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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Apr 1897, p. 3

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I over," d arma .0173 con {he told Vin fell 1d me 3)) i n-E '1 about shrewd ler pre let 1 WV}: OD 8W 3 . right 11%).. OI) with ”'7 , , . . ' " dging from her reluctance ii}? on? ine'u‘ future, With a TBVlVd» - xk u and leave her native olt : ' .' '.'~, .. " '- ' . 7' ” .1“ p y busxness, Lt Will be fully occupied. In “”hw’t thinking ox er the matter. the meantime, in View of 'the incorrect impression occasionally sought to be made, we. are not saying too much when we state that the building is paying $113in as_Well as my similar building 111 Canada. ' _ 1 i L A .1 '11 n A (11‘ finn- '1' he seer to deny 3" [.0 get th€ is the best you’re .an our, this} to DO’thIIll > rejoice in the prqsperri'ty pi and is L: to partake or 1t.â€"-Austm. {Stan‘leM'IL and, withouf. losing ~r. um your work twenty tunes up1 Correspondent is as [endows .â€" “For eighteen months I was a vio- tim 0t Rheumatism and during the whole of that time was tryingt every means to cure it. iHEUMATISM GURED toe Life than extensive provinces. even he richest soil, when overrun with 2:13 and brambles.â€"~ :ume. -' L1 is by the union of. a wise govern- nt with a. virtuous people, and not .e+rwise, that we may hope to take ie steps towards that blessed time en there shall be no longer com- ining in our streets, when our garn- , shziil be full, affording all manner 5.; ores.â€"â€"-John Bright. ‘ L A...‘ 19, secret otf: success is to Know nu" Leny yourself. If 0 Set the whiphaind p yourself, that is richest which nour- 's the greamest number of noble and ; that man is rich- functions itical economy; the only one, never- .355: that ever was or can be; 9.11 I CATARRI CANN OT 33 CW ' With LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as they out not reach the seat. of the disease. Caurrh in o 3 blood or cons‘xitutionol disease, 93d in ordor to ‘ uore it. you must take: internal remedies. Hall’s Cabana) Qure is taken internally, and acts di- rectly on- tho blood ond mucous surfaces. Hall’s Qatarrh ‘uro is not, oquack medicine. I; was presori d by one of the boat physician. in thin country or years, and in a. regular pro- of the but acription. It is composed conical known, cambined with the best blood inn-mere. octln direcnly on the aces. The per set combination of the two in- ' ' mob wonder grrdienm 18 what. produces ' dtor testimonio F J CHENEY k (30., Props" Toledo. 0. Sold by' dru‘uim, price 7:». dU' .â€" quarrels, mischief, hatred and de- iun arise from unadvised speech, a much 3 ech there are many our, oi w ich thy enemies shall r~ke the most dangerous advant- gut your won; twenLy umea uy'v anv1l.â€"Boxleau. u want to be miserable think yourself, about What you want, you like, what respect people to pay to you, and What peo-a 113.4: of you.â€"-â€"C‘~harles Kingsley. an hour but is trembling with .11 “UP; val-bu -w --______ _U ‘ as; not. a. moment. once passed h the appointed work can ever '4 again, or the neglected blow J an the cold ironâ€"Ruskin. drunkard’s children come into (rid mentally and physically in one lunatic asylum, out: ofl bree hundred idiots, half were to be the children of drunken .-_.â€"â€"Drr. J. B. Hellier. leiâ€"w "the .10 Confederation Life Association. DECREASED RATIO OF EXPENSES TO INCOHE. LARGE INCREASE IN ASSETS. The annual meeting of the Confed~ eration Life Association was held at. the head office of the Company, Yonge. Richmond and Victoria streets, Toronâ€" to, on Tuesday, the 16th inst, at the hour of 2 p. m. «- £‘-‘ in- There was a. large am. icyhoilders, shareholders of the wgency staff. On mottionmhe Hon. Sir W.J:'. now- land, 0.3., K.C.M.G was called totho chair, and m. J K. Macdunald, Man- aging Direcrtor, was appointed Secre- tarr‘y of the meeting. The report and financial statements relating to thm business of the Associa- tion for the year 1896 were submitted as fdllows :â€"- . x -‘ ““Ahm Gratifying Indications u-V vvvwâ€" was 1,951 pofliciell total business 611 bar 31 was 18,253 1 om 15,978 lives. _ (2) A same: total insurance (3) A .--S%ti§ \H/ u wâ€"â€"â€" - total insurance in force. (3) A .mtmfwtory increase in in-’ coins, both from premiums and inter- EB . $4) A large increase in the assets. ~5) A gratifying increase in Stur- plus, mo’twiihstanding *the payment out to pdilicyshiolder tine large sum of over $82,000 for pro- fit: ( ) A decreaEed ratio of expenses; 9' . meme may be considered as perman~ ently lowered, gave careful considera- tion to the rate of interest to be em- ployed in circulating the policy and WUJ 0“" ‘4“ :"'"“t. __ annuity ObingatlonS .of the Association, and as a result of 31-2 per cent. for aid the business written subsequent to December 31,: 1895, instead of 41â€"2, as farme-rly. Tthaisl wiLl halve the effect. of strengthening ,Th‘e‘ pO'S19f10I1 of the company 'end afford- ' ‘ paiiiicy‘holders. The Directors are pneased to call at- .. - hat the head of- . '-’=°ding is gradually filling up, and that there is every prospect that in. the near future», with a. revival! in business, it wiil be fully occupied. In mm mmmimp._ in View of ’the incorrect The Directors have had under con- sideration the question of going outâ€"i side of Canada for business, and, While; it has not been deifinirtedy decided, it is quite probable that, subject to the a. - proval of this meeting, the right to 0 business in some pants at the United States of America. may be sought for l at an early date. . - The Directors are also pleased to re- port that the field and ofilce staffs con- tinpe to discharge their duties with efficiency 3nd faithfulnest-3.k ,4. ‘ Premiums, net ......... Interest and rents. net 01' THE 3 1r W'.P. Howâ€" Association use’ a. rate Tbut are eli- $1,132fi17‘66 907, 321 69 225, 295 9'! To Policy'holdemâ€" Death claims Endowments ....s. Annuities ....... Cash values ...... Cash profits ...... Expenses, salarieS. omions, em ......... D1v1dends to stockholdeni Balance ... .u : Total assets . Total liabilities Gash sympflus above UUU U1: bilitiesâ€" con to. .0. can ooooooooo W 0‘10 Capital stock ......;$1,000,000 00 Total. surplus security for . pohcyholders .. ......$?1,371,930 84 AUDITOBS’ REPORT. Be beg to report that We have com:- pleted the audit of the books of the Association for the year ending De- cember 31, 1896, and have examined! the vouchers connected therewith, and certify that the financial statements regree with the books and are correct. The securities represented 1n the as- sets (with. the exception Of those lodfi- ed with the Dominion Governmen , amounting to $84,500, and those de os- i'ted with the Government of ew- nting to 625,000) have (1 compared with the books of the Aissociaztlon, and are cor- In (10mg bu LULOLLUu l. inmjeases [hat had been made in the busxness of the association for the past 0 year, emphasizing the fofllowing points: . â€"Increase in premium income of over ‘ $55,287; increase in interest income» $15,528; in cash surplus; after the pay- of ovetr$82,000 ml to cash frofirts. of $37,776, am: in assets of |§year's buéimess, ._ (affords important evxdence tons ot the , to tihe im- portant cahang which had been made in the basis of the valuation of the company's assurances and which would have the effect of affordinig fuller pro- tection to its policyholders and of strengthening the financial position of. the compamw in the futqre. W. H'. Beatty, Vlce-President. I : lution thankingthe offioeTs 3:11 i and attention to t painy during the pas. . . . 1n complimentary in . g ' which was duly ap- ledged by the Preâ€" behalf of the direcicors. ‘ Pfesidents. Full particul al accumulative be had from the local Association may ”L z... um: fawn. or from the Head [IUD [Mouth-Jo Full particulars of t al accumulative policy Associatlon may be hm agent itn this town. or Office, Torontp. A TROUBLE LIVES Lug. public pa. . money in charntahle work, and in allev- iating the suffernngs of less fortunate fellows, and for these aots these peo- ‘ d..The person who hav- ing obtained rehef from sickness and ' ans by which health was regamed, is none the less a public . . Among these latter is lVIiss was I‘egulucu, w --- _ benefactor. Among these latter is Miss Elena O’Neil, daughter O'Neil, a well - Millstr-eam, ingS’ 00.. NB. Miss O’Neil h anaemla (poverty of was attacked wit ble unfortunately too the blood) a trou ng the young girls of the common amo mesent day, and one yv-h'loh is certain to terminate fatally If not pa‘omptly Lchecked and the blood enriched and renewed. 'Havin. DISBUBSELiENTs- feedmg ox Luauuw- , _ moderate exertion. Gradually I be- came as pale as a corpse, and was extremely neurons _’hhen I was at- tacked wit'hs a pain 1n the side, which daily grew more and more intense, I o o 0‘... a..." report that We have comr- mdit of the books of the for the year ending De- 1896, and have examined 3 connected therewith, and t the financxal statements Hm banks and are correct. and... 0.. 3 THAT IS MAKING THE § OF THOUSAJNDS MISEB‘AZBILE . all lia- .0400: boob.- XV: P. HOWIand. E the reporfi. 8:110) "M cum #14 4CD ‘0! [v 0 L1095 8011 203 797 84 103 130 90 31432317 66- 5 3719930 84 $1 000, 000 00 $431,110 90 Auditors 206,685 06 15,000 00 459,821 ’70 6260 21 55 227 1a 82, 696 25 cash are the meet- coughed a great. so weak that if deafl and finqlly grew 1 went upstaLrs I had anmflra fnrsunok me. I was su-quct to appetite forsook me. 1 was su-oJeeL Lu; spells of. dizziness, and severe “breadâ€"t. aches and was gradually wasting away é until I lost all interest in life. I had} tried a number of medicines but found ‘ no relief: In this apparently hope- Q3 of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphita h as much the stand- a 9‘2 and for all conditions of waiting in children and adults ected,asquininebtho Moi dru 8 * ‘gll 8055’! standard for fevem. When you 0 to a store to et 90°- “1 “1310““ Scott’ I Emulsion, don’ t be fooled into t something ‘9 they say “is just asgood.” It isn’t. Sec 3 Emulsion ha! a G9 gained its reputation by its superior merit, and nothing of it: I. I w The rmtiiniag reguilts following the :mm of . Wi'llxams' Pink Pigskin the LLA" trengb‘hened an renewed. I am new; Than a Via’l of Dr. 'Ajgne’vy’s Liv“ k ‘ . . Pills to the Same Mn 1f fins Nerve! 1106 I moon-tinged the use 0'1 were 9.11 Disordered Through Over. Dr Wllliams’ Pinik P1113. . n “fork and Head Strain. M. 588' ' i‘l rove that they can take th meuggqualledogea b 00d builder and ‘ gar. The doses are. small - 366 of oung girls 13 palat In the c W, 1181:1888, trou- 20 cents" ‘ or palpitation ____.__. ' ‘ .1 trred, no . ‘ ‘ -, to their affab- g‘f thesglsgirét 5:650:13 ainn 131.3113; 3. course t'i 31? §i§£fi§$fig fortune 911 the 0er \aniams' ink Pills, whlcl; wxll E die, 'lose themselves eagerly m the . . . blood and brm a ory of their husbands and children : c , '. ‘ e speedily etfi‘fiijiln +n fhn cheeks. ’1‘ BY 3 Sawflm... d. boxes for $2.50, and may be .had of all druggists or direct liamsg' Medicine Company. From That Dread Disease. Catarrh~ Hon. Geo. Taylor of Scranton, 133.. Tells; the World What Dr. Agnewe Oatarrhel Powder Has Done For Him. I was a. martyr to eaten-h tor tried every known remedy, but go Was troubled wléh constant. dro‘fpin . en relief. twenty yearsâ€"- b little or no in the throat. terrible pains in my bee my breath was very offensive. I was induced to give Dr. Agnew’e Caterrhel Powder e. brie and the result. was megioeh The fires appli- cation cleared my head instantly. I persisted end 1! in its use. and to-dey I efl’ords me pleasure to n ..... lessneaa. I tried 9.. number of cures and consult-ed bent physi- ' I was finally ind no- ed to give South American Nervipe a trial. _ I ad heard of some great cures by u I took 1t. got relief txom my sufl‘enngs, and after using maps cured me. In a. South- HEALTH'S PARADISE I CAN’T SLEE P Quit-t1; t6: the cheeks. They [OR‘ troubles peculiar to as suppressions, irregu- 1 forms of weaknegss. 1‘1} 1mm BANISszED AS 13 BY MAGIC}. Nervlaneâ€"nerve pain cureâ€"ls a poet-v tive and an almost immutaneous ren- medy torr ex‘te'rnah internal, or local ains. The most actxve remedy hithertd nown falls far short of N‘erviline for. potent power in the relief of nerve pain. A trial will demonstmt'e. W'ho is the true mam»! He who deed the truth and never holds a rinciplo an which he is apt prepare in an . Women give entirely to their affab- t'iorns, set their whole fortune on the die. lose themselves eagerly in the glory of their ’usbat‘lds and childrepn â€"-Em arson. is a disease which afflicts over 75 per cent. of the American peeplc. It in a dangerous disease because it not only poisons the blood but causes heaviness, ° - â€" -__1 Ann-ck- Inn-Hort Than 150113 8116 unvvu Irv-w v-.._- 90 â€" , ~ - op rcssion,and dulls the intellect. Thcn folfow chronic headache, loss of apps- tite, slow digestion, nervousneu, bad brgath. dingy. complexion :94 low Warner’s SAFE Cute and SAFE Plus. Leading p world over, in fact, and thousands of co lo through. out the land have test! ed 0 it. tite, dyspepsia, tired feelings m ieasness. It builds up the e: system. It is a sure cure for] kidney complaint in any form. that has ever bee cure Bright’s disease If you are feeling time need 1 remedy, you cannot do better this king of remedies, the gr: im. 1‘ 15 a Busy vâ€"-â€" â€"__ _ -y complaint in any form, and the ;'ernedy that has ever been able to Bnght’s disease you are feeling time need of such n :dy, you cannot do better than try king of remedies. the great Cure puts a flop to Dacxacneu, hes, constipation, loss of appe- spepsia, tired feelings end sleep- 3. It builds up the exhausted It is a sure curefor liver 3nd .LL‘ Cure and _ann¢f'| W.P.0 860

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