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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Mar 1897, p. 1

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{ways fil‘eased We are here pose. ANT. ler of the day in be required tge starting at ftain 35 inches eds to hand is still cold are selling 'iee, quality Dds :11 e what 11d these are l. and. area be up. from 80 up. B from 250 ps from 100 good Raw- mrked in :89 --in Mofl'at’s. ave enlarged- re and qddeé urn DURHAM. m ' 1V 8 8‘ ‘ 781’ (39. es in entire 1d confined ese are the ANING. bite Gran- .ware. eap. flied out (‘loth 45" 1d Lolmed CO. ’ea Sets: vance . ar. paper» call and Notice.-â€"-All accounts over due. if not settled forthwith will be placed in other bands for collection.â€"J. A. Black. PONDEROUS ’phone poles are pcur- ing in and promptly purchased at prodigious prizes. and 6%. Easy terms of repayment. â€"-C. A. Batson, Barrister, Calder’s Block, Lower Town. THE Magic Lantern entertainment under the managemen: of Ensign Andrews, of the S. A. Rescue, was but poorly attended. AT the close of the Agricultural Imp1ement display referred to in Our last issue, addresses were made by Mr. - Massey’s representatiV es, and also by mayor Calder, the agent here. PERSONS Wishing to pay their sub- scriptions in wood will kim‘dy do so now. We will accept cash as well. Words can not express our gratitude to those who have paid up. â€"-â€"Notice.â€"All accbunts must be settled by Cash or Note on or before March 18b, 1%‘197, after that: date, col- lection will be placed in other hands. H. Parker, Druggist, Durham. -â€"-Notice.â€"â€"All persons indebted to C. McArthur, are respectfully re- quested to call for their accounts and settle either by cash or note at once. All accounts left unsettled must be placed in other hands for collection. â€"-C. McArtl-ur, merchant, Durham Jan. 7th 1897. VOLUME 80. REFERENCE to a party of young DBOple going to Varney for a drive was handed in to us but by some means failed toreach our columns. We apologize. The omission was not intended. You are .too young, no matter What your age, to Ease your hair. Save it by the use of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It removes dandruff, pre- vents baldness, _restores grav and faded hair to its original color, and makes it soft, glossy and abundant. No toilet is complete Without it. SUCH an assembly of hisnorical characters has not been brought to- gether in Durham for years as will appear in the Temple of ‘Fame in the town hall on the 25th and 26th inst. Goddesses, queens, heroines, poetess- es, singers, guards, her. lds, pages, etc , all in costume will present a gorgeous spectacle. Don’t miss it. Plan at Durham Pharmacy. . - COUNCILLOR J OHN W'ILLIAMS, of Glenelg, was in our office the other day and told us of a big load of logs he saw in Owen Sound on the 8th inst. He reports having seen a load of three‘ soft elm logs, measuring on. an average 1200 feet; each and drawn by one team of horses for three eights of a mile. The tOp end of the butt log was 37 inches in diameter and ‘24 feet long A very good load John but our Massey Station correspondent tells of a load in this issue that puts yours in the shade._ WE regret to chronicle the death of Mr. R. H. Middaugh which occur-a ed on Sunday last at his home in Pricexille. The deceased was a son of the late H. J. \Iiddaugh. He was born in Ohio 52') years aoo, fought in the Ameiican Civil VVai and has since been drawing a pension. He came to Canada about twenty-five years ags, since which time he has been engagei chiefly in the Hotel and livery business. He is repre- sented to us as a very highly re- Spected citizen and esteemed by all who knew him. A short time ago he purchased property in town, fell heir to the Middaugh House estate, on the death of his father and in- tended to retire Where he could Spend the remainder of his days in quietness. He leaves a Wife and one child Who’have the heartfelt sympathy of the community. The remains were interred in Flesherton cemetery on Tuesday lass. LA GRIPPE is prevalent. MONEY TO LOANâ€"Interest at 5, 5% LOCAL NE‘WS. YOU have only a week longer and the plans are filliug‘up. You can’t aflord t0 IlliSS aeoneert which will be talked of for months after it has been given. Secure your seats for the Temple of Fame immed- iately and at once. Only 250, Plan at Durham Pharmacy. -â€"Lost between the Rob Roy and Durham a pair of- black and yellow dogskin driving mitts, with buckskin facings. Finder viil oblige by leav- ing them at THE CHRONICLE Office. 3 THE WV. C. T. U. Temperance ‘Meet- inn held on Thursday last in the Methodist church was but poorly attended. Rev. Mr. Pomeroy and Prmcipal Allan were the only Speak- ers present, the Other clergymen being “ under the weather.” All the elements which nature reâ€" quires, no make the hair beautiful and abundant, are supplied in Ayer’s Hair Vigor. This preparation keeps the scalp free fr om dandi ufi', prevents the hair from becoming d1y and harsh, and makes it flexible and glossy. THE Hanover Choral Society give their closing concet L on F 1 Mat} even- ing nexs‘ Admission 2250 and 150. FOR Sale.â€"--One top buggy and one fanning-mill nearly new. Apply to Miles “"113011, Durham. J. Livingston agent for fire and life insurance Farm Implements of all kinds. Lookout for advertise- ment next week. *‘ enclosed one dollar to renew my subscription, I wouldn’t be without THE CHRONICLE for twice the subscripâ€" tion price.” Mrs. J. Bryan, Wolse- ley, says :â€"â€"â€"“ I cannot do without it. It is like a letter from home.” Mr. T. S. Mathews. Ingleside, Man., says: "I feel the want of your valuable paper so much that: I can’t do Without it any longer. Enclosed find one dollar for subscription.” We haven’t room for all the kind expressions of appreciation we are receiving from all parts of the world. It is more than a mere pleasure to know that. THE CHRONICLE has so many friends. HERE is a problem which will puzzle even the boys and girls who pride themselyes on their knowledge of arithmetic. How many apples did Adam and Eve eat ? Some say Eve 8 and Adam 2â€"â€"-a total of 10 only. Now we figure the thing out far different. Eve 8 and Adam 8 also“ total 16. \Ve think the above figures are entirely wrong. If Eve 8 and Adam 82, certainly the total will be 90. Scientific men, however. on the strength of the theory that the antediluvians were a race of giants, reason something like thisâ€"Eve 81 and Adam 82â€"total 163. Wrong again. What could be clearer than if Eve 81 and Adam 8122 the total was 893. The following must be the true solution: Eve 814 Adam and Adam 8124 Eveâ€"8928. Still another cal- culation is as follows : Eye 814 Adam Adam 8124 2 oblige Evoâ€"â€"to:al, 82,256. - ' MR. JAMES ALLAN writing from Voss, North Dakota, says :â€"-“ Find Mr. Stewart Bothwell, of Egre- mont, died on Monday 15th, at the age oi 78 years. Another fit subject for a house of industry passed away about 1 o’clock Sunday morning in the person of Adam Fauble, an aged and infirm. indigent from the township of Nor- manby. Fauble first came to jail last July, having been committed for one month as a vagrant by Police Magistrate W. Ryan of South Grey. At the end of his term he was unable to return home and was kept by Governor Miller till Oct. 12th. when he was discharged. On Dec. 18th he was sent back for another term of three months. Dr. Cameron, coroner, empanelled a jury, with Mr. Aaron Reid as foreman, anda verdict was reached that deceased came to his death as the result of old age, debil- ity and rupture. This case, occurr- ing juSt at the present moment, gives point to the ringing remarks of Dr. Chamberlain, inspector of prison and charities, regarding the confinement of paupers in the jailsâ€" ;which remarks we quote in extenso l .in another column for the benefit of those who are yet unconvinced ofthe need of a house of industry in the County of Grey.-â€"O. S. Times. DURHAM, ONT, MARCH 18, 18971 About ten o’clock Mr. Mitchell was invited to the parlor Where he was presented with a beautiful gold headed cane, accompanied by an address, expressive of the kind feel- ings that always existed between the Editor and the staff. Mr. W. John- ston read the address and Mr. Gra- ham made the presentation, after which Mr. Mitchell i'Lâ€"very feelingly expressed his gratitude to the corres- pondents who so long and so willing- ly stood by him, and assisted him in making THE CHRONICLE what it is, the most widely read local paper in Ontario to-day, Dr. Jamieson and Mr. John Queen also spoke of the high standing of Mr. Mitchell as a journalist and a member of the community. Mrs. W. Flynn, who with her daughter Alice has lived for the past score of years on lot 13, con 6, died last Friday morning at the age of seventy-four years. She was a nat- ive of the Emerald Isle and a faith- ful adherent of the R. C. church. Much symyathy is felt for Alice who is now all alone in the world. The unfavorable condition of the weather was, no doubt, the reason Why a greater number were not pre- sent. The folloWing members of the staff however put in an appearance:â€" R. T. Edwards, John A. Graham, iobt. Adlam, W. T. Brown, “7. D. Mills, J. Collett, Iohn Queen, Wm. Johnston, Wm. McCalmon R. \K’ard and James Mack. Being somewhat unwelL Mr. Asa. Robson came home from Owen Sound Coll. Inst. last Wednesday to recruitg for a. week. He is pulling around in good shape and can make away with a. good square meal already. Qupper being announced all repair- ed to the Spacious dinning room where a very sumptuous Spread pre- pared by mine host of the Middaugh House, was partakeu of, and everyone irrespective of his political proclivities or religious preferences seemed to show a dispo- sition to burv all differences, and proclaim themselves a common brotherhood. There we had, Ye Editor included, oysters and turkeys galore, served up in the very best style known to the culinary art, and we are sure that before leaving that table. everyone was satisfied. Toasts were proposed to the Queen, the guess, the ladies and the press, and everyone present enlivened the proceedings by speaking or singing. Mrs.lMa.rk Wilson, of Flesherton, spent. the latter part) of the week at her old home. Little Miss Irene was with her and she promises to become as lively a lassie as her moth- er was in days of yore. Possessing youth and beauty, win and graceful manners, Miss \Vhelan is also a fearless Canadian. She with an escort; made through the storm and drifts from Markdale to Zion on Friday evening. She re- mained over till Saturday at; Thos. Edwards’ and the “Popular Park” drove her home next day. On Thursday evening last a num- ber of correspondents and ex-corres- pondents of THE DURHAM CHRONICLE assembled at the Middaugh House for the purpose of banqueting and caning Mr. \V. J. Mitchell, the late editor. Zion Soiree last. Friday night was a 111133.11 euecess 1n everything save 1111111116318. That deSperate March 1111110121116 came on before its time. Had it been fine, the house would have been crowded to overflowing. Never were the eatabl-s better. You could thrust your hand into any basket and be sure of drawing out something prime. The program was the best we’ve had for years. Rev.Burns, of Corinth. delivered a pithy, logical, earnest address. The music by Messrs Parker and Jones of the Durham orchestra accompanied by Miss Gertie Pomeroy was ex- ceedingly good. Zion’s choir excell- ed in their singing, excellent recit- ations were given by MiSS Ella Cook and Cashier Jones. Lawyer Batson made a neat-little Speech and left a good impression. on his hearers. J. A. Graham is a general favorite here and kent the crowd in laughtBl‘ With his anecdotes and original‘hits. Ed- Irwin made his first appearance in our midst and in his witty, pleasing way won this audience for good. He is‘a good ‘un’ was the general Verdicrn But perhaps the most pleasing feature of the WhOlB 937.611.- PRESENTATION. TRAVERSTON . It would be safe for the teamster who took the crowbar from Mr. Hoeflin’s xvood~pile, on the gravel road, to return the same at once as he is well known. Better save yourself further trouble friend or things may be hot for you. The vicinity of' Orchardvilie is losing; several young men who leave here on this month to try their for- tunes in the North-“Test. Ten or twelve all expect to go and start farming for themselves. Owing to the over immigration of paupers from the Old Country and the short.- age of crops in Ontario they have decided to go west in accordance the advice of Horace Greely. The Tea-meeting at Drom-ore on Tuesday evening last was quite a success. The eatables were all that could be desired. The music was first class. in fact the Dromore choir is hard to beat. :Mr. Ramage, the leader, is master of the situation. The church building is a credit to the community and shows how the people appreciate a fitting place for the worship of God. The literary menu was long and varied. In addi- tion to the beautiful and appropriate service rendered by the choir, In- Spector Campbell spoke on “ Public Opinion ”. Mr. McMullen, M.P., on “Matrimony and Homelife”, Rev. Mr. McKellar, of Mt. Forest repre- the pulpit and Mr. Ramage and Ye Editor spoke on the influence of the Press. Mr. McVicar, the pastor, was an excellent chairman and the people an excellent and appreciative audi- ence. Proceeds $30. Mayor Calder has been suffering from la. grippe for the past; week. Everybody feels sorry for the un- fortunate accident that; befell \Vill Banks last Thursday. He got- the thumb of his right; hagid severed near the joint by the knife that follows the circular saw in A: â€" Good- fellow’s mill. ‘He got it,dressed ip Markdale and it is healing nicely. Messrs. W. Williams and J. Mofiat are Visiting Palmerston friends. Mrs. Batty, of Palmerston, was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walters, last week. Mr. John Black has'been ccnfined uohis tged for the past; few days. Mr. John Runstedler, of Flesher- ton, was a. caller at: our sanctum last week. M’ss Ida McEwen, Mt. Forest, and Miss Bell, of \Valkerton, are guests of Miss Lou Davidson. ing were the recitations of Winsome Maud Irwin. Everybody has a word of praise for her. ' Lawyer Batson’s little physio box is a good thing for a. surfeited crowd to have along. Mrs. Mitchell, of Williamsford, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. Schram, returned home on Saturday morning. Mr.and Mrs. Dafoe of Flesherton gave THE CHRONICLE a call on Saturday while on their way to visit friends in Elmwood. Mr. Chas. Havens. of Acton, came to Visit; his parents here last week and like a. sensible boy subscribed for THE CHRONICLE. Rev. Mr. Connor has been ill for some days (la grippe). Mrs. Connor has also been under treatment. Both are recovering. Mr. Christopher Williams. 0! Fort Erie, son of our venerable friend, Uhistonher Williams, of Glenelg, and brother of Councillor Williams of the same township, after an absence of eight years is home to visit his parents and friends. Mr. \Villiams has been in the employ of the Canada, Southern Railway for the past twen- ty-three years, and is now enjoying a holiday until the 22nd inst. His many- friends are delighted to see his smiling face and enjoy his com- pany once more, ' Mr. J. and his sister Miss Victoria Scott, of Owen Sound Spent the lat- ter part of last week Visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. b‘. Scott. Mr. W. Mqore, Harness Maker of Flesherton, gave us a call on Friday last as he was on his Way to attend the funeral of his uncle My, Wm. Moore, of Normanby. Mr. J. E, Moore, his daugh‘er, Miss Fiorence, and Mrs. Gadd, of Flesherton, were guests at Mr. Chas. BroWn’s Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Moore visited Hanover also on the trip. PURELY PERSONAL. ORCHARDVILLE. '40. The Hardy Government has evi- dently struck both the Scylla and Charybdis of public Opinion. IL is alleged that the Mowat promises to the Temperance people are not being- carried out by the present adminis- tration; on the other hand the government organs endeavor to show that tne pledges of Sir Oliver are being redeemed, but that the queSL- ion now under consideration has reference to a restriction in the license system While Sir Oliver’s pledges were to deal with prohibitory measures, or to place such restriction as the circumstances of the- case would justifv. It is even said that the proposed changes are retrogres- sive rather than progressive. The proposed changes in the On- tario License Laws are being severely discussed. Thetemperance peOple do not like them because they do not go far enough and the Licensed victuai- lers on the other hand claim that too. much restriction is being placed on their business. v. The new law, if it becomes law “(ill allow only three hotels for the first thousand ’of population with one additional for an additional six- hundred. The law now allows four for the firsc thousand and one for each additional four hundred of population. The hours of closing the bars will also be changed from 12 midnight to 11 in cities and towns and 10 p. m, in villages and muni- cipalities. Saloons too are to be discontinued one half at the end of 1898 and the remaining half a year later. This seems to us an injustice. Why not close all at the same time ?' Which half is to get the extra year’s grace ‘3 Stratfoz'd, Ont. CANADA’S LEADING COMEER cial §chool. This is the best time of the year to enter college. Fu'e of our recent students secured situa- tions in one week. Catalogueg free. MEN AND WOMEN Everywhere, to con- duct business at home. No canvassing; work is simply writing and copying list: of addresses received from local advertis- ing, to be torwarded to us daily. i\'o pre- vious experience required, but plain writers preferred. kermaueut work It those who are content to earn an income of 36 weekly in spare time. Apply to D‘Il\l:.vl|nxi I..-.-,. -1‘ l I] ‘ “TANTEDâ€"Farmers’ Sons or other in- ‘dustrious persons of fair education to whom $75.00;} month would be an in- ducement. 1 could also engage a few ladies at their own homes. T. H. LINSCOTT, Toronm- WANTEDâ€"Earnest Men and W'omen to circulate “ The Sword of Islam or Sufl'ering Armenia. ” a thrilling book. Graphic account of the Eastern Q .es» tiou, the Turk, Armenian and Bloom:- medanism with its horrible massacres. Numerous startling illustrations taken on the spot. 448 pages, only $1.90. Agents make $15.00 to $230.00 weekly. Books on time. Prospectus free to can vassers. THE B RA ULE Yâ€"oatflm I - SUN UO. Ltd., Toronto, Ont. HER MAJESIY’S Q;A;19ND JLTBILEE w._ J. ELLIOTT, WILLIAM LAW’RENCE, Biacksmilh, Pollock’s oid stand, Lambton .51.. i)..r- ham, Hm‘seshoeing a specialty, Jub ‘_ work and ge‘xeral blacksmicuiug pronun- ly attended to. L’iease give us a trial and test our ability. (5 PROPQSED CHANGES C. A. Batson, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Con- veyancer, etc. OFFICES :â€"-Cal:ier Block, lower town, Durham, uuuuuuu All.) Publisher 03.1 e of James 1131111111 11 ham. 3111 Money to Loan at lowest rates carries “ Queen V ictJria, Her Life and Reign” into everyiiume. Perseus was never sold books take ordem Iélbt. Pre- face the must eloqueutUI'Lui'd 1) menu’s achievements. No book so lugmy praised. We "need mule ca;n'a.~_.eei~.s. Easy to make $15.00 to 8:000 a weei. Bouks on time. Prospectus tree to can- vab'eers. A trial will cost nothing. and it may fill your empty [mama-bums THE BRADLEY--UAiiflbindn U0. Ltd.., Toronto, Ont. In The License Law. Spring Term, April lat. Wanted Ca rd 5. I) 1 l _, r S grace ‘3 Drona).

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