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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Apr 1897, p. 10

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Pills; hints. '0“ H19“ {W leer, edicines ti )OO llI "Elihu TH TE MP: The Temple of Fame, that wont ful Spectacular panorama, which Lccnpied the attention of our yox people during: the past three or f weelzs in preparation. was rende in the town hall on Thursday. Fri and Monday evenings last. Stand room was ata premium and m remained away knowing that would be impossible to find acc modation. The reserved seats a picked up in shirt order. Those ‘ waited learned for once in their 1.? that "‘ delays are dangerous.” rush f“ound the Durham Pharrr to an: --;-.t their seats predicted comzzztzhplace affair. Everything- wild for a time. a great event- covyng The Temple of Fame. to o; publicly enacted. The yo ladies of Durham were the perfc ers, and accommodation must. be cured at any cost. Newspapers sometimes get credit for puffing ,up these p8] mances. Some so! did minded cy: 1's, and accommoaauon 1111151; we pro- oumd at any cost. N W‘spapers sometimes C'et 'the ore alit for puffing up these perfor- mances Some sord1d minded cvnies, even 2:0 so far as to say they are paid for their reports. Allow us to say right here that a hint like this would bet1eated as alihei by THE CHRON- SCLE.Tl13t truth lovingorgan didn’ t ever. get a oompiimentary ticket and .111} tl1i 11g that may besaid is prompt- ed by pure love from the magnanim- ous edi tor, who giveth away his 'bonnty free. The very idea of puff- in 1r up The Temple of Fame is pie, )osterous There isn 1: language enough in Pufl’dom, to give those noble 101mg people half credit forj then ' excello' nt entertainment. 9 he s :enie appear moe of the stage 1111 its t21 st} ananwement of every- t., is 1 :r < onneeted with it, is the most Mimiumct evidence of the aesthetic olmmcuu for which our young people a1e rotod far and wide. The cos- 1111111 one and all, were the most artisti: th at conid be produced and .1et it be said here they were all of 4" 0111 c 11 mal'e, ” not that glittering tinsel so 0:11:11 i'entei 510111 the city for 15111131 3111=ct111z111111' entertainments. N”! I‘m-1' were made light hele in l l E ‘ quy intrsi sent cut th. Bull, repre ‘ful recital liberty tam purity. _ Miss Ca] Isabella. c} 11 Miss Carson’s representation ofl lsabella of, Spain was one of the most graceful acts ot the evening. Her'plea consisted in having assisted Columbus in his Voyage of discovery when other nations refused. Elizabeth of England in the person of Miss E. McKenzie was also a good character and based her claim on the religious and literary movements of her reign. Miss L. Anderson’s representation of Mary, Queen of Scots was exceed- ingly gr: cefui. Her true womanly a ignity, her forceful den nciations of her antagonists and he graphic deS=‘.1‘iptiOll of her imprisonment were i ubiccts of comment by many in the Mrs; Holt, as goddess, very grace- .1113' intro-laced the performance and am out the smmnons. Miss Aggie Luli, represented Canada in a beautiâ€" ul recital of her greatness, love of ibertv and political and religious Ruth. a Bible character, who pre- sented her claim by Speech and song was 1p1c~19nted by Miss M. \"allace. M15: N allie S“ allow p1edicted thel 39011 e1 of \\ 01111311 in the 20th century , l Xantippe.t Wit 1 most ple ising efiect. ‘ nical wife 0 B1i1l<vet UlL111111oanby\I1ss Parker, grates sent a thiill of. honor int-0 JOS““‘ \“““S rule b3 \IiSS Aflgie the hearts of her previous admir- Me 12113 Tabitha P1immse by \Iiss e1s. Poor old Socrates must have Annie McK‘nz e and Mrs. Partington‘. had a had time of it and if the Dur- by \l iss Stem a1: made claims that ham Xantippe is as biga tartar as 1113111 be regzuded as ludiclou‘s in she appears to be we fem the next the extreme. Each, h0wever per-‘gSocrates will not be noted for 1115 fo1111ed her part well and brought philos0phical inve estigations. A d0\\ll the house with roars of ap-l word to the Wise is suficient. Poor old Martha Washington plause. - - . -. m 1. 1n 4. _ _:1- -1: who lnnv “who never tol< audience. ‘ KM_ - la 1,: {a Miss E. Blackburn representing the scol1li11<r and t3ran- f the philosopher Soc- Bridget Josiah A McRae, Annie M by Miss Blight b L’ u To our mind, Mrs. \Valter BuEhan‘wife of the coy 'V “no cm. H-“ )( appearing as Mrs. Muckiebackit, and *' a lie,” represented bv MiSS M- Buuai. representing a “Scotch fish )vomanimade a very pathetic "plea. for the was really the best thing of thetcrown. ' evening.. Her beautiful dialectfi Barbara. Freitchie by Miss B. Scotci song and natural grace ofEMackenzie was an exceedingly‘ movement, all combined to Win for? patriotic touch. Mrs Buchan the heartiest applausei Heien of Troy by Mrs. Gun, Cleo- of the audience. She responded tofpttra by Miss ' ‘ the encore which was persistentlyiDaughter by MissH. Anderson Portia. dexfianded. \ '\ V .’ Empress Jose. Hypatia was represented by .Miss f‘phine ibY Pomeroy, Flora McDonald by MisséDarling by p. Alice McRa‘e, who sang beautifullinoose by Miss Elvidge, Sappho . ‘“ Bonnie Prince Charlie.” ‘ Miss McIntyre,$‘10T9nC% Nightii‘lgffle E _ «- ‘1'.-- T ‘ann 0117361- ranceS- 1 ' ts t9 Sty an: 00191901911 usive evider. wit-m for Whi noted far a? one and tie that con , be said he} ;' ORR-"1 111111. I‘ .1 ch Arroil 1‘ ‘ii [‘5 UL‘kllk‘rLl Lllu “VLUK LII-\r'uv ‘\r}r vvvvvvv v of the audience. She responded to aim bv Miss .P ., the encore which was persistentlygDaughter by Mia ‘by Miss Harris. “ Bonnie Prince Charlie.” ‘ POCohont-as, an Indian girl, byiby Miss L. Mac: Miss Collier really deserves special ard by i ' _. mention. Her black hair, dark eyes Charity by M15 p in shirt order. These w mrned for once in theiz 11v alays axe dange1ons.”T and the Durham Pharma ; their seats preuictefi place affair. Everything 1‘ atime. agreat event 11 ata premmm it away knowing impossible to flu The reserved 8 poctacular enter "rare made rig and each in it: em of artistic ne: half justice tO‘ quire half ado; we must; crave t \V O 18,111. each in itself was a. ,f artistic neatness. justice to the playit 3 half adozen‘-.CHRON- inst crave the indulg- rformers and ask 12th air Christian charity in it for our good inten- a.great Ingde of acted. 11119. t} were the _ .ation mus n l V ELY maj at W W", pines. patrEots, the call. The ently to each lose she places of The 1:.Imh tn :(V *n .“:‘?Q FAME. VG Fame. wz. h 8 wonder- }; ich has rtorm- 'tour lered xfidav CHI! (f If‘I’O‘ m: out -Mâ€"J , .-..‘.~--.»~._~*â€"-.â€". _ w< WWW €18. Poor old So had a head time of ham Xantippe is she appears to 'be Socrates will not philoSOphical in w 0rd to the Wise i But strike the nail and in it gees. ' We den’t carry Curtain Poles and fixtures as e E; fie ; it’s 2., Men’s degaartment with us. 2. As US$123}, we put 011 prices te correspenfi Wit-i1 tee eteer geeqisz therefore it must be ‘1 (little). Here they are, not all the parts of them but enough to Illustrate. We waste 110 time in lieelees News, “ 1 l a lie,” replesented bv Miss 31.131111, 7' ' W e have Blinds, lands ME A store full of Chic, new More of VVhitham’s BoBts. They’re beauties. ~We are The usual 400 line g0 Tuesday (complete) at L The fiS‘i‘ifii 50e1ine, better fixtures, go at less than bigger departziiental stores a of the philosopher Soc- n: a thrill of horror into .is of her previous admir- r 01d Socrates must have [1 time of it and if the Dur- .tippe is as big a tartar as ‘be we fear the next THE DURHADI CHRONICLE, April 1813, 1697. have them in TWO Prices. . V J -v your advantage. All the L11 line Of best Floor Paints7 (HS, V some, Self-rolling ones too, usually 500, but on Tuesday next 400 is enough. Paper for ‘ Blinds alwayg in stock. u 7m. Vt‘l ast a life time. Be- lously 10W 131 ices on Tuesday LOUK. 5 T11 Zdh A1111 1‘ G McRae and '1 G \V1ight W618. {the pan: taken 1W1[e\Ii1iam S renaerea Dub 1.11110 ceedingly welL aSpecial reference and Space forbids to each. Miss Meredith represented Albani and present (1 her claim in a song which was much appreciated . - Til‘Zuh Ann represented by Miss r1 MnRap. and'Th-omas JeHerson by ‘ ‘ors or omissions that may have Elarliet Report. wife. Miriam’s Maiiens. Misses ‘3 en 7 . Davidson, Kress, Limin, Grant and been made. XV ere our Space unhnut- ________ Maggie and Mamie Hunter assisted l edwe would Say more and try to do DURHAM March 3lst, 1897. beautifully in an appropriate chorus. better. ' Fall Wheat .................... 75 The cherus at the cornation of the . » . l Qprime Wheat ................ 70 Mother, MISS- (Rev.) Kitohing, was ' Kim's?“ from the audienoe :‘i Oats .......................... 1' beautifully rendered by Misses Mac- “ {.‘SD t Queenglsabezla. a picture Of Peas ........................... 37 Gregor, A. HugheS, Crawford, And- ‘Sp‘deh WW”? ' Certainly gravlta- 1. Barley ........................ 25 erson, Blackburn. Hunter, yarker, A $10“. had but Shght influence on her. illay .......................... 8 00 t * Munro and J. Laidlaw. l Plty the poor men “'1‘?“ Tabltha Butter ....................... 10 l Herald’s Lauder and Jones per--runs the? government. Vi h,“ ‘T’Ould Eggs per doz ................. 10 - ,. happen if all our girls were Fabithas. 5 Apples . per bag tors Jalnieson and Mockler w re most/’3 {d marry a slquaw myself If she . Potatoes. . . .per bag .......... . 2') attentive and efficient pages. llogkéd 111‘? P00? ifnvtas; ’f . 4 , Flour per cwt ................ i The Orchestra, consisting of 3 Ale“ t you g a! 3011i?“ ilsfig as ~. Oatmeal per sack ............ 1 Messrs. ‘Parker, Vair, Sutherland, ; extraViairgignt is 'Qmign, 1.112: tel: ° iChop per cwt ................. IMeredith and A: Parker, deservelxglcisiglsi ut “you n t 1 e 0 marry :Turkeys per lb ................ conmderable credlt for the .ex ,.ellent\ I wonder now if Joan of Arc was ; Dupks per pair -l‘and appropri t Mumo and J. Laidlaw. Herald’s Lauder and Jones per- fo1111ed their parts well while Mas- 1:015 Ja111ieso11 and \lockler were most attentive and efficient panes The O1chest1a, consisting; of Messrs. Parkel , Vair, Sutherland, Meredith and A. Parker deserve dit for the excellem Eve1V 111110 in G1an1teware ve1y Cheap. well rendered but time iorbids a special reference were real of all who astt‘a, consisting of': :er, Vair, Sutherland“ l A. Parker, deservel credit for the excellent g “:8 music furnished. 1 lg who attended .and m of Arc and Florence mare real "military char- ask, viz l1 allu -‘va LUL IL Vuv..- They’re worth I Men’s and Ladies $2.50. [The maker had his choice ’ Bicycle Caps. .m; flame and see. , Ann An fl---._nl- took part in g Pans arnishes, Turpentines, etc., in bulk and in tins. the entertainment we thinK a Special vote of thanks should be given to Messrs. Graham and Sutherland, who for two long hours guarded the throne, Without a move. 'We must, say in conclusion, that we feel our inability to do justice to this highly intellectual, classical and historical entertainment and crave the pardon of our readers for any errors or omissions that.- may have been made. \Vere our Space unlimit- ed we would say more and try to do better. . iful. t you glad y our Wife isn ’t as want as Queen Elizabeth ? we think a special arlvlng look pretty. Hides she was so beauti- Sheer Wml Granite Preserving Kettles. A large stock just in, all sizes. 12- usual prices. Want one Tues- day? 445 to 890.. (very large) Granite Pudding dishes, all sizes, all cheap, from 190 to 270 each, - Mrs. Partington would trouble to get a second Ike would be a great help a ‘0. They all deserve the two Jims. Ul‘u ‘4 ‘V v V -â€"â€"â€"-â€" Say now ! it’s really worth a quar- ter to see that pretty Highland lassie. But Mackintoshes that with full capes A little a of Sanford’s New Suits fgain Day at. $45.00 each want at prices that please OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooooooooo ,Uvâ€" . b a second husband. great help around the 1n town, Iran or no saleâ€"his credit especially have no 40 to 17 to to to to

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