresses Were made by the chairman, Mayor Calder, Messrs. Crawford, Parker, Brown and R. McFarlane. Sr. A committee consisting of the Reeve, Messrs. McKechnie, J. W. Crawford, J. Brown and H. Parker was appointed to ascertain what pri- vate ï¬nancial aid could be secured from citizens and What branch of industry it would be advis- able to introduce. The Lieutenant Governor of Ont- ario has receiveda message from the Chief Justice of Bengal asking than something be done to ,assist in the India. Famine. The message was transmitted to the present Administrator C. S. Gzowski, and by him circulars have been sent to the various Wardens requesting that immediate action be taken. In View of the fact that the next meeting of the Council will not be held until next J nne, \\ a1den Allen Wishes to adopt a plan, bV which all who feel dlsposed may contribute at once. Banker Kelly here has been asked to act as receiver and all con- tributions to him will be duly ac- counted for and forwarded. Large amounts are not asked. The univer- sal fellow feeling is better shown by having means. 2ND. Division Court County Grey. The following cases were heard be- fore his Honor Judge Morrison. Vaughan vs. Caulï¬eldmAn action for damages done to crops by sheep of defendant. Judgment for plaintiif $5.â€"â€"-VVrigl1t for plaintiff Elliott for defendant. Lenahan vs. Cal.dwell-â€"â€"Accounts and contra accounts disputed. Judge found in favor of plaintiï¬ for $79 and defendant $69, balance $10, favor of p1ainLiï¬.â€"â€"Elliotb for plaintiff, \Vrighc for defendant. White vs. Bm‘netâ€"Garnishee proâ€" ceedings adjourned on payment; of garnishee’s cosns in 10 days.â€"McCau1 for plaintiff, \Vright for defendant. MoKechnie vs. Ritchie~di8puted accounts, adjourned â€"-â€"Telford for plaintiff. Morton vs. Mortonâ€"Board ac~ count.Jx1d;r111ent, for plaintiff $85). 20. \Vrighn McKenzie for plaintiff, Telfmd for defendant. 1." Vollet vs. Mathewsâ€"Plaintiff $13.61.â€"'\V‘rgight McKenzie for plaintiff, Telford for defendant. Teford vs. Saundersm-Plaintiff 870. â€"â€"â€"â€"Wright McKechnie for defendant. Cossitt vs. Sharp.-â€"Settled. The teacher pupils and a number of the parents of the Vandeleur school visited Fiesherton on the 60h. They had a. lively time. Mr. J. ' Warling and family of Flasherton Station have again taken up their residence here. (Miss Gilray Spent Saturday and Sunday at the parental home, Epping. WM). and Mr‘s. Wm. Ellis. loft oi] the 6: h for their future home in Blitish Columbia. '"he good Wishes of theii many f1 lends go vs ith them Mr. J C. Buchanan after a little over two mo’s absence in Oregon re- turned home on the 6th inst. v all give according to their VAN DELEUR. Mr. and Mrs. J. Riddle of Beaton Spent a very pleasant week Visiting kinsmen and acquaintances here last week. Messrsfl Lewis and Andrew Hay} Visited relativesin Luthur tw’p last 1 Week. They returned on Saturday. } Miss Jessie Robertson, who has been in Toronto for the past couple of years has returned home. -Assessor McKinnon‘of Corinth is doing up this end of the tw’p in his official capacity. \Vhy this unneces- sary expense is a. puzzle to many. Mr, and Miss McPhail from near Priceville were the guests of friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. McNally of Trav- erston were guests at; the home of the latter the beginning of the week. A couple of weeks ago a debating society was organized here having as its meeting place Stewart’s hall. since then two very im- portant questions have been for all time satisfactorily settled the first subject being: Resolved that. the P. of I. association have been beneficial, was decided in the afï¬rmative. The next deing, the problem which has puzzled philosophers viz: RGSHlVed that married life is preferable to celibacy. Rem-Mr. Little and Rev. Mr. Bell of Bruce Co. exchanged pulpit-s lass Sabbath. Miss Bell, of Owen Sound, is vis- iting: friends in town. Mrs. Pool, Tara, is Visiting her daughter Mrs. Wolfe. Miss Gunn of our teaching staff is off duty through illness. Mr. Alex. Jopp of Moosimin, Man. is Visiting friends in town. Mr. James A. Browne spent a few days with friends in Guelph this week Mr. John L. and Dr. D. C. McKen- zie left on Monday for the Rainy River District. Mr J. M. Campbell of Lumsden Assa, has sent in his dollar for re- newal. Accept thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Crowther, Chats- worth, are Visiting the latter’s par- ents Mr. R. Algoe, Sr. Mr. Arch. McKenzie is in Toronto this Week at the Granil Lodge meet- ing of the A O. U. W. Mr. and'Mrs. John McKelvie were were Visiting their many friends in the country last Saturday. Mr. Robelt \Vaae, of \Vellbeck, gave us a call Tuesday and renewed his subscxiption. Mme joy. Rev. W. E. Norton of Owen Sound preached two excellent sermons in the Baptist Church here on Sunday last. Mr. Batson of the law firm of Frost and Batson Owen Sound was in town last week and gave us a. brief call. Mr. H. Freeman, Travelling agent for the Toronto News, was in town a day or so last week and gave us a pleasant call. of Flesherton called last week as they passed through on their way to Mount Forest. Barrister \Vright of Owen Sound who was attending court here on Tuesday looked into the CLIHONICLE ofï¬ce for a few minutes. Mr. J. Young, of Mt. Forest, general Agent for the Ontario Mutual Life Association was a caller at this ofï¬ce on Thursday last. Mr. Mills of the Durham School has not been able to attend to his duties for the past two weeks. He has had an attack of pneumonia. Miss Eliza Calder of Calderwood spent a few days last week at Mayor Calder’s. Mrs. Graham of Chesley is also a guest at the Mayors’. Mrs. Batty, of Palmerston, Spent aday or two in town last week with her daughter, Mrs. Walters. return- ing on Saturdav accompanied by Mrs. Walters. Mr. Michael McMillan, who has been a resident of Durham for four or five. years past, left last week for . 321d axe. Michigan, to visit friends - at present. anl perhaps to locate permanently. PURELY PERSONAL; DORNOCEL The Winter iS Slid- * 3 111;}; 111911;; 211111 ale- , 1:6:1111151 Spring is 111‘; 11.13 News Spring ’, Goods are (501111110 ‘i to 11211111 {11111511111 i 1,31“ 11011;}, S1 1111213191513 i is arriVSES 21118 881110 . { Novelï¬ies 111 Dress ‘ G11011S. ThSSS are 81113: 21.1111 ‘11 001 11113113111191 111 very 2 “pretty 1311 101% a 111 116 late S17 111111;: 111 91119 1111110. They i (301113 111 dress Elengths.$11171) two ‘ 0f $1811 1.11116 iand if y1011f1vant a. Stylgsh dreSS these will suit 311311. “'e have also 811118 very pretty tw eed eï¬'ects 111 light and dark (3010" 111,081, 2111- other correct g thing 101' Syring i Dre-SSSS. The store is beginning to take to a- spring ap- pearance. Amongst the inany other New Goods we might mention, are : New Clothing. fNeW Prints. New Wrapper Cloths. New Musï¬ns Lawns. “New Shirtings and Galateas. New Laces and mag- ings. New Lace Curtains. New Carpets. We have a, couple of snaps in the Clothing line this week one for the men, the other for the boys, Men’s all wool Tweed Pants Fancy Strip: .3 and well ï¬n- ished goods, all sizes, $51 pr. Boy’s Kinclzer Pants. good strong Tweed, sizes to ï¬t a boys from 8 to 12 years of age at 500. All lines of Winter goods offered at special prices. To the ladies: we have still a few nice hats left. If you want anything in this line see them at once. They are going fast. RAMSEY eCash and One Prigeâ€" Calder Block. Lower’Town. XXX Q%â€"%% N01530: MRLSCK, and Edg-