West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Apr 1897, p. 4

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111‘. Foster ex-Finance Minister who Spoke next pronounced the prmnier’s Speech of the thinnest debating iefzool order, wholly irrelevant in answering, the charges made by the ef'.~PL’cmier. And so the fight goes .’ . opposition, with reference to the school settlement admitted that it was not as advantageous to his co-religionists as he desired it. shoald be. It was not possible to obtain more, nor for the government of Mtxnitoba to concede more. The premier concluded his remarks with an eloquent reference to the Queen’s Jubilee. ‘ Sir Chas. Tupper made a Vigorous peech in the Commons on Friday 1st. After paying the usuai com- [intents to the mover and seconder c the address from the throne, con- gratulating Hon. Wilfred Laurier on the honor 0" being invited to repres- ent Canada at the Queen’s jubilee, and reviewinq the commercial pro- gress of England during,r the laSi. fifty years he opened fire on the uncon- fititutionily of the Manitoba School éettlement, and dissented from the View expressed by the premier to £118 electors in V’Vright county, that the Remedial Bill would not give as ..uch to the Catholics of Manitoba, L 5 they would secure under the settlement with M r- Greenway. The XeSponsibility of settlement now framed with Mr. Laurier, and if that Eton. gentlemen could reconcile those most interested he had not a word to say. Under existing cir-l cnmstances he would not. feel itl incumbent- upon him in future tol riake such exertions for the rights of the Catholics as he had in the past. He considered the National Policy never occupied a more triumphant! 1 wsition than it does t-o-day. The ex-l 1 :rts last year were the largest in; tLe history of our country, and he; i» lieved that Canada. was on the eve;I of great. prosperity, provided exist-‘ irg condition were maintained. l The governmenz’s preposal regard-f it; the franchise would place the: p rliament of Canada. in a most5 i: uniliatintr position. A similiarl Inil in Nova Scotia worked disatrouS-il l ! 23' and the kind of hiil proposed was iowerin; the dignity of parliament. , correSpondent says ‘if this is flowed to go uncontradicted and aneXpIained there is an end to all ite “dry honesty.” The Hon. the Minister of Edn- ation is getting. rapped over the :nuckles lately for plagiarism. The fielleville Intelligence says :â€"â€"“ Fie! Vie! Geo. \V. ! You a Minister of lducation, a B. A., LL. B. and LL. ).-â€"all conferred by courtesyâ€"- snd in addition a barrister by Special lot of Parliamentwought not to do such naughty things. Appropriating he brains of another, and palming .hem oil as your own is called ‘liter- .ry theft ’ and he “liO does it a pit 4.» .ar ist ’ Surely our Minister of liucation, does not (lesire to occupy 1101) an unenviable posit-ion, yet, as l A severe shock of earthquake was felt in Montreal and many towns and cities in Quebec and East- 3rn Ontario on Tuesday the 23rd alt. Excitement ran . high for a time. Brave men believing self-preservation to be the first law of nature rushed into the szreet for tfety, leaving behind them their ‘fair women ” and children to look tut for themselves. No serious lamage, however, has been reported. Snother earthquake occurred in the tame localities since that time. A Burlington box of eighteen, fit: of mclancholy shot himself Friday and died from the effects Th2. Montreal Daily Star protests against the indecent- and demoraliz- i115 posters found on her city w al‘s. .51 Missouri Farmer killed four per- sons and then blow his brains out. ‘ All well that: ends Well.” The murdered ones were his Wife, moiineiuin-law, a step-daughter and :1 st p son. Jealousy and a belief shit: 2.31nother-in-la“ was interfer- ing; with his domestic affairs is be- lieved :0 be the cause. by?) ‘a '1 Aprfl 13 L., 1897. RONICLE. ma last ‘ .5 :13: It begins at the Throat I and ends at the Grave $93 How many a human life is unneces- smily sacrificed. «9‘ at .33 There are many remedies on the market for the cure of consumption, but consumption, once it reaches a certain stage, cannot be cured. In professing, therefore, to do what is impossible, these remedies prove themselves to be simply humbugs. Consumption is a disease which destroys the tissue of the lungs. Once gone, no medicine can replace that tissue. Good medicine may arrest the disease even after one lung is Wholly gone, as long as the other remains sound. Once both are attacked, however, the victim is doomed. Just why people should risk their lives to this dread disease and go to great expense afterwards to check it, it is hard to conceive. It is much easier prevented than cured. Throat troubles and sex- ere colds are its usual forerunners. A 2 5-cent bottle of Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine will drive these away. It is, without doubt, the best medicine for the purpose to be had anywhere. Messrs. Jas. Robinson, Alex. Mc- Intosh and Fred Heft returned from Sault Ste Marie last week. A very pretty Wedding took place about. two miles north of the village on Wednesday the 24th ult , when Mr. Geo. Suttrell, of Owen Sound, was united in holy bonds to Miss Woinuski of this place. The cere- mony was performed at the residence of the bride’s father by Rev. Mr. Anderson, of VVilliamsford, in the presence of a large number of invited friends. Mr. Geo. McIntosh, son of our esteemed postqnaster, and Miss \Voinuski, sister of the bride, assist- ed the happy couple in those trying minutes. To the deserving couple we extend our best wishes for a happy and prOSpercus future. Merchant Hunt is at present pre- paring for the erection of a mammoth store and dwelling in the coming summer. The structure will be a three storey brick with a 26 foot frontage and a5fi foot extension. Mr. Hunt is evidentallya thriving buisness man. One of those pleasing events that make life happy took place in Elm- wood \Vednesday of last week when Mr. “'m. Hudson, of Bentinck. was united in marriage to Miss Bella Lang, of Sullivan. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Johnson, of Elmwood. The groom was assist- ed by Mr. John Lang: and the bride by Miss Merry, of Kinghurst. f F 15 ERAH. 0F fiEATH I Rev..Mr. Thompson, of Flesher‘ton, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit here on Sunday last, While Rev. Mr. Li::‘:e ministered to the Spiritual v. ants of the Presbyterians of Flesh- erton. Tailor Godfrey visited Berkley last week with a prospect in View of settling;- there. ' hr. and Miss Uins, of the Rocky, Were guests of the genial and hand- some YVm \Vade. of Bentinck. A meeting of the D01 noch F B. C., is called for at the Bull’s Head hotel, Friday evening the 2nd to 01g-1nize for the coming summer. The pres- ence of all the memhus is respect- fully requested. The youth who got the limit of ten days to leave town is still enjoying peaceful possession. He is evident- ally a clear Grit. Professor Benson, of Markdale, and Mr. Murdoch, of Berkley, were in the Village last week. Mr. Thos Stewart, of VVellbeck, is at present engaged writing an article for the Toronto Weekly Globe. Title :â€"“ Two years in Bentinck.” HEREAFTER HE {£73133- '7‘} u . u . BE H23 {3?}?! FASHLY 2339. “I tried a bottle of Dr. Chase’s Sh’i‘fli) of Linseed and Turpentine for a troubemrzze affection of thethroat," writes Managwr Thaw: Dewsonpf the Standard Bank,now of 14 Mel‘s-0:1 me avenue,Toronto. “ It proved effective. I retard the remedy as simple, cheap and exceedingly good. It has hitherto been my habit to consult a physician in troubles of this nature. Hereafter, however, I intend to be my own family doctor.” the unpleasant taste of the tur ) 1 Line and linseed. It was the Doctor’ 5 last an clgu «.xs-ztest remedy, and more of it is 501.1 in Cans. athan all other cough medicines combined. DR. CHASE Linseed and Turpentine is not only a popular rcmedy, but the best known to medical science for the treatment of nervous membranes of respiratory organs. iii-*7: A Banker’s Exgaerience 53)?) DORNOCH. compounded this v syrup so as to 1:11; 33173113131 CHRONICLE, April 1st, 1897. 'dVv'E Name... Drug Stpre. First come first served until 36 full- sized boxes of Doan’s Pills are dis. __â€"v Pills, commencing this 3rd day odf April 1897, providing each applicant Will cut this out, Sign his 01‘ her name and address at: foot of same and present it. 9. ~ E E E ,0 E E I ‘3 :3 ILA fawn 5'" $33: E31 3L1“? Ml can procure a box of Dean’s Kidney “'11 who mav requiie a Sine cure for Kidney Troubles, such as Lame, Weak 01‘ Painful Back, Dizziness, Headache, and all other. symptoms of Calder Block. Interest 5, 5?; and 6 per cent. accord- ing to security. Easy terms of repay- ment. On monthly instalment plan, if desired. C. A. BATSON, Chase’s Ointment. , “ My six-year-old daughter, Bella, was afflicted with eczema for 24 months. the» principal seat- of eruption being hrhiml her ears. I tried al- most every remedy advertised bought innumerable medicines and soaps, and took the child to medical special- ist-S in skin diseases, but Without result. Tm dot-1o advised the use of Chase’s Oim men: and since using}; the eruption has all disappeared, andl Iâ€"can cox'ifizlently say my child is‘ cured. A Child Cured of Eczema by MQQOH Completely Knocked 011 t. “ I was so much run down I had to give up WOJk and I felt as if life \\ as not W 01th living,” writes VVm. W. Thompson, Zephyr, Ont. “ I took Scott’s Sarsaparilla and am now feel- ing: as I did years ago.” Scott’s Sar- saparilla tones up the entire system, purifies the blooa and eradicates rheumatic. and scrofulous poisons. Ask fm Mott’ and get it. Furthermore, let me advise the gmzrdiens of these innocents ‘30 take them once more in tow. instil into their youthful minds the principles of good behaviour and to lay aside their little glasses until they become of age. G. U. Ard. Place . . .. u as on themselves. '3'2‘2.}66.2y0111‘ opera glasses to Queen- 2.33:. boys, and when you haye suc- in wreathing in smiles, the 2 e 61‘1f6armes of heroic Brock then 222:2) 30;: come back to Durham and attain your Object. Evidently they had escaped from the proverbial apron-strings, for the first time, and were deteirnined to enjoy their new-found liberty to its fullest extent. They had provided themselves with opera glasses and used them at. every opportunity. Their exclamatious of surprise and delight at what they saw and heard werequite audible, and in the in~ lH‘iC‘UIlce of their guileless hearts they \\ ere not aware that the laugh Editor of Chronicle. DEAR SIR, ~I was greatly amused While observing the antics of three young men who monopolized the front. row at the Temple of Fame en- tertainment. (Signed) MAXWELL JOHNSTON, 112 Anne St., Toronto. Money to Loan. Any person, re-Sldmg 1n Correspondence. Barrister. Lower Town. . . . . Street opened up a Flour and Feed busmess in Dur FLOUR and FEED Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Stoves. Full Stock of PLOUGHS, HAR- ROXVS, CUL TIVATORS, V<7AGONS and all 011161 F 211111 Implements. Only 4 of each left. Must be sold in February. Come and get a bargain. Seed Drills. Now is the time to get one. The l\I.assey-Harris leads all others. Four different kinds to choose from. $50 and upwards. Robes Cutters. DRUG» STORE Large Stock of Raymond Sewing Machines and. Bell Organs. In lead Packages. It is poor economy to buy cheap Tea, and use twice Lox-warm J. own Implement Kitchen, Coal, BOX and Parlor. A large variety to choose from. MONEY TO LOAN AT 523% and 60/0. M. CALDER. much and not get. half as much satisfaction as from a good one is a gazed {3 £6 and sure to a £93 89 From Leading Grocers Everywhe 90 K o . o‘k EKEWMZV“ Lower Town CEYLQN T ur so .' Edge Hill, Donald G1 aham Bun essan, March h30th (across the road from farms. ) u... Large frame ham, cunmwwble stabllpg and «mtbuildings : also «,‘mzlm'mble dwelllnfi’: house. In a goml hwalin; handv to church, post-Office, township ha“; school. and tOWII. beillg‘SO rods from (Hench: (fcntre church and 1‘5 miles from St. Juhn h’. C. church at Pomona and 13: miles north Uf Bunessan post-office and school. (300d “'9 l and never failing spring. Good chance f the right man; Possession gncn when _ N. I). -R., Glenelg, 100 :u°1‘e.<.,_ 90 cleared, In excellent condition ful‘ ('n‘hn'anpn 20 acres ploughed. Machinery can ht" easfly used: Large frame barn, c«,.mzfln'tzfl)16 stabllpg and (mtbuildina’s : also «:(gnzhwrmble dwelhng house. In a good hwality, hand;’ to qhurch. DOSt-nfi;nn {W1 .A. n” , I -A _.**.u .LJUL 2.3 L3" THE 2nd C( _ cession. Township of Glenda. E R., 75 acres, 50 acres 111:9;(31‘ (*nliix‘at good rouglrcasthouso, small owinud, ‘ watered and convenient to church 4 school. March 24th TO Rent 01': 1‘1 Bentinck, 10C acres under cultivath James Jolmstcgn’l far] good and gum} wafer distance from s: pyrchaser eas [1 Cheap and 011 from Durham. Ap 1! 1 March 24th. rooms, cistern land. Rent 16w terms. Oct. 2nd. we 'Lown of Durham. County of Grey, inclnuing a \‘alu: . a )0 31“, brick dwelling and many e’egille uuding lots will be. sold in one or more lots. Also lot No. CD. 0011., 2. ‘Q’. Gr. R Township of Bentinck, 100 acres, adjoining Town plot, Durham. ' . Mortgages taken for part money. Apply to purcha ' the Town of Durham Grey, inclining“ 0 V: )o 31‘, brick dweliing and n nuding lots will be. sold in lots. Also lot No. CD. 0.021., Township of Bentinck, 100 acr Town plot, Durham. 7-_ V. __u,v i for $219. Int .50, («a»), l " I' R” Bentinck, connshng: 01’- za) 0 .;- cleared, balmzcehardwood bus 31. "‘E. , IS 111 a good statevt'a‘ 01:111"“tn‘n’. 5 acres under fall wheat. “('11 wafer“: and fenced. Frame house ‘20 x ‘26. frame barn and 3m bles lmiie from post. office and wheel and 2%; miles from Durham. " “fill be sold. on l'easonalfle terms. Apply to JAMES STINSON, Feb. 1 4th. 2111. Aberdeen, P. O. â€" -fim Feb. 15th, :897: [1 being IOTS No. 7 and 4 r conce 'Fil’sll, north of. )mdum: township of (3101:3107, 9’0 :m-os under cultivation : the renvi hardwood bush. Good frame in barn, small orchard and veil \m For further partimdars app owner \VM. DAVIS, 01‘ to Pm'fnnn I .9 BING LOT ‘2‘) IN cesaion 'J‘mxnshi 75 36108 50 acres ful ther pal ticu] “' (1 1’8 21 31.11%“ 1S, Tun exs’ron. FGRSEEE 9 FA RM CON 1 AD. Pia W”:- mum T5 l‘HE EDGE PROPERTY. " CHA BOX 95 S. JOHNS? 0x Hal‘rlston ’NDT‘RQIGBF.) OTT‘F‘BQ Q2]? 1(31’50 (“ran 1-? "if i JOHN A. GRAHAM CON T AI}.- M1 - res 1L0 ac 3G - on easy termS. XI) 1')? to J h'N FIRTH 4 milzé Durham . -â€"n-'.. k a. a; Work on Shares 1H â€"--â€"a on 11 0f Dmham nine in ' ,stableand% acrefiot r vsill be sold on easy Rf). 3 3.15‘1 ‘i’ («£11111 '1 (1f Emlmm 171521“. ‘2 1‘: the renuziudm mod f1‘1311 e 1131: d and 11 1311 11:1 161ed. 1'f1pnlnv nrn 111' 4 1, 1'0 a. satisfactory 50f payment “'1” be ortage La Prairi JAMES EDGE. Edge Hill p IVjcidb's-jr‘ nLaEN. iuyl o chard , well ch urch and :nelg. E. G. cnlixyatmm 1 fly Dwelling ('1; Ienelg; :36, fnthe rared. and (301' gnofi Eye. name an'ie, less 0m. L othe M an. imild -m. John .arnegrie aldent of the Peterbm‘ Mr. \Vatspn Crosby df_ figs Lia-rumba Leg -m. :3 dead. 01 11:1 111 Bev. Dr. Jackson. of Gait. has accepted. :1 Ca atemxe Presbyterlan c.- {FWD cases sum] It is troops Harr§' IQLV'tuu,” [st of Tamworth, h n matey by the de Goring, {116 1911111 ha] . Peter ’Mitche 'ntted General Ow By 3..th burst 11 Atwawr avenue Western: en W undated and d: at over $5,000. About Our own , the United St the Globe. 50““ Easy Reading. C .‘XN 3-D A ' notice 01 of 1' a lnffl fin” ed *1, Bo ugh : frogyvva: 1' ‘America. M. fl 1 n 11\ ' “3"ng Pr;1 1x thel t“ y .a‘rfl saunas a 431 ise verv D“ O , ‘I le 111 Supptfi leave Blackln L8 5 8116 1‘31 01111 Sml‘ DI'O the LIL i1

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