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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Mar 1897, p. 3

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Ethat "One the tongue the strong. filth Ind )I 'BOD “7 ’fl my 1 )BSld D88 PAPER I’nblishc 711133 01 [”116 N [108! M 120 W UK Iet 1'8 Analysis to he Made of “Hut 1: Burning in the Sunâ€"Great Results are Coming. Madgeburg, Germany, is to have the largest spectroscope ever built. It is waldt, a rich scientist of that place. whoief‘t an order when he was in Pitts- burg a year or so ago. Prof. John A. Brashear, the wellâ€"knox‘vnn maker of: scientific instruments, of Allegheny, Penn, is the maker of this gigantio piece of. work. Ther eare only two oth- er spectroscopes in the world which some anywhere near in size to this one. Of these two, one is at the Royal Uni- vepsity, Dublin, and the other is at the McGill University of Canada. This powerful concave instrument is twenty-one feet long and it will require 9. room from twentyâ€"five to thirty feet square in which to operate it. The grat- ing on \his big spectroscope has an aperture of six inches in diameter, and is ruled with 110,000 lines. These lines have been brawn so accurately thab there is not between anyone of them! a difference of three miallionths of an Inch. An ordinary spectroscopo shows from 200 to 360 lines to the spectrum of iron. while this one is so strong that it shows at least I 2.000 LINES to the same spectrum. It was form- erly thought to be a. wonderful achieve- men-L 11 a spectroscope showed the sod- ium liners double, but the instrument. made by Prof. Brashoar, with the sun ataiow meridian. shows not. less than fifteen lines. o. “ fl_ “'l’he new spectroscope,” said Prof: Brushear, “has its highest powers in! photography. The spectrum of the sun. has been photographed to a length of} sixty Ieet, literally crowded with lines from one end to the other. It is so ar- ranged that no matter what part of the. spectrum it is desired to photograph, the photographic plate is always in focus for every part of the spectrum; “The instrument also is valuable for! making c-.-mp:.irisU.ns with anything that may be turning in the sun. if we want- ed to determine if the metal calcium is in a state of gas in the light which is coming from the sun'. we only have to turn the sunlight into this slit in tho spectroscope and photograph on can plate the centre of the sun. A bar is then pieced over this part. of the plates which has received the impression oh the seller spectrum, and we turn on the electric light in which has been placed a, small piece of pure calcium. In ashorh time a developed plate is obtained which sheave whether or not there is any calcitzm light in the sun’s rays then shining.’_’__ ‘ I. 1 _A __ WU” ~-_-______ Dr. Hen‘usww‘ldt intends to order sev- eral other scientific instruments from Prof. Brasheor. for his laboratory in: Bhimgcburg, which the doctor intends to make the finest and most complete in ail Europe. He is .very rich and can well afford to do so. ‘v UL U‘LUV muwâ€"gâ€"wâ€"n â€"Ah! we are here at last. \Vhat a magnificent View! At such a time and place I feel strange sensationsâ€"an in- definable longing, a soul craving, as it were, whichâ€"n;- 'V *-V“ Kaéelinaâ€"My .dear Edwin What you want is a. sandman. Like tight boots. A sure, certain and pain’.es:‘< remedy is found in. Putnam's Corn Extractor, which removes the worst corms in twenty-four hourm THE LARGEST SPECTROSCOPE. MUdgeâ€""Oh. yes. We had a re 1 live- 1y “Lime, Simmons and I. It. t; us nearly $50.” Wickwireâ€"“Yes. I saw Simmons this morning, and he told me he spent, $45." Left Hip Affected-Siuspected Kidney’g Troubleâ€"Relieved and Perfectly Cur- ; ed by Dcfld’s Kidney Pills. } t Toronto Junction, MCarch 22 (Special) ; â€"â€"Mr. H. Hlayter, is not a difficult man i to find as everybody here knows that i he is foreman all No. 1 Fire Hall. H65; was the picture. of health when calledé u I 3 Upon by your correSpondent‘ and told, his story thfuszâ€" i AAAA ‘- 0' 1 F lab “1 aiuu Una 1‘ ‘5 vv Vuv v-r vâ€"~ â€"__' :toes. suspected it came from some form of kidney trouble and as they had been recommended Ix procured a, box of Dodd’s Kidney Pills." 'gAt the end of the fourth day I was entirely relieved but desiring a. perma- nent. cure I continued to use that and another box and am now perfectly cured and as well as ever in my life. A brother of mine living at Pine 0r- chard has been cured by Dodd’s Kid- nay Pills. “Sometimes." said Uncfle Eben. “de man dat pays htx‘ndu’hds 0b dollahs fob flags an' decorations ain’ ez much ob er pagtriot 82 de_ 0tne dat goes qyuietly 'long an” pays ’13 taxes an’ serves on de jm‘y Wifout’ ‘kickim:’." NOTHING HUNTS OUT CORNS WT"? EH Flu"? man.) unnuu cou- Cb MPOUN ..-::, a": the urn} qnclou 50 to The “A. M. C." MEDICINE CO" 57! St. Paul 8%., Montreal sad (at. u [use homo. llama the win [use no “an in doing it .. Explanuwy pamphlet, “ Womun’l Triumph. .313“ {no oguoplicuion. A HUNGRY ENTHUSIAST. CUBED OF SCIATICA. . we ha_d a.- _.re3,_1 live- it tho in content to on- duro her psim mi weakness without “- umptinz to get rolls! ciq :9! Alan: -Wi'IIQB‘ BIL-i9 («6.) ven- ETAILE OOHPOUND. But if Ibo WANTS _to be well WANTE to bg strongwm‘l‘s to nu; bud work with case and oom!o_rt._ _uh9_ wil} Woman No»! A woman who spends her summars abroad says that this last year she took with her only two satchel: by way of baggage. an extra waist, and several changes of underclothing. She never once wore the extra waist. and found that she almost always stayed long enough in any one town to have lmen laundered, or could buy anything reqnired near- ly as cheaply. so that she dld not need Dun“: Thus, although she was laughed an by the friends in her party for her light luggage, and a1*hough she had. never gone before without a trunk, she came to an important conclusion: “I always learn something in each Euro- pean journey," she remarks now.“La.st summer I learned be‘ter than ever to go about with two. satchels again. “Next. summer I intend to take but one.” With LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as they can not. reach the swat of the 4115:830. Catarrh in a biood or Ponsi .tutional disease and in order to new it you must. wk - intrrnal remedies. 11th' Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts d1- ractly on ihe 1310‘ d und mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not. aquack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best. physicianl in this country for years, and is a. rcgular pro- scription. It is compo‘od of the but tonics known, cOmbined with the but. blood purifiers. acting directly on ‘be mucous bur- tax on. The perfect combination of the two inâ€" gr "UGDLS is WixaL prudUOCI such wonderful} to mm; in curing Catarrh. Sand for testimoni- als two. -- -â€" m,1_3- A an! IIUU . I". J. CHENEY k 00.. Props" Toledo, 0. Sold by druggxsts, price 750. “Come, Julia, let's go and have a friendship oyster stew together.” “Friendship oyster stew! What's that?" “\Vhy you pay for mine. and I'll pay for yours." z” SHOWING HOW A SUFFERER FROM SCIATICA W'AS CURED. A Corerspondent of the Orillia News- Let.ter. with Permission From the Author Makes the' Letter Publicâ€"It Will be Gladly Read by Other Suf- ferers From This Painful Malady. From the Orillia. News-Letter. CATARRI CANNOT BE truly, Our correspondent adds that this letter is from a much respected resi- dent of Fesserton, Whose word is gen- erally considered as good as his bond. i “.0." AN IMPORTANT LETTER. Never Was a greater truth’ than when said of Dr. Agnewh Liver Pills, 200. a vial. Little priced, little doses, but little ter- rors to drive out impurities and leave you a clear brain and a bright ey‘e. Do you suffer from Constipation or other disorders arising from this cause? Dr. Agnew’s Liver PlllS are a. safe and pleasant cure. Ant all druggists, 40 doses in a. vial. ‘ “XVhy dd so many modern writers seem to prefer notorxety to fame?” “Be- cause a man. has to c] 1111b for fame, but he can get notoriety by an easy tum- Dr. Agnew’s Ointment will sure all cases of itching piles in from three to six ni bts. One P-‘ppliOflLU‘l! bring-a comfort. For ' find and bleedmg p has it is peeriess. A150 cures Tester. Salt. Rheum, rczcma, Barber’s Itch and all eruptions. of the skin. 35 cents. Piles Cured In 3 to 6 Nights. BEST AND CHEAPEST LUGGAGE. Ifharlés '1‘. HopzsonL. Any person who has used Necrvilino, the great 'Jqun sure, would not be without it if 112.com: ten dollars a bot- ’gle. A good thing is wortfh its weight Ln gold, and Nervtline is the best rem,- edy for all kmdg of pain. It cures neu- ralgia in five mJnutes; toothache in one mlnute; lame back at .one application; Headache in a few mmwtes; and all Pains just as rapidly. “'liéxtԎҤ1usfil‘c;oms fir'ow,vitn’s if, - pa?" Papaâ€"“Yes, my .‘ 0y." “Is tha the reason they look lxke umbrellas, papa?" The Lehigl Valley, R. 'R., .in connec- tion with the Grand Trunk Railway, have the first. through train service be- tween Toronto, Hamilton, London and principal points 311 Ontario, to New York City. Only hno running Pullman buffet sleeping cars. Time two hours ahead of all otherulines. ~' Passengers from Europe via this line are iunded in New York at Desbrosses or Cortiandt streets, in close proxim- ity to all European steamship docks. Don't fail to ask for .tickets and sleep- ing car accommodation via. Lehigh Valley route, at. all Grand Trunk city and station offices. ( WORTH TEN DOLLARS A BOTTLE. Keanâ€"“Isn'fl yon: twife afraid to drive that horse ?" Steamâ€"“Not at all. It’s the people she meets who are scared." . s For 25 Years. Says Mrs. J. D. Stoddard of Asbury Park. N .J .. and Two Bottles of Dr. Agnew‘s Cure For the Heart Restored the Lost. Treasure. For twenty-five years I have been a set sufferer from near: disease, palp?tacion, 121:1- nees and sevme baa-aches. I saw Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the H wt. advertised. a In debermined to trygp. "1‘ .~. 0 bottles pave done wonders for ___l_:4._L:-_ M..- inn-n BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH me. The dizziness nd amitatlon are gone. the headaches have 6. nappearei. I never 00-86 telling my friends tho wonderful boncfib this great, cure has been to me, and I cheerful- ly recommend it any and everywhere. “Do yqu ihink opalls are unlucky V’ inquired the superstitious man. “Yes,"- was the repily. “My wife wants one; and it’s going to cost me $50. Root. Tea. the great Cures Headache, Net tions on the Face, 311d clear as a bell- “Does your latest novel enjoy a. large sale?" he inquired. “I don't know whether the home! enjoys it or not.” replied the author. “but I do." ‘I’L -vrâ€"â€"vâ€" ‘ Stop that Cough! Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A 250.bot- the of Shilohr's Cure may save your life. - Shibdh’s Consumption). Cum cures whene others tad-L. It 15 the leading Cough Cure, and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goat right to the spot. ... NOTHING WRONG \VITH HIM. Goppiméger's always behind the times. mm 0m new *8 Barium mutt New I day how to orure snmstrake. That only shows that Goppizngea' keeps ahead at the times. X011: won’t be able to test his cure 'for an: mmths. yet. m m-â€" Rm‘al teacherâ€"“\Vhat current event of great interest can you? give me this mocrning ?" Small girl, eagerl ,â€"â€"“My nm_ has just made! twenty tum ‘lers ofl jell." Willieâ€""It's alwaYB it}. dam? P130??? or some trouble of the kidneys, urinary or female organs. In such a serious condition you must secure the best remedy you can find in the market -- A-IAâ€" AT ONCE. There is only one absolutely sure cure for these troubles, and that is A FEW coon AGENTS WANTEI. It has stood the test of time.‘ WHAT CAN BE DONE? Persons you meet every day, 0F BRIGHT’S DISEASE LINE T0 NE\V YORK. ONE AS GOOD AS ANOTHER £39 YONQE ST- TORONTO Buffalo, N.Y.â€"â€"Gents:-From my per- sonal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Shiloh’s Cure in cm of advanced Consumption, I am pre- red to say it is the most remarkable emedy that has ever been brought to my attention. It bee certainly saved Egny from Consumption. Remains to be seen: The boy who has an _ap1;o§ntment with the teacher s. . ‘ 8.- _-_ . -__--. , .. ..... WHAT DE. A "15.”- SAL’gER SAYS: _.. .. O *â€" H. M. FLOOR 00., Mihmamron of Blo on Parta, cast and Pressed Brass Specialties, old Silver and Nicks! Waters, 13 ADELAIDE 8TB!“ Wéfi, mama-(9: '0‘ â€" "II' uu-‘vvvv ORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL. Iona; men, learn to out, no better trade. write for circular giving full information. mu agents for Mo owell’s Ladies Garment. Butt- ing Machine. l13 Youga Sb. GENTS \VANTEUâ€"Male or 13111313 to sell the famous “Foam Yeast, in every city, town and village. Write for cixcular and premium list. Big profits. FOAM YEAST 00., Toronto. FOR THE “WEB AWBARDERER 51b3, Mammoth Manfiel (Red or Yellow) for 75¢. 5 “ Champion Purp eTo Swede for 756. 9ka. Va etab]esâ€"â€"Beet, eans, Carrot, Melon, Onion, eas, Rgdish, :omato etc" for 250. 113‘“ __. -LL- An‘nn Onion, Peas ugman 1omuwyw" un- w 9pkts. Flower} ~Sweei; Peas, Mlgnonette, Candytuft, Bahama, Phlox, etc" for 250. ABOVE COLLECTIONS SOME} POST PMO _“â€" ‘---- u. tar. m '"Ec:'KEer'égx'I-Ehgmbora.’ 33 Adelddi B’reot. Eaut. Toront‘. Haney to Loan. 3. 0.111118. EALâ€"A. Milk-J33. Halos. LLB ILLS. HILLS 8: HALES. Barristers, 301“ 810., Abozdeen é.§ham'r)era._35 Ade Vin-5' VIII-u- lflfivji-y --_.. _. w-----V_ ____ V_ _ , Sheet Metal Ceilings, Terra Costa Tile Red Black and Green Roofing Slate Metal Cor nices. Felt, Tar, Rooting lmh. Etc. Gutter-s Downplpea. 8m... suppliqd the trade. Telaphono 1936. Adelaide Widmor St: TORONTO SLATE. SHEET-METAL; TILE GRAVEI. RQOFERS G. DUTHIE SONS 13 to 81 Adelaide st. Wu TORGNTO LIBERAL TERMS (Erâ€"EMS WANTEDâ€"Male or femah Echéél is dismissed. Itiscuyto myths: oncpnpmtionisas good” mothcr,anditis¢asyto waste mom? by buying something you know nothing about, and waiving no benefit. When the body is weak and you want to giveit strength, whoa health is failing, what wisdom is that: in experimenting with a substitute, whoa, for o fewcmts man, you can bu'ythc original uficlc. For more than twantyyun, has been the standard Cod-liver Oil emulsion. It contains more pure Nm - wegian Cod-liver Oil than any other emulsion in the wodd and will stand the test of time as being a perfect, inseparable emulsion. You can't afford to take a. substitute for it. M 500. 3nd $1.00 st 311 druxxim. ii: N N I E. memo B! “’2'! Alla 7A8?! SCOTT’S EMULSION 'w.P.c 359 Sold In Load Packet. onIy._ TERMS TO LIVE AGENTS. Experts concede that the new removable one-piece Yoke Bearing found only on the Cleveland is the nearest ap- proach to perfection yet attained in cycle construction, ensuring per- fect alignment. Watsan’s Conga Drops Splendid Equipment and good loud work ht'. gland U IUliUl‘lvfluvn v-- _ w..., d m. top. It has more tucker“ more students. In" sins many more) young men an women into posit than any other Canadian Business Schoos. Got p lug. hate: any tuna. th. \V. H SHAW. '9ande SETTLEHS' THAENS FROM THROW EVERY TUESDAY During March and Aprll At 9:00 p.311 (Should «mount business afar} I0 MINOR! “B THE 88MB!“ NEW-IE}! 'Euggwgm'rYsEVEN YEARS. THE COOKS BEST FRIEND A Colonist 81.. I will b. sttuchod m rum u- » due to In" oronto 3% 12:80 p.m. (noon) on“ â€"â€"â€"â€"_ _ LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. ‘. ‘7. Banned on cu! Drop. writ. for “II'ITLBRS’ GUIDE.” EiA‘i Elect’l Mfg co., 256 James St. N., Hamilton Phone 958. 68 Adelaide St.‘_\'_l_., Toronto Send for Illustrated Catalogue- Repairs to all makcl 0' machines. Experimentsi work carried out. PLATING, POWER OR LIGHT. . . BUN Phone 1214; FOR

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