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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Mar 1897, p. 4

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4000 students. The kingdom has a. system of common schools at which attendance is compulsory. There are also a number of grivaso schools. The War cloud in the east seems to be darkening. The Turks are constructing fortification in violation of the Berlin Treaty. The Greeks are indignant that Christian nations should submit, and an impression is gI‘OWiuL’; that to gain their own ends they will submit to almost anything Russia is reported to be urging on the Turks, and offering financial assistance believing that one battle would so cripple Greece that she could then call off the Turks and force Greece to~accept whatever terms she would offer. The Inllowing description of Ath- ens, gFt'en by Mr. Frank G. Carpen- ter. in "The Flaneur” page of the Saturday Mail will be interesting to some :--â€"~" The Athens of today is a modern city. It has wide street-s paved with cobble-stones, and its houses are much like the three and four-storey flats of some parts of Paris. Its peOple dress as we do. There are carriages with liveried coachmen. and there is as much style in Athens as in any part of Euroue. The better classes of the modern Greeks have as good homes as peogile of the same class in the United States. They are well dress- ed and well educated, The most of them speak a half a dozen different languages, though French is the society language of the Greek capit- al. There is an Athens University with nearly 2on students and ninety-j eight professors. There are in? addition to this thirtyrthree other' colleges in Greece containing nearly: A‘A- Serious damage by floods is repoted from Brantford and Glenwilliams. The following Canadian visitors have registered their names at the Canadian Government offices, 10 Rue de Rome. Paris, during the week ending February 27th :â€"--A. R. John- ston, Montreal ; Count R. Ogier d’Tury, Montreal ; Dr. A. Alex. Mac- leay, Danville ; Doctor 8. Ed. Lauder Durham Ont.; Doctor S. M. VVickett, Toronto ; W. S. Murphy, Montreal ; Arthur Amos Montreal; Edourd Rich- ard, Arthabaskaville. A charge of hersey will be brought against Ian MacLaren at the English Presbyterian Synod next. month The alleged heretical doctrine is found in his book entitled “The Mind of the Master.” The Nova Scotia provincial elect- ions take place on April 20. A report from St. Louis says that. asection of country equal in area to the state of Missouri is now un- der water. The flood at Sioux City rose 20 ft in thirty six hours. The lowlands opposite Memphis Tenn. have beenflooded. The rich have lost; heavily; the poor have lost all. Many lives were lost; re- ports say fifty. The barbers are asking the Ontario government for special legislation. The two requests are (1) that all bar- bers possess certificates of compet- ency (2) that all shops be under the regulation of the health department. A nethhree cent stamp will be is- sued next summer in honor of her Majesty’s diamond jubilee. Mrs. Wm. Hare, of 'Cedarville, a suburb of Oshawa, was found dead by her husband, who professes to know nothing of the cause. She was sub- ject- to fits. The French line steamer Ville Ede St. Nazaire, which sailed from New York for the West Indies on March 6th, foundered at sea, and of the eighty-two passengers and crew only four are known to have been saved. rescued all on board. The Wilson line steamer Rialto was set on fi1e by the eXplosion of chem- icals during a hurricane. The Allan line steamer Carthaginian stood by until the weather moderated, and The Montreal Bank Manager in Sanford died last week at the hos- pital after an Operation for cancer of the stomach. Tinh Mr. Allan has received a letter as- suring him that the Minister of Pub- lic Works and Customs will be here before parliament meets, their intend- ed visit having been postponed a short time on account of illness.â€"O.S. DURHAM, March' 25th, 1897. THE CHRONICLE. GENERAL . Bgfiâ€"tinck. March 23rd. Dear Sirs,â€"â€"I find your goods talk- ing remarkably well with my cus- tomers and they appear to give every satisfaction, as indicated by the fact of our having sold one-half gross of your Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills alone during the month of August. The ‘Veather for Colds. This is the time when colds are in the fashionâ€"every body who is any- body has one, if not himself there’s one in the family. For no complaint under the sun are there more remed- ies than for a. cold in the head, but of the thousands Chase’s Catarrh Cure is the best. “ In twelve hours I was cured of a. had cold in the head by Chase’s Cure,” writes Miss Dwy- er, Alliston, Ont. 250. of all drug- gists, with blower free. Souris, Mam, Sept. 21, 1896 Messrs. Edmanson, Bates Co. Each shareholder shall be entitled to purchase all goods for his o‘wn family use at manufacturers’ prices. The companv purposes to manu- facture what is known as staple lines of boots and shoes in pegged and ri- veted work. using first-class mater- ial and workmanship so. as to suc- cessfully compete with other manu- facturers. The business of the said company is to be conducted strictly on a cash basis in both buying and selling thus. enabling them to buy in the cheapest markets and manufact- ure at the cheapest possible costs. The Company shall be a limited liability Joint Stock Company in- corporated under the Joint Stock Company’s Act; no shareholder to be liable for a greater amount than his share or shares call for; the capital of the said Company to be 353000 di- vided into two-hundred shares of $15 each which shares are to be paid as follows: 200/0 on the first day of June 1897, and the balance to be paid in 2070 calls upon thirty days notice as the directors of the said company may direct. Such payments on calls are to be paid to the treasurer of the company. The officers of the com- pany to consist of a Pres., Vice-pres. Secretary. Treasurer and two direct- ors, who shall be elected annually by a vote of the shareholders each share entitling the holder thereof to one vote. OF THE DURHAM BOOT SHOE MANUFACTURING COM’Y, Ltd. Contrary, we believe, to the ex- pectations of both political parties, Mr, Guite, the liberal candidate, was elected in Bonaventure last week. gThe Liberal party claim this as a i“ great victory over clerical domin- ation ” while the Conservatives re- gard the government pull and the Baie des Chaleur Railway influence as the trump card in the game. The majority was over 800. The Montreal Daily Star of Thursday the 18th says :-â€"“ The part of the Baie des Chaleur Railway in the contest was a large one ; its extension was distinctly pledged by the Liberals. Mr. Cyr, the Conservative candidate, made disapproval of the school question aleading issue. There is reason to believe that considerable money was used to influence voters and talk of protest is heard.” a year or two later that they think there is nothing unusual in the fact that after holding the reins of power for 18 years a political party in Canada has been obliged to resign them.” Speaking of the papal able gate he says “everyone speaks of him as a man eminently fitted for the task which has been assigned to him, and he believes he will come to Canada determined to investigate matters and settle them in a manner which will be satisfactory to every one.” We doubt this very much, as pepular feeling goes at present. Sir Donald Smith, High Commis- ioner, who returned from England last week says :-â€"-“ Canadian matters in England are beginning to attract a great deal of attention. England is becoming very deeply interested in her colonies and particularly Canada. The change of government in Canada has not excited the English peOple very much. They are so used to putting a party in power to turn it out again in a few months or perhaps a fine polytechnic institute, an academy of science, several good libraries and a large national muse- um. The Greeks have as good a postal service as you will find any- where.’ There are many book stores and the displays of goods in the store windows are quite as fine as those of any American city.” THOROUGHBRED HEREFORD Ball for Service at lot 68, con. 3, :“AL PROSPECTUS Bull for Service. S. 8. SMITH, Souris, Man. 1’me BROS. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, March 25th, 1897. Name'°'°‘00o. Drug Store. We take this plan of distributing 36 boxes of Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills, commencing this 27th day of March, 1897. First come, firsn served. The distribution will continue until thev are all disposed of. who may require a. medicine for Heart or Nerve 'l‘ouble, such as Palpitation, Fluttering or Irregular Beating or the Heart, Distress after Exertion, Smothering Feeling, Feel- ing of Anxiety, etc., also Sleepless- ness. Nervousness, Watery Blood, General Debilit'y, after Efiects of La Grippe, Loss of Appetite, etc., can procure a full-sized box of Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills, FREE, pro- viding each applicant will cut this out sign his on her name and address at the foot of Same and present it at For the past five years. Miss Sarah Jack has lived with relatives in far- away Minnesota. She arrived in Durham on Saturday and was out to Zion on Sunday, looking as bonnie and blithe as ever. She was one of our most popular maidens, hence, got a host of hearty greetings at the kirk. All are glad to welcome her back. WE CLAIM there is only one preparation in Canada toâ€"day that is guaranteed to cure BRONCHITIS, and that is DR. CHASE'S SYRUP 0F LINSEED AND TURPENTIHE. It is MOTH- ER'S cure for her' child when it is all stuffed up with GROUP and coughing its little lungs out with WHOOPING COUGH. One small dose immediately stops that cough. By loosening the phlegm, puts the little one to sleep and rest. Dr. Chase compounded this valuable syrup so as to take away the un- pleasant taste of turpentine and linseed. WE OFFER to refund the price if Dr. Chase's Syrup will not do all that it is claimed to do. Sold on a guarantce at all dealers, or Edman- son, Bates Co., 45 Lombard St. Price, 25c. Jim Banks lost one .of his fine young team in town last; Thursday. Inflammation of the bowels was the cause and despite the skill and per- sistent eflorts of Dr. Wolfe, it prov- ed fatal. Drinking ice and snow- water is supposed to have brought it Zion choir are laud in their praises of the kindly reception and hospit- able treatment they received at the Baptist soiree last Wednesday. That trusty and well-tried cane of Assessor Bell’s is helping him along at a. good rate these days. He has a thorough knowledge of the land in the township, and hence, gives gen- eral satisfaction. Yearling, two-year old and even three-year old steers have mostly been picked up here East week by Messrs. Nedigar and MoDougald for R. Brunt, and by Atkinson, of Kin- cardine, who ships on the 28th of April for Montana. This certainly ought to stiffen local prices after a while. After Whacking away all Winter at square timber in Waterloo 00., Will Jack arrived home last week and is in prime trim for rushing in a big crop. The following words of the poet Will soon be verified :-â€"â€" - “ A shade of green shall creep, Soon o’er the orchard’s grassy floor, ' And from its bed, the crocus peep, Beside the llousewii'e’s door.” An observer of xhe spring song- sters announces the arrival of snipe, seagull, robin, black-bird and mead- ow-lark; Place . . ... .' MacfARLMéE 81 He’s Any person, residing in DURHAM TRAVERSTON. .......... Street, . . . . ~.. . . 'Durham Jan. 13th, 1897. These Celebrated Brands of Flour Will be kept in stock Viz :â€" The undersigned having opened up a Flour and Feed business in Durham in con- nection with the Ayton Mills hopes to gain a share of your patronage by giving strict attention to business and selling on close margins. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Stoves. Seed Drills. Now is the time to get one. The Massey-Harris leads all others. Four different Kinds to choose from. $50 and upwards. Full Stock of TFLOUGHS, HAR- ROWS, CULTIVATORS, WAGONS and all other Farm Implements. Robes 6’5 Cutters. Only 4 of each left. Must be sold in February. Come and. get a bargain. Feed of all kinds will on hand my mesm, ‘ MANITOBA. ENCORE, DRUG STORE, is a good mae and sure to piease In lead Packages. 250., 4%., 500., and 600 From Leading Grocers Everywhere. It is’ poor economy to buy cheap Tea, and use twice as FEELD Large Stock of Raymond Sewing Machines and Bell Organs. Lower Town Implement ‘WM. CALDER. Kitchen, Coal, Box and Parlor. A large variety to choose from. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5% and 6%. much and not get half as much satisfaction as from a good one ._F. Ballag‘h. CEYLON TEA Lower Town. AND 011994? and on terms March 24th. March 8th. rooms, land. TWO STOR EY Frame house m We town of Du] cistern canal, stable an Rent 10“" (n‘ u 1” kn nA‘ terms. U cession, Township of Glenelg. E. G R., 75 acres, 50 acres under cultivation good rough-casthamse, small orchard, well watered and convenient to church and school. - For further particulars apply to \V. N .McDONALD. 4 Lot“), C011 2, Glenelg- M orfg a {£63 "fig-{lg}; for money. Apply to Oct. 2nd. n we 'i'OWD or Durham, County of 1 Grey, including a valuable water ower, brlbk dwelling and manv elegibkl guilding lots wili be sold in one or mom lots. Also lot No. (’0. (2mm, 2. \V. G. It, Township of Benfinck, 100 acres, adjoining Town plot, Durham. I for sale lut 50, con. 3. W. G. R, Bentinck, consisting of 100 acres. 70 acres cleared, balance hardwoed bush. The farm is in a good stale uf cultivation, 5 acres under fall Wheat. “’9.“ watered and fenced. Frame house 20 x 2C. frame barn and stables 1mile from post office and school and 2% miles from Durham. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to JAMES STINSON, Feb. 19th. 2111. Aberdeen, P. O. Trave'rstC-n. Feb. 15th, 1897. n being lots No.2 3 and 4011 the third conceqsion,n01th «t Ihnham Road, in the township of Glenoh: . é-TO ames (3'92 red. and under cultivation ; the 1emainder good hardwood bush. Hand framehouse. frame bagn, 51113119101131 {1 and 11811 11dte1 ed. 4 WM FROM DURHAM Apply to M. J. Davis, THE EDGE PROPERTY FARM COI‘I'I‘AINING IUO acres Farms; f6? Sale. UNDERSIGNED OFFERS a in the town of Durham ‘11, cellar, stable ard :1; a low or wxll be sold on DE; ”HAM. JA \IES EDGE. Edge Hill P. ~- H. u. u." 101 es, adj oining part purcha s. Dwelling 3, Gl'enelg. .JMLU‘ Durham CON- Man. hfimting items About Great Britain. the Al! Puts of the GI Assorted for Ba: Re :A new $12,000 Bap been opened :11 1’91“ .Maniteba’s contrihu (ha. famxne fund anm An. earthquakv :sh‘ Hamllton on Friday Plohilfil ienists a re the plelnscne munpaq Aid. Hall has heem ment Cmnmtmioncz‘ A new raihvay 1' Port Arthur ls proje A equple of l’ari been [med $10 each ed postage. stamps. The ‘total shortage of the late ӣ111 asurel County is 1193113 $:. Ottawa is 1.0 have stratxon on the Queer our of the Jubzlee "LEE VERY l..ATESl WORLD ' It is said. the 6.1 most of .Ihelr 3'3de Huron Side of '1' he i The Govermnvm exhibit of Cnnadmn pulp t9 the Internal Stockholm . Rain 5101‘an have em deparlnmmal which was. recently Capt. .Prevost. the chef. vnll . be. tender vious to 1115 departu The stamp mill. i the Kingston School crushing ore from di} and day. ' The tender of the tive \Vorks fur the 1 steel barges for 11y portation Company Robert G. Bilagn James G. Bflain. i3 \‘l‘he Dominion Dep ' orks has been not vey of The 1‘ rasor ri nmbia, has commem MI. Alfred Pichet‘; from the third sto: house while engage pulley far a. clot-11931 It is said that N C..,I of Fredericton, iecbed by General C pang; Premier Iaur Junta Robhester smallpox. The entire stat} for the purpose file‘tion of. the fitt! on which they a UNITE] The British im creased 166 per 0 100 per cent. in! .t current year. from all countri per cent. Prof. ( ist, in 1. wa (m 'J leng§h ( provmme The Canadian m. contributions haw $119,000 and 31101119 hupees. will he cal. a few days. Honorary (19ng Thursday by Ca upon MIL Thos. United States Al the retiring Frens on de Courcel. An order has be Militia. Departmenfl old rifles and side as these are. in In weapon will be Last battalions. The Queen is ta! 3:1 part in shaping Britain in the G she did in the Ge months ago. Inspector chGEc that Mr. C. M. C peg, recently app Secretary for Mit back if he comss effort will be mad alty, of $1,000 iron C. A. for vioflati Prof. Henry Dr of ‘ Natural La“ World " is dead. House fund for ers amounts to reached £411,000. LLajor \Vilsuu :11: large and influenm real citizens 10 tion of mlebraung lee A number of (1 pointed to arrangd celebration. l Mr. Fielding, Mil receiving it deputal prese n‘ting the. Can said that; he still 11 ing the duty on 001 Administration ma same course, hm it “as still own 1 In Mexborough' a, miner named J‘ for half a gallon Judgmenfl \\ as dog the other day in a the principal was a est at the rate of amounted to $5,980 ted that under .the prohibit usury. he meant for the £qu Mr. Fielding, m law The London Ti ada’s generosity t Craig, GO"? 1 the coarse 0 Thursday n' Of Ontario G RE A fl! kN Al

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