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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Mar 1897, p. 12

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groceries in the moat hey are sent from the t onre in small wooden jars: with: fifllt fifti _ It rival of strmwi’h‘ W15? ooeries: are kent caro- er hitâ€"129, hmides the un- of the pantry she-Ives, it‘ine in liquid for' "‘- +b9 3‘“th 0" ”w ' “‘- mgdif'iha. 90’”;an fas 11”}. Ad‘m?n32+pring it as: chnice as embroidery, fametimm marked Wit-'1! m a mahion so artiqfio he etching, as the 01138128 my size, in any text, are {Pepi m: sugar. tea ‘ 4 SHVPI‘ s'mnnq and fork: =9 mh t'h-nm with a. damp ; baking coda. then polish little piece of Chamois :nma lug cover r \rv" also peppercorns and erbsx if liked. Uncover .t brown for the last . Up the meat. and f the Iiauid for gravy. Draft}! of flour to a )f the liquid. If the he removed from linen fion. with a brush on he linen. of a. little soft owdered starch, a. pinch . juice. of a lemon. Leave the grass twenty-four *at :he application if no- win he. smémaib'l'é‘ro? 1:3 or eject the medie- n.â€"Remove the fough '93 a small carrot. an : slice of turnip. Put cm of a pan or knffln ”0w 0V5 eat an{ ")0 '8 Should be vccasionallv LHS 351111119: 30( 3D 0D RECIPES 5T0“; 8! 1D he! )Oll nember to 'ne-quarte H nto cover without sol- and lay that also mt three cups of the dish and put 3g 01' tender piece, tough (31908. four oven. “'th half Var cooler, either mod, pmu‘ a ll'ttlo 014th and Wlpe it rm Ire bar Domng salted 1‘ half an Pinni- a pan or kettle 139 amen Dana Rf )Vel' )( crust ears 881'- )1 brown and with our ll) PI) it Gl‘t 1. U k} 0' gmiaug “Ln krance, Migrant is doubtless fully aliv rbat‘, its recent palicy has the Roman 30"" was av ay mom who 6 to the wouid carry it abc at brought Czar carried the ‘ 1,11“ and (11% his foreign tour, w . 7- » “ ' ' 06 in which; places it; in the P0 sted reiused to save it from within easy reach 1 ins true ' in Africa. Just now. The assassin tha d be England, young Emperor by (3 1113 stances might, thus grows Weaker and weaker, although it would be unsafe to predict its. speedy dissolution, " ' ' ° ‘ believe that. it will be or that; when it breaks up, fly.- great European leagues will not he was driving a L 31 FIRS- That, a closed carriage LINED W 1'. gnv h' influenced both. in its domestic and t that. principle. The Russia, on. the other hand, are Ger- ' .ze three representâ€" srttled, able to The other group might, inate Europe from Sscandmav’ Black sea, and divide the Ottoman em» I): buy ‘vuv- V ms. of 688 square} London has an a. . miles. Greater New York Will have an 1 area of 359 square miles. The Legislature of California is dis- cussmg the a. antage. of photograph. revent Illegal voting. A diver in Sydney, New South Wales, has succeeded in remaining under wat- ofi 157 feet, for nearly an 1 . ITEMS OF INTEREST. the two powers in the‘ appointed. He is erver on the am”; being identical, though: and, like his mother and his young her best posit-ionwould wife, is haunted with the idea that. ;L.endence, 0110051118; 110“" sooner or latter he will be called up- anoihcl‘ as Circumâ€" on to defend himself against the swift ! rd. attack of one’ of those men The alliance and determine dictate. aker and weaker, 39d so-called “patriots” who destroyed his uld be unsafe to DI‘BdICt ill-fated grandfather. The latter e time his “ficult to was killed, although at th ted Cossack guards surroun. the entire street through which ving at break-neck speed in will be maintained many ' trus when it breaks up, both and ropean leagues will not he was dri made be“ ”u-" ' the inexperience and Tangiers once \‘w‘bu, __ U in unison do a {great‘ long and could so di- that taxation would: 5d. and with it the â€"- THEY CARRY THEM CONCEALED T BE READY FOR EDIE The ('znr Carries a Revolver l’re. llis Motherâ€"Emperor Wi. many and the Socialists-â€" a Swo‘d-Mick. e Old ‘ \Vorld are Aiways Carried The monarchs of th surrounded by guards of ~â€"--v Roving RGEN CY. Na poleon I“. poiice and sol- imaginable is 0 compelled to use it on 1115 Hana. u ' it to the ants during a nocturnal V1 Viilz’l. at. fassy oi the beautiful Count- ess of Castiglione. and once While mak- ing his way through . -' ground passage that led fro see Palace to the residence 0 berlain, Coun-U Bacoh-iooci. 0I1 side of the street. which pas invariabiy used when he Wished ‘peo- pie. to remain in ignorance of; the fact that he had quitted the palace. ___________.______â€"â€"â€"-â€"- msxedein, sty mass, that hned the Sides of the streets and Footsteps often shouts” itsedt hoarse in his honor ’He feels sure that the bullet w 111 come from among them some day. per- flful echo haps not before popu‘lace and troops are shot will arrayed onc rnore face to face 1n san- ’ lot with one another as guinary con 1 ator ignor- ‘ the first rattles hls sabre 1n the Scabbard as 1 rd and grandfather through the streets of Ber‘hn and Potsdame ”the present «2 'Vienna Emperor never goes abroad on foot. ‘ '2' +hrnno‘h the whim “‘ -_fl seize it Another monarch w} ries a loaded pistm W1 his palace is Empel or manyfwho is firmly ( IS doomed to die by 'DOI" » _ SID-3k first rattll [111108 bur n 13.0., :21 roadâ€" it uper- with s .are his I )tOlnt- cant I ance se that “11;: aed of stro: ’ienna E111] at of and and b annnf- 0 U Hes never maxes a. 51mm,” ”v __ what the occasion without laying stress upon the necessity for being prepared " " 1 at With- m the lines of Germany. HATES THE HOI FOLLOI. It is! pot afloane “pose.” as many. peo- ‘ ab‘le than. the 0911.4-mpt, evenl..abhorrrence, . __J ... Hm Anwnâ€"dmwn corners 0_f hlS eon 3111., whose 1116 hteen years' reign . 1‘ at tbs hands ho saw in him a traitor to their order to which he 9r Presented By Yiiiiam of Ger- ,s-â€".\5:tpole0n Ill. d-MEck. through the Pulzlio always accornPM-“e‘1 nlimmen in and Wt ,'S WEAPON. had become affifiia‘t’ed in his stormy youth always with him a sword-stick. contempqrary memoigsg. An Incident of Shifting the Royal Bengal from 0119 (‘agc to Alum-her. “Once,” said an old circus man, “we had a tiger get loose. This was in a managerie, ' location, cages for the animals along on a. platform aro floored space for spectators; animals, including a £111 . al Bengal tiger. The tiger cage had m+ +n chm. e 0 remain ln ignumnu .. at he had quitted the palace. present millionaires find it QIIIIO'ULL LU auuuu. two my...“ D. .._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€".â€"â€"â€"-â€""‘"" procure beds, which leaves the mam them have been set to MOVING THE TIGER- from the east and his nickel very little in wheelbarrmvs. __ opportunity to practice the art of) A few days ago 0116‘ al Bengal sleeping in any of the lively camps 0i figmifjfii’gbeififinfi n Incident of Shifting the Roy from 0119 (‘age to Another. the great Slccann > . Stock companies continue to spring row turned upsidedo ”Once,” said an old circus man, "we ad a tiger get loose. This was in into life as fast as bazzards fly to a “ho'don” menagerie, in a fixed " veil," he said, big {men without money or brains. In many waggitiiiirfiinyw d the Show of the tinhorn companies we notice the .. Friend.” replied t1 names of men who have failed at every- patient courtesy, “if was in a. building made for it- . . “\Ve had a very good collection of thing else. How this class of jackals me carefully 3'9“ W0“ ‘ I was delng WLth tin animals, including a full-grown 10'3" eXpect' to pack million dollar companies was pushing it frienc at Bengal tiger. The tiger cage had Into the land of dividends is beyond ' " got rather old and we set out to shift the comprehension of ordinary mortals. the tiger into a new one. 3V8 had James McNeil is excavating the bank the new cage all ready, and 0113 3f“ next‘ to his hotel in Nakhsp for the ternoon after the show was OVBI‘ and purpose of enlarging his premises. says the people had all gone. we brought the New Denver Ledger. One day last it in and movetl it up in ‘ ' ‘2 the that it was on the excavators. her, and then two gold nuggets, moved the two cages up close together quiver of excitement face to face. The cage doors didn’t town. During the night so swing; they slid up through an Open' claims were staked out, the first one ' ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ and ‘What bearing the name of McNeil, Blurton: raise these and Maxwell, and it looks as thoughI doors when we got the cagesclose tO' Nakusp real estate would again be gether and drive the tiger from one valuable. shove down The Glen irotn mines are about fifteen" cage to the other and then ‘ the door of the new cage an ' west of Kamloops. They have al- ready shipped over 5,000 tons to Taco« on the platform. ’. ‘ ‘ “Well, we got the cages up close tO- ma, the ore being used principally for. 3 gether and doors Opposite, and a man fluxing purposes ’ on the roof of each cage raised. the door the one has to co 3 0t that cage; and then we began to Much of it, however runs to 6 a PROD THE {MEIER}, at“. There is an immense deposit, 0 . - and some day when population increasâ€" F‘O make him go through the opening . els it? will probably be useful for iron .1; into the other cage. He started for ! Cm the ground. . it and put his paw across the narrow About twenty men are working at 1e space between the two cages, St‘ “ t 0V9? ms‘de the door- \ mines the management erec ‘--'5- ‘4' analngt Llong on a platform ar iloored space for spectators; is foolish to push a is wrong side up ‘3” “Foolish 2” said t1 your life is it [00. crazy as I look, fri the same level with the ot Interesting Things While the 5' Gibraltar, apar world’s most famc ntain 50 per cent. iron; , u . 5 and 75 11311 Tommy Atk: will stalk the sol bary, who is th: whose hfe gh the opening 1 :0 make him go thh'ou He started for! into the other cage. it and put his paw aczross the narrow space between the two cages, but 1nâ€"I stead of putting it over inside the door- way of. the other cage he put it against i the first bar on the side of the door and pushed on it, and pushed the cage away a little bit. That was bad. we ought to have made the cages fast to- gether, . but we hadn’t . we tried to scam hm; along a little faster, but instead 01 going through into 2 er cage he kept push-mg on that bar “All this Lime he tle bit further out c not; into the new 1 top or" the old cage LI-fi-A L‘l‘ly'1ll U'V‘.' ‘ lelrs 031' early I 'but " tors went to c If some of thc i they wouldn" amd pushmg the owner cage away. . “All this time he was ge.ting a ht- tle bit further out of. the 01d cage, not into the new one. The man on top of the old cage Lyied t9 shut; ’ghat door dovm then, so as LO p1 Ln tlger _ in it and ”hold him till we could drne \ would find th hlm back, but, ' ' ed when 1 samepildftral blocker). it up so e»... .L mi“, and then two gold nuggets, and immediately a now l 3d the two cages up close together quiver of excitement ‘ ' dldn t town. During the night several places an open- claims were staked out, the first one .0, in the roof of the cage. 7 a were going ‘50 (10 was to ell and it looks as though ""0 73 When We got the cagesclose to- \ Nakusp real estate would again be 1er and drive the tiger from one | a to the other and then shove down door of the new cage and put that the platform. I \ Well, we got the ct ' her and doors Opposite, the roof of each cage raised the door the ore has to contam 50 that cage; and then we began ’00 Much of it, however runs to 65vand 75 113,‘ per cent. There is an immense deposit, :2 PROD T HE TllGERb . . He started for g cm the ground. and put his paw actress the narrow ‘Ab"!1t twenty men are working at of 1 the Clnnabar mines, twenty miles west ace be‘ween the two ca es, but 111‘. l” . g fKamloops. At the first start of these aad of putwng it over Inst " . . mines the managemen that cch‘ld handle two tons aday, but 0] 1y of the other cage re first bar on the side of the grade that furnaces ' to twenty- id pushed on it, and pushed the cage, way a little bit. That was had. We“ put up. The 1ght to have made the cages fast tO- l is in. Vancouver, and extenswe wor ether, but we hadn’t . we tried to l arranged to begin this spring. :art him along a little faster, but‘ The spring travel to the Lillooeh T " ' ugh into the oth-l ' - started. Prosoeotors can be! a that bar . seen packing “All this time he was getting a. litâ€" l tillers of early days. when the prospecâ€" l ‘but \ tors went to Cariboo by the same raglan; .c Lot into the new one: ed to shut that ‘ thexr W ~ cad is concsrned. They; Op of the old cage 141 [cm down then, so as LO pill the tiger as far as a r n it and “hold him till we could drue ‘ would find the same old“ river, and the: but astep in the right de when the minerspfa tum back, but the door jammed when, he first tried it, and he couldn‘ it, and all the time the t ger ing the new cage 3. away and getting further out ~ The man on top of the new cage was ~ ‘ .- ' that advantage of the present low water and still holding his door open, hoping . _. -. ~- â€"- to the are wmgâ€"dammg an . \ ° ' btain the precwhs'a O are 1n- ped down on to the round the end of. the new cage out into been found, one 15 . t tan This may on as high as $25 per .- '. ' but 1t 18 now moved: may not be so, ‘ . . 1th that the Thompson Lne arena. [ “ ‘Look out!’ says the the cage, and we did, : gar boss 01' the Show V arrangements to recap the tiger started in t( around on_ his Lown: ”n3.- I LOOK OULI w‘)’ D . uuv .-â€"â€"-v _. - the cage and we did, and left the ti-it beyond a, w, ..,.. __ 7 ‘ ' ' -de;r1ver eu'hs through dozens of 00pper -. . . prure him, and \ ledges between Thompson Siding an the tiger started in to take a look ‘1 Lyttom, around on his own account. There! The prospectors ' *-- ° .‘ - h.3;tohvn, Luvs the . : .- . . ' ° ° . - ed on Main street w' wasnt ' . had the whole place all to himself, 1.. , he waved his tail and glared around , before long There are good prospects fe and started, and kept gomg till he at the-back orf " '1‘. Salavm's store and Tt came to the Cosmopolitan Hotel or 5 THE LIONKEY GAGE. _The kick made by. the In and .Sen- , Th t a dto .‘ t thim th tine'l is bearing fruit as the Chinese in , a :36me “1 eres more an ’ are to be replaced by White miners at. Ll anything else, and he made 1118. ill‘et the Gofld Cup Mme. [step there, and stood wavmg hIS tai * Real estate and mining stocks are a land glaring ‘1" the mom eys. e scarâ€" bf‘ominicr, savs the Rossland correspon- “ ed the little monks almost to death’ldent of the Vancouver \Vorld, and v derl to the ailrea W p s of their claims 1 fiding public is to ( ' each in- 1 mod- away his paw was ag' ‘ - , , l the door, nearer one end ; stance. was that en ’ . i .. ._ ,. . 3d out; the other end stayed m by the i to handle the hnsiness. . . ' hind Of a V-shapâ€" i. hang out her shingle asamining brok- - old cage, it made a 5‘ 8d OPBDI'Dg etween the Vegas, and the err is Mrs. Jennie L. Stone, while an 1 “881‘ had Jumped down 1.th hat and} advertisement in a ‘pokane paper an- 5 gone around the endpt the cage that . nminces that "A thorouO‘h; young busi- t was PUSth 0‘1t Thls V-shaped space 3 nests VS man “’19: es genhleman partner 5 made a kind of shelter, too. when the i W'li‘h $1,990 to Open H‘siness 1n Tor- tiger was aroun on the other S‘de’ as '3 onto.” There's a chance for a Vancou- The men won’t bite looking into the 3 var bachelor. there is room 2; he was when he was e 0f the keepers; here. I don’t know that for those thorough the 01d cage and . :vorung busmess women who want gen- r'tners and 31.000 thrown inu 11 one corner. '- r- “The tiger smelledothi‘; meat, I SUP" investing . , ° to pose he had been thinking about how , It. is reported :3qu the Victoria Times. ' he could have that an Giffer of $500,090 has been made ' t'y on Nootka Sound, outhful, and . for amining proper st of the island The W there were just about enough in that * on the west cor». . , . “-1-.. a «mare meal for hlgn, name 05 the owner of the property 13 - - ._. L..+ Hap. offer. it is said, IS. around on his 0% wasn’t anybody to 1 had the Whole place he waved his tail : and started, and k monkey cage, burned in wi beef and threw it into t pushed it over as far a , one corner. ‘ ~-A-A11nr] +1 around the end of c into the little triang'u . inmoed up imfcvo @116 old 0386 and made peo le reali, _-..1no1' and a man rnplngb ‘W‘Ol'k thgt 'u h h d ‘-- 127‘ ;(‘. is 0“?“ JV‘VLI u v “on ' space”, waving his tau. 311“ walnuua U'J-u w...“ arglnélh thle efld 8f the gushed-out 0383 ‘ Times, was sent to Spokane mm "a... In e 1H, e riangu ar space an 9f und t tai 90 ' de f reveaxeu t1: -_- - inmped up mm the 01d cage and made- pgople geggze €13 33532531 ery ew eommlttee 18 yet more or the meat in the corner, and 3 man mend: 'umped up on the IOOf and jammed ‘ mine. From (ave; fillae gate. there didn’t anythingl'! about 200 feet, 1 80 150 d 20 f e , you see, "1 v 1 , res etive , . , . 0 t. . '- ° -‘ pen after all. Still I eextfidingpfietweeg an t. ee Indulgence 3n alcohol 1: 1: level was worked tion than to yery desperate hap . It was about as much tlger as We wantâ€" drift at the 8 omit, but in the‘ othens enon ed for one day.” . ,__________.â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"--“" been stcufiedt todlsefn 1 t t . f -. - _ even Wit i s a i ionw en 8 amps, on - A 'thladelphja‘n hasjcotntnved aplan two years to come It is worthy of no a are endowed “nth gr‘ by “111911. oysters and (Lama retaln the” that even the famonq Carlboo has een! and moral strength gilturaa Jfices Juat afteft;1 the blgahres condemned bx eXperfs, vhnn the le megzuflafn 2131);??ng e caug a woo en .p‘ g) 13 d rlven was lost at the dep h of 100 RM 1n the f the t (1 th 11' m e e ges ° shaft. Its dlsappeatanoe was found ta 0 re 6 mt e 'n bemg agamh owever. o no come made also are affecte ___â€"_â€"'â€" tied in the days 013‘. :hV ays carried about tick. According to noirs he VV as once on his Italian assail- ‘ L110 01106 "n.“ -â€"-â€"~â€"â€" . .' , A Gold Discovery at. manna Bushing into the Cm'iboo f 1315 Chafin- \Vork on Many Claims. chiocci, on 0 0t er . . ’ which passage he People Without means hen 4' V - to keep away from the S1: “[108! of the fact grass grows green, says 1 8d the palace. present millionaires find 1A. cages up close to- Josue, and a man Lge raised the (1001‘ hU‘n We began to B TlGERh "--v meat. I 811-9" Ln" 1g about hOW I I he could have th: louthful, and foi laugh in that ‘ on meal for him, 11:11 5 way, and he no he beef meant, ’ m: ‘7...“ v.‘ ~. -. d {Eospects ‘ k of “T.T.Sflav1n.s store and the Ccumonolitan. Hotel. . Infland Sen- The ‘kidi’ m.».de by 'the . th . find! is bearing fruit, as the Chmese ;. all 5 are. to bejepflaned‘ by White miners at 1t!__‘ ’"C‘I‘aims W111 De lttqucu u... per cent. There is a and some day when 613 it‘ will probably cm fhe grgundn names; . , . . . '~ . thmqs,” and to: a, the bonn. fideq of their claims all they ask of; a confiding public is.to ' '1lion dollars in each m- : - Promoters of miners are mod- Not alone- have we new hang out her shmgle aqam . ' hI-le an .err is Mrs. Jernple L. Stone, w nit m a Spokane paper an- .- “A thorough; young busi- ness woman wushes genmeman- partner mfh $51,000 to Open Izhsiness in Tor- ; : amm.” There's a. chance for 8» Vancou- m- r -- A... ~17nfl’f hif.e mll‘ LL‘ u II Vivâ€"â€" A lunatic‘s Reason for Pushing a “’hm-l iâ€"mfl barrow will: the Wrong Side Up. At Bloomingdale Asylum. New York. they have among the assembled luna- . l . '1‘ tics many who: are not too Violent or -' '4 too mischievous to be allowed to roam about the grounds. Recently the supâ€" ill do well ermiendent has given occupation to ” by utilizing and his nickel very little in \vheellbarrorws. A few days ago one of. the attendants to practice the art 09.: ‘ saw a gray-bearded wheelbarrow man. 15’ 0f the lively camps 0f“ promenadino' solemnly through a side 1m a w heelbar- v~ V“vâ€"â€"â€"â€" 1 are made up of weak) noney or brains. In many . companies we notice the who have failed at every- LI‘tz 1a ..-- _ 3 have WOMAN OUTLIVES MAN. » assay nay on Of the fourteen reputed centenarians proved. who died during the past y 3111138011: than eleven were women, NOT sigh. “We'll," he said, “what; is it 2" “What are you doing .WIth that Whaee'lbarrotw 9" . "Friend." replied the crazy man,w1th patient, courtesy, “if you i me carefully y I was doing with the w'heql‘lgarrow. p . yttendant. "Dun't you gs fooflish to push a wheelbarrow that . ht side up and aopi'e-‘aoed Irishman came along and f1’led it! full of bricks. I.‘ know. better. Interesting Things That One Sees Ashore While the Steamer Goals. world’s most famous and impregnable for-tress, is a very interesting pl visit. There is a constant bustle and stir about the place, and plenty of color will come riding through the town, es- t e latest arrival subalterns. ' .ipmen. from the and be blocked in the street by atroupe of gayly dressed Spanish girls noisily drivm-g 3 before them a herd of mules with pan- iers laden with. fruit and vegetables. t Tlhen, if you sail. about t ht cargo of coal. ' ' er by sea or.land. of: tle trips e1 11- few hours’ sail and you are in Morocco on can v151t the Spam-- Wâ€" or Tangier or y ish fortress of Ceuta on the African ' the straits. Altogether Gib 11:1 raltar 18 a place to stay a week in - .e _ :....+ "an" Hm rock iron than eleven were VVOunsu, 9...,” m- lustrated London News. A STAY IN GIBRALTAR. LLU “VV'u tried the attendant. v‘-‘â€" L aliver a prosai" are pleasanfic lit" 03, 01‘ land- A A1 are in Morocco 11 visit the 513311" . om the lung!“

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