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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Mar 1897, p. 3

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M V V" _-_m.__.- -__._______________..__.â€"â€"~â€"-________.._._.-_ ' " _____,.._.â€"â€"â€" "I ‘ “w BL'l TING ON THE RAIN. I ' . .... wmlll ASSURANQE lll m moms To do. wringiorla ,:' The Que-crest Gambling Game In the '"" L'A‘fdu ,j W H '. I’I , 11 C 1. w I -, 13'3’1,*e.j, ‘ - , , 0F SHEA ‘HOLDERS. MB- DAV 1* ‘ - . ‘. nnormi Elflll-l'lfl‘g 1n the world 13 “rain gamâ€" BE.- 2-â€" Of cedflliver CS mewte aid by soothing a vdfrmE-v ~ Sling," which at this season of the year The annual meeting of shareholders The Remarkable Experience at Ono ‘ Stu born cough and St! lym W - r _ ' is 3* i< height in Calcutta. The prin- ofpthe swallow was :held at Its .VVho W I valid For 'Yea SIX Oil With di 2 yup-d" A .‘ V m ll' , . C tt ofllces in this city on Thursday, the as an n , ,' rerâ€" ! rune gs t0 the weaken: SYStema It TIL ’ _ ‘ in ,5 1m ) lng den is in 0 on 25th inst. The Hon. Geo. A- Cox, Pres}. Doctors Treated Him W1thm1t Bene- prevents C ' ‘ . o :1111- - '3 1.11m Bazaar. . dong, occupied the chair, and Mr. c. Fitâ€"He Owes His Renewed Health to Hypophos. . onsumptron bY 13’0“!de ft" 3“"? ' N2 who has not visiied the place L- gem“: havgnefifen appomtedago a?“ Following a Friend’s Advice. cur-mg colds and so I in the pro IT'S ,SVJ' (1.717:- lLI'Cz' fl; ‘ ‘ :1 , ‘ 1, o as Greta-IF 0 E . meet-ling) re 9 - I: .2513 -, ”M“ tLOH:CI.Il;n 0f {the va°t following annual reportnâ€" From the Ottawa Journal. . ‘ c phites ventlve power by Wfifig the system :3”. ,.X- .,.3 n a ewry our 0 the day in presenting the annual report of Mir. David Moore is a well known and ouw canwithstand diseas ., 4271-1" iic'. 3:17 min nlght pass in and out. the busmess or the company tor the lmuch esteemed farmer living in the W. e. “Cu "1‘“ ‘ffifitilts in‘l . great Illajority are Mawaris, who {1931' 91165111113 315? Eggzrg‘geggagfii’g’ “if: lggunty 10f Carleton, Sow-$5“ filleilfiom ‘_""_â€"‘_“’ " “- * 'â€"-~ -._- *4â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"-_._.._ jig"! 3 .,..,. I 33,.-. l 3 - lrectors 3"6 P 83 . ‘ , w e vil age of Richmon . . ‘oore NEURlALGI ' - “7"“ “‘““"“’““"-"* Flay . .22 Iii :l' a; atoii, tbutd there‘ are 3'3 While there has beena falling off in [has been an invalid for some years, and AS PERSISTENT AGONY Ego? gm“ tloin take Karlie 0‘10 I L . 1:131; *- l' '04 0 “P 0 0 Emopeam. the premium receipts, the revenue ac- lphysicians failed to agree as to his 3'11- Has but one source of relief. ‘Nerviline C 91““ ' great Blood Purl! or. "Hf-rs , l.’:.l“fl.‘~‘.:lll>‘, Jews, Armenians and count shows a. PTOflt Sm the year‘s imam. Not only this but their treat.- fnerve pain clueâ€"penetrates to the irâ€" tiures Headache, NSflou 055 El‘“? v.31... erks. and women, too. All swarm transactions 0f 51.192708-43- Out Of this Ement failed to restore him: to health. rltated nerves, soothes them into reâ€" 0122: an $3001 811 as the head ‘ 21:, \ , ’31,,“ f h qua“ courtyard where this two hairâ€"yearly leldends, at the rate iMr, Moore gives the followmg account. 1 pose. and affords relief almost instant. 38 a 1. .1», _, f . _ _ _ . or 10 per 0993.5 per amnum, have been ,of his illness and eventual re-‘1y. The whole range of medicine at- There is no foundation for the ro- ., - ,3 sure iorm of gambling IS carrled declared, $039-30 has been. written off istoratlon to health. He says :â€"-“My fords no parallel to Nervillne as apain port that the Duke of Connaught, will ‘5 :hmugll a. narrow entrance bare- for depreciation ”1 securities, and the “311313 3101111353 came on me when I was l reliever. on an early date, be raised to the run \1 .. ran-cc feet wide. The courtyard is balance added {’0 waggoglfid, which 69 years of age. Pnor to that I had of held {rimmed° Hls royal highnou â€": we m. h lr d f t 1 Th “0W amounts 0 $L1, , , - - i always been a strong healthy man. I Jose Echegaray, Spain’s great play- has no W15h to Obtam a baton at 91'0' I; 1 ._-c 0 uni .9 ee SQLaI‘e. . 8 During no the reduction In the volulme had a bad cough and was grow' weak wright, is 64 years Old He is 8.11 611- sent. .. Zi.I'â€"l‘d.;'llt".'_l tank W‘ll.h a spout falling in of business transacted. the amount and in bad health generally}? went gineer and a. mathematician. He waal Shillo'h’e Consumption Cum cure- , ~ ~i->.- courtyard is the one spot where 1190¢$§MY “3 Puma? for rummaofi P,“ to North beer to consult a: doctor. mice 9 minister of state. He has writ- *Whem 0th”! tMll- It in the healing , . _ 1W8 are fixed. The tank stands liability on unexpired policies is $1.3: who after examinmg me said, Mr. tell) fifty-two plays, LCOu'g’h Cure, and no home should he . » 504.88 less than at the close of 1895. Moo I to t 11 that '. .~ , . . . . . re am very sorry 6 you WLthout it. Pleasant to take and 3-0.. _ L‘s-go. of a second floor roof. It After making prowsron for this and your case is very serious, so much so my WORKED WONDERS right to the 8001’.- fUi‘JllI 13,; fee, long by four feet all other liabilities, the net) surplus that I doubt if you can live two months. __.. ' A ‘ W P C 8 7 and mm dumps deep, with the has been increased to $316,..5-.34.. He said my trouble Will! "a combination Two Years of Bladder Tormean d ' ' . 5 ‘2 '11le opening lnward, some three or lhe directors have. pleasure 1.“ 3"" of asthma and bronchitls, and he gave Attacks f I - ' a ' ~ - ' ~ . 43,3115 lrom the bottom. prom knowledglng the efficient servrces of me some medicine and some. leaves to 0 nflalrnanatlonLâ€"Cured by: MILL8.MILL§HALES, Barristers abllcllm :1 he .Oflliehlés and agents of the company smoke which he said might relieve me. a. Few Boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills; sirecffiisérfil‘fi" ”mfg" " 113:?“ ' urln as wear. 1 ~ - -, , . g P 3 1 tool: nemlmr because I felt we 1 had Owen Sound, March 1 (SpeciaJ)â€"The admin. BLâ€"A, Huh-.411. no“ n.5, it. will be seen that it requires . ._ heavy downpour for at least » lllzllllit‘s to cause the spout to flow- ' =:;l11’ tent drizzles, which partly lill TWO days 1313- of another cure credited to Dodd's Kid- ’ n better trade, w STATEMENT. not understand my case. and consulted one ney Pills. This is the case of Mr. w, momleorn tocub for circular ivln In information SUM-M A‘RY OF THE FINANCIAIJ neither trouble he said, and that he did people of this town are talking agaln I ORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL. 1?? ll agents for Mo owe ’I Ludlcl' Gal-mouth f “x .3 Will" do not count, as the shower Total cash income ........ 1... «$2,335,72795 er I went to Ottawa ‘ _ . 1: must pour down uninterrupt- fowl eXpendltur-e, includ- of the most prominent 9113319131143 there. Cruse, caretaker of (town buildings. ' He gave a thorough examlnatlbn and who when Belem had this to say of the mg Machine 113 Youze St. ing appropriation tor .. losses under adjustment. 2,217,019.52 ggfinomgeal my ”136% 13631:; $133123 muttcrzâ€" . W---- ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"‘ ' .53.“ was ' ‘ “For over two cars I have been an: “WM " ‘ Balance ..1 ............ '$ 119,708.43 condition to (ll-”00.119“ {at any moment. intense sufferer 3from kidney disease 3 To lNVENTORS. hfi‘1n:2n12iu ____.______1 I‘deClded to: remain in the City for some “1ch occasional acute attacks of inâ€" 1 International pug“ Bureau, 1! Melinda . M 3 100,000.00 time and undergo his treatment. ~He flammation of the bladder." ‘1 fotronto.iLonnIt oxpcrlonco, Levant", wrote a. few lines on a piece. of paper “Was under doctor’s treatment and‘ gar-mil; on 3:0. G. 3:13;: A): n" , and then the bets are won or lioness are taken either for 01‘ 3.31.115: llz1 spout running. A gray- ;‘l..l*‘:»1l. lecflctl old man is the owner “a; and there is another similar Dividends on stock 1‘ ““3““ the r”ad’,.0my smaller. On Total assets ....., 2,324,427.12: _ _ 1d»: I‘lllll,“9\'rr the llfth floor, there â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" glvmg my 1181116 and Place 0‘5 “Sid" have been compelled to resort to in-‘ if, 9.31”?" fis‘l'flfu‘e “Fitch LOWER 1n Reserve fund ........ l ......... 1,086,908.21! 3110.3 and trouble, “Parry in my goal? strumental relief many times. 1’ r “i" Sldiloned “"9 0r SIX H.161): cosh capital ........ . ............ 1,000,000.00! et In case 1 shoulddle suddenlr did “I hays taken {eighteen boxes of' 1;.WOODKPHOI‘UJ-Nlillilt’lkli'4‘ duty "3 [0 5‘33“ the horizon Subscribed capital ......... 1,000,000.00 “03 89811110 be getting any better under Dodd’s Kidney Pills and am satisfied :‘EzfiJr‘LJON I? E (ffâ€"":5 Gym-15 and report on the formation ______ the treatment and 111121.in left the City with results being perfectly relieved 7:10 .ISNG3( 33.35:: “ll“ ralll clouds. On these reports the Security to policyholders. 3,086,908.21 determined to consult 3' doctor nearer ‘-0f. all suffering” ~'6‘58‘10‘ADIlMIlE’ISI,ML iri-‘fii‘xsv Ur {all 1 d _ 1 'l'he annual report of the (mayors hgmeih II‘liaS algal? inflamed and the '__.._. â€"-â€"â€" 3 ,1 ill llili‘l i»: am won one ay 18 aâ€" , .' 4 . " . 1 ea at ad ear lsease was scout- 3. W". 3 i-(lll llle following morning. EVâ€" having; beef, read, t3“: Â¥ii§1€l$nm ,3; ed, the doctor saying there was many TO BE PASbED OVER?" TRY mmmb ”s“ optlon. S ‘1 8‘ a 9 V‘ a. man following the plow whose heart Heâ€"Holding a girl's hand is like a. 9 eface to the book of flirtation. atson S ough Drops r3:'}'llll'l=__l’ seczlls to he. “on. the square,” 3 pleased to be able to'say that the year, was in a worse shape than mine. I reâ€" pr Sheâ€"I never read prefaces. dill. indeed, thvre is liltle chance for “d b .. l hi‘ilihg The uddfi range 38 high as l”. 19‘,” con marked )y any serious maimed under the treatment of this inleluual losses such as he had had to doctor for a long time, but got no bet- se Stop that Cough! Take warning. It I"T‘W's“m”d “‘ °‘°‘ ”"" reler to at the last annual meeting» terl Then my case was made wor A 250ab0t- 1 lo 75 on some days, even in the rainy swans. Many have made a fortune in ft may lead to Consumption. The business 01‘ the company had been by an attack of la grippc, which 1c ' y neck the of Shiloh/’8 Cure may save your life. at snail: :lrly. _ 0118 person recently won .. ,- “‘1 ll , .. 1- 3 . . 11‘ d1 .lrw: Lilith} in the Course of a few $1.111. fim 9301.1 1 19154916, mi” 3: rd . behind it a terrible pain In m V . ~ ~ 3 . lllit llz‘ worked the system on :39. is 051%,.Inigiiepdssm’tiglemsesug: and shoulders. This became so severe _..__. l?" ‘b’ ”1 ' ‘ that i could not raise my STEAMSHIP FOR INVALIDS. gym ' An 3 " 301:. J minted were he thoucrht upon the h . . _ . ‘_ ' » . j .. 35.. ’ ,. - _ lead from my pillow Without putting . . 23.23112: arrange: 9333.52.11 m, .. 1...... 1.... o... of 1... .1..m.1....mp..... .. b e “V - p tored on until I was trying my sixth England has ordered a steamship to be build for the sole use of invallds." ed, bearing in mind the prevalllng oonâ€" doctor, and instead of getting better . .7 I 'r ‘ - , ‘ '1‘ l] I; ‘ H 31112030121.igsrllfrdduEilrfémlslfe“31:3;g1gllll was getting worse. ‘lhe last doctor I ~ 'lhe comparatively small falling of ‘n hiad‘adVlsed me to wall; until the heat GATARRI CANNOT 3m CURE!) the premium income of the comp y ill-15w” 11:: glastlcllver 3;”113'.“ he “0‘11?! With LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as they on was such as mighu naturally have been 3 .8 p “.3 In my nee not reach the seat of the disease. Cntarrh lie , - anld shoutldells, which he felt surte vigulld blood or constitutional disease. and in order to , V . a,“ 7 , ~ re love 1.. was on my way 0 1c â€" ucroit you must tak-ainternalromedies. Hall’s :Etffigt’dgt geft?e;‘{:§11iilfi mond to undergo this blistering when Catcrrh Cure is taken internally. and acts ci- precratlon in sec 1‘ . ; I t \Ir G A fN 1 . roctly on the blond and mucous surfaces. to their me i ' 80' . rgue, 0 or“) UOX‘BI" Hall’s Catarrh Cure in not a. uack medicine. who told me of the wonderful cure Dr. q ~:v‘l1‘-l:iiilc Illell'lulls. M l‘URf‘lO'l‘TlCN \V'EAI-TH. in oil-.1 of the old London banks a 1:13 xxx-ls l'i‘k‘iltly found, cool-dining ....‘vl1‘_\' llll~l valuables, which had not llw-Il ogwllcd or called for in 100 years. all-l which now remains without a ‘iL‘lLillilllC. llllridents of like sort are 11.21: lll.ll‘t“.‘.lll}lli in banking history, 5“” :9 A73. 1 ToRONTO 4.33.3 l..- ......-.3.~.._‘ ”.1 G. DUTHIE SONS SATE, SHEET-METAL. TILE CRAVEL IOOFER' bheet Metal Ceilings, 'lcrra Cotes 'l‘ile, Red Black and Green Roofing Slate, Metal 00: nices, F ell, Tar, Rooting Pitch, Etc. Gutters Downpipes, c., supplied the trade. Telephone 1936. Adelaide Wldmer Sta TORONTO It was prescribed by one of the ‘ost physicians Tl'ielllgil IllE‘l‘c is no other recorded inâ€" was necessary :10 bring them h 3i: f l 1- v; ’D‘, .7 ' - « 1,- in iron. v in at th --; ‘e oft 6 car, . . . . . H O a Lad‘uoe hdd m finial]; ullLtI which milst. beer-:lélfrded as ayvery Wlulams' Bulk Plus had wrought ”1 in this country for roamandi arwxlar pre- ” him, and adVlsed me strongly to try scription. 1c in composed of the but tomes known, cohabined with the boat blood Splendid Equuimcfltlaflddcigod 801“ Work â€" ave p ace :â€" lilflllllllg so long linexumincd. (1 sh . k t 1 t f Tull-'5 ago the Merchants National mo crate 11D 383 011 103 asses 0 , â€" - y Elm-ii. of Baltimore, discovered a box upwards 0i LWO ands-quarter millions- them. 1 went on to Richmond, but In- __,-,~;,gumg $10.00“ in bonds of the Briefly speaking; he said lhat the flgâ€" Stead 0f 301118 to the dOCtors Ibouglht :~ l’wulisy'imllid Railroad, the ownership tiles in the report submitted showe behgagl 113mg them. BGfOI‘B I had fin- \Vlllt‘ll could not be at first trace-Q- 9111”: while the 00119115] had done 3' is ed 1111)); second box there was 1-10 room coupons {01' the preceding 15 years Somewhat reduced volume of busmess, 10k Oltl tllalr'theyth“ ego 1Llileiplng me. were still attached. It was finally there had been afalr margin of 13mm ‘39 on 3711.03 9 m 1113' 39d dismve‘l‘yd that the bonds belonged t tions~as shown 13 my malady! “men “1.3 doctors had fall“ ‘2’lle llujivl'slown Maryland, Bank. and ' ed to 5119035315111” dla'gnpse' was rap- ‘c-ll il-oll deposited do collateral. ingthe usual dividend of 10 per semi-w ”11y leavmg me- The Pam also 1“th and making allowance for deprematlon “Wk and shoulders, and after a. 0011- in securities, there was an increase In 919 Of 1110ch3 treatment I became the reserve fund of $114,000, while the strong and healthy. I am now In my gain of; close upon $38,000 was shown in 77th year and thank God _that I am the not surplus, after making full pr0- able to go ab.0ut.“'lth 3' feeling 0f 300d vision to coy'er the liability on outâ€" health. I .Stlll continue taking the standing risks. These results, he 91115 00035101131137, feeling sure that thought, mighu be taken, without fur- £01“ a PBI‘SMI.of my age they are an lhercomment fromhilu, assatisfactory excellent lomc. After the failure of so pI-qu that the business was ona sound much medlcal treatment Ifeel sure that looting, and that the officers and nothlng 8138 than P1011 P1115 could have agents of the company were conducting restoredvme 130 my present condltlon." its affairs with due regard to the inter- DT- \V llllams' P‘lflk P1118 create new ests of shareholders, and at the same b190d1 build up tile nerves, and thus time maintaining [or thflwwestern" the drlve dlscase from the system. In blun- position it huslong held in the estima- dreds Of 0358? “they h3V8_ cured after mm of the insuring! public. all other medlcmes had failed, thus es- ‘ll‘hc Viceâ€"President, Mr. J. J. Kenny, tabllshlng the claim. that they are a seconded ‘the adoption of the. report, marvel 31119113 the tI‘l'lll-Ilphs 0f modern which was carried unamimously. medical SCIBDCG- .The genuine Pink ’l‘ll'c election} of directors for the enâ€" P1115 are sold only 111, boxes, bearing the suing year was 'then proceeded with, full trade mark, “Dr. VVilliams' Pink and resulted in the unanimous re-elccâ€" P1118 for Pale 28.0913” Protect YOU-1" lion of the following gentlemen, viz., Self from 1DSlIJOSI’UOD by refusing any Hon... (3.80, A. Cox, 11011. by 0, Wood, pill that does not bear the registered ‘ “ R. Cockâ€" trade mark around the box. purifiers. acting directly on the mucous sur- faces. The perfect combination of the two in- glv dlcnts is whats produces such wonderful results in curing Catcrrh. Send for teatimom- 318 free. F. J. CHENEY at 00., Propm. Toledo. 0. Sold by druggiets, price 750. TonoN'l‘oâ€"Gerrard and Yong. Sta. utthe tap. It has more teachers. more stud- ents, and assists many more _ women into good positions, than any other Canadian Business School. ' Enter anytime. Write W. H. SHAW. SENLEHS’ lBllNS $80M TDRUNTB EVERY TUESDAY During March and April At 9:00 19.33:. (Should eumcient business offer) ll) lllllllBl lll llll Gllllllll NORTH-Will 2' 1‘ - 2-"! A Colonist Sleelper will be attached to Pacific Ex- " 5:61:85“ to leave oronto at 12:30 p. m. (noon) on than. {H E c 0K5 BET FR“ lE rÂ¥g Mk or wrl u to for SETTLERS' cum." LARGEST SALE m CAN...» ‘4 “Ellv 617T OF THE TOILS Physicians Failed Cureâ€"A113 Failedâ€"- Slut the Great South American Kid- ney Cure. 3 Specific Remedy for a Specific rl’rou‘ole. Uured Mrs. A E. Young of Barnston. P.Q.. Quickly an Permanently. "rims is her lesltmony: “I was taken sick in January. 1893. l c-lrployed several of the best local pll} e clans and was treated by them for kidney disease until the autumn of theaamc year w-tizoul receiving much benefit. 1 then began u~ing your South American Kidney (Sure. ‘«nd dithd great brnefii‘ almost. lmlnedidrcly. I lee. Iw-W that I am quite ourcd‘ 1 have {akin no Illedll'lll for some lung h or Ellllxb and ll‘JLV'U not had a .0 urn of tLehllght- est- 8311“,».0‘111 of the (ii 1-3-41. A COMIC AFFAIR. Did you girl. a. valenline this year, Bliss Elderly? \' 115 i did! she, snapped. and now I’m lying low to see 1f lcan’t flnd ’ust glut who Sl‘lli it. Then she gave her ill‘cssrs. Robert Beaty, (1.11. . lldll' :lll extra twist that brought one burn. George DIL'lMurrich, H‘. N. Baird. â€" -â€" ear nearly to the crown of her head. E. R. Brook, J. K. Osborne and J.J- A COBIBINATION. -â€"-â€" 9111133 _ , , .I wonder why Slimson had so man , F0 BIG BATERS At 21. meetlnlg of the Board of Direc- klnds of Cheese at his. Welsh rarebil: -15.. R - tors, held subsequently, Hon. George party? -â€"-' A. Cox was re-e-lected l’reSldent, and He probably believes that in union Are a Plea- Mr. J.J. Kenny Vice-President for the there is strength. Dr. Agnew's Liver Fills . ensuing year. sallt and Safe Liver Regulatorâ€"They Stilllulate Digestion, and Countcract , ‘ ' I“? """' -----__-y the too Common Error of Overâ€"Eatâ€" 31â€"151“? BE OVERLOOBED- FOR lug. I would not. marry a. woman who did â€"--â€" not know how to cook. . . PLATIHG, POWER 0h, 1 might overlook a little thing on LIGHT I I I Take One After Dinnerâ€"No Inconvenl- like that. if she had money enough sliceâ€"They Act Pleasanillyâ€" 40 to pay my board. Doses in a Vial, '20 Cents. ' â€"-â€"-â€" N:‘\'t‘l‘ h‘u‘e that tired feeling if you THE BEST RELVIEDY FOR CORNS "0111' 11"” 3““V9' and Dr. 3.9" Is Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. MOTORS. Repairs to all makes of machines. Experimen work carried out. keep . . new's Liver Pills are 3‘ 1”” Spemhc' Rapid, painless, its action is a marvel to all who have tried it. Fancy getting MP“ GR’ATBB‘XR TO PHH‘IP- rid of painful corns in twentyâ€"four % 3 ’ It. is unquestionably true, Philip, said hours_ “ Putnaxn’s” does it . ,2 ‘1‘ ,3: j {4 Av Elect I Mfg 00-. “â€"â€" W . 255 James St. N., Hamilton Phone 958. 68 Adelaide St. VL, Toronto Mr. Gratebar, that it is better to be - 1~ armor. . 1381th Phone 1214. dog than a dead lion; but that Herr Zschille’s collection of . . HERB is only one way by which i a. llVr.‘ . . doesn’tt- Elegnéolgdiliintgatdoiou should which was exhibited at the uulcago’s ‘ be 53 15 e . a. \Vorld 3 pair, is to be sold! by auction 3 any disease canbecured,and math . M in London. is by removin the cause, whnt- .. -_#___ . .. . _________ . . .- ._...â€" 7 : avg-I gums}; tl‘)e.d l'clleeclgreathnzedical L , - . an 9 ago re ay are a near- " '3..- A POPULAR c. P. R. OFFICER lyemy disease 1.111.311: by t -, Only One Price. ____. deranged Kidneys or Liver. L , .:--:‘-. ,‘_},:â€""'.:":;-:.;..,. ;.“ To restore hese thereforejs _ . ' -'" "E' ‘-’ ' ’ .r s; _ ,9 . ._ .. Si: :_ . .' . Equal In every respect to any wheel In the norm Adds His Testimony to the Merits of D 7.: Agn ow’s Catarrhal Powder for Ca- : gglglmél’yl‘lc'lmtlffim tarrh and Cold in the Headâ€"He say ‘ It is Peerless. Mr. John McEdwards, the genial purser of the C.l’.R liner “ Athabasca," says .. " I used Dr. Agnew‘s Caren-ital r‘owder for cod in the head. It. ls very erleotive‘jeasy to apply, mild and pleasant For catdrrh It has no equal. I have tested near y every catlrrh cure made, and found none to con p .re with it. I recom- mend il first, last and arwo ys." V V V V V V V 5 Do you know wnlere the bad people i upon THE 3 3 V V V V V It is as good as can be made. ONLY on: cumin-The Best . Many are mlmbl - ;-i- ,‘ weak and daily. on " _~- ‘2‘ mics untold nlnrlu ‘ ' ,3. through ailmnupocul- , ‘ in! to their sax. ' IT IS WRONG. The “use of moat .11 than ill: in easily reach mammivolyromov MPOUND can? ......-. IILEO’ (cam) “RETAIL! BOMPOIINI) and Ilileo' motive Wash. . Th vltoll on Pfiool’lScundaSo ”import “1:380; , '1 .m. .1214;- . ,g. ,_ \ who do not go to church go, Johnnie? KIDNEYS Am; LIVER My pop goes fislhing. -â€"-‘ and by placing them in a healthy condition, drives disease and pain from the system. Its re tatlonv‘fl‘wenty years 0 success," In four continents. Warner's Safe Cute 00.. London. Roches- ter. Frankfort, Melbourne, ‘ WHAT DE. A. E. SALTERVSAYS. Buffalo, N.Y.â€"â€"Gents:â€"â€"From my per- sonal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases of advanced Consumption, I am pre- pared to say it is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my attention. It has certainly saved T°"°"‘°' many from Consumption. ”WWW? 7' Mg. "A. M. C." nBDlClNB 60., ‘73 St. Paul St. Montreal.

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